Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 15, 1917, Image 12

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    THE BEE: OMAHA. TUESDAY, MAY 15. 1917,
Cattle Strong and Active, All
Selling Early Sheep Fif
teen to Quarter Up
Hogs Open Higher.
Omaha, May 14.
Receipts w?rr: Cattle. Jk'gs.
Estimate Monday
.Same day last week... 4.MI
Seme day 2 weeks ago. 7. 7 I
8ams day 3 week ago. 3.623
Same day Turks ago. B,.iiM l.
Same Uv laat year.... 3.K3J 7.;
Receipt and dinposl l ron or lit
it 3,oni
BiOOk Kt
the I;nion Slock yard (or twenty-four hours
ending at 3 o clock yesterday aneriioun:
Cattle. Hogs, 'Shflpp. H'r'n
f.. M. A St. P 1i a 1 1
Missouri Partftc... 11 1 1
Union Pacific 4& 12 10 t
C. A N. VS.. eat... i'3 1
C. A N. W.. vest.. 6 42 .. 3
C, Ht. P.. M. A O. 3 2
C, B. A Q., aat... 2 .. .. ..
C, B. A Q., vut. .fill I
C. R. I. A P.. eaat. 10 1 .. ..
C, R. I. A P.. west 2 ..
Illinois Central 13
Chicago Gt. West.. 8 1
Totals 301 20 11
Cattle, Hng. Bhp.
Morris A Co ''I
Pwlft A Co ....1.48
('uda.ty Packing Co 1,14ft
Armour A Co 1,81
Schwartz A Co...
,T. W. Murphy
Lincoln Parking Co.... 42
Hfiuth Omnha Pack. Co. 7
Kohr Packing Co
Cudaby of Kanaa City
rurtahy of Denver
Ulloon Parking Co....
V, a Vanaant Co
F. R Lewi
HtinBlngfr A Oliver....
J. B. Root A Co
.1. H. HvrlU
I,. V. Hum 92
RoacnxtorU Rroa 3:t
V. O. Kllogg 60
Wert helm r A Drgen... 4.1
Hulllvan Bros it
lllggln 4
Huffman ft
Jtolh 4
Ulassberg 3
Raker, Jones & fcWilttt.
Tlanncr Broa J,,
John Hftrvny
Dennl A Francis
Jensen A Lungren
Pat O'Pay
Other buyers
3. '7
Total 7,T4 0,403 4.308
Cattle Receipt were considerably larger
than a week ago, but only about an aver
age for a Monday. The demand was very
good, and aa a remit th market waa both
strong and active on anything at all desir
able. Other grade were at leant steady.
Pretty much everything sold In good sea
sen In the morning. The beat beeves sold
tp to 113.10. the highest prica ever paid
or. this marktit. '
Quotation on cattle: Good to choice
beeves, 112.0013.00; fair to godU be-even,
9I1.Q0913.00: common to fair beeves, I9.&0
11.00; good to choice heifers, 110.0011. 00;
good to choke cows, t9.7b&10.76: fair to
U'khI rows, 8.75i6'9.7&; common to fair cows,
(t;.idS.76: prime feeding steers, (0.75
JO, 9o: good to choice feeders, tlt.00SjvJ0.00;
fair to good feeders, 8.A0Q9,00; common to
ftilr froders. 16.768.60; good to choice
storUerH, ID. uOtJjf 10,60; stock heifers, IS.116
1 ".:"; ftork cows, $7.0010,00; stock calves
n ;imiji ln.ft'.; veal calvea, I9.004il3.25; beef
ln'l'. ivft?. etc., 10.00,
ft. . iitut s ileal
nmv STKERfl,
Pr. No. Ar. Pr.
. 507 $9 IS
. 64V 1U Hi
.1013 11 2b
.llt3 1 46
.1270 11 8&
.1302 13 00
.1334 12 40
8R3 9ft 75
...1040 11 16
... 882 11 40
... 790 11 DO
...1H68 11 90
...13 -J 4 12 10
...1467 13 00
Hoga The shipper demand was very fair
this morning, and more than a third of
the offerings had changed hands on ship
plug account by a fairly early hour. Prlcoa
Involved wer around lOo higher aa a gon
eral thing, ranging from a big 16o up In
soma caaes .j not over 60 higher tn others.
The pucknr trade lasted all forenoon, and
was unsatlafactory from & seller's stand
point from beginning to end. It wag get
tins; alonv towards 11 o'clock when most
buyers started bidding, and then their of
fers were- not much mora than steady,
dfaplte a lO&lfto advance reported from
Chicago. Shipper competition helped sell
ers out some, and In the end aome of the
better hogs went to packers at 6 10c high
er figures, but values soon weakened oft
again, and the close waa very draggy with
all the advance loat. None of the packers
had a very big order, and the result was
that selling underweight and highly mixed
tuff waa a hard oroposltlon. these kinds
showing no Improvement at auy stage ot the
males were made at prices that were alt
the way from steady to as much as 16o
higher, and the market averaged more than
i,c nbovs last week, but the undertone to the
packer market was anything but satis
factory. The turn thin ice took waa a sur
prise to everyone, as runs are expected to
bo vary moderate for some time to come.
The bulk of the sales landed at a jLpread
of $16.7616.10 and the top was fU.20,
equaling the record made last month.
Representative sales:
So. Av. Ph. Pr, No. Av. Bh. Pr.
