10 A THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: APRIL 22, 1917. FOOD PROBLEMS IN VIENNA ARE VEXING Appointment of Minister of Public Subsistence Expected to Relieve Situation. RICH GET WHAT THEY WANT (Oorreepondeirce of The Aeeoclated Preu.) Vienna, Feb. 26 The recent ap pointment by Emperor Charles of a minister of public subsistence in the person of Major General Anton Hoefer, formerly a member of the general staff and known as an ex pert in army subsistence matters, lias, so is the universal belief here, been the best measure yet adopted to meet the constantly increasing food problems. Though already in the care ot a central ioou uuimu aim subject to many government regu lations, public subsistence in Austria threatened to become a hopeless chaos because the men charged with its administration lacked the neces sary ability. The new powers charged with pub lic subsistence matters have set up, and in part already enforced, a new program, most of whose aspects are decidedly military, as was suggested by the training and experience of Major General Hoefer. It is felt that the food problems will be near final solution on the day on which it will be possible to suppress all private sales to consumers, transactions car ried on in defiance of the law and to tal disregard of maximum price regu lations. Persons willing to buy at a rate far above the maximum price have been able to get food in un limited quantities, at the expense of the small consumer who must look upon maximum prices as the sole means of getting food at reasonable cost under present conditions. The effect of this has been that the con sumer willing to pay the price has been able to get all the food he wanted, while the poor man, often after standing in lint for hours, has been turned away empty-handed, be cause private sales on the "speak easy" plan had depicted the stores on hand, the private purchaser buying more than the law allows at a price far above the maximum set by the government. To Protect the Poorer. It is the plan of the new food ad ministration to proceed against this practice with alt the severity the law permits. In the past this has not been possible. The Vienna public is ex tremely good-natured and averse to the role of informer or police spy, a fact which has been exploited by those with means and the storekeep ers. But even the patience of the small consumer in Austria has a limit it seems, and court records of recent -weeks show that a greater number of food law transgressions are being re ported. In disposing of these cases the courts have shown no mercy and an appeal has generally had the sur prising result of punishments being in creased. Thus a dealer it foodstuffs, sentenced to imprisonment for three weeks and a fine of 200 Crowns- aug mented his punishment to imprison ment for three months and a fine of 2.000 Crowns by having his case re viewed by the appeal senate, which body found that the lower court had been altogether too lenient. Despite this, usury in food prices continues, eviden.ee of the fact that defying food regulations is, highly profitable. So great seems to be the lure of making money of a general misfortune that nothing suffices to check it, a was shown already over a century ago when the French revo lutionary government made usury in food sales a capital crime and was obliged to execute a goodly number of shopkeepers. Much Food Stored. Much of the food bought at pri vate sales and delivered clandestinely is not intended for immediate consumption.- It is stored. There are thousands of families in Vienna who have on hand, stored in cellar and garret, lockers and chests, food sta ples for two years. For the sake of appearances, and in order not to use up their hoard, the same families meet their present daily need in the open market, increasing in this manner the daily consumption to the extent in which they buy for hoarding. Only those with means enough can afford this, so that the shortage due to the prartice falls altogether upon the poorer classes. Rapacious storekeepers favor this course, because it nets them prices often 200 per cent above the maximum price set by the government. Whether the store be large or small makes no difference. Each has its private buy ers, to whom food is sold at any price and in any quantity, regardless of regulations. While thousands are unable to get butter and fat in the quantities prescribed by the govern ment cards, other thousands buv it much as they want and when they want. The households which as yet have been without meat on a meat less day are few