Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 22, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 5, Image 5

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5 A
Action of India in Placing Pro
tective Tariff is the Causa
for Alarm Now.
(Correspondence of The Associated Press.)
London, March 25. The world's
greatest cotton manufacturing com
munity, Lancashire, is tremendously
aroused by the action of the govern
ment of India in placing a protective
tariff on cotton goods. The spokes
men for the cotton interests call it a
disaster and declare that it will prove
the worst hardship the industry has
suffered since the blockade of the j
southern states during the American
civil war. Entirely without warning
to them came the announcement by
Sir William Meyer, the financial sec
retary of India, of a straight duty of
4 per cent which operates against
other parts of the British empire as
well as against foreigners.
That the object of this increased
taxation was to cover the contribu
tion of 100,000,000 pounds which India
ill make toward the war expenses of
the United Kingdom does not seem to
soften the blow. Sir William Meyer
announced that this step had been j
taken with the approval of the home
government and when members of
the House of Commons proposed de
lay Austen Chamberlain, the secretary
for India, informed them that the new
rate had already gone into effect.
Cotton a Great Asset.
The Indian cotton trade is one of
Kngland's most important and most
carefully nnirturcd commercial assets.
Lancashire imports yearly some 70,
000,000 worth of cotton from America
in normal times and its mills turn
out about 10,000,000 worth of fin
ished fabrics. In the last vear before
the war .57,000,000 worth was ab
sorbed by the Indian market. China
has been Lancashire's second best
foreign customer, but Japanese com
petition has been steadily absorbing
the Chinese markets during the last
tew years and has also been gaining
ground in India. Lancashire's chief
rival has been the cotton mills of
Bombay, but for twenty years the
Lancashire exporters have enjoyed
practical free trade with India. To
insure this situation and. at the same
time produce revenue the Indian tar
iff of Z'i per cent had been bal
anced by an excise tax of I'A pet
cent on domestic goods, Svhich left
the Indian product without any ad
vantage oven the imported. Now the
government of India by raising the
tariff to 7'i per cent, without any in
crease of the excise taxes, gives the
native factories a protection of 4
per cent.
Through this reversal of policy the
Lloyd George government and the
government of India, between them,
have set ablaze a controversy smoul
dering for many years which con
cerns the basic principles of British
colonial rule and have kindled it at
an hour when tariffs are political fire
brands. Justifies the Duties.
Mr. Chamberlain in the House of
Commons justified the new duties by
India's decision to contribute 100,
000,000 to the costs of the war. The
Manchester Chamber of Commerce
replied immediately by passing reso
lutions which applauded the Indian
contribution to the war, but asked
for the postponement of the tariff
question until after the war, or un
til the forthcoming imperial confer
ence has considered the fiscal policy
of the empire. All the other organi
zations are following its lead. The
Employers' Federation of Bleachers,
in resolutions, "learns with alarm" of
the tariff and urges the Chamber of
Commerce to oppose it 'unless a cor
responding excise duty be placed upon
Indian manufactures.'1
Meantime the new tariff is the
law and it is not likely to be repealed.
The cotton manufacturers of Lanca
shire, as well as those of Japan and
of the United States, whose interest
is not small, will probably have to
accept the fact that the Indian mills
have 4 per cent protection and make
their business arrangements accord
ingly. -
Civilians on Canal Zone '
Volunteer for Its Defense
(Correspondence of The Associated Press.)
Panama, March 6. Civilian em
ployes of the Panama canal have
initiated a Plattsburg idea movement
at Gatun. Instruction in elementary
tactics is being given by officers of
the Thirty-third infantry, stationed
there to guard the locks and spillway
of Gatun lake, and this work is to bex
supplemented by a series of popular
lectures on various branches of mili
tary activity.
The civilians of the canal zone have
generally shown a great deal of in
terest iiuarrangemcnts for the dctense
and many have volunteered for field
service. In case of need they will
probably be placed on guard duty, re
lieving the regular soldiers, to occupy
th trenches well beyond the limits
of the canal.
Italian-Provinces Now
Issue Bread Tickets
(Correspondence of The Associated Press.)
Rome. March 31. The government
is now organizing a system through
out Italy for the distribution of the
necessities of life by means jof tickets
in order to suppress the inequalities
which herctolore have existed in the
sixty-nine provinces of the kingdom.
