Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 17, 1917, Image 12

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Killing Cattle Ten to Fifteen
Lower Sheep Weak to
Ten to Fifteen Off. , .
Omaha, April 16, 1117.
Receipt! ware: Cattle, Hoga. Sheep.
Estimate Monday 8.500 .0O 11.600
8.8 diy last week.. 6.01 S .M 7,430
Same day 1! whs. ago. 6.643 t,12M 8,673
Same day 3 wka. fttfO.. I.tll 1.088 17,281
Same day wks. ago.. 08 Lite 4.144
Sam day lam year... MM 11,544 16.211
Reccirf nd disposition of live stock at
the Union Slock Vardi, Omaha. Neb., for
twenty-four hours ending at I o'clock p. nv
April 16, 1)17:
Cattle. Hoga. Sheep. H'r'a
. sr. 8t, P.
Altssourl 1'aclflC
.11 6
. 1
. f
. U 30 31 2
.14 3 1
.61 46 30
. 66 6 1
. U
. (4 35 11! 1
. I 2
V'7 I ..
.IT .. .. ' ..
.33 129 . 47 1
C. & N. W Mt.. .
l ft N. W., t
St. P., M. & O. . .
C, B. A 4.. ant....
c, u. a g., west....,
C, R. I. P.. Mat...
'., B. 1. A P.. wen..
Itllnot Central .....
Chicago Great West.
Total receipts
Cattle. Hon. Sheep.
Vorrla A Co 7 1.462 1.66
Swift A Co M4T .71
Cudahy Packing Co.. 1,126 M J.0
Armour A Co 1.191 3.064 8.064
Hchwarti A Co 21
J. W. Murphy S.I
Cudahy, Denver 466
Lincoln Packing Co... 87
So. Omaha Pack. Co. 33
St. Clair Packing Co.. 17
Wilson Packing Co... 37
Cudahy. Kan. City... 364
TfunHlnger A Oliver.. 1
W. B.' Vanssnt Co... 127
B'ton, V'sant ft Luh. 64
Swift, Denver 488
11111 A Son...;...,.. 187
V. B. Jwti 2ti
Corr Picking Co 276
3. B. Boot A Co M
J. H. Bulla 44 ,
J. F. HUM 1
Roaenstork Bros. .... 163
P. o. Kellogg ....... 88
Werthelmer A Degen, 26fl
. Ellis A Co 14
Sullivan Bros 6
Mo. A Kan. Calf Co... ft
Crtatia 3
Meyora 10
Baker 71
Banner Broa 66
John Harvey 361
Dennis A Francis..... 36
Jen son A Lungren ... 166
O'Day 17
Other buyers Ill
Total! 8,421 9,332 13,602
Cattle Receipts were large this morning.
S3 ears being reported in. This Is the
heaviest run for a Monday since three
week ago, and with that exception tho
heaviest for a long time back. It would
appear from reports brought In by stock
men that the large run la due partly to
aorae feeders running out of oorn and hay.
Soma of them hesitate to buy more feed
at prevailing high prloee. While still others
find It difficult to secure what they want
In. their Immediate neighborhood. Another
reason for the large shipments of cattia la
the sear that haa gone out. regarding gov
ernment regulation of prloee,- Tho packers
In advocating that the government should
put s limit to the high ooet of meat prod
ucts mads a very ahrewd movement to
break the market. As a matter of fact
eommlsalon men on the Omaha market,
and on all 'other bit; markets, understand
most thoroughly that the government has
not the slightest intention or putting a
Hmltt on prloee, and even If the govern
ment did have auch designs, with the op
position that would be provoked In congress
It would be Imposslbls to get a law through
that body In time to effect the preaent sup-
dIv of corn fed cattle, which will be prac
tically all disposed of by July. Stockmen
at the big markets regret the scare, because
If It continues It tnuat result In shippers
loslns money needlessly.
As a reault of the large receipts of eattle
at all points today prices hers were around
lotjite lower on tns general run oi auiersi
right good beeves selling up to 911.3ft,
- Cows and heifers showed the same de
cline as heaves, while heavy feeders were
lot? 36o or more lower.