indeed, provided the family treasury can bear the strain. While the bulk of the sodu- lation eats a very poor sort of black bread, many enjoy full wheat bread, is before the war, because they have the price and money still buys any thing in Austria. The storekeeper recognizes in the present situation a fine opportunity to make money and is not letting the chance go by. ' In the end the retailer is little more than the agent of the whole saler hvthis mulcting of a war-worn public. Not so long ago a shioment of more than a million eggs spoiled in a Vienna railroad yard because the prevailing price did not suit the own ers. - Today it is impossible to get eggs at even 60 hellers apiece. But this is merely one instance of illicit price promotion, as the practice is cauea nere. s , War Is Blamed. - There are a number of excuses to delay shipments and keep food out of the larger centers. Always the war is blamed. It is the excuse for every tactical move to cause artificial shortages situations which do not af tect maximum prices, but force up food at the private sales. The imme diate result of such a shortage is that the cost of living, which in reality moves beyond the sphere of maximum prices altogether, goes up another 10 in a large population center either meets his household's food demands at a private sate or sticks to the maxi mum prices and goes hungry. While maximum prices allow an increase in f my wife wanT I f BOLT r V ribbon r - LOT y soloiers f SIMMS A ' ( COUPLA I I COLLARS V J I fburto ( I CHEESE J IW6 WELSH fMREolTS the cost of living of about 40 per cent, living is about 250 per cent more ex pensive than before the war. It is known that the large Vienna banks are not uninterested in this practice. Much of the capital needed to make the cornering and holding food possible is supplied by them at a suitable rate, of course. During the war these banks have become al most omnipotent for the reason that the government needs them. It is said Major General Hoefer will meet in them an antagonist worthy of his best efforts. On the whole fool in Austria is not scarce. Most of the rural districts do not know as yet what government regulation of one's bill of fare is. While bread, butter and fat cards have been introduced everywhere, the country population pays on the whole little attention to them. Want! Higher Price. The farmer also is averse to selling at maximum prices. He will hold his products for an opportunity to make a private sale. He can afford to do this, because it ultimately part ot his foodstuffs be requisitioned by the government he will get the maximum price anyway. In certain districts in Bohemia and the Salzburg country food conditions are nearly normal, though in adjacent mountainous parts which must import some of this food, the situation resembles those in the cities and larger towns. Austria's food problems have been aggravated by the attitude of the Hun garian government. .Austria is largely industrial, while Hungary is essentially an agricultural state. In the past the two have exchaneed manufactured for soil products. Anxious, however, that its own stomach might suffer Hungary has enforced a number of export inhibitioins which have not bettered the situation in Austria. While the Hungarian government has given as its excuse that the recent crops have not been good, it is un derstood that pure selfishness is the actual reason for this somewhat un brotherly conduct. Hungary at any rate has more food than its popula tion needs, though Budapest is suf fering from the same hardships as is Vienna. The food merchants of both make all the money they can, and so far neither government has been, able to frighten them into a more reason able attitude. Meanwhile the situation in Vienna cannot become much worse than it is, without the government being obliged to adopt the drastic measure ot confiscation. Sanction tor this al ready exists and, except dealers in foodstuffs decide to be reasonable, paragraph fourteen of the Austrian constitution may find application here. With certain classes the war and its appeal to patriotism have lost all novelty. They have decided to be come rich while they have the oppor tunity under a set of conditions which has eliminated competition and re duced the entire country to a state of commercial vassalage. Some of the examples of this are shocking. In a certain Vienna cate, appendage of a well-known hotel, the management had the courage to charge 70 hellers for a piece of rice cake worth one American cent. The protest of the customers has since then caused the