8 B THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: APRIL 22, 1917. -lashes fiom F cartel SoPHOTO PLAYS FOR OMAHA DEVOTEES T5v if i mi 1 E.S . H and LOTHROPT&: EDITH STOREY ANTONIO MARENO IN , "Aladdin From Broadway" GRAND Theater Beautiful TODAY Carlyle Blackwell June Elvidge in "The Social Leper" Bills for Current Week 8nn Brilliant and attractive Alloa Brady is at the Sun theater today and Monday In -uarKMC KUMia. ' a plctura remarkable because It shows the prs-revolutlon condi tions In Russia with auch truthfulness and forecasts the victory of these downtrodden people. A good comedy and latest event of the world In motion ploturaa complete the but Clonal Barrymore ana irena Howley are shown on Tuesday and Wednesday In "His Father's Son." a Ave -act Metro won derplay, an Intensely Interesting atory of a barum-acarum college lad whose father beta him l,000 that he can't hold a I6 Job for thirty days. Ha wlm out, but how tnakea a itrong play that wine smllea and atlrs the heart. Mr, and Mrs, Sidney Drew are also shown In their latest comedy entitled "On of the Family." On Thursday, Friday and Saturday Vaieeka Suratt surpasses her many triumph In William Fox's plcturtzatlon of Rider Haggard'! famous novel. "She." Mlsa Suratt, contrary to her ordinarily wonderful array of fashionable gowns, appeara In thia production only In the beautiful, almpla flowing draperies of ancient Egypt but In MUSE- TODAY MONDAY EARLE WILLIAMS in- "THE HAWK" From the Celebrated Play of the Same Title f. 'N Today-Monday m r BJSili'i i i" ' Alicfe Brady In Darkest-Russia Timely I Vital! The Pre-R.volutton Conditions la Ruuia Ara Depicted With St.rtlinf Fidelity and tha T.rribla Struf'ites of These Down-Trodden People for Liberty Coming Thursday VALESKA SURATT in "SHE" "The American Girl" By Frederick R. Bechdolt , xln wonderfully vivid and powerful photoplays, ' this typical daughter of the plains meets the most peril- " ous situations with calm courage and ready resource fulness. Mounted on her favorite horse, she is always like the wind when duty or danger calls. A new picture every week each a comt)lete storv in itself Pi ova1 Kir Mann Sais. Produced by Kalem, world- , iamous tor superior short stories... V,tf DISTRIBUTED BY GENERAL FILM CO., INo, "THE AMERICAN GIRL" PICTURES ARE NOW SHOWING IN THE FOLLOWING THEATERS Monday WONDERLAND Lincoln, Nab. PALM 14th and Doug laa QUEEN Daa Moines, la. LINWOOD Tarkio, Mo. LILY Lincoln, Neb. Tuesday HIPPODROME 25th and Cuming JEWELL Beatrice Nab. : GEM . Siosm City, la. LILY Lincoln, Nab. ' MAJESTIC Council Bluffs, la. JEWELL Lincoln, Nab. LYRIC Fort Dodf a, la. JEWELL Plainview, Nab. PARAMOUNT Nabraaka City, Neb. Wednesday LYRIC Sioux City, t,i, LYRIC Wymore, Nab. . Wednesday IDEAL . 16th and Dorcas - Thursday LYRIC Sioua City, la. GRAND Das Moines, la. AUDITORIUM Seward, Nab. ALAMO . 24th and Fort FRANKLIN 24th and Franklin COLONIAL . Grinnall, la. Friday COLONIAL Grinnall, la. GRAND 16th and Binaay LYRIC Fort Dodfa, la. COLUMBIA Cadar Rapids, la. COLONIAL Grinnall, la. FAMILY ' Das Moinaa, la. Saturday REX Oltumwa, la. DIAMOND 24th and Lake DEAN York, Neb. Saturday NEVADA Narad. Ia. COLONIAL Grinnall, la. MAJESTIC v Grand Island, Nab. LYRIC Jewell, la. GRAND Sioua City, Ia. v . PHOTOPLAY Acklay, la. AMERICAN : Cherokee, I a. ORPHEUM Nebraska City, Nab. REX Iowa Falls, la. Sunday BESSE South Omaha ' PALM 14th and Douglas ROYAL ,. Das Moinaa, la. ' MARYLAND 13th and William ; GEM Das Moines, la. LYRIC v Melehor, la. 10 c Jll j 10c Ithesa she reveals tha nam artist te skill which has made her modern creation fa mous tne worm over. Kmpreas A week of eiceptlonat photo' plays I offered patron of the Empress be ginning today. The sixth Installment of the most notable war picture will be ihown during the first half. These picture show war aa It actually la. None of the picture were especially posed and In their realism they bring home to tha spectator tha exact conditions that are to be met with at the front with the fighting forces of tha Allies. Tha proceeds of these plcturea are to go to the various relief funds of the Allies and tha plcturea themselves are controlled by tha English government, which took thfm for historical purpose