THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, APRIL 2, 1917. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED Miscellaneous. MiT fS 8HOW YOU THESE Two fin proper, ties, Saturday afternoon or Sunday. 1200 CASH. 120 PER MONTH. One acre, laya almost level, ha nearly new five-room house, full baiement, south east exposure. This Is just the placa for a truck faruner. Price only J,So. 1600 CASH, $20 PER MONTH. Two sores, food, nearly new four-room house, with full cement basement) good barn and chicken bouse; some email fruit. This Is a real bargain at 11,600. BIG FOUR REALTY CO., 1016-18 W. O. W. Bide;, Dougiae 148. MONTC1.AIR BUNGALOW, Stucco construction. ( large light rooms. Oak floors, oak and enamel finish. Price 13,800. Easy terms. Another now build ing for is.flfto. can Douglas uzi ae.y Walnut UNO evenings. I. B. ROBINSON. Real Estate and Xnsur ance. 442 Bee Bldg. Douglas 8087. WORLD REALTY CO., SunBu?nr- REAL ESTATE B'nesa Pipty UAKB up your mind for S. B. A. H. A. WO LP, Realtor. Ware Blk. Specialist In downtown rmsiness property. REAL ESTATE Investments MAKE 11 PER CENT on your Investment 10room double house, front rooms and dining rooms finished In oak; only 2 years old; always rented; rented for $S& per month. Price only 12,200; terms. BIG 4 REALTY CO., 1015-18 W. O, W. Bldg. Douglas 34B8. APARTMENT. 175,000, In come 11 per cent; one year old; very fine location; mortgage 135,000 and will accept szit.uuo in traae; oai ance cash or negotiable papers. CALKINS CO., Douglas 1213. City Nat. Bank Bldg. 7 GUARANTEED YOU On your money In any amount by HOME BUILDERS, Inc., 11.00 Share,. Omaha. SEE US FOR INVESTMENT AND SPECULATIVE PROPERTY. A. P. TUKET SON, REALTORS, 630 Pint National Bank Bldg. 8. 8. JL will make your boy a batter cltlxen. REAL ESTATE TRACKAGE 8. 8. JL tt your opportunity. Grasp It FOR SALE or lease, fine trackage corner, 06x132, northwest corner of 16th and Burt 8ts. Harney 668. REAL ESTATE To Exchange FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. CLOSE IN FLATS FOR LAND. Two good strictly modern St. Louis flats. Income 0S0 per annum. Price, $10, 000. Mortgage, 13,200. Owner wants land not too far from Omaha, EDWARD F. WILLIAMS CO 801 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Douglas 420. WE have some good homes and rental prop ertles for Neb. or Iowa land. Edward P. Williams Co., Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. WATCH S. S. A. REAL ESTATE Unimproved West S, S. A. means success for you. North. AFTER looking at MINNA LtJSA 100 dif ferent buyers decided that It was the best proposition on the market and they i backed thslr Judgment by buying lota. IP YOU will come out today you will understand why the others are buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO. 742 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Tyler 187. tt. 8. A. Is something that cannot be stolen, .cannot burn up cannot run away. Miscellaneous. BEAUTIFUL ' ot lota, rice 1220. only H cash and BO cents per wee- Doug 83 ft it. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Benson. WHSN will you b.n.Dt from a B. At Dundee. DUNDEE PROPERTIES. Wall located lot, on .aay terms. Mod ern, attractive borne Befor. buying b. nr. and ae GEORGE & CO., UAVn calls for Dundee homes, and would like exclusive listings on a few bungalows and houses from J3.5O0 to $18,000. C A, Orlmmel, 149 Ora. Natl. Bank Bldg. IP YOU find It hard to make both ends meet, try J. 6. A. Florence. OMASA people want 8. 0. A. Miscellaneous. S. & A. Till bring yoa back to nature. 6-ACRE blk. Falracre and Brownell Ball district. Snap. C. J. Canan. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED 4, I and 6-room bouses that can be sold for $100 cash, balance $15 per month: send complete description first letter. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 1880 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 10 64. LISTING houses to renter sell on smalt cash payments, have parties waiting. Western Real Estate, 413 Karbach Blk. D. $607. S. & A. to ths true basis of all wealth. LIST your I and 6-room houses with us. WB 6 ELL THEM. OSBORNE REALTY CO.. Tyler 498. WIS want desirable bouses to rent to de sirable people. List your property with us. R. H. Banner Co.. Ramge Blk. FINANCIAL H. W. BINDER. Money on hand for mortgage loans. City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Real Estate, Loans and Mortgages. i PER CENT to t per cent on best class city residences In amounts $2,000 up; also farm loans. Reasonable commission. PETERS TRUST CO.. 1821 farnam St. MOXtiT to loan on Improved farms and ranches. , We also buy good farm mort gages. Kloke Inv. Co., Ornaha. 8. 8. A. Is one road to happiness. BHOPZN A CO.. PRIVATE MONET. 5 CITY LOANS. GARVIN BROS.. Ora. Nat Bk. Bid.. :C MOUET HARRISON tt MORION. ' 1 til Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. OMAHA HOMES, EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFK R. E. CO.. 1011 Omaha Nat. FARM and city loan. S. 6H and I per cent. W. H. Thomas, Keellno Bldg. Dour. 164a. CITT and farm loans, loweat rate.. E. H. LOUOEB, Inc., 688 Kaolin. Bid. NO DELAY IN CLOSING LOANS. W. T. Graham. 604 Be. Bids. $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead. Wead Bia g., 18th and Farnam Bta. LOW RATES. C. G. CARLBERO, 312 Bran- dels Theater Bldg. D. 686. Stocks and Bonds. ONAHMAN IRON CO. STOCK. 1,600 SHARES Onahman Iron Co. stock for sale st $1.36. Will sell part. E. H. Fuller, 46 6 Harriet, Minneapolis, FINANCIAL Abstracts of Title. Xtavn Tltl, Guarantee and Abatract Co., Hell 0s 8. ,th St., trounO floor. Bonded by Maaa Bonding and Ina. Co. REED ABSTRACT CO., oldest abatract of fice tn Nebraaka. 1 04 Brand.!. Theater. Miscellaneous GALLAGHER & NELSON Repreaent prompt pay Inaurane. com. panlee. 