cake to be sold at 40 hellers after the portion had been cut nearly in half. For a pair of shoes 80 crowns L asked today, on the plea that there is no leather a fictitious claim which is all the more absurd since the uppers of such a pair of shoes are made of a textile fabric. Propose to Simplify Plans Of Mexican Law Palace (Correepondence of Th. Aeeoclated Preee.) Mexico City, March 30. Plans are now under consideration for simpli fying and cutting down the plans of the new legislative palace. Work on this great building which is intend ed to house the Mexican congress and which, as projected, would have been the largest legislative building in the world, was begun under President Dias.- The steel framework of the building was completed, but no work has been done on the building since 1910. It is estimated that it would cost $32,000,000 to complete the build ing under the original plans and it is proposed to simplify these plans and utilne the work already done to form part of a less pretentious structure. And So It Goes! "on ACCOUNT of Th WR ribbon HAS BouBLtD IK PRIC6- TH- WfcAR IT IN "V. -TUeiO UAlO NOW we Hio To f?mse THE PRICE Of COLLARS- -Tub SSLDiFOS USE SS THE LfMJNDRf MAM CWN'T eT AftouNb IM THE Trenches very offm ssJJl 7 WE rWOtb RAIS6 THE PRice of CHEEse - it's ALL. SHIPPED To THE ( SACK of I VEflNUTS J so they OLD GLORY, NESTOR OF NATIONAL FLAGS Years of Service and Achieve ment on Many Lands and Seas. WASHINGTON'S DISPLAY; American flags are flying in every city, town and hamlet in the United States. The token is spontaneously flung to the breeze and means that the loyalty of the nation is back of the president A recent law prohibits the use of the flag for , decorative purposes and provides that it shall be displayed only where it can float freely in the air. While no statute designates in what position the Amer ican flag shall float, the custom of the army is to place the field of stars to the north or to the east. Thus, if Washington street in Boston is to be hung across with flags, the stars should be placed on the side toward the harbor. Much erron:ous history has been written of the American flag and it has been one of the tasks of the United States National Museum to collect samples of flags from the earliest days and to display them where the visitor may learn the story of the national emblem. When the Flag Was Established. Naturally, there were many forms of early flags, especially colonial types used by the individual colonies, and militia regiments, before the flag of the United Staates was established by our Continental congress on July 14, 1777, now celebrated as Flag day. This act required that the flag of the United States be of thirteen alternate red and white stripes and that the union be thirteen white stars on a blue field, representing a new constel lation, but it did not define how many points the stars should have, how they should be arranged, nor make provision ' for additional ones. At the time of the adoption of this reso lution, Washington is said to have ob served, "We take the star from heav en, the red from our mother country, separating it by white stripes, thus showing that we have separated from her, and the white stripes shall go down to posterity representing lib erty." First Flown Over Fort Schuyler. The first display of the "Stars and Stripes" is believed to have been on August 6, 1777, when the new flag was hoisted over the troops at Fort Schuyler, Rome, N. Y. John Paul Jones is said to have been the first to fly the Stars and Stripes over the high seas on the Ranger in Novem ber, 1777. The National Museum has an early naval twelve-star type flag said to have been flown by John Paul Jones during the War of the Revolu tion. It has been well said that our na tional emblem stands for American ideals and ideas it is not the flag of a family or a house, but the flag of the whole people. It is the emblem of liberty and freedom, being indica tive of individual independence and yet symbolic of a united and closely bonded people. Far from being mere ly painted and dyed cloth, it repre sents the constitution and govern ment of 100,000,000 free people, it stands for the people themselves and records the history of their nation. Oldest of National Flags. In the National Museum at Wash ington, among the many other pa triotic relics and emblems, are dis played thirty historic American flags. On the labels the history of each is recorded. Some came from the field of battle, a number from famous sea fights, and others were flown over garrisons or forts by distinguished