73. .180 120 16 80 73. .178 130 IB 79
Little Action in Cash Wheat
Because of Stopping of
Trading in Wheat
Omaha, May It. 1!H7.
Tin: tri'Ic In (Ht-h whmt wax nlmoKt at
:i inni-tHI toiliiy " i rcwult of lb" nctlntt
1 11 ivrn y the trralii romnilttro In stopping
ill traiifl tn wheat funirea.
The trrfe wan extrmily al"" during the
early houra of the ec-Bclon, but a few aoleu
-if No, S and No. 3 hard wneat worn rf
pnrtd horlly bffnre the cIomo ut prlct-a
ruling from lc to 12c l-mr.
. 2 hard Hold generally arouiio
3.3.1. with tha bulk celling at IJ-aOfi 3.-IJ.
le Nd. 3 bard ftold rroin in.v to ...f
a few anlea of No. 4 hard were mad
at $3.26ft3.J.
The trade In corn was exceiiem con
Iderlng tho du!lnoi In wheat and there
waa a pretty active inquiry ior iota it-
real, with prices fiuoted. from strwiy to
2c lower.
The premium on white corn narrower up
considerably today, aalea of No. Z white
being made at 1.S2M.3"4, while No. J
yellow aold around ft. 801. 81, and the
mixed brought from I1.59S to 11.60.
The trade In oata was. very nun ana
ilv one rar of this ceral waa sold up to
noon, thin sale b"lng a car of No. 2 white,
which brought 73c. ,
Itye waa quofd artoui unenangeo, wnn
als of No, 2 at 12.2ft. whllfi barley waa
rather quiet, with prices uuoted from
ateady to It! lowiy.
Clearances were; nnai anti uuur,
tp 707,000 butihem; oata, 88,000 buahcla.
rimary wneai rfceiifLa wr ,.io.i,vr,r
bushels and nhlpmente 1.071,000 huahels,
agalnat receipts of 1,173,000 buahela id
ehlpments of 839,000 buahls lnt yenr.
Primary corn rocelpta were 1.043,000 buah
ols and shipments 64,000 buahela, bkrId!
receipts of 413.000 huahols and ahlpmenta
of 482,000 buahela hut year.
Primary oata recelpia wero 813,000 biinh
ola and ahlpments 68U.O0O bUMhcla. agiilnt
rcce n a of KfiN,Hi Diifneis sna anipmnus
of 1,047,000 bunt!! last year.
V'h.-at. Corn. Onla.
Chicago 3R l 101
Omaha 18 178
Kanaaa City 1
. Louis M i"
Thcae sales were reported todu :
WhefttNo, j hard winter: 1 car, 13.33;
8 care, 13.32: 4 cars, $3.31; 12 rars, $3.80;
3-6 car, $3.29; 4 car. 3.X. o. a nara
winter: 2 2-5 cars, $3.32; 2 rerB,v$3.30;
cars. $3.20. No. 4 hard winter: 3 cars,
$330 1 car, $3. .28; 1 car, $3.27; car,
$3.28; 1 car, $3.20. No, 2 spring, 2 cars,
$3.20. No. 8 durumf 1 car, $3.03. sample
durum: 1 car (durum and hard corn
mixed), $3.04.
HurleyNo, I feed: 1 car,
Rye No. 2: 1 1-3 cars, $2.26.
i'nrn-Ka. 1 white. 1 car. $1.63 'A; No. 3
white. 1 car, $1.83H; 14 2-6 cars, $1.63; 2-6
car, $J.G2: No. 3 white, 10 care, $1.03: 2-8
car, $1.82; No. 4 while. 1 car, $I 2; No. 1
yellow, 1 car, fl.GO; NO. Z vonow, 1 car,
$1.81: 1 car, $l,60tt; 1 csr, $l.0'4; aa cars.
$1.60; No. 3 yellow. 4 rars, $1.60; 6 cars,
$1.69H; ! cr. $1.6; No. 5 yellow, 1 car,
81.69; No. 2 mlxnd, 8 cars, $1.60; 12 cars,
I1.69H; No. 3 mixed, 2 cars, $1.69 Vi; 16
cara, $1.69; 0. 4 mixed, 1 car, $l.-NVi; No.
5 mixed, 1 car, $1.68; No. 8 mixed, 1 car,
)1.6H; 2 cars, $1.68.
Oats No. 3 wnite, l car, so. won-,
7 cara, Tin: 2-3 car. 70'e.
Omaha t aen iricea neat : no. . narn,
$3.283.33; No. I hard, $3.273.32; No. 4
hand, $3.203.80. Corn:- No. 2 white, $1.62
fl-l.OSH ; No, 3 white, ii.62?pi.tta; no.
white, $l.fIlHpI.2: No 8 white. $1.61
1.61S; No. 6 white, $1.601.81; No. 2
yellow, $l.fl0fl)l.fll; No. t yellow, $1,690
1.60; No. 4 yellow, fl.&(P i.Ve 1 o, yel
low. $1.081.69; No. 6 yellow, $1,680
1.68 4; No. 2 mixed, $1.6lHVl.o; no. a
mixed, $1.6901. 69; Nor 4 mixed, $1,689
1.6814: No. 8 mixed, fl.67 ft oi.ftB ; no. e
mixed, $16701. SS,. Oata: No. 2 white,
7r7$c: standard, 71$72o; No. I white,
70Hfl71o? No. 4 white. 7070!c. Barley:
Malting. $1.391-61; No. 1 leeo,
1.36. Rye: No. . $2.242.26; No. I. $2.33
oca! range or options:
Art' I Open, j High. I Low. Close. 8nt.