444 Brandeli Bldg., Omaha, Neb. FARM AND RANCH LANDS California Lands! 'FOR SALE In Fresno and Klug count lee. San Joaquin valley, uanrornia, meai iana for alfalfa, grain and fruit growing, stock and poultry raising. One-tenth down and nine easy annual payments on balance at 9 pet. In good farm neighborhood, close to market. Over 15,000 acres of choice land, at very reasonable prices, to select from. To be sure you are getting what you want, you may lease for one, two or three years with option to purchase on above terms. Write for details of this at tractive method of buying on terms in reach of anyone. Tou could ask for no fairer deal. San Joaquin Valley Is In the haart of wlnterlesa California. 40 acres enough and should pay for itself tn five years. Tou can start here with only $1,000 and make good. 1 will gladly place you in touch with those having the lands for sale. This Is such an easy way to get a California farm that my advice Is to act quickly. C. U Hcagravea, in dustrial Commissioner, A. T. & S. F. By., 2107 Ry. Kxch.. Chicago. FOR SALEIMPROVED FRUIT, DAlRt and stock farms, 20, 40 or mores acres, in vicinity of Fresno, San Joaquin valley, hoart of wlnterleaa California, greatest raisin belt tn world: now paying good profits: houses, barns, fonces, live stock everything ready; crops In many Instances naylng better than 1100 an acre, will buy a $10,000 place, with long time on balance. Tour farm Income will take care of future payments, uniy limited number of farms can be had on these farms, so write today. I will gladly put you In touch with those having farms for sale. U, U BBAUHAvea, industrial Commissioner. A. T. ft 8. F. Ry., 1007 Ry Kxch., Chicago. Florida Lands. RAISE ALFALFA in FLORIDA (Natal Hav this winter. First cutting days: ISO and t0 annually on $G0 land. 26 Paiton Blk. Walnut 15567 (evenings). Missouri Lands. SMALL MO Farm $10 cash and $5 month ly; no in teres; or taxes; highly productive land; close to $ big markets. Write for photographs ana run iniormation. Hunger, A-11B N. Y. Like Bldg.. Kansss City. Mo. Michigan Lands. FOR SALE CLOVER-LAND FARMS. Grains thrive. Drouth, hall unknown. Root orops, dairying, graslng, Ideal. Fine roads, market; 143 growing days. Aver age killing frosts October 1. Terms easy. George Rrwell, jr., 32 Bacon Blk.. Mar quette, Mich. Minnesota Lands. 240 ACRES. 46 miles from Minneapolis, near two good railroad towns; one-nair unaer cultivation, balance used ror pasture ana hav: can nractically all be cultivated; good set buildings; this land will produce 60 bushels of corn per acre; country la thickly settled; complete set ot macnin ery; 27 head of stock, consisting of 11 cows, balance 1 and I year olds; 4 good horses, 26 hogs, chickens and everything on the farm goes at $65 per acre; one half cash; Immediate possession can be had. Schwab Bros., 102$ Plymouth Bldg.. Minneapolis, Minn. Iowa Lands. WILL sell at a sacrifice 12 acres adjoining Council Bluffs, 1$ acres bearing grapes: I acres garden, J. S. Mosbacbor. 1636 Madi son Ave., Council Bluffs. Nebraska Lands. SMALL Nebraska farina on easy pay men I i acres up. We farm tne tarra we sen you. The Hungerford Potato Growers' As sociation, 16th and Howard 8ti Omaha. Dollar as 9371. CHOICE 160-ACRB Gage county farm, 1m- provea ; izv acres unaer pit w, wu t miles from town and school. ARCHER REALTY CO., 680 Brandels Bldg. WET land made dry enough for crops or i no pay. Is our way or draining iana. no tract too large or too wet. Guarantee Drainage Co., Oakland, wen. EAST central Neb., 80 acres, highly Im proved farm, close to town, snap, terms, possession at once. 8. S. and R. K. Mont gomery. 1 South Dakota Lands. I HAVE three highly improved farms In the vicinity of wntertown. b. v., lor saie at right price. Might accept some good trade. D. T. Mauller, 1067 Omaha Nat Bank. Phone Doug 1100. AUTOMOBILES AUTO CLEARING HOUSE 2200 Farnam St. Douglas $210. Ford touring ...$228 Light Paige $476 Hudson "8-40," sacrifice, Mitchell "0" $660 WILMO MANIFOLDS. Burn gasoline, kerosene, distillate; double power and mileage; cuts your fuel cost half; money back guarantee. WILMO PRODUCTS SERVICE STATION, 216 S. 19th. P. 0288. WB will trade you a new Ford for your old one. INDUSTRIAL GARAGE CO., 20th and Harney. Douglas 6261, C. W. FRANCIS AUTO CO. Used Car Dept. 2216-1$ Farnam St. Douglas $11. Almost tny make at reasonable prices. FOR sale, cheap for cash, lata model five passenger ear. Will take Ford in part payment Call after 6 p. m. 1426 8. Sixteenth St. CROSSTOWN OARAGE. Douglas 4442. $16 So. 24th St H D. Motorcycle, running order, $l7ti. lfiJS Overland, fine shape, $135. 2 IN 1 VUL CO., 161$ Davenport Bt SO Per Cent Saved on Year Tire Expense. BERTSCHY "Kau-FU-It." Southeast cor ner zvia ana tiarney pis, unugmi CASH FOR YOUR USED CARS. ATJTO EXCHANGE, 2107 FARNAM. D. 6086. Ovorland 1912 touring oar. $160. Inquire at 1712 S. 11th St. Good running condition. WE PAY CASH FOR FORDS. 110 S. 17TH ST. Auto Livery and Garages. EXPERT auto repairing, "service car al ways ready." Omaha Garage, IQ1Q ear- ney Bt. Tyler 655. Auto Repairing and Painting. NEB. Auto Radiator Repair Works. We buy and repair Ford radiators. 218 So. JUb. Douglas 7390. ' $100 reward for magneto we can't repair. Colls repaired. Baysdorfer, 210 istn. Tires and Supplies. NEBRASKA Auto Repair Works. Services and prices rig tit. 218 B. ltP at P. 7390. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE Michigan racer, 40- H. P. Bosch magneto, good tires. In good run ning order. Price $200. Address Bok 204, Peru. Neb. PERSONAL THE Salvation Army Industrial Home so licits your old clothing, rurnttore maga sines. We collect We distributed Phone Doug. 4126 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112 1114 Dodge St. BEST RESULTS A FAIR RATE. The reasons for the growing popularity are Best Results and a Rate of lo per word. When you want both of the above, CALL TYLER 1000. WANTED Small child to board In Cath olic home; mother's care. Address bos 2203, Bee. MECHANO THERAPY treatments. Miss Halloran, 222-2 Neville Block. SWITCHES made from combings, Call Col fax 6252. MISS EDNA, scientific massage, 226 Ne ville Blk. open evenings ana aunaays. LURLLA WEBSTER, massage and mani curing. 