Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 16, 1917, Page 3, Image 3

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Food Commissioner to Deter
mine Exact Contents of
Product Now Being
(Prom a Staff Correspondent.
Lincoln, Neb., May 15. (Special.)
To determine what Kind of drinks
n.ay be nia-ie and sold under the new
prohibitory law, under the direction
"t Oovcnu.r Neville, after a contcr
t !ice with Attorney General Reed.
Kood Coir.missioner Murschell has
1 cen instructed to obtain samples
tow being produced in plants former
v operated as breweries and analyze
iliem in uriler to find out the amount
"t alcohol, if any, they may contain
i'nd wlu'th-T if any they contain malt.
If it is discovered that these bev
erages do not conic within the law,
suit will be brought in Douglas coun
ty against the manufacturers.
A vi&it o the Wilber brewery dis
closed sixty barrels of beer in con
tainers and about 500 barrels in the
original storage tanks. The beer is
being held for conversion into "grain
vinegar" which is permitted by the
law of 1913 which was not repealed
by the last legislature. Machincrv
tor that purpose has been ordered bv
the fi rm anJ letters indicate that such
t6 the intention of the company, ac-
ordiug to a letter written lo the at
torney general by the county attorney
ijf Saline comity, who visited the
brewery plant, accompanied by the
Bellwood Man Has More
Beans Than He Can Handle
(From a Statf Correspond tnt.)
Lincoln, Neb., May 15. (Special.)
-John M. Saucer of Iicllwood is in
He desired to plant beans in an cf
lort to get away with the high cost of
living and hearing that a man in Colo
rado had a few hundred pounds wired
him to ship all he had.
The beans were what is known as
the Mexican 1'into bean, 1,500 pounds
of them, anil the price was IS cents
per pound. The beans are similar to
'Air native navy bean and are all right
except as t.t the amount sent.
Mr. Saucer desires the state auditor
to help hint out by rinding someone
to relieve hiin of the surplus.
Bills Are High for Taking
Depositions in Luten Case
(From a Staff Correspondent. )
Lincoln, Neb., May 15. (Special.)
Taking depositions in the Luten
patent eases, according to vouchers
received by the state auditor amount
to $1,555.18.
The depositions were taken by
Wallace R. Lane of Chicago and are
important in connection with the suit
for control of the patents, which cov
er cement work on bridges, and if
won will mean many hundreds of
thousands of dollars for the state. The
case is being prosecuted by Deputy
Attorney General Barrett.
Soldiers' Home Notes
Grand Island, Neb., May 15. (Special.)
Issuing of two weeks' rationings to the
member on the line, as well as thoso on
the outside, cnusr-d quite an etra amount
of work about tho quartermaster's depart
ment Saturday morn I tiff. It wan done to
Blve way to the workmen who will under
take the wurit of putting Into place the new
electric bake even.
Miss Vlnnlo Walsh has finished her school
duties In th (astern part of the- elate, and
will spend fctr vacation with her parents
Miss Mnytna Downey, bookkeeper, pent
Sunday" with her parents at Merna, Ktb.
E. J. Maxwell, adjutant, who was Indis
posed for a few days the latter part of th
week, waa tit his office yesterday morning.
Mrs. I). A. Hungerford, who hat bfun
making her homo with a son In Cedar
Rapids, la., for tho last few months, eome
to tho homo Saturday to visit her husband,
IT. Hungerford. Yesterday morning nhe
filed her application for membership. They
desire a cottage on the line and to go to
housekeeping at once,
Mrs. McC'irmlck, In the West hospital,
who wan reported quite skit last week, Is
much better.
i r
"Say, If I ran y
btrsiness-tr waylhit
Banish Grayness Without
Ridicule Apply Q-Ban,
Clean, Safe, Guaranteed.
Thousands of good people have decided
that it is nonsense to have gray hair now
that they can apply Q-Ban flair Color Rp-
torer instead of dirty, fetif ky, dangerous
dyes. Thousands have sotten rid of their
streaks of gray and restored faded and life
less hair to health. Thousands and thousands
af users of QIi(in now have soft, luxuri
ant, plossy, abundant hair instead of uirly,
streaky, dead -looking locks. You can look
as younc as you feel, too, by apply Q-Oan
safe, eaiy, sure.
