THE REE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 16, 1017. 11 REAL ESTATE Improved South. MEW HOUSE, JtST COMPLETED. Corner 40th and I Sta., one Mock from f-booL Pin, level tuts, bOxl&O. Contain larse room, city water, eleotrfo llghte and toilet. Price, ,1.760. Your own term. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., 4931 8. !4th St Phone South 1247. , EASY PAYMENTS 4 -room house, south front IM, fruit ti-fes, ftr, Must bo sold. Mdk offur t'hono Douglas S2bS, or call at Val tijy St. NKAK iblh Ad. unii Wonhvorth Seven -romn house with lawn, 70x1-7 feet, anI fruit, very cheap. V. D. Vad, 310 8. I th St. tVuH saio or ItJttie, on or both lots, each 6ixU2, at N. W Cor of 15th and Daven port Si Make best offer to Mrs. H. L Hswver. Mel rust Motel. Los Angeles. Cat SIX rooms, modarn except best, $ 1 , t f 0. Terms. bee Owner, 2S1 N. Slat St Web ster 49H Miscellaneous ."SEVKKAL fine apartment sites facing hlgb bi hotfl. Great movement in that location. Bargains. See me soon. O. P. Stebblns, ltillJ L'hlcsKo. WORLD REALTY CO a-,"'' TItl'U HULL. iik. nuig o 1734 1105 1st Nat. J. a HO U IN SON, Kstaio and Innur a roe. 44 2 lice Bldg. Douglas S0J7 REAL ESTATfcB'ne8 Pr'pty BRICK garase, two stores with modern liv ing room on second floor, lot 1S7x4&. building 46x110, on one of the best corners In Omaha; practically new; owner wishes to retire from business; good chance for live snan Apply C. H. Walworth. 6101 N. 24th. Colfax 8100. H. A. WOLF. Realtor. Ware BIH. Specialist In downtown business property LOT, 60x161; trade or cash. Terms. Tele phone evcnlnjrs. Harney 3354. REAL ESTATE Investment HOME BUILDERS Invests Its funds only when secured by mortgages on new properties bulit by Home Builders. 11.00 8HARES GUARANTEED J per c. C Offices: 17th and Douglas 8ts Omaha. APARTMENT. 176,000 Income 12 per cent; one year old; very Hne location; mortgage $25,000 and will accept J20.000 In trade; bal ance cash or negotiable papers CALKINS ft CO.. Douglas 13 IS City Nat. Bank Bldg. SKy US FOR INVESTMENT AND SPECULATIVE PROPERTY. A. P. TUKEY & SON. Rfc.ALTOI19. 620 Flint National Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE To Exchange 'OIt SALE oi exchange, for Nebraska farm, ISO unimproved North Dakota litnd; 120 broken, all can be; H2 improved Montana land, 6"r miles from town. L. W. John son, Galata, Mont. 270 ACRES Improved farm to exchange for Omaha flats or aparlmnt housi. INTBR-STATK REALTY CO. g9:30 City Nat'l. loug.886l WANT to exchange i good houseo, close In, always rented, for land. Price 112,000. Mortgage 13.500. Box 3408 Bee. GOOD OMAHA INCOME PROPERTY, and part cash to exchange for Douglas or Sarpy oounty farm land. BOX 3542. BEE. i HAVE a (25,000 hardware, doing good business, and 110.000 in mrney. Want Western Iowa or Eastern Nebraska farm. S, S. and R. E. Montgomery, 806 Om. Net Bk. Bldg. REAL ESTATE Unimproved North. LOT BARGAIN Large 50xl32-foot east front lot. near 28th Ave. and Lartmore. Price (jjoov for quick sale. Cheapest lot in this dis trict HIATT COMPANY, 245-7-i Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Tyler 60. AFTER looking at MINNA LUSA 300 dif ferent buyers decided that it was ths beat proposition on the market and they backed their Judgment by buying lota IP YOU will come out today you will understand why the others are buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO., 742 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Tyler 187. HAVE a bargain price on lot in Mlnne Luna. C. A. Orlmmel, Doug. IfilS. Miscellaneous. DANDY LOT. 60x135, two street frontages; easy terms. Call Douglas 1064 or evenings. BEAUTIFUL 60-foot lots. Price $220. only S3 cash and 60 cents per week. Doug. 3392. REAL ESTATE Suburban Dundee. SNAP DUNDEE LOT r-rt-ft. lot, 3 blocks to car. high, slphtly lmatiun, tl.350. Nothing in cam" block for letts thn $1,500. See uu at once. HIATT COMPANY, I43-T-9 Ormha Nat'l Bk. BHK. Tyler 60. " DUNDEE PROPERTIES. Well located lots on eniay terms. Mod ern, attractive homos Before buying be sure and see GEORGE & CO. DUNDEE BARGAIN 40f Capitol Ave- 7 rooms. Oood fur nace. Copper gas heater. Full lot. Non resident owner says cut the price to 13,200 for quick sale. Don't telephone. Come In and see us about it. E. H. Benner Co., Ramge Blk., 15th and Harney. iVACRBl).k., Falracrs and Brownell Hall district Snap. C. J. Cannn. South Side. :i ACRES, just over the tine In Sarpy countv, away from the hlRh taxes. Rich, lovel land. flr?t broken In OUti. Raised 4 crops of alfalfa, I0.0UU. Terms can be AtT.'i HKi'd, SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., INC. 4925 South 24th St. Phone South 1247. Miscellaneous. HOMESEEKERS. ATTENTION! On a small cash payment we will buy the lot you select, build a home after your own plans and have you pay for it on small monthly payments, without extra Interest. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., INCORPORATED CAPITAL K&.OitO. 4925 S 24th S Phono South 1247 ACR Extracts. $475. J10 down. Jt.60 mo. Close In, near car Dou'ns 5074 REAL ESTATE WANTED LISTING houses to rent or sell on small cash payments, have parties waiting Western Real Estate, 413 Karbarh Blk. D. 3807 LIST your 5 and 6 -room houses with us. WE PELL THEM. OSBORNE REALTY Co.. Tvler 49(i ARNDT & TAYLOR ran assist you. 1825 Laird St. Webster 2039. MONEY TO LOAN FURNITURE, plana- and notes as security. $40. t mo., H. goods, total cost. $3.50. $40, 8 tpo., endorsed notes, total cost. $2 (0 Smaller large am'ta prnportlrinsts rate PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY, Organized by Omaha Business Men 432 Roar Rtdg.. Hth Bnd Farnam. Ty. 686. ,i;OAL KATE LOANS $24.00 $240 00 or more Easy payments. Utmost privacy 340 Paxton Blk TH. Doug 2295 OMAHA LOA7- COMPANY Horses Live Stock Vehicles WANTED Shetland pony, buggy. Phone S. FINANCIAL Real Estate. Loans. Mortgages. CITY and farm loans promptly made. Rates 5, &4 auiti e pet conL Ktiusonaul coin- UNITED STATES TRUST CO., 312 South Hth, Omaha. Neb. FARM MORTGAGES. Well secured, bearing 8 pet Interest HARLEY J HOOKER, 90 Frist Nat. Pk. Bide Tel. Tyler S5. u i'ER CENT to 0 per cent on best class city residences to amounts I i.000 up, also farm loans. Reasonable commission. PETERS TRUST CO.. J822 Parna. St. $5,000 M TO B. . bearing 6 pot. semi-annual, secured by property valued at $16. 600. Talniage-Loomia Inv. Co.. W. Q-W. Bldg. MONEY to loan on Improved farms and ranches. We also buy good farm mort gages Ktoke Inv, Co,. Omaha. U. W BIDDER. Money on hand for mortgage loana City Nat. Bank Bldg 5 AND 6 per cent farm and city Aril mortgages for snle. h. H, ougee, inc. 638 Keeline Bldg OMAHA HOM ES. EAST N E B. FA It MS. O'KEEFE R E CO.. 1016 Umant Nat'l. FARM and city loans. 5, 6li and 6 per cent W H. Thomas. Keellne Bldg. Doug. 1648. NO iF.LAY IN CLOSING LOANS. W. T. Graham. 604 Bee Bldg. SHOPEN A CO.. PRIVATE MONEY. $500,000 city and farm loans, 4ht per cent, CJselln. 513 pHXton Blk. Red 74"1. $100 to $10,001) made promptly V D Wead. Wend Rldtf , IStli and Farnam Sta flTY OAHVIN HltOS O LOANS Om Nat Bk Bldg 916 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg LOW RATES. C. G, CARLBERG. St? Bran dels Theater Bldg ' D. 586. Stocks and Bonds. TO MEET the increased cost of living you miiBt placo your money where It will yield a greater Income. A 7 per cent participating cumulative pre ferred stock with the highest grade of security means an ex ceptional Investment. This stock will not yield less than 7 per rent and participate In the profits of the company over that amount, making a very at tractive, secure Investment. For particulars regarding this In vestment address Box 3843, Bee. LISTED and unlisted stocks. Investment securities, Industrial storks. ROBERT C. DRUESDOW & CO., 860 Omaha Nat'l Hank Bldg. Abstracts of Title. TtTorr Title, Guarantee and Abstract Co., IVCII 30S 8. 17tb St.. ground floor. Bonded by Mass. Bonding and Ins. Co. REEDA BSTRACTCO!.' oldest abstract of- flee tn Nebraska 208 Brandels Thester Miscellaneous. GALLAGHER & NELSON Represent prompt pay Insurance com panies. 44 Brandels Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Kansas Lands. KANSAS LAND. 820 acres In Trego Co., Kan., raises be tween 20 and 30 bu. of wheat per acre. Would sell or trade equity. Land valued at $25 per acre. $2,000 due tn Dec. and $2,500 due In five yearn. E. S. Linn, 224 No. 19th St.. Omaha, Neb. Minnesota Lands. PIPESTONE COUNTY. MINNESOTA. 506 ACRES Extra good stock farm, two complete sets of buildings, running stream, 170 acres pasture, 70 acres native meadow, 35 acres clover, 10 acres alfalfa, balance In corn and small grain. Three miles from Pipestone. 3,800 population. 