Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 14, 1917, Image 6

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Remarkable Offerings In Eery Branch of Our Business
To Make This Saturday a Day of Very Exceptional Savings
Spring and Summer Suits, $25 and $35
From the Dignified to the Extreme
in Sport Styles
There are Man Tailored Suits, Belted models and Sports and Jersey
Suits. The materials range all the way from the deep tones to the bright
and shining colors for the Sport wear.
At Q " Plain straight tailored lines, braid bound and braid trimmed, with
POO rows of braiding at side, as many as ten rows, and profusely trim
med with buttons; large pockets and tailored collar; sizes 34 to 44.
Another Belted Suit at the same prica, of Silk Jersey, with braided, large
collar and wide cuffs. Shown in Gold, purple, Blue, and Green. This is a real
Sports Suit.
And there are too res and scores of other styles at $35.
At (or Plain Tailored Suits, severe in their outline, but extremely smart.
Some of the best-dressed women today favor this style. Plain
sockets, plain collars, plain cuffs, the only elaboration is the button and braid
In this $25 group are other Suits of Wool Jerseys, Gaber
dines, Foplins and Men s Wear Serges. Every color imaginable.
And the sizes range from 84 to 44.
Second Floor
Women's Correct Spring Coats,
$19.00 and $22.50
The Latest Arrivals for This Saturday Sale
SMART STYLES in Coats; clever models for outer
wear, flared and belted styles, pleated backs, large con
vertible collars, deep cuffs and fancy pockets. Very,
very attractive Spring Coats. The prices are exceedingly
moderated or Coats of this character.
Seeend Floor
Smart Wear for Small Women and Misses
Splendid Styles in Tailored Suits
YOUTHFUL APPAREL," and in every type of garment of
fered one will find just that indescribable youthfulness that
is charming to all women.
The Suits we offer for Saturday are in a variety of
models, made of such materials as Tricotine, Gaberdine,
Men's Wear Serge, Poiret Twill, Velour, Wool Jersey, Silk
Jersey, and Taffeta.
Braided and belted models, many with fascinating
pockets that have added so much to the charm of this season's
wear. v
Suits for All Occasions
Sport Suits, Dress Suits and Strictly Tailored Suits
Prices to Please Everyone, $25.00 to $65.00
Second Floor Specially Shop for MUte and Small Women
Girls' Coats, Dresses and Skirts
In This Specialty Shop for Children
MAKERS THESE DAYS are putting forth su
preme effort to make the wear for little folk just
as fascinating as it can be, and how well they have
succeeded is well demonstrated in the Specialty
Shop, where the very best of wear at all prices is
shown in complete assortment.
Girls' Coats, in smart and serviceable models, full flare effect;
with "classy" pockets. Materials are Fancy Check, Sports
Plaids, Serges, etc. Sizes 6 to 16 years, and priced moderate
ly. t $6.95
Girls' Dreuea of high-grade Ginghami, Reppi,
Chambrayi, etc., with empire effect pocketa and
full iklrta; auet 0 to 14 yean; 11.50.
Seeoad Floor
Girle' Clanr Skirtl, iport effect, plain and
pleated, with fancy pocketa; material! are Sergei,
Sport Stripei, Silk Plaid, etc.; $3.50 to $6.95.
Beautiful Spring Blouses
Smart Styles Fascinating
THIS IS THE SEASON SUPREME for Blouses with the
Sport Skirts occupying a very prominent place, makers of
Blouses have made corresponding efforts to equal in attrac
tiveness and even exceed that offered by the Skirts and
how well they have succeeded is evidenced here in the bril
liant showing we are making.
With full stocks and complete assortments we are pre
pared for this Spring season In the best manner.
Dainty Georgette Crepe Blouses, so fash
ionable right now $8.00 to $6.98
Crepe de Chine Blouses, in extraordi
narily good quality. ..... .$2.98 to $6.50
Second Floor
Dainty Lingerie Blouses, at $1.00 to $5.00
Middy Blouses, In extra good quality
Galatea, all the new models; smocking,
pleated, belted, Norfolk styles, etc,
$1.00 to $1.98
Ladies' Fine Hand Bags (tl QO
The' $3.00 to $7.50 Kinds pl30
Despite the fact that the price of leather has
almost doubled, we are enabled, because of a for
tunate purchase, to announce this remarkable sale
for Saturday.