Money-Back Guarantee
Q-Pnn is all rearly to use--U Guaranteed
u be harmless and i sold under the maker's
money -bark guarantee if not satisfied. It
the only preparation for the purpose bo
iT'iMranteed. Only BOe at Sherman & MrCon
nell Dm Co. Stores and all (rood drug stores,
or writ" direct to Heiik'-Ktlis lHug Co!,
Memphis, 1 enn. "Hair Cultur-." ai illus
trated, interesting buok ot lectures, sent
I K K K.
Try Q-Han Superfine Hair Ionic, Q-Ban
Liquid Shampoo, Q-Han Toilet Soap, Q-Han
Depilatory -for removing superfluous iiair.
Returned Shipment of Booze
Destroyed by County Attorney
Fremont, Neb., May 15. (Special
Telegram.) Five dozen quart bottles
tit beer and three quarts ot wine, :i
shipment returning to the shipper at
Fremcuit alter May 1, were destroyed
by County Attorney J. C. Cook.
Agent Creed of the Express company
was puzzled to know what disposition
tu make ot the liquor and he appealed
to the county attorney.
Rev. V. S. Hampton of Omaha was
elected moderator of the Omaha as
sociation of the Congregational
churches at the annual meeting here.
Rev. S. W. Leavitt of Omaha was
named scribe. Fifty clergymen from
this section of the slate are in at
tendance. The visiting ministers
were welcomed by the chapter of the
Fremont church. Rev, V. II. Buss
spoke and Rev. G. A. Hulbert of
Omaha responded. Papers were read
bv Rev. D. F. Cleveland, Rev. Fred
J" Clark and Rev. F. V. Leavitt of
Omaha, W. O. Allen, president of
Doane college, Crete N'eb., and Rev.
M. B. Harrison of Seribner. A ban
quet was given this evening at the
church parlors.
Plasterers employed on the Hotel
Pathfinder were called out on strike
in sympathy with Omana workmen,
who are demanding an increase of
wages. The contractor agreed to pay
the workmen here the increase asked
for, but the Omaha union refused to
permit the plasterers to continue
work. Officers oi the Fremont Hotel
company made an effort to persuade
the union officials to concede the
point. The hotel will be badly needed
for the traclor meet August 6 to 10.
Kvery room in Fremont hotels lias
been reserved for that week.
Notes From Beatrice
And Gage County
Beatrice, Neb., May 15. (Special.)
Mr, and Mrs. Andreas Wiebe, pio
neer residents, of Beatrice, celebrated
their golden wedding anniversary
last evening at their home in West
Beatrice in the presence of 2H)
friends. Music was furnished by the
Mennonitc church choir and a large
tent was erected, in which the pro
gram was held. Mr. and Mrs. Wiebe
were born at Danig, Germany, arid
came to the United States in 1870,
locating in Beatrice.
Funeral services for the late Mrs.
Frank Fisher, who was burned to
death at her home near Barneston
last week, were held yesterday morn
ing. Company C lias closed the recruit
ing sation at the Paddock hotel, hav
ing increased the membership to 106
men. As the work of drafting young
men for service will soon be started,
it was decided to close the station.
H. T. Weston and R. A. Brcssler,
two residents of this city, who have
been accepted at the officers' training
camp at Fort Snelling, Minn., left
yesterday for that place. Lawrence
Kline is another Beatrice man who
has been accepted by the army offi
cers there.
Fire early this morning damaged
the grocery store of Thomas Gunn
on west Court street to the extent of
neighbors m the vallcv. None of
them have wnough wheat on hand to
fill their seed demands for this fall
?nd 1 will nave plenty to sow my own
acreage a.ul that of many of my
A reporv schi out irom Hastings
stated thai Mr. Merrvman had suld
.iO.000 bush-Is of wheat at $3 a bushel.
Mr. Merrvman said the report prob
ably grew out of the liiing of his
holdings with the local assessor for
Leo Phillips Is Given
j Term in Penitentiary
I Aurora, Neb., May 15. (Special
: Telegram.) After full argument this
morning Judge Good overruled the
, motion for i new trial for I.eXi Phil
; lips and sentenced him to a term in
the penitentiary of from one to Jive
I years.
Phillips was found guilty last Fri
I day by tlw jury of assault on Mrs. J.
; F. Davies. The defense was insauitv.
The crime had many features which
i showed it may have been the act of a
1 deranged mind.
I Mayor Geary of Grand Island cou
! ducted the case for the state, assisting
the county attorney,
State Defense Council
Talks Over Military Census
(From a Stuff Correspondent.
