Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 11, 1917, Page 12, Image 12

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, MAY 11,' 1917.
Fat Cattle Ten to Fifteen Cents
Higher Lambs Fifteen to
a Quarter Up Hogs
Ten to Fifteen Up.
1 Omaha, Way 10, 1117,
Receipts were: Cattle, Hots. Sheep.
Official Monday 4,111 1.177 6.C32
Official Tuesday I,71 12.086 4.149
orricial Wednesday ,. 1,160 ,S8l t Lilts
Kstlmate Thureday 1,700 10,000 8,800
Pour days this week.. 10.460 40,3m Jl.fiOt
Bam day laat weak. 17,467 47,781 11.013
Mama two wka. aro... 17.444 3I.S74 .13,224
Maine three wka. ago..3H.38 63,181 83,118
Heme four wka. ago.. 24. 407 34.621 13,603
Same day laat year. . .18.123 1,183 16,663
Rcipfi and disposition of live stock at
thtt Union Stock yards for twenty-four houre
ending at 3 o'clork yesterday afternoon;
Cattle. Horn. Sheep. H'r'i
t(kcri '.iroug: btf aieera. 3l0.GvO13.7l,
buicherti. 14.0010.60; fal rows and hell
em, t7.C0Oll.60; cannerii, t6.60O7.36; stork
era and feeders, 7.G(iel.25; calves. $8,000
12.00; bulla, staga, etc, 17.60810.00; feed'
Ins cows and heifers, 17. 000)1(1. 00.
li of Receipts, 6,000 head; market 160
Oct higher; lights, 816-360 16. M; mixed,
lib. 80f 16.86; heavy, $16.60 16.00: plus,
13. 30014.00; bulk of aalea, l6.60Olb.86.
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 200 head ;
market J0lBc higher; yearlings, 316.760
14.60; wethers, $13.261114.60; ewes, 812.60O
14.26; lambs, 817. 00018.60,
r , m. 4 St. P 10
Wsbanh 3 4
Missouri Pacific... 11 1
Vnton Pacific 48 28 33
CAN. W., east... 1
C. it K. W.. west... 2S J7 )
C, St. P., M. O.. 23 6
C, B. Q, east... 3 4
"., B. Q.. west... SI 28 3
C, R. L & P., east. 10 2
C, R. I. A P., west 2 1 1
Illinois Central 1 2 1
Chicago Gt. West... 6 1 .. a
Totals 173 122 17 l
Cattle. Hog. Sheep.
Words Co...
Hwlft A Co.... 1
Cudehy Parking Co. ...
Armour A Co..........
Hchwarta A Co, ,
J. W. Murphy....
Lincoln Parkins; Co....
Ho. Omaha Packing Co,
Wilson Packing Co
W. B. Vansant Co
Ronton, Vansant A Lush
V B. Lewis
Hunilni-er A Oliver...,
.T. B. Root A Co.......
Roaenatock Bros. .......
K. O. Kellogg
Sullivan Brds. ..........
Christie v.
Meyers ....... ,
Ha her, Jones A Smith. .
Manner B((s ,
John Harvey..,,
Jensen A Lungren. . . . . ,
O'Dny ,,. ,.
Other buyers..:..
,.4,463 3,400 1,347
Cattle Receipts were moderate the same
as they have been all the weak. At the same
time there was a very grd luying demand
for all classes of killers, The result was an
active market with price 10016c higher.
Everything sold In wry good aaon. good
beevea selling up to 803.00. Taking Into ac
count th advance today the market la
fully aa strong as at any tm thts aeason,
I be recent decline having been entirely
made food. .
Blockers and feeder have been very
scarce all the week and the market on that
kind of cattle la strong.
Quotations on cattle: Good to choice
beevea. 111. 76013.00; fair to good beevea,
1107011.76; common to fair beeves. 83.00
010.75; good to choice heifers, I0.76O
?..M; good to choice cows, $0.(0010.(0;
fair to good cows, I8.S0O3.60; common to
fair 'cows, $6.6003.60; prune feeding steers.
I9.60O16.C0; good to choice feeders, $8,760
9.60; fair to good feeder. 88.SoOS.7t: com
mon to fair feeders, 86.76O3.60; good to
rholca etocker. 89.36O10.26; slock heifers.
$8.26010.26; atock cows, f7.00O10.00: atock
calves, $8.00010,60; veal calves, $8,000
13.09; bjf bulls, ataga.. etc.. $8.6003.76,
Represtntat've safer:
Av. Pr. , .No. ,
: 16...
7, ,,
33., ,
' 7...
628 $9 19
170 9 76
.. 9L'8 10 U
..1091 10 60 ,
..1U'0 1) 76
935 11 00
..1100 11 26
.. 96 11 60
.1178 12 00
.1047 12
.1210 13 26
1221 13 40
At. Pr.
36 $9 36
..... $33 10 00
..... OSS 10 40
981 10 80
.....llflt 10 90
1030 U IS
1140 11 36
.....1193 It 76
1103 It 10
1226 18 20
1391 It 36
1346 1$ 00
I. ..4..., OGfi 10 00 10..,,,., 761 10 10
11 7t 10 76 ' t 180 11 00
ii. ...,v. 8i 11 id ii... 76$ ii :o
... is vv
' t 740 8 10 14 748 t 76
! 900 10 26 1 t 10 86
, I 763 21 00
v Hoga The market followed almost Identi
cally the aama course aa yesterday. Higher
price all around and only fair receipts here
mad the undertone bullish from th outset,
and while It was mid forenoon before a great
desl of stuff aold, it waa just a matter of,
agreeing on the amount of the advance.
