THE B&K: OMAHA, FK1DAY, MAY 11, 1917. 11 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. AN ATTRACTIVE HOME Six Blocks From Farnam On North 34th St. Practically nw alx room and den. Beautiful flirt lab and laity dacoratlooi. Convanltntly arranged. High nough to get thf touth breeze in turnmer. Close to school and car line. Pavement on both sidog. St, 100 on terms that can be suited to your convenience. Pood Dcuglas 2920. WEST FARNAM, $6,250 CATHEDRAL DISTRICT Built (or a 'home: 7 rooms besides one room on the third floor; atrlotly modern, with four bedrooms, hot water heat, tile bath, fireMftce, oak, mahogany and white nami n inn, east trout lot, one block from car Una", with cement driveway and 8 rag. Location fine and extra good value GLOVER & SPA.N (Realtors.) Douglas 396a. 919-20 City National. ' FIELD CLUB, HOME.. Flvo rooms and bath on first floor: 2 room finished upstairs; south front lot, 40x100; house all modern and In good re pair; first-claw neighborhood; cloae to school; -Just one block north of Field club on 3th Ave. Price I2.S00. , C G. CARLERG (Realtor.) 810-312 Brandela Theater Btdff. CLOSE IN BUNGALOW. Very attractive 6-r.. mod., tor. lot (t it desired), paving paid; close In, high, fine location, near Bemis park, 1250 cash, $l!5 mo. Real snap at $2,900. Submit offer M'KITRICK REAL ESTATE CO.. Realtor. J1S RAMOE BLDG. D. 100. Ty. 2140-J. NEW BUNGALOW. Plv rooms, strictly modern, finished tn oak; located at 3923 N. 26th St. Prloa $3,160. Tar ins. Will tak small cottage In trade. NORMS A NORR1S. tOO Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 4279. VERY fine 8-room residence, newly painted and decorated and ready to move Into; located at S411 Hawthorne Ave., Bemts Park 'district This particular location Is one of the most sightly In all of Omaha Priced right; terms. Inquire Jos. Pick, 2219 Evans St. Webster 4856. jNEAi 36th and Farnam, 7-r. mod., well ar ranged home. In a good district, for $3,600. F D. Wead. S10 8. 18th St. North. ATTRACTIVE HOMES AT EXCEPTIONAL PRICES That Can Be Bought Qns Easy Terms . For $209 cash and $25 a month you ean choose from among , eight 12,700 homes the one that best suits your re quirements and fancies. These houses are located north and northwest; are all five rooms, bungalow style; some with two bedrooms; others with on bedroom and a sunroom; oak finish In main rooms; built-in features; full cement basement; efficient heating , plant; In fact, all the conveniences a modern home abould possess. Phone Douglas 2926. $500 SAVING Id buying a home already built, owing to Increased colt of building. So here Is your opportunity to buy a splendid home of rooms and bath, strictly modern rooma large and well -arranged. Fine south front lot, (0x130 feet; has large ga rage, street paved and paid, one-half block to car; everything one could expect In a home. Owner must sell cheap at $4,100; has given as a price of $3,950. Terms ean be arranged; located east of Kountse park, v RASP BROS. (Realtors.) 310-13-14 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721. PRETTY BUNGALOW FOR $2,750, , $250 cash and 'easy monthly payments that amount to no more than rent This bungalow Is on paved street and not too far out, Corner lot with nice yard. Five rooms with son room. Main rooms In oak, bullt-ln features. Phone Douglas 2926. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North. MILLER ?ARK. We have listed one of the swellest little bungalows tn Miller Park; rooms and bath on first floor: full cement basement: furnace heat; floored attic on second; nice lot, on paved atreeU bullt-ln bookcase Colonnade openings; built-in buffet: dandy sun room and sleeping room. This Is priced ut a bargain figure and can be handled on easy terms by right party. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. , 537 Omaha Nut. Bank Bids;. Tlour. 1781. IN MILLER PARK DISTRICT. 7-room stucco house, near Miller park; beamed celling In front room: all oak fin Ish downstairs; upstairs white enamel; bullt-ln bookcases, cabinet, buffet, etc.; outh front; large sightly lot. Price only ....... ( BIG 4 REALTY CO., 101S-H W. O. W. Bid. D. . 