Wht. I I I I
July 2 72 2 78 368 f 2 83 282
Hep. 2 36 i 36 324 I 3 27 236
Corn 1
May 1 6$ 1 00 158 f 1 0 10
.Tuly 1 63 1 67 t&0 . 1 66 149
Hnp. 1 42 1 62 142 i 1 40 HH
Oats I I I
July 1 CB'il 6 8j C 65H
Hop. 6T 67 67 67 64
N.j. 4 fuw. liiMhlnal O:
7t4f-75c; jfturnlard, Uttl
1 al. Ilurl'-v: Nf.mtriul.
''7i,:0; clover, $IL'.''ri
I'orit, $G,90; Urd. fii'.hS
Mutter Stonily; receipts, , 10.148
croHmery fxtra. 37c; ttra llmta,
lirstn. 3:i6;; ttocondi'.
E Hth..r; receipt . S.12$ cases:
flratw. S3ftf34c; ordinary llrla, 3Ot031c; at
mark, caaea Included, 3133HtC.
Potatoes Steady; recelpia, 2" car: Idaho.
Colorado. Oregon: Wellington, $3.752.8ii:
WlF-onln and Michigan. $:'.oP2.5.
Poultry Alive, higher; fowh. :3c.
: Nu. 3 whltfr.
Uy: N'ttnl-
Timothy. $5.0
10. l'rovlaloim:
; rlbh, flQ.ZbW
Partial Improvement Showr
After Three Hours of Dull
and Perfunctory
IT H Htetl Hill... 1.100 117V1 117
rtah Copper 7.5O0 1134 112 111
Wabash pfd. "B". 600 23 23 234g
Western Union 3 7 91 Hi
Westing. Bloctrlc. 4,300 48 S 44 48
Total ualea for the day 466,000 shares.
(tuotatlona of
the Day On Various ut a
N"W York, May 1 1 Klour Cnaetlkd;
Hprttig palonta. $1 6.40 I'S OTi ; winter patent.
Ill 901.16; winter MralKhls, $16,404' 16.6i;
Kanaaa atralghta. $16.0'a lfi.86.
Curnnieal Hlrong; flnti while and yellow,
$3.6i; course, $3,30; kiln dlk'd, .&0, nominal-Wheat
Spot, nominal.
tjgrn Hpot. aliong; No. 2 yellow, $1.7o',4,
c. 1. f.. Nw York.
Oata flpot, flrn'er; standard. 71ii80c.
HaySteady No. 1. $l.Ufl.20; No. 2,
$1.10; No, 3, $1.00; ahlpplng. hO'tfhuc.
Hops Quiet; at a to medium to choice,
lit Hi, 30ft36c; 1910, 64jHc; Pacific coast,
19H. 9i('llc: Ult., "( He.
Hides Steady; Jiogota, 43jc; Central
America, 65e.
Leather Firm; hemlock firata, 67c; aec
onda, Die
Provisions Pork, atrong; mesa, $41.60;
family, $42.00e44.00; phort cleurs, $42.."i0p
44.60. Lard, firmer; niiddlewtnt, $23.00
Tallow Strong; city Hpeclal, loose. 174c.
Butter Unaettled; receipts, 6.HI9 tuba;
crwuinery higher than extras, 3S'it(:(9c;
rroanmry extraa (92 acorn), 3Sc; flrata, 34 Vi
Of 3 7 i 0 ; seconds, 36&36c,
Etf Firmer; receipt, 23,047 canee; fresh
gather extraa, 37c; freak gathered, atnrage.
packed flrntfl, 8fi36Mic; fr-nh gathered
flrats, a414j35MC.
Cherae Firm! receipts, fi.2T.ft boxes; state,
freah apeclala, 204(27c; atute, average run,
poultry Live mater; no prices quMli).
Presned very o,itt; clib-kna, 430c; fowlf,
20 fe 26c; lurk-ya, lHJ35c.
New York Money Market,
New York, May 14. Mercantile Paper 6
per cent.
Sterling Exchange Forty-day bills. $4.72;
commercial 60-day bills on banks, 84.71H ;
ffiintnercial 0."day bt. I4.71S; demand,
$4 7ri'i; ct-bles, $4.76 7-16.
Hfiver Bar. 74T4c; Mexican dollars, 6ic.
Rniids Government und railroad ateady.
Time lioana Firm; 00 mid 90 days. 4,jjp
Chicago Closing prices, furnished The Bee
by Logan A Bryan, stock and grain broken.
ol5 South Sixteenth afreet, Omaha:
Art. I Open. High. I l.ow.1 Close. Eat.
1 Wht
i July 3 72 3 72 in 2 69 275 I
! Sep. 14 I 44 223 I 28 24 ,
July 1 68 1 60Vt 160 1 56H 148 !
Sep. 1 46 -i 1 64 143 1 60H 142
July 8 73 67 S 8H 47
Hep. $8 84 67 S 0!4 $8
May 3ft 30 39 40 38 90 28 90 38 80
July 39 lb 29 80 38 90 29 10 39 00
July 22 8$ 39 02 22 67 22 93 22 60
Sep. 22 01 23 16 22 66 22 OS !3 62
July 30 0 21 36 20 00 21 00 ! 82
Sep. 11 12 21 40 21 06 21 13 20 07
ftlnu City Uve Htock Market.
