-STORE NEWS FOR MONDAY- Toa Unit Boaka Worth Raadlnf Ara In tha ClrciiUlinl Library at la a Oar Racarda tor May Faurtk Floor -Phone Douglas 137. His Majesty The "Baby" Is King Here This Week Sunday, April 29, 1917.- Keep the Factory Fires Burning . : SOON' after England Joined force, in the great world war a popular song writer wrOtfr- '. "Keepfiie Borne Fires' Burnr ing." The beautiful sentiment ex. pressed with , the tetchy mel ody Krippsd. the heart cords of all. the allied countries, citizen anil soldier alike.. Since .our . United States has Joined with-the allies no bet ter slogan could . be adopted by every American man. wom an ?;tid, child than-that, of, "Keep the Factory Firee la ether words do every thing in our power to keep this great --and wonderful nation prosperous. ... ; , i . . Kaap buaineas going Kaep iriakinf - money that we may have money to keep in circulation1.' '."'Y Keep e.iu.p lo.y m e n t for everybody: Kaep wages good. There "is absolutely ho 'rea son for the agitation .of d.is-, criminating economy. . None; whatever--with the wonder ful resources' this country, en-, joys the assurance of abund ant crop-r.with factories run ning full time and in many instances'' Overtime, the nation,, as a whole,, should,.. .go along with the even tenor of its. way. President Wilsoii, 'In his proclamation, sounded the key note in this sentence: "It is evident to. every thinking man that our industries, on .the farms, in shipyards, in mines,, in the factories, must be made more proline, and efficient" Our institutions arid our in dustries may dominate the world if only we have the vision to see, the aith to be lieve what, we 'see .and, the courage to do what is needed to be done. "Keep the. Factory ,Firts Burning." BIBLES Reduced Greatly In Price This off firing affords a spleir-;. did opportunity to secure' a Bible for your 'wn use, M-a-small cost. Large Billies., for family ose, prayer habits and Edward the VII, beauWttUy bundrrToacrK era' and.. reference Bibles, on India paper ,'tsmall Tiibles, testa ments arid prayer books. . . , They 'arv all a little r:shelf worn, but at: price quoted.tbey should find a 'ready purchase, at 37c,'59c, 98c,'$1.50, $2,23. ' Burfaaa-Nath Co. Fourth Floor ' 36-Inch White or Colored Creaseless Dress Linen, 85c DRESS linens ipa'big range of the most wanted colors, oyster and white. This linen is thoroughly shrunk by a special process which renders it practically creaseless; full 89 inches wide, and in great demand, at 85c yard. Sheer White Organdie, at 25c Yard : 39-lnch fjre sheer white organdie for waists and dresses, also much used for the new style colors!- New-White Flaxons, at 25c Yard Fine sheer painty white flaxons, good line of cheeks, stripe or plain white. . . .. . ( - '-.Egyptian Suiting, at 20c Yard . 84-Inch white cotton Suiting, round- thread, very practical for skirts, middies, rompers, etc. . ; .' A Long Cloth Special 86-inch chamois finish, long cloth, made of staple cotton for undergarments,, gowns, nightshirts, etc. ; yAJ quanty,. -lu-yara (B) quality, 10-yard bolts, $1.50 (C) quality,. 1 0-yard bolts, $ 1 .85 . Burgeaa-Naah Co. Main Floor Again for Monday We Direct f - v " ' Your Attention to These -'"'''.'. . ... -, NEW TAILORED SUITS . That Have Been Reduced to nil . I I 1 I Trt 1 - ll. There'll a wirlp rfincro nf r -rrm- -. - " styleniaterial and coloring that siiMfrina'l nwna Fwv... , Women's Pretty for White nile cloth, new colonial pattern Patent kid, perforated, short tongue effect. Patent kid, spat pattern Dull kid colonial....... Dull kid, spat pattern French bronze kid plain pump Patent kid, baby Louis XV heels. And the Most Wonderful Showing of . Novelty Pumps Gray kid, brown kid, colored kid with vogue quar ters in all over fifty new models. ".. " " " 1. Clearaway of Women's Pumps, at $3.95 Special A clearaway of all short lines and broken sizes, styles that we will not duplicate. Nine different kinds at a fraction of their real values, at $3.95. 4 Bursaaa-Naah Ca. Second Floor The Extremely Popular "Rookie" Sport Silks, Monday, at $2.25 WE do not remember when any particular weave of silk was in such demand as the "Rookie" sport silks,. 