Shippers started the ball rolling, buying
rather freely at th opening. They paid
price that were easily 10 01 to up, and
looked too higher In -.pots. Aa waa th case
yesterday packers made thejr opening blda
Mtisdy, but sellers, who bad aa a general
thing priced their holdings about 16e higher
at th outset, never had to change their
luVas much movement of killer bogs inally
aisrilng on a 10016c higher basis.
Thera were several drag ay spots la the
trade, but th cloaa waa aa good as any
othor time on anything desirable, and near
ly everything ohangad hands In pretty good
aeason. Prices were arenarallv toman hih
,er, and more aalea wer probably made ISo
up than any other way. A spread of $16.60
0 16.90 caught tnoat of th aalea, and sew.
rel loada of good neavtes aold at $14,00, th
price being paid for the first time In nearly
a month. So far this week there baa been
a full quarter advance, and prices are rap
idly getting back to where they wart at
tun tiikw nme.
itepreaesiatlve sates!
No. Av. 6h. Pr.
13. .170 140 IS SO
- Sheep
Cattle Firm Hoga Strong
Lamb j Htrong.
Chicago, May 10. Cattle Receipts, 6.000
head; market, firm; native beef cattle, 19.40
013.70; stot'kers and feeders, $7. 60O10.36;
cows and heifer, tt.6OU.60; calves, $9.60
OH. 00.
Hogs Receipts, 1 9,000 head ; market,
strong, 16c above yesterday's average; bulk,
116.10016-06; lltnt, $14.86016.00; mixed.
$16.46016.10; heavy, (1 6.4ft 10.16; rough,
$16.46016.66; pigs. $10.11611.30.
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 8,000 head;
market, strong; wethers, $11.76014 40;
ewes, til. 00O14.60; lambs, $14.60018.66.
Kaaaae I'lty Lira Stock Market.
Kansss City, Mo., May 10. Cattle Re
ceipts, 2,709 head; market, nlghur: prime
fnd atera, 112. 26013.00: dressed beef
steers, 19. 60012.00; western steers, I9.00O
12.K0; southern steers, 8. 00011.36; cows,
$8.60010.76; heifers, $9.0001116; stockers
and feeders, 38.2bOH.00; bulls, 18. 00010.26;
calves, $8.00013.60.
Hose Receipts. 6.600 head: market, hish
er; bulk, $16.40016.00; heavy, $16.90016.10;
pacaera ana outcners,; iignt,
$16.10016.76; pigs. $12.60014.60.
Sheep and Lambs Receipts. $1,300; mar
ket, higher: lambs. 14. 26O18.60; yearlings,
$13.00016.60; wethers, $12.00016.00; awes.
Who'eiale prices of beef cuts: No. 1
ribs. 210; No. 2 rib, 22Uc; No I ribs,
18 uc. So. 1 loins, 2sc; No. 3 loins, 264c;
No. I loins. 20ie. No, 1 chucks, 17c; No.
2 chucks, 164(0-. No. 3 chucks, 16;c. No,
1 rounds, 184c; No. 3 rounds, le'ioi No, 8
rounds, 17 c. No. 1 plates. 16c; No. t
plates, MH; No. I plates, 14c.
Cheese No. 1 fancy, domestic, 46c; No. 1
domestic 40c; jlock Hwlna, 83c j twins, 27c;
triplets, 27 He; daisies, 27 Set young Amer
ica. 27 So; New Work white, 29c; Blue Lake,
brick, 26c; Llmbtirger, 80c; French Roq
fort. JCc.
Kgga Fresh, delivered In Omaha by -
preM, canes i?lurtied, pr case, $8.80.
Butter Delivered. Omaha, refrigerator.
freight or express-, fresh, up to 3.000 lbs,.
per lb., lilc.
Poultry Live. de vered In Omahst
Springs, smooth Jegs, 22c; hens, 20c; stags,
under I lbs a-h, 14c; old forks and heavy
slags, 13c; turkeys, fat, 22c; turkeys, old
toms, 20c... , .
Uulneaa Each, any slse, 26c.
Squabs Homers, 14 os. each, oer dot..
84.00; Homers, 13 os. each, per dos., 13.00.
rireons i'r ao si. so.
FRUITS Oranaea: 21.0a, 388, 124s, 12.76
bus; 200s, 316s, :t.!l box; 100b, 12Gs, 160h,
ITIf, $3.60 box. Lemons; Fancy 300s, 360s,
$6.60 box ; choice 300s, 360s, 86.00 box.
Gntpefrult: S6s, 14.50 box; 46s, $4.76 box;
64s, $6.00 box; 64s, 80s, Ks. $5.60 box.
Appfes: Wine Saps, 82.50 box; Y. N. Pippins,
$1.76 box; Ben Davis. $.o9 bbl. Bananas,
Sc lb. Pineapples, $4.00 crate. Honey, 24a,
$8.36 case. ,
Vegetables Potatoes, sating. $3.00 bu. ;
new, No. 1, $4.00 hatnp. Sweet potatoes,
$2.76 ham p. Carrots, 4c lb. Cabbage, orate
lota, 9c lb. Asparagus, home crown. 31.26
do. 'Lettuce, head, $1.10 dos. Cucumbers,
extra fancy, $1.60 dos.: fancy, $1.36 dos.
Tomatoes, extra fancy, $4.60 crate; choice,
$4.00 orate. Onions, Texas, I3iu0 crate; wax,
$2.76 orate. ,
Peanuts No 1, raw, 10c lb.; No. 1, rosst
ad. Ha lb.; Jumbo, raw 12c lb.; Jumbo,
roasted, Ho lb.