Quotations on cattle: Good to choice
beeves, f ll.90O19.00i fair U good beeves,
UO.76tyli.IOj common to fair beeves, 19.60
010.7ft; good to choice heifers, 6l.6Q10.IB;
good to choice cows, S8,H0iO.3ft fair to
good cewa, tl.0008.76; common to fair cows,
lft.60O1.60; prime feeding steers, 99.600
IMS; good to choice feeders, 96.76O9-60;
fair to good feeders, 99.0006.76; common to
fair feeders, 96.76O-00; good i choice
' stookers, 98.60 010.00; stock heifers, 97.000
' 9.76: stock coys, 96.0009.36; stors: calves,
gft.00O10.60; vgal calves, 99.00012.60; beef
bis, stags, etc., 9l.2t09.7ft; bologna bulls,
- Representative sales:
No. Av. Pr No. Av. Fr.
27.,. 609 9 SO 28. 417 97 36
61..,.,.., 129 I 66
ft. ..... 983 11 00
St. ...... .1141 11 60
30. .1336 11 76
II., 1128 It 36
97 989 10 60
43. ...... .1137 11 36
19 1044 11 96
XI ...1397 II 00
18 1884 13 10
, 481 ft 31 SIT 9 7ft
, 983 10 90 10,. ...... Ill 10 90
703 11 00 t
, 191 T 2ft 19.
. 766 10 10
Ill T 71
Hogs Hogs wore very slew, receipts be
ing pretty tolerably decent for a Monday
and lower prices in force everywhere.' In
the end the bulk sold around 16c lower. The
vloae was weak at the decline. Most of the
males were made at 91t.4601Mt and choice
heavies sold as high as 916.90.
Representative aales:
No. Av. ah. pr No. Ar.
86. .170 80 1ft 10 ' 31. .190
II. .194 130 It ft 91. .217
74. .289 160 It 66 70, .141
17. .307 40 It 76 19. ,349
66. .m ... 1ft 8ft 63. .ISO
Sb. Pr.
... It to
140 It 60
160 It 70
II 90
1ft 90
Sheep The supply of lambs was ths larg
est that has been here at the etart of the
week since three weeks ago. estimates can
ing for forty-eight cars, or 11,600 head. This
is 4,ooo larger than last week and 8,000
hearer than two weeks ago, but smaller
than tor tbe same day last year by between and 4.000 head.
With the eaceptlon of dosen or so loads
that got In yesterday before the etorm
started, all the lambs here were more or
less wet and as buyers were tn a bearish
mood to begin with, other points having
gcod runs, It took traders quite a while
to reach an agreement on prices.
Even after allowing for the wetness of
Uteres, early bide looked lOOlfte lower any
Hew, but sellers were asking steady prices
uid it was 11 o clock and After before
treat deal was done, while at noon there
a-ere etill several cars In the pens. Owing
. lo tho uncertainty of conditions, there was
the usual differences of opinion as to how
prices compared with last week's close, but
after the bulk of the offerings had crossed
tbe ecHlea most traders came to the con
etualon that after allowing for the water In
l lie fleeoee prices were not materially differ
ent from last week, though there were some.
loth among the buyers and sellers, who
. t-lslmed that at least some of the lainbs
would ngure a aime lower
Bulk of the lambs sold around 916.46 and
rn down. One four-car string of light
Jiexi'tans mat naa escaped the rain brought
41.70 and light ColoraCoa that left quite a
little to be d eel red in the way of flesh
iechd 916.60. Several care of handy
weights, Including water-soaked Mexicans
end dry westerns landed around 116.366
H.4&. and strong weights sold on down to
16016.1O. The only clipped lambs here
' brought 112.40. They were mates of 912.10
performers last week.
There were no old sheep ef eensequence
- itr oner ana in me aoeence or supplies noml-
raity steady prices wtre quoted. Feeding
uw ring loi'ft WH Bias lapsing.
Quotations on sneep and lambs: Lambs,
tli ht and handy, 116.360 16.79: lambs, heavy,
f 14.76016.40; lambs, fresh shorn, 913.00O
".iv, lamna, neanns, tit.PQ; year
lings, good to choice, 111.10(111.16; yearlings.
fhir to good. 13.0oi3-00; wethers, fair
tt- Choice, fU.6001Z.7ft; ewes, good to choice,; ewes, felr to good. 910.000
ji.ov; I'wri, piMiu i runs, t.ffV.Se.
Representative sales:
No. ' 1 ' Av.
227 clipped lambe.... ,....... 81
eil(ped iwm ,..l1f
T-8 clipped ewes...... ...123
Ul fed lambs.. 76
13 40
10 1
10 1
16 46
L Jeeeph Uvs Stock Market.