About 1,000 Bags in all and HARDLY ANY
TWO ALIKE. This is really one of the best
groups we have gathered together in many a day.
Why not buy a Bag or two to go with your new
Spring apparel a worn or shabby bag will surely
mar the appearance of your outfit.
Finest Real Mat Seal
Real Pin Seal
Real Morocco
In all the newest shapes and styles;
beautiful silk linings and from two to five
Included in this lot are:
About 200 Oriental Leather Bags
Made of genuine Calfskin, with all the
metal trimmings, in green, gold and Egyp
tian designs; also green embossed leather
trimmings. zt;
Main Floor, Front
Large Black Lisere Hat, with
alight tip toward back; frill of
ribbon on brim, waxed; ribbon
arqund crown, with many
looped bow to finiah; natural
gray Goura mount; a wonderful
hat, at $10.00
Hosiery of Unusual Merit
For Women and Children
NEVER HAS a season offered more in the way of va
riety. The colorings are seemingly unending and the craze
for sports wear is carried out in harmonizing hosiery.
At $1.25 Women's Silk
Hosiery, in all colors and
scores of styles ; fancy boot
designs and sport stripes
and plaids; all full fash
ioned. Reinforced soles,
heels and toes. Lisle tops.
At 79c Women's Pure Dye
Thread Silk Hose, in all the
most desired shadeS; extra
quality, full fashioned, dou
ble heels and toes and gar
ter tops. Fully worth $1.00.
At 59c Women's Thread
Silk Boot and Fiber Hose, in
all colors, such as grays,
pinks, sand, sky, black and
At 39c Women's Fiber
Hose (irregulars), in black,
white and colors; all seam
less. At 59c Misses' and Infants'
Pure Thread Silk Hose, in
colors and black and white ;
second quality of the $1.25
Main Floor
Saucer-brimmed Real Milan,
with hair lace edge, aatin cord
on edge; genuine Goura sprayed
at aide of front, finished with
pleated eocardis of cired aatin
ribbon; tmart all black hat,
at $10.00
Stunning Spring Hats
Made Up Specially
Never Equalled
for This Sale and
at These Prices
$5.00 ai
Shown Here ffr The First Time
:l $10.00
We have faithfully portrayed them in the
sketches shown hereevery trimming, every
curve of brim and style effect. That is to
say we show just eight from dozens and
dozens of styles, just as good
The best test we can recommend is that you go
to any exclusive shop you know of even in the
largest cities, and try to match them for less than $10
to $20 then you will be satisfied to hurry here and
buy them at $5.00 and $10X0.
A Real Garden Party Hat li
this, of glossy black straw, edge
piped with old blue velvet;
pleated lace ruffle on top of
brim; surmounted by French
wreath of moss rosebuds and
forget-me-nots; blue velvet rib
bon around crown, with rosette
at side, at $10.00
Saucer Trimmed Hat, in Glossy
Jap Braid, top completely cov
ered with Georgette Crepe, in
gold color; narrow satin ribbon
around crown; flat pink roses in
rosette of black foliage form
cockade in front, at... 85.00
Natural Leghorn, faced with
rose pink crepe, cornflower blue
gros grain ribbon woven around
crown; pink rose on edge of
brim; a beautiful midsummer
model, at $5.00
Sand Colored Milan Hemp
with side back roll; velvet
pansies around crown;
purple ribbon around the
base; edge latticed with
ribbon; purple crepe fac
ing, finishing this charm
ing model, at. . . .$5.00
Black Lisere with smart
side and back flare faced
with black erepe; shirred
satin ribbon around the
crown and iied in becom
ing bow at base of gly
cerine ostrich aigrette,
at i $5.00
Black Lisere Sailor,
with hair lace edge,
phalange frill of
green crepe; crown
band and rosette of crepe;
real Goura mount match
ing crepe, at.... $5.00
Small Mushroom, in American
Beauty Milan Hemp; brim
overlaid with black lace; wide
black satin backed velvet rib
bon around crown ; tied in smart
bow at side of front, at $5.00
Drugs Greatly Underpriced
Savings of An Unusual Character
THESE ARE everyday needfuls, and even their
regular prices here are below those you would pay
ordinarily elsewhere. With these special induce
ments for Saturday we should be able to record
a record sale.