30TH AND M ANDERSON Nearly new 5 -room, modern except heat, very fine lot, with fruit and shade trees, plenty of room for fine garden. Price only $1,900: about $200 cash, balance monthly. Let us show you this at once.' Rasp Bros.. 210 Keellne Bldg. Tyler Til. SPLENDID modern home on Florence Blvd. Can sell at a very attractive price. Terms on major part. INTI2R-STATB REALTY CO., 929-30 City Nat'l. Doug. 8862. f'OR aie or lease, one or both lots, each 66x132. at N. W. Cor. of 16th and Daven port Sts. Make best offer to Mrs. H. L. Hawver. Melrose Hotel, Los Angeles. Cal STRICTLY modem bungalow, ( rooms, 22nd and Ames av. w enster s:n. South. THE FINEST NEW RESIDENCE. on the South Side from any angle, Inside or out. Modern to the minute. Brick veneer. Full cement basement and fin ished attlo. Enameled tubs In laundry, with washer operated by electric power. Hot water heat furnished by oil burner furnace. Bath room. 8x10. tub and shower, rompletety tiled. 10 rooms, 8 alone eost 1 587 to finish and decorate, Interior oak finish. Sun parlor and screen porches. New brick carnae witn ooncreie runway. Plot 60x160; beautifully lawned. Built by the owner at an original cost ox in. ono. Has sold bis business Interests here Desires to leave the state and directs us to sell for $12,500. Any reasonable down payment accepted. . Listed exclusively with the SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., INC.. 492S 8. 24th St. pfton South 1274. BUY-QUICK DUNDEE LOT We have one of the highest and best located 60 ft. lots In Dundee. Nothing In this vicinity can be found for less than $1,500. Owner leaving the city In a few days and has asked us to get him $1,260. Don't delay a minute, but call us about this lot. HIATT COMPANY, 245-7-9 Omaha Nat. Bank. Tyler HO. A GENTLEMAN'S HOME. Overlooking Hanscom Park. Plot 160x 180. Contains twslse large rooms, three baths with toilet, Innumerable closets and pantries; steam beat, seven flreplaita and finished In oak 'and mahogany. Price 111,000. and only $2,600 cash required. SOOTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO.. INC. 4925 S. 24th St Phono South 1I4T. NEW HOUSE, JUST COMPLETED. Corner 40th and I Sts., one block from school. Fine, level lots, 60x150. Contain 6 large rooms, city water, electrte lights and toilet. Price, $1.760,. Your own terms. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., 4926 B. 24th St. Pbons South 1247. MONTCLAIR BUNOALOW. Stucco construction, I large light rooms. Oak floors, oak and enamel finish. Price $8,800. Easy terms. Another new build ing for $2,660. Call Douglas 1728 days. Walnut 1880 evenings. SIX rooms, modern except heat, $1,600. Terms. See Owner, $814 N. list BU Web ster 4906. s . Miscellaneous. MODERATELY PRICED HOMES EXCEPTIONAL VALUES EXCELLENT LOCATION THESE ARE THE THINGS TO CON PIDKR WHEN BtTTfNO A HOME. IN VIEW OF THE ABOVE IT WILL PAY YOU TO PERSONALLY INSPECT THKSE HOMES. 6019 Burt St, 7 rooms, nearly new; garage and drive. 5003 Cuming St. 5 rooms, nearly new, hot water heat. 3302 Lincoln Blvd. 7 rooms, strictly modern, beautiful south and east corner lot, 66x160. 2420 Crown Point Ave 7 rooms, garage and drive, nearly new. 2111 Spencer St. 7 rooms, modern. The prices of these properties range from $3,500 to $5,850 and each Is worth more than tho price we ask. Can show you these at any time and can deliver possession of any Immediately. Call us for an appointment to make an Inspection. HIATT COMPANY, 246-7-9 Omaha Nat. Bank, Tyler 60. R. 8. TRUMBULL. 1306 1st Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1734 J, B. ROBINSON, Real Estate and Inaur- a nee, 442 nee mag, jjougias suvt. REAL' ESTATE Investments II PER CENT INVESTMENT. ' Four 6-roora and one Troom modern houses, lrt the center of tho residential dis trict of the South Side for $9,760. Half cash. Rent for $110 monthly and never vacant Will trade the lot for a large, modern Imposing residence. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., 4925 8. 24th St. Phooo Sotth T247. APARTMENT. $75,000 vlncome 12 per cent; one year eld; very Una location; mortgage $16,000 and will accept $20,000 In trade; bai anco cash or negotiable papera v CALKINS ft CO., Douglas 1313. City Nat. Bank Bldg. HOME BUILDERS Invests Its funds only when secured by mortgages on new properties built by Home Builders. 81.00 SHARES GUARANTEED t per C-.L Offices J 17tb and Douglas Sts.. Omaha. SEE US FOR INVESTMENT AND SPECULATIVE PHQFERTT. A. P. TUKEY ft SON. REALTORS, 620 First National Bank Bldg. CORNER lt7h and Chicago; business prop- rty, very low price to close 'estate; only 2 bIork8BfromO. Q.PStebblns. 1610 Chi. REAL ESTATE To Exchange rOR SALE) OR TRADE. Will trade a modern frame business building In center of the shopping district on tho South Side for Nebraska land. The store on the first floor rents for 2G and the flat upstairs for 115 monthly. Valua tion in trade, $4,640. No boot money paid. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO.. 492S I. Htlr 3L Phono South K47. GOOD OMAHA INCOMH PROPERTY. . and part cash to exchange for Douglas or flarpy oounty farm land. BOX 3642, BEE REAL ESTATE To Exchange I HAVIC a ISJ.OOO hardware, doing good business, and $10,000 In money. Want Wesfrn Iowa or Kaetera Nebraska farm. 8. 8. and R. E. Montgomery. 10$ Om. Nat. Bk. Btdg. WANT to exchange 4 good houses, close In, always rented, for land. Price $11,000. Mortg&g $3,600. Box $40$ Bee. REAL ESTATE Unimproved West. APARTMENT BITE. Northwest corner SOth and Cass, 13$ Vi feet, east front on SOth and 7$ feet south front on Caas A 12 4 -room Apt. house suitable on this corner $7,500 - would be about right for this ground, but $4,500 will buy It now. Wilt pay commission to agent. C. M. RTLANDEIl, 954 Omaha National. North. AFTER looking at MINNA LU3A 100 dif ferent buyers decided that It was the best proposition op the market and they backed their judgment by buying lots. IF YOU will come out today you will understand why the others are buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO.. 742 Omaha Nat. Bank BMg. Tyler 187 HAVE a bargain price on vacant lots on Cuming St. C. A. Qrlmmel, Doug. IClt. South. FOR RENT Lota 7. 8, 9, In block 2. Klnts addition; lots I, fi. block 3, W. S. Selby's addition. South Omaha, fine land for potato: In quire at J. (Treltachke, Omaha. Phone Miscellaneous. '' HAVE tract of ground bounded by three streets, witn sewer and water tn, contain ing 20 lots. Anyone wanting building lots It would pay thera-to investigate. Can be used for a suburban home. po not compare this with acreage. This Is right In the city, close to car line and good school. Can give terms. For further In formation see TRAVER BROTHERS, $19 First National Bank Bldg. Douglas 188$. , DANDY LOT. 60x136, two street frontages: easy terms. Call Douglas 1064 or evenings. tiarney ib BEAUTIFUL 60-foot lots. Price 13 20. only 13 cash ana 60 cents per week. Doug. 8812. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Dundee. Dundee l-rms., practically new, full I-story house; large lot, 60x160, on paved street; full cement basement furnace heat; oak finish and oak floors, on first floor; oak floors and white enamel finish on second; house newly decorated and In first-class condition. Can sell this for 1600 down and 146 a month. If looking for a genuine home on easy payments, here's one for you. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 137 Omaha. Nat'l Bk. Bldg. D. 1711. DUNDEE PROPERTIES. Well located lots on easy terms. Mod ern, attractive homes. Before buying be sure ana see GEORGE & CO. 5-ACRE blk., Falracre and Brownell Hall district, snap. U. f. canan. Souh Side. ACREAGE PROPBRTT. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO. . Offers the Following ' ACREkGD PROPERTY: acres on car line, just outside efty lim its, 2-roora house, good cistern, 60 fruit trees and fine well that oost 1260. Price $2,000; part cash. 24 acres, Just over the line In Sarpy oounty. away rrom tne nign taxes. Rich, level land, first broken In 1116. Raised 4 cropa of alfalfa. 96,000. Terms can bo ar ranged. 10 acres at the end of Albright car line. Frice anu terms can be agreed upon ana made satisfactory. Will divide. Itt acres en Fort Crook ear line; new I- room bouse with full cement basement; new barn 14x18, for 13 head of stock and other good outbuildings; fenced for chick ens: good well. Price 12,660: part cash. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., INC., zo Houttt Z4tu bt. f none soutn 1247, THE MOST BEAUTIFUL LOT on S. 26th St., 80x160 feet. A modern 8 room cottage on the back end of this slightly terraced plot. Will take auto and small amount of cash as first payment. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., INC., 4928 8. 24th St, Phone South 1247. BEAUTIFUL 'RESIDENCE LOTS, $6.00 CASH, 16.00 MONTHLY. Sites, 60x160; In ail parts of the South Side; city Improvements. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., 425 S. 24th St. Phone South 1247. Miscellaneous, HOMESEEKERS, ATTENTION! On a small cash payment ws will buy the lot you seleot. build a home sfter your own plans and nave you pay for It on small monthly, payments, without extra Interest. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., INCORPORATED CAPITAL $25.0(10. 4926 8. 24th St. Phone South 1247. MEDIUM PRICED HOMES. On the South Side, on full sized lots, ranging from $1,600 to $3,000, in different localities, with all city Improvements, near schools and churches; can be bought from us on a smalt cash payment. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO.. ACRE tracts. $4.76. $10 down, $7.60 mo. Close in, near. car. Douglas 6074. REAL ESTATE B'new Pr'pty LOT, 80x161; trade or cash. Terms. Tele phone evenings. Harney $864. H. A. WOLF, Realtor, Wars Blk. Specialist in downtown ousiness property. REAL ESTATE TRACKAGE FOR SALE Excellent trackage property and ware nouse, one or two lots, itn and Leavenworth. Immediate action neces sary. Doug. 889. , REAL ESTATE WANTED IF TOU desire " to sell, rent or trade your property, please call at our office and let us show you our progressive methods and unsurpassed service. We have faith In "printers' Ink" and If your proposition Is listed with us, It will be made known to a hundred thousand people or wherever all the Omaha newspapers are read. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., Inc.,. The largest real estate company, from standpoint of service and equipment. In Nebraska. We are running 200 lines of advertisement In this valuable papei dally. 4926 8. 24th St. Phone South 1247. LISTING houses to rent or sell on small cash payments, have parties waiting. Western Real Estate, 413 Karbach Blk. D. 3607. LIST your 6 and 6-room houses with us. YVJB HKJjIj THEM. OSBOBNH REALTY Co., Tyler 496. ARNDT & TAYLOR can assist you. 1826 L.aird street. Webster 20.19. FINANCIAL $1,800 MTGE., bearing fi pet. aeiril-annualy, secured by property valued at $42,000. Talmage-Loomls Inv. Co., W. O W. Bldg. Real Estate, Loans, Mortgages. CITY and farm loans promptly made. Rates 6, and 8 per cent. Reasonable Com mission. UNITED STATES TRUST CO., , 212 South 17th. Omaha, Neb. FjRM MORTGAGES. Wall secured, bearing $ pet Interest. HARLEY J. HOOKER, 940 rrlst Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tel. Tyler 2858. 6 l'ER CENT to per cent on best class city residences In amounts $2,000 up; also farm loans. Reasonable commission. PETERS TRUST CO.. 1822 Farnau St. 110NEY to loan on Improved farms and ranches. We also buy good farm mort gages. Kloke Inv. Co., Omaha. H. w. &i:fDEn. ' Money on hand for mortgage loans. City Nat Bank Bldg. FINANCIAL Red Estate, Loans, Mortgages. fttt AND per "cant farm and city Brat mortvtrt. tor aal.. B. H. Loussa. loo.. 131 KMlln. Bid,. OMAHA HOMES, EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KBBFB B. K CO.. 101 1 Omaha N.tL FARM and oltjr loan.. a, IH and p.r cnf. W. H. Thorn... Klln. Blilt. Pom. H4I. NO DKLAT IN CLOSING LOANS. W. T. Oraham, SO. Be. Bids. SHOPBN CO.. PRIVATB MONET. 5M- n.' pity UARV1N BROS.. Om. Nt. BK. Bill. 2 f LOANS. 5 UO.NEV HAHK1SON . MORTON. It Omaha N.I. Bank Bid, 1100 to I1O.O0U mud. promptly. F. D W,d Bld.,lhnd F.rn.m SI. LOW RAT BS C O, CA RLBERU." llV Br.h d.l. Bldi. D. S86. Stocks and Bonds. 1,000 SHARKS On.hninn Iron stock for ..I.. Elxpacta to pay big- dividend, ihla year. C. E. Updlkt. Andrua Bldg.. Ulnneapolia. Minn. Financial Wanted. WANTED to borrow 11.601) on real estate eerurlty, will pay 10 per cent Interest. Boa J709, Bee. Abstracts of Title. TTat'i Title. Guarantee and Abatract Co.. XVCIl SOS S 17th St.. around door. Bonded by" Maea. Bonding and In.. Co., REEDBSfRACTCd.roldearb.traor flea In Nebraska. SOI Brandela Theater. Miscellaneous. GALLAGHER & NELSON Represent prompt pay In.uranc. com panl... .44 Brandela Bids.. Oman., Nab. AUTOMOBILES willys-ovkrTand. INC. USED CAR DEPT. Doug. $290, 9047-1 Farnam, Touring cars and roadsters of Overland, Studebaker, Maxwell, Ford, Oakland, Mitchell, Buick and Hudson makes. TERMS IF DESIRED. Prompt attention given to all Interested out-of-town buyers. AUTO CLEAR1NO HOUSE. J 30 j Farnam St. Douslas 8310. 191$ Haynes $9ft0 1915 Ford Roadster 226 1916 Maxwell . ,i $76 , 1916 Empire 4A0 THE TIRE SHOP. Tire repairing la our specialty. FREE SERVICE. THE TIRE SHOP. P. F. Crow. 26$ Farnam. Doug. 417$. C W. FRANCIS. AUTO CO. Used Car Dept. 2218-18 Farnam St. Douglas 86$. Almost any make at reasonable prices. CONTINENTAL touring car, perfect shape, used very little, elec. light sand starter, extra tire and rim, etc., $216. CROS8TOWN GARAGE. 815 South 24th St. Doug. 4442. WE will trade you a new Ford for. you Old1 one. INDUSTRIAL OARAGE CO., SOth and Harney. Douglas 6261. TELL A BINKLEY. Auto repairing; expert mechanics. 2.11$ Harney u Doug. 1640. BIO bargain. I have a brand new Mexwelf car. right off the sales room floor, never been run, for $680. Owner must sell by Friday night. P. O. Box 666, Omaha. Neb. BARGAINS In used Ford cars. IIolmei-Ad-kins Co., 4911-17 S. 24th. Phone S. 271. CASH FOR YOUR USED CARS. AUTO EXCHANGE, 810 FARNAM. D. 808$. BARGAIN EIoc trio car, In excellent condi tion. Call D. 778 or Walnut 772. BERTSCHY "Kan-Fix-It.' Southeast cor ner 20th and Harney Sts. Douglas $662. FORD car for sale, $186. 4001 soutn Z4tn. soutn 4seu, WILL pay" cash' for 1817 Ford" cars or good 1916. 