THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, APRIL 24, 1917. ARCHBISHOP PAYS GRAPE VINEYARDS ALL NEARLY BARREN Drouth is Given as the Cause of Loss Rather than Winter Freezing. Children of Schools Are Told of Arbor Day School children Monday were re minded that the first Arbor day proc lamation was issued by Governor Furnas of Nebraska, setting aside the third Wednesday of April. In 1885 the legislature designated April 22, birthday of J. Sterling Morton, as Arbor day and declared it to be one of the legal holidays of the state. The children were told that Arbor day has been referred to as "Ne braska's gift to the states of the un ion," and the late Mr. Morton is known and referred to as "originator of Arbor day." During Mr. Morton's life forty states and territories adopted and observed Arbor day. The teachers imparted object les sons of the value of trees. "The best verses I have produced are the trees I have planted," was a line from Holmes read by some teachers to their children. To Get Full School Credit For Summer Work on Farm Harry Williams and Mason Verbe of South High school have been granted full credits to close of school in June on account of their intentions to engage in farm work at once. Their standings in school are satis factory and they will be admitted to advanced classes next September upon evidence that they "did their bit" toward raising the food crop of Nebraska this season. Boys and girls of the public high schools will be given extended cred its for service in army or navy or in agricultural pursuits. TRIBUTE TO DEAD Says T. J. Mahoney. Was a Just Man Whose Memory Will Benefit Omaha Citixeni. PRESIDES AT HIGH MASS STRAWBERRY CROP SHORT Hundreds of friendi and business associates of the late Timothy J. M honey paid their respects to the memory of the prominent Omaha lawyer and citizen at the funeral serv ices, which '.were held at St. John i Catholic church. Twenty-fifth and Cal ifornia streets, at 10 o'clock this morn' jne. The church wai crowded. Archbishop Harty presided at a pontifical requiem high mass and preached the funeral, sermon. He paid a beautiful tribute to the life and achievements : of Mr. Ma' honey, who died suddenly in the na tional capital last Thursday. , "Above all things, he was a just man, Archbishop Harty said. Memory a Benefit He declared that Mr. Mahoney'a memory will always be a benefit to the citizens of Omaha, adding that the distinguished lawyer'!; thirty-two years residence here was an inspire' tion for others. The archbishoo re. ferred to Mr. Mahoney as a just man and a man of large capabilities. ,The archbishop said that the three strong pillars of the state are intel. ligence. integrity and courage. Mr. Mahoney, he said, possessed all three ot these in an eminent degree. The archbishoo referred to the im. mortality of the soul, and urged his nearera to learn something from the life and works of the late prominent member ot the bar. The following acted as pallbearers C. J. Smrfh, T. P. Redmond, Lather Drake, ' ' Robert C. Howe, John ftMuh. Prank J. Burkler, Jada Ketella. . Jr. H. Oalnee. Burial was in Holy Sepulcher ceme- tery. . , Women Worry Over What to Wear at' War Auto Schob , society women will 'discard their ' frills and white kid gloves for their . first lesson in motor mechanics Wed i nesdav tnorninff at 'in AVInrV Vre , E. S. Westbrook's class of promising ambulance drivers in the war will j tnen begin instruction at the Ne braska Auto school. Services of a , mechanician were volunteered to the i women. , David Sherman has given an old car ror tne women to dissect. chanics lesson is a weighty subject . not yei aeciaea Dy Mrs. Louis uarke, I captain of the motor-driving section ui inn national league lor woman Servire. mnrf hlr rnmmeHrlents I Bloomers, overalls and khaki suits are all being Considered, a decision to '. be reached when the emergency of crawling , under a recalcitrant car arwci, aay me women. AwWtH Regarded Wife ; 0nly as Personal Slave "He's going to be a good man now," said Mrs. Rose Ohauaof the domestic relatione department of the Board of Public Welfare,-after she had admin ' istered a severe rebuke to Nicholas Zeeh. ; ' " . ' Zech, an Austrian, admitted that he had not even applied for naturaliza tion. ThrAMtyh n !...Kr.t.. L. made H known "t)iat he regarded his wiie personal property. "I this country rfce wife has rights and we intend to- protect your wife. We will place, you on ninety days' probation. You may see your baby every aunoay aitemoon it you are aober. Yon are to pay 20 per cent of your, wans for the support ,of the baby. If you do not observe these . term we will prosecute you on the eomptaint which has been filed," said jars, voians , Zeeh agreed to the terms. SokHer, Hit by Civilian, Suffers Loss of His Eye Bred Holton dashed up to Patrol man Abond Sunday with a story that Private Peter J. Balser of the United States army 'had just threatened his Site wttn an automatic pistol, . "He's down , the . atrmt." vaanrit Holton, "and he's swinging the pistol carelessly around,"- ' r The policeman : and Holton ad vanced toward the soldier, with Hoi ton well in the rear. After Patrolman Abond had pinion Balser's arms be hind, him, Holton came forward, the policeman says, and hit Balser in the eye. -. ..