1 THE REE: OMAHA, SATURDAY. APRIL 14. 1917. Nebraska COMPENSATION BILL GOES T0G0VERN0R Measure in Amended form Agreed to by Honse and Senate. COUNTY SEAT FIGHTS (From a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, Neb., April 13. (Special.) Concurrence in the senate's amend ments to the workmen's compensation bill, house roll 525, was voted by the house today when it came back, and the bill now goes to Governor Neville for his signature. Mr. Dorsey later moved to reconsider this action, but his motion failed. -In its completed form, the bill in creases the weekly compensation benefits from $5 minimum and $10 maximum to $6 and $12, and the total amount in case of permanent disabil ity or loss of members from 50 per cent to 60 per cent of wages during a specified period of weeks. The fea ture allowing an employe the option of suing or accepting compensation, to be exercised within six months after the injury, has been eliminated. County Seat Bill Passed. It looked for awhile as if Senator Hager's bill relating to county seat removal fights would lose out on third reading, as it had only forty-eight votes on the first roll call. A call of the house was ordered, however, and enough votes were added or changed to make the total fifty-five. The nega tive vote was thirty-eight. The Hager bill, as it passed the sen ate, provided that after one vote on county seat location the question .should not be submitted again within ten years. The house tacked on an amendment allowing one submission in any county before the ten-year clause goes into effect. Municipal Utility Bill. Another measure passed by the house was senate file No. 51,'allowing cities and villages to buy or construct electric light and waterworks plants and issue bonds therefor when 55 per cent of the people vote in favor of do ing so. Bank Bill Held Up. The house declined to accept the conference committee's report dealing with State Treasurer Hall's bill for placing state funds on deposit with banks offering the highest rates of in terest. The committee was instructed to consider the bill further and make another report. The particular fea ture objected to by Mr. Swanson, who offered the motion, was an amend ment allowing a bank to have on de posit state funds up to 80 per cent of its capital stock. The house had lim ited the amount to 20 per cent. The senate conferees agreed to the house amendment limiting the interest to 5 per cent. Will Ask for Bids on Legislative Supplies (From a staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, April 1.1. (Special.) A motion by Mr. HofiFmeister, asking the secretary of state to secure bids for legislative stationery and general supplies before the next session was adopted by the house today. Hoff meister declared that some of the material furnished this year had been charged for at about double what it was worth. Bills Passed (From a. Stuff Correspondent ) Lincoln. April 13. (Special.) The following bills were passed in the senate today: H . R. 3S Ollia school bill, pvovldlng right months of country schools wbre levy ia not more than 15 mills; otherwise even months. H. R. 203 Lancaster eounty paving bill. Recalled for adding emergency clause. Carried, 94 to 6. H. K. 112 Increases salartea of deputy sheriffs In Omaha. Passed, IS to 3, with emergency clause. H. R. 107 Double election boards 1b pre cincts having more than 100 voters. H. R. 338 To legallie sale by Board Of Regents of land at Culbertson, Neb., to tfnmue! E. Solomon. Passed, 26 to 0. H. R. 283 To prevent, on pain of Im peachment, county Judges from recommend :ng attorneys In probate matters. Passed, I? to P. K. R. 15 Amends motor vehicle license. H. R. 324 Omits "bridge" clause from public road" definition. Paased, 26 to 0. H. R. 118 Supervisor district bill. Passed, :t to 0. S01 Auto dimming law. Passed, H. R. 3 to 0. R. R. eatlonal 116 Allows State Board of "Edu Lands to trade school lands In United States forest reserves for land out- side. Passed, 28 to 0. K. R. 129 Appropriates $3,000 for relief of kettle May Wiser. Paused, 28 to 0. Beatrice Guards Elect C. L. Brewster Captain Beatrice. Neb.. April 13. (Special.) At a largely attended meeting of Company C last evening, C. L. Brewftcr was elected captain to suc ceed Lawrence E. Jones, who was re cently removed by Adjutant General Hall and placed on the unassigned l:tt. Mr. Brewster has not yet ac cepted the place. Mr. Jones has been at Council Bluffs, la., since the return ol Company C from the border. Mrs. Amelia Grummcrt, an old resident of the Plymouth vicinity, died yesterday afternoon