618 Paxton Blk. Red 2400. MAB BHUOMAN, scientific masseuse and baths. 203 Karbarh Blk. Red 2727. ALL Right Private Maternity Home, $011 Miami St. Webnter 2908. SCIENTIFIC massage. 620 Be Bldg. Pbone Douglas 6372. MUSS LILLY, bath, massage. 1322 Farnam. VIOLET RAY tries t ment. 42 1 Bee Idg. Manlrurinc and mans, 1R23 Farnam. R. lY. Baths & Massage, Staats' Insttt 1606 liar. MEDICAL. DR. XL R, TARRY, FILK8, FISTULA CURED, Dr. B. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical op eration. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write (or book on rec tal diseases with testimonials. PR. K. R. TARRY, 140 Bee Bldg. Omaha, Neb. WHY SUFFER T Latest and Most Sclent (Re Treatment for All Disease. Dr. Charles Barnes, 618-520 Rose Bldg. KiemtnatloD and Consultation free. He Is curing thou sands, why not tout osiays are dan gerous. If you can't call, write. Hours t a. m. to p. m., T:so to 6:10 evenings. Sunday by appointment RADIUM water baths and Rot Springs uer- cury treatment for rheumatism. Dr. K Pyor, 14 Patterson Block. D. $824. RUPTURE Successfully treated without a surgical operation, call or write Dr. Frank H. Wray. 106 Bee Blds V1MEDIA TREATMENT. Surgical operations prevented. 421 Bee Bid. Chiropractors. DR. KNOLLENBERG, SANITARIUM. Lady attendant. 24th and Farnam. D. 729$, Dr. C. J. Lawrence. Ralrd Bldg. D. 8461. Dr. Frances Dawson, 602-2 Rose Bldg. T. 2866. Drs. Johnston, 1326 wTlTwTBIdg. D. 652T Dentists. Dr. Bra dbury. No Pain. 012 W. O. W. B ldg Taft's Dent. Rms., 308 Rose Bldg. D. 2166' Drs. S. & L. Billlnglan. 2062 Parn. D. 7608, Horses Live) Stock Vehicles THRKK Boston Terrier puppies, screw tails, dark mahogany brlndle, beautiful mark ing; two months old; two males, one fe male. Address E. L. Hudson, Lenox, la. FOUR good work horses. J. F. Aull, Al nngnt cait soutn to. MONEY TO LOAN LOOK I LEGAL RATE LOANS t LOOK!7 $ 10.00 costs you t $.26 for sis months. 102.00 costs you 20.27 for one year. 156.00 costs you $1.20 for one year. 204.00 costs you 40.80 for one year, 300.00 costs you 60.00 for one year. Other amounts In proportion. EASY PAYMENTS. UTMOST PRIVACY, OMAHA LOAN COMPANY, 840 Paxton Blk. Tel. Dong. 226. FURNITURE, pianos and notes as security. $40, mo., H. goods, total cost $8.60. 840, 0 mo.. Indorsed notes, total cost $2.60. Smaller, larger am'ts, proportionate rate. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY, Organised by Omaha Business Men. 432 Rose Bldg.. 16th and Farnam. Ty. . 2tt pet, on Die Gross. 410 N 16th. R 0R1 Motorcycles and Bicycles HARLEY - DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargains In used machines. Victor H. Roos, "The Motorcycle Man," 37th and Leaven worth. TWIN Excelsior cheap. Webster 2100. POULTRY Queen Incubators and colony hovers. Stew- art s Been store, us h. nth. Opp. p. o. Screenings, $1 76. 100. Wagner. 801 N. 16th. WHITE WYANDOTTE setting eggs, $1 set- LEGAL NOTICES. LEGAL NOTICE. Fred Ward Sumption, sr.. will please take notice that his father died on February 14, 1917, leaving snare in hie estate to him. providing he call personally on undersigned executor, Cleveland. 0-, within one year from March 8, 1917. W. H. BENHAM. 2038 East Ninth Street. Executor. Cleveland, O. r-n 1 - '"aana BB aw OMAHA GENERAL MARKET. Poultry Alive Broilers. 14 to I lbs.. $0o: broilers, 2 to 2 lbs., 25c; hens, under 4 lbs., 10c; hens, over 4 lbs., 18o; springs, all sizes, amoooth legs and soft under 6 lbs., 22c; old roosters and stags. 14c: aeese. 14c: ducks, 16c ; turkeys, 20c; capons, over $ ids., zc; capons, ids and under, 10c; guineas, each. 26o: squabs. Homers. 14 os. each, per dosen, $4.00. H'.tter Choice creamery. No. 1, 40c i No. 1. 160. Eggs Fresh. No. 1. ease. 17.10: No. t fresh. $7.20; crax, case, $6.(0. unease quotations b uriau sk Cat -Cheese Fancy domestic 42c: block. 22a: twins, 26Hc; daisies, 27c; triplets, 27c; young Americas, 28c; Blue Label brick, 24Ho; II mourner. 2Bo; Herkelmer (N. Y.) white, 26c; roquefort, 66c. wDoiesaie prioea of beer cutst Beef Cuts Ribs: No. 1. 28c: No: 21Uc: No. 8, Hc. Loins: No, 1, 27c; No. 2, 26c; No. 8, istfco. Chucks: No. L Iflc; No. 1. lflc; No, 2, 16ttc. Rounds: No, 1, 18c; No. 2, 17c; No. a, 17c. Plates: No. 1, 14C! No. 9, 14o; No. 8. 18c. Onion Seta Yellow, bn.. .aa. rri. ii.ik. white $4.60. Mammoth celery, per dosen. Mo. Frosen irn Sliver, 18c; trout, 17c; catfish, 16c; Alaska sableflsh, 11c; smelts, 18c; whiting, 16a; erapplea, to; pike, yellow, dressed, 17c; round. 14c: pickerel, dressed, lauo; round, He: herring, round. 7o; herring. 64e; whltefish, dressed, medium, 16o; large, $0oi 1umbo. 5ei round. smalL lie! tils fish far Steaks, 120, jnsn jrresn neimut, per id., loot fresh catfish, 12c; frosen aalmon, silvers, 17c; falls. l4o; fresh frosen smelts. 9o; herring, 7Ho; plcherel, round, frosen, $Hc; pickerel, dressed, frosen, 10c ; yellow pike, round, froien, 12Uc: black bass. 16o: oronnles. 6o: yellow perch, 8c; catfish, 16c: roe shad, 80c; black bass, o. s., 16c; medium and small, 20o; large, 17o; smoked whiting, headless, 16c; kippered aalmon. 18c: black cod. Alas ka sabls fish. 11 Ho. amokea, salt ana spiced Fish smoked white chubs, lie; kippered salmon, 18c; fin nan haddte, 17o: codfish, 12c; Puritan cod, 12tto; pollock, Bttc: KKKK herring, 10c; uiuaioia), uu iv init) tvv to mix, o.o; kippered cod, 10-lb. baskets. 20c: wblteflsb. No. 1. 40 I be., $6.16; 10 lbs,, $1.40; herring, spiced, 40 lbs.. 13.8&: 10 lbs., flo. Oysters "King Cole," large cans, stan dards, 40c; selects. 