Sioux City, la., May 14. Cattle Receipts.
3.600 head; (Market for klllera, steady and
10c higher: shirkers, lOHc, higher; beef
atra, $10,30412.50; butchers, $9.0U wl0.60;
fnt cowa and heifers, $7,601' 11.00; caiiners,
$5.r-0fJii7.26; alockers and feeders, $7.t.fl
10.60; calvea, $8.60fljcl2.&0; bulls, stags, etc..
$7.60(11)00; feuding cows and helfera, $7.26
ttfl0,00. , ,
IlogH Receipts, 4,500 had; market
10pl6c higher; lights, $16.6fl(ijJl6.90; mixed,
$16.9016.16; heavy, $1.lo&lti.20; pigs,
$13. oofii 14.00; heavy, $18.10 16. aO; plga,
Sheep and Lamba Ruceipts,, 200 head;
market lOplBo higher; yearlings, $14. 50
16.60; wethers, $13,76416.00; wcs, $12.60Sp
14.76; lambs, $17.6041P.00.
Kanaaa City IJve Stock Market.
Kansaa City, Mo., May 14 Cattle Re
ceipts, 12,600 head; market steady to weak:
prime fed steers, $12.3&M3.10: dressed beef
steera- $10.00012.00; wealern ate-rs, $9,000
13.00; rows, $6.60011.00: heifers. $9.00flj)
11.75; atockcra and feeders, $a. 2511. 00;
bulls, $K.0010.60; calves, $8.0013.6O.
Hoga Receipts, 9,000 head; market high
er; bulk of aalea, $16.80S,18-36; heavy, $16.30
16.46; packers and butchers, $16.1010.36;
light, $15.701.25: pigs, $13. 00 1 16.00.
Hheep arid Lambs Receipts, 6,200 head;
market higher; lambs, $16.00 10.35; year
lings. $14, OOffi 17.00; wethers, $13.00f810.60;
ewoa, $ 12.00 ft. 16.00.
' Kansas City tieneml Market.
Kansas City. May 14. Wheat No. 2 hard,
$3.283.42; No. 3 red, $3.253.3B; May,
$3.26: 4Jy, $2.68.
Corn-N'o. 2 mixed, $1,826)1.63; No. 2
white, $1.7101.72; No. 2 yellow, $l.201.2;
May, $1.61; July, fl. 6601. 66 bid.
Oata No. 2 white, 744i7u; No 2 mixed,
Butter Creamery. 39c; flrsla, 87c; sec
onds, 36c; packing. 31c.
Eggs First 33c.
Poultry Roosters, 16c; hens, 20c;
turkeys, 25c; broilers, 34c.
Ht. Joseph Llvo Ntork Market.
St. Joseph, May 14. Cattle Receipts.
3.000 head; market 1016c higher; steers,
$9,606-12.60; cowa and heifers, $6.5011.76;
calves. $8.O0f(i13.2&.
Hogs Receipts, 6.600 head; market 6
lOo hlghv: top, $16.60; hulk, $15.76 16.30.
Sheep nd Lambs Receipts. 3,600 head:
market 2So higher; laiabs. $10.O0iJ?19.26;
owea, $12.60&'14.00:
At. lonl firaln Market. '
St. Louis, Muy 14. Wheat no. z rea
minal; No. 3 hard, $; jury,
optember, $2.32. . '
Corn No. i, 81.6HI ro. 1 wnim,
1,73 ; July, $1.68: September, $1.60.
Oata NO. i, lic: iv, A wmifl iiuuiuini.
New York. May 14. Partial Improvement
whs ahown by today's market afl'T three
hours of dull and perfunctory trading. No
far h nurfai-o conditions indicated anything
u, .11 ih,. . hHiiffe wiia nredlcted largely upon
the oversold position of tho professional In- , j p,,r ceI)t. uix mnntiia, 4 fo& p--r cent
iK-vulopnienta over tho week-end were
mostly favorable to tho boars. That faction
derived further encouragement from thf per
plexing Ptato of the foreign situation. In
cluding TtuMan affairs, rubles again react
ing to wtlhln inejtMuruble distance of their
extreme depreciation.
Tho congressional program In Ita relation
to war taxation apio occasioned further con
cern The sweeping character of some of
th Drohlbitlon measures now before the na
tional legislature probably accounted for a a. T. A T. c. 5b. fi0, 9. L.
derltne of 4si points in American Malting Anglo-French 5a. 93Pac. T.
11 Money Steady; hiBh, 3 per cent;
low, S per cent; ruling rate, 3 per cnt;
loMt loan 3 per cent; cloning bid, 2 per
3 per cent.
07K. C. 8. ref, Ss 8
7L. & N. unl. 4a. 91
flft M. K. & T. 11 4s .70
9D Mo. l'ac. gen. 4a 60
100 Mont. Power 6a. 05
105 N. Y. C. deb. 68.105
Pac. 4ti 89
do 3 64
ref. 4s.H7
T. 5B
offered at
reg . . ,
coupon. . ,
V. K. 3s, reg.
do coupon . . ,
U. S. 4b, reg.
do coupon . . .