Lincoln, May 15. (Special.) The
state council of defense held its first
session in its new quarters in the
Fraternity building this evning.
George Coupland of F.lgin returned
today from California and will meet
with the board.
The board took up matters in con
nection with taking the military census.
Sheriff Confiscates
Liquor at Farwell
Farwcll, Neb., May 15. (Special.)
Sheriff Atwood Sunday morning
confiscated two auto truck loads of
liquor taken from the Anton Novak
premises. Mr. Novak was one of
Harwell's saloon keepers and this
liquor was what lie had left over
after closing May 1. It was taken to
St. Paul and stored to await action
of court.
Merryman Has Seed
Wheat for Neighbors
Kearney, Neb., May IS. (Special.)
Ncls Meriyman, who operates one
of the largest wheat farms in Ne
braska, a fev: miles south of Kearney,
has more than 25,000 bushels of grain,
the total produce of the last two crops
m storage on his farm. Mr. Merry
man, in discussing the crop situation
in central Nebraska, said:
''I haveu'r sold one bushel. All the
wheat I rau-cd in the past two years
i? still being held, but it is a trifle less
than 30,OUU bushels, 25,000 being a
closer estimate. Tin's lot I have not
even considered selling, although the
price is satisfactory.
"I am going to look out for my
Obituary Notes
MKS. CLARA KI KM MS, r3. wife of
I. It. Kibble, died :it Hit farm home,
fight miles east of York, ai tl:!!U Monday-morning,
following a lingering ill
ness of HriKhfa disease. She was the
daughter of Mrs. .1. II. Allen. Six
brothers and live sisters survive her.
Funeral services wilt be held at the
residence Wednesday afternoon at 2
o'clock. Burial will bo in Greenwood
ROltKItT WAU-ACK, one of the
most influential citizens of Nnrlhbcnd,
died at his home at that place follow
ing a lingering illness. Mr. Wallaee
was a native of Illinois and was 7i
years old. He raino to Nebraska in
1 SS5, first locating at. Greenwood.
Thirty years ago he nime to North
bend. His wifo and four suns are the
close surviving relatives.
of the pioneer settlers of the Telbaste
neighborhood, died at the home of a
daughter at Hooper. Mr. Jiorehcrding
came to Nebruska from Jermany
thirty-two years ago and located on a
farm near Telbasta. His wife aud
twelve children survive.
wU lOOJGoodt
Your Greatest
Opportunity to
Save Money
On a Piano or a Player Piano
We are compelled to sell regardless of cost and profit during
the next 10 days over TOO High Grade Used Upright, Grand and
Player Pianos to clear our floors for our specially selected spring
stock of New Steinway, Weber, Steger & Sons, Hardman, Emerson,
McPhail, our own sweet-toned Schmoller & Mueller and Aeolian
Pianola Pianos.
The wonderful qualities and the low prices will sell these in
struments fast, therefore DO NOT DELAY! CALL AT ONCE!
, You can save money on these High Grade Pianos specially un
derpriced, specially repaired and rebuilt, fresh from our own fac
tory offered to you in unequalled choice.
$450 Steger & Sons
$500 Emerson
$450 Hantaan
$450 Muckering
$800 Steinway
$300 Cable
$325 Kimball
$300 Harrington
$275 Chase
$600 Chickering
$800 Knabe
$1,200 Steinway
$1,000 Chickering
$350 Columbus
$450 Gerhardt
$800 Wheelock
Large size golden oak Up
right Grand, $5 month.
Mahogany case Art style
Upright, rare bargain. .
(J.5 Per Month.)
Ebony case, large size, Up
right, $4 per month. . .
Rosewood case. Upright,
$4 per month
Square Grand Rosewood
case, $3 per month
Large size Upright, Ma
hogany case, $5 month,
Upright Grand, golden oak
$5 per monm
Excellent tone, golden oak
case, $5 per month. . . .
Good Practice Upright
ebony case, $4 month. .
Grand Square, rosewood
case, $3 month
Mingonette Grand, beauti
ful mahogany case. . . .
Parlor Grand, ebony case,
excellent bargain
Parlor Grand, rosewood
case, $5 month
Player Piano, mahogany
case, good condition. . .
88-Note Player Piano
mahogany case
Genuine Pianola Piano
$ 82
$ 45
$ 30
mahogany case, only.