36 to 40 inches wide, in a splendid assortment ,of colors; also large ring designs in faille, the very newest weave for sport wear, at $2.25 a yard. ' 36-inch Silk Poplins, 98c " Shown iri practically all the wanted- shades, such as gold, chartreuse, old rose, copen, blues, etc;, 98c yard. , SPECIAL! ' 84-Inch natural color pongee, 98c yard. 86-Inch black taffeta silks, at $1.35 yard. . ', ' 86-Jnch. black satin, special, at $1.45 yard. ' . 36-Inch Jap silks, at 88c yard. : ... " 86-Inch tub silks, very special, 88c yard. 48-Inch suiting, pongee, special, at $1.59 yard. v. ' ; Burgaaa-Naah Co. Main Floor This Is "Nemo" Week YOUR feelings - affect your style. That is why the "Nemo"- back-resting corset by banishing backache jives you better style. The back-resting device also tends to flatten the back and thus give ultra modish lines. . , The,new "Nemo" health and fashion service mar.be enjoyed by. all' women, from: the. shm young girl to her grand mother.; !i - r- A Properly Fii-ed "Nemo"' ' 1 ' ; gives. you the glo "ingr: beauty that' resulfgfrdm ' X'?,-''. ':.:.'.:. i-Deep breathing, . Good circulation, , . ... i: ZCorrect poiieand (' -A healthy body, properly' ,,''' ' " supported and protected ' " ' ' If you are stout and desire more slen der lines, don't, juin your figure, ypu.r health and your disposition by wearing a tight' uncomfortable corset; Get a "Nemo SelfrReducirig." ' Burgcsi-Nash Co. -Second Floor dqhb,. 91.20 $24.50 WE REALIZE we are enthusiastic about them, but if we could show them to you in your home today, just to give you an idea of the real yalue importance of this announcement we know what the result would be you'd be here when the doors open tomorrow morning, eager to share in the uncommonsaving possibility. Suitsthe handiwork of several of the best suit builders in this country, offered to you at . A Big Reduction From Original Price Suits .that were made especially for Burgess Nash just the sort that will appeal to the woman who enjoys wearing clothes that are different. Suits that embrace quality, distinctiveness and in dividuality; sizes 14 to 48. 'The materials include , . : Point Twills, French Serges, Tricotines Gaberdines Men's Tweeds ' Black and White Check Woolens, Etc. The colorings include Tan, French Grays, Copen, Navy Light or Dark Mixtures, also Black aolopHnn onrl wa ova a.f ,;u 4.1 1.. "v. (uu you have in mind and at a . Bursaaa-Naah Co, S.cono Flw New Pumps Summer Wear T3 LAIN, rich, dignified ; no sub-- stitutes used in making these shoes. $5.00 pair A VICTROLA in A Your Home Free 30 Days COME in Monday and choose a number of the latest records, then choose a Victrola on the Burgess-Nash. No-Money-Down-Plan You simply pay for the rec ords you may Select, and any Victrola, In proportion to num ber of records purchased, will be sent to your home without further payment for 80 days. Then you may pay for It in small, convenient monthly pay ments. ,-. ! BUrfaaa-Naah Co. Fourth Floor rnu iun,! just uie buii, in big reduction from' the . , Baby Week Starts Here on W& vn pianneu mis Dig event wun care ana entnusiasm Decause we want it to the foremost and leading Children's Store of the Middle West and we want great movement for Better Babies, that has developed throughout our nation. Special Features Planned for Baby Week Trained Nurses in Charge FREE ADVICE to Mothers about everything pertaining to babies from foods to playthings and apparel. Come and LEARN. . - FREE Pattern .." ' and full directions for making the VANTA Pinless DIAPER One of these excellent patterns will be given FREE to every mother who visits our Infant', De-, partment,. during Baby week. Free to A BOOKLET, entitled "Save Jtx proper care of the babies, edited by LEmmett Holt, M. D., professor of diseases .of children in the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia university, (New York), attending physician to the Babies' hospital, and Henry L. K. Shaw, M. D., clinical professor of diseases of children in Albany Medical college, Albany, N, Y., and others. Pub lished by American Medical association. Infants' Wool and Cotton SHIRTS AND BANDS Infants' shirts, buttoned front, at 25c. ' Infants' merino shirts, No. 2, SOci rise 