4 A THE A SUNDAY BEE : APRIL 29, 1917. Nebraska EXPLAIN MEANING ' OF "BONEDRY" LAW Definitions Given of Points Apt to Cause Confusion or Misunderstanding. DRY MEANS REAL DRY Lincoln, Neb, April 28. (Special Telegram.) Because of the wide spread demand for information cov erinjr the ; newly enacted Nebraska bone-dry prohibition law, the follow ing extract! are given, covering the pomta most likely to cause confusion or misunderstanding. Under the definitions given, drinks for any purposes other than mechan ical,, sacramental or medicinal purposes are apt to get tha drinker and drinkee into lots of trouble. The words "intoxicating liquor," are construced to cover all malt, fer mented, vinous or spirituous liquors, wines, porter, beer, ale or any intoxi cating drink, all malt or brewed drinks, which will produce Intoxica tion, and all other liquors capable of use ai beverage containing mora ; then yi of 1 per cent alcohol, t Dwelling House Defined. . The term, "private dwelling house," construed to include separate dwel lings, room or suite of rooms in apartment house or block. It is made unlawful to sell, keep for sale or barter, give away, barter, exchange, transport, purchase any in toxicating liquors except for me dicinal, mechanical, scientific or sacra mental purposes. It is lawful to keep or sell sweet cider, unfermented wine, wood alcohol, denatured alco hol or vinegar. It is unlawful to be found In an Intoxicated condition, to drink in pub lic places, solicit orders or tell any one where liquor may be secured, to advertise, or for any club to have liquors in its possession. Keep Ethyl Alcohol Only. , ft is lawful for licensed druggists to keep ethyl alcohol It it unlawful for any person to have more in his private dwelling "than ia reasonable for bis personal use and needs." The possession of liquor at any place is prima facia evidence of violation of the law. . i It is unlawful for any persons or common carrier to transport or de liver any intoxicating liquor to any person except pure ethyl alcohol to druggists or wine for sacramental purposes. " Injunctions and penalties: Any build ing used for the unlawful manufac ture, use or sale of intoxicating liq uors are declared to be common nuisances. Violation punishable by a fine of not less than $200 or -more than $1,000, or imprisonment of three to six months or both. ; Governor Is Responsible. . It is made the duty of the governor of the state to enforce all the provis ions' pf the act. ' Any citiien may file complaint against any delinquent officer in the , enforcement of the act an if he is found guilty shall be ousted from of- . lice.- . '.; y .. '. For the first offense of violations of the act the penalty is a fine of $100 or imprisonment in the county jail not less than thirty or more than sixty days; for the second offense ,. imprisonment of sixty to ninety days and for subsequent offenses, imprison ment in the penitentiary of six months to two years. : i The sum of $50,000 is appropriated for use in carrying out the enforce ment of the act during the biennium ending March 1, 1919. , , News Notes of West Point. West Point, Neb., April 28. (Spe cial.) The Cuming County Fair association has been organized by the electio.i of W. T. S. Neligh, presi dent, and Charles Y. Thompson, sec retary. . . West Point citizens so far enrolled in the services of the government are Charlea Korb. formerlv a law student in the Creighton university mi son oi me late manes Korb Leo Risse, son of the late Frank Risse: Homer Peterson, on of the late-Mavor Peterson, and Eriwarrl . Risse, a son of Anton Risse, a promi nent farmer of this place. All are natives of turmnir countv. - Marriage licenses have been Issued during the week to the following: David Erb and Miss Anna Griesen and to August Leisy and Miss Alma Vjraver. all of this countv. The city council has by ordinance raised the salaries of its officers about . n per, cent. ' A Om4 fin. One a hooaeftotdar eaoorae a ffaloraa raok mt aa mploymot aaaac? and brought Mr ham with him. 8h kn nothtnt about km atom. Ho tha new amptoytr took her to the kitchen ul azplalncd tho ranga. Bo Uutt the could ... how 'It waa npArated he lit etch