only, but recognised their value In raising relief! funds in this country, Dorothy Bernard la also aeen In tha first half of the week In a five-act drama, "The Rainbow." The last half of tha week the photoplay number fa William Courtenay and Marguerite Snow In "The Hunting of the Hawk." The atory was writ ten by Oaorn B. flcits. fkmntiss thai am. Kthor of 'The Iron Claw." It was produced under tha direction of Oeorg Fltxmaurlce. Tha atory la about a gentleman crook and center about a bold attempt to steal a valu able necklace. The heroin falls In love with Desselway and later haa reason to be Have that he I "The Hawk." a celebrated International thief. The action develop Into a powerful and thrilling climax. Strand Irene How ley, Dorothy Dal ton and Louisa Glaum ara tha featured d layers at tha Strand tht week. Miss Howley and raca uevereaux are seen Bunaay ana Mon day in "Her Father Keeper," a rattling ; good breesy comedy drama, full of mirth I and excitement, while Monday night the Menoma ehorua will offer a atlrrlng patriotic j program at notn performances. Dorothy Dalton In "Tha Park Road.' Tuesday till Thursday, could be called "Cleopatra Rein carnated," for she la a most lovely as well aa captivating creature who playa upon the heart-itrlng of men. "Her Clrcua Knls-ht" 1 tha Keystone mlrthmnker, which I full of amusing Incident and thrilling climaxes. Friday and Saturday Louisa Olaum 1 eeen In another adventure role, tht time play ing the part of a woman spy, with the great war aa background. Beginning Sunday, April at, for a week' engagement comes the film of the hour, Vltagraph'a greatest preachment for preparedness, "Womanhood, the Glory of tha Nation." Hipp Lovers of mystery and photoplay excitement will bo well rewarded at tha Hipp.theater today and Monday when the taiesc jsiuemra picture story, "The Girl In the Checkered Coat,'' will bo unfolded by uuruiiiy -nu ups ana a ciever aupportlng company, Her hero will be William Stowell, and Lon Cheney, villain of villain, will be ins ny m ine ointment" or this fair girl's Stars Who Will Shine onscreen for Omaha This Week .i.ii MS. T v I g ...f: I Sf J-" 9 1 M h 5w- 4 : ' . V yi ' v- ' ' a i j : ",i y ?K ovr 1 m :. :h x : 3, ; w Sn ll....ara -fc. '..ST': '.V- naaw--..:: Exposures -BV KILOWATT CarlyleSlackwett .ATjrtte QKAHO AT THl tlPHCSi ATTHt HIP r . AT Tn SrtAHD llll,l!tllnlillUlflltllilllllllllNllllli,ll!l DIAMOND24!!.::4 Today VIRGINIA PEARSON IN "THE BITTER TRUTH" iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiDiiiitiiiiniiiiiiiiiiuiiiiininiiiiiuii BLUtBIRC Bluebird Photoplays Present TODAY AND MONDAY Dorothy Phillips LON CHANEY WM. STOWELL -in- ' , ."The Girl in the Checkered Coat" A gripping melodrama ! atystery, tat which Misa PhUUpa playa two eeparat roles, both being ahowm m tha acreen at the aaeat) time. photographic progreaa. A splendid comedy wiu eaiao oa onerea on tne same bill. Miie Earle Willlama In his latent char acterization, "The Hawk," begina a two-day engagement at tha Muse atartlng today. The story tell of a husband and wife who conduct a gambling establishment, though they worked well and profitably together, they inspected one another. Tha husband thought her affair with a young French nobleman was due to her Initiative rather than tha man'. And when the husband of fered to give her up, ah did not realise that h did o because he thought ah wanted to be free of him and the life he lived. Only when the gambler waa ruined, then she discovered the crash had come because he lavished everything upon her. Then she realized how he loved hen Thus thev be. came .reunited In tha fight back to fortune and happiness. The latest events of the war will be seen In the HearstPathe News weekly. "Sleeping Fires," with Pauline Frederick In the part of a devoted wife and mother, but able to display the claws of tha primitive tiger-woman when attacked through her child. Mrs. Vernon Castle will be aeen In tha last episode of "Patrla." House Peter and Louise Huff will be th attraction for the last two days of the week In 'JTha Lonesome Chap.'' The story Is out of the ordinary and has to do with the solitary life and lost love of a wealthy young miner. . . . ! Fnrk A solendid bill ha hsm rr.nkji