240 ACRES Good set of buildings, TOO acres plow land, balance pasture and hay. Four mites from Pipestone. Prices and terms right. Must sell one or both pieces this year. Owner, Wm. B. Hubbard. Pipestone. IMPROVED 100-acre farm. 15 miles from Minneapolis; 40 acres cultivated, balance meadow and timber; $3,000 worth of buildings. Will sell for 15,000; easy terms. Schwab Bros., 102S Plymouth Bldg., Min neapolis, Minn. Missouri Lands. SMALL MO. Farm $fo cash and $5 month ly; no Interest or taxes; highly productive land; closo to 8 big markets. Write for photographs and full Information. Munger. A-119. N. Y Life Bldg., Kansas City. Mo GREAT bargain, $5 down, $5 monthly buys 40 acres good fruit and poultry land near town, southern Missouri. Price only $200. Address Box 808, Excelsior Springs. Mo. Nebraska Lands. FOR SALE OR TRADE. 1,440-acre ranch, southwestern Thomas County, Neb., partly Improved, price $12.50 per acre. ARCHER REALTY COMPANY, Douglas 24111, 5HQ Brandels B 1 d g. SMALL Nebraska farms on easy payments 5 acres up We farm (fhe farm we sell you. The Hungerford Potato Growers' Association, 15th and Howard fits., Oma ha. Douglas 9371. FOR SALE By owner. 10 or 60 acres of highly Improved fnrm land, within three miles of Omaha llmtls. W. F. Bockmeyer. Benson. Neb., R. I". V. WET lands made dry enough for crops or no pay is our way of draining land. No tract too (urge or too wet Guarantee Drainage Co., Oakland, Neb. SQUARE SECTION. 420 acres valley; hotel wanted. Charles 3. Augustln, Shelby. Neb. MY 960 ACRES range, water, hay, plain land. Box 1391. Alliance, Neh. New Mexico Lands. THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO will sell at publio auction to highest bidder during June. 1:17. forty-five tracts of state lat.d. ranging in area from 40 to 13.000 cres, in proven farming districts of Colfax. Mora und Curry counties. Minimum price. $o per acre. Terms 6 per cent of purchase price in cash on dat i of sale; balance at any time within 30 years at 4 per cent Interest payable annually In advance. Dates of sale and complete Information about these and other auctions of state land and general information about New Mexico, Its lands, resources and opportuni ties, sent free on application to Dept 3, Commissioner of Publio Lands. Santa Fs. New Mexico. South Dakota Lands. WE HAVE Borne hltrhly Improved farms in the vicinity of Watertown, S. D. These are corn and alfalfa lands and we ere making very attractive prices and lib eral terms. Dependable agents wanted. MIDWEST LAND CO., 1057 Omaha Nat. Bk. Phone D. 1166. AUTOMOBILES WILLYS OVERLAND. INC. USED CAR DEPT. Doug. 329U. 'J1M7-9 Farnam. Touring '-'ars and roadsters of Overland. Studelialc-r. Maxv.eH. Ford. Oakland, .Mitchell. Huli-k and Hudson niakfs. TERMS IF DESIRED. Prompt attention given to all Interested nut-of -tfwn buyer?. AUTO C LE AIUNG H OUSK. 2203 Farnam. Douglas 3310. 1916 Cole. 1916 Sterns Knight. 1916 Maxwell. $.17:. 191fi Empire. $100. DO NOT FAIL to set- our line of used Fords before you buy All In good condition a' moderate prices. SAMPLE-HART MOTOR CO.. Authorized Ford Agents. Tvler 513. 18th st Burt cTwTTrancis auto co. Used Car Dept. 221 6-1 S Farnam St. Douglas 85$ Almost sny make at reasonable prices extra tire and rim. etc.. $215. CROSSTOWN GARAOE. 315 South 24th St. Doug, 4442. t 1 1 p. t i R v. km nn" Tlra repairing Is our specialty FREE SERVICE. THE TIRE SHOP. D F Crow. 2.il8 Farnam Doug. 4878 TRADE your old buttery in on a guaran teed Ever-ready storage battery. Free In specetion of any battery. Ever-ready Storage Battery Co., 120C Farnam St. AUTOMOBILES W E will trade jou a uew Ford for you ola one. INDUSTRIAL OARAGE CO., 2'Mh and Harney Douglas SIM, FOR SALE Mets roadster, cheap, or will tea do for a good motor boat. Junaeu, 1 Ciiss. TELL it BIN K LEY. WE BUY AND SELL L'SWl FORDS. S1S Harney St. Dour. U40. BAKG.MNS in uid Ford cars Hulmes-Ad-kins Co.. 4911-17 8. 21th. Phon- 8. 271 CASH FOR YOUR USKO'CAltS AUTO KNCHWOE. 210 FARNAM D 6038 BERTSCHY "Kan-Fix nerOth and Harne; t ' Southeast cor Sti Douglas 25M, FORD car for Bale, $135, 4001 South 24lh, South 4360. A BARGAIN Milburn Electrlo, Tn tins-condition. Y 7.1. lie.-. WE PAY cash for Fords. Exchange, 110 S. 17th. Auto SalvMgs A Auto Livery andjGarages EXPERT auto repairing. "Service car al ways ready." Omaha Garage. 2010 Har- eny St. Tyler555. Auto Repairing and Painting, $100 rewurd for mugneto we can't repair. Colls repaired. Baysdorfer. 