46c; counts, 60o Fruits Oranges: 250s. 22Ss. 224s. 12.00: 200s, 216s, $2.76; 100s, 126s, 160s. 176s, $4.00. Lemons: Fancy 100s,' 260s. $6.00: choice 300s, $60s, $4.60. Grapefruit: 16s, $4.00; 461, 14.36; D4S, 14,60; 84S, SOS, $0.00. Apples: Jonathans, extra fancy, $2.26: Jonathans, fancy, $2.16; Wine Saps, 176s, iraallur, $2.00; W. W. Pearmalnes, extra fancy, $2.60; W. W. Pearmalnes, fancy, $2.26; Ben Davis, orchard run, $1.60; Mis- I sour! Pippins, orchard run, $1.00, Bananas, 6o lb. Vegetables Potatoes Eating. $8.85 bu.: I Early Ohlos, $2.26 bu. Sweet potatoes, $2.66 hamper; sweet potatoes, seed, $3.26 bbl. Celery, $1.00 dos.; crate, $4.60. Turnips, carrots, parsnips, rutabagoes, 4o lb. Cab bage, So lb. Lettuce, $4.00 crate, $1.26 dos. Cauliflower, $3,60 crate, $2.00 dos. Cucum bers, extra fancy, $2.00 dos. Tomatoes, $7.00 crate. Onions: Red, 13o lb.; Spanish, lio. crate. Miscellaneous Cider. Motts. 84.26 keg. Onion sets: Yellow, $6.00 bu.; red. $6.69 bu.; white, $6.00 bu. Omaha Hay Market. Prairie Ray Receipts light, market higher on better grades ot hay and alfalfa; de mand continues good. Upland: Choice, 112.50 914.00; No. 1, $12.60018.00; No. 2, $10,600 11.00; No. 8, $8.0000.00. Midland: No. 1, ! $12.00012.60: No. 2. $9.60010.50. Lowland: No. 1, $8.6001-00; No. 1, $7.6008.00; No. 8, ! ss.toV7.og. I Alfalfa Choice. $11.0050.00; No. 1,1 $18.00018.00; standard, $16.00017.00; No. $, i $18.00 0 14.00; No. $, $10.5012.60. I Straw Oat. $7.0007.60; wheat, $6,00 0 i 6.50. I Sugar Market. Jfew York, March 81. Sugar Futures market was fairly active this morning and prices were firmer, principally the 'hear po sitions on covering and buying by Cuban interests. Closing unchanged to 7 points higher; May, 6.04c; July, 6.18c; September, 8.62c; December, 1.47c. Raw, steady; mo lasses, 6.01c; centrifugal. 6.89c. Refined. steady H fine granulated, 7.1608.00c, Dry Ooods Market. New York. March 21, Cloths were stead ier and quieter today. Yarns, linens and knit goods were Arm. Burlaps wore steady. Educational Notes Hastings College. Carl B. Pratt, olaes of 1016, was recently elected superintendent in tne ernooi oi Bui ton, Neb. uim nuih Halle, a niece of Mrs. Knauer, has been visiting at the home of Dr. Knauer and at the college tne last w days. The May queen was chosen at the college ehapel last Friday morning, out nm inemur of the queen will, as usual, be unknown un til May day. Dr. Knauer gave a splendid talk at chapel on the work of Miss Mary Slessor. who spent her life as a member of the Scotch Presby terian church at Old Call bar. Africa, The Olee club began Its annual trip Sat urday, going to Henderson, Neb. On Mon day It was to fee at Sutton and the rest of the week at Fairmont, Edgar, Holsteln, Mlnden and St. PauL Senior recognition took piece at the col lege chapel Friday morning. The class con sists of thirteen members. President Crone presided. Prof. Unruh sung a solo. Prof. Logadon gave an address to the class In be half of the faculty and Mise Mary Sims on bebalf of the junior class. The home prohibition contest took place at the college chapel last Monday night. Of the five entered, only three remained tn to the ei.d. The Judges awarded second place to Mr. Murray and first place to Miss Delta Bowen, who will represent them In the state contest to be held at Hastings In April. College vacation begun Friday night. A number of the faculty are to spund their vacations out of the city. Prof. Kent ot the natural science department gos to New Mexico, where he Is interested In a collec tion for the college museum. Prof. Logmlou wilt spend her time in the city visiting friends. Miss Fisher will be at Bellevua with a sister. No classes were held at the college Thurs day and all the prospective teachers and the faculty were given a chance to attend the association. President Crone wae chosen president of the college section and instruct ed to continue to offer scholarships for the tauMva.vfinp chool of Nebraska on the same basis they have been offered In pre ceding years, except that no scholarship will b issuea nereaner tor my ym umr.. a request comes before the first ot October following graduation date. Peru Normal Notes. Wo ynderman Is nursing a broken shoul der received In a tall last week. mih Nellie Kelly will fill out a vacancy tn the science department at Exeter for the remainder ot the year. a aneMal train carried the Peruvians as fur as Lincoln on their way home for spring vacation on Wednesday. School reopens on Tuesday. KnTt Frldav Is Peru day at the Southwest Nebraska Teachers' association at Nebraska City. The Normal will take a vacation to enable students and faculty to attend the meetings and a special train win return to Peru In the evening. . The committee on the pageant which Is to be given on the fifteenth anniversary of the founding of the Normal haa completed Its plans. The pageant will be presented in a natural amphitheater In the Peru woods near the Normal and some three or four hundred persons will participate In the scenes which will depict ths early life of the country and the school. Tin. f nil a win is a list of recent senior elections: Nell Houdersheldt, Eustioe, third and fourth grades; Catherine Kelly. Hamp ton High school; Gladys Train, Humboldt,, first grade; Florence Fuller, Tllden, do mestic science; Mary Pease, Rlverton, kin df.rrfl.rten : Clara Run van. Drinclual, Elk Creek; Mary Wickham, primary, McCook; Edna Uaous, imra graae. mains v,njr, Amelia Chard, assistant principal, De Witt; William Kuebter, superintendent, Shubert; Edna Owen, Pender, fourth grade; Leroy Benedict, principal, rreston, b. v. Chad ron Normal School. At the meeting of the Chadron Culture club last Wednesday Miss Clark read a paper entitled "Recent Irish Drama." Dp. Leavltt