by Afanager Willlama for presentation at thla theater today. A western drama. "Shattered Ideals," will be tha main attrac ts, full of thrills, "punch" and action. "Shorty" Hamilton will also be shown In one of his inimitable faatuiwttM. "Rhnrtv Promotes His Love Affair." The comedy 16th and Dorcas IDEAL TODAY- CRANE WILBER in "Tha Conscience of John David" TODAY ONLY MAGIC SOUTH SIDE VIRGINIA PEARSON "SI S T ER AGAINST SISTER" Tuesday and Wednesday WILLIAM FARNUM In a Wm. Fox Super De Luxe Feature . "A TALE OF TWO CITIES" portion of the bill will be .offered by Pan Russell In a comedy of much mirth, "Pippy Pan's Polngs,1' and of course It's an L-KO. Monday will be Dorothy Davenport In a Red Feather feature, "Tha Girl and the Crisis," aa well aa a comedy, "Boomer BUI Goes to Sea." forth at thla theater today In a William Fox feature, "The Bitter Truth." The story Is a gripping and vital one which will bold your attention. Idlss Pearson adds further laurela to her ability in thla production. It Is produced In the manner this company Is noted for. A good comedy may also be seen. Monday will be "Unci John' Money," "Nabbing a Nobis" and "Going Btratght." Monroe B. K, Lincoln and June Elvidge will be tha attraction at this theater today in a World production, "The World Against Him." This noteworthy team Is sen to splendid advantage in a picture story of In tense human Interest and compelling situa tions. Paths News will also be presented. Monday a Red Feather photoplay. "Mr. Po-. Ian of New York." Jack Mulhall Is the stsr of this breesy cdmedy-drama and It Is said that the best work, of his career is seen In this pieture. Loth rop Edith Storey, Antonio Mareno and William Duncan, who will be remem bered for his work in "God's Cauntry and the Woman," will be the deilrhtful trio who appear at thla theater today and Monday In mo idicni. Tiisiajrapn leaiure, "Aiadaln from Broadway." The atory Is a comedy-drama of a man whe makes a wild bet In a New York eafe which carries him to Egypt, where many exciting and humorous situa tion occur, but he Is always lucky enough to come out on ton. A bis "V' nmariv complete the bill. Ideal Crane - Wilbur will he th . ftMM tlon it thla theater for today In his latest screen success, "The Conscience of John Pavld." It la a eplendld picture, in which thia handsome star Is shown to good advan- " uoa comeay win also be on the bill. Monday a Vltagraph Blue Ribbon of fering, "Th Olory of Yolanda," starring vaults, mnwin, a sweet ana clean a play as one would wish to see. auburbaa Alice Brady will be the offer ing at thla theater todsy In a World pro duction, "The Dancer's Peril." Miss Brady leads the Russian Imperial ballet, assisted by the famous Alexis Kosloff, and also de picts the rolea of mother and daughter to good advantage. One of the new Mack Bennett Keystones. "The NIck-of-Time BaTiy," will also be presented and you may make up your mind that you will see something different This Is the only suburban show that 1 showing these new comedies. Apollo A notable array of talent Is pre sented at this theater today In a Paramount .photoplay, "Maria Poro." Gerald Ine Far rar is the principal star, while Anita King, Wallace Refd and others of note complete what might really be termed an all-star cast. One of tha popular "Shorty" Ham ilton featurettes will also be presented on the bill. Monday a splendid team, Louise SUBURBAN Today ALICE BRADY IN "The Dancer' Peril" Also "The Nick of Tima Baby" REX 9 ' Sunday and Monday Irene Howley and Jack Devereaux . IN . . ' "THE PICTURE SPRIGHTLY" ! 'Her Father's Keeper" A taPPy combination of yonth, laughs, thrills and a. few serious moments, all blended together into one of tha best com edy dramas you ever saw. Monday evening, April 23d, Special Pa triotic Song Recital by Menoma Chorus of ' sixty voices, in addition to regular program. Week April 29th: "Womanhood, a I T a .a a. . , ine uiory ot the Nation" V ia ai w j. ... . . . i, sir fTI II ' . monaay evening, April 23d, Special Pa- i n L HJ ' c Sont ReciuI y Menoma Chorus of ' Yf yV VI sixty voices, in addition to regular program. ' X Wl PA Week April 29tht "Womanhood, J. Vifl the Glory of the Nation'' j) )ltlllllllMIIIllllNMIIIIIIIIIIlllllf!llllltllli,t 14th tnd Douglas Vaudeville and Picture I Tha But of Picturas, with I s George) Orey Shorty Hamilton ? and a Thrilling Drama I "IZZY" LEW ROSE 1 . 