Honey $8 S6 per cast,
Kiah Fresh halibut, per lb, 14Uc; fresh
citfish, 30c and 19c; black cod-aabl fish.
Ho; frejb salmon, sink. 17c: fresh trout.
17ci fresi yellow pike, 20c; fresh blue pike,
If any, Ifac; fresh buffalo, 12c; treeb ling
cod, 10o; aalmon, dressed alia, 14e; round,
11c; aalmon, dressed red silvers, 17c;
smelts, 10c; fresh whlteflsh, S2ot fresh
Spanish mackerel, 10c; fresh red snapper
western, lie; fresh carp, dressed, lie; fresh
roe ahad. OSo: fresh buck shad. 40c frosen
QHtflah, lie; blacl: bass, lbo; haracuda, 14c;
rrosen muerisn, . i4o; tiiefish, fresh or
froxen, 13c; smoked whiting. 10-lb. baskets,
par lb., 16c; kippered codfish or gray Hah,
10-lb, baskets, per lb., 18c; pickerel, frozen,
dressed. Ho; round. 9c; pickerel, skinned.
20-lb, baskets, ready for pan, $3.20.
aernes Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday.
$3.00 pta. Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday,
16.60 quart.
74.. 209
79. .Sit
, 19.. 3413
6b.. 323
IS 46
... It 06
120 IS 76
80 16 86
too IS 00
No. Av.
II. .111
13. .183
74. .tit
73.. 333
70. .364
It.. 291
8h. Pr.
UO It 40
... IS 19
160 It 0
110 It 70
... 16 80
... It 99
Coffee Market, ;
New York, May 10. Aonrehenelnns that
the proposed plan to tax stocks of coffee
held by wholesalers In thl country would
lead to heavy deliveries on contracts
caused g sharp decline In the market for
coffe future today. Th opening was t
n is point lower under sctiv llou dation 1
and trads selling with July deliveries
bream ng to i.iec, while December sold off
to 1.39c during the afternoon, or 80 to 13
point a net lower. Cloelna- urlcea were a
ahad up from the lowest on covering, but
enoweci a net toss or 14 to IT points, with
near months relatively weak. Bales, 71 600
baga; May, 1.08c; June, $.13o; July, 8.19c;
Auguat, 1.34c; September, 8.29c; October,
34c; November, 8.39c; December. 1.45c:
January, 1.61c; February, 8.67c; March.
bjc; April .bc. Hpot, unsett ed: Rio 7s.
10Sc: Santos 4s. lOfcc. No fresh offers
wer reported In the coat and freight mar
ket. The official cablea reported a decline
of 100 rata In the Rlo spot market, but there
waa an advance oc 6-32d In Rlo exchange
on London and Santos futures were higher.
Cotton Market.
Now York, Way 10. Cotton Futures
opened steady; May, 19.47c; July, 19.35c;
uctober, JS,3c; December, 11,65c; January,
1"tf ., uivnru (iinuj , amy, ip.nii,
uly, 19.43c; October, IB. 64c; Deiwmtier,
11.73c; January. 18.78c. Suot. oulei: mWi.
dllng, 19.80c.
Tha cotton market Closed steady at a net
uvaiwi oi is io n point.
iivrpooi, May io. cotton Hoot, weak:
good middling, 12.801; middling, 12.66d;
low middling, lt-4bd: bulk of sale. 8.000
PID8L ... it oo ,
Sheep Movement of wooted lambs stsrt
ed In a little better aeason today, though as
has been tha can right along buyers' and
aellera' Id vat were a long way apart at the
opening, and It took quit a while for them
to gel together on a trading basis. Another
aharp advance waa noted, th general mar
ket being a big quarter higher than yeater
day, for while soma aalea did not show
quite that much upturn, In aome Instanoo
values were a flat 30o abov Wednesday,
A new high mark of $18.70 waa eatab
, ltshed, four cars of Mexicans selling at that
figure. All th Mexicans on offer brouaht
$11,69 and better. Only half of th total
recaipta wer actually on isle, eighteen cars
of th Coloradoa going on through.
Fat wooled lamb wer not so plentiful a
, they have been. Such aa were here showed
about th same advance aa wnnlM mim-it a
new high point of $16.16 was reached. Iambs
ma i hio ac mat xigura being mates of yes
. terday's 114.16s, A welahtv ktnd went ai
lu.66. Three cars went out for finishing
at $14.00. Hardly any old sheep were here.
nothing toppy ahowlng up. Small bunches
or ciippea ewes or just fair quality brought
. $11.36011.60. florins lambs were also lirli.
Ing, a small bunch that brought $17.00 ba
ma an mat war nera. .
Quotations on aheeo and lambai Lamh
Mexican, $18.36018. 70; lambs, fed westerns,
'; tamos, anorn,
nprtns lamoe, i&.tt'gris.Qe; yearlings, fal:
to choice, $14.60016.00; Wethers, fair to
cnoice, tiJ.T6u. 7&; ewes, good to choice.
I13.60O14.S0; ewes, fair to good, $li.60t, awn, piam io cuill, S8.0OlZ,3tt
wa, anorn, iv.jsvi:.4V, .
Representative aalea: .
469 clipped lamb II. 14 IS
232 clipped Iambs 90 14 6
97 clipped awe i n Sb
St. Louis L4v Stock Market.
St. Louis. Mo.. May 10. Cattle Receipts,
1.300 bead; market, strong; native beef
steers, $7.69013.60; yearling eteer and
heifers, $6.60012.00; cows, 6.ff0OH00;
- stockera and feeders, $0.00016.00; prime
southern- beef steers. I8.00O11.I0; beef
cows and heifers, $4.2109. 06; prime year
ling steers and heifers, $7.60010.00: native
calves. $0.80014.00.