addressed the current history : class Friday on "The Custodial Farms for Criminate.' He aleo spoke at chapel on Friday and Monday mornings. The Normal closed for the week on Tues day of this week, owing to the fact that the fnftultv is attending the North Platte Valley Teachers' association held at Sidney. A hnctng club for Tuesday and Thurs- days will be organised this week, now that the basket ball season Is closed. As soon as the ground li dried off base ball practice will begin. Many ntcturea Illustrating Schiller's "Wll- helm Tell" and the Tell country are being displayed upon the bulletin board In the German room. These are not only interest- in, but also very helpful to the aerman vj class, which la studying this play with great interest, , t The library has recently added old vol- umes of Harper's Monthly, Atlantlo Monthly and the Century The first ninety-three volumes of Harper's begin with 1850, the first thirty-six volumes of Atlantic Monthly begin with 1857 and the first forty-six vol umes of the Century begin with 1870, The orchestra left Wednesday morning for Sidney, where It had a prominent part on the urogram of the North Platte Vatley Teachers' association. En route It stopped at Alliance, giving a matinee and evening concert. On Its return it stopped In Craw NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET. Qoatations of the Day n the Various Lead ing voinnuKuitea. New York, Marcn 81. Flour Quiet. Wheat Soot, eaavi No. t hard, $8.24; No. 1 northern. Duluth, $3.86; No. 1 northern, Manitoba, $8 II, f. o. b., New York. Corn spot, steady; no. J yeuow, oi.ii. e, t f.. New York. Oats Spot, steady; standard, totiho. Hons Dull: state, medium to choice, 191$. 2$O40oi Paclflo coast, medium to choice. 10O12C. Provisions fofk, strong; mess, sis. sua 27.00; family. $39.00041.00; short clears. 137.OQOi9.oo. seer, nrm: mess, izd vud 22.00; family, $27.00029.00. Lard, steady; middle west, $10.70010.80. Hides Quiet; Bogota, 42044c; central America, 42c. Leather Quiet: aemiook firsts, i7ot sec onds, 66c. Tallow Strong: city. 12Uot nominal; country, 12H013c; special, 13c. Butter Firm; receipts, tune creamery, higher than extras, 46 O 46 H c ; creamery extras (92 score), 44044Vko; firsts, 4204Stto; seconds, 78H041Hc. Eggs Unsettled; receipts, 15,859 eases; fresh gathered storage packed firsts, 8S&0 34c; firsts, 88HO88H0. Cheese Irregular; receipts. 4, mi boxes: state, held specials, 87 27 Hot state, aver age, 2727c( state, average fancy, 8HO 27c. Poultry Alive, quiet: fowls, 28U02tUo: no other prices quoted. Dressed, quiet; prices unchanged. Sioux City Live Stock Market. Sioux City. March 11. Cattle Receipts. 200 head; market steady; beef steers, $10.60 Oll.oo; butchers, 89.oooi0.50; beef cows and heifers, $9.60010.60; can are, $5,600 7.60: Blockers and feeders. $7.6009,66: calves, $7.50O$B0; feeding cows and heifers, $6.5009.00. Hogs Receipts, 7.000 head : market steady, 5c higher;: lights, $14.65014.75; mixed, $14.80016.00; heavy, $15.00016.05; pigs, $11.00012.6; bulk of sa s, $14,700 15.00. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 100: market steady; yearlings, $12.00018-25; wethers, 111. 50012.50; ewes, $10.60 12.60; lambs, U3.00Q14.fl5. St Louis Live Stock Market St. Louis, March 21. Cattle Receipts. 800 head; market steady) native beef steers, I7.60O12.26; yearling steers and heifers. 88.60010.00: cows. $5.26tu10 00: Blockers and feeders, $6.00010.00; prime southern lerr steers, S9.oorall.oo; beet cows ana heifers, $4.2609.00; prime yearling steers and heifers, $7.6001000; native calves. $6 00 Hogs Receipts, 0,000 head: market steady; lights, $14.80016.80; pigs, 89.760 i.fru; mixed ana outcners, 11t.KDfififi.4i1; good heavy, $16.36016.60; bulk of sales, sneep and Lambs Receipts, none: market steady. London Mocks and Bonds. London, March 21. American securities were quiet and featureless on the stock exchange today. stiver Bar, 16 4 d per ounce Money 844 per cent. Discount Rates Short bills. 461 per cent: three months, 4 per cent. OU and Bos in. Savannah, Oa.. March II. Turpentine Firm; 46o; sales, 29 bbls.; receipts, 7 bbls.; shipments, 152 bbls.; stock, 11,169 bbls. riosin nrm: sales, nn nois.: receipts. 100 bbls.; shipments, 1,487 bbls.; stock, 103,410 bbls. Quote: A. B, C, D, E, F, O. $5.60; I, 16.76; K, $5.7005.60; M. $5.80; N $6,700 6.861 WO, $6.760680; WW. $6,00.' ford and gave and evening concert at thai place. The Young Women's Christian sMoctatlor. meeting last week was very interesting. Miss Jane Baboork gave a splendid talk on "Per sonality." The muaio was especially good, Miss Hasel Beokwlth giving a vocal solo and Miss Mary Wilson playing the prelude. The attendance was very good, showing that the girls appreciate these excellent talks which are beiug given eacn inursaay morning. The children In Miss Fraater's room are 00m pie ting the study of Holland and the Dutch people, and have made a collection ot pictures. They have dons valuable work in connection wun tne stones, among wmrn are the painting of tulips and the cutting and sewing of little windmills that will stand In the sand table. This work is undor the direction of Miss Marguerite Walsh. Nebraska Wesleyan Vnlverelty. F. C. Kllppel, '17, has nccepted a position In the Gordon High school. Euaene Haaklne. '17, has been offered a fellowship In physics at the University of Kansas. Chancellor Fulmer spent the latter part of the week In addressing Teachers' associ ations out In the state. Principal H. C. Bradford of the Univer sity Sohool of Agriculture gave very In teresting vocational talk to the men at chapel Thursday morning. Unusual interest In tennis has developed among the girls with the result that thrve extra courts are to be provided for them In addition to those usually alloted to the men. Spring vacation began