In the province of Mantua each in
dividual has been allowed to have less
than two ounce.) of sugar every ten
days, while in the neighboring prov
ince; there is no limitation on the pur
chase of sugar.
Sharks' Skins Excellent
Substitute for Leather
(Correspondence The Associated Press.)
Mexico City, March 30. Mexican
consuls in the United States have
sent advices to the Department of
Fomento urging that shark fishing in
Mexican waters be given special en
couragement. They report the skins
of sharks are in great demand among
shoe manutacturers in the United
Slates, where the scarcity of other
leather is being keenly felt and that
the skins command an excellent
price. Sharks arc plenum! on both
Atlantic and Pacific coasts of Mexico.
Activities Among Student So-
L cieties and Clubs on
Hili Top.
The Athenian Debating society of
Central High school gave its annual
banquet at the Rome hotel Thursday
night. More than thirty members at
tended. J. G. Masters, principal: J.
F. Woolery, vice principal. Miss
Belle von Mansfclde, Mr. Orchard,
members of the faculty, and others,
gave short talks. John Taliafero,
former president of the society, and
other members wer present. Mr.
Taliafero spoke on the benefits of so
cieties to High school pupils. Meyer
Bcber,' president, was toastmaster.
A joint progra:u was held of the
Central High School Literary socie
ties in which the Priscilla Allien, the
Lininger and the German societies
took part. Frances Bringle of the
Lininger sciety gave a vocal solo
and Hannah Somer of the same so
ciety a recitation, "How Gentlemen
Are Made." The German society pre
sented a one-act playlet, Oerman
Eieht." a take-off on school life. The
cast was composed of members of the
senior class.
The Priscilla Alden society gave a
novel act entitled "Living Songs in
Living Pictures." Chtrliene Johnston,
president of the society, sang and
other members posed in costume. The
following took part: Helen Cain,
Omaha High school; Alice uay.
Alice Ben Bolt : Georgiana Steel,
Sweet and Low": Lilith Roberts,
Gypsy love song; Thtlma Black, "Old
(Jaken hucket ; Kutn awenson. int
Rosary"; Frances Hodgin, "Three
Blind Mice": Carolyn Cain, "Mother
Machree"; Maude Asmussen, "Juani
ta"; Margaret Peters. "Last Rose of
.Summer"; Kunicc Kelley, "Annie
Laurie : hlsie Hurt, Drink to Me
Only With Thine Eyes"; Ruby Swen-
son, "L.i'nd ot the Miv rrnie water :
Marguerite Miller, "Dixie"; Mildred
Johnson. "Minuet"; Helen Leach,
London and Petrograd
Will Be Two Days' Nearer
(Correspondence of The Associated Press.)
Stockholm. March 30. Plans for
bringing London and Petrograd two
days nearer together by the establish
ment of a train ferry across the Gulf
of Finland have been approved by the
Swedish royal commission. The ferry
will run between Kapeilskaer,
Sweden, and a Baltic port near the
mouth of the Gulf of Finland. It
will involve an initial expenditure of
about $5,000,000. The distance to be
traversed by the ferries is about ISO
Hundred Villistas Captives
Killed by Carranza Troops
Tuarez. Mex.. April 20. One hun
dred Villa followers were hanged, 200
others killed and wounded and a quan
tity of ammunition and horses cap
tured yesterday when fighting between
the Villa forces and the command, ot
General Francisco Murguia was re
sumed at dawn in a rugged canon in
the Babicora district of western Chi
huahua, according to an unofficial re
port received here tonight from Gen
eral Murguia's base at Casas Grandes.
Big Increase in Earnings '
Of the New York Central
New York. April 20. An increase of
$33,672,715 in gross earnings and a
gain of $13,163,599 in operating in
come was reported by the New York
Central Kailroad company in its an
nual, statement made public tonight.
The surplus earned from dividends
was $45,659,217, equal to 18.3 per cent
on the $249,590,466 capital stock out
standing, compared with 11.1 per cent
earned in 1915. ,
Guardsman Shot in Leg as
He IsPatroling Idaho Bridge
Spokane. Wash., April 20. Charles
K. Overton, a member of Company C, 1
Idaho National Guard, was shot ui .
the leg tonight while patrolling across
a Great Northern railroad bridge.