2640 B St. South 899. A BARGAIN Mil bum Electric, In fine, con dition. Y SI. Bee. FOR SALE One 1916 Ford roadster. 240 Bee Bldg. WE PAY cash for Fords.. Auto Salvage at Exchange, 110 S. 17th. Auto Livery and Garages. EXPERT auto repairing. "Service car al ways ready." Omaha Oarage, 2010 Bar any St. Tyler 866. Auto Repairing and Painting. $100 reward for' magneto we can't repair. Colls repaired. Bayadorfer, 210 N. 18th. Tire and Supplies. TIRE PRICE WRECKERS. THIS IS NO $ IN 1 TIRE. 80xl..$ 7.80 S0xtt..$ 8.60 S2x$U. .$10.26 $3X4.. 12.00 34x4 .. 11.00 $6x4.. 16.76 Second-band tires and tubes; expert tire and tube repairing. Douglas $872. COMBINATION TIRE FACTORY, 1408H Jackson. Agts. wanted. Omaha, Neb. Motorcycles and Bicycles H A R L B Y-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargains In used machines. Victor H. Roos, "The Motorcycle Man," 27th and Leavenworth. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Michigan Lands, FOR BALE 4CLOVBR-L AND FARMS. Grains thrive. Drouth, ball unknown Root crops, dairying, grating. Ideal. Fine roads, market; 143 growing days. Aver . age killing frosts October 2. Terms easy. George Howell, Jr., 22 Bacon Blk., Mar quette, Mich. Minnesota Land$. IMPROVED 100-acre farm, 16 miles from Minneapolis; 40 acres cultivated, balance meadow and timber; $3,000 worth of buildings. Will sell for $6,000) easy terms. Schwab Bros., 102$ Plymouth Bldg., Mia neapolfs, Minn. Missouri Lands. SMALL MO. Farm $10 cash and $6 month ly; no interest or taxes; nigniy proauotivt land; close to $ big markets. Write for ohotoarsnhs snd full Information. Munaer. A-1H, N. Y. Life Bldg,, Kansas City. Mo. GREAT bargain, $6 down, $6 monthly buys 40 aores good fruit and poultry land near town, southern Missouri. Price only $200. Address Box 80$, Excelsior Springs, Mo. Nebraska Lands. FOR SALE OR TRADE. 1,440-acre ranch, southwestern Thomas County, Neb., partly Improved, price $12.60 per acre, ARCHER REALTY COMPANY, Douglas 2410. 680 Brandels Bldg. 8MALL Nebraska farms on easy payments 5 acres up. We farm the farm we sen you. The Hunger ford Potato Growers' Association, 16th and Howard Sts., Oma ha. Douglas 9371. . TWENTY acres, mile and one-half from Florence, 4 acres In grapes, 3 alfalfa, 36 oak trees, two-room house, barn.two chicken coops. Possession at once. 1710 N. 26th St. . WET lands made dry enough for crops or no psy is our wsy or draining land, no tract too large or too wet. Guarantee Drainage Co., Oakland, Neb. SQUARE SECTION. 420 acres valley; hotel wanted. Charles J. Augustin, Shelby, Neb. South Dakota Lands. WE HAVE some highly Improved farms In the vicinity of Watertown. S. D. These are corn and alfalfa lands and we are making very attractive prices and lib eral terms. Dependable agents wanted. MIDWEST LAND CO., 1067 Omaha Nat, Bk. Phone D. U. Wisconsin Land- FOR SALE The beat land In Wisconsin, ad joining the best market In America. 12 per acre, cash. Arnold Co., Superior, Wis. Texas Lands. YOU CAN'T GO WRONG If you Invest In our $26 per acre corn snd alfalfa land In tha Trinity River val ley, east Texas, sold on easy terms, and will take In some trade. Call or write for literature. Next excursion May 1$. W. S. FRANK, 201 Neville Blk , Omaha. POULTRY AND PET STOCK WHITE Leghorn hatching eggs, $4 per 100; 76c per 10. Baby chicks all ages, uraa men's Egg Factory, Florence 218. FINE Black Minorca and Buff Orpington eggs. Frank A. Agnew, South Side, Omaha. ENGLISH Coach Dogs for sale. Web. $401. $121 Seward. Marie Absrmatny. Horses Liva Stock 'Vehicles Wanted. WANTED Shetland pony, buggy. Phone 8. 1696. MEDICAL DR. K R. TARRY PILES, FISTULA CURED Dr. B. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical op. erailon. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until eured. write ror book on rec tal dlsoases with testimonial!. DR. R. R TARRT 240 B.o Bldg. Omaha. Neb WHY SUFFER ? Latest snd Most Scientific Treatment for All DUeiines. Dr. Charles Us rn , 413-01' Rose UlUg. Kxamlnatlon and consultation rree, lie is curing thou' ssnds. WHY NOT YOU? Delays are dan ous. If you can't call, write. Hours A a. in. to 6 p. m. ; 7:30 to 8.30 evenings. Sunday by appointment. RUPTURE succeMfully treated without vurglcai operation. Call or write Dr. Frank H Wray, $08 BeeBldg. Chiropractors Dlir KNOLLtsNBERQ, SANITARIUM &y attendant, !ith and Faram. t, 729$. Dr. C. J Lawrence, Ilalrd Bldg. D. $4fl. Dr. Frances Dawsnn. $03 Rose flidg. T. 5268. bra., a"wr6idg. D. $2f! Dentists Dr. BraJbury. No pain. 918 W. O. W. Bldg. Tafia Dunt. Ami, SOMtoee Bldg. D. 2186. PERSONAL THE Sahallon Army Industrial Home so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga zines. We collect. We distribute. Phone Doug. 4126 and our wagon will call, call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 ' Dodge St. BATHS arid nmiaage' Central High Insti tute. 16f$. Harney St Doug. 7097. Open evenings, PRIVATE homo for sick ladles, beat care; very reas. 2oa Bristol St. Web. 29fl8. LUELLA WliFlHTER, massage and man! curing. 