at the home of her son, Henry, aged 67 years. Edgar Nispel and Miss Lillie Pimper were married at the Lutheran church at Plymouth yesterday after noon at 3 o'clock. About 200 guests witnessed the ceremony, which was followed by a reception at the home ot the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Z. K. Nispel, three miles west of Ply mouth. E. P. Malherbe, an officer from the United States navy, opened a recruit ing station here yesterday and will be here for two days. John H. Thomsen and Marie Teresa Thomsen, both of the Killey neigh borhood, were married yesterday by Rev. A. M. Reitzel. R. E. Harris and Miss Stella Reiff. both of Holmesville, were married yesterday at Lincoln. Mr. Harris is cashier of the Pleasanton bank. North Platte Theater Damaged. North Platte, Neb., April 13. (Spe cial.) The interior of the Platte theater was damaged to the extent of SI, 500 by fire this morning. The ori gin of the blaze has not been deter mined. The loss is partly covered by insurance. "I WANT Clothes" WHAT V f BOVT . YOURS? 1 '' THE STORE liUAiW Of THE TOWN Browning, King & Go. AGAIN!! We Will Specialize Men's and Young Men's SUITS and TOP COATS AT In our 15th Street Windows we are making an Exclusive Dis play of Suits and Top Coats for Men and Young Men at Fifteen Dollars. Notwithstanding' the serious condition of the Woolen Market today, we believe they are the best values we have ever given. MANHATTAN SHIRTS KNOX HATS Browning,Klng & Company Geo. T. Wilson, Mgr. Monday Is the Day for you to buy Curtains and Draperies For on Monday next we shalljbegin the sale of the Entire Stock of Beaton & Laier's Curtains, Cretonnes, Repps, Poplins, Armures, Tapestries, Damasks, Etc. at 50c on the Dollar These we purchased from the Hartman Furniture and Carpet Co. who realized that this store was the quickest outlet and offered ready cash so the remarkable conces sion we obtained will be shared with you in the sale beginning Monday. SEE DETAILS IN SUNDAY PAPERS brandeis Stores Your Building The Men's Building Devoted Entirely to Men's Wear. Ride Up On the Moving Stairway to Second Floor. brandeis Stores ( Trunks and Bags for Travel Trips Most Satisfactory Luggage Carriers at Moderate Prices. Your Spring Suit and Top Coat Is the Quest Supreme Now Why waste time and energy when you know that the best Clothing made in Amer ica awaits your inspection here that this home of Hart Schaffner & Marx offers you-in point of Materials, Styles, Fit, Finish and Perfect Satisfaction, Clothing that Cannot Be Excelled, No Matter How Much You Pay. "Prep" Suits for Youths and Young Men The suits of the hour with all the "pep" you would expect in suits named "Prep." Pinehbacks, belted backs, full-belted models; quarter, half and full silk lined; all newest shades. "Prep" Suits (remember the name) are the best suits we know of for youths and young men. Golf Suits-Shown Here in Full Assortment Get a Good Golf Suit Now CapvriKht Hut Scha&er k Mj The Young Men's Store-In This Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Suits and Top Coats, in Splendid Variety, at $25.00 Young men's full and half and quarter silk lined Suits, imported and domestic fabrics, all the newest models; belted backs and pinch backs, also belt all around and conservative models. $25.00. Hart Schaffner & Marx Top Coats, $25.00 Full silk lined, in oxford grays, and black, and the new Trench Coat, in all newest shades. s.cond Floor, Mn' Bid. Hart Schaffner & Marx Blue Serge Suits, $25 Silk Lined and in sizes for men and young men. The most complete stock of Silk Lined Serge Suits in town. Beautifully tailored and no man need be told the wonderful utility of a Serge Suit. WHY EXPERIMENT WITH CLOTHING OF UNKNOWN MAKES WHEN Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes are here in complete assortment? , Rid Up on ih Escalator Men's Sample Spring Hats Third or Half Below Regular Trices Men s Sample Caps, 45c Spring and Summer Caps every man will surely want at least two when two cost less than the ordinary price of one. The $1.00 sort 45c HERE'S a chance to get a new "bonnet" (you men who are after-Easter buyers) at prices that will actually put money back into your pockets. The Samples and Surplus Of Two Leading Flat and Cap M akers We purchased these at about 40 under their lowest wholesale prices and the savings you will make are proportionate from the re tail price. y All the Men's fine Felt and Tweed Hats, many silk lined the kind you always pay $3.00 for tfjl AC Saturday, at 1 ' Men's Hats at 45c All the Men's Wool Felt Crushes and Silk Outing