Overton ordered the man to halt, ac-
cording to word reaching here, and
received two shots as an answer, one
of which entered the leg. The shooter
Bicycles Very Popular
With the Boys and Girls
More bicycles are being used by
girls and Boys this season than ever
before says Victor H. Roos. the local
Harley-Davidson cycle dealer. The
the outdoor air' and promote this
an influence on the desire to get in
healthful pastime which is most bene
ficial in building up a sturdy body.
spirit of patriotism seems to have j
Root Probably Will Head j
U. S. Commission to Russia
Washington, April 20. President ,
Wilson has almost completed the se
lection of a commission to be sent to
Russia to co-operate with the new
provisional government on method,
by which the United States can be of
assistance. The party is expected to
leave for Petrograd within two wcejs. i
Elihu Root will probably be chair
man. '
6. .ttmr
I '"' f
Sixty young people of the Young
Men and Voting Women's Hebrew
association take part in the "Qjcen
Esther" cantata, to be presented at
the Boyd theater this evening, for
the war relief fund. Harry Disbrow
sings the role of Hainan, one of the
pirncipal parts in the cantata.
Miss Jessie Kruger, leader of the
choral society, directs the musical
production. Miss Dorette Adler
assists with the dancing numbers and
picturesque tableaux.
Seats are on sale at the Boyd the
ater and at Merritt's in the Rose
Brie) City News
Mud Lainpi BurgeH-Qranden Co.
Have Root Print It Now Beacon Presi.
Plniluum Wedding Rings Ed holm,
Goodrich Garden Hose at Jas. Mor
ton & Son Co.
KukcI Still Improves City Com
missioner Kutfel continues lo improve.
Attending physician believes patient
has passed the danger point in his at
tack of typhoid pneumonia.
Schools Open Monday Public
schools will be open on Monday. The
spirit of Arbor day will bo observed
by the study of Nebraska trees and
the value of trees as a conservation
Offers Seven Lots G. W. Megeath
of 2137 South Thirty-third street, ud
vised Mayor Dahlman that he will give
the use of seven lots near his home
for garden purposes. He will have
the land plowed and arrange for a
supply of city water.
Law League to Meet The Law En
forcement league, recently organized
to cope with expected bootlegging
after May 1, will meet Tuesday to talk
over plans. The league will enforce
the liquor laws if the regularly con
stituted officials "lay down" on the
job, its officials declare.
Appears for Daughter J. M. Ai
ken, 322 North Forty-first street, ap
peared before Police Judge Madden
Saturday in place of his daughter, who
had been summoned on the charge of
speeding past a school house. He paid
a fine of $1 and costs. Ed Masllka,
615 Dorcas street, paid a like fine on
a similar charge.
Lawn Mowers and Garden Tools at
Jas. Morton & Son Co. .
Anti-German Riots Cease
In Brazil; Quiet Reigns
Porto Alergere, Brazil, April 20.
The anti-German riots have ceased
and normal conditions have been re
stored. A number of patriotic mani
festations have taken place through
out the state of Rio Grande de Sul.
No untoward incidents occurred.
Population Trebles in
District of Arsenal
(Correapoiidencc of The Amaoclatcd Pr"M. t
London, March 30. The population
of Woolwich, the London borough
which contains the great Woolwich
arsenal, has nearly trebled since the
beginning of the war, and is now
about 140,000.
Obituary Notes
CHARLES HANLEV, civil war vet
eran and for many years a prominent
Omaha grocer, died Thursday night
at Battle Mountain sanitarium, Hot
Springs, S. D., of ailments due to his
advanced age. Mr. Hanley was 74
years old, born In County Meoth, Ire
land .March 25, 1843. Surviving him,
besides his wife, are three sons,
Charles J., James W, and Thomas F.;
two daughters, Mary C. and Mrs, Carl
E, Smith; a brother and nephew,
George and Charles T. Hanley of Oak
land, March 25, 1843. Surviving htm.
Sunday morning' the body will be
brought to the home, 1916 Blnney
street, Omaha. The funeral will bp
held at 9 o'clock Monday nn-rning
from the residence to Sacred Heart
church, whf-re requiem high m-urs will
be -efehratcd. Interment will be in
Holy Sepulchre cemetery.