of tho many hurnere. wmh atftl explaining a maaaaga called him . from tho kitchen and he left her, aarlng: ) "I aruoaa you will And that It will work all right now, Mary." Ho didn't act tho cook afaln tor four or five caya, whan, antenna tha kitchen, he aid: "Walt, Mary, hcw'i that raniro doing T" h replied: "Deed, auh, dat'a the beet elove I over aee. What fir yo' kindled to' me to' daya ago la etlll a-hurnln an' It ain't even towered oace." Mew York Tlanoa. . Neville Holds Local Officers For Dry Law Enforcement Governor Issues Statement They Will Be Strictly Ac countable for Carrying It Out. - TELLS NEW PROCEDURE Lincoln, April 28. (Special.) Gov ernor Neville plans to hold local au thorities strictly accountable for en forcement of the prohibitory law. He has issued signed instructions relating to its operation as follows: "The prohibitory amendment and the law for its enforcement are ef fective Mav 1. It will be unlawful after that date to manufacture, sell, purchase, barter, or give away, mart, NEBRASKA TO SELL BEAN SEED AT COST College of Agriculture Has Two Carloads it Will Distribute to Growers, - "EMERGENCY" WAR CROP ' Lincoln, April 28. (Specials Owing to the present scarcity of bean seed, the extension service of the College of Agriculture has secured two carloads of aeed for sale at coat to all who wish to buy. Beans are in great demand for seed because many persons are planning to grow them aa an emergency "war crop and because they are a good crop to replace winter-killer wheat. So long as the supply lasts, the ex tension service will book ordera for bean seed. The price will not exceed 22 cents a pound for navy beana and 18 cents a pound for pinto beana. The price for navy beans is f. o. b. Lin coln and for pinto beans f. o. b. Sid ned, or some point not farther west than Denver. The navy beans are from Michigan and the pinto beans irom Colorado. Win Sell Seed at Cost. A statement just issued by Prof. C. W. Pugjlfy, director of the extension service, follows: "We are having many inquiries for navy and pinto bean seed. Pinto beans are especially adapted to cen tral and western Nebraska. We have made an effort to locate bean seed in quantities and have succeeded in locat ing limited amount. The seed is scarce and it will be necessary to book the orders at once in case we are to take advantage of the prices quoted. When the beans are laid down it may be found possible to scale the price a few cents a pound. The seed is being located by the College of Agriculture (Nebraska) for sale to farmers at cost. Cash With Orden. "It is necessary that cash accom pany the orders, and in case the or ders cannot be filled,, the cash will be returned and the party notified at once. I would auggest that the beana be ordered in quantities, a number of farmers clubbing together. This will reduce shipping charges and will also reduce expense in handling the means. "Orders may be sent to the exten sion service, College of Agriculture, Lincoln. Ho definite date for delivery can be given, but within a few daya we hope to be notified of the approxi mate date of delivery. Bean aeed ia advancing rapidly in price, and our orders for two cars could only be placed aubject to the ability of parties to locate beans." - A new circular on "Bean Culture," emergency bulletin No. 4, has just been issued by the extension service. It will be sent free upon request , Mendlik-Dierckachnelder. West Point, Neb., April 28. (Spe cial.) John T, Mendlik of Dodge and Miss Helen Dierckschneider were married at the Sacred Heart church, Oleyen, by Rev. B. Teves Tuesday morning. They were accompanied to the altar by Frank Dierckschneider and Miss Theresa Mendlik. Soldiers' Home Notes Gran I.atit Nab., April .