210 N. lKth. Tires and Supplies. TIRE PRICE WRECKERS. THIS IS NO S IN 1 TIRE SftxS.. 7 50 30x34..', 8.60 32x34. $10-25 T3x4.. 12 00 34x4 .. 13.00 35x44.. 16.76 Second-hand tires and tubes; expert tire and tube repstrlng Douglss 8872 COMBINATION TIRE FACTORY. tt0$4 Jackson. Agts. wanted, Omaha, Neb. Motorcycles and Bicycles HAR LTyYDAVIDSON M OTORC Y C LEfl Bargains In used machines Victor H Rons, "The Motorcycle Man." 27th and Leavenworth. POULTRY AND PET STOCK WHITE Leghorn laying hens. hatching eggs, cockerels, baby chicks. Call Flor ence 31s. MEDICAL DR. E. R. TARRY PILES. FISTULA CURED Dr E. R. Tarry cures (.lies, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical op- e-ation cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rec tal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY 140 Bee Bldg. Omaha, Neb. WHY SUFFER? Latest and Most Scientific Treatment for All Diseases, Dr. Charles Barnes, 513-62' Rose Bldg. Examination and Consultation free. He Is curing thou sands. WHY NOT YOU? Delays are dan- ous. If you can't call, write. Hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. ; 7:30 to 8:30 evenings. Sunday by appointment. RUPTURE successfully treated without a surgical operation Cali or write Dr. Fraii k H Wray, 306 Bee Bldg. Chiropractors DR. KNOLLENBERO. SANITARIUM Lady attendant, ?4th and Farnam. D. 7298. Ur C J Lawrence. Balrd Bldg. D 8461, Dr. Frances Dawson, 602 Rose Bldg. T. 2366. DrsohliBtonTi"32"wr 0WrBldg. D. 60297 Dentists Dr Bradhury. No pain 912 W. O. W Bldg. Taft'a Dent Km, 3U8 Rose Bldg. D. 218 PERSONAL THE Salvation Army Industrial Home so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga zines. We collect. We distribute. Phone Doug. 412S and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St- BATHS nnd massage. Central Hlgb Insti tute, l&CS Harney St Doug. 7097. Open evenings. PRIVATE home for Blck ladles, best care; very reas. 2ti05 Bristol St. Web. 2908. LUELLA W EBSTER, massage and manl- curlng.618 Paxton Blk. Red 2400. MAE BRUOMAN, sclent ifta masseuse and baths. 203 Karbach Blk Red 2727. SCIENTIFIC massago 620 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 6372. VIOLET RAY TREATMENT 421 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 8261. Edna Williams, massage, bath. 228 Neville. Mi"sS LILLY. lhmasVage. 1322 FaTnanT Manicuring and. mass. Ifi23 Farnam. R. 19. E. BROTT, massaging 2120 Harnev. D. 8526. REAL ESTATE "A LITTLE LAND AND A LIVING" SKK OL'R ACRE FARSIS $10 CASH $10 A MONTH Benson Gardens, Benson AcreB, Wet Benson, South Sido Acres. North Side Acres, Any Acre Sold This Month Will Be PLOWED FREE Prices $450 to $850 an Acre Downtown office open evenings, 7 till . HASTINGS & HEYDEN, (Realtors) J'iH Harney St. Five phonos. Tyler 60. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Edith I. Palmer and husband to A. M. Hlatt, southeast corner Thirty second and Charles streets, 60x100..$ 1 Homestead company to (ieorgo W. Haker, Monroe street, 297 feet west of Thirty-third street, north eide, 40x134 100 HonieHlead company to Genrge Ha -kor. Madison street. 00 fet-t east or Thirty-fifth Btreet. south side. 120x1 34; Monroe street, 337 feet west of Thtriy-thlrd street, north side, 40x134; Monroe street, 257 feet west of Thirty-third street, north side, 40x134 800 Mtehael L. Clark, sheriff, to Cons'-rva-tlvti Savi jS and Loan RHSOclntbm, northwest corner Thirtieth and Chi cago streets. 6fi. 1x120 2.900 Ca.wper E. Yost and w Iff to Lloyd B. WltHun. California street. 150 fe-t west of Fiftieth slnnl. south side, 60x135 3,7io Lloyd B. Wilson and wife to Blanche .1. Fuller, California street. I F-0 feet west o' Fiftieth street, south side, 60x136 1 Harry O. Steel and wife to John Steel, Twenty-fourth street. 24 feet north of Erskins street, west side, 22 x74 1 Harry O. Steel and wife to John Steel, Miami street, 198 feet west of Twenty-eighth avenue, south side, 60x127 1 M. S Ellis and wife to Mrs. Nttli Bell, southeast oorr;er Twenty-fourth and izsrd streets, hSx70.8 1 Philadelphia Mortgage and Trust eom pany to Rollanrt R. Otis, boutheast corner Nineteenth and Wirt directs, 100x124 4 000 Albert V, Dresher and wife to Norman D. Colfax, Fort street. 