18 THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, APRIL 14, 1917. LIYE STOCK MARKET Cattle Receipts Light. Prices Fully Steady Lambs Set a New Record. HOGS NOT MUCH CHANGED Omaha. April 13, 11 7, Recelpta wnre: Cattta. Hobs. Sheep. Offklal Monday 6.01 t.ZSt 7.630 official Tuesday 6.641 official Wednesday.... 7.776 'filial Thursday S,i" stluiate Krtday....... 800 f.Kft 10,701 MSI 7.770 1.336 7.163 9.711 ti,00A Five da vi this w.ek.27.27 44,3tl 19.801 Same duya Inst week. .21.67 46.411 2M4 Sxme dsya 2 arks, ax .32.348 13.608 67.199 Ha me days S wks. ano.l9.93 41,836 4,Nft0 Mania days 4 whs. aRo.2fi.9l 8R.382 60.798 tfenis dsya last year. ,22,329 47,119 49.869 n-relpla and deposition of live stock at L'nlon Slovk yards for twenty-four hours illng at 3. p. in. -yesterday; RECEIPTS CARS. Cattle. Horn. Sheep. H'r'a ', M. It St. P. , 1 t nlmnh ., ( IfMOurl Pacific..,,. .. 21 fl " ., 'nlon Paitflo At 29 13 '. A N. W., cast...... 13 14 ' N. W weil f 41 Ht. P.. M. 4 O.... 1 t I B. & V.. weal 14 18 9 ft. I. ft P., caat. . 4 1 C. n. I. P., weal., ,. .. 1 Mil nt la Central ........ 1 v'hkaco, lit. Wei torn 1 1 1 Total recelpta . 69 106 26 6 MSPOBIT1UN H KA n. Cattle. Hoas, Bhacp. Sorris A Co... ...... ; Swift ft Co rudahy Pkg. Co.,.. Armour at Co J. W. Murphy Lincoln Pk. Co R. O. Pk. CO Wilson Pk;. Co Cudahy. K. C W. D. Van fianl Co P. B. I.ewla .1. B. Root ft Co.... ( F. Hum K. (J. Kellogir vVenhcimer ft Deceit Hulllvan Broi Holhschlld ft Kreba Christie , lliralna Rotli Banner Bros, ...... John Harvey ..enaen ft Lunsren... o Dir , . Other buyera 10. 214 206 1.613 749 1.793 2.878 91 2.068 . 1,018 2,291 0 14 16 7 114 41 Totala 1,376 l,89 4.988 Cattle Receipts war Urht today, only (hlrty-two car beini reported In, There waa- a, very fair damand for pack era and shippers, who wars willing to taka on a fear additional beeves. The result waa a fully steady market and fairly active for a Fri day. The beat beavea hare war good enourh to bring 1 12.60. There waa no ma terial chance In the market for tow atuff or atock cattle. Quotations on cattle: Oood to choice bweves, fll.90eit.00i fair to good beevea, ltfl.)fi(H1.80: common to fair beevea, 19.60 910,76; good to choice helfera, 99.60 10.86; Rood to choice cowa. 18. 76010,26; fair to good cowa, 89. 0008.76; common to fair cowa, 16.6097.60; prima feeding ateera, $9.60 10,26; good to choice feedere, I8.76jp9.60; fair to good feeders. S8.0Q8.76; common to fair fenders. 86.7609.00; good to rholee atockera, 98. 60019.00; stock helfera. $7,009 9.76; stock cowa, 86.0909.26; atork calvea, t. 00$ 10.60; veal calves, 99.00012.60; beef hulls, stage, etc., $8.2609.76; Bologna bulla, $7.6008.21. Representative sales: BEEF 8 TERRS. No. 1.. Av. Pr No. 489 $9 99 9..,., Av. Pr. 919 $9 00 ..... 680 60 SIT 10 66 912 10 90 .....1130 11 60 .....1178 11 T6 1339 It 96 1291 22 60 . 119 9 16 . ft 19 60 .1180 19 90 . 666 11 01) .1186 H 66 .1211 11 90 .1401 11 21 2. 13.. ' 9.. 14.. SI. . Sfi.. 19.. 4.. a., ii.. 20.. 14., -29.. BTKBRS AND HEIFER. 980 9 60 11 660 16 149 11 26 ... 6S0 10 90 21 HEIFERS. ... 889 7 76 1.,... ... 171 10 09 . COWS. ... 896 I 26 4..... ...1179 I 09 2...., ...1177 8 86 I..... ...2269 t 96 2,.s.. 170 I a lit $o 940 I 60 1163 9 00 1146 10 90 BULLS. . ... 738 T 00 1...!.... 789 7 19 ...1400 t 49 1....,.,, 900 60 ...1449 9 26 CALVES. I 200 10 09 1 119 11 90 2........ 