1 and Hit , KENTUCKY BELLES J Direct from Columbia Thaater, s I New York 1 TiliiliiliiliiiiliiiJili!tiiiiliiiiitiii!iilitliii:lii;iliili!i Huff and Jack Plchford In 'Great Expecta tions." Grand. Carlyle BlacHwetl will be the of fering at this theater today In "The Social Leper." It la told in an unusual and grip ping manner and Is replete with many ex cellent characterisations. The story Is of a man accused of murder and the third de gree methods used In endeavoring to ex tort a confession are very realistic. X Big V" comedy wilt also be offered on the same bill. Monday the latest happenings of "Tha Oreat Secret," starring Francis X. Bush man, and a Fortune Fotoplay, "The Phan tom Bhotgun," as well aa a Vim comedy will complete tha bill. If agio Virginia Pearson will be the offer ing at this theater today In "Sister Against Sister,' the atory of two sisters, who, born equal, lead -decidedly different lives. She portrays the roles of both sisters, as does also little Catherine Lee.' Special attention la directed at the offering Tuesday and Wednesday, when William (Bill) Farnum will be the attraction in a Fox Super De Luxe feature, "A Tale of Two Cities." It Is the screen version of the famous story of the same nsme. It Is said by many to be the best work Mils realistic actor turn ever been seen In tnd he certainly does add uny laureia to nis great art. Boulevard Dorothy Dalton, Billy Burke, Virginia Pearson apd Wilfred Lucas are the stars who will presented at this theater for the ensuing week. Sunday and Monday Dorothy Dalton will be presented In a Tri angle production, "Chicken Casey." Tues day wilt be a special treat, as It Is the day that Billy Burke will be presented in her. first and greatest photoplay success. "Peggy." Laid In the land of the Bn.erald Isle and with Miss Burke'a personality. It is a play you will never fortret. Wednendnv and Thursday Virginia Pearson In Fox play, "The Bitter Truth," while Friday and Saturday will be Wilfred Lucas In "Jim Bludso," which is the screen version of the poem by the late Secretary of State John Hay.v - ... Bex This treat er offers a big double bill 1 to Its patrons today In the way of vaude-' villa and pictures. A good drama aa well as George Ovey In a comedy and "Shorty" ' Hamilton In a featurette wilt constitute I the photoplay part of tha bill. Lew Rose, I better known as "Isxy," will furnish the vaudeville part of the bill. He will be as sisted In this riot of fun hla Kentucky Belles, of whom there are five. Many new songs and danoes ara promised and his many admirers wilt be pleased at tha an nouncement j that he haa returned to Omaha. "The End of the World," a special feature, has been arranged for at thla theater and will be presented en Monday and Tuesday. ANSWERS TO KIT CORRESPONDENTS. By Dirk Willis. Neck or Nothing No, Kitty Gordon did not "back out," she has always been "back'' Yes, one million dollars, I believe, I. O. War Tea. Chester Conklln used to be called ."Walrus." No, his teeth are not prominent. We cannotsay If ha la an adept at swimming. - Bnftch and Haltch Jay Bslasco Is a Lon doner and la known In the "Strand" (comedies). He la acquainted with the Rhodes in Holly Wood. Thanka. It's mutual. ' Micky No, I hardly think that Mabel will appear In the two a day. If she appeara In the one a year we will all be happy. Randolph Certainly I think that Mra, Ver non Castle Is a splendid dancer. Anxious, Utah You must not believe auch gossip. It la not correct to assume that Nat Goodwin Is going to be featured In "Henry the Eighth" wtth his own former wives In the cast. That's a goodwln. Artist Bessie Love Is very good at the Fine Arts, draws well. Saint alee Yes, Grace Cunard la married. She likes her present state much Moore. General No, Helen Gibson does not live near Omaha, nor la she Scotch to our knowledge; besides May 1 will soon be here. "Hoot mon." ! M' Ril sfa hi E A C 26th and 111 Willi VU i Faraara TODAY E. K. LINCOLN "The World Ainit Him" ADMISSION 20c and 10c Vaudeville and Photoplaye Open 11 a. m. to 11 