High Grade Pianos for rent. $3.50 per month. Six months'
rent allowed on purchase price.
Learn today the easy paying way to have music in your home
now. Wc sell most because we serve best.
1 J 1 1 -1 J r arnam street.
The Oldest Piano House in the West, i
I! ISItamiUULHH 'lJ.U 11.11111-
Unminui-il from rK OntO
the eat! came to go to the bonier
are still on our payrolls, hut men who :
enlisted alter the rail .ire not paid j
anything, but we ' give tlu-in their j
plaecS when they eome hack." j
C. B. Spangler. superintendent .it j
.iorns w J'n int muii'.ui)
encouraging its men to enlist in the
army, lie said the men who leave
the scrviee to go to the Iront will get
their jobs haek when they return.
The company has put about four
acres of vacant land into gardens,
the products raised to be used in the
employes' restaurant at the plant,
where meals are served at prices much
lower than elsewhere.
Pension System.
The company, has a penion system
for the benefit of its employes. At
a meeting of the pension committee
at Chicago it was decided to con
tinue the pensions of all men who
joined the army and not make any
charge for the protection. In com
puting the pensions length of con
tinuous service is one oi the chief
elements. H a man is out of service
for any time he forfeits his claim to
The committee decided to permit
the men to break the continuity of
service rule and still have all the ad
vantages of the pension department.
J he committee will now reinstate
theirt when they return from the front.
In case of death the pension bureau
will pay their beneficiary the amount
(hey would have paid if the employe
had remained with the packing com
pany.. "Vc believe the men who are stay
ing here and working are doing the
country as much service as if
they were at the front. We arc en
couraging enlistments aud aidiu all
foreigners in taking out citizenship
papers. Only recently wc paid all ex-
penses tor over 100 im'n who made 1
icqiiots for papers. We have lectin-
eis from the Young" Men's Christian '
association to teach these men the
fundamental principles oi American I
law and goxernniePt. the cI.i-m's meet
twice a week.
Farm Work Not Popular.
"Nut many ot our men are leaxing
us to go on the farms. As a rule
they are not tanners, and we are not
encouraging them along this line.
Skilled laborers are needed licit to
take care oi the tanners' slock. The
men wc have lost have been replaced,
in manv caes by women, and thev
ate doing mightv good work loo. I
wish we could have women in every
department, but the business i Mich
that we can t."
"As yet we have done nothing, but
plans arc under consideration now j
and will soon be decided by Mr, Ar
mour at Chicago," said K. C. I
Howe of Armour & Co, "All of our
salar-d men who enlisted have been i
carru i un the payroll. W e arciioi
losing any men nowadays, wc na e
more men than we have ever had at
this time of the year.
Prohibition Means Efficiency.
".Since prohibition came our men ate
more eOieient and steady, wc have
noticed a decided improvement suuc
May 1. The men are on the job every
day now." Mr. Howe believed the
pensions of employes would be con
tinued il they went 16 war, but stated
that (his matter was also being con
sidered by Mr. Armour.
Superintendent K. L. Vhipps of
Swift's says they have not decided
what allowances thev will make ihe
men. At the time they were called
to the border his company paid the
difference in salary aud held their
positions open for them, but just
what will he done now is not known.
Swift Co. have furnished gat den
seed, fertilizer and about litteen acres
of ground to their married employes.
Those who do noj know how to cul
tivate a ganMi are given the assist
ance of a competent instructor.
Slate House News
French orphxns.
wh. r-.073.i0.
The amount subscribed
(1'ri'iii ;i Stntf CorrotM'nnarMit.)
l.m.olii. .May U (Spm-.a..) Tho Itl.-li-iinlMiu
I coiup.uiy of Oniahn Is tho firM
om.iliit firm ! lulio out ft llivnuo fr
l.naUim uIikImI uini.T tlu- new law. nn.l
Mid t mimI I" the governur in tlilw
S.nvury fch.'W.m nf thw Sliili- Hictorli'id
..i.'ii'tv l iirti!innn t-miltn itf mnno of tho
nKI liiVa f ihf (.lulu for utort'Opili'oii olM-ft
.Int'tnir thf ivli-hnitlonn In oonnft'tltiu with
the M-ml cfiitt'iiniiil vvn iillim of tho ubil
iniit Ukiii will l' tho lift to l-rolilhil
alavfiv i..s.'il In 1MH: Arlmr day ptoi'lnniH
ll. ,r 1ST:; m h.'ol lurid law of 1M; hunk
rh.irt.T m l of 1 :!, mid the grnashoi,H r
rviiif bin ot i;:.
tn t 111
Persistent Advertising Is ihe lvoad
To Success.
or J. r Mint of l-lm-nhi hns rnt ft
.i to .1 off iv, th- Kmn-h b.mhtiO now
i country thnt'oln noontfl vrovld.-d
.lit ril'.H to tHki' turn Of 'iKllt.V-OIIrt
Cambridge Sends Nine Men.