St. Jos ph. Mo.. April lO.tCsJtle Re
receipts, 2,180 head; market steady; steers,
99.0Oi:.7l; cows and heifers,;
cahee, 96,00611.76.
Hos;i .K ere i pis. naa; maraei siaay
10c lower; top, 916.20; bulk of aales,
Sheep end Lambs Receipts. i,uw Dean;
arket strong; lambs, 314.76 14.00; ewes,
Cattle laaettlerf. Hogs Weak, Sheep and
. , Lambs Weak
Chicago, April If. Cattle Rerr-lpti,
19,000 liad, market, unsettled, top, 913.60.'
a new high record; native beef cattle, f.2i
019-264 Blockers and feeders,;
cows and heifers, 9&.70OU.00; calves, 98. it
Hogs Receipts, 35,000 head; market,
weak. 10c under Saturday's average; bulk,
916.80ftl6.I6; light, $1 6. HO 16.06 ; mixed,
f J.Sflt?l.3l; hmvy. 916 60ft 16.26; rough,
916.60(16.66; plira. 9I1-26O14.30.
Sheep and Lambs Kerelpts, 11.000 head;
market, weak; wethers. 91U.70&16.00; ewes.
19.26012-36; iamb. 912.10&16.00.
St. Lonls Live Stock Market.
8t. Louie. Mo., April 16. Cattle Re.
celptH, 4,600 head ; market steady; native
beef steers, 8L60fj.l3.00; yearling afters and
heifer, 3S.6D&1Z.Q0; cows, 10,00 JI. 00;
ntockers and feeders, 96.00gl0.16: Texas
iiuaranttne atem. $6,60ftt.60; prime south
ern beef Hleera. 98.00011.60; beef cows and
hrifers. 14.1 i it 9.00 prime yearling steers
and heifers, 97.60 0 1M0 ; native calves.
6. 00011-00.
Hons Receipts, 10.500 hend: market 6c
lower; llrht, H&.7O&16.10; pi, 910. 760
0; mixed and butchers, I Ib.lQty I ft;
good heavy. 916.20O16-30- bulk, I16.90O
Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 1.700 head;
market steady; lambs, 913.00016.00; ewes,
99.6001126; yearllnvs, 912.76014.26;
clipped Iambi,, 912.00013-00.
Kansas City Live Stock Market.
Kansas City, April 16. Cattle Receipts.
13,000 hfad; market lower; prime fed
Ktecrs, 1 2.2.. ft 13.00; drened beef steers.
16.50 O i 2.00; western aleem, $9. 60 &1 3.76;
cows, 96.60010.60; heifers, 99.00O1 1-75;
Blockers and feeders, 18.00 ll. 00; LiuIIh,
97. 604110.00; calves, 98,00013.26.
Hogs Receipts, 1 2,000 head : market
stescly, closed 16c lower; hulk of sales. 916,60
l5.1o; neavy. sie.iuui).,,,,; paraers ana
bulchern. II .80$y H.16, light, 9U.26O1&.90;
plirs, 912.26016.00.
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 6.000 head;
market sten'ly; lambs, 91 2.&0O 1 6.6; year
lings, 13.0ot)I4.2&; wethers, 912.00OU.26;
ewes, lll.ooi 13. on.
Slous City Lite Stock Market.
Sioux City, la., ; April 16. Cattlo Re.
eelpts, 8,600 head ; market steady, 10c
lower; beef steers, 911.00012.76; butchers,
t9.6AOH.00; fat cow and heifers, 97.600
10.60; canners, 96.6007.60; Blockers, 97.600
10.26; calves, 97.509.76; nulls, slags, etc.,
Hobs Receipts, 4,200 head; market 10O
16c lower; light, tt6.26016.46; mixed. 916.60
016.66; heavy, 916.6601t.86; pigs, (12.60
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 304 heed;
market steady: yearlings, 91 2.00 18.60;
wethers. 91 1.600 12.50; ewes, 910.26011.76;
lambs, 913.60016.60.
v Live Stock Receipts.
Receipts of live stock at the five principal
western markets;
South Omaha 8.600
Hogs. " Pheep.
8,900 11,600
4.200 ftflO
36,000 19,000
12,000 6,000
10,600 1,700
70,600 27,400
Hioux City ...j. 3,600
Chicago ....19,000
Kansas City 13,000
St. Louis 4,600
Quotations of the Day oa Various Com
modities. New York, April 14. Flour Strong;
spring patents, 911-90O12.ll; winter patents,
9i).66Oll90; winter straights, 111.160
11.40; Kansas straights, 912.40O12-66.