Saturday morning and will continue unni Tuonany morning. April 10. The vacation period was allowed to extend over Monday in nrdpr to allow students to be at home Easter Sunday. Chancellor Fulmer presented "W" csrtl ftratrs to the basket ball squad at cnn vocation hour Wednesday. The following men received the coveted certificate. Hushes. Fets. Coiler, Kahm, Anderson. drove, Hefner, Payne, Keeeter, Blodgett and Carman. Chaplain O. J. Nave addressed the women of the university at chapel hour Tuesday morning. Chaplain Nave Is now a resident of Los Angeles and Is now In Nebraska look ing after the sate of his 'Topical Bible" and "Students' Reference Bible," the pro ceeds of which he haa given largely to Wesleyan. Cottier University. The Olee club gave Its concert at the Tabernacle church in Lincoln Tuesday eve ning. Joe Reeves, 18; Frank Brokaw, 16, and Russell Lemmon, '14, were Bethany visitors Sunday. The methods and observation claas, from the school, visited the legislature Monday afternoon. Misses Julia Cottier and Florence Thorp went to York Saturday to attend the Young Women's Christian association cabinet con ference. Mrs. T. F. A. Williams, Instructor of so- otology at the University of Nebraska, gave an Interesting talk to the Young Women's Christian association Wednesday evening. The regular Wednesday morning musical was given this week by Miss AUngra Thomas and Mr. Carl Smith, pupils of Ves pers! a Luce, instructor in violin, in the School of Mualo. Four plays, "Elner Muss Helraten, "The End of the Task,' "The Cross" and Eata Blta Pie," ware presented by the Dramatic club In the auditorium Thursday evening. Tite Bind or the Tack" was dramatised by Miss Cella Elliott. 'The Cross" and "Eata Blta Pie" were written by Miss Dean Asnln- wall and Miss Laura Wolfe, members of the play writing class of last semester. The work was done under the direction of Prof. Leon Snyder, head of the school of expres sion. Poena College. Mrs. It I b of McCook vlsltet. her deuth- tar, Helen, at Gaylord hall, Wednesday. Spring vacation began Friday and will last until a week from Tuesday. April 10. Mrs. Ernst Walter, formerly Miss K re user. of the aerman department, visited Doano last week. Her home is now in Lincoln. Mrs. Carlson and Mies Wlttmann chap eroned, a dosen college students, pupils of tne ptann department to Lincoln on Monday to hear the Bauer recital. The Doane debators, who won both de bates with Cotner and Bellovue last wek here, are corresponding with Peru and Mid land college, Kansas, concerning dates for debates. , Miss Adella Dodge, territorial secretary of the Young Women's Christian association, met the Young Women's Christian associa tion of the college and made a chapel ad dress Tuesday, Grand Island College, Spring vacation began Saturday, Marnh II, and will continue until Monday, April $. Dr. Elmore attended the Teachers' asso ciation at Haslngs last Thursday, and gave an address at one of the afternoon sessions. Dr. George Sutherland supplied the Bap tist pulpit at Columbus yesterday, and will probably preach for the same congregation the following Sunday. Ex-President Taft, now In Chicago, visit t& his horns and the college last Monday. The faculty and atudente gave blm a re ception at the girls' dormitory Monday evening. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Sentiment la Favor of Higher Prices En couraged by Weather and War Outlook. Chicago, March $1. Wheat prices averaged higher today as a result of failure f eg pected rains, especially ln Nebraska. The market alosed unsettled at 9l.$$Ot-B14 for May, and $1.$401-4H for July, with the market ae a whole c off to le advance oomttared with ' yesterday's finish. Corn gained Koi oats closed Ho down to Ho up and provisions at losses of from IHo to 40c. Uneasiness regarding the long continues) lack of moisture throughout Important sec tlons of the winter crop belt dominated the wheat trade during the earlier trading, and was offset only In part as the session ap proached a close. In addition to drouth fears, the tightening of the erlsls between Germany and the United States encouraged sentiment for higher prices. Subsequently, however, the Oklahoma crop report made a surprising ex hi hit, showing an Improvement of 6 points during March and this develop ment counted as a factor In lowering values. Advices were also received that work In Important parts of the Canadian spring wheat belt was one week to three weeks ahead of normal Price rallies which took place In the wheat market at the last were due chiefly to week-end adjustment of trades. It was apparent that selling on the Oklahoma crop report, a forecast of showers In Kansas and on other bearish hews had been overdone and there waa an upward swing in progress all around when the final gong cleared ths pit. Corn showed stubborn resistance to selling pressure. Talk of $16 hogs before tall did much to uphold advances. Brisk demand from the east and south gave Independent firmness to oats. There was persistent buy ing of May by strong commission houses. Provisions swayed In line with the hog market. An early advanoe was followed by setbacks due to free selling on the part of houses that of late had been purchasing frcMy. The bulk of the trade was In lard. Cash Prices: Wheat No. I red, nominal; No. 2 red, 13. 0302. 