THE BEE; OMAHA, WEDNESDAY,' APRIL 4. 1917. 5 SPEEDERS BUMP . INTO POLICE JUDGE nineteen Motorists Are Haled Into Court for Violating Rules of the Road. DOZEN SUSPENDED FINES Kinetctn apprehensive motorists who had heard of the magistrate's declaration to wage vigilant warfare on all speeders faced Police Judge Madden Tuesday morning. Twelve of. the refractory motorjsts were arraigned on charges of speed ing. "Five dollars and costs," re peated Madden twelve times, and gloom pervaded the court room. Then the police judge, after deliver ing a lecture and providing each mo torist with a copy of the city traffic ordinances with the gdvice to read carefully, suspended the sentences, much to the joy and delight of the autoists. The speeders who were given the Suspended sentences were Ira Ehxen reich, Edwards hotel; J. Borghoff, 402 North Sixteenth street; W. H. Low, 718 North Thirty-eight ave nue; S. K. Hanfotd, 120 North Forty second street; Milton Johnson, 3131 Davenport street; ,V. Pascale, 4021 Cuming street; Harry Flescher, 1623 Ohio street; L. M. Rogers, 2401 Far nam street; R. J. Mayer, 2344 South Thirty-fourth street; G. R. Turner, 2502 Cuming street; Howard Upde graff, Colbert apartments; Joe Gen tille. 906 Hickory street. . - . Five others, charged with violating the parking ordinance, were dis charged, as wero two accused of reck less driving. Forty New Cars to Be in Service by Early Fall The street railway company has a force of men at work on .forty new cars that are being built in the Omaha shops, but the probabilities are they will not go into service until late dur ing the summer or early fall. General Manager Smith of the street railway company asserts that on account of b?ing unable to get ma terial and parts for the new cars the work is greatly delayed. This, he says, will hold back the new cars and prevent their going into service as early as originally planned. Some cars in service now look like new cars, but they are really old cars that have been run through the Omaha shops and have been made to look like new. A number of the old ide seat cars have been equipped with regulation front and rear plat forms, new motors, new curtains, the short seats and they look like new. An Excellent Remedy for Coughi and Colds. You will look a good while before you find a better preparation for coughs and colds than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Mrs. George Bry ant, Charleston, 111., in speaking of this preparation, says, "My husband caught a hard cold that settled on his lungs and he coughed terribly. A neighbor advised. Jiim to try Cham berlain's Cough Remedy. He bought a bottle of it at the drug store and the first dose relieved him. Before he had taken the contents of the one bottle his cough and cold had en tirely disappeared." Advertisement At Last a Safe Way To Clean the Teeth! A large percentage of tooth and gum flections Is canoed by the Insoluble grits contained in dentifrices. And yet grit la absolutely necessary if the teeth are to be kept perfectly clean and aparkllng. Spots and stains elmply cannot be removed with out the use of grit But the continued presence of a harsh sunetance la bound to inrlaine and weaken the delicate gum tis sues, rendering them leas resistive to in fection, pyorrhea, etc. What then ia to be done? The question ! now easily answered, for it has been found that ordinary avatol In soluble form, while containing the nec essary grit, dissolves so completely a min ute or so after coming In contact with the callva, that not a particle of grit remains. This Is good news, indeed, for one need get only a quarter's worth of soluble ava tol from the druggist and have a more perfect cleanser than any known tooth paste, cream, powder, or liquid a pyor rhea preventive as well and one that cannot possibly Injure teeth or gums. Home Doctor. Advertisement. How You Can Make Hairs Quickly Disappear (Helps to Beauty) Even a stubborn growth of hair will quickly vanish from the face, neck or arms after a single treatment with delatone. To remove the hairs, make a stiff paste with