Wheat Spot, strong; No. 3 hard, 92-68,
f. o, b. New York; No. 1 northern, Duluth,
93.66; No. 1 northern, Manitoba, 92.49, f.
o. b. New York, opening navigation,
Cora Spot, strong; No. 2 yellow, $L91,
6, t. f. New York.
Oats Spot, firmer; standard, 79c.
Hides Steady; Bogota, 43044c; Central
American, 43c,
Leather Firm; hemlock firsts, 67c; sec
ond 66r.
Provisions Pork, strong; mess, 940.00;
family, 942.00044.00; short clear, 940.00O
41.00. Beef, strong; mess, 926.00027.00;
family, 929. 00O31.00. Lard, strong; middle
West, 921.46031.76.
Butter Firm; receipts, 3,498 tubs;
creamery, higher than extras, 47 O 47 c;
creamery extnss (92 score), 4646o;
firsts, 44046c; seconds, 43 ST 41c.
Eggs Strong; receipts, 31,601 oases;
fresh gathered extras, 37c; fresh gathersd
storage packed firsts, 860'6c; freih
gathered firsts, 34036e,
Cheese Quiet ; receipts, 1,916 boxes; state
fresh specials, !636o; stats, average run,
Poultry Alive, weak; no prices Quoted.
Dressed, higher; chickens, 28030a; owls,
3102Tci turkeys, 18 Q 34c.
Sugar Market.
New York, April If. Sugar Raw. firm;
oentrifugal, 1.46c; molasses, t.ftSc. Refined,
Arm; cut loaf, t.fto; crushed, 9.60c; mould
A and cubes, 8.00c; XXXX powdered, 7.66c;
powdered, 7.60c; fine granulated, 7.60c; dia
mond A, 7. 60o; confectioners' A, 7.40c; No.
T.soc. Futures openea easier unuer scat
tered liquidation by outside interests and
wall street, selling. At noon prices had
rallied a few points and were about 4 to f
points lower.
uuoan interests pougni me near montns
in tne afternoon, closed irregular and
points higher to t points lower. Sates 27,400
sacks;. May, ft. 67; July, f.71o; September,
Minneapolis Grain Market.
Minneapolis. Minn.. April 16. Flour-
Fancy patents advanoed 16c. quoted
913.00; first eleara advanoed 30c, quoted at
iiariey fl.llff 1.39.
Rye 91.8901-90.
Bran 988.60029,00.
Wheat May, 92.28; July. 13.19. Cash:
No, 1 hard, 2.60O3.63; No. 1 northern
92.4402.46; No. 8 northern, 92-380
Corn No. I yellow, 1.4401-46.
Oats No. 1 white, 8068c.
Flas Seed 11.31 03.28.
Cotton Market. '
New York, April 16. Cotton Futures
opened steady; May, 30.46a: July, 30.0 Jo
October, 18.86c: Deoember, 18.89c: January.
18.840. i
Cotton Futures closed steadv : Mav.
in. sot : juiy, is. sac: uctobor. u.isc: v
cember, 18.71c; January 13.77c. Spot quiet;
The cotton market closed steady at
net decline of 13 to 31 points.
Liverpool, April 16. cotton pot, easy;
good middling, is.OTd; middling. I2.97d;
sales, 1,900 bales.
City General Market.
Kansas City, April 16. Wheat No. !
hard, 12.6602.74; No. 3 red, 92.S302.6I;
May. 92.61; July, 91.97.
Corn No. 2 mixed. I1.4S01.49: No.
white, 91.62 01-61: No. 3 yellow, 91.4801-49
May, 91.46; July, 91.38.
Oat a No. 2 White, 74074c: No, 3 mixed,
Butter creamery, 47c: firsts, 44c; sec
onds, 48o: packing, ISo.
Kilgs Firsts, 4c.
Poultry Hens, 31o: roosters. IS-u: tur
keys, 25c.
Metal Market
New Tork, April 14. Metals Leed,
steady at 98-63 asked. Spelter, dull; spot,
ttast nt. Louie delivery. 11.76 aaaed. Cop
per, dull: electrolytic, spot and second quar
ter, lao.oofpjz.oo, nominal; third quarter,
I!, ooif se.oe, iron, nrm; no. i northern,
942.00043.00; No. 3, 941. 60642.60; No.
southern, 939.90O 0.00; No. 3, 938.609
ai.&e. Tin, nrm; spot, sfts.iftVbs.ze.