110 11 10 Hose The market did not chow any great amount of activity at any stage of the game thla morning, bat atarted In good season, and waa fairly continuous, bulk of the desirable hoga being cleaned up by shortly after wild forenoon. Odd loada of highly mixed or underweight hoga to the number of eight or ten that were not aold yeaterday swelled the offerlnga a Utile, But even then the aupply waa not large, and arlih reporta of email Improvements at other markets packara aiarttd out offering prices that were about ateady and eventually sought the bulk of their hoga at flgurea -.hat wera steady to 6o above yeaterday's Ciller trade. Hhippera, whoa purchases proved to be sigh, yeaterday, trimmed the flgurea they paid yesterday 6010c, taking off. In other arords, juat about what they put on Thurs 4a y. They preferred butcher weight again and made a decent buy, On late rounda the packer trade weakened and the laat drovea aold were called about ateady, what email advance there waa early being lost, Me dium to plain hoga were a more ready aale today and It was on these kinds that what ever advance there waa allowed up, good htavlea being little or no better. Aa usual the commonest llghta wera not wanted and a few oara of them were left unaold at a rather late hour, i Bulk today aold around f 16.66 011.90, There waa the usual eprtnkllng of the plalneat atuff below thla. while aome of the beat heavlea aold on up to $16.00, the ton. Representative sales: No. Av. ah. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 1 76. .160 ... 11 36 76. .171 40 16 46 , 48. .196 ... II 66 66. .191 1!0 16 79 I 79. .201 249 16 76 74. .214 , 80 16 90 83. ,267 ... 16 96 64, .261 40 16 99 73. .262 40 It 96 91. .261 ... 16 99 Bheep A pretty good Friday run of eheep and lam be waa on hand, set I ma tea calling for 6,090 head. Thla brings the total for the week to 89.609 head, which II 19,000 more than wera her laat week, but about 16,000 mailer than two weaka ago, and a ahortage t around 10,009 head aa compared with laat year. Lamb prices ahowes) freah appreciation f his morning. A new record of $16.70 waa Bald for 61-poundiColorado Uextcana, while bulk of the Mexicans, which ware on the weighty order, sold around $16,60. Fed wctterna of a weighty aort brought $11.86, a fiat 46 gain over the price paid for their mutes yesterday, while a string of Navajoa . landed at $16.26, Clipper lambs made a rarked Improvement, auch aa ware offered iHHng at upturns of 25 0 35c. 8a lea In clude weighty clippers at $12.69012.76. A deck of good wooled ewea, about the o-ily onea here, equaled the market record f $12.26, while clipped wethers, some of v hlch carried a aprinkllng of yearllnga, landed at $10.6O01O.8. Quotations on sheep and lamba: 1ambs, light and handy, $16.26016.70; lamba, heavy, 814-76016.&O; lamba. fresh shorn. $12,000 12.76; lamba, shearing, $14.00014.76; year Inga, good to choice, $12.00013.76: yearllnga, fair to good. $12.90013.00; wethers, fair to holce, $11.60012.76; ewea, good to choice, ft). 40012.26; ewea, fair to good. $10,000 I Let;- wet, plain o nulls, 17.0009.69. ' Representative salea; No. ; Av. Pr. UK fed lamba 98 $16 26 116 Mexican lamba 80 16 79 101 dipped lamba. ............. 