5c on each larger size. Infants' silk and wool shirts, No. 2, $1.00; 10c. rise on each larger size. - Infants' merino Rubens shirts. No. 2, SOci rise 6c each size. Infants' 2-3 wool Vanta shirts. SOc. No buttons or pins; , Infants' silk and wool Vanta shirts, SI, 00. Infants' wool Vanta binders; 35c. All wool silk edge binders, at 35c each. Abdominal bands, cotton and wool, all sizes;, special, each 25c and boc. Silk and wool hand, nil1 sizes. rft 50c. t Burgaas-Naafa Co. Sacend Flaar R ED, White and Blue Flowers ' The latest fad in New York Is the wearing of red, white and blue artificial flowers as button hole or corsage bouquets. , Beautifully " arranged, in a va riety of red; white and blue' ritr bons; price, range, -Sc to 98c.. ,"" Bursaaa-Naah Co. Third Floor VOUR Old Machine For a New One Monday and throughout the week we will accept, your old sewing machine as a liberal payment on a new "Standard" You can choose from a big line at a price range of $39.00 to $65.00. The Standard Rotary is the world's finest sewing machine with lock and chain stitch device and guaranteed for a lifetime. The balance may be paid, if so desired, in weekly in stallments as low as $1.00. Burffaaa-Naah Co. Fourth Floor BURGESS-i TWO Live Babies 1 ,'n til Wind nw OM UV V W . Our bir comer window has been transformed into a veritable baby nursery for this week and two beautiful babies will take the juaeeof the dolls in the. nursery Monday, ,10 A. M. to 12 M and 2 to 4 P. M. The mother of one of the babies will act as governess or nurse. You'll want to see them for they are certainly cute. Mothers the Babies," treating on the InfanU' Silk and Wool STOCKINGS Infants' cashmere stockings, sizes 4 to 8 54 at 35c pair. Infants' silk and wool stockings, sizes from 4 to 6, 40c. Infants' silk stockings, in sizes 4 to 63, at 50c pair. Infants' Long and Short . DRESSES Infants' long ini short dresses, of fine nainsook, lace edge, 59c. . . Infants' long and short dresses, daintily trimmed, 98c to $1.98. Infants' long Christening dresses, elaborately trimmed,' $1.50 up to $5.90. . ..... j'.., Hand-made long and short dresses (imported), exquisitely made, $1.98 to $13.98. , 1 Bursaaa-Naah Co. Second Floor , . Baby Carriages and Carts Reed baby carriages, Pull mans, gondolas and park carts, finished in white f, enamel, gray enamel,. Ivory and shellac, . Most of them have turntable gear, cordu roy upholstering, corduroy windshields. Prices range from $10 to $35. Maternity Corsets SPECIAL attention of ex pectant mothers is di ected to our splendidly se-. cted line of maternity cor ets, including . such., well known lines as "La Pro," '"Bertha May" and "H.W." Price range, $1.50 to- $5.50. Bntsaaa.Naali Ci Monday in the DOWN ' Special values in wanted, trustworthy merchandise,!1 selected at Random throughout the sections of this big economy store, that point the way t cut down the high, cost of living. , ... Organdie Waists, 49c In white with collars and cuffs; pretty new styles for selection very special, at 49c. Silk Gloves, 25c , , Women's ,2-clasp, . double tip black silk gloves, mill seconds; very special, 25c. . V Wool Suits, $12.95 Choice of any. wool tailored suit, including poplins, velours, and shepherd checks; very spe cial, $12.95. " Silk Dresses, $5.95 Including poplins and satins. One-piece with belt, white collars; special, $5.98. - Separate Skirts, $2.95 'Plaid sport skirts of velours and serges; very special, Monday, at $2.95. i Voile Waists, 89c Voile and organdie waists, some sport models, others lace and em broidery trimmed, 89c. EVERYBODY STORE" Free Helps to Mothers Come and see how the little new, up-to-date baby is dressed with out a pin or button and without( aran once turning mm over, unly those 'who daily have one or more free ones to dress can realize what a saving of time and strength this new method means to mother only those who see the Vanta Way can understand what this means In comfort, happiness and health to baby. Vanta Twtstless Tape used for all Vanta Baby Garments, has made possible the pinless, button less dressing of baby. Every woman will be interested in Twist less Tape and its uses. Novelties Rattles, brush and comb