p. m. Daily Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday SUA fattUllmrat el tat frMUst of all war pfetarn ever talent atplcttas THE WORLD WAR ',. as II actual! b. Pictures takes la the track,. DOROTHY l "THE BERNARD IN RAINBOW" Art Drama la Five SUrriag Act. Thursday, Friday, Saturday WILLIAM v , "HUNTING COURTENAY -in- OF ana MARGUERITE SNOW THE HAWK" The Hunting ef the Hawk" la ana el the greatest gentlemas. crook plays that has ever been offered the photoplay Public, Thrills, Faat Action, Suspensa and a Twist at the End UCH eicltement haa been caused la movie circles by the announcement that the Divine Sarah haa under gone an operation. The reason be ing that she will soon be relessed In a pic ture from the World studios, "The Mothers of France." Local Manager Hyman. how ever, announces that the picture la entirely completed and will soon be released on the regular program. Not as a special. Oensrar' Taylor breaks forth Info rhyme this week with a toast, "To the Reel Fel lows.' We only hope that he has It com mitted to memory and Will repeat tt to us post haste meaning before May 1, Poem follows: Here's to your health, to your Joy, your success, For the boys of your kind ara too few. There's something to gladden, to beartea and bless, Ia a bunch of "Reel Fellows" like you. So I pledge you again, and oan say only this, And It springs from a sentiment true. X shall always regret, every hour that I miss, From a bunch of "Reel Fellows" tlks you. Barry Goldberg said that he wanted us to put his name In thla column, and aay that he expected a "Russian" business, but wanted aa to keep t the "darkest'' kind of a secret, and that there would be a revolu tion if it wasn't In. We didn't know that anybody read this "Junk," but then we guess ha must be suffering from a Sunstroke. Is there anybody at all. anvbodv we snv. who has never heard the name of Ella Wheeler Wilcox? If so ther . are either deaf, dumb and blind, or else don't know tnat tneyre alive. Anyway, the most of us have read her human poems, and now we are to see her notable works in film form. uorrt anow just when It will be. but they are In the making right now. - In the eighth enlsode of "The Hull ma 4 Raiders" Helen Holmes makes her way along the outside edge of a bridge, using her hands only. In full alaht of the .udl. ence without any cutbacks.. She then dropa aiop ox a moving train ana then the film IS cut. for when the scene waa taken she rolled to the edge and only Just manaaed to save herself from being thrown from the roor oe tne car she alighted on. It was a very close shave and enough of tha film has been left In the cutting to show her going towards the edge. Talk about real ism. Whew! Hasal Daly, Bryant Washburn's leading woman In the "Skinner" pictures, "Hugs awfully good." At least, that's what a lit tle girl admirer told her. It's a good thing Bryant'a wife Isn't jealous, What do yotl think of thin? Vaek Sen. nett has taken over an entire circus. No, not for good,- but lust to make scene for the latest Keystone scream, "Her Circus Knight," with Ora Carew In the lead. Yep, tne ciown en stilts will be there, a lot of wild animals, clowns, acrobats and every thing that goes to make up "the greatest show on earth." And just think, they do aay that Mai St. Claire, who plays the part of the. animal trainer. Is thinner than "Slim1? Bummervme. it s a pretty thia atory any way, but we'll bet lt'a a circus. It would be a good thin If soma ceonla who go to shows just owned om for a short time. Wouldn't It make you mad, when you are aoing everytmng you can to alva the pnbllo a great big show for the money, and men someooay always "craosT" That isn't ths worst part of It though, they get vsod to that and Us just like water on a duck's back. But this Is the limit. People are peculiar, "even as you and I," and manv times wa think we lose things certain places wnen we later nna mem aome other dIrop. The most common place to think you lost something la perhaps the "picture show," and did you ever go np to them and aay you were positive you had lost such and such a thing and It's funny they haven't It? w ny, tne way some people aot In a case of this kind you would almost think that their main object In running a "plctura" show was to collect lost articles so they could start In the second-hand business. Next time, when you later find the article, tell them you were mistaken and you don't know how good It will make them feeL A cyclone of comedy" and "a tornado of laughter" are the terms being used by Para mount'e P. A.'s (meaning press agents) In describing Fatty Arbuckle'a latest comedies. The reason? Smith's Center, Kanaas, prond- 1v Atalmsi that rllallTintUn . Wln ku hi.,.