79 ' 13 60 10 rllpped lamba 03 19 60 , 246 clipped wethers and Barlings 97 10 69 " clipped lamba , 86 13 76 91 clipped lamba , 72 12 60 St. Joeeph Live Stock Market. St. Joneph, Mo., April 13. Cattle Re Hpt, 409 bead; market ateady; ateera, $9 00012.76; cowa and helfera, $5.50011.10; calvea. $9.90012.00. , Mors Receipts. 2.990 head; market ateitdy; top, 114.16; bulk of a lee, $16,760 16.96. She and Wmba Recelpta. $.900 head; m.rk-t firm; lambs, $16.00016.69; ewea. : 912.66013.90. Live stack la Might. Receipts at the five., principal western markets caterday: ' Cattle. Bote, 14.000 3.809 7,600 7.778 6.990 Sh-ep. 9,909 1,700 9,000 290 2.009 3no 600 too 809 . Ht. I,nu. Omitha . . . SIOUX C'ttf.. Totala 4,409 37.199 19,900 NEW YORK STOCKS Dullness Most Striking Feature of the Day's Market. TRADING LACES BREADTH New York, April 13, Dullness was the motit striking fcatura of today's market, the total turnover of 496,000 shares being the amalleat of the week. Dealings were cov ered by the aetne consideration sa thoae of the laat week or two. epeculatlve aa well aa conservative intereata manifesting an In creasing tendency to await developments at Washington, Proiresa of the congressional debate on the proponed bond Issue Indicated the early adoption of that men mire, but the condltfona attending its distribution and the allotments at loans to the foreign governments are yei to bn announced. The many Important domestic financial underlektmrs neaotlated durtng the week are disclosed In the local movementa of money for tbat perlml, forecast pointing to an actual cssh iom or over ju.nij,uuu, wun cut any alteration, however, of prevailing rates for lime loans. Cxeept In the railway dlvlnlon, where trading was relatively inont active, the; mar ket larked the breadth of recent aenatona. Strongest features of the transportation group. Including the transcontinental and coalers. Canadian Pacific. .Union Pacific, Reading and numeroua minor shares. HsHng 1 to 3 points. There was an unusual Inquiry for the new Rock Island. Missouri Pacifies, Wabaah nrcferred "A" and "B." Southern Rsltway, Seaboard Air Line and Colorado Southern. Delaware ft Hudson waa again under prea sure, but rallied on Ibe brisk buying of other rails In the last hour. United states Steel and conaplcuoua In dustrials, Including the- usual equipment and munitions, moved within comparatively narrow llmlU with Irregular nst changes. Harvesters, fertilisers and oils contributed more than their usual quota at galna of 8 (o almost 6 points. Shippings wera strong, though losing ground on realising sates. Industrial Alcohol. Ohio Gas, Wilson Packing and similar specialties and utili ties again denoted prof cantons I activity with acme of the low-priced war shares. The general hnnda Mat waa irregular, In cluding International ISHiiea, some of which were slightly higher, with corresponding de ( lines elsewhere. Total Bales, par value. $j,02MOO, United Ststee hnnda again Inclined to lower, levels. Die coupon 4s losing 2 points on an actual sale, with receaalona of k to 1 4 per cent on olhr Issues on call. Salea. High. Low. Close, Am. Beat Sugar.., HO0 80 934 9Z American Can .... 3,700 46 46 'A 46 Am. Car ft Found 86 Am. locomotive .. . 400 68 U 08 Am. Sm. ft Kef.,.. 2.200 101 101 101 Am. Hugar Rer., 1,800 112 111 4 U2 Am. Tel. ft Tel.... 800 124 123 133 Am. Z., L. ft 8.... 400 H i 34 Ana"onda Copper . 6.200 90 80 soft Atchison 2.609 108. 102 4 in At. O. ft W. I. S. li 4.300. 