At London Spot copper, 4136; futures,
fllo 10a; electrolytic, 4149. Tin, spot, ill'
6s; futures, 21i.' Spelter, 166.
Kvanerated Apples and IMed Fruits.
New York, April If. Evaporated Apples-
Market firm: fancy, 11012a; choice, 10c
prime, !09c.
' Dried Frulte Prunes, firm; Californtes,
90"K; Oregons, 10O10o. Apricots,
strong; fancy, 22c. Pcarhes. firm; choice,
8c; extra choice, 9c; fancy, 9c
Kelvins, steady; loose Muscatels. 8010?
choice to fancy, aeeded, 809c; seed
less, 11013o; London layera, 91.90.
OU as
Savannah, Oa., April 16
Firm, 46a; sales, 396 bble.;
shipments, 110; stock, 1,462.
receipts, 141
Rosin Firm; sales, 344 bble; receipts,
614; fhtpments. l.aea; stock, 46,291. Quote
A. B. C, D, 96.400646; E, 16.46; F, 16.60
H, 16.80; I. l6.9O0i.96: K, 86.70; M, 9t.1t
N, 96.80; WO. 96.10, WW, 16.90.
Rt. Louis General Market
St, IjouIs. Mo.. April 16. Wheat No.
red, 92. 1602,76; No. t hard, 93-62; May,
JlUr, S17ST.
Corn No. 2. 91.63: No. I white, 91 J0
May.; juiy, ii,3V
Oats No, 2, 7ju; No. I white nominal.
Resumption of Last Week's
Liquidation and Increase of
Short Selling.
New York, April 16. Wall street seemed
arrive at a mure complete realization of
he war situation today, developments since
last Saturday's session contributing largely
to that end. The president's latest appeal
the nation advinlng unity and economy.
further consideration of war tax probl'-ms
nd an extension by the RrltNh government
f Its control over shipping with indications
similar measures by the nnme govern
ment were responsible for a resumption or
weeks liquidation and an increase or
hort selling.
Shippings as a group were more serious
affected than any other iHtmea, murine
referred dropping 9 points on steady of
ferings to 77 the common lonlng 6?a at
. and Atlantic. Gulf and n est mates
lining 7 to 101 1, with C for United
Fruit, at 134.
Munitions and equipments yielded 2 to 6
points. United States Steel inaklug a fle-
line or z to 1 104 witn ror rseinie-
hem Steel, new stock. Copper, leathers.
mntora. sugars and fertiliser Trre
1 to 3 points and utilities supple
mented last week's reversals, People's lias
losing 3 points, with about two each for
'onsolldated Gas, Brooklyn Rapid Transit
and Twin City Rapid Trenail.
Trad Inn In rails was relatively small, but
investment as well as the low priced issues
followed the general trend at extreme re
cessions of one to two points, There were
occasional feeble rallies, but final prices
Imost without exception were at lowest
evela. Total aales amounted to ti 80,000
General nows touching upon financial
conditions were favorable In the main, lime
money Khadtng a trifle, In spite of last Snt
urday's large cash loss by tho local banks.
Ices from the west reported satisfactory
business tn virtually all lines of trade wlih
ft to 10 per cent Increase In tonnage by
the railroads. Dealings In foreign exchange
ere negligible, with only nominal changes
n rates to continental points.
Railroad bonds manifested greater Irregu
larity, bordering upon weaknesa In aperu-
tlve Issues, but Internationals yielded none
f their recent gains. Total sales, par value,
United States and Panama bonds were 'A
to 24 per cent lower on call.
Sale. High. Low. Close.
Am. Reet Sugar... 2.000 96 94 93
American Can 2.900 464 445k
in. Car A Foundry, 67 . 66 66
in. Smelt. & Refg
8,200 101 '4 99 98
1,400 118 111 Jll
400 123H 123 123
800 83 23 32
8,800 80 78 78
1,100 102 103 102
MOO 108 101 10
1,500 77 76 76
300 44 43 42
700 21 21 21
1,700 162 160i 160
8.900 87 84 -s4
400 67 69 69
Am. Huaar Ref'f.
Am. Tel. & Tol..,.
Am: 7... 1 ...
Anaconda Copper..
Atl.Uulf I W I.S.S.
Raltlmore A Ohio,
flutte A flup. Cop.
Petroleum. . . .
!anadlan Pacific, .
Central Leather...
:'heaapeake A Ohio
H. ft. P...
3. 4)Q gn 79
400 114 114
'hlcaao A N. W..
