Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 22, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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Sunday, April 22, 1917-
-Phone Douglas 137
A Stored Greatness Lies In Its Ability to Serve Satisfactorily
A Beautiful
Flower Whose
Courtesy is that first move
toward friendly acquaintance,
toward a mutual understand
ing. We believe courtesy is the
first pillar in the structure of
service for to the courteous
all knowledge is freely given,
all mistakes gladly excused, all
desire to improve gratified.
If this store is known for
its scientific handling of vast
quantities of merchandise, for
its seemingly intuitive under
standing of coming commer
cial and manufacturing events,
for the accuracy of its fashion
predictions, for the remarkab
ly few serious errors in its de
liveries, for the unusual intel
ligence of its little army of
employes yes, for all these
and the many other advan
tages and splendid service it
offers credit this to courtesy,
the first word upon our busi
ness standard.
For through courtesy to the
trade our organization secures
its whole-hearted good-will and
co-operation through cour
tesy to our employes we se
cure their loyalty and unity of
action which directs the entire
force of their wills toward
progress and accomplishment
through the courtesy of our
employes we learn from you
where we can improve and be
of greater service every day.
Clearaway of Imported Embroidered
Chiffons, Georgette Crepes, Taffetas,
Etc., at a Tremendous Reduction
A COMPREHENSIVE collection of the season's most ex
quisite materials for waists, evening dresses, etc., all
embraced in this clearaway, Monday, at greatly reduced
Embroidered Chiffons, Reduced to $2.69
Also georgette crepes, embroidered and tinsled de
signs, beautiful borders and allover effects; more than
two score exquisite designs.
Embroidered Taffeta, Reduced to $2.69 $2.69
til..- L1..1. .!ik Bmn11 natt.,n. vlcl, I
dUO ur uiatn (luuiiua wi.ii email yn.reiuo) ......
color, embroidered figure, finest quality chiffon Yard
Embroidered Taffeta, Reduced to $2.69
Real Mandarin patterns, white, blue, and pink
grounds with beautiful embroidered designs.
Flowered Chiffons, at 98c a Yard
Light or dark grounds, with pretty floral effects, 40 inches wide;
very special, at 98c yard.
Burffoal-Naab. Co. Main Floor
White Skirtings Will Have the Call
This Season, 25c to $1.00 Yard
ESPECIALLY desirable for street and outing wear; the new sport
weaves are well represented, as well as the more conservative
styles; price ranee, 25c to $1.00 yard. '
Plain White Voiles, 25c to $1.00
Destined to be the popular fabric this season for blouses and
dresses. ,
Wide domestic voiles, 25c, 35c and 50c.
Wide imported voiles, 50c, 75c and $1.00.
Cinderella Nainsook, at $3.25 a Bolt
Fine soft nainsook, made of Sea Island cotton, so noted for its
natural strength and wearing qualities; 39 inches wide; 10 yards
in bolt, $3.25.
White Underwear Crepe Special
The genuine Windsor plisse crepe, the best made; white only.
31 inches wide, at 20c yard.
36 inches wide, at 25c yard.
Burpaaa-Naah Co. Main Floor
Extra Special!
Your Unrestricted Choice of Any Trimmed Hat
in Second Floor Millinery Section, Monday,
AN offering that borders on the sensational a fact you will agree to when you see the splendid collection of
charming new millinery that has been arranged for your choosing.
Beautiful White Hats Exquisite Street Hats
Airy Transparent Hats Chk'Tailleur Hats
Never before do we recall such a collection of "millinery beautiful" as included in this offering and display which will
greet you Monday every hat a picture no two alike; the season's very latest creations, individual and distinctive, the
very sort that will appeal to the woman who gives a thought to her headdress and the best part of it all, at an extreme
reduction from the regular selling price.
No Exchanges No Approvals None Sent C. O.D.
Burgaaa-Naah Co. Socond Floor '
"Feminalls" For Women
Not overalls, but an all-purpose
home garb of far-reaching utility
FEMINALLS fill a long felt want of the woman who
does her own housework, or who enjoys working in
the garden and the like. They meet every requirement
every purpose of the home. Cool, comfortable, service
able and easy to wash and launder.
Special Demonstration of "Feminalls" on Living Models
r '-y, 10 A. M. to 12 M., and 2 to 4 P. M,
cn Second Floor.