110 107 107 Baltimore ft Ohio. 6.900 77 76 76 Bulte ft Sup. Cop.. 1,'jOO ' 46 44i 44 Cal. Petroleum ... 400 22 31 22 Canadian Paclflu . 6,400 163 160. 161 Central Leather ... 6,600 67 66 87 Chesa. ft Ohio..,.. 3.000 60 60 80 C.tf M. A St. P.v ... 4,200 81 80 80 Chi. ft North 400 116 114 116 C, It, I, A P. at Is 47 Chlno Copper HOO 66 66 64 Colo. Fuel- A Iron, 1,009 48 47 49 Corn ProduciB Ret, 1,609 22 22 23 Crucible Steel .... 8.700 64 , 81 63 Cuba Cane Sugar,. 2,400 46 46 46 Diat. Securities ... 800 16 18 1,9 Erie 6.200 28 27 28 (Jen. Electric 1,000 188 186 166 Uen. Motors 1,100 114 110 111 Great North, pfd.. 2,709 111 110 111 G. N. Ore ctfs 6,300 321 33 32 1 1 lino It Cenlral ,., 600 104 104 104 Inspiration Copper. 1.600 67 68 66 mt, Mar. Mar, pid. lv.soo 88 86 bs Inter, Nickel ? 41 Inter. Paper 1,000 36 36 86 Kan. City Southern 4,700 22 22 ' 22 Kennecott Copper. 909 44 43 44 LoulB. ft Nash ... ... 129 Maxwell Motors 1,700 6- 60 61 : Max. Petroleum ., ,. 98, Miami Copper .... 1.800 42 41 41 j Mlaaourl Paclflo ,. 2,600 $9 29 29 Montana Power 99 Nevada Copper ... 809 22 32 22 j N. Y. Central 2.600 96 94 96 , N. N. M. ft H. . 2,600 48 46 44 Norfolk ft Weatern 900 131 131 130 Northern Pacific . 1,100 104 108 102 Pacific Mall 22 Pennsylvania 4.600 63 69 62 Pittsburgh Coal 2,300. 43 42 43 Ray Con. Copper., 2,200 80 29 29 Reading 28,600 97 94 98 Rep. Iron A Steel.. 1,200 80 -79 79 Bhattuck Aril. Cop. 200 26 26 26 Southern Pacific .. 4.100 99 94 96 Southern Railway. 12,900 20 27 28 Studebarkar Corp.. 14,200 94 91 92 Texas CO. ,. 0.7UQ 818 201 Z13 Union Paclflo 16,800 138 137 138 U. S. Ind. Alcohol. 28,300 110 114 116 U. 8. Steal 110,000 112 111 113 1 V. S. Steel pfd.... 400 117 117 117 Utah Copper 1,400 110 no 110 waoasn ria 3, oo zs n 2b Weatern Union .... 30 98 98 96 Weattnghouie Kite. 1,300 60 ' 49 49 Total salea for tne day, 4BMQ0 "hares. Omaha Hay Market. Recelpta continue light; market Arm and higher on the better gradea of prairie hay: alfalfa la firm and ateady; demand con tinues good for all gradea of good hay and alfalfa. Choice upland prairie bay. $16.00019.60: No. 1. $16.00016.60; No, X. $12.90014.00; No. $, $9.00011.00. No. 1 midland prairie nay. $14.00016.00: No. 2, $12.00013.00. - No. 1 lowland prairie hay. 812.OO01S.QO: No, 2, $9.00010.00; No. 1, $7.0008.00. A l ra l fa Choice. 8ii.uoozo.oo: No. 1. $16.00019.00: alandard, $16.00017.00; No. t, $18,000)4.00; No. 3. $10.60012. 6U. hi raw oat. ST.ootfi.fro: Wheat. 18.00 B $.60. Persistent Advertising Is the Road To Success. AMUSEMENTS. "OMAHA'S FUN CENTER" lBniU5nrdA Daily Mata., IS-28-30c yWyvljf Even'ga, lS-ZS-5Q-75 Hirry Hastings' Bi( Show .Ta.r omcoimiis Ai;?0:::ti:llN" Bee hs araied Aawriean liner sink a Uerutin ub mtrlne: bear Dan's own new pilrlolio soni. Here's a steal big Red. Whits and Slue show. Absorb It rwai rrnnrnuucv prifltv nil! I AO ICS' DIMg HATiMEC WEEK OAVt. BRANDEIStM..t ROSE STAHL In the New AoaericajB Comedy Succeea "Our Mrs. McChesney" PrlcM 0,-TC-$1.00-$IJO.2.00 Cmlni Jull.B Ellla,. la "Coutta Luc?" Doujlu 494 THE BEST OF VAUDEVILLE La.t Two TimM-of Gtorg. Nash and Co., Orvill Harrold and Curr.nl Bill. MATINEE TODAY 2:15 Early Curtain -Tonight, 8:05 FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS Atf DuaatUMtlMfrSlOO, tsoa mi S1.000 A SURE AND SAFE INVESTMENT FIRST TRUST COMPANY a.l Ptaa. 1.. N..l R.al. RU. z -y Amsrican Tslsphon 4 Ttsf;rapl. Co. A Dividend of Two