06; No, 2 hard, $2.04H 02.04; No, 2 hard, nominal.. Corn: No. 2 yellow, $1.22H01.23: No. 8 yellow, $1.21 Ol. 2214; No. 4 yellow, $1.20. Oats: No. $ white, 64-!tO6aa; standard, 66' (p 6 8 Ke lt ye: No. 2. nominal; No. 2, $1.04, Barley: $1.1801.36. Timothy, $4.0005.76. Clover: $12.00018 00. Pork: $34.62. Lard: $20,120 20,22. Rlbe: $16.00018.45. ButterHigher; creamery, 86042Ht Eggs Higher; receipts, 19,0(17 cases; firsts, 21c; ordinary firsts, 800300; at mark, cases Included, 28O30tto Potatoes Unsettled; receipts,' 28 cars; Idaho, Colorado, Oregon and Washington, $3.4502.66; Wisconsin and Michigan, $2.26 2.85. Poultry All v, unchanged. Bank Clearings. Omaha. March $1. Bank clearings for Omaha today were $6,816,706.61 and for the corresponding day last year $2,171, 433.60. The total clesrlngs for the week ending today were $88,607,439.4$ and for the corresponding week a year ago $21, 440,800.94. The total clearings for the month ot March were $164,068,917.62 and for the month of March last year, $114, 298,714.88. Statement of Clearing House Banks. New York, March 21. The statement of the actual condition of clearing house banks and trust companies for the week show that they hold $112,807,160 reserve In excess of legal requirements. This is a decrease of $28,968,210 from last week. Persistent Advertising" Is the Road to Success. LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle for the Week Twenty Five to .Forty Higher Than for Week Before. flOGS SELL SOME HIGHER Omaha, March 21, 191T. ReceiDts were: Csttte, Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 9.916 .8,088 17,8X1 Official Tuesday 10,949 It. SO 10,190 Official Wednesday .. 6.016 17,882 11.094 Official Thursday 4,097 14,116 10,168 Official FrldHy 1,307 11,881 S,6fl Satlmate Saturday.... 800 6,600 Sic days this week. .82,648 81,808 t7,ft99 Sarins duvs last week.. 20,804 50.408 4T.560 Hame days 8 w'ka ago. 27,714 TM71 60,790 Same daya 2 w'ks ago, 24,870 69,269 48,224 Same days 4 w'ks ago. 23.890 67.9A7 41.490 Same days last year. . .26,182 68.889 46,277 Receipts and disposition of live etock at the Cnlon Stork Yards. Omaha, ror twenty four hours ending at 8 p. m. yesterday; RKCBIPTS CARS. Cattle. Hogs. Horses. C. M. A St. P 8 MlHsourl Pacific IT 1 C. A N. W., east 1 4 C. & N. W., wost 72 $ C, St. P.. M. A 0 14 C, H. A Q . west 1 VI 1 C, R. I. A P., east 2$.. C , R. 1, A P . west 1 $ Illinois Central 11.. Chicago Oreat Western. 1 1 Totals. . ..6 144 DISPOSITION HEAD Hogs. Morris ft Co 1.266 Swift A Company 1.136 Cudahy Packing company.. 2.032 Armour A Co 2,240 Schwarts A Co... 681 J. W. Murphy $.094 Cudahy, Denver....... 1,628 Totals 10.296 1.688 Cattle There were no settle ot any con sequence In eight this morning, but for the week receipts have been very large, ehowlng heavy gatna over all recent weeks and over a year ago. The cause for the large run Is ascribed generally to the fact that prices were high and that the country took advan tage of thorn to unload surplus stock and thereby escape lta assessment for taxation. Prices on good heavy beeves, that Is oat tie selling at $11.60018.80, havs been steady all the week, the demand being good and the market firm. All other grades, on the other hand, have eased oft not only here, but at other selling points as well, and at the clone of the week such oat tie are 260 40c higher than last week. Cows and heifers, even good kinds, have eaeed off, being around 15096o lower, with the medium to pretty deceut kinds as much as 86O40O lower. The best fleshy stocks and feeders have shown very little change, being In moderate supply and fair demand throughout the week. Less attractive kinds havs been slow sellers at weak prices, Quotations on cattle! Good to choice beeves, $11.60012,60; talf to good beeves, $10.60011-80; common to fair beeves, $9,960 10.60; good to choice heifers, $9.85010.26; good to choice oowa, $8.7609.76; fair to good cows, $7.5008.76; common to fair 00 ws, $6.(007.60; prime feeding steers. $9.60010.25; good to choice feeders, $$.760 9.60; fair to good feeders, $8.0008.78; com mon to fair feeders. $4.7608.00; good to choice Blockers, $8,2509.26; stock heifers, 67.I50V.25; stock cows,; stock calves, $8,00010.28; veal calves, $9,000 11.00; neer cuue, si age, etc, 9s.uuv1.gv1 bologna hulls, $6,6008.00. Hogs A good Saturday run of hogs rounded out a week of liberal receipts. About 196 cars, or 9.800 head, were reported In, bringing ths total for ths week up to 68,808 bead. This is ths heaviest run since five weeks ago, being $8,000 larger than last week. 10.000 heavier than two weeks ago. and almost 26,000 greater than for the same days last year. All of this week's markets have been ir regular, but today's wae without doubt the hardest to quote. Shippers bought some hogs early at prices that ranged from strong to lOo higher, or ware generally a full ntcaei nigner. Rignt on nrst rounds a few scattering loads sold to packers that were as much as 6010c higher, but as a general thing, killer buyers were out for steady prices, and when they finally did make the bulk ot their purchases, they were mostly steady to not over to nigner any where. General quality ot the offerings lacked a great deal of being as good as on previous daya of the week, and this made the market hard to quote, ror wnne indi vidual sales looked steady to 8a. and In extreme caeeo 10c higher, ths cost of drives was no more than steady, and on paper most packers' costs were lower than yes terday. The presence of a good deal of just fair light stuff, and also a good many highly mixed loads tendod to make the market slow, especially after the bulk of the good hogs had been cleaned up. While the market dragged until noon or after without a com plete olearanoes being made, however, the laet hoge to sell showed little or no ohange compared with yesterday, and It looked ae though In the end all the fresh arrivals would be cleaned up without any great concessions having to be made. To aum up the 'general market as well as was poaslbts, most ot ths desirable hogs sold steady to a nickel higher, and In ex treme instances lOo advances were noted. Packers didn't buy the lights until they had to In order to fill out their droves. Representative sales No, Av. Sh. Pr. 91. .176 S40 14 60 79.. 194 80 14 76 T1..119 . 160 14 86 No. Av. Sh. Pr. 40 14 70 40 14 90 ... 