23 H
Ohl., R.U A P.,ctta
Chlno Coppn!
Colo. Fuel a Iron.
Corn Prod, Ref'g.
24 4
Tuclble Btrel 10.100
Cuba Cane Sugar.. 7.500
Distiller'. Bee's....
Erie ... ,
Heneral Klectrlc...
Oeneral Motors....
at. Northern pfd..
6,400 111 108 ,
1,100 111', 111
700 lift 11M
No, tr., t-trs..
Illinois Central....
Inspiration Copper. B.,00
Int M. M.. pfd.... 81,300
67 '4
77 i
uternatlon'l Nickel 7,100
International Paper MOO
Kan. City Houthem
Kennecott Copper., 7.500
43 42
oulsvllle a Nssh. ....
Maswell Motors.... 4.100
Mexican Petroleum 13,700
Miami Copper 1,000
. 4)
lllssourl Pacific...
Montana Power....
Nevada Copper...
New- York central
r., N. H. a H. .
43 ,
Norfolk a Western
700 128 128U 128
Northern Pacific
Pacific Mall
too 102 lo:
1,800 23 22
Pittsburgh Coal...
Ray Con, Copper..
Rep. Iron a Steel..
Shattuck Aria. Cop.
Southern Pacific. 2.700
Southern Railway. 4.800
Studebaker Corpor. 11,400
Texa, Co 3.300 215 314
Union Paclflo 13,800 137 136 136
II. B. lhd. Alcohol. 13.600 115 112 11 3 H
United States Sietl.Ul, tOO 118 110 110
V. S. Steal, pfd.,. 500 118 118 117
Utah Copper. 1,200 110 108 109
Wabash pfd., B . 700 35 25 25
Western Union.'.... 100 97 96 9
Westlnghouse Eleo. 1.300 60 49 48
Total receipts for the day, 680,000 shares.
Bank Clearings
Bank clearlnga in th. United 8tates for
the week ending April 12, as reported to
Bradslreet'a Journal, New iork, aggregate
86.517.738,000, against 95,971,716,000 last
week and (4,648,627,000 In tills week last
year. Canadian clearings aggregate 9186,
931.000, as against 8214,708,000 last week
and 1171,939,000 In this week last year. Fol
lowing ar. the returns for this week,
with percentagea of change ahown this
week aa compared with this week last year:
CITIES, j Amount. I Jno.
New Tork 83,178.849,000 16.3
Chicago 608,171,000 40.3
Philadelphia .... 386.988,000 37.6
Roston 331,421.000 4.3
St. I.oul 136,007,000 41.0
Kansas City .... 134.543,000 64.2
San Franclsoo .. -84,207,000 38.8
Pittsburgh 98,938,000 4.8
Cleveland 71,431,000 (8.8
Detroit 64,616.000 17.1
Raltlnjor. 41,769.000
Cincinnati 39.363,000 14.6
Omaha 84,173,000 60.3
Mlnn.nK.ll 31,182,000 18.7
New Orleans .... 33.398,000 62.6
Los Angslsi, .... 28.883,000 13.3
Milwaukee 21.841.000 26.2
Atlanta 31,885.000 66.6
Louisville 19,118.000
Richmond ...... 31.336,000 97.0
Buffalo 16.571.000 16.2
Meatus 22.111,000 47.8
St. Paul 13,784.000 4.3
Denver 16.069,000 35.1
Portland, Or... 17,691,000 37.8
Houston 10.480.0FO ' 8.8
Indlanapoll 13,678.000 33.9
St. Joaeph 14.646.000 60.6
Salt Lake City... 13,333.000 45.2
Provldenu. 9,766,900
Columbu 12.410,000 14.1
Fort Worth 11,072,000 51.4
Waahlng'n, D. C. 10.875.000 16.1
Toledo 11.9B4.000 29.3
Memphis ., 10,323,000 32.1
Hartford ....... 8,426,000 4.6
Nashville ....TS, 8,96B,000, 9.1
Des Moines .....T 8,414,000 10. 8
Rochester ...... 6,618,000 9.9
Savannah , 7,390.000 62. 5
Duluth 6.258,000 38. til
Albany 4,678.000
Spokane 6.348.000 34.3
Wichita 9,014,000 37.3
Norfolk 6.810.000 36.3
Oalvsaton 4.640.008 13.1
New Haven 4,587.000 7.4
Sioux City 5.866.000 28.6
Urand Rapids ... - 4.879,000 ID. 9
Oklahoma 6.416.000 106.0
Oakland 6.166.009 20.9
Macon .....J... .1,596,000
Akron 6.840,000 69.6
Springfield, Mass. 4.484.000 11.6
Peoria ' 4.974.000 34.2
Worcester 3,429,000
Tulsa 1.409.000 147.9
Syracuse 4.203,000 31.4
Dayton 3,773.000 17.0
Svranton 8.440,000 1,9
Austin 3.976,000
Lincoln 3,936,000 38.3
Fremont' 622,000 66.5
Vtcksburg 340,000 6,6
London St-cks mad Bonds.