Dollars per share will be paid on Monday, April 19, 1917, to stock holders of record at tht close of buiineaa on Saturday, March SI, 19 IT. STRAiSLERS ANIMALS jEjl S TOWER MORRILL ' I LONDON TRIO WILL MORRIS 4 . I ; N.rl Whit., la "May BImubi." ! G. D. MILNE, Jreeiirer. GRAIN AND PRODUCE Cash Wheat Climbs to New Record Corn Smashes Previous High Mark. BOOM IN OATS MARKET Omaha. April 13, 1917. The record-breaking prices of yesterday were completely overshadowed In today'e market, when caah wheat reached a high point of $2.48 per buahel and yellow corn reached $1.41 per bushel. Considering the advance, however, the trade in cash grains was not overactive, and while the demand was very good, the sellers held out for higher j remtums than the buyers were willing to pay, and It waa almost noon.be fore the commission men began to let go very freely. Spot wheat waa quoted from 10c to 16c higher, corn acored an advance of 2c to 4c, oate were quoted lc higher and rye and barley were Arm and comparatively higher prices. No. 2 hard wheat aold generally around $2.41 i No. 3 hard waa quoted at $2.3802.40; No. 4 hard ruled around $2.36; a car of No. 3 durum brought $2.24 and a sale of No. 1 spring wheat waa made at $2.48, the top of today'e market. In the corn market the white variety waa listed as a premium article and aalea of No. 2 white were made at $1.4401.46. The butk of the corn aalea were, however, made up of the better grades of yellow and mixed corn, the yellow being quoted at $1,410 1.41, while the mixed aold from $1-40 to $1.41. The trade In oata was very good, and while the receipts ahowed a big Increase, the demand waa easily strong enough to absorb the offerings. Standard oats aold at 7O07Oc; No. 3 white ruled around 70c and No. 4 white waa quoted at 0909c. The demand for rye and barley waa very good, but thfae marketa wera quiet on ac count of light receipts, Clearances were: What and flour equal to 891,000 bushels; corn, 138,000 bushels; oats. 636,000 bushela. Primary wheat receipts were 766,000 bush ela and ahlpments 944,000 bushela, against receipts of 1.010.000 bushela and ahlpments of 926,000 bushela last year, Primary corn recelpta were 619,000 bush ela and shipments 480,000 bushela, agalnal recelpta of 671,000 bushela and shipments of 607,000 bushels last year. Primary oata recelpta were 747,009 buah els and shipment 740,009 bushels, agalnat recelpta of 034,000 bushela and shipments of 1,061,000 bushela last year. CARLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 68 99 164 Minneapolis 2&" Duluth 77 Omaha 26 64 67 Kanaaa City 76 31 13 St. Louis, 71 36 66 Winnipeg : 367 These sates were reported today: Wheat No. 2 hard winter: 1 car, $2.41. No. I hard winter: 1 car, $2.40; 1 car, $2.39; 1 car (smutty), $2.36. No. 4 hard winter: 1 cari f 2.36; 1 car, $!.82. Sam ple hard winter: 1 car, $2.10. No. 1 spring: I car, $2.48. No. 2 aprlng: 1 car, $2.46. No. 3 durum; 1 car, $2.24. No. 1 mixed durum: 1 car, $2.26. No. 9 mixed: 1 car, $2.30. Rye No. t: 1 car, $1.78. Barley No. $: 1 car, II. JO. Rejected; 1 can. $1.17. Corn No. t white; t cart, $1.48; 1 car, $1.44. No. t white: 1 car. $1.44. No. 4 white: 1 car, $1.42. No. 2 ytllow: 6 care. $1.41. No. 2 yellow: $ care, $1.41; $ cars, $1.41. No. 2 mixed: 1 car ehipper'a weighta). $1.41; 2 cars, $1.41. No. 8 mixed: 1 car (shipper's weighta), $1.41; 1 car, $1.40; 1 car, $1.40; 10 cars, $1.40. No.; 4 mixed: 1 car, 91.39. No. 9 mixed: 1 car (shipper's weights), $1.40. j Oats Standard: 1 car. 70c; 1 car, 70c. 1 No. 2 white: 3 cara (shipper's weights), 70c; 8 cars, 70c. No. 6 white: 1 car (snipper a weighta), 69c; 6 cara, 69c. Sample white: 1 car (shipper's weighta), 69c; 1 car, 69c; 1 oar (ahlpper'a weights), 99c; 1 car. 09e; 1 car, 98c; 1 car (corn mixed), 68c; 1 car (burnt). 