, Hoga Receipts, 1,900 head; market,
. higher; light, $U.40O16.$S; pigs. $9,760
14.26; mixed and butchers, I16.I0O16.00;
ood heavy, l.000 16.06; bulk, 116.60
Sheep and Lamb Receipts, ISO head;
market, atrong to higher; lambs. $16,000
IS. 26; 4wea, I9.S0O13.00; year lint, $12.76
fH-76; clipped lambs, $18.0OQ14.IS.
. Joseph Un Stack Market.
r- St. Joseph, May 10. Cattle Receipts, 1,
600 head; market lOOlbo higher; ateers,
I9.00O12 76; ws and heifers, $10.60011.60;
calve, I6.00O13.09.
Hogs Receipts, 1.600 head; market 160
16c higher; top, 114.16; bulk of sales, $11.60
e 16.00.
Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 1,000 head:
market HOiic htg-her; lambs, I1S.S0O16.00-.
owns,. $18.0014.26. , . ,
Cash Wheat Situation Contin
ues Strong Here, but Corn
Trade is Decidedly
Metal Market.
New York. Mav 10 Metal -T.a.t tlfnnv
i . uiu, opeiiBr, quiei spot, riast Bt
Louis deliver, $9.0009.37 S. Copper, firm;
electrolytic, spot and aecond quarter, $31.00
vjj.uu; imrv quarter ana later delivery.
,,Vjv,vv, iron, urm; no. i northern,
144. 60046.00: No. 3. 844.00is44.K0! No I
southern, $40. to 041. 00; No, t, $31,600
m.uo Tin, strong; spot, $63.50006,00.
At London OoDoer: Soot. 130; futures.
1139 10s; electrolytic, 143. Tin: Spot, 240
ivs, luiures, jv is. Leaa, nv iua. opel
tor, 164.
OU and Rosin.
Savannah, May 10. Turpentine Firm :
42042c; aales, 434 bbli.; receipts, 666
bbl a.; shipment, 194 bbl.; stock, 1,621
Rosin Firm: sales. 1.554 bbla.! racalnts
1 310 bbls.j shipments, 060 bbls.; stock, 73,
710 bbls, Quote: A, B. $6.7006.76; C. D, B.
F. 16.80; U, 15.16; H, $6.1006.86; X, $6.10
06.96; K, $6.9000.10; M, $6.9000.80; N,
95.9bO0.2S; WQ. 90.00OS.30; WW, $6,060
0.40. ,
Omaha, May 10. 1117.
The cash wheat situation continued strong
today and prices on this article ruled from
unchanged to 3c higher. The demand wa
very good, and while today's receipts were
considerably larger than yesterday's, the
tables were pretty well cleaned up before
the close of the cssh session.
No. 2 hard wheat sold at $3.22, the lop
price of the day. while No. 3 hard brought
33.19 and 13.21, and No. 4 hard ranged In
rice from $3.10 to 13.18. There was a
pretty fair inquiry for spring and mixed
wheat, but the offerings of these varieties
were rather light and only a few sales were
reported. No. 3 spring selling at 13.10 to
$3.20. while No. 3 mixed sold around 13 17.
Corn receipt were rather heavy, but the
trade In this cereal was a trifle slow, with
prices quoted at a decline.
Tne marKei generally was quoiea irom
Ktfady to me lower, with the bulk of the
offerings selling at the decline.
Th ore m turn on white corn over tne yel
low waa about 4c. and the yellow In turn
ftold at a fractional advance over the mixed,
the belter grades of yellow bringing from
II.S8S to 11.59, while the mixed brought
from $1.68 to 11.58 and the whit aold
from 11.62 to 11.63.
Oata were a trine weaK at a c io io
decline, and there was a fair demand for
thl cereal, atandard bringing 11140 and
the No. 3 white 70c
Rye waa auoted nominally irom ate ay to
1c lower, and barley waa quoted practically
Clearances were: Wheal ana nour equal
to 626.000 bushels; corn, 22,000 bushels;
Primary wheat receipts wera !0l,oo
bushels, and shipments 1,885,000 bushela,
against receipts of 648,000 bushels, sod
shipments of 488,000 bushels last year.
Primary corn receipts wera gys.uoo
bushels, and shipments 486,000 bushela
against receipts of 668,000 bushels and ship
ments of 097,000, bushels Isst year.
Primary oats receipts wer 636,000 bushel
and shipments 97.000 bushels against re
ceipts of 736,000 bushels, and shipments
of 102,000 bushels last year.
Wheat Corn. Oata.
Chicago ....
Minneapolis .
Kansas City
Louis . ,
These sales were reported today:
Wheat No. 1 hard winter: 8-3 car, 13.22.
o. 2 hard winter: 13 cars, $3.22. No. 3 hard
wlntar: I car, $3.21; 4 cars, $3.20; 2 cars,
3.19. No. 4 hard winter: t cars, $3.18; 2
cars. $:i.J4; 2 cars, I3.1Z; Z cars, $ sam
ple hard winter: 1 car, $3.06, No. 3 spring-:
car, t&zo; i-z car, no. a spring:
3-5 car, 13.05. No. 3 mixed: 1 car, $3.17.
Sample mixed' 1 car, $1.96.
corn No. a wnite: s cars, ro. s
white: 1 car, $1.63; 1 car, $1.024. No.
white: 1 car, $1.61. No. t yellow: S cars,
$1.59. No t yihow. 1 car, $1.69; 2 cars,
11.61; 6 cars. 11-684; No. 2 mixed: 1
car, 11.694; 7 cars, II. 68V No- mixed:
car (near white). $1.60: 2 car, 11.58 S I
4 car. $1.68. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, $1.67 .