Household .
Freshen Up Your Kitchen
3-Qt. Preserving Kettle 55
2-Qt. Berlin Kettle 45t
1-Qt. Cereal Cooker 65
6-Qt. Tea Kettle 81.60
6-Qt Berlin Kettle 79
19c and 85c
Electric Iron
and Stand
ioc, 00c ana i
I 1
Protective Tariff and Prefer
ential Treatment for Colo
nies Being Agitated.
111 i t the government to the addition
of any new tarilf policy at the pres.
cut time is a violation of the political
truce on contentions matters to which
the two leading parties in parliament
pledged themselves soon after the be
ginning of the war.
Proceedings Are Secret.
The publication ot the report was
followed by a inci'ling ui the par
liamentary free trade committee to
consider measures, tor opposition.
Seventy members of parliament at
tended, and the proceedings were
moans portends that , Great Britain
is likely to maintain its old policy
of wide-open and unrestricted free
trade. The experiences of war have
imposed upon the nation a lesson of
Its limitations. The is that
it is dangerous for any island nation
lo depend upon its shipping for the
greater part of its rations. And also
that it is equally dangerous to de
pend upon foreign imports for any
materials necessary for carrying on
a war.
(C'.!!TMl10'Hl,MU,' of Thi ,tn,-lHtrtt l'rfss.)
London, March 15. Discussion of
the policy of a commercial "war alt
er the war" and of a protective tarilf
for Great Britain, with preferential
treatment for the dominions and colo
nies, which had lain dormant since
the Paris conference, has been re
vived by the report of the committee
on commercial and industrial policy.
This report is merely a preliminary
one. It pronounces in favor of gen
eral policies, without attempting to
trame details.
It recommends also that "his
majesty's government should now
declare their adherance to the prin
ciple that preference should he ac
corded to the products and manufac
tures of the British overseas domin
ions in respect of any customs duties
now or hereafter to he imposed on
imports into the United Kingdom."
It lurtlier recommends a wider
range of customs duties which would
be remitted or reduced on the prod
ucts and manufactures of the empire,
and which would form the basis of
commercial treaties with allied and
neutral powers."
Challenge to Free Traders.
The pronouncement of this com
mittee had the effect of a direct chal
lenge to the free traders. One result
of the Paris conference was the
formation of a parliamentary free
trade committee, with Lord Beau-
champ as its chairman, to act as an
organized guardian of the interests of
the historic British policy.
The view which 1 he free trade
group holds of the report suggesting
a policy of imperial preference, is
sued by the committee on commercial
and industrial policy,, headed by Lord
uaitourot Jiurleigli, is that the com
mittee was not a well balanced and
impartial representative of British
opinion, that it was virtually packed
with protectionists, and that leaders
of the free-trade faith were excluded.
The free traders say the declaration
of principles is put forth at the pres
ent time for the purpose of influen
cing the imperial conference which
II aisemble in London this sunns.
They tver that an attempt to corn-
secret. Among those present were
j Lord ltryce. Reginald MacKenna,
j chancellor of the exchequer in the
1 Astiiilh cabinet; Walter Huuciman
; and Sir John Simon, prominent nu'in-
bers oi that cabinet; John Burns and
. others of the rank ami hie of the lib
i eral and labor parties in Hie com
) 1110ns, and members of the House of
I Lords. The discussion which took
I place gave evidence that there will be
i no sweeping change in the govern
' nient's tarilf policy while the war is
; in progress without a hard party
I fight, with straight-out protectionists,
protectionists for imperial preference
only, and full free traders as the bel
ligerents. Of course any scheme of protective
tariff would be infinitely more com
plicated and difficult for the British
empire with the distinct and some
times opposing interests of the
United Kingdom and of the self-governing
dominions of Canada. Austra
lia, South Africa and of India to be
reconciled than for geographically
compact nations like the United
States, Russia, Germany and France,
which are protectionist countries. Ire
land has come forward already with
a plea for the safeguarding of her
own special interests, and as strong
an opponent of home rule as the
Morning Post recognizes the reason
ableness of Ireland's claim.
No Definite Program.