American officers. The series of flags shows very well the periodic changes which have taken place in our flag. From the time of the revolution the stars and stripes in the flag have varied. There were thirteen tar dur ing the revolution, fifteen in the war ot Vii, twenty-nine in the Mexican war, thirty-three to thirty-five in the civil war, forty-five, in the Spanish war and there are forty-eight today. The stripes were changed first from thirteen to fifteen and then back asrain to thirteen. It may be surprising to (WHAT'S Tut lt4 f HATtB HjTsoNE m misirtt. The up in price k PRlCfc OF F I HAve To SHIP SO SHAMPOO ? I ,T l, J , V To fcoROPt y rt : J 1 HAD TO BAISS 1E PRICE BOSS poUsH HAS OH6. op - They have to use IT II Th' WAR To SHINE THE (Sun s I M PRICE- DA USA M SHELL IN OA WAP- VERt EXPENSE know that our national flag is among the oldest flags of the nations, being older than the present British Jack, the French Tricolor and the flag of Spain, and many years older than the flags of Germany and Italy, some of which are either personal flags or those ot the reigning families. Original "Star Spangled Banner," The flag of the highest historic and sentimental value to the whole coun try is in the National museum collec tions. It is the original "Star Span gled Banner," which flew over Fort McHenry in Baltimore harbor, during the bombardment on September 13-14, 1814, and was the inspiration of Fran cis Scott Key's immortal poem, now sung as our national anthem. This flag, exhibited in the Museum Arts and Industries building, also known as the "Fort McHenry flag," is of the fifteen-star-and-stripe type, adopted after the admission of Vermont and Kentucky by an act approved by President Washington, January 13, 1794. The "Star Spangled Banner" measures about thirty feet square, al though it was probably somewhat longer, and is much battered and torn, with one star missing, possibly shot away. This great historic souvenir of the War of 1812 has lately been preserved by quilting on heavy linen, and will ever remain one of the coun try's most precious relics. From 1795 this form continued as the standard flag until President Monroe's admin istration, when congress enacted that it should hereafter be of thirteen stripes, with the addition of a star for each new state, commencing July 4, 1818. Formerly Not Carried by Army. It seems that for many years the army did not carry the Stars and Stripes in battle, though it had been in general use as a garrison flag. The land forces during this period and be fore it carried what was known as national colors or standards, of blue with the arms of the United States emblazoned thereon, comprising an eagle surmounted by a number of stars, with the designation of the body of troops. In 1834 War depart ment regulations gave the artillery the right to carry the Stars and Stripes, the infantry and cavalry still using the national standards, aid these remained the colors of the in fantry until 1841, and of the cavalry until 1887, when that branch of the army was ordered to employ the Stars and Stripes. From its adoption in 1777, however, naval vessels uni versally displayed the national flag. Many styles and forms of the Stars and Stripes flag were in existence up to 1842, and it was not until during President Taft's administration that definite specifications were drawn up. An executive order dated October 29, 1912, tended to standardize the "Stars and Stripes," and yet further specifications in sizes were1 found necessary by. President Wilson, only last year. Washington Letter in Boston Transcript. Cut Off From the World, Iceland Nears Starvation (Correecondence of The AMOclated Preia.) Copenhagen, March 20. Iceland, which has been cut off from shipping connections with Europe and the United States for nearly six weeks, is facing starvation, owing to its small supply of foodstuffs and the failure of ships to arrive with expected sup plies. v As a result there is strong sentiment here that a Danish warship loaded with supplies be dispatched to the island country. The submarine menace is, of course, responsible for the suspension of shipping to Iceland. There are more than 109 Iceland merchants now in Copenhagen who are unable to return home. Rhodes Trust Man to Visit Schools in This Country (Correepondence of The Associated Preu.) Oxford, England, March 31. Dr. G. R. Parkin, general secretary to the Rhodes -trust, will make an extended visit to the United States and Canada within the next few months, mainly to investigate secondary school and college teaching there as a preparation