Djerkiss Talcum Powder, the box 22
Madam Isebell Face Powder, the box 29
Ida May Face Powder, the box 18
Pond's Cold Cream, 50c size jar, at 29
Melorose Natural Rouge, 50c size, at 29
Dorin's Brunette Rouge, the box 22 C
Lucile Face Powder, $1.00 size, the box 59J
Pebeco Tooth Paste, the tube 28
Graves' Tooth Powder, the can 14
4711 White Rose Glycerine Soap, the cake 12
Williams' Shaving Stick, at 16
Gillette Razor Blades, $1.00 size, at 75
Pure Witch Hazel, full pint bottle, at 18
Rubber Sheeting, yard wide, the yard 28tf
Household Rubber Gloves, all sizes, per pair 24tf
Mentholatum, 50c size jar, at -29
Fletcher's Castoria, 85c size bottle, at 19
Peroxide of Hydrogen, 1-pound bottle, at 22
Kirk's Jap Rose Soap, the cake 6
Essex Peroxide Soap, the cake 6
Hinkle's Cascara Pills, 100 in bottle, at 18C
Sal Hepatica, 50c size bottle, at 29
Lilac Rose Glycerine Soap, the cake 6
Cocoanut Oil Soap, 7 bars for 22b
Auto Chamois and Sponges
Main Floor
Collars and Ostrich Boas
Correct Styles for Spring
The dainty fascinating sort that every woman de
sires most ardently.
New Coat Collars, made of linen and pique, and very
pretty. They fit the new coat collars per- C(r
fectly; at UWU
Georgette Crepe Collars, in rose, Copenhagen, char
treuse and gold, with wide filet effect trimming. CQC
Special, at
Jabots for the new suits, with lace-trimmed ef- KQC
fects, upwards from Ji7i
Ostrich Boas, a new and beautiful line in jg ye
black and white, also colors PJ.
Beautiful Ribbons for Spring
A beautiful line of Ribbons for hair bows, dress bags and
millinery uses in sport effects, Roman stripes and plaids.
Also plain colors and brocades.
Warn prints, very pretty colored effects, 414 to 6
inches wide, yard
Main Floor
Silk Underwear Remarkably Underpriced
The Right Materials --The Right Styles-At the Right Time
AT THIS TIME, when announcements of arrivals of the new
Underwear are the order of the day this advertisement, offering
as it does, opportunity for you to purchase Silk Underwear that is
exquisite in fabric, charming in style and EXCEPTIONALLY UN
DERPRICED, is an announcement that no woman who is outfitting,
can afford to pass by.
Camisoles, Vests, Corset Covers and Bloomers
In Pink and White, Some Lace and Embroidery Trimmed.
Venetian Silk Vests, plain
tops, also fancy beading
and silk tops. These are
worth in many instances
as much as fc 1 1 Q
81.39 now.
All-Silk Vests, beautifully silk embroidered, in CQ
pink and white, all sizes, $2.00 value, special. ..''
Venetian Silk Lace Trimmed Camisoles and Corset Covers,
in pink and white, all sizes. A very pretty under- QQ
dress, worth $1.60, very special, at 4 ,vv
Main Floor C.nter
Women's Silk-Top Lisle-Body Union Suits, in dl nn
pink and white, regular $1.25 value, special, at. . 1 ,uu
All-Silk Bloomers, in pink and white, all sizes, actually
wortn up to $z.ze, as a special ottering on Sat- C 1 CQ
urday. each
Union Suits for boys and girls, all styles and sizes, up Cf)
to 16 years. These are very special garments, at
A broken lot of Children's Knit Union Suits, including some
Munsing Wear, slightly soiled garments, values op on
to 75c, at
Sale of Corsets At Special Prices
Correct $tyles Variety of Models
THE FOUNDATION for the fit of your Gown is the Corset
every woman admits this so at this time of the year, the first thing
in the outfitting is the Corset. It is extremely fortunate that we are
able at this time to make an announcement concerning some very
excellent models of Corsets, at prices very much under regular. ,
NOTE We shall not te able to fit the Corsets on the day of the sale,
but will be glad to ao so any day except Saturday or Monday, and will
surely see that you get the right model, if you have, during the sale
chosen the wrong one.