66c. omaha caan tricea wneai: no. z nara, $2.4002.41; No, 3 herd. $2.8702.40; No. 4 , Amuskmknts. BOYD'S Theater M.II.M Tay, 2:30 TONIGHT LAST TIME William Elliot. F. Ray Coautoek andMorruG. Wit THE MOS1 WONDERFUL PLAY IN AMERICA Months in Naw York 7 Month. In Chicago S Month. In Boston 10 BIG SCENES COMPANY S3 A Lot. Slww f Youth, Hi. Trial. aad Tan I Moth. Ml.ilehl. TM .ail real ,1a,.. OMBha .arllar thta him.. Seat, aew .. Ml. Nl.htt, BO. I. 12.00. tat. Mat., 10. H II. M. NOT A MOVINO HCTURI April 26, 27 ."Th. Paeeinf Show." PnOTOPI.AY. BENEFIT FRANCES WILLARD W. C T. U. Y. W. C A. Auditorium APRIL IS AND 178:15 P. M. ' I .. Eileen Castles Prima Donna f ASSISTED BY , Lee Cronican . - Pianiit Philip Sevasta . Harpi.t , TICKETS $1.00 -MUSE- FANNIE WARD "The School for Husbands" STRAND H. B.Warner in "WRATH" One of the Seven Deadly . Sins Children's Performance Saturday Morning at 10 A. M. All Children Free. I jrmvoLiTvl hard, 12. No. 2 .prim, I2.412.S: No. S .prlng, I3.40Q2.4.1: No. 2 durum. IS. 23 02.26; No. 1 durum.- 2. 2202. 24. Corn: No. 2 white. II. 4(01. (S: Vo. 3 whit.. H. 1.44H; No. 4 whit., I1.42U61.43H; No ' whit., 11.421(01.41; No. i white. 11 .42 1421,4; No. 2 yellow, I1.41UB1 41ii; No. 2 yellow, ll.4101.41t,: No. 4 yellow, ll.40e 1.41i; No. S yellow, I1.40H 01.41 ; No. I y.llow. 11.4001.40; No. 2 mixed, II. MSB I. 41: No. mlKd, II. 4001.41: No. 4 mixed. II. 4O01.4OH: No. fi mixed. $1.3fl4i 1.40 : No. mixed. 11. 3I,01.4O. Oata: No. 2 white, 7Oi07O.c; alandard, 70"i;0',c; No. 1 white, . (KOTO: No. 4 white. 69', 6l;e. Barley: Malting-. $1. 2001.31: No. 1 t.ed. 11.1501.22. Bye: No. 2. I!.77f1.7; No. 3, 11.7601.71. 7,oral range of ontlnne: Art. Open. High. Low.j Cloae. Yea. Wht. Ill I Msy 2 27 2 40 (227 3 3.i'226 July 1 87 1 921H7 1 98lXfi Sep. 1 69 1 71 ',,1167 1 68 1168 Corn. I May I 88 1 40'l36 1 38 136 July 1 31 1 US IU1 1 34tUl Sep. 1 28 1 28 126 1 28,i:'& Oili. May 68 69 68 89' 68 July 62 62 61 81 82'. Sep. 6 63 62 62JZ Chicago cloalng prices, furnished The Bee by Logan Bryan, atock and grain brok- era, 816 South Sixteenth street, Omaha: Art. Open. High. Low '. Closer YeV Wht. '. May 2 19 2 26 217 2 21 218 July 1 88 1 94 187 1 89 1R9 Sept 1 70t 1 74 1(8! 1 70 170 Corn. May 1 20 1 38113 1 38 136 July 1 34 I 33'U1 1 33 133 Sept 1 39 1 31 128 1 29 129 On la. j May 98 66j 64 66 er.S July ' 66 64j 63 . 61 64 Sept 67 67 6G 56 67 Pcrtt. Msy 27 60 37 60 36 10 36 25 27 60 July 37 26 27 2S 36 12 36 26 37 12 Lard. ' May 20 96 21 09 20 72 20 80 21 10 July 21 37 21 37 21 02 21 02 21 37 Ribs. May' 19 89 19 90 19 46 19 62 19 82 July 29 12 20 12 19 76 19 80 20 07 Sfoux City Live Stork Market. Sioux City, la., April i3. Cattle Re- ceipta, 800 head; market steady; beef ateera, $11.00912.76; butchers, $9.6011.00; cows and helfera, $7.50910.60: cannera, $fi.C0 7.60; atockera and feeders, 87.SnlO.O0: calves, $7.5099.75; bulls, stags, etc., $7,509 10.00; feeding cows and helfera, $7.0099.25. Hogs Recelpta, 6,000 head; market atesdy; llghta, $15.50915.66; mixed. $15.70 916.86; heavy, $16.90916.00: pigs, $12,009 13.00. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 200 head; market steady; yearlings, $12.00 913.50; wethers, $11.60912.60; ewea, 10.25911.76; lamba. $13.60916.00. PHOTOPLAYS. r IkeVearksslihStar THE A Sensational Motion Picture Novel of Railroad Life. Fifteen Chapters. ROMANCE adventure thrill -they're all in this spectacular new motion picture novel of railroad life ''THE RAILROAD RAIDERS." HELEN HOLMES th fearleai Sim our, ia th heroine. J. P. McGowan, who staged "The Oirl and the Game" and "A Lata of the Lumberlanda" ia the director. Don't miaa the play all the motion picture fan. are talking about See it today! Aak the manager of your taTorit theatre when ''THE RAILROAD RAIDERS" will be shown. HOW-AT LEADING THEATRES fEH- YORK GKNKRAL MARKET. Quotation of the Day oa Various Leavdlng Commodities. New York. April 13. Flour Strong upring patents, tl 1.169 11.40; winter patents, $10.80911.06; winter atralghta, $10.4Of?lO.65; Kansas atntights, $ll.l&t?11.40. Vt hi'Mt Spor. strong; No. 2 hard, $2.62, f. 0. b. New York; No. 1 northern, Dululh, $2.41; No. 1 northern, Manitoba, $2.37, f. 0. b. New York, opening; navigation. Corn Spot, otrong; No. 2 yellow. $1.58, c. 1. t. New York. Oats Soot, unifttled; standard. 79c. Leather Cent rail firm; hemlock first, 57c: Hpronds. 56c. Provisions Pork, atrong; mesa, $40.00; famtii-. 841.00a43.0fl: short clear. $4ft.00 42.00. B"f. atrong; mesa, $6. 009 27.00; family. $29.0011.00. Lard, weak; middle wot, $31.80921.40. Butter firm; receipts, 6,384 tubs creamery, higher than extras, 4G945c i-reamory extras (93 acorc), 48 48c firsts. 44"iW46c: seconds. 4344c. Eggs Firm; receipts, 40.37" cases: fresh gathered extras, 35 c; resh gathered storage-packed firsts, 34 9 35c; fresh gathered firsts, S3 934c. Cheese Firm; receipts, 3,977 boxes; stale freah. specials, 2625c; state fresh specials, average fancy, 24 25c. Poultry Alive, weak: no prices quoted dressed very atrong; chickens, 23930c; fowls, 2127c; turkeys, 18924c. Kansas City IJve Stock Market. Kanaaa City, April 13. Cattle Receipts, :!00 hfad; market, atoaily; prime fed steers, H 2. 50 9 1 3.00 ; dreBHod beof steers, $10. 00 9 li.3i; western ateera, $3.50912.85: cowa. $6.50 9 heifers. $9.00 6912.00; stockera and feeders. $7.76911.00; bulla, $7.60910.00; calves, $N. 00913. 00. Hoga Receipts, 8,500 head; market, steady; bulk of salea, $16.70916.10: heavy, $16.06916.20; packers and butchers. $16.70 916.10; light, $16.60915.90; pigs, $12.09 14.76. Sheep and Lambs Rrcclpts. none; mar ket atrong; lamba, $12.25915.70; yearling-, $13.00914.35; wethers, $12. 00 13,36 ; ewes, $11.0913.00. ' Sugar Market New York. April 13. Sugar Raw. firm; centrifugal, 6.3Bc; mo lapses, 6.5tct Re fined, firm; fine granulated. 7.5098.25. Fu tures were firm on covering and demands from Wall street, prompted by the firmness of the spnt markets. At noon prices wore & to 8 points higher. Closed firm and 611 points higher: sales, 23,200 tons; May. 6.51c; July, 6.64c; September, 6.73c. London Stocka and Bonds. London, April 13. American aecurltles moved Irregularly, with United Statea Steel strong on the stock exchange today. miver nar, 36 -lea per ounce. Money 3 per cent. Discount Rates Short bills, 494 ner cent; three months, 4 94 per cent. PHOTOPLAYS. SrCMJU riLM CORPORATION DkMtetaal gtUTUJU rUH COflPORATtON CHICAGO I.IVF. STOCK MARKET. C.ttl. Slow Uof. Weak and Lower Hheep gtronc. Chicago. April 11 Cattle Receipt., !,000 hrad; market, alow; native beef cattle, 19.30 et3.2a: atockera and feeders, 17.30610.00; r'l-it-a and helfera, I5.T5&U-00; calve., tf.00 I 13.25. Hog. Kecelpta. 