Pana. 3w coupon 91
1 A. For. Bc. 5f . P-J1H
and scattering llquida'lon. The opening was
3 points lower to 2 points higher and the
active month sold about 1 to 6 points above
Katurday'sj closing figures shortly after the
call. July waa relatively firm, telling up
to 8.34c and there seemed to be a little
foreign buying, but otherwise support was
lacking and July broke to 8.26 later In the
day, while December aold off from 8.69c to
8.60. The close waa at the low point, show
ing a net loss of 2 to ft points. Sales, 45.000
bagp; May, 8.06c; June, 8.18c: July, 8.26c;
August, 8.21c; September. 8.37c: October,
8.41c; November, 8.46c; December, 8.49c;
January, 8.66c; February, 8.6 le; March,
8.68c; April. 8.74c.
Spot nominally unchanged; Rio 7s. 10c;
Santos 4a, 104C. Offers of Santos 4. were
reported tn the coat and freight market at
American credits, and of 2a at lO.oO,
London credits.
The official cables reported a decline of
150 reis In Rio and of 60 to 76 rels In the
Santos spot mifrket. Rio exchange on Lon
don was 1-16 d higher. Santoa reported a
clearance of 8,000 bags tor New York.
nrcrnrred to 64. 1 Armour & Co 4 U a 90U,Peiin. con. 4Via.l03
Industrials, particularly aters, leather and Atchison gen. 4a. 90 do gen. 4.. 96
oils, furnlahed much of th day's motive j Bait. A O. 4a., 87 Reading gen. 4a. 91
power. United States titeel recorded an ad- (Cent. Leather 6a. 99 L S F ad. 6a 67
vance of li points to 117i. Ita top price of ' Cent. Pac. UX.. 8f. So. Pac. cv. 6a.. 97
thn fortnight. Other advances, moat of i r'hes. A O. cv. 5a do ref. 4a 8fi
urhlr-h n-rn retained, ranaed from 2 to (i i r H. & O. .1. 4a 91 So. Railway Ob.. 97
twin Is In Eethlehem Steel old and new C M S P g 4h S7 Tex. A Pac. 1st 99
"hares and Crucible. Lackawanna and Gulf
States steels, the latter being assisted by an
"extra" 1 per emit dividend.
Shippings were In fair demand at grnxs
advances of 2 to 3 points, and Industrial Al
cohol Joined the active equipments at high
est levela. Motors and motala were less con
spicuous than usual, but rallied on short
Much of the depresjslon of tho forenoon
waa created by St. Paul, which made a new
low record for about twenty years on its
-polnt decline to 09. Leading coalerw and
trunk linea were carried down 1 to 2 points
whh St. Paul, but that entire division re
hounded later. The total en leg amounted
to 4tKp,000 allures.
A clearer understanding of th terms con
nected wllh the "liberty loan" created a
more cheerful feeling In banking clreiea, thin
sentiment being augmented by last week's
favorable bank stateineat. 1
ftonds were heavy, mainly In view of the
lower trend for local tra'-Hnns. Total aaloft,
par value, $!,ft7ft.O0. United States bond?
were unchanged on call.
Number of a ales and rango of prices of
leading stocks;
Salos. High. Low. Close.
Am. Reel Sugar.. 2,600 95 91 91
2,fi0n 43 41 42
2,i0 66 66 08
2,900 67 05 67
1,000 08 77 98
500 110 lit) 110
1,600 118 117 118
300 99
70(1 102
1.400 69
200 42
600 18
1,900 159
2.400 81
600 H
7,01)0 72
ti 111)
K0 16 76
40 IS 86
40 15 96
... 1$ 08
... 1$ SO
98, .180
91. .174
76. .242
40 It 80
... 16 ftO
40 16 00
120 1ft 10
24. .200
06. .274
26. .130 ... 14 tft 96. .141 ... 1$ 36
Sheep Handy lambs, either clipped or tn
thw wool, were a scarce article this morn
ing, and movement of these kinds atarted
in pretty good season at prices that wore
generally 26a higher than last weok. New
high marks were made alt around. Wooled
Mexicans that beat 84 pounds quite a little
scld to $19.26, and a load on the western
order that weighed nearly 90 brought $19.15,
both these gales being mora than a quarter
higher. Shorn lambs of anything like handy
weights aold mainly at $16.40016.60, and
"while lamba it the latter price were choice,
tbey would have sold to better advantage
had they been M it titer. Very heavy clip
per brought $16.00.
Mixed shipments of spring lambg and
clioped awes made up a good proportion of
the offerings, and aa the general quality of
thla end of the auuoly was not or the best
-most of It waa rather lata In selling. In
the end ewes shared the lamba upturn.
white spring lambs showed mora advance
than anything else, quality of the offerings
considered. Real choice clipped ewes were
lacklnv. but a very good Ktni Drought
new record price of $12.50. Several bunches
of spring lambs reached 118.00, but while
nothing of real toppy kind was here,
packers considered that $18.00 waa as high
aa was aafely quotable on anything. Noth
ing good In th line ot wooled sheep wai
Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs.
Wooled. I18.50frl9.26; lamb, shorn. $14,750
16.76; lambs, spring. $15.60H8.00; year
lings, ehorn, IH.ttO0l4.OO; wethers, shorn,
$11.00018.00; ewes, good to choice. 314.000
ilfit wm. lair to Bood, $12.60 013.76;
ewes, iptalu to culls, $8.60012.25; ewes,
horn. ie.70ii.i.
Representative salett
A v. Pr.