Hats, all colors and all sizes, 45c each. Boys Hats and Caps, 15c About 75 dozen samples of Boys' and Children's Headwear, slightly soiled; all in one lot Saturday, and your choice, for 15c each. Main Floor "Cort" Shoes for MenC0RKERS Just a Little "Different" The Best We Know of If you were to have your Shoes made to order by the best , boot maker you know of, he could not make better Shoes than these at any price. That is one of the good reasons why we have the exclusive agency for the "Cort" Shoes in this territory. From the planning of the styles, to the last touch in the finish, they are each made with the care given to a masterpiece and the reputation they have es tablished from coast to coast, is justified in every way. You have never worn a shoe that could give greater style satisfaction and more foot ease and comfort than the "Cort." Every genuine "Cort" Shoe bears the gold stamp, "Made by Henry Cort Co." All the newest Spring models in Boots and Oxfords, in combination colors and solid colors. A double guarantee with every pair the maker's and our own. Prices: $8.50, $9, $9.50 and $10 Trustworthy Shoes al $4.00 The best values we know of anywhere at these prices. Main Floor, Men's Building Now for Baseball. Fishing And Golf Enthusiasts The weather is here the out-doors invites HAVE YOU THE PROPER OUTFIT? We are stocked up com plete, and ready to supply your every need ready to tell you also where the best sport is to be had. Ready to tell you also that not enough men appreciate the privilege the base ball field or the golf course offer to the man who is tied down to business, and whose physical makeup DE MANDS that he spend a few hours at least each week out in the open properly exercising. So Get the Outfit Here Then Get Out and Use It We carry complete stocks of Reach's, and Spalding's justly cele brated sporting goods. Our Special Bicycle, at $27.50 A wonder at the price. Complete with coaster brake and motor cycle handlebars. Four Wonderful Offerings Prices You Cannot Match Anywhere Roller Skates, 75c Boys' and Girls' heavy all steel Roller Skates, that would bring $1.25 ordinarily in a jiffy. Juvenile Tennis Rackets, 45c Well strung, with good grip handle. At 75c they would be remarkable values. Main Floor, Mon'a Building Fishing Rods, at 55c That would be cheap if you paid 95c for them. Steel Bass Casting Rods, with cord handle and nicely nickeled Reel Slide. Fishing Lines, at 10c 60-yard Linen Lines, firmly braided and good for any kind of fishing cheap as common cord at this price. Spring Shirts, Scarfs and Furnishings Splendid Quality and Specially Good Styles AN APPEAL TO THE MEN who want what is best, and like to be assured of the largest stocks to choose from. You can easily obtain your Spring supply now SATISFACTORILY for there are patterns, colorings and designs to suit everyone. Shirts With Collar to Match, $2 There is a tendency to have the collar to match the shirts, and wc are the first to show them in ' Omaha; made of excellent quality plain-colored poplins, blue, corn-tan and piok shades. Shirt With Soft Cuffs, $1.25 The new arrivals are made of a soft-finished pongee, corded fancy madras and repp cloth; a beautiful assortment of new patterns. A very special value. Shirt Made of Pure Fiber Silk, $2.95 Beautiful striped patterns, coat style, with turn-over cuffs, fast colors, wear better than silk; in a regular way these shirts are worth $5. Shirta Made of Pure Silk, $3.95 Excellent quality of satin-striped tub silk, in a variety of the season's newest and most exclu sive color effects. Scarfi, at 50c Original striped and figured patterns in a large open-end scarf, made of rich combinations of silk and satin tie silk. Other Silk Shirt, $6.50 to $10.00 To the man with an eye for distinctive de signs in shirts this showing is a revelation in pat terns and fabrics; shirts of quality in peau de crepe, satin-striped crepe, pussy willows and jersey silks. Neckwear, at $1.00 to $3.00 There's a blending of rich tones and a wealth of striking designs in our showing of foreign and domestic silks that is not equaled in Omaha. FaV terns are very unusual. Men' Pajamas, $5.00 and $2.50 . Made by one of America's best makers. Mostly made of sample pieces of high-grade Jacquard madras, mercerized pongee and corded madras. There are about twenty-five dozen pajamas in this lot Munsing Union Suits, $1.00 to $5.00 Buy your spring and summer underwear while the assortment is complete. Munsing Underwear is the acknowledged leader and is worthy of that leadership in every way. Main Floor, Man's Building ) v