200 feet west of Twenty-fifth avenue, south side, 50x120 4.000 Hopper Bros, company to the Bartho lomew Real Estate company, Fifty third street, 300 feet south of Jack pion street, west side, 60x130 IjOO Eftelle C. Duval and husband to Mel ville S. Sturgeon, southeast corner ProHpict and Harrison streets, Flor encp. 6fixl3n l Edward W. Stoltenberg and wife to M, S Sturgeon. Fortieth street. 110 f'-et north of Pratt street, east side, 40x134 2 BANKS TO AID ANY BUY LIBERTY BOND State Institution Would Loan $50 to Persons of Limited Means Who Wish to Aid Big War Fund. The Sute Hank of Omaha wi loan money to all who want to buy liberty loan bonds and have not the $50 in cas'i. The institution will let patriotic borrowers pay the money back in almost any kind of Install ments. President A. L. Schantz said the hank stands ready to accommodate anyone who wants a bond. "The lowest denomination in which these bonds, will come will be $50, ac cording to the reports," he said. "That seems to me to be low enough to al low most people to get in and help, However, if it is not, and if there are people who want to buy a bond and have not the $50 ready, we will loan them the money and take their note for it. We will give them easy pay ments. "It is going to be a long, hard pull to raisa all this money, and before we are througn with it we'll all have to get into th game. Every man will have to own some of these bonds eventually wait and sec. The State Bank of Omaha was the first financial institution in Omaha to subscribe r0 the liberty war loan. Fitty the Minimum. Omaha r.ankcrs in general are en tin ly in favor of the system under winch the liberty loan is to De worKed cut. They declare that reducing rhe minimum bond down to $50 is a stroke that will make the bonds nonti lar and place them within the reach of almost everyone. Vice President Folda of the Com Exchange National bank said: "The $50 minimum seems to be low enough. It will take a lot of bonds at (hat figure to make up the money re quired for the big loan. Of course (he financiers in the east will take large amounts which will swell the ium rapidly I feel sure that the $50 bonds will he nought up rapidly here as elsewhere when they begin to be offered. Asked if hqnds of smaller denomi nations would not be more popular with the country banks, Mr. Folda satd: "Now you are talking about the banks out where the fanners are, and those are the fellows who have the money. Tney will take bonds in $50 denominations and higher, and will take them very readily. There is no reed of reducing them to any lower denomination for those people. Will Find Ready Sale. President F. H. Davis of the First National hank said he feels sure $50 bonds will fell readily. He said the $50 denomination brought them wiih in reach of everyone. "The authorities at Washington canvassed the situation thoroughly." he said, "and I believe they have acted very wisely." The bonds will not be actually Is sued before the first part of July, bankers said. When they are avail able, however, the local bankers will sell them over the counter, and many of the banks are already advertising that they take subscriptions for the liberty war loan. Meantime the banks have subscribed to the loan and have received certificates bearing 3'A per cent. Thej? certificates may be con verted into bonds in July, or may be cashed at the option of the local 1 auks. Elks Name Committes for Food Conservation Meet The Elks' lodge has named the fol lowing committee to attend the mass meeting to be held in the council chamber, city hall, Thursday evening in support of the movement for con servation of food and fuel supplies: Thomas Lynch, J. P. Palmer, T. F. Swift, Frank Chittenden, Harvey Col vin, P. C. Heafey, O. S. Hulse, F. F. Paffenrath, W. H. Indoe Tom S. Kelly, VV. L. Killy, C. G. McDonald, R. C. Strehiow, B. F. Thomas, D. M. Vinsonhaler, A. P. Whitmore, Isidor Zeigler, Thomas Swobe, E. Bucking ham, Thomas F. Quinlan, George E. Havcrstick, Lee S. Kstclle, Charles Leslie, J. F. Coad, S. A. Searle, R. C. Howe, M. R. Murphy, T. P. Red inond, J. C. Sharpe and J. S. Walters. Police Banish Helmets For New Military Lids The helmet has been banished for good by Omaha policemen. Hereafter the coppers will wear military navy blue serge hats during the summer months. An order to this effect was read to all policemen yesterday by Captains Dempscy and lleitfeldt. A consignment of the head wear arrived yesterday. The hats are of a similar pattern to those worn in the army. On the front is a seal of Ne braska. Franco-Belgian Art Exhibit Closes Today Wednesday evening at 10 o'clock the phenomenal Frenrh-Rclgian art exhibit which has been at the Audi torium since May 3 will close. Mem bers of the Fine Arts society who have had the care of bringing the exhibit to Omaha and of taking care of it while it is here are anxious to have a record crowd for the closing day. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. ihvarii A. Murmy and wife to Jennie Tetlva. Twenty -fourth strem. 2't0 feet south of 8 street, east side, 60x150 ir.o South Omaha Land com pan y to An ton Markiwlcz, Thirty-fourth street, 70 feet south of J street. 70x130.. 300 Rasp Bros, to Albert F. Rasp, locust street, si reel west of Eighteenth street, north side, 86x124 1 William F. Dlnneen and wife to Sarah Maloney, Tenth street, 73.5 feet south of Forest avenue, aunt side, 60x125 1 Charles Gruenlg and wife to thi srhoot (Ilrtirlrt nf Omit ha, blork between Twenty-fourth street, Twenty-fifth avenue, Meredith street and Fowler avi riue 4 000 F. W. Arndt and wife to W. P. Spal- aing. ftoutneatt corner Thirty-second and Charles streets, 60x100 ... 10 W, P. Spalding and wife to Edith I. Palmer, southeast cvorner Thirty second and Charles street, 60x100.. 1 Charles W. Martin and wife to L- nnra A Button, Lorust street, 80 fert east of Nineteenth street, north side, 40x124 I Merman E. Love to Charles W, Mar tin, Locust street, m feet east of Nineteenth street, north side, 40 x 124 1 Charles E. Balrd and wife to Sarah U, Rohrer, Thirty-first avenue, 46 feet south of La rl more street, west side, 46x136 3,400 Farmers Increase Their Acreage 25 Per Cent ( Stipcrintt'iuU'iU Yontii; of ilir Hurlitigton rstim.-tt'S that with sc.isitn.ihle weather, winter wheal throughout the neater p.irliou ol northwestern Nebraska will make (H) iter cent ot the normal crop, lie esti mates that this year (lie acreage oi ground that will he broken for crops will be 25 per cent greater than during anv former season. ('"antiers in the northwestern part of the state are working niht and day in order to get in their crops and pre pare the ground for seeding to oats and barley. They are greatly ham pered on account of a lack of help. In many instances farm hands are being paid $50 to $t0 per month, in addition to board and laundry. Kven these wage are failing to attract men from the cities and towns. War Speeds Creighton Work to Early Finish Due to the enlistment of hundreds of students for military and farm work, Creighton university authorities have announced that the school wilt close for the school year on June 3. Many students have already been given their credits nd have Ifh school for farms throughout the west. Cred its were given to those who had an average of SO per cent in their class work since the midyear examinations upon presentation of a statement from their employer as to the neces sity of their services. Examinations will begin Monday in all departments and the commence ment exercises will be held Saturday morning. June 2. All Saints' Parish Holds Election ot Officers At a parish meeting held in the Wattles Memorial parish of All Saints' church the following were elected wardens and vestrymen for the ensuing year: Senior warden, C. S. Montgomery; junior warden, W. A. Redick. Vestrymen, John S. Brady, E. L. Burke. F. A. Ewing. F. P. Kir kendall, Arthur Crittenden Smith, John T. Yates and G. W. Wattles. Delegates elected to the annual coun cil which meets next week were C. J. Ernst, C. Z. Gould and John T. Yates. Services will be held in All Saints' church on association day, Thursday, at 7:30 and KWO a. m. Campfire Girls to Have Their Banquet Saturday Girls of twenty-four Young Wom en's Christian association clubs, campfire groups, high and grade school clubs will close the year with a banquet at the association building Saturday at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. Clarke Powell, chairman of the girls' department, will be toastmis tress and toasts to the Red, White and Bine will be given by Elsie Lage, High School of Commerce; Dorothy Kernan. Clover club, and Dorothy Gray, Central High school. Different clubs will sit at separate tables, dec orated in school or club colors. All of them have songs learned specially for the occasion. Jury Disagrees in Booze