a little powdered delatone and water, apply to hairy surface and after about 2 minutes rub off, wash the skin and it will be left free from hair or blemish. To avoid disappointment, be quite certain you get real delatone. Advertisement, ENDS CATARRH, ASTHMA. Bronchitis, Croup, Coughs and CoMs, C. money back. Soto and guarantee bj Sharmaa & McConnell Drug Co. I PWWtKB HM0-M) I , From now until April 7th, we will clean, free, with each order of 11.00 or mora, one pair of gloves or one tie FREE. Easter Calls fo "flew'S Clothes You had better phone us now and hare your old suit made like new. All work guaranteed, called for and delivered. BEE HI VE cudyIM ani Phone Red 3739. 1941-43 Vinton St City Defers All Contracts When Prices Too High On account of high prices the city council will defer letting contracts for supplies for this year. Second bids recently opened were higher in most instances than the first lot of bids. Corporation Counsel Lambert advised the commissioners that if they can buy cheaper in the open market it would be public policy to do so until conditions are more normal. Since the opening of the first bids in January the city purchasing agent advised he bought some materials less than prices quoted in the bids. The bids were for crushed stone, cement, castings, coal, sand, asphalt and other materials. Druggists Offer Their Services to Uncle Sam Anxious to serve their country to the best of their ability, several out-of-town men have written to navy re cruiting headquarters and offered to enlist in commissary or pharmacy de partments, in which they have had much civil training. A. F. Barnes of St. Joseph, Mo., past 45 years of age, wrote from Te cumseh, where he was temporarily on business. He said he was experi enced in grocery, drug, dry goods and railroading lines and was anxious to U6e that experience in serving- the country's navy in the crisis. R. E. Listle, a registered pharma cist at Havelock, applied by mail to enlist as a navy pharmacist. Other similar applications are re ceived daily by the navy recruiters, who are always anxious to enlist men possessing training in professions or trades. EASTER CLOTHES ON CREDIT Outfit the entire family at this big Credit Store doll up for Easter in classy ' new togs, put it all on one bill, and pay as you wear. Your Credit is Good 1 or so a week is all you need pay Theae Extra Values for EASTER SHOPPERS Splendid Values In Ladies' Suits , Beautiful Suits for Easter; in silk, poplin and serges, in a large range of 'styles and in all the new shades and cqlors. Placing our orders early enabled us to secure these suits at a con siderable saving. Prices range from ' $15.00 to $42.50 Charming New Coats In a wonderful assortment i A large variety to select from in gold, apple green, mustard, navy and black, at a considerable saving. Prices , $7.50 to $39.50 Ladies' Genuine Onyx Silk Hose, 50c and 75c values. Special at 25 and 39 Ladies Spring Shoes in the newest styles and shapes, $4.50 to $12.50 Union Outfitting COMPANY Southeast Corner 16th and Jackson Sts. The People's Store. Opposite Hotel Rome. FREE! FREE! GRAZED BELGIAN POLLS' GUNJN COURT Police Judge Fitzgerald Grabs Him Before Any Shooting is Done. HAD TROUBLE WITH WEFE Wresting a gun from the hands of a heart-broken Belgian, Adolph Jac quis, 5035 South Thirty-ninth avenue, when the latter threatened to take his life in the city hall, South Side, Judge Fitzgerald of the police court pre vented any serious damage. Jacquis appeared in court before the morning session opened. He charged his wife with delinquency and demanded that she sign a paper promising to start to work at a pack ing house at once, eed over to her spouse all property jn her possession and also promise not to go away from home at nights or on Sundays. The judge took the part of the young women and refused to allow such a proceeding. "You no do this?" the young man demanded with tears in his eyes. "No," the judge answered curtly. Draws His Revolver." Then before anyone had time to in terfere Jacquis whipped a revolver from his coat. Before he could use the weapon the judge had jumped on mm SPRING BRIDES, ATTENTION: Hartman's Offer the Chance of a Lifetime to Save Money on Homefurnlshlngs. We Must Move This Stock Quickly to Make Room for Our Own New Stock Which Is Now on Its Way to Us. We Urge an Early Selection While the Stock Is Complete. A Small Deposit Secures Goods for Future Delivery. 