An assortment of models in Madame Lyra,
Madeline, Lavida and Smart Set Corsets, made
in fancy broche and coutil, all walohn 2 49
filled, at
A Special Purchase
Of Warner Corsets, made of fancy batistegirdle top, and
long over hip ; an ideal Corset for summer sports, $J 25
A new 1917 model, very low top, long-hip Cor
set, with elastic gore in bottom of skirt; guar
anteed rust proof, a wonderful J?1 OC
value, at.
American Lady Corsets
We purchased all the manufacturers had of this lot. Low
bust, long skirt, with free hip section ; a comfort- 1 ((
able Corset that gives satisfaction; at i,uu
Socond Floor
Mn' and Women'! Jap Silk
Patriotic Handkerchiefs, with
colored edge and hematitchad
border, special, at 25c and 50c
Men's All-Linen Handker
chiefs, initial, with narrow hem
stitched border, special, at 25a
Women's and Children's
Handkerchiefs, of linen and
Shamrock lawn, in plain and
embroidered corners, with nar
row hemstitched border; also
silk crepe da chine, in solid col
ors, fancy colored borders and
some neatly trimmed with little
Armenian lace edge. Regularly
2 So, at It each.
Main Floor Front
Candy for Saturday
Delicious, Creamy Nut Divinity,
chocolate and vanilla, lb. .29t)
Fresh Old-Fashioned Black Wal
nut Taffy, lb 29
Delicious Opera Cream Cara
mels, made of rich vanilla and
chocolate and generously sprin
kled with pecan nuts, lb. .29
Special Cream Raisin and Pea
nut Fudge, lb 19
Assorted Marvel Chocolate
Creams, lb 19
Fresh Maple Confections, at,
per lb 20
Chocolate Pompeian Bitter
Sweet and Swiss Milk Choco
lates, nut and fruit centers, a
pound box 29
Maia Floor, Pompeian Room
These New Books, 60c
Here Are Some Recent Books That Heretofore Sold at
$1.25 to $1.50
Still Jim Honore Willsle.
Maxwell Mystery Carolyn Wells.
Pair Of HI Ik StlM-lrtnira C.vnl H.r,r
H 'foUnWeSa Th,T"Ior Case Natalie S. Lincoln.
,ni,..,t 1 ' Who Goes There? R. W. Chambers.
The River Ednah Aiken,
Ragged Messenger W. B. Maxwell
Pall First Francis P. Elliott.
Empty Pocketa Rupert Hughes.
Mary Moreland Maria Van Vorst. I
Wooing of Rosamond Fayre Berta Ruck, V (
my uemon Motor Boat usorge ntcn. '
Beast Of Tarian Edgar Rice Borroug
main Floor.
The Prairie Wife Arthur Stringer.
Heart of Philura Florence Morse Kingsley.
Lone Star Kanger zane urey. i
Spur of Danger C. C. Hotchkiss. m
Girl of the Blue Ridge Payne Erskine.
The Turbulent Duchess Percy J. Brebner.
C. 0. D. Natalie Sumner Lincoln.
Keeiing Up With Lizzie Irving Bacheller.
boss of the Lazv Y Charles A. Seltzer.
Prudence of the Parsonage Ethel Hueston.
Johnny Appleseed Eleanor Atkinson.
Torchy, Private Secretary Sewell Ford.
Martha of Mennonite Helen R. Martin,
Saturday Night Dinner
S to 8:30 P. M.
Consomme Clear
Queen Olives Young Radishes
Sweet Gerkins
Roast Young Chicken
With Dressing
Cream Mashed Potatoes
Stewed Corn
Mexican Cold Slaw
Hot Rolls Hot Corn Bread
Steamed Fruit Pudding
Brandy Sauce
Apple Pie
Cherry Pie a la Mode
Chocolate Meringue Pie
Ice Cream Cake
Tea Coffee Milk
Green Room
Wall Paper
In Room Lots
Enough Wall Paper for a
12x14x9 room, including 10
Roll. Wall, 6 Rolls Ceiling and
18 Yards Border.
Your choice of a dozen papers,
suitable for kitchens, bedrooms,
dining rooms and parlors. Sat
urday only, entire t1 Ay
room P 1
Papers of Oatmeal Quality,
plain and figured effects, each
shown with a handsome cut
border. Very suitable for din
ing rooms, living rooms, and
halls. A complete line of all
colors. Wall, ceiling tfjO AO
and bordor, for... ipO.'tO
Third Floor
Highest Grade Boots, Shoes, Pumps
Shown Here in Complete Assortment
THIS SPECIALTY SHOE SHOP, in enlarged and beau
tiful quarters, at the rear of the Main Floor, is offering com
plete stocks of the best Footwear made the best at every
price and we dwell particularly on the highest grade Foot
wear shown anywhere. We are in a position to give the very
best service.