151 fed ewes ' US 40
tattle Strong, Bogs I'neettleel and Sheep
Chicago, 111., May 14. Cattle Receipts.
n 1. a h,t. niirkot airona: native beef cat
tle, $1 60018 70; atockers and feeders, $7.60
010-40; cows anu neucra, ti,vii.i,
calves, $9.75014.26.
Hoks Recelpta, 38.000 head; market un
settled, 10c to 15o above Saturday's aver
age; bulk of sales, $16.16010.60; light, $15.30
i18 46; mixed, $16.86018.66; heavy. $16.80
4M4.60; rough, $16.80016.00; ptga. $10,860
Sheep and Lambs Recelpta. $.000 head;
market strong: wethers. $18.26016.00; ewes,
tll.5O0U.OO; lamba. $14.76011.36.
Bt. Loots Live Stock Blafket.
St Louis. Mo.t May 14. Cattle- Recelpta.
4 100 head: market strong; native beef
steers, $7.60018.00; yearling steers aud heif
ers, $8. $0012-00: cows, $6.00011.00; stock
era and feeders, $.OO01.OO; prime southern
beef steers. $8,00011.60; beef cows and heif
ers, $4.2009-00; prime yearling steers and
heifers, $7.50010.00; native calvea, $6,000
14. 00.
Hoga Receipts, 11,700 head; market high
er; light, $16.70016.26; pigs. $9.75014.36;
mixed and butcher. $16,76016.40; good
heavy, $K.$60U.5O: bulk of aalea, 116.900
1 48.
' Sheep and Lambs Receipts, $00 head:
market strong to higher; lambs, $16,000
' 19 00; ewes, $9.60012.00: yearlings, $13,130
14.7$; clipped lamba, $12.OO01t.6O.
Bank Clearing.
v m.v 14. Bank clearing for
. Oiraha today were $6,734,001.78 and for the
liorresuoiiding day laat year $3,030,139.17.
Wheat Off rive Cento Because of Baa en
Trading for Two Days.
Chicago, 111., May 14. Twenty-three cents
drop In wheat prices today resulted from
sudden action of tho director of the Board
of Trade In decreeing forty-eight hours
stoppage ot all new buying of future de
liveries and In simultaneously fixing maxi
mum, value for the settlement of existing
on tracts on July and September. The ef
fect waa Instant paralysis of speculation.
'inree minutes of excited trading Hufficeci
1 close up urgent outstanding deals
wheat. The rest of the day the market
acted as If chloroformed. Wide fluctuations
continued to be recorded on the blackboards,
but the volume of business formed only an
inaigmneaiit total. Tne outcome waa an un
settled close at 14c to 18o net decline, with
July at $2.59 and September at $2.38. Other
commodities than wheat all scored gains
corn 6o to 8c, oat lo to 2 Vic and pro
visions lOo to 45c.
It was a foreaono conclusion In view of
tne drastic measures taken and of others In
prospect to out an end to h irh nrlcea that
the wheat market would plungo headlong
downgrade. The anxiety at the outset was
cnteiiy as to now far the descent would o-o.
and the temporary rush was to sell out If
posjime before liquidating losao were over
whelming. Th! purpose wa accomplished
In a majority of casea aulck enoush to he
wunin 130 or Saturday finish.
men recoveries were shown and It was
not until nearly midday that more scute
wraanesa developed ana purcnasera were so
umnun vw una ior me amau amounts or
fered that the break widened out to au ex
treme of 33c,
Wachlna-ton renorts referrlnr tn a nmuiM
unui-uown ot an noarda or trade were cur
rent hi aoout the time the wheat market
nere reacnoa lM lowest nrice level of the
Announcement ot an increase of the
weeaiy loiai or ma united State visibl
aupply happened also to coincide In point
vi mm-, oui auractea lime ir any notice.
Expectation that a general meeting here
lumuiniw pi representatives or the grain ex-
i-nans-d 01 me country would find some en
servattve solution that would avert radit
legislation enactments at Wnnhln-Hnn
tngly helped somewhat In giving tb market
rciBi-ve urmness at tne laat.
Sensational advances in corn and n
Were witnessed only to a stampede of frl)t
ened bhorta. The condition in reward to
mean vereai proves similar to what had
oeen or late' the rule lit wheat. Offering
were so that would-h purchaser had to
ma up the marktt on themaelvea. Corn
juniyru a mucft a 120 to tho hlghei
: level yet.
L.ater the market ran down with aturttino
..c.'j wncn y ni mi iarg;er nrma gave
uuu iu.i mey wuuia reruae tor the pres
ent all new bualneaa. Tho setback, how
vwr, wrre partly overcome toward the lai
wneq wncat displayed some ronewul of
rrovtsions hardened In value with hogs
and corn. Houses with foreign connections
were buyers. On th whole, however, bus.
ness wa Inactive and the change in price
not beyond ordinary limits.
Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. red
nominal: No. $ red, $3.26; No. 2 hard. $3 25
73.36; No. 3 hard, $3.13. Corn: No. : yellow
$1.6601.68; No. $ yellow, $1.6601.67;
American Can,
Am. Car A Fndry,
Am. Locomotive.. .
Am. 8. & Refng..
Am. Sugar Refng.
Am. Tel. & Tel...
Am. Z., Lead & S.
Anaconda Copper..
A. O. & W. I. S L.
Baltimore A Ohio
liutte & Sup Cop.
Cal. Petroleum. . . .
Canadian Pacific.,
Central Leather. . .