for courses at Oxford. He is con vinced that such teaching must be de ficient in some respects, since so many American applicants for Rhodes scholarships fail to pass the Oxford entrance examinations. BUSINESS BOOMS IN TINY DOMINICA United States Trade Swells Re ceipts at Santo Domingo Forto Ricans Active. SAY YANKEES DID IT ALL (Correepondence of The Aeeoclated Preee.) Santo Domingo City, Dominican Republic, Feb. 20. Despite four changes in government within the year the receipts from customs duties during 1916 amounted to $4,300,000, the largest sum collected durinz a single year since the establishment of the customs receivership under the American-Dominican convention, ac cording to C. H. Baxter, the general receiver. The customs receipts dur ing the current year in all probability will exceed this amount, in his opin ion, due to the fact that order in the republic has been established through the temporary military occupation by the United States. Already this oc cupation is being followed by a busi ness expansion never before known in the country, and apparently adds weight to this opinion. Most of this increased business is being obtained by the United States, recent trade figures showing that about 80 per cent of the island's busi ness is now carried on with the United States. Prior to the war, Germany had about 20 per cent of the island's trade. This has now dwindled to al most nothing, while the trade of other European countries has been considerably redurtd. There has been a great increase in trade development with Porto Rico, and Dominican mer chants have found there their nearest and quickest source of sudd ies. Por to Rico now ranks third in the trade list of the republic. Porto Rican mer chants are taking advantage of their opening and are sending representa tives here to canvass almost every line oi iraae. a new weekly steam ship service between the two islands, starting two montns ago, is now bringing cargoes of increasing size. The most direct mail and passenger service between New York and the southern ports of the island is now via ban Juan. The customs receivership has long been looked upon by Dominicans as the most substantial and enduring in stitution established in connection with the government finances. Al though importers frequently complain because of the heavy import duties. these have been fixed by the Domini can congress and are merely admin istered by the receivershio. There is much more complaint about the cus toms than the administration of the collection of custom, the chief source of revenue for the government. There is at present no form of property tax in the republic, owners of land or im proved properties either in the cities or in the country paying nothing therefor in the form of taxes to the government. There is much serious discussion regarding the possible changing of this condition while the temporary American government is in force, Dominicans in the past hav ingg generally agreed that they could not impose a property tax without serious opposition. There seems te be a willingness, however, to have the American government handle this problem. There is very general complaint against the customs burden. None of the necessities of life come' into the country duty free. Al foodstuffs, cloth ing and shoes pay heavy duties. The average duty imposed by the federal government is approximately 40 per cent of the value of the article im ported, while each port also levies a" second and sometimes a third import tax for municipal or special purposes. The secondary duties imposed by the different ports are not uniform and may vary at each port. The general duty on flour is $4.50 for 100 kilo grams. The average duty on shoes is $1.50 a pair for adult sizes. Clothing pays different rates according to ma terials. Gasolene retails in the neigh borhood of 55 cents a gallon, 20 cents of which is duty. Chinese Government to Take Over Copper Mines (Correepondence of The Aeeoclated Preee.) Viinnanfn Viinan Province1 China. Feb. 20. General Tang, the military governor of Yunnan province, has been instructed by the ministry of ag rirulrur anil rntnmerre to take over the copper mines at Tungchuan, that tne government may aeveiop mem 10 meet the urgent needs of the country. Tr IQIri rhece mines nroduced more man ,wu ions oi copper. BRODEGAARD'S Suggestions of the April Wedding Gift Beautiful Set of Cut Glass Water Pitcher with 6 Glasses. Sev eral patterns to select from. Regu lar price, S12.00 Special. $7.75 Packed in Attractive Box and Delivered. Brodegaard Bros. Co. 16th and Douglas