lndon, April 16. American securities
moved narrowly nnd irreguarly, with
small turnover tn th. low priced Issum on
the stock exchange, today,
Silver Bar. 36 9-16d par ounc.
Money t3 per cent.
DwMmnutlHU 3)100.00, $300.00, (1,000.00
t Flow, First Nat. Bk. Bldg., Omaha.
Hcarrlty of Offering anil Increased Demands
Raise Trice of Wheat.
t.'blcagn, April 16. Kxcttlng adam-e In !
(he whral market today eraultd from a
huge decrease In the Cnlted States visible
rupply totals and from buying that was
lirwely credited to export interest. ,
The slceptat rise Wjus in May delivery,
which at oav tima soart-d 1 3 li c. There was
a flurried close, at galnsof 3OUc net,,
with May at 8J.36 O 2.36c end July, 11.94 I
01.94. Other commodities, too,1 finished,
ut an advance corn, 2inlu; oats, SOi
ic, and provisions, 3.1iH&2c,
Ri-cord-siii.ishing upturns In values begun
the Instant the wheat market opened. Th'ire t
was but Utile wheat for sale, and buyers,
seemed determined at any cost to have ihcir
wants filled. It was not, however, tuitl tieitr
the cIohh of the tla and after th port
ing of thu weekly total of the domestic
visible supply that the bidding for wheal :
took on an aspect that bordered on frenzy, i
The bulletin board showed tlist the Hvall
Kl;lfl stock in sight in the United States
had shrunk 3.221.000 bushels since last Mon- ;
day and was now 19,300.000 bushels less than
was the eaae a year atro. At the samn Unto
jnnouncenient was made that tho Canadian
vJalble supply had fallen off to a notable ex
tent and watt likewise well under last year's
aggregate. .
Aeuteriens of .the demand for Immediate
df livery of wheat was such that c&h ijuu-
Authorized Sales and
4911-17 South 24th Street
Tel. South 420
Coaebwor Service
Stmtion Oaaar
Roscoe Rawl.r, Prop.
Excelsior Motorcycles
. Bicycles
Accessories and Repairs
Repair Work a Specialty
4809 South 24th St.
Phone South 1404
idtlons reached 22.62. the highest level
it the history of tho trade la winter wheat.
Millers were among the most eager purchasers.-
jegardleee of the fact that cash
v.h-iat was selling at big premiums over
futures In all primary markets. Ideal weath
er for crops, i-spcrlally In Kansas and Ne
braska, was renpoiistnte for comparatively
f-Loling off In som degree bullish sentiment
hk to distant months. N vert he less, July lm
plled by tho clamor for cash wheat and
Tor the .May option, ascend-d to 2.00, a
lump since Saturday of 806c.
New top prices for corn were attributed
ir the nviln to tbe wheat bulge. Hellers were
scarce. d"splle the talk of increased coun
try offerings. Oats' were stimulated some
what by improved call from the seaboard.
Numerous holders, though, seised the chance
tn realize.
Provisions took an upward swing with
irraln. Karly dec I In eg, due to weakness In
the hog market, were much mure than
wiped out.
Cash Prices; Wheat Nos. 2 and 3 red and
No. 2 liArd nominal; No. 3 herd, 2.46. Corn:
No. 2 yellow, 91 ,46 O l.0 ; No. 3 yellow.
11.4701.49 ; No. 4 yellow, 11.47 1.48.
Oats: No. 'J white, 69fi "lc; standard. "0
ti71'ic. Rye: No. 2, 31.91. Barley, 11. 2ft "9
1.51, Timothy. 14.75 5.75. Clover. 12.ftft
17.00. Pork: 937.42. Lard, 921. 1021.1e.
Ribs, 919,60Q30.10.
Coffee Market.