Chesapeake & Ohio
O.. M. & St. Paul.
Chicago & N. W.,
C, R. I. A P. ctffl.
Chlno Copper.. . .
Colo. Fuel & Iron.
Corn Prod. Refeng.
Crucible Steel
Cuba Cane Sugar.
Distillers' Security
General ICIectric, ,
General Motors. . .
Gt. Northern pfd..
Ot. No. Ore cifa..
Illinois Central. . .
Inspiration Copper
Int, M. M. pfd....
Int. Nickel
Int. Paper
K. C. Southern. . .
Kennecott Copper.,
Louts. & Nash...,.
Maxwell Motors...
Mex. Petroleum. ..
Miami Copper I
Missouri Pacific...
Montana Power. , ,
Nevada Copper...,
N. Y. Central...!.
N. Y.. N. H. & II..
Norfolk & West...
Northern Pacific. .
Pacific Mall
Pacific Tel. & Tel.
Pittsburgh Coal. . ,
Ray Con. Copper..
,-Rep. Iron & Steal,
Shat. Ariz. Copper.
Southern Pacific. .
Southern Railway..
Studebaker Corp...
6K 69
42 42
IS 18
158 109
' 4,300
1,100 10ft
2,200 106
2,500 31
200 100
7.400 65
2,400 44
400 121
14 13'fl,
... 163
105 105
104 104
30 31
100 100
ISO 121
50 50
S? Mi
00 119 118 119
4,801) JUUft 'J 10U
"h-2 '61
44 43
28 "38
R.UP.r. 4a 69Lnion Pacific 4a 94
Col. & S. r. 4a 79 do cv, 4s 89
0. & R. O. ref. 6a 60 U. V, Rubber 6s. 8C
Dom. of Can. 5s 95'4U. S. Steel b...lUb
Krle (ten. 4s... o li Wabanh let 100
Gen. Kite. 6h...10 W. t'nion 4 Sis. . 91
Ot. No. lt 4'is 93
III Cent. ref. 4s. 85 bid. "Offered.
Int. M. M. 6s... 01
Bank Clearings
Rank clearings in the United States for
the week ending May 10, as reported to
UnidMreefa Journal. New York, agitregate
$0,669,131,000, against $6,628,249,000 last
week and $4.4:io.301.oop in thla week laat
year. Canadian clearings aggregate $270,
215,0tfl, ns against $310,630,01)0 laat week
ami J202.U36.0OO n th a week last yeur.
Fallowing arc the returns for thla week
with percentage of change ahown this week
a compared with thla week laat year:
CITIES. j Amount j Ino. j Dec.
N-mr York t$3, 290,793,011(1 23.4
rhlcago 510,842,000 86.1
Philadelphia .... 310,345,000 61.2
Boston 214,810,000 11.7
St. Louts 128,693,000 33.7
Kanaas City .... 140,761,000 63.3
San Francisco ... 87,767,000 37.1
Pittsburgh. 73,573,000 26.3
Cleveland 65,415.000 84.4
Detroit 53,369,000 45.4
Baltimore ...... 39,490,000 l.S
Cincinnati 40.026,000 19.7
Omaha 84,841,000 M 1
Minneapolis 34,729,000 45.4
New Orleans .... 34,239,000 43.4
L03 Angeles .... 30,111,000 20.4
Milwaukee 25,023.000 31.0 .......
Louisville 18.762,000 4.8
Richmond 24,729,000 600
Buffalo 18,658,000 24.7
Seattle 18,736,000 26.2
St. Paul 14,826,000 6.1
Denver 14,352,000 8.7
Portland, Ore.... 17.161,000 36.4
Houston 11,238,000 24.3
Indianapolis .... 13,916.000 23.6
St. Joseph 17,215.000 97.1
Salt Lake City.. 12,113,000 36.8
Providence 9,895,0001 7.0
Fort Worth .... 12,691,000 65.0
Wash., D, C... 11,644.000 18.8
Memphis 10,906,000 63.1 ......
Nashville 10,430,000 36.0
Des Moines g.595,000 32.8 ......
Rochester 6,692,000 28.0
Savannah 5,499,000 1
Duluth 6,019.000 47.2
Albany 4,976,000 6.6
Spokane 6,224,000 33.4
Wichita 6,763,000 66.7
Norfolk 6,617,000 24.6
Galveston 4:310,000 26.7
New Haven 6,018,000 11.7
Sioux City 6,905,000 63.4
Grand Rapid .. 6,001,000 22.4
Oklahoma 7,016,000 972
Oakland 6.305,000 20.5
Akron 6,290,000 61.6
Springfield, Maaa. 3,976,000 1.8
Poorfa 6,563,000 73.3'
Syracuse 4,191,000 30.4
Dayton 3,387,000 1.8
Lincoln 1 4.179,000 32.0
Fremont I 691,000 24,4
Coffee Market.
New York, May 14. After a comparatively
steady early session, the market for coffee
futures turned easier under tmde selling
nTC - , III
Sugar Market.
New York. May 14. Sugar Raw, barely
steady; centrifugal, 6.21c: molaasea. 6.33c-.
Ke lined, ateady; cut loaf, 9.00c; crushed,
S.7uc; mould A, 8.00c; cubes, 8.25c; XXXX
powdered. 7.70c; powdered, 7.65c ; fine
granulated, 7.50c; diamond A, 7.50c; con
fectioners' A. 7.40c; No. 1. 7.35c.