1 ' SPECIAL EASY Conveniently arranged roll door Kitchen Cab inet Frame made of se lected soltd oak finished wax, base fitted with utensil drawers, metal lined bread and cake box, top fitted with c h i n compartment, flour bin and sifter and complete set of glass spice jars exactly as illustrated; a rare bar- ain at 'large roomy set in neat lted quantity value ana $23.50 sale for balance of week, or until the quantity lasts Full Collapsible High Wood Side Oo-Gart Body built with automobile panel sides, large size hood, large wheels with heavy rub ber tires, full spring body; a beauty a t the price; buy It now and eave money $9.50 To Young Couphs About to keeping This Salo Offers Attractive Opportunity. 5-Piece Steel Bed Combination, consisting ot a guaranteed Simmons bed, Vernis Martin enamel, heavy angle' Iron spring woven wire top supported in the center, sanitary soft top mattress covered with durable ticking, 1 pair odor less piuows; entire rive pieces priced for what the bed alone usually cost... him and wrested the weapon from his hands. The man screamed in his mother tongue. In broken American he cried, "Give me my gun. Cut my head off. I no want to live' with her no more." Prosecutor Fred Auheuscr ordered the man arrested. Later the affair, was straightened out. The police con sented to signing a paper and Mr. An heuser drew one up. The couple left in happy mind. Jacquis, his'wife said, is a hard worker, He is a carpenter at the Armour plant. Crowd Cheers Raising of Old Glory at-Creighton Students of the dental and law de partments of the Creighton univer sity held a flag-raising demonstration at their building on Eighteenth street, between Douglas and Farnam streets, during the noon hour. While two students raised a flag to the top of a new pole on the roof a band on the street played patriotic airs and a gathering of students and passersby cheered lustily. Omaha Red Cross Nurses Will Meet on Thursday The local committee of the Amer ican Red Cross Nursing service will hold a patriotic meeting Thursday aft ernoon at 2:30 o'clock in ihe Nurses' Central club, 2420 Harney street. All nurses are urged to attend. Forceful speakers will talk. Dr. J. M. Banister is to speak to the nurses' committee. 03QB GP MONTHLY CREDIT TERMS GLADLY ARRANGED ON 1NY PURCHASE IF DESIRED Large Tapesiry and Valour Covered Chairs and Rockers $46.50 Tapestry Overstuffed Chair, sale price ,. $37.50 39.00 High ' Back Tapestry Chair, sale price" $31.20 124.00 Jacobean Cane Back Tapestry Seat Rocker, sale price 819.20 $22.50 Tapestry Back and Seat Rocker, sale price S18.00 $20.00 Velour Chair,' sale price ... 816,00 $13.75 Mahogany Tapestry Rocker, aale pr. 911.00 An exceptional value In a solid Oak Dresser, base fitted with 3 drawers with wood! pulls, French bevel plate mirror frame. We have a llm on hand of this big will place tnem on lace mem on $7.85 StartHousi an Unusually Charles It deslorn 7-nlec fumed finish, table fitted with 4 S -Inch top, extends to six feet; pedestal, 4-rope supporting legs, ft genuine leather upholstered panel back chairs, 1 arm chair to match; special price for com plete set of 7 pieces at, only a pair uuur- $14.75 specially! would. 