(Specie!.) R. H. GUmore, late of Company C. Thlrty Ixth Illinois infantrr, died Wednesday eve nln about t:30 o'clock. ' His body was taken to Trumbull, Neb., for Interment. ft. T. Sluart has applied for a thlrty-fla furloaih to visit with relative to Wiscon sin ttrut Ohio, Tha farm tupsrlntcnasnt finished Ih plsntlnf of fitly aerea of potato Wednes day venlnv. AnUUnt Poitmiitreu to Marry. West Point, Neb., April 28. (Sp cial.) Announcement ii made of the approaching marriage of Mist One tah Krauie to Arthur F. Tramp of North Platte. Mis. Krauae hat been for tome years the assistant postmis tress ot west roint. In The Promotion of Health It Is imperative that you keep THE STOMACH NORMAL THE BOWELS REGULAR AND THE LIVER ACTIVE spiritous, vinous or intoxicating liquor of any. nature except for medical, mechanical, scientific or sacramental purposes, and then wide limitations prescribed by the act "Copies ot the new law have been mailed to county officials and to the city and village clerks and attorneys. "Retail druggists and pharmacists, wholesalers, manufacturers and church goods houses should makee applications through county judges. In the event np protest has been tiled and sustained utter thenotice has been filed for twenty days, the application should be forwarded to the governor who, upon receipt thereof, will imme diately issue a proper permit "The enforcement of thee new law rests upon the local authorities and they will be held to atrict account ability for the failure to enforce same. "For further information concern ing the act,- apply to the officers enumerated above or to this office." Brickbats Thrown at Lincoln Street Cars Lincoln, April 28. For the first time in eight days the Lincoln Trac tion company last night attempted to maintain night street car service. Four cars ventured to run after daYk. Brickbata were thrown at three of them in the residential districts. No arrests were made, though one police officer fired at a fleeing man who was supposed to have hurled bricks. News Notes of Gretna. Gretna, Net., April 28. -(Special). The fit fit base ball dance was given this evening at 1 reciters hall. Mrs. Oscar Mangold is enter taining her mother, Mrs. Thompson of Brighton, Ia. William Fox's automobile was stolen at Chalco last week. The.Epwortli league was .enter tained at a party at the home of Miss Hettie Potter Tuesday evening. - Harry Hardin was taken to a Council Bluffs hospital Tuesday on account of a blood infection result ing from a cut on his hand. The Gretna base bait team tost to Havetock, 2 to 4, last Sunday. Fifteen Thousand ; Bushels of Grain Burn at Sterling Tecurnseh, Neb., April 28. (Special Telegram.) C. M. Linn's elevator, containing 15,000 bushels of corn and oats, burnt J at Sterling this morning. Fire started In the engine room from unknown cause In endeavoring to get books out of the office Manager T. R. Shelley was slightly burned about the face. The books were lost. The amount of insurance was not ascer tained. ... , Patriotic Meeting at Maywood. Maywood, Neb., April 28. (Spe cial.) A patriotic meeting held at the Perkin .opera house Thursday evening unanimously passed a reso lution endorsing the administration and pledging support and loyalty. An able address on "Patriotism" was de livered by Rev. H. C. Seidel of Mc To That EndTRY HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters Storm Causes Suffering ' , Among Young Stock Ellsworth, Neb., April 28. (Special Telegram.) Snow has been falling in this vicinity and the1 western part of the state for the last thirty-two hours. The constant anow together with -a freezing temperrture up to late this afternoon has greatly endangered the stock, especially the young calves. Feed has been short here for the last month. There are many weak ani mals throughout the sand hills dis trict which cannot survive should this wintry condition prevaila for a few days. -.. . Notea From York City and County. York, Neb., April 28.-(Special.) Mrs. Sadie Bell and J. M. Meadvill, both of this city, went to Aurora. and were married. Bertha M.' Baugh of this city, and Everett James of McCook were mar ried at the home of the bride's par ents. They will make their home at McCook. Mrs. Sadie Chilcote died at Long Beach, CaL, Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Chilcote was a resident of York for more than thirty years. Two daughters survive her. They are .' Mrs, C L Cowan of San Francisco and Mrs. H. S. Harrison of York. The Commercial club at its regular meeting this week considered the budget for the year and made appro priations as follows: Advertising, $150; freightjates and