Ste. AMERICANS! The Spirit ol TS Cell. SHOW YOUR COLORS Send Tod.r (or Thle Novelty Pin. 1C. Exact Replies of 8-Inch Shell Backed By a Miniature Fabric Flat Arents Wanted Big Money AMERICAN EMBLEM CO.. Manufacturer and Wholeeale Dietrlbutora 37 North (th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Neutrality Has Proven Costly for Switzerland . (Correepondence of The Aeeoclated Preee.) Berne, Switzerland, April 2. Switzerland's extraordinary expenses that have grown out of the war will amount, by the end of this year, to about 700.000,000 francs, it is esti mated. That figure, however, covers only the cost of maintaining Swiss neutrality, guarding the boundaries, etc. There must be raised in addi tion from 20,000,000 to 30,000,000 francs annually to pay the interest on other debts. In all it is reckoned tiiat for interest charges and sinking funds the state is going to have to produce an even 100.000.000 francs above what it ordinarily raises. Thus far only about one-third of this sum nas been assured: The tobacco mo nopoly proposed bv the Bundesrat is Dut one ot a number of measures that will be necessary in the imme diate future. And the monopoly proposition is already meeting with strong opposition. Though Berne has the reputation of being a less expensive residence city than Zurich or Geneva, it has been hit very hard by the war. The cost of food has risen on the average 48.9 per cent above the figures that prevailed betore the war. Clothing and other commodities orobablv have exceeded this figure. The fisrures have : been compiled and published to show j now urgently necessary are advances : in salary for government officials. ! Book to Contain Everything I said Concerning the War; (Correepondence of The Associated Prese.1 London, March 5. A committee of I librarians here is prenarinir a biblio graphy of war books, their aim being to make it eventually nothing less than a complete catalogue of every thing published anywhere in the world i on the subject of the war. Only seven setsof the complete caltalogue are to be made, one of which will go to 1T3UIUU a . isatarm - How often people delude themselves with the idea that catarrh isn't serious 1 They regard it as a local disease, annoy ing but not dangerous. As pointed out m our free book, "Health and How to Have It," catarrh spreads. It weakens the re sistance to severe diseases, and it pre pares an inviting field for them. After it becomes systemic, in itself it is likely to brinre on asthma, indieeetion. constipa tion, and imnure blood, until the That's all unnecessary, too, because, in thousands of cases it has been found that Peruna Gave Relief If r. M. Van Bares, n nvmr the G. B. ft X. nOwty. at Grand Rapid, found eatarrh moat distressing. Ha wt: "1 hava tima and again baan eom pllad to taka to my bad for daya. Tha first bottla of Parana vn raliaf. and walla I alwaya kaap It in tha hooat for atnervenelai, I conilder myaalf antlraly fraa from eatarrh of the tomaeb, tha tnmbla from which I anffarad for ao lone bet era taking tbti ranady " Doctors Stand Amazed at Power -of Bon-Opto to Make Weak Eyes Strong According to Dr. Lewis Guaranteed to Strengthen Eyesight 50 A Free Prescription Von Can Have Pilled and Use at Hume. Philadelphia, Pa. Victims of eye strain and other eye weaknesses, and those who wear glass?, will be glad to know that, ac cording to Dr. Lewis, there Is real hope and help for them, Many whose eyes were fail ing say they have had their eyes restored by this remarkable prescription and many who once wore glasses say they have thrown them away. One man says, after using It: "I was almost blind. Could not see to read at all. Now 1 can read every thing without my glasses and my eyes do not hurt any more. At night they would pain dreadfully. Now they feel fine all the time. It was like a miracle to me." A lady who used it says: "The atmosphere seemed hazy with or without glasses, but after using this prescription for fifteen days everything seems clear. I can Tend even fine print without glasses." Another who used It sajH: "I was bothered with eye strain caused by overworked, tired eyes which induced fierce headaches. I have worn glasses for several years, both for distance and work, and without them I could not read my own name on an en velope or the typewriting oft the machine before me. I can do both now and have discarded my long distance glasses alto gether, I can count the fluttering leaves on the trees across tha street now, which for several years have looked like a dim green blur to me. I cannot express my joy at ha It