Charge Against Hirchman A jury of six men in county court disagreed in the case of Harry Hirch man, charged with having liquor in his possession after the nmhihiiinn law went into effect. Judge Crawford discharged the jury. Sheriff Clark said that his deputies found two bottles of beer in Hirch man's automobile at 1:J0 o'clock on the morning of May 1. The machine was parked outside Lake Side road house, commonly known as Shay Shay's place. Hirch man testified that he knew the liquor was in his car, but denied that it belonged to hint. Parsons Arrested for The Theft of an Automobile Elmer Parsons, aeed 24 vearn. who has been staying at the Neville hotel, is under arrest on the charge of grand larceny. Benny Danbaum. auto detective charges him with the theft of a car owned by B. L. Perry, 2724 North Twenty-fourth street. rarsons was arrested Monday night at Twenty-fourth and Harney streets. It is alleged that he stole r'errys car trom the Ames avenue garage and stored it in a barn near J wenty-cighth and Leavenworth streets. Brown Park Residents Want City to Open Street Residents of the Brown Park addi tion on the South Side have peti tioned the city commissioners to open a short street from U street north to S street along the Union Pacific right-of-way. The petition recites that the South Siders previously were permitted to trespass on the railroad right-oi-way. but that the road has now revoked this privilege, with the result that cit izens of the Brown Park addition are forced to go four blocks out of their way in going to and from their work at the stock yards. Held for Stealing Sack Of Potatoes from Cai II. L. Aiuhoiiv, colored, 1219 street, vas caught by Special OTOcr Watts early yesterday with a sack of potatoes which he had taken from a Northwestern car near Thirteenth and Davenport streets. Anthony de nied .hat ne had broken the seal of the car and stolen the tubers at first. He san. he was holdiiiL the sack for a man who had given a cigar and requested him to do a little lavor lor him. ic later admitted to the theft. He was charged with "breaking -ind entering. Sugar Beet Workers Go To the Gering Fields Two parties of Russians went west over the Union Pacific. In one there were twenty-five men. women and children going to the sugar beet fields in the vicinity of Ucrmg. In the other there were ten men from New York going back to their native land to live under the newly created republican form of government. Mt HKWKNTK. BASE BALL OMAHA VS. JOPLIN WEDNESDAY, MAY 16 ROURKE PARK Cams Called at 3:1 AVIATOR'S "FLYING'1 DISPLEASES SPOUSE Mrs. Jeannette Hartman Sues Husband for Divorce, Charg ing Him With Cruelty and Neglect. Alleged high lights in the domestic liie of a mechanician in the aviators' corps of the United States army were related before Judge Day, sitting in divorce court, when he heard evidence in the suit brought by Jeanctte II. Hartman against James F. Hartman, stationed at Fort Omaha. She asked the court to grand her temporary ali tnony and to Issue an order restrain ing the army flying man's mechanician from "molesting her." Mrs. Hartman, 22 years old. attired in a chic tailored suit, gave her hus band a frigid stare as she took the witness stand. She testified that he was cruel to her. She alleged that he came home one night to their home near the fort and "hit her in the eye blackening the flesh about the optic." He Says Door Knob Did It. Her husband said: "She fell against a door nob." "I foil against his fist," retorted his wife. Charges of infidelity were made by the husband. He alleged that he found her sitting on the lap of a man named "Jack," hugging and kiss ing him. Mrs. Ilartnian's counsel and the husband engaged in repartee when the question of "meals" in their home life came up. "You ate what she cooked, didn't you?" interrogated the attorney. "It was a case of necessity," an swered the husband. "I've been do ing my own cooking since she left me." Provided for Her. On the witness stand Hartman said that he was always willing to "beg, borrow or steal" to give her anything she wanted. "She got most of the $1,000 a year I earned in the government service," he said. "Just what do you do and what Ho you know about aviation?" asked Mrs. Hartman's lawyer. "I'd have to get permission from the commanding officer at the fort to answer anything about my duties," replied