transportation, $50; good roadj, $200; industries and manufacturers, $250; banquet com mittee, $200 ;entertainmedts, . $250; fair and fall festival, $3,000; . band company, $750; Fourth of July com mittee, ,$1,U0U; total appropriated, uo. Famous Wash Heals Skin D. D. D., the irettmt of rido ranedte wftl remore those skin afflictions that hav made rour 111 a tardea. That intolerable itchinir. .' burning1 and discomfort will disappear under the toairle of thii remedy. It hai cured manr caaea preooanoed incurable and will reach Cur ease. We wtrau the Ant bottle t m foa. relief, ue. Me a&d H.0O. P. B. B. M Sherman a McConnell Prut Co. From the Cheapest That's Good to the Bait That's Made. Every musical longing u easily satisfied when there's a Victrola in jrour home. Victrolas are here to suit very purse in town, from $15.00 to $400.00 Sold en Eaiy and Convenient ' 1 : Terms. . ' .-' Select Your Machine Tomorrow 44.26.40- 4SOUTJ QSSt. A Noteworthy Sale of. Co Tap estry Furniture for the Living Room - Affording exceptional values in Overstuffed Arm Chairs, Rock ing Chairs and Davenports pleasing in designs, restful and de pendable in construction; upholstered in a wide variety of attrac-. tive new tapestries in colorings to suite every requirement. Now is the time to make your living room cozy at minimum expense. Special Displays of ; Good Furniture v At Special Price ' On Every Floor Changed Every Week. It will pay you to visit our sales floors and see these special values. Every display consti tutes a neat saving in price as well aa being highly desirable in other respects. A combination Mahogany Will iam and Mary bed, with cane panel $26.00 William and Mary Dresser, t -. 827.00 Wiliata and Chiffonier, t V.. S26.00 A combination Mahogany Charles II 3-piece bedroom suite, including full size cane panel bed. dresser and chiffon ier, SPECIALLY PRICED, com plete, at . 876.00 Arm Chair or Rocker to match, each. : . . . . . . . Similar Davenport with wide pillow arms, at . Tapestry Fireside Chair and Rocker Tapestry Davenport illustrated THIS splendid loose spring, cushioned seat Davenport is 6 ft. 6 in. long and can be bought in two good patterns of verdure tapestry. It is well made and gener- ft CO A A ously overstuffed. SPECIAL PRICE. ..... , . yOOMV $32.00 $69.00 A massive Davenport with high wing Jback, loose cushion :JJJiZ i spring seat, full spring edge and very generously over stuffed. This Davenport is full 7 feet long and can be had in two attractive, good grade tapestries. : An exceptional offer, at .$70.00 $78 to $150 Tapestry Rockers and Chairs Special N i " ...Mov.vBw Vila., , I : , rocker that rill not only give to the appearance of your home. Special price this week- Other special values are offered from Tapestry Hearth Benches In William and Mary style, to match the ehaira and davenports; 42 inches long by "7 f( 18 inches wide. ; . . D 1 .UU Tapestry Stools ' $11.00 $22 00 illustrated above; made with wide arms and covered in pleasing tapestry of good grade. The siie is suitable for any room. Chairs or Rockers t : ., With loose cushion teat, $24.50 With stationary spring seat, $22.50 William and Mary v Wins. Rockers and I "Chairs EITHER Rocker or Chair, as il lustrated, with soft, loose cushion seat; shown in two pat . terns of attractive tapestry. Ex ceptionally well made and specially priced, at $281 o Also in William and Mary style; size of top- lexis inches. Most exceptional value Large Wing Rocker or Chair Special THESE Chairs and Rockers are made with a.genuine ma hogany frame, beautifully finished. The upholstering is of the very best. A soft spring seat that is most suscept ible to the weight, makes it a wonderfully comfortable piece of furniture. Cover is of very high grade tapestry. Special price. ........,. FilcE Proof to You S arrord'oe to their own etatesMQta, hat eared - real af mala urturto- Hria d ATI! want brmf Dam, addnas and win shm you, aoaoioicir free, of uw aunt uemuawni wnim. a fjer saaiiaaai anan. waaeaie . in toe anon usee I Dav Bwoo wis Wfof PUMIC. v If Toa are a nffwar from Kceema, Salt Rheum, lick. Tetter Benrmlnd he had-ervn treatnwBL It hat cured toe wont caeae I ever aaw. The wooden acconpltaned la your owe caeewtU beproot .. . our am aun teeat I. C. HUTZBLL, DruggJet, 2465 Wast Main St., Fart Wayne, Ind. Please era), without coat or obtitatioa to aw row rre Proof Treatment for Skis Dies Warae....