- place. Little wonder that a creation from mis noiaoie state oomes honestly by his Whirlwind comedy methods. . Speaking of Pipe Dreams s It was the opening day of the base ball season and all the movie men are thro, and speaking itf a "General" way tha Wn tual" feeling of Joy was "Universal." Sweet' spring zephyrs were wafting to and fro and the little "Bluebirds" were twittering hither and thither In yonder treetops. while the "Butterflys" were flitting lastly from dan delion to dandelion. A large crowd was on hand and "Path A" as well as B and C were loaded to the guards. Hartman said It waa a good thing, or the movies would flllum. but Williams had the laff on them aa he was reclining restfuliy in the "Park." The Joy of again seeing the National game waa 'Taramount" as they watted for the "Fam oua Players" to appear on the scene, and ' the rooters were anxious for the "War." Gosh. It was hot. but Han-v Ooldhstrr In. slated on setting In the "Sun" as he said that was his favorite pastime. Just then Ben Cuttle passed the "Magic' word that the players had arrived and a shout went up that waa heard along all the "Boule vards' and even reached to the farthest "Suburban" districts, and Eddy Monaghan got so excited that he stood on top of -a post and looked all the world like the Greek God, "Apollo." Tou should have seen "Hal gren." (That's a deep . one). Well, tha game finally got started and It was decided that Freeman should pitch the first bail which he did from the "Palm' of his hand and the "Ideal" game waa on, Thomas was sure excited when at a critical time a player waa "Strand" -ed on third base and sat down with a "Blank" look on his face. Jensen was there, too, with his collar melt. ed down and looked just like a drawlns- bv Charles Dana Gibson. Just then the umpire called "Foul" and then Hyman thought of chicken, but Le Deaux and Kirk finally "Empress"-ed on him the fact that the grans he saw was not part of a Hawaiian costume and he would not need a lawn mower. Holah, though, thought that soma of his Gold Roosters were loose.. Bob Shir ley and Jule Rachman didn't see much of the game aa they were having a Private game of Trap shooting, but had a "Grand" time nevertheless that left them something to "Muse" -over. A bunch of "Reel Fel lows" were there and "General" Taylor, 'Van' and "Curley' were having, oh. just the beat time, and don their best to drink all ths Red Sody Pop they could find B'Gofih. Oh. "Watts" the use. anyway. It'll be "Oliver" In a minute, just "hut your eyes. Company, attention. Fire. We think your "Hipp" to, us anyway. is HEARST PATHE NEWS Synopsis of . Events Covered ha Psthe News, Released Taday. NEW YORK CITY The mobilisation of armed forces proceeds rapidly, and the 23d infantry leavea for duty aomewhere m the east. LOS ANGELES, CAL- A Holt tractor model Is employed by the California militia to teach recruits the modern methods of war fare, JACKSONVILLE, FLA. A spectacular blase of unknown origin completely da stroys the large pier of the Clyde Steam ship Compsny. HEN LEX, ENGLAND Circus elephants are being used to help England's land army Increase the production of food neces sities. IN FRANCE Patrols on the Verdnn Front are provided with akis4o JhcUitate their frequent trips over the snowcovered hills. ON THE ATLANTIC A British warship enters American port for first time since the beginning of the European war. INGLE WOOD, CAL. Eleven army aviators participate to a long cross-country flight to demonstrate the usa of airplanes for patrol duty. JERSEY CITY, N. JReernUmg station are opened on baseball aHla to enlist patriotic fans am one; the) saowds that at tend games. i TO ARMS I Te war fa avemwt to 'oar shores. The first naval eawflict takes lae off the New. Engine, jms