Sample mixed: 1 car, $1,69 S-
Oats Standard: 2 cars, 71 HO. no. 9
white: I cars, 704c. No. 4 white: t cars,
70 ',4c; 1 car, 09c, Sample whit: I cars,
67 Sc.
Omaha Caa Prices Wheat: No, 1 hard.
$3,310 22; No. $ hard, $3.1903.21; No. 4
para, 93.uso3.isr o. z spring,;
No. I spring, $3.1703. 20. Corn : No. t
nhlt. $t,62S016; No- white, 1.63
1.63; No. 4 while, $l.61S 01-12; No. S
white, ll.H01.61S; No. 0 whlt, $1.60ftO
1.01: -Na. I yellow. $i.SSS01.69: No. 3
yellow, I1.68SOL58H; No. 4 yellow. $1.67
ui.ftfltt: ko. yeuow, ii.67Oi.08; no.
yellow, l.r.SOI-57S; No. 2 mixed, I1.68S
vl.&Htt; no. 3 raixea, ii.oidi.dim; no.
mixed, I1.67SOL67S; No. t mixed, $1,670
1.67 Vi: No. s mixed. li.bB'A. oat: no. x
white, 71KO'lSc; atandard, 717lVio; No.
3 white, 70SO704c; No, 4 white, 70O
70V.C. Barley; Malting, $1.4001.66; No. 1
feed, $1.3001 0- No. 2, I2.OJ02.O4;
No, I, $2.0103.03. -J
Omaha Future Market,
Local rang of options: " 1
4 91
...... ,62b
104 7
78 10
36 10
69 . 69
; Open.
High. 1 Low. Close, Yes'y.
May S 20 t 20 310 I IB $11 .
July 2 49 2 62 24S 3 S3 S49H
Hept t 06 3 07 303 ! 07 20SH
May 1 6 1 08 160 1 67 157
July 1 4S 1 4BS 146S 1 47 147H
Hept 1 89 ? 39 137 1 SIS 139
May 70S 76S 70 70S 70
July ' 62ft - 08 62Ti 63 03
Sent j 52 ' 63 6S 53U 12
Chicago closing prices, furnished The Boa
by Logan it Bryan, atock and grain broker.
315. South Sixteenth street, omana:
Open I High.
8 19 I S 16 '
3 46 S 2 48
3 U
1 68 M
1 48
1 39S
2 07
1 68 ;
1 47 S
1 38 Ti
38 30
31 60
66 K
38 65
,38 '85 .
13 22SI 32 22S
32 37S 22 4b
20 46 20 GO
20 7Hl 20 72S
Low. Close. Yea.
167 'i
64 Si
38 80
38 30
20 20
22 35
20 46
20 60
t IS
3 46S
2 09
1 51
1 48
1 39 :
65 S
31 IS
31 15
22 10
22 as
10 SO
30 05
1147 H
38 00
31 IJ
21 17
82 30
20 40
20 00
Kansas City Cleneral Msrket.
Kansas Clly. Muy 10. Wheat No. 3 hard,
I3.1nO"-27; No. i red, $3.1202.17; May,
$3 11; July. $2.45.
Corn No. 3 mixed, $1.57 l.&S ; No. t
white, $1.660L68Si No- 3 yellow, $1,680
l.&SS: May, $1.66; July, $1.47.
Oats No. t While, 7$SOT4c; No, 2 mixed,
Butter Creamery, 40c; firsts, 38c; sec
onds, 37c; packing, 81c.
Kfffts Flrsta, 31C.
Poultry Roosters, 16c; hens, 20c; tur
keys, 36c; broilers. 34c, ,
Corn and Wheat Region Bulletin. ,
Summary of west nor conditions In the
corn and whcHt region for the week ending
Tuesday. .May . 1917.
The week whm abnormally cool, and too
wet and cloudy for best growth or farm
work. Ilea (low, pastures and grain made
some advance. Winter wh'-at made consid
erable improvement in eastern and south
central Kansas, where plants are reported
stoollng well. Good progress waa made In
seeding spring wheal, although germination
and growth were rather slow. Gardens,
some truck crops, and corn, were decidedly
unfavorably affected by weather conditions.
Ground was too cold snd wet In the central
corn district." and planting was consider
ably delayed. There was some damage lo
fruit by frost and low temperature.
Wheat Price- Break Nhamly on Rumors of
Peace Negotiations,
cesslve day the wheat market reached a
Chicago, May 10, For the fourth sue
new high nrlce level today. The latest ad
vance waa 4 cents, making the total of th
four-dny bulge above previous top records
lust 35 cents a burnt;!.
Lifting of export bids to the highest
premiums yet had much to do with the
fresh strength of the mnrket. Closing quo
tations were firm. 1 tfic up, with May
at 1.1.16 and July at I147S93.48. Corn
finished the enme aa yesterday to S high
er oate gained 'iO'ic and provisions rose
Resumption of advances In the price of
wheat today was preceded temporarily by
sharp breaks that were due largely to
vagus rumors of Impending peace devel
opments and gosMp that spring crop seed
ing was being completed under favorable
circumstances. Suddenly, however, a rapid
upward movement of values set in, and
during the rest of the day the bulls had
virtual control of the pit.
Announcement that the entente allies
were planning to take 33,000,000 bushela
from the United States by July 1 received
considerable notice as the wheat market
climbed higher and higher In the last half
hour of tha eeeslon.