Hartman. The judge ruled that he did not have to answer only in a general way. The Hartmans were married in Baltimore, Md.. April 9, 1912. He was then 27 years old and she was 17 years old. Judge Day granted her temporary alimony and issued a temporary re straining order preventing Hartman "from molesting his wife." Sick Babe V.' Release Of Motl.3r Held for Theft Because Mrs. Lucille Howard, do mestic, who is a defendant on a charge of petit larceny, had a sick baby, Police Judge Madden released her without bonds, accepting her promise as surety for her appearance in court Thursday. Mrs. Howard is charged with the theft of articles of clothing from the home of Frances Jacobs and Harry Stevens at 560 South Twenty-eighth street, where she was employed as housemaid. I "PHOTO PIAY OFFERING f FOR.- TODAY-" LAST TIMES TODAY Frances Nelson "The Power of Decision." Mr. and Mrs. Sidnay Draw, in "SAFETY FIRST." MUSE Edith Storey Antonio Moreno "The Captain of the Grey Horse Troop" MARY MILES MINTER ) In a Sweet and i Charming Story ' i 'THE FAIRY AND THE WAIF' j l!MM"lTIl lll"lltl'irHl'llll'lil)itl,l',ll,M,,:,i; AMrSEMKNTH. Phone Doug. 494. 1HI BEST OF VAUDEVILLE 0lll MitlnM. 2:15: NI.M. S:IS-LST Wh. LVDI BARRY, ALEXANDER CARR, TEMPEST t SUN8HINE. RIGGS 4 WITCHIE. Ett.ll, Wint. worth, Mnor. Girdn.r 4 Holt, Alaika Oao. Or .h.unt Trtv.l W.eklr. Prlr.i: M.tln.i. nailery. 10c: beat mil Inerpl Saturday and Sunday), 29o: Nlshta. I0.2S, 50-750. BOYD Thura. Frl at. Mar 17-18-19. WITH BIG MATINEE SATURDAY. Laat and Beat Show ot Seaaen. AL JOLSON and caat of 20S. tn N. Y. Winter Garden Spectacle "ROBINSON CRUSOE, JR." Nigh 1.1 S0C-S2 50 Mat.! S0c2.00 SEATS NOW SEBASTIAN MERRILL dr CO. CAMERON DEVITT CO. THREE MORAN SISTERS CHRISTIE GRIFFIN Dorothy Kelly In "The Money Mill" Max Under In "Mi In a Taxi" Bee Want Ads Bring Best Results Naval Training Stations CrowdeL'; Men Held Back Lieutenant Waddell received orders Monday not to send any more hospi tal apprentices to the Great Lakes training station, because that place was overcrowded with recruits. An order recently received put a ban on the sending of yeomen and apprentice seamen. At present there are 111 apprentice seamen awaiting to be sent to the training station, six hospital apprentices and one yeoman. The na val recruits have been sent to their homes and will he called just as soon as possible. While waiting they re ceive their pay the same as if they were ui. board ship. Lieutenant Waddell said he thought the congestion would clear up in sev eral weeks. Recruits are still being accepted. Old House of Hope Property To Be Auctioned Saturday As part of the campaign to raise money for the new House of Hope, the old House of Hope property at 958 South Twenty-seventh avenue is to be sold at auction at 2 p. m. next Saturday through the Payne Invest ment company. It is explained that it is a foui Icon-room house, strictly modern, on a lot 75x125 and also an adjoining lot on the side 50x125. It is to be a positive sale to the highest terms on easy half cash terms. Fur ther information may be had of the Payne Investment company, Omaha National bank, through whom the sale is to be made, or James L. Dowd, the auctioneer, in the Woodmen of the World building. West Virginia May Pass Law to Prevent Strkes Charleston, W. Va., May IS. It will he unlawful for "any person or persons employed at any kind of labor or service in West Virginia to strike, either "singly or in groups," during the war, if a measure intro duced in the state legislature is made a law. The bill would also prohibit the discharge from employment of any persons because oi membership in any trade union. TODAY DON'T MISS IT MAX UNDER In ths Lstest Product Frnnjej His "Uif Foundry "MAX IN A TAXI" It Will ReiUter Mors Hearty Laughs on Your "Joy Msttr" Than You Ever Knew Existed. Also ths Latest Vltsgrsph Ftaturo DOROTHY KELLY in "THE MONEY MILL" Clara Kimball Young in "The Easiest Way" AMIIHF.MENT8. fi Nonpareil Athletic and Social Club j SPRING CARNIVAL 1 I Bernardi. Greater Shows 8 Ifi furnish all attractions; 15 fl big feature shows; 3 big riding devices, including I the Giant Whip. Big Free Acts and Band .1 Concerts Every Afternoon f end Night. Bigger and Better Than Circus. J Location ' B MELADY MEADOW 24th and Vinton Sta. 1 Week Commencing May 21 II SraiievertUieni fl clean, mum." BSaManSSS una