61$ Paxton Blk. Red 3400. . MAE BRUGMAN, aclentlflc masseuse and baths. 30$ Karbach Blk. Red C727. SCIENTIFIC massage. 6 JO Bee Bldg. 4hone UOUglUS 637Z. EdnaWilllams. massage, bath. 228 Neville. MISS LILLY, bath, massage. ISVWraam. Manicuring, and mass. 161!$ Farnam, R. 19. E. BROTT, maaaaglng, 3120 Harney. D. 9&2f. MONEY TO LOAN FURNITURE, planon and notes as security. $40, $ mo., H. goods, total cost, $8.60. $40, I mo., endorsed notes, total cost, $2.80, Smaller, large am'ts, proportionate rate. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY. Organised by Omaha' Business Men 432 Ros Bldg., 18th snd Farnam. Ty. 68$. LF.GAL RATE LOANS $34.00 1:40.00 or mere Easy payments. Utmost privacy. S40 Paxton Blk. Tel. Doug. $29$. N)MAHA LOAN COMPANY. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Hattt. M. Markey and husband lo William Katzanltaln. Forty-llrat ' atraat, ISO fet north of Pratt tr..t, aaal .Id., 1011. I 110 William c. Katzenst.ltt and wlf. t. Willi. V. Putnam, rorty-flrst atraat, 180 ftat north of Pratt atr..t, .sat .Id., 0ll3 1 William C. Kalssnstain and wlf. tn , Theraaa Rupencamp. Forty-first .treat. ISO fast north of Pratt trset, aat aids, 40xis. 1 Roaa Daly to Dant.l Daly, Martha atraat, .txty-.lx f..t ...t of Nln. teanth .trsat, alda, 60x1 SI.... 1 Emma L. I.yl. and husband to Tb.r asa O. Somin.r, P.rlc avanua, 110 ff.t north of Jaokaoa, lOx no : i Byron Raed Co, to Gertrudo T,. K1l Patrick. Burdstt. atraat. 130 fast ' waat of Twanty-aacond atraat, north aid., 474x130 . ,,000 Herman Auaroach to Harry A. Wolf, Twenty-third atraat, 13S feat aoulh of Clark atroet, eaet .Ids, lSSxl.0. 1 Roy W. Farmer and wlf. to N. R. Mc Colm, Wirt .trset, 131 feet West of Twenty'.acond atreat, north .Id., 60xl!t 1 M. B. McColm and husbsnd to W. O. Osborne, Wirt street, 1( feat we.t of Twenty-second .tr..t, north .Id., 0xl2 , 1 General MoCord and wlf. .to hoy C. Merrltt et al. Marry atre.t, S40 feet we.t of Thlrty-flr.t, north Ida, SI 1-3x110 1,100 France. 3. Collier and wlf. to Clem entine McKee. eouthweet corner Thirty-third and I.arlmore. 04xl!. 1(0 Cynthia J. McAiraater and wife to M. P. Peaae, aouthweat comer Tw.nty flret and Wirt atreet, 100x134 10 Charle. Krystynlak and wlf. to Wil liam H. Ruaaell. Grover atreet, 1D0.I feet weet of Boulevard, aouth aide, tOxlBO 1 Alice Quad, arid huaband to William H. Russell, northeaat corner Twen-ty-Mv.ntb. and 8.ward, OOz 130 1 Bwlnr T. Cl.rk and wlf. to Joseph A. Kdholm. Crown Point avenue, nlnety-aevan feet east of Twenty fifth avenue, north 'aid., 40x130.... David Gross and wlf. to G.orto P. Smith, aouthweat corner Twenty fourth and- Charles streets, 3Hi 130 1 Elmer 8. Redlck to Ge6fir W. Plai ner. Twenty-third atreet, zoo feet south of Boyd .treet, 40x124 v 200 J.nnls Sair. to Emll B. Peterson, Burdctte atreet, 100 feat west of Forty-second atreet, .outh .Id., SOx 120 l Harry M. Bllby and wife to H'u'h H, Harper, Ogden atre.t, 320 feet west of Eighteenth street, aouth .Ida, 0il4 1 Theodore Vola and wlf. to John Vofx. Forty-ninth strset, nin.ty-thre. feet .outh of Otimln, atraat, west .Id., 41x131 l Louie I, Cohen and wlf. to Henry r. Roaeorans at al, Twentieth atreet, forty-five feet north of O atroet, east aide, 45x130 S.flOO Clementine McKe. to Matilda A. Carl on, .outhweat corner Thirty-third and I,ar!more, 4Bx94 1 John V. Carlaon and wife to Clem entine McKee, Charles .treet, 120 feet weat of Thirty-fifth .treet, aouth aide, 00x107 1 James A. Qulnn and wife to Charle. Wllb.r Otis. Grand avenue, 170 feet we.t of boulevard, aouth Id., 10x131 , 1,10, U. S. Buys Seven Austrian Ships for Six Millions Washington, May 10. The Federal Shipping board tonight announced that it had bought seven Austrian merchantmen held in American ports, totaling 52,651 tons, for $6,778,006. The price is about half the prevailing price for ships. The vessels will be repaired within a few months and placed in the war emergency trade by the board. The ships are at Pensacola. They were bought from A. T. Herd and George A. Carden, New York""ShiD owners, who agreed to sacrifice their profits and sell at virtually the same price they gave for the vessels. Leaders of both parties at a