14.000 head; market, weak; 610c under yesterday's average; OUTFITS We invite you to see our cozy three and four-room out fits. The three-room home outfit consists of a complete-v ly furnished bed room, dining room or living room and kitchen. The four-room outfits, consist of living rcom, dining room, bed room and kitchen. All the goods in these outfits are of our guaranteed quality furniture and floor coverings that will stand the test of time and the prices are much lower than you would expect to pay for this quality of goods, due to our inexpensive location, our low operating expense and our immense buying power, and as usual, you MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS Other make. 4 jt 4 at $17.50 Machines ? teed irill3iM 1 New Home Sewing Machines W. are sole agent, for this wonderful sewing machine. Many styles and patterns to '.eleet from. f!0 Triced a. low a. JJ.UU COLUMBIA Many styles and finishes, prices $15 to $150 Thousands - of Columbia Double Disc Records to se lect from. We Save You From 20 to 50$ f Cozy Home Outfits Three- , BB g Four- J ! 0 A Room , H Room , Home - W Home - r&J iaJ OutfiU....... Outfits ; ' See Our Line of Go-Carts REFRIGERATORS We are sole agents for the fa mous Gurney-Made line of Refrig erator. ; abaolutely guranteed to save you money. Large line to select from. Prices up . CjQ Guaranteed Electric Irons Complete with cord 'and socket. Our d QC price tPl 7J Household and Garden Special. 5-in Step Ladders, r price 65c Wash Benches, hold two tubs, our price, .79c 2-Durner nickel Gas Plates, our price, $1.19 Garden Rakes, price Garden )Af Hoes, price Spading CO.-. Forks. Dricew7W 25 ft. Molded Gar den Hose, (ruaran- teed. tjjn QC Our pr., PCi.i7J ' "THE PEOPLE'S STORE" 1 . r A . etc tulk, flD..0&16.20; light. ltS.36eil-la; mlx.Mh tlS.6061ll.30; hoavy, lll.C0tf1f.Ii; tough. il5.K0t,15.76; pigs. 111.60 14.50. hheep and lAinbs Reueipts. 9-000 head; market, strong-. wethera. 110.7013.10; ewes, 9.256 13.40: lamba, ilt.00Olt.00. St. l-ouls Grain Market. at. Louis. April 13. Wheat-No. I red, It.ii Oi f.ll; No. t hard. 12.4403. 00; May, iz.it. July, II. 6. . ! A BIG SELECT 1 t (J LI tl I, Brass Beds We invite you to inspect our immense line of Brass and Iron Beds, a splen did showing, all lowly priced. (7 QC One like illustration above e, at GRAFONOLAS Stewart Phonographs . Just like illustration, plays any make of rec- dC Cfl ord, price. ...i. PW.fclV s Big Sulkies With Hood Just like illustration, and folds com pactly; upholstered in mo- I QC roocoline. Our low price, J"J , Duofold Davenports Heavy frames of solid oak, up holstered in moroccoline, opens easily into a full size d Q bed. Our low price ,.ipli7l O ' Good. Sold Out of Town on Easy Payment. Freight Paid 200 Milaa , Big Rug Values 27x54-in Brussels Rues, (rood quality, our djl QC price ...... . . P I .IO Seamless Brussels Rush, latest designs, d Q C our price ..... V Velvet Rugs, 9x1 1-ft. sizes, a splendid rug, in the new pat- ;erIcneS ?U.r.!0.W $18.50 OppooiU Hottl Rm r