New York, April 16. The market for cof
Goodyear Tires
Channel Bar Bumpers. . .$4.95
1-ton jack $1.65
Spotlight with mirror $2.95
Harolin. Oil Beit by Tut
The Motor Supply.
1917 Farnam Street
Douglas 789$
Omaha Tire Dealers
Appointed Goodyear
Service Stations
IF you have been disappointed in finding your own
dealer out of stock in Goody ears, you can end this
: annoyancefroin now on. .
Regular Goodyear Service Stations have been
appointed . in Omaha who carry at all times
Goodyear Tires and Goodyear Tubes in every
size, and Goodyear Accessories. If ou will call
on one of these dealers you will receive tire ser
vice you have probably never known before.
out of every five cars
joying the longer mileage and the lower mileage cost1
of Goodyear Tires. fi
The extraordinary favoritism shown this particular tire
would be even larger than this if everyone who asked
for Goodyears got them. 7
For Goodyear Service Station Dealers"arenot"content
in merely selling you Goodyear Tires, Goodyear Tubes
and Goodyear Accessories. Their interest continues
until you have had maximum mileage and satisfaction
from them.
They all have the same purpose, the same disposition
to hold your business by setting your friendship, bjf
giving you the service you nave a right to expect.
This service is given you over and above the ext
mileage built into Gooayear Tires, which makes them
go farther and last longer., and so cost you less in the end.
The Goodyear Tire & Rubber
Akron, Ohio
Goodyear Tires, Tubes and 'Tire Saver" Accessories--and
Goodyear Service are easy to get from Goodyear
Service Station Dealers everywhere in Omaha.
Minne Lusa Garage
J. A. Tuvc8on, Prop.
Filling Station
, Dot Grade Lubricating Oil
Repair Work by
On. Block North of Mill.r Park
On 30th Street
Eight Year.' Experience
All Work Guaranteed
Serrice Number, Colfax 409
fee futures opened at an advance of 6 to
I points on renewed talk of an Import duty
and nervousness over shipping conditions.
Near months were relatively firm on Wall
Street and European buying with May sell
ing up to 8.36c and July at 1.47c. right
after tbe call, or about 8 to 11 points net
higher on the general list. Later prices
turned easier under realising and trade
selling which was accompanied by reports
of oasler firm offers, with July selling off
to 8.40c and with the market closing net
3 points lower to 4 points higher. Sales,
161.000 bags.
April, 8.24c; May, 8.21c; June, 8.31c; July,
8.33c; August, 8.46c; September, 8.51c; Oc
tober, 8.67c; November, 8.68c; December,
n.ooi-, .iHiiu&ry, a. I ac; r uuruaij ,
Msrch. 8.88c.
Srot, quiet; Rio 7a, 10c; Santos 4s. 10c.
Offers of Santos 3a and 4s were reported
In the market here at 9.9UC to 10c and of
4s at 9.80c, London credits.
The official cables reported no change
In the primary markets except Santos fu
tures, which were 60 to 76 rels higher.
Rio cleared 21,000 bags for New York.
Dry (iood, Market.
Nw Tork, April !6. Collon goods were
quieter here today, price, being atpady. A
wcalern Jobber haa offered substantial quan
tity, of domestics at price, below tbose
current In primary centers. Raw silk la
2063 Farnam St.
Better Ford Repairing
Get Our Price, First
Goodyear Tires
Ford Supplies
Auto Accessory Co.
Edwin L. Uhe, Manager
Dougla, 5194
in the country today is en-;
A New Kind of
Tire Shop
Where you net quick,
snappy service. Only
standard merchandise and
thoughtful, ' fielpful ad
vice. Bring us your Tire
Troubles; your size al
ways in stock. Modern
Vulcanizing Plant. Good
year Service Station.
Succssor to Zwiebel Bros.
2518 Farnam St. Ph. D. 4878.
Perry Lock
Steering Wheel
No two locks have keys alike.
Front wheels are wild when car
is locked.
Ask us about it now. Phone
Douglas 3217.
884-6-8 Brand.!, Bfif.,
Omaha, N.b.
Best electrical and self-starter
courses. No books Easy to
learn, Good Pay. Stay six
weeks or longer, as you choose.
Abundant repair work on jtll
makes of cars.
Write for particulars tod&y.
National Auto Training
2814 N. 20th St., Omaha, Neb.
Dundee Garage Co.
4918 Dodge St.
Car Washing i
Tube Vulcanizing ;.
Phon. Walnut 3780
We carry a full .lock of
Goodyaar Tirea,