The Boots
White Kid, with white silk brocaded tops,
decorated in self-toned designs. Pearl Gray
Kid Vamps, with silk vesting and gray top.
Ivory Kid Vamps, with silk brocaded ivory
cloth tops. Allover Ivory and Gray, Beige
and Mustard Kid Boots. Also beautiful com
binations, vamps and tops contrasting or
harmonizing, $8.50 to $18.00
Made over the very latest
and most fascinating lasts
and patterns and showing
the very finest examples of
the boot maker's art.
The Pumps
New Spring Styles in White Nile Cloth
Colonial Pumps, eight different models,
$3.48 to $7.00.
Patent Leather Colonial Pumps, in plain
spat pumps with large tongue buckles, fif
teen models, $3.90 to $9.00.
White Kid Colonial Pumps, wood Louis
heels and turned soles and light welted and
stitched soles, $6.00 to $11.00.
Dark Mahogany Russia Calf and Brown
Kid Pumps, $6.00 to $9.00.
Black Dull Kid, Glazed Kid and Dull Calf
Pumps, $3.90 to $9.00.
Very Special for Saturday
High Shoes, at $2.98
Season End Clearance Broken
Lilies. All black leathers, in Kid,
Dull Calf, Patent Leather, etc.;
lace and button styles, 20 different
models, most all sizes 400 pairs
in all. Fair retail prices would be
$3.00 to $6.00.
Main Floor, Rear
Girls' and Children's Shoes. A New Shipment Just In
WHITE TOP SHOES for girls and children. White Nile cloth tops, with pat
ent vamps, button style, light turn soles.
In the following sizes and prices:
2 to 5io, at. . .$1.98 I 6 to 8, at. .$2.48 8y2 to 11, at. .$2.98 liy2 to 2, at. .$3.98
Main Floor Rear
Washable Gloves for Spring and Summer
Kid, Silk and Chamoisette Gloves
These two facts are important
a We have these Gloves in abundance com
plete stocks. ,
b We are offering them at prices much below
the figures we would of necessity quote if
we were to purchase in the wholesale mar
ket today.
Especially attractive are the Guaran
teed Washable Kid Gloves for women.
Adlcr's and Perrin's makes, in all the new
shades for Spring, with pretty lace
stitched backs; guaranteed by the makers
and ourselves, at $2.00 and $2.25 a pair.
Particularly interesting is one attractive
line of Kayser's Milanese Silk Gloves;
white, with embroidered back, 85c a pair.
Women's Guaranteed Chamoisette
Gloves, white, or white with black backs,
at 79c and $1.00 a pair.
One Lot of Chamoisette Gloves, Specially Priced for Saturday, at 55c a Pair
Washable Silk Gloves for Children, famous Kayser
make; guaranteed; double tip, at 60c a pair.
Very Special for Saturday
Kayser's double-tip Silk Gloves (guaranteed to wash and wear),, in full
assortments, but especially broad stocks in white and white with pretty em
broidered black backs. Prices, 60c to $1.65 a pair.
Main Floor
Here Is An Opportunity for Every Boy
DU-PLEX Suits, Special at $6.50
Twice the Wear
Half the Cost
And these days,
that's a remarkably
good thing to obtain
meaning, as it does,
genuine saving with every Suit purchased.
Every Suit has two pairs of Knickers, rein
forced at knees and seat with an extra thick
ness of fabric, interwoven inside giving
double the wear.
The newest, snappiest models, in the
nobbiest patterns and every good fabric.
Smart Plaids, Checks, Stripes and vari
ous Fancy Mixtures.v Spring styles all of
them best we know of.
9i fflT
Plenty of Other Du-Plex Suits, at $5.00 to $15.00
Third Floor