sets, hot water bottles, arm lets, record books, teething rings, coat hangers, . car riage straps, etc 25c to $2.95. Infants' and Children's COATS AND BONNETS Infants' white pique coats, for ages 6 months to 3 years, 98c to $5.00. Children's coats, of fine serge, full belt, large collar, ,2 to 8 years, $3.50. ' , Children's box coat of blue serge or checked material, pock ets and velvet collar, 10 0 years, $3.98. Infants' white bonnets, close fitting for the small baby, also pretty styles for older, babes, at 25c to $4.50. SACQUES, ETC. Infants' crochet aacques, white with pink and blue edge,' 69a to $1.95. ' Long cashmere kimonos, 'em broidered or ribbon finish, at $1.50 to $5.98. Infants hand embroidered Japa nese silk quilts, $2.95 to $3.95. Infants' blankets, white, pink and blue, at 78c to $1.95. : Baby Yards, Jumpers, and Toys , " Baby walkers, mahogany finish, at $2.25. " . - Baby yards with canvas bot toms: prices, $3.50 to $5.00. Baby tenders' and jumpers; prices, $2.00, $3.50. Folding go-carts; special, at $3.50. Celluloid ' floating toys for babes, to 25c. Red and white rubber dolls and animals, at 25c. Rattles, celluloid and rubber, 10c to 75c. ','' Large assortment of unbreaka ble dolls, BOe up, Choo-choo cara for L little tots. $1.28 to $2.50. cond riooi . ' Women's Shoes, $2.45 In sample sites, of patent, kid skin, tan, nulla; at a fraction of real value, $2.45. t ... 1 . , ( Women's Pumps, $1.19 Taken from discontinued lines and odd pairs left from season's selling; very spe., Monday, $1.19. : Soap, 30 Bars, $1.00 Cudahy's Pearl White borax soap, 30 bars, $1.00. Tumblers, 3 for 10c Colonial glass table tumblers, ground bottoms; 8 for 10c, Lawn Mowers, $2.75 Philadelphia make, "New" brand lawn mower, 8-inch wheel, 8 best' quality steel cutting blades, 14 inch size; special, $2.78. Wonder Polish, 5c ' Big wonder cedar oil polish for furniture mops, Sc. Wash Goods, 9c Lawns, dimities and voiles, in, assorted colors, plain figured or' striped; very special, 9c yard. . STAIRS MSB GoMte Monday advertise Burgess-Nash as it to give an impetus to the t 1 Balloons ,." Free To every little boy or girl under the age of 6 years, accom panied by the mother, will 'be given a large toy balloon with the compliments of Burgess Nash, In-. fants' Wear uepart- 1 ment . 1 ,' Infants' Novelty ROBES, QUILTS, ETC Lorig flannelette kimonos, but ton hole finish; specialise. Infants' knit toques at 35e to 75c. .' Infants'. wool sweaters, $1.25 to $1.98.' 1 Flannelette barrlcoats, extra quality, 25c. , . ,' Infants' pique carriage covers, at 784. - Pillow slips to match, at 50c. ' . Infants' hand embroidered pique Afghans, at $2.98 to $7.98. . Infants' toilet sets, pretty decor ations, SOc to 13.98. iV''.. BABY RIBBONS A special display of rotcttea and bows for bonnets, dresses, carriage rebes, hair bands, etc. In. satins ahd jacquards. :. .. J , ' - Also ribbon ami bands, go-cart traps, 'coat hangers,' etc. -Bursaaa-Naah C. Sacand Flaar Infants' Long and Short f" PETTICOATS Infants' flannel petticoats, Ger trude style1 or with waist, at 59c upward to . $3.98. : Infants' white lawn or nainsook petticoats, fine tucks with lace or embroidery trimming, at B9e up ward to $2.95. , . , .. . InfanU long nd short hand made imported petticoats, dainty simple edge to elaborate designs, at $1.98 each upward to $5.95. ' Skirtings, at 11 Vie , , Sport stripe' sheeting in pink, blue, yellow and many others, 27 inch; special, Monday, Uc. ' Poplin, at 19c . Fine quality, mercerized,' for skirts, suits or nurses' -uniforms; white only, yard wide; special, 19c. , Druggist Sundries ' , Household sponges, extra . large size, 59c ii,. ' ' Talcum powder, In . assisted scents; special, can, 7c." ' ? Pond's vanishing cream; special, Monday, 13c. , . v.; . Women's Hose, 15c" f Women's btsck cotton hose, plain or ribbed top and seamless; one of biggest 'values of the sea soil, at", pair 15c. '' 1 : ! ' ' ; Union Suits; 39c ' "' In boys, white or., cream 'color, porosknit, short sleeves; - knee lengths at 39c. seconds; very special, . Union Suits, 25c Women's 1 white cotton union suits, low neck and sleeveless, lace trifnmed; Monday, at 25c. ' STORE 1 ' 1 I ' ' " . . -