Illustration on left shows it arranged as a breakfast set,
the skirt hiding the trousers or "bloomers." In this cos
tume the most sensitive woman can appear before either
friend or stranger without embarrassment.
In the privacy of her home, she can discard the skirt,
pull the trousers to the knee (where they are held by an
elastic band), and she has an ideal costume for house
cleaning, sweeping, dusting or mopping the floor and a
dozen different kinds of work.
Illustration on right shows how "Feminalls" appear when
worn in this way the so-called "athletic costume" ar
rangement. The trousers may be extended to the ankles,
if desired. Worn thus, in combination with the jacket, the
costume is suitable for garden work. The trousers are cut
full, and there is no exposure of the person.
Illustration in center shows one-piece "Feminalls," a com
fortable, non-bothering working garment.
The materials are fancy ginghams, percales and
cheviots; sizes 34 to 44. Price range, $2.00 to $3.75.
BurgoM-Naih Co. Second Floor
A Mid-Summer
Night's Dream
That can be realized a group
of happy faces, a
The world's greatest entertain
er, to make the evening merry.
Prepare for the delightful sum
mer evenings by purchasing a
Victrola on the
Burgess-Nash -No-Money-Down
You simply
pay f or . the
records you
may select.nnd,
any Victrola.l
in proportionl
to number of
records pur
chased, will be
sent to your
home without
further pay
ment for 30
days. Then'
you may pay
for it in small
convenient monthly payments.
Burgess-Naah Co. Fourth Floor
Cpecial Sale of
v Hair Goods
Featured in the Black and
White Room for Monday.
Hair Switches, $1.98
22 and 24 inches long, good
quality hair, natural color, spe
cial, at $1.98.
Gray Switches, $1.98
20 and 22 inches long, good
quality hair, special, at $1.98.
Transformations, $2.75
Natural wavy hair, all around
the head.
Burgeaa-Naih Co. Second Floor
ART Embroidery
Goods Specials
Special inducements that will
tempt nimble fingers to while
away the drowsy summer after
noons. Stamped Dreiaea, 29c
For children 2 to 4 years,
made up ready to embroider,
special, at 29c.
Bridga Seti, 98c
Stamped, ready for working,
consisting of one 36-inch lunch
cloth and four napkins, in clever
Japanese designs to be embroid
ered in French knot and out
line, also cup and saucer and
cross-stitch designs.
Crochet Book Free
With purchase of one box of
crochet cotton; white, ecru or
colors; all sizes, at 96c box.
Burgaaa-Naah Co. Third Floor
Clearaway of Floor and Table Lamps
at Prices That Have Been Greatly Reduced
A DETERMINED effort to reduce our stock of Lamps that we may have the space they
now occupy for summer furniture and kindred lines. The prices in every instance
have been severely chipped for the offering Monday.
Handsome Floor Lamps, Reduced to $13.00
Fancy turned column and base, piano finish, 6 feet high, double
socket, with choice of rose, gold or blue silk shade, well made, with
deep fringe and braid trimmings. Complete, Monday, for $13.00.
Electric Floor Lamps, $6.50 to $15.00
Birch, mahogany, roman gold and white enamel stands with double
socket, cord and attachment plug; specially reduced to $6.50, $9.50
and $15.00.
Table Lamps Reduced to $4.95
Mahogany finish table lamps, single
light, choice of blue, gold or rose shade;
complete, at $4.95. ,
Table Lamps Reduced to $5.95
Japanese hand-painted base and shades,
specially reduced to $5.95.
Burfaaa-Naah Co. Third Floor
Table Lamps Reduced to $9.50
Gold finish, hand-carved designs, dou
ble socket, including shade, stands 24
inches high, $9.50.
Wire Shade Frames, at 49c
Wire lamp shade frames, princess or
empire shapes, 18 to 24-inch, at 49c.
The Wonderful Summer
Furniture Displays Are Ready
Spring has flung out its banner from the battlement
of the clouds, a signal that Winter's forces are in full re
treat, and that Summer, with its grand army of gilded
glories, is steadily marching on.
Don't heed anybody who savs
there is something the matter with
Spring this year; it is with him
there is something the matter.
The sun has been playing hide
and seek. He is coming out today
or tomorrow or next day to laugh
at all gloomy faces.
We are on the winning side, the
side of the sun, and today we open
the gates of the wonderful sum
mer furniture displays; wonderful,
indeed, but more good than they
are wonderful, for it is good to
see these restful things, to walk
about among them and feel as if
you were already in a pleasant
garden or on a fresh green lawn.