There was further selling pressure In fu
tures, and a the demand waa limited.
prices eased off and at noon were to 7
points lower.
Later advances on covering and eloped
steady, 3 to 6 lower. Sales. 23.050 tons.
May, 5.05c; July, 5.18c; September, 5.23c;
December, 4.91c.
Minneapolis drain Market.
Minneapolis, May 14. Flour Unchanged.
Wheat May. $3.32: July, $2.76. Cash:
No. 1 hard. $3.2603.31; No. 1 northern,
$3.1603.21; No. 3 northern. $3.0603.16.
Corn No. 3 yellow, $1.6801.60.
Oata No. 3 white, 7173c.
Barley 31. 20 1.61.
Itye $2.4002.45.
Bran $34.00 036. 00.
Flaxseed $3.45 3.51.
Metal Market.
New York. May 14. Metals Lead, strong
at $10.50 bid. Spelter, quiet; spot, East St.
Louis delivery, $9.129.5o. Copper, fir ;
electrolytic, spot and second quarter, $31.00
033.00; third quarter and later deliveries.
Tin. strong; 4.60 ";,. ,.ure,
At London: Spot -PP;'. tul"r"-
129 10. BlMtroUllf. n2. Tin. pot.
cut Ub: future,. L'"- ' -
Spatter, 131.
Omaha Hy Mrlwt.
Rec.tptJ contlnu. Wrht on both pratrl.
hay and KaUa and tha market la nHher
on all grade, and demand , ..
Hay-Choice upland prairie. -? J J"'
No. 1. l:.00ti:3.CI0: No 3. ll.00e;0.J0,
No 3. JllOOeiS.Olt: No, 1 midland, 2..00O
sYV" No 2. J16.0DS19.M: No.
$U.Mlt.M; K IS.MM.M:
''mSuo, l!6.0O0J.0i NO. 1.
tww ..andard. tii."' No
2. It.OOfefO.OO; No. 3. 114.00 w 16.00.
Straw-Oat. 7.007.50; wheat. f6.00
Cotton Market,
October. 19.!io; December, 19.37c; Januan,
"cotton Future, closrd ateady j May.
OOor: July. 19.!Sc; October, 19.31c; De.
!,,;, lO.tnc: January, 19.14c. Spot flulet;
middling, :0.30c.
Sp..t cotton quiet: middling. 20.30c.
The cotton market closed steady at a.
net advance ot 13 to 22 points.
Liverpool. May 14. Cotton Spot firm,
good middling. 13.03c; middling, l!.!9c; low
middling. i:.6Sc. Sales 10.000 bale,.
Evaporated Apple, and Dried Fruit,.
New York, .May 14 Evaporated Apples
Firm: fancy, 124013c; choice, HVic; prime,
'"orfed'0 Fruits Prunes, quiet, but firm;
California,, UK "lie: Oregon., 11H
124c Apricots, firm; fancy. 22c. Peaches,
firm: standard. 104c: choice, 10 lie; fancy,
lie Raisins, quiet; loose Muscatel. SJiilOc.
choice to fancy seeded. 8K'9to; seedless,
10Ulle: London layers. 11.80.
1mdon Stocks ana Bonds.
London. May 14. The American depart
ment was affected by tax fears and closed
easy on the stock exchange today.
Silver Har, 3Sd per ounce.
Money 344 per cent.
Miscount liHten Short bills, 4 11-16 per
cent: three-month bills. 4i per cent.
Misses' and Small Women's
Phenomenal Values
Some of the most beautiful garments we have
ever had to off er. . - -:n,; .
Miss this sale and you will miss an
opportunity not likely to be re
peated in a year.
Diandeis Stores
to handle stock of th CROWN OIL
COMPANY, an attractive Income produc
ing oil company, now paying
1 Regular and 1 Extra
Monthly Dividends
Issu meeting with great aucceas.
Write far particular
80 Broad Si. New York.
When Physician meant' Thysic-Dispcnscr"
In Shakespeare's time, if you were hardening, and in this way facilitating
sick and went to a doctor lie did one normal movements.
of two things. He either bled you, or nuj0 ;s not a physic but a lubricant,
"physicked" you. , it does not gripe or upset the system.
D. . . , .. .. .... Being tasteless, it is not unpleasant to
Physicians no longer practice bleeding. .
And the leaders ol the profession are ' , , M
equally opposed to the indiscriminate The Standard Oil Company (New
use of laxative and catharic drugs. In Jersey) has used its world-wide re-
lact, the habitual use of laxatives is sources itif producing Nuol and its
now known to be one of the most reputation is behind the product,
fruitful causes of constipation. ' Atyo is tht only remedy for constipation
d, . . , . ..... j- we manufacture. The genuine sold only
Physicians of the highest Standing itt bottles bearing Nujot trade-mark.
prescribe Nuiol because it relieves ah bottles filhd at our Nujolfilant.abso-
constipation without any bad after luMf moa-trn ad sanitary. , ,
acts in effect as an internal lubricant, Writ today for an instructive boot-
nreventintf the bowel contents from let on ivujoi ana us uses.
jjj Proof j
Nsw J trier New Jersev
3A '
In Far Famed Michigan Boulevard
At Twenty-Second Street
European Plan $1.50 a Day Up
Accommodations suited to both commercial
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A Plan To Save on Hotel
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If you come to Chicago or if you employ traveling
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