Special notice, though, was taken of
statements that the invisible supply In
farm granaries and small mills would be
sufficient for domestic needs. Throughout
the day the volume of business was greatly
restricted by the fact that commission
houses were requesting almost prohibitive
margins, to rents a bus hoi or more from
all customers.
Corn swayed with wheat, first easing
down and then making rallies. Reporta of
cold weather delays to planting gave some
advantage to the bulls. Oats displayed but
little Independence of other cereals. Sea
board , houses supported the May delivery
and It was disclosed that more than 1,100,
bushels of oats had been shipped front
here In the last two days.
Higher prices on hoga carried provl
alona upgrade. There whs a fair mlscecl
laneous demand.
Chicago Cmh Prices Wheat: No. 8 red,
nominal; No. 3 red, 13.24 li; No. 3 and No.
3 hard, nominal. Corn: No. 2 yellow,
11.62 SOl.ftt1: No. 3 yellow. $1.01r1.63;
No. 4 yellow, nominal. Oats: No. 3 whtte,
7 O70Sc: standard. 71078Sc. Rye,
nominal, Bavley, $1.8601. 66. Seeds: Timo
thy, $6.00O7.liC; clover, $12. OOfti 17.00. Pro
visions: Pork. 138.86: lurrl. fil in in-
ribs, $20.2OfK0.65. .
Butter Unchanged.
Kggs Receipts. 49.657 cases; unchanged.
Potatoes Unsettled; receipts, 25 cars;
Idaho, Colorado, Oregon and Washington.
$2.7602.85; Wisconsin and Michigan, $2.6CTO
2.66. '
Poultry Alive, unchanged.
Leading Quotations of the Day on Various
Now York, May 10. Wheat Spot, nom
inal. Corn Spot, steady; No. t yellow, $1.78,
o. I. f. Now York.
Provisions Pork, quiet; family, $42,000
44.00; abort clear, $42.5044.60. Lard, quiet;
middle west. $22.65023.75.
Tallow Stronger; clly special. loos..
16 c.
Hides Steady; ' Bogota, 43Sc; Central
America, 42 Sc.
Leather Firm; hemlock firata, 57c: sec
onds, 66c.
Butter Unsettled; receipts, 7,056 tubs;
creamery, higher than extras, S8S4t40c:
creamery, extras, (92 acore), 39c: flrata,
37S 038Sc; seconds, 36S037c.
Eggs Irregular; receipts. 28,231 esses;
fresh gathered, extras, 36 S 37c; fresh
gatherod. storage packed, flrata, 35 036c:
first, 34036c.
Cheese Flrmj receipts, 497 boxes; state,
fresh, specials, 26c; same, average fancy,
Poultry Live, firm; fowls, 26c; others
unquoted. Dressed, qolet; chickens, 23
30c.; fowls, 20SO27c; turkeys, 18036c.
New York Money Maket.
New York, May 10. Prime Mercantile
Paper 4 06 per cent.
Sterling Kxchango Sixty-day bills,
14,72; commercial sixty-day bills on banks,
I4.71S; commercial sixty-day bills, $4,71S:
demand, $4.75 7-16; cables, $4.76 7-16.
-Silver Bar, 74c; Mexican dollars, 57c.
Bonds Government and railroad, atrong.
Tim Loans Firm; sixty days, 4S4
per cent; ntnuty daya and six months, 40
6 per cent.
Call Money Steady; highest, 8 per cent;
lowest, 2S per cent; ruling rate, 2 per
cent; lastiloan, 3 per cent; closing bid, 2
per cent; offered at 3 per cent.
U. S. 2a, 97 S Int. M. M, 0s... 92 K
do coupon 97SK. C. 8. r. 6a.. 88
U. 8. 8a, reg., 99 L. ft N. un. 4s.. 91 S
do coupon 99 M.,K. A T.lst4s 70
U. S. 4s, reg.,. 106 KM. P. gen. 4s... 60S
do coupon 106 Mont. Power 6s 9&4
fanama 3a, c. si N. T. c. deb. 4s.. 104
Am. For. S. 6s. . &N. P. 4b 87
A. T, ft T. c. 6s 98 do 3a 64S
Anglo-French 6s 93 O. S. L. ref. 4s.. 88
Armour Co.4Ss SlPcnn. con. 4S".-102S
Atchison gen. 4a 91 do gen. 4Sa 96
B. ft O. 4a 88 Reading gen. 4a 92
Cen. Leather Ss 94St.L. ft F.adj.6a SC ;
C. Pi 1st 86 SS. P. cv. Be.... 97
C. ft O, cv. 5s.. 86 do ref. 4s,... 86
C.,B. ft Q. j. 4s..96South. Ry. 6a.... 97
U..M.St.i'.g.4'8 74"Tex. ft Pac. 1st 99
C..R.I. ft F.r.4s....69U. P. 4s 94
C. ft S. ref. 4Sa 80 do cv. 4s,... 89
D. ft R. O. r. 6a 64 U. S. Rubber 5a 8
Dom. of. C. r, 6a 64 U. 8. Steel 5a. .105
Brio gen 62Wabash 1st 100
Gen. Elec. 6s.101 West. Union 4Ss 92
0. N. 1st 4Hs.. 94S 'Bid. "Offered.
1. C. r. 4s 86
London Stock Market, j
London, May 10. American stocks were
rarely mentioned and closed weak on lax
fears on the stock exchange today. .
English Engineers Have
Big Balance in Treasury
(Correipondenc. of Th Associated Press.)
London, April 26. The treasury
balance of trie British Society of
Locomotive Engineers, the richest of
the big English trade unions, amounts
to about $32 per member.