We cannot tell you all about
them, so come and see for yourself.
Burfeaa-Noah Co. Third Floor
Monday in the big
Odd Strips of Lace Curtains
Greatly Sacrificed in Price Monday, at
29c, 49c, 98c, $1.45 and $2.48 each
IT'S the result of our remarkable clearaway of lace cur
tains of a week or so ago ; odd strips or half pairs that
in most instances were used for floor samples. Some of
them are slightly soiled, but otherwise perfect. The offer
ing includes a great variety of weaves and patterns suit
able for most any room in the home.
Nottinghams, Swiss, Nets, Voiles,
Marquisettes, etc.
They are all 2V-i yards long and regular widths, in an
unlimited range of pattern selection.. Five groups
This Is Home-Dressmaking Time and Here Are
Four Sewing Machine Specials
THAT no one who does their own sewing can afford to overlook. Machines made and
guaranteed by the Standard Sewing Machine company, as well as by Burgess-Nash
The Princess,
at $55.00
A "Standard" ro
tary with lock and
chain stitch, beauti
ful cabinet; easy
The Duchess,
Six-drawer style,
equipped the same
as the Princess ; neat
running. caDinet.
Terms as Low as $2
Clark Rotary,
A six-drawer ro
tary machine, at a
minimum cost, very
The Paragon,
The best long
shuttle machine
built; four-drawer
special. cabinet.
Down and $1 a Week
Needles, parts and repairs for all machines carried in stock at all times; free sew
ing lessons.
Burgeaa-Naah Co. Fourth Floor
If I A-L. H... fe,f'4
ni uui uay
Apple and
Plum Trees d
All 5 to 7-feet stock, se
lected. Very special Mon
day, at 5c each.
Burgaaa-Naah Co. Down-Suira Store.
Group 1
Odd curtains re
duced to, each
Group 4
Odd curtains r
'duced to, each. . .
Group 2
Odd curtains re
duced to, each
Group 3
Odd curtains re
duced to, each
Group 5
Odd curtains, re
duced to, each
Burgaaa-Naah Co. Down Stoln Storo
House Dresses, 79c
Percales and ginghams, light or
dark, nicely made and trimmed,
splendid fitting, and very special,
at 79c.
Silk Hose, 29c
Fiber silk boot hose, seamless, in
shades of silver, champagne, tan,
copen, navy; seconds, 29c pair.
Union Suits, 39c
Women's union suits, white cot
ton, low neck, sleeveless, knee
length, umbrella style, lace trim
med, at 39c.
Pebeco Tooth Paste, 29c
You know the merits of Pebeco,
special, Monday, 29c.
Toilet Soap, 6c
Sayman's toilet soap, special,
Monday, cake, 6c.
Oil Polish, 10c
7-ounce can of Big Wonder Ce
dar Oil Polish, Monday, for 10c.
Corsets, at $1.00
Elastic top, made of strong cou
til, free hip, pink or white, double
boned, sizes 19 to 28.
Brassieres, at 29c
Large assortment, beautifully
trimmed with embroidery, open
front and back, sizes 34 to 48.
Percales, at U'ic
32 to 36-inch percales, light col
ors, big selection of patterns, 9 He
Ginghams, at 12'c
Dress ginghams, including Toile
de Norde, Yorks, etc., good selec
tion, at 12Hc yard.
Tumblers, 6 for 25c
Thin blown table tumblers,
straight shape, special, at 6 for 25c
Ink Tablets, 3 for 5c
Ink tablets, letter size, special
for Monday, at 3 for Sc.
Burgaaa-Naah Co. Down Stalra Stora
Pillow Cases, WAc
Muslin pillow cases, 42 or 45x38
inch; a good quality and very spe
cial, at 12 He
Women's Shoes, $1.95
Patent kidskin, gun metal, cloth
and kid tops, button and lace
styles, at hardly what they would
coBt to make, at $1.95.
Coat Hangers, 10c Dozen
.Wooden, coat hangers, very use
ful, dozen, 10c.
Collar Buttons, 4 for lc
Gold plated, with celluloid
backs, 4 for lc.
Union Suits, 65c
Broken lines, white and ecru
color, one-fourth sleeves, three
fourths inseam, closed crotch, 65c.
Embroideries, 25c
Dress flouncings and allovers,
voile and batiste, to 40 inches wide,
25c yard.