415 Railroad Chief Says His Road is . Afraid of Fines In reference to the refusal of the Burlington Railroad company to haul as baggage the camp equipment and impedementa of the soldiers when or dered from place to place, General Passenger Agent Wakeley explains that doing so would be a direct viola tion of the ruling of the Interstate Commerce Commission. Mr. Wakeley asserts that every pas senger traveling on a first class ticket, the kind furnished soldiers, is entitled to carry200 pounds of baggage in the baggage' train on which he is travel ing. However, he contends that in terstate commerce rules provide that .this baggage shall be wearing apparel, or composed of articles having to do with the comfort and convenience of the soWier. The rules of the commis sion do not take into consideration tentagc, camp furniture, cooking uten sils or munitions. Everything, aside from the personal belongings of the soldier, under the ruling of the commission, says Mx. Wakeley, must go by express or freight. Asserting that to violate the rules of the Interstate Commerce Commis sion in the matter of handling the camp equipment and impedrmcnta of the soldiers, says Mr. Wakeley, is the same as violating the rules in other respects and would subject the road doing so to fines. , QOMlMIi) 1 Q Art flnMAff, ELEGANT UPHOLSTERED DAVENPORTS $145.00 84-Inch Karpen Overstuffed Velour Davenport, sale price Sllfe.OO $128.00 3-Piece Tapestry Davenport, Chair and Rocker, sale price S102.40 $ 55.00 Tapestry Davenport, sale price 44.00 $ 45.00 Golden Oak Duofold, Imitation Spanish leather Davenport, sale price 36.00 $ 30.00 Fumed Oak Automatic Bed Davenport, sale' price. .8 24,00 Attractively designed 3-plece period Library Set Comes In select solid oak finished fumed. Set consists of large sice library table, comfortable rocker and roomy armchair, upholstered In guaranteed (Spanish Imitation j earner, steei spring construction oeiow seat; a wonaer- ful opportunity to secure enough furniture to furnish a room: our sDecial low orlce only... Dlnfnr Bulte Exactly as Illustrated, AMERICA'S GREATEST HOME FCHIHSHEBS mm - 417 SO. 16TH TV iBAYER Storz Delicious Bock Beer On draught and in bottles on and after April 2d. Don't fail to try this excellent brew. Scud a few cases home it will keep indefinitely. Thoiie CM AS. STORZ, Web. 1200. Massive Leather Upholstered Chairs and Rockers $55.00 Massive -Spanish Leather Plat form Rocker, eale price 84-1.00 $35.00 Genuine Spanish Leather Over-, stuffed Rocker, sale price S28.00 $30.00 Spanish Leather Rocker, aale price $21.00 $25.00 Royal Push Button Morris Chair, sale Price R2ft HO Hair ft,,,,),, On..U I Leather Rocker, sale price $ 7.20 $ 7.50 Solid Oak Imitation Leather Rocker, Bale price , 8,00 Beautiful Quarter sawed Oak Dresser, made of selected wood and highly polished golden, base has full swell front fitted with roomy drawers and' wood pulls, French bevel- plate mirror measures 22x28; very special value, at SIS. 75 aii aa A I fajH B 33 OFFICE FURNITURE. fine solid oak. heavy center $37.60 f 18x,l-Inch Rag Rug TSe 6x9-ft. Beamlcas Bruaael. Rug. ,.gll.oe 9x12 Monarch Bruaaela Rug. . .. S18.UO 8-8x10-8 Keamleaa Velvet Rug...... B.10.UO 8x13 Huperlor Velvet Rug 9x12 Huron Axmlnater Rug ...,.sas.oo txU Extra. Heavy Wilton Velvet Rug..,.see.0Ci. ST. There is But One Genuine Aspirin Counterfeits and substl rates may be Ineffective, and even harmful Refuse them. Protect yourself by demanding ..Bayer Tablets of Aspirin. The genuine nave "The Bayei Cross on every package and on ever tablet "Tna Raver Cross Tour tinarsDlee f Parity" Pocket Boxes ol 12. Bottles of 24 end Bottle t 100 TM trade-mark Aaplrln" (Reg V. a Pal Oftlcal to guarantee that the monoacattcaeldeatet of Mltoylinicld in theae tablets la ot the reliable fiayer manufacture. Bee Want Ads Supply Wants One Cent Per Word llM w-- Tl . - A. HW"1 r"-- a t n' mi T m a jm The "Famou. Regent" Combination Coal and Gas Range Three hole, for sa and lour for eo.l, two com plete atove. In one, giving you th. advanteg. of u.tng gaa In the sum mer and coal In the winter. This range J. made of high grade ma terial, and- abaolutely guaranteed In every reaped; elaborately nickel trimmed; apecial for bal ance of thla week $46.50 Full size Pullman Reed Baby Carriage, made of select stock finished In Baronial brown or natural la'rge' rubber tired wheels, Interior uphol stered in corduroy rep to match. K decidedly roomy and comfortable carriage at this excep tional low price $16.75 gam DISCOUNT ON ALL BEATON & LAIER SELECT YOUR RUQ AND SUBTRACT ML . , B.U'. .' Price. Hartman'a . Price. lilt 44.00