-,..., , .... .,. ... Ate. ...,,.. RUCS SECOND FLOOR Announcing The Safe Arrival of a Large and Valuable Shipment of Genuine Chinese Rugs from Peking, China No one type of rug may be so pleasing and generally used as the Chi nese rug in its very broad decorative possibilities. , Its simplicity and charm of color, combined with its simple and some what abstract design, places it foremost among rug types., : ; The quaint "carved" or raised effects, the Oriental touch and the fine, quality yarns from which these rugs are manufactured definitely decide the superiority of the Chinese product over many Oriental types. The Collection Includes: - r . Size. Price. 6 x 9 ,1, $90.00 to $210.00 7 9x10 ........ V.. $300.00 83x106 ...,....$185.00 611x810 ........$190.00 An unusually large display of fine Oriental Rugs at pre-war prices, alto to be seen on the Second Floor This Week. . , Siie. ' , v Price. 2 y x 2... ....$10.50 2x4 ....$17.50 to $30.00 3 X $ ....$40.00 8 X 8 $150.00 Size. . Price. 9 Xl2 . .$185.00 to $450.00 10 X10 $390.00 10 Xl2 ..$288.00 to $468.00 11 , Xl4 . .$265.00 to $535.00 108x132 ....... .$525.00 SQRAPERIES MAIN FLOOR Charming Cretonnes WITH the coming of Sum mer, Cretonnes suggest themselves for door and win dow hangings, slip coverings for furniture, and for the, making of bed spreads and chair , cushions and pillows for the sun porch. Our offering for Monday represents tjhe better grades, both foreign and domestic. Special prices prevail. " From 18c to $2.00 per Yd. j Curtains of Pleasing Individuality New designs in attractive DucKoas Curtains, in ivory and champagne colors. Fine Brussels nets with dainty applique borders, at, per pair, 96.00 t?7.50, 910.00 912.00 nd up to $20.00 FILET LACE CURTAINS in both plain and figured Centers, trimmed with lace, in ivory and Egyptian) at, per pair, - . . 92.tiO 92.75 93.25 nd np to $6.00 New and Novel Curtains, of plain ivory Filet Net with Venice lace motif, Cluny and Antique Lace trimmed, at, $6.00 , 96.85 97.50 910.00 and 912.00 per pair Curtains of Embroidery and Filet, in ivory color, ' : 914.00 916.75 920.00 923.50 926.75 932.50 $3522 -ill!?" KITCHEN WARE DOWN STAIR5 J) Detroit Jewel Special A Range That Maans Better Cooking 30 Daya' Free Trial. Sold en Easy Terms. Price-. $ onco d&iV With Leas Effort and at Smaller Cost -The oven and broiler are S laced at exactly the right eight This eliminates tiresome 'stooping. The extra roomy burner top makes the placing and removing of utensils easy and free from the danger of burning your hands. The large patented oven that "bakes better," gives a steady . heat at any required tempera ture. - .. ."j . : . Trays of whitest porcelain under the broiler and burner top are as easy to wash aa fine china. - . "Clean-Up" Specials Cut Out This Lbt $1.60 PUNCH MOP and $1.00 can of Floor Polish, for. ..... 91.19 Dandelion Weeder, special, for 39e 0. A W. Ivory Furniture Polish, 25 and 50 O. & W. DULL FINISH Furniture Polish 25 and 50 White Enamel 12-quart Water Pail, 75c value, for ......... 59 19x27 Willow Clothe Baaket, 95c kind, for 69 5-Gallon Lock-Cover Galvanized Gar bage Can, for 79 16-inch National Lawn Mower, spe cial value 95.50 Jnhnaon's Praparfio Wax. l-b aan....,.49e No-Mora-Duat fiwaapmf Compound, for Rug., can r c Bt.p Stool., IS Inchea Ih, atoutlr built. Tor 8Se Herrick Refrigerators White Enamel Lined . This is a most beautiful High Grade Sanitary Refrigerator. Has solid oak case, all white enamel lined style and dry air system of circulation. . Every wall and door thoroughly mineral wool insulated to full thickness J beautifully fin ished, both inside and out, Pure tin ned removable wire shelves. Seam less steel drainage pans in ice chamber. Strictly high grade. Full value. Sealed white interiors. 65-lb. ice capacity... f 24.00 I 100-lb. ice capacity. 75-lb. ice capacity. . .27.00 I 105-lb. ice capacity. $3.00 Allowed ea ANY Old Ice Box , meJ, BBS . .8 .9 33.50 35.00 Foat OftVo. . State.. Street and No. .