Professional Wall Street Re
vises Its Market Estimates
During Day.
New York. May 10 A calmer aurvey of
th government's taxation policy, the high
ly oTonnerous Industrial conditions Indicated
by the United Statea Steel corporation's
record-breaking tonnage report for April,
apr-nnioanled bv further advances In fabri
cated Iron and ateel, and the receipt of
more foreign gold were among the factors
which caused profeaslonal Wall street to
revise Its market estimates today.
Leading stocks opened st Irregular gains,
fell back before noon to levels well under
finul nrlres of the orevlou day. out pound
ed brink lv forward In the last hour. United
States Steel and prominent raila being the
conspicuous Tost urea or mat animaiec
United Statea Steal closed at lit. a net
gain of 1 points and within a fraction of
its top price of the past week. Affiliated
equipments and munitions wera IS to 2
nnlnta h in her. notably Lackawanna. Cnui-I-
bla and Republic Steel. Oils, Motor and
anme of the metals gained 1 to 2 points.
Delaware ft Hudson made further re
sponse to the Improved outlook- for that
property, advancing 3 points to 114. Union
Pacific held the greater part of Its 2
points rise on maintenance of the "extra
dividend." Total sales, 560,000 shares.
Adverse features of the day Included a
nnw nw rate for rubles and a decision
a gnl nut higher lake and rail rates to south
eastern points. Bonda followed the course
of stocks, some railway Issues scoring sharp
rIHa. Total sales, nar value. 13,326,000.
United States registered 4 per cent bonds
livanred 1 'i oer cent on Call,
Number of sales and range of price of
leading stocks:
Sales. High. Low. Cloee.
New York Central 3,600 II ' 87 87
N. Y., N. H. ft H 38 S
Norfolk ft Western 2,200 122S 121 120
Northern Pacific 0,300 101 99 101
Pacific Mail 200 21 . 20S 20S
Pacific Tel. ft Tel 6
Pennsylvania 4.10062 51 61
Pittsburgh Coal .. 3,000 48 4Z 4J7J
Ray Con. Copper.. 2,600 29
Reading 23,100 87
Rep. Iron ft Steel 10,800 80
Shattuck Arts. Cop. 400 26
Southern Pacific 6,400 90
Southern Railway,. 6.100 34
ftturiohnttar oro
T Pa 4.000 205 U, 102 106
Union Pacific .... 11,700 132 129 132
U. S. Ind. Alcohol 35,700 120 117 119 4
U. 8, Steel. 127,900 110 114 116
V. a Steel, pfd.. 2,000 117 117 117
Utah Copper .... 4,100 113 112 113
Wabash pfd. "B" 1,300 23 23 23
Western Union ... 800 92 91S 91
Wcatlnghouso Elec 8,400 46 46 46
Total sales for th day 560,000 shares.
Hawaiian Islands Fear
Shortage in Food Supply
(Correspondenc. of Th. Associated Press.)
Honolulu, T. ri., April 26. War has
brought upon Hawaii what is pro
nounced by federal, territorial and
business authorities as a serious situa
tion as regards the food supply. Fears
are openly expressed that in the event
of the appearance of a hostile raider
in the Pacific, or any other occurrence
that might shut off or curtail trans
Pacific traffic, the islands would be in
a had wav for food, as there is, it is
stated, less than a week's supply on
Govftnor L. E. Pinkham has issued
a proclamation in which he calls at
tention to the serious food situation
that, he says, confronts Hawaii and
urges land owners and others immedi
ately to increase the resources of the
territory. . '
The situation is greatly complicated
by the restrictions imposed by the
censorship. All use of wireless is pro
hibited by the military and naval au
thorities. This hampers the move
ments of the fleet of warships which
bring produce to Honolulu from the
other islands of the group.
There is a disposition shown on the
part of a certain element of the com
munity to collect and hoard supplies.
Warnings have been issued unofficially
by the authorities against this prac
tice, but thus far withouf evident re
sult. Prices of the most necessary com
modities, such as flour, rice, potatoes
and onions, have advanced greatly.
Women to Replace Men
In Underwriter's Office
London, Aprol 26. Underwriters at
Ltoyds were shocked the other day
to learn that the military tribunal
had suggested the assignment of wo
men workers to replace men fit for
service there. There-was even talk
of a strike.
Edward E. Nicholls, a member of
the directing committee, replied: "The
tribunal doesn't know what it is
about if it endorses this suggestion.
Anyone who knows how business is
conducted at Lloyds knows that it is
a seething mass of struggling people.
No woman could decently take part in
such work.
"Underwriters are already employ
ing women as clerks in their offices,
and thev are doinK excellent work.
This, however, has been carried about
as tar as it can oe. it lanes a mc
timp tn train men to work on the floor
at Lloyds. , If more men are taken
from us, it will simply Decome im
possible to insure ships. We shall
have to consider, in fact, the question
of calling a. cessation of work in
order to draw attention to what is
being done." " ' -:
- Rlom Clly Mr. Stork M.rkel. .
Sius CHy. Is'..' May IS, Caul. R.cIixn,
!.u.l tiend: mark.! for killers, aleatl) i
MIudmpoIIs Grala Hark.t.
Mlnnaatiolia. Mav I A Vhuiv
13.10: July. II.7H4. Ca.h: No. 1 hard,
ll.tlttf). 5J'i; No. 1 northern. (3.1SV. O
;.13H: No. 3 northern, ls.o.c?Ms!4.
Corn No. I yellow. It. 67401.
Oats No. i whits, T0S;iNc
Klasssed ..".66 3.11.
Flour Un:h.n.ed.
Barley II. ir.0l. 61.