con ference with the president promised to support the billion-dollar ship building program. Balloon Flight Carries Officers Near Des Moines Five balloon officers from Fort Omaha made a successful night flight and landed near Carlisle, in Warren county. Ia lust south of Des Moines, and 125 miles in an air line almost straight cast from Omaha. They started at midnight Wednesday and landed early Thursday morning, ac cording to report received at the fort. Leo Stevens, civilian instructor, was pilot, and his passengers were CaDtain Geiser and Lieutenants Jou- ett, Boettcher and Goodale. NEW TESTAMENTS FOR SOLDIER BOYS Mrs. Walter Page Donates Three Thousand Bibles,' Which Will Be Distributed by Gould Diets. 'Mrs. Walter Page has donated 3,000 cloth-bound New Testaments to be distributed by Gould Diet, local Red Cross chairman, among the Ne braska soldiers,. "1 know personally of instances among the European armies of men cutting their Bibles into sections in order to share them with their com rades who were starving for a little spiritual uplift," said Mrs, Page. "While my share will he only a drop in the bucket. 1 trust that it may be an incentive to others to do likewise. Malcom Baldrige was given the first Bible of the lot. 1". P. Foisie. who sDoke on Red Cross work said in response to her offer: "We cannot do too much to protect our men from the degrading influences which surround them on the batilct'ronts. Whin we know what stands behind war. with all its brulal atrocities, it is well to begin early to took after the right kind of influence." Mrs. Page's 8-year-old son, Rich ard, who is in preparatory school at Lawrcnceville, leaves June 1 for France, where he will be an ambu lance driver. Mrs. Page leaves within a week to join him until time for his sailing. Booths to Be Established. Booths are to be established May 14 in alt office, bank, department stores and newspaper buildings, from which society maids and matrons in Red Cross nurse costumes and caps will ask you to join the Red Cross society. Mrs. Clement Chase has a list of hundreds of women who have offered to serve for either the entire week of the campaign or part of the time. The Central High ichool girls and brownell Hall girls will he among the membership workers. Miss Dorothy Arter has offered the services of 125 girls in a club at the high school who are anxious to assist. The Associated Retailers of Omaha and the board of directors added the Red Cross work to their approved list of charities yesterday. Kentucky Man Slays Four With Axe and Kills Himself Elkton. Ky.. May 10. Frank Millen, a young farmer, early today killed his father, Charles Millen, his mother, Mra. Betty Millen, his brother, 1- more, and his brother s wtte, Amy, with an axe and hanged himself. Young Millen notified the authori ties by telephone that he had slain the members of his family and was about to take his own lite, ihe whole fam ily is dead ibut me," he told Coroner Barlett over the wire, ana l will be dead when you get here." Continued illness, it was said, had unbalanced young Millen's mind. Persistent Advertising Is the Road To Success. LEGAL NOTICES C'htrtor No. 3776. Renerve Plat, No, 10. REPORT OF THB CONDITION OF THE MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK. at Qmitat, in the SUtft of Nvbrtika. at Ut low of butine en Hay 1, HIT. RESOURCES. Loam and dlioounia I 7, HOB, 315. 13 Overdraft! 10,011.74 U. 1. Bondi: " -,. U. H. bond! da- 1 wj; poitttd to icoura -ar---eura circulation (par valut) ....110,000.60 V. 8. bond pUdgtd t Recura , IT. I. dopwlta (par valui) 10,000.00 Total V. I. bondi Bond, curltlei, etc.; uonai otner tnm V. 8. bondi pledg ed to eeoard poi tal savlnr depot-It 117.000. 00 Securities other than U, S, bonds (not Including Blocks), owned. unpledgoiT 11,860. IX Total bond! eeeurltlee. etc.. Stock of federal Reserve Bank, 60 per cent of eubacriDtton) 141,300.00 Value ef banking house Net amount due from approved. reserve aaente.ll.004.233.1T Net amount due from other banks and banker 1.117.171. 00 Exchanges for . rlearlna houeo I3i.aos.fll Other checlie on bnnke In enme city as report ing bsnk .... 13,371.11 Outetds check and other ceih items 126,071.13 fractions) cur rency, ntcklta and cents 1,11111 41,010,00 10,000. 00 Notes of other national banks. federal Restive notes Lawful reserve in vault and With Federal Reserve Bank.. 1,014,114.14 Redemption fund witn u. g. Treasurer .... 1600.00 0,111,111.01 Total. tU.MMII.IO1 LIABILITIES. Capltsl Steele paid In ... I 1,000.000.00 Surplus fund 110,000.00 Undivided proflt..l3Il,HT.TI isa interest ana and taxes raid.. ISt M HUM. 70 Circulating notes outstanding. 