In th,e Paris conference the nations
of the entente committed themselves
10 the principles of special commer
cial arrangements for the period of
reconstruction after the war, at least.
That policy, so far as it-concerns the
British people, awakened strong op
position. Kven its supporters have
not yet advanced any definite pro
gram. Tentative suggestions are made for
a graded tariff for the United King
dom, Nebulous suggestions appear
in the protectionist newspapers for an
arrangement with "one scale of duties
for the colonies, a higher one for al
lies, another for neutrals and a fourth
for enemies." "Progressive protec
tion." the scheme is styled by Francis
Hirst's financial paper, Common
The free trade resistance hy no
American Buffaloes in
Sweden Cause Comment
o 'iinvHiouil'-niT 'f Tile Aysi'i'tntd l'lv.a.)
Stockholm, March M. A herd of
nine American buffaloes, obtained
from Hagenhcck in Hamburg, has just
been brought lo Sweden through the
clforts of I'rof. C". V. Hartmau of the
ethnographic department of the Royal
Museum, Thev are to be released on
one of the larger islands in the Stock
holm archipelago. It is intended later
to attempt hybridization with native
cattle. These arc the first bison ever
seen in Sweden.
Widow Gets Letter Telling
That Husband Was Hero
(Corromirmcl'iN' of Til Associated Prsss.)
London, March 20. The widow of
I a lieutenant in lite urinsn noyai riy
I ing corps, killed at Saloniki, has rc-
reived a letter enclosing a copy of a
i message dropped from a German
: aeroplane on a British aerodrome,
i " The Knglish aviators," the message
1 read, "had been lighting bravely, but
alter five minutes their airplane
t dropped and they were killed. They
; died heroes. Tlirir bodies will be
j buried with all military honors."
Prsitp,nt Advertising U the Road
To Sticees.
DurgEcai onoes
for Comfort
When you are sitting home
Sunday morning and thinking
of the misery tight and ill-fitting
shoes have given you in the
past week take courage, for
wc arc here t& relieve you.
"Ground Gripper" Surgical
Shoes for men and women, in
high and low models, are the
shoos that will furnish comfort
and relieve you of pain.
Cures bunions, corns, callouses, weak anklea and fallen
urches. Recommended by leading surgeons and physicians
of the Country.
317 South 16th Street.
And NOW The Parisian's ENTIRE Stock is
Offered in FINAL Lots for QUICK Selling
"FINAL-LOTS" They come in JUST before the END. They
signify the closing round-up, the last gasp and an effort to
sell out clean and slick as a whistle. True, many of the gar
ments in the final lots offered now would bring a much larger
price if kept perhaps a few days longer but why carry a
stock that might interf ere on the day arranged for the last
closing of the doors. Come in. Be your own saleslady if you
wish, for, whatever there may be left of this stock will fairly
sell itself. Each lot is before you plainly marked with the
"Value" price and the "Final Lot" price. Remember, you are
walking on ground that will be littered by "Wreckers" in a
mere matter of days. If you don't get in on these values NOW
it's YOUR fault and NOT ours.
Final Lot of 200 Odd Coats and
n c c" u r-i'
uresses-'-oome ooia earner a
for as much as $19.50, at p
This doesn't give you much of a chance
for a High-Cost-of-Living Argument,
does it?
v We Cannot Stave 'em off, "The Wreckers Are Commg,,
$13 75
of Any
Coat. Suit or Dress
Selling formerly up to $25.00
of Any
Coat, Suit or Dress
Selling formerly to $29.50
We are quite sure you
can be fitted, suited,
skirted, coated and sat-.
isfied here yet, even
though stocks HAVE'
been arranged into
"Final Lots" at "Final
Prices." At any rate,
it's worth while TRY
ING, because if you DO
see something you can
use you can BUY it for
far less money than the
usual DEALER will
PAY for garments no
better. 1
of Any
Coat Suit or Dress
Selling formerly to $32.50.
of Any
Coat, Suit or Dress
Selling formerly up to $39.50.
For Silk and Serge Skirts A Lot of 100
Which includes all of our "odd" lines
Many of these Skirts brought up to $7.50 would bring $7.50 now, were it not for the
fact that they are "odd" lines and because our business here terminates May 1st. .
We Say
"Au Revoir"
May 1st
i ii W"l
A Mere
of Days