has dons for me." It is believed that thousands who wear glasses can now discard them In a reason able time and multitudes more will be able to strengthen their eyes so as to be spared the trouble and expense of ever getting What Do You Take for a Tonic? Most Everyone Needs One in the Spring Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey is Nature's true tonic-stimulant, made from sound grain, thoroughly malted and distilled to absolute purity, which characterizes it as a medicinal whiskey of the highest order. With its prescribed advice of a tablespoonful in water be fore meals and on going to bed, Duffy'ls gently stimulates the stomach to healthy action, improving the digestion and as similation of food and in this way enriches the blood and brings strength and vigor to the system. If you feel "all tired out" after trying months of work has sapped your strength, you should, just as thousands of others do, "Gel Duffy's and Keep Well." Sold in SEALED BOTTLES ONLY. Beware ot imitations. ROTE Get Dufry's from your local druggist, grocer or deal er. $1 per bottle. If he cannot supply you, write us. Send for useful household booklet free. The Duffy Malt Whiskey Co., the congressional library in Washing, ton. The same committee has a plan for establishing after the war a library and museum devoted entirely to the war, and so far as possible contain ing all the books, pamphlets and pa pers listed in the catalogue. Australia Fixes the Price At Which Milk Shall Be Sold (Correepondence of The Associated Preee.) Melbourne, Australia, April 2. The price of milk in Australia has been filed by law at 9 cents a quart at the dairy, or 11 cents if delivered- MILLARD HOTEL THE PLACE OF COMFORT 11 A. M. to 2. P. M. and 5 to 8 P. M. TABLE d'HOTE DINNER, SOe Tomato Gumbo Soup Celery Branches . CHOICE OF Boiled Ox Tongue with Spinach Fried Spring Chicken, Country Style Veal Porterhouse, Soute Pan Gravy Stuffed Young Duck, Apple Sauce Koast loung Turkey With Dresging, Cranberry Sauce Prime Ribs of Beef, au Jus Mashed or Boiled Potatoes Succotash Fruit Salad Apple, Loganberry or Lemon Pie strawberry Shortcake Vanilla Ice Cream Tea Coffee Milk IS t 99 sufferer endures srreat distress. Many othan have anJoyad fha aamo vaHaf from thia ratnady. Bat tha tlma to taka It la bafora tha diaue gate ao bad. A box at Parana, Tablata tn yoor vaat pocket will anabla yon to ward oft: soldi and to orarcoma atarrh A bottla of tha liquid Parana In yoor home la ft real application Of tha "iaf.Jtr flnf Idea. Mtnaitn Tablets are tha Idea liver tenia aod laxative. Aa good aa any candy; aa effeetivo aa Bead bei and all without unpleasant effects. Con atipation can he overcome by their naa t and iA cants, at your draggfata. Tb Peruna (paiir, CdbaAii Get the fraa book, 'Health and Row to Baa IV of your druggist, or writ to m tn t. in One Week's Time in Matty hst&ntes glasses. Eye troubles of many descriptions may be wonderfully benefited by the use of this prescription, Oo to any active drug store and get a bottle of Bon-Opto tablets. Prop one Bon-Opto tablet in a fourth of a glass of water and let it dissolve. "With this liquid bathe the eyes two to four tlmee dally. You should notice your eyes clear up perceptibly right from the start and Inflam mation and redness will quickly disappear. If your eyes bother you even a little It ta your duty to take steps to save them now before it is too late. Many hopelessly blind might have saved their sight it they had, cared for their eyes in time. Note; Another prominent Physician to whom the above article was submitted, satd : "Yes, the Bon-Opto prescription la truly a wonderful eye remedy. Its constitu ent ingredients are well known to eminent eye specialists and widely prescribed by them. I have used it very successfully in my own practice on patients whose eyea were strained through overwork or misfit glasses. I can highly recommend It In case of weak, watery, aching, smarting, itching, burning eyes, red lids, blurred vision or for eyes Inflamed from exposure to smoke, sun dust or wind. It Is one of the very few prep arations I feel should be kept on hand for regular use in almost every family." . Bon Opto, referred to above, la not a patent medicine or a secret remedy. It is an ethical preparation, the formula being printed on the package. The manufacturers guaaantee It to strengthen eyesight 50 per cent In one week's time in many instances or refund the money. It can be obtained from any good druggist and Is sold in this city by Shorman & McConnell and other druggists. Advertlsencmt. Rochester, N. Y.