Ry. I2.170MO. (
Bran IIUt.4i36.6Q, Hay Hark.t
Cholc. upland pralrl. hay,;
No. 1, l?040f31.0u: No. S, 117.00918.00; No.
9. IU.00O13.00. No. 1 Midland, 120.000
si. ov; no. x, si.oocib.oo; no. 1 lowland,
I16.00OK.00; No, , I10.00OU.00; .No. I,
Choic. aif.n.. i:s.ooojj oo; No. i. i:.oo
t!5. 0IH standard, 121.000:300: No. i,
llt.00Oll.00i No. 3, 111.00016.00.
Oat strawy 17. 00 & 7. 60; wheat, IS.tOOI.iv.
Sugar Market.
New Tork, May 19. SugarRaw, steady:
centrlfutal. .:7o: molasses. 6.30c. Refined.
steady; line aianulated. 7.60 0 8.60c. Futures
opened assise on further llfiuldstlon and at
noon nricea wer. , to I point, lower.
closed steady at 3 to I points lower; sales.
11,300 tone; May, ..30c; July, 6.32ci Sep.
tamber, 4.600; December, 6.04c.
t. Louie Grain Market.
. St. Louis, May 10. Wheat No. I red,
3.36; No. t hard, nominal: May. 13.13,
July. 13.464. .
Corn No. I. till: No. 1 whits, 11.710
1.73: May. 91.61; July, ll.4ll,.
Oats No. a, and No. t whit,, nominal.
Dry Oooda Market. .
Nsw Tork, May 1. Oovsrnment orders
for wool end cotton goods continued to
hold an Important place In the dry gnodw
market today. The general trsue waa quiet,
but pries were Arm.
Thank You
The grocers want to thank about 90 per cent of the people
in Omaha for the response they received to t! ? rppeal fcr
You Have Done Fine
Never before in the history of the business have bills been
paid so promptly and as few balances left over.
We Thank You Again
But 10 per cent have not heeded the call. . -
To You
In case we do not receive your check today or tomorrow we
will expect you to come in and make an explanation.
Ninety Per Cent Have Paid, Why Not You?
Omaha Retail Grocers' Ass'ri
Persistent Advcrtisi'tiii Is the Road
To Success.
Through Trains
Takm tht
Lin of
and Sctntry
Go tt
Liberal stop-overs on the
Baltimore & Ohio
See world-History in the making. Visit
the Nation's capital now your memories
will endure for a lifetime.
The Baltimore & Ohio is the natural route from
Chicago to Washington. It is the shortest line to the
capital; it is the only line operating through compart
ment, drawing room and library-lounge observation
cars via Washington to Baltimore, Philadelphia and
New York.
The excellent dining car service is a la carle
but a table d'hote BEEFSTEAK or CHICKEN
DINNER is served at a nominal price.
Four all-steel trains daily from Chicago
The Pittsburgh-Washlngton-New York Ex. 8:25 a.m.
The Wlshington Special - . 10:45 a.m.
The Washington-New York Limited . 5:45 p.m.
The Wsshington-New York Night Express 10:00
C. C. BLRICK, Traveling Passenger Agent,
912 Woodmen of the World Bldg., Omaha, Nebr.
Phone Douglas 967
Baltimore & Ohio
"Our Pautngert An Our Cu.sfs"
Don't let friction htad your car toward ths rspalr shop. Um
Purs lubrlcitlon.svsrjr drop. Ksers sll ths power eating up tht milts.
, Bndi frletloL snd evsr-hsstlng. Adds years to ths lift of your motor. -Look
for ths Polsrtns sign It msrks a rellsbls dsalir snd a asfe pises
to stop. Um Red Crowa Qaiolloe, ths powt r-full motor fuel.
(Nebraska) OMAHA
Two Ways
Of Offering
Stock for Subscription
The first is to sell the stock snd then with the proceeds determine the vslue
of the property.
The second Is to prove up the value of the property before asking the public
to purchase the stock.
i " In announcing the 200,000 nharen of the Cypress Copper Mines Company for
subscription at 75 cents per ahsre, we personally spent in excess of $10,000 in
preliminary development work (31 assays from various workings of the property
show an average of $32.28 per ton) for the purpose of ascertaining the vslue of
the Company's holdings. Accordingly we feel fully justified in recommending the
shares of this company as a splendid investment.
The prevailing high price of copper with indications pointing to higher prices,
should mean a substantial return to the. careful investor in"copper stocks. . . ,
The Cypress Copper Mines Company- located in the state of Arizona, which. In,
1916 produced 675,000,000 pounds of copper, is not a prospect, as there has been
done to date approximately 2.000 feet of underground development work, Ore In
dicated Is of an estimated value of $3,000,000, or equivalent to $3 a share on the
entire capitalisation.
The company at present is actively operating, and with further development
work the present value of the company's holdings should be substantially increased.
Write today for prospectus, giving comprehensive details of development work,,
future possibilities and a map of the company's property. Ask for A-103.
' 32 Brsadway.
(Established 1901)
New York.
in which to purchase
Crown Oil Company
of Kentucky
At $1.25 Per Share ,
' Price positively advances to $1.50 per share
. after midnight, Tuesday, May 15th. Tele
graph orders at our' expense. Follow with
check, money order or draft.
DWidends at th rate of 1 regular and 1 extra are now being paid
monthly, placing tha comaany on a 24 annual diridend basis. Earn
ings four time, in excess of diridend requirements. v
Trading commences on th. New York Curb at an .arty date, when wa
enpect materially highes market prices. i .
Malt, ail remittance payabl. to
Specialists in Oil Securities ,
50 Broad Street, New York.