Camhridi-e, Neb., May 15. (Spe
cal Tclcgt am.) Cambridge gave its
full ipioto of men when nine enlisted
in the navv with Recruiting Agent
W. It. Annerson. The men will all
leave Sunday night with the excep
tion of li. K h'rancis, who leaves to
night. The Commercial club plans a
big send-ott The following men en
llsted: Hospital corps, K. C. Person,
C. V. Cnadwick and L. W. Evans;
rnginecrs, C. Jenkins, W. Foster, D.
H. Mosher, S. J. Linden; commissarv,
Laclede Stevens; ship carpenter, B.
L. Francis.
Th Polish pvi)i1o wilt holit R Inrge nifft-
luir m tin Imin.iruliiti' t'o ptlon hall.
Twi'iity-fourth, and liancroft itrpptfl, Scuth
Side, this evi'iilnn al K;l& o'cloflt.
When you buy Aspirin, look
for the mark which makes
identification of the genuine
absolutely sure. It is the
Bayer Cross
your additional protection
against substitutes.
BoMftof II. BoftlM
of 24 d IOO.
Thr trademark "At.
Office ) ia guarfintf.
that the monoarelic.
actdrater of .alirvlic.
acid in thpae tahlrt
and capatilra ia of lh.
rrliabl. tta)cr uiaou
f Uialli
Vour Guamn
ffl of Parity
Pbrandeis Stores
Now a Notable Reduction Sale
For Misses and Small Women
This Specialty Shop for Misses and Small Women started here little more
than three months ago and was a pronounced success right from the beginning.
It has been our privilege iturinR these three months to bring to Omnhti and offer to Omaha women
and mioses the smr-tcst apparel over shown in this western country. It has been our privileRO to
make hundreds and hundreds of friends for this new Specialty Shop, upon tho merits of the merchandise-
SUPERB GARMENTS Suits, Coats and Dresses at reduc
tions that make the prices we quote SIMPLY BEYOND COM- ,
Ultra Smart Models, in all the most fashionable materials and superb styles
Valines Up Tp $75:00
Your Choice at
This is our first reduction sale in this Spe
cialty Shop, and we are going to make it
a memorable one.
Second Floor.
Store Your Furs
Right Now
The coming of warm wea
ther means the arrival of
an army of moths better
put your furs and other
valuable garments in safe
cold storage.
The Cost is Small
The Security Absolute
Furs, Fur Lined Coats,
Costly Rugs and Drap
eries, as well as Men's
Winter Overcoats, safe
ly stored at very mod
erate cost.
A postal card or phone
message will bring
quick response.
The cost is 2 of your
own valuation.
Reduction Sale of
Wool Skirts
Prices Were $5, $5.98 and $6.95
Now all at $3,50
This lot comprises Men's Wool Serge,
Gabardines, Poplins and Wool Velours.
Just 150 of these choice skirts.
Colors are black, blue and checks
and stripes of all colors. Many are
the popular Sports Models. Pleated
styles, also with shirred tops and de
tachable belts.
Sizes 24 to 36 Waist Measure.
Second Floor
Wall Paper
Everyone who contem
plates redecorating the
home should read every
item in this advertisement.
Special savings.
New suggestions for the liv
ing and dining room and re
ception halls. Including new
designs in all the newest
shades; a large assortment,
which makes selection easy
Wednesday, a single roll
19c w 27c
Bed room effects that are
very new; worth up to 20c,
Wedneaday, 12C
Sparc Room and Attic Room
Papers, 9 to 18-inch borders
to match, Ol
at.... 62C
30-inch Plain Papers, beauti
ful cut-out borders to match
.7?.r"'. 12ic
Kitchen, Parlor, Dining
Room and Store Papers; dark
and light colors; cut-out bor
ders to match most of them;
worth 15c, Wednes- Q
day, per roll C
Third Floor