10,000.00 Deposits; Due to banks and banders ...... 0,00l,0l.4i Dividends, un paid 1,011. If Individual ds-, . posits subject to check 0,117,731.11 Certificate! of deposit due In less tnan so dave in. 3". 02 Z7,i:.l7 Certified checks.. Csahier s checKl outetandlng .. United States deposits Pnetal aavlnai 16,111.11 T4,li.l4 deposits So, 437. 41 Tims certificates ef deposit, pay able sfter 3ft days or more.. I2M41.U 11,711,181. 10 Totel 114,340,111.10 tats of Nebrsaka. County of Douglas, set I, B. H. MPlie, casmer oi in auuv nainru hank An niomnlv awear that the above ats lament Is true to the bait ef my knowl edge and bene:. B. H. VEILS, Csihler. Subscribed and eworo to before me this Ith day of May. ltlT. (Seal.) 1:. B. WOOD, Notary Publc, CorrectAttest: LUTHRR DRAKE, FRANK T. HAMILTON, O. SAM ROGERS, Directors. LEGAL NOTICE. Fred Ward Sumption, sr.. will pleais take notice that his father died on February 14. 1S17. lea vine ahara in his- set ate to mm. providing h call personally on undersigned executor, Cleveland, O., within one year from March J. 1017. W, H. BBJNHAM, EXeCUlOF. 1021 fcaat Ninth Street. Cleveland, O. TURPIN'S SCHOOL OF DANCING Spocial Summar Cla... b.f in Monday, May 14, 8 P. m. Join tho First Lesson. Our tarms an moat reasonable. ' Twenty-eighth and Farnam. Harney B143. CDT PASSENGER TRAFFW A THIRD Twenty-Six U. S. Railroads Line Up Their Schedules to Cut Down This Service. Jwcnty-six railroads of the United States are lining up their schedules with a view of cutting down passenger train service about one-third. So far as the Omaha-Chicago roads are concerned the date for the cu" has not been decided upon, but the change is expected soon. The reduction of passenger train service is the be applied on main, as well as on branch lines and , ill af fect such railroad terminals as Oma ha, Chicaco, St. Louis and Minneapo lis more than the smaller centers. General Manager Jeffers of the Union Pacific last night said hat no brdcrs have gone out from his office reducing passenger train service. He adds if such orders should issue, he could not state when they might be expected. The reduction of the passenger train service is for a two-fold purpose. Cutting off passenger trains, it is as serted, will releasea large number of engines that can be put into freight handling and in this way terminals can be cleared of congestion and the busi ness soon restored to normal At the same time the plan contem plates the release, of a large number of light engines and some that are not in the best condition.' These machines will be rrin through the shops as quickly as possible and then be sent to England and France to go into service in those countries, taking the place of those sent to the war zones. U. S. Men of Army Age Have Trouble in Leaving Turkey Washington. May 10. Americans of military age are having difficulty in leaving Turkey audi the embassy at Constantinople is malting urgent rep resentations. An official dispatch received today hy way of Stockholm says twenty four Americans got away May 4, but that twenty men between 18 and. 45 were not permitted to depart at th last moment. FHOTOn.AVS. ' DOROTHY GISH -in- 'Her Official Fathers' " muse j I Margaret Islington j "SACRIFICE" SATURDAY, 10 A. M. I '"Golden Locks and the I I Three Bears" J Cartoon. - Comedy. I I LAST TIMES TODAY The Divine SARAH BERNHARDT In a Story of Today "MOTHERS OF FRANCE" SATURDAY VIRGINIA PEARSON In "ROYAL ROMANCE" TODAY AND SATURDAY RUTH CLIFFORD DOUGLAS GERHARD In "ETERNAL LOVE AMUSEMENTS. , Phono Doug. 494. i THI IEST OF VAUUVILLt Sslly Mstlsis, 3:11. Mlthl, (:I5 Tbl. Wm CLAUDS OILLINOWATIS, aiitu.. a Jails Hlrs, ... Osmssnyl NELLIE V. NICHOLS. FLANAGAN ml EDWARDS, th. MIlHS Cm. Mil, H.rry .at Aaa. Ssysisf.. Lsmtort an. Frwlarlflkk Dan. S.tlw rei.. OrshsuM Trml Wassly. PltlCEt MatliHHi lallsrr, iSai lart Sasl. S.I. ... Sun, I, c. Nlihli: IPs. 1st, too a 7sc. BRANDEIS 3UNDIJ.Y;?,I,M- ST. LOUIS SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA -MAX ZACH, Conductor - I LILLIAN SNELLINC. ARTHUR HACKETT, T.nor Popular Program Popular Pricaa Tletwta, 00c to $1.50 -SEATS ON SALE BOYD- Thur.. Frl Sat, May 17-lS-lS. - WITH BIG MATINEE SATURDAY. Last and B..t Show off Season. AL J OLSON la N. Y. Wlnl.r C.rd.n Specie!. "ROBINSON CRUSOE JR." Nlfht 50C-S2.S0 Mat., S0c-2.00 SEATS NOW CHINKO and KAUFMAN CURLEY and WELCH CLAUDIE TRACY WOLGAST and GIRLIE FREDERICK WARDE, la "HINTON'S DOUBLE" BASEBALL OMAHA VS. WICHITA May 9-10-11 ROURKE PARK FRIDAY, MAY 11 LADIES' DAY Gamoa Called at 3:15 Bos Seats at Barlnlow Bros. MM.