-... Police Surgeon Connelly says Bal ser is in oanger ot losing the eye as a result of the wallop. ' . ' Holton will be arraigned Tuesday la police court " Feast Day of the Good Shepherd Celebrated ' The annual feast day of the Sister hood of the Good SheDherd was cele brated Sunday in the new chapel of the convent, Fortieth and Jackson atreets. Friends of the institution . filled the south wing of the chspel and overflowed into the west wing, wnue ine inmates and sisters tilled the north and east wings and the gal leries. The festal services began at 10 a. m. with aolemn high mass, at which Archbishop Harty presided. Rev. D. r. narrmgton, pastor of St. Cecelia's cathedral, celebrated the mass, and To Remarry Since State ' Is to Be Dry After May 1 J. H. Ritcher obtained a marriage license Monday morning to remarry Mrs. Carrie Ritcher, who divorced him V year ago. He said that the state going- dry was responsible. for their determination to-make another try. i- "1 was a good fellow and didn't know when to stop," Ritcher told the marriage license clerk. "I wasted my money for drink and neglected my family. Now we're going to start over." i . Ritcher is 45 years old and his wife is 38 years old. They have five children. . Grape vineyards in and around Omaha will be almost entirely barren this year, prominent grape growers fear, because of the dry winter and spring. There are a number of extensive grape vineyards in Douglas county and ordinarily large crops of the fruit are successfully raised. This year, however, it is said the crop will not be 25 per cent or less of an average crop. E. H. Walker of Florence, one of the largest and most successful grape growers in the state, says he will lose is entire crop of fifteen acres. "The sprouts on which the grapes grow," said Mr. Walker, "have no sap in them and the young fibers are black. The vines seem to have lost all their vitality." Caused by Drouth. Drouth is the cause advanced, by Mr. Walker. Some attribute the lost crop to winter freezing,, but Mr. Walker insists lack of moisture is the only possible reason. N. H. Nelson, manager of the Douglas County Fruit Growers' as sociation, 'has found Mr. Walker's complaint a common one in investi gations among members of the asso ciation. ' Almost alt of them report their entire grape crops gone and that other fruits have suffered too. Strawberries have been hurt severely and the crop of this fruit will be less than. 50 per cent of normal. . J. J. Smith, secretary of the Doug las County Fruit Growers' as sociation, confirms Mr. Nelson's re- Eort of the poor condition of fruit in touglas county.' He has not found a grower so optimistic as to even expect half a crop, Licensed Electrical Contrac tor's Statement of Facts Pertaining to the Present , Labor Difficulties. . In making answer to the published statement by representatives of the Elertriral Wnrkera' TTninn th. ' fl lowing licensed electrical contrac sors: AMERICAN ELECTRIC CO. E. C BENNETT ELECTRIC mupitiv BURGESS-GRANDEN 'COMPANY, TtTAP Ttnwf JOHNSTON ELECTRIC, CO. T.IIHP. , I ITHP LE. BRUM HUfeliKil. CUMFANY, UMAMA HUCLTKIUAL WORKS W W CUCDurnnn WOLFE ELECTRIC COMPANY, mane tne loiiowmg atatement of facts concerning their present difficulties: For the vear 101 A tn Tinmrv 1017 the seal of S7J4c per hour, with the usual wonting conditions, with the understanding that the scale wai to be readjusted in January, 1917. Ahnnt Tannarv 1 1017 Am tee from the-union notified some of the shops that they wanted t per day ' Closed Shop - TTninn h1nra nnl,. No agreement to extend beyond August i, iyu. to whien counter nrenmiliM, wb made by the contractors to ray ouc per hour and the same working rnlea as prevailed dur ing 1916 for a period of. one year nnlv frntn Hat to . which, jhe .committee, from the union nVrlineit tn ibtm' Kf kA,k committees agreeing to' report' back In hlr aaarwi.tea enrf i. of decision after their next regular meeting. inese committees met again, the Union Committee stating that their asanriatinn hail nVMlneH , accept the Contractors' proposition. tne uoniracrors men made another proposition as follows: . .- That thev Would nav Uira,vm,n 60e per hour to August f, 1917, and aOT ... a . a . a uyac pw noos; irom August l, iyi. io innirr i. ivin fawitn ina ma working rules at' prevailed daring made -by the Contractors the Union ommiiice nonnea tne contractors by a letter dated February 1 to the effeet that all neirnfiatinna heH dropped for the present and that the union ueemea 11 aavisanie on ana after that date . that Contractors ihnntn Afflir all am m k.-l. of (&iic per hour. This was the last communication receivea trom the Eelectrical Workers' Union either by Committer nr 1ttr " No further affnrt wee 4 ma k.. meir rcpreseniBiives or Dy their Com mittee to arbitrate the differences and without notice or warning of any kind thev renorted for wnrW Anril 9 k were called to a special, meeting of incir uniun eariy mac morning ana have not returned to work since. r- niuivu, naming, have left our employ the Contractors nave enaeavorea to carry on their work to a successful completion, but have been harassed and handicapped in the aurreafi,1 mmnltliM nt u:- jods oy tne intimiaation ot our work men anu ine stealing, ot our tools and the rfeatrurtinn nf .m-I m-A the following of our mn l thir uuiifca. : r Aa to anv written r,mm from - tha Cnntrarihre A..A:.,: aereeinff to nav 62'Ae ner U k. ginning January 1, 1917. it ia entirely ,.w., ,cimi BaTccmcma only were made for 1916 to end January 1, 1917. After that date wage scale was to be adjusted. Further, none of the "above named Contractora are now employing any of the member! nf I nr.l Mn n .... cept those- who have come back of their own accord, and no agreement has been made to employ them by any of .the afoteiiid licensed Elsctri cal Contractors. We m. ploying competent men without re- gara io amnations, paying them a just compensation " for labor per formed. This ia a tru r.( tu M troversv and condition, nf th Ukn. trouble existing between the licensed Electrical Contractors and the jour neymen Electricians' Union. Adver tisement. ' 'Royal Corf , : 4Vu ?w; United S Are Good Tires Utitti Suttt TUBES mi TIRE ACCES SORIES Hm All (if SfrUmt Wm mi Wear tint Hth Vuitti Stain Tim Suprtrnt