14 90 $0 16 00 ... 1$ 00 ... IS OS 100.198 69., $07 88. .817 64.. 80$ 76.. 881 40.. 216 69..2M 66. .280 66.. 267 14 96 16 00 26 OS 65. .216 100 IS OS Sheep After a week hf dull, Irregular markets most of the lambs are selling Just about where they were a week ago. On most of the handy lambs current prices look higher, but that Is mainly due to the fact that quality the last few days has been exceptionally good. A few extremely light Mexicans received the benefit of the pre -Easter demand for that class of stuff and advanoed 10026c, selling as high as $16.86. For the bulk of the light and handy Mexicans $16.00 Is the outside figure, though, and handy westerns are selling around $14.70014.90, with strong weights on dowta to $14.00. Navajos were in poor demand on the close, packers finding when they came to sen the skins that they had been appraising the lambs too high. Yes terday's offerings of Navajos did not sell until late In the day, when some were bought around 16o lower at $14.70 and oth ers that were In quarantine showed much greater declines. A shortage of refrigera tor cars was more or less of a hindrance to the trade all week and made demand slack on the close for anything except the most desirable stuff. Lambs recently shorn sold at $12.10012.20, the high day. None have been here since. Small packages of spring lambs brought $16.00018.00 Thursday and Friday. Quotation! on sheep and lambs: Lambs, light and handy. $14.66016.26; lambs, heavy, $14.00014.60; Iambs, clipped, $11.60 012.60; limbs, shearing, 214.26014.76; year lings, good to choice, $13,00018,78; year lings, fair to good, 812.00O12-00; wethers, fair to choice, 811.60012.75: ewes, good to eohlce, $1 1.40 18.20 ; ewes, fair to good, $10.0001140; ewes, pisin to culls, $7,000 9.60. CHICAGO UVR STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady, Hogs Weak and Sheep Wen steady. Chicago, III., March 21. Cattle Receipts, 400 head; market, steady; native beet cat tle, $9.10012. 90s stockers and feeders. $7.0009.80; cows and heifers, $6,60010.80: calves, $9.50014.00. Hogs Receipts, 12,000 head; market, weak at yesterday's average to lo lower; bulk, $16,20016.40; light, $14.60016.40; mixed, $14.90016.46; heavy, $14.75016,60: rough, $14.76014.90; pigs, $10.76014.26. Hheop and Lambs Receipts, 8,000 head; market, steady; weathers, $10.60 0 12.90 : ewes, $9.00 01840; lambs, $12.00O1660. Kansas City Moe Stock Market. Kansas City. March 81. Cattle Re- cepita, 1,000 head; market stesdy; prims fed steers. $11.76012.50; dressed beef steers, 69.76O1L60; western steers, $9.00 0 12.00; cows, $6.00010.60; heifers, $8.0001150; stockers and feeders, $7.75OH-00i bulls, $7.60010-00; calves, $8.0001800. Hogs Receipts, 600 head: market higher: bulk of sales, $14.80016.26 ; heavy, $15,260 15.40: packers and butchers. $16.00016.85; light. $14.60016.10; pigs. $11.60014.00. Sheep ana Lambs Receipts, 500 head: market steady; lambs, $12.0016.00; year lings, $18.00012.86; wethers, $11.50018.76; ewes, fio.DOfjpii.iiQ. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. St. Joseph. March 81. Cattle Reoelpta, 100 head; market steady; steers, $8,600 12.00; cows and heifers, $6.6001100; calves. $7.0001276. H oks llecel pt s, 1,000 Head ; market steady; top, $16.20; bulk Of sales, $14,900 Sheep and Lambs Receipts, none: market nominally steady. GRAIN ANDPRODUCE Lower Prices Prevail Despite Excellent Cash Demand Hard Wheat Hiti Record. CORN IS ONE CENT LOWER Omaha, Marco ,1, HIT. Thara wa. an eaah damand for train in lb. local narkat tody nd -till, prlcea ..narallr war. altfhtly low.r th. ,,Hra war. lneltned ta lat At offering, rath.r than tak. chanoM n a. further dacllna en Monday. The wheat market waa quoted from tin ch.nied to le lower nd a good part of today'a off.rtnv. war. aold at th, deellno,. although one car of chnlc. No. I hard aold at 13.01, a record price for thla trade of wheal. Salea of No. t hard made at SIM I. AT; No. I hard aold generally around $1.01 0S.OI and No. hard brought from 11.11 to 11.01. The demand for off-vrnd. wheat .waa much better today and quit, a few oara of aampl. hard were aold at prloe. ranrlng from 11.10 to 11.11. Th. corn market waa alao quoted from unchanged to le lower and the .ellera had little difficulty In dlepoatne- of thalr gam pi t at the prevailing prlcea. 1 The better gradea of white enrn were quoted at tl.17HOI.HH; the commercial gradea of yellow brought from 11.17 to II. 17H and mtied oorn ranged In prtc from 11.11 to 11.1714. There waa an excellent trade tn oat., with th. market quoted from a fourth to a cent lower. One car of No. , white oat. brought ISO, hut the bulk of the offerlnge aold around 3(11o, and a few .aloe war. mad. at 63 Ho. Rye wa. rather quiet and aold oft about prioea. lc, while barley wa. dull at nacbanged . Clearance, were: Wheat and flour equal to ln.oo. buahela; corn, Jtl.OOO buahela: oate, 17,000 buahela Primary wheat receipt war. l.Ht.toO buahela, and 710,000 buahela agalnat receipt, of 1,0.0, 00, buahela, and ehlmnanta of 1,9,00, buahela laat year. Primary corn receipt, were 7R,,0ft, buahela and ahlpmenta 41,00, buahela agalnat re oelpta of 600,000 buehale, and ahlpmenta of SRO,000 buahela laat year. Primary oaU reoelpta wera ,01,00, bmhela, and ahlpmenta 104.000 buahela agalnat re celpta of 633,000 buahela, aad ahlpment of 163,00, buahela laat year. CARLOT KBCTJIPTS. Wheat. Com. Oata. Chicago H . 141 llf Mlnn.apolla til Omaha I '. Kanaaa City , II 7t St. I-oule ..1 II t 11 7 Winnipeg l ' The., aatea war. reported today: Wheat No. I hard winter, I can, 11.17; 1 car, linH: I care, $3.01. No. I bard wlnur, 1 car (Kanaaa), 13.01; t car, ,1.07; I car,, 11 0rl oara, II. Ot; 1 car, 13. 0. No. I hard winter, 1 oar (oata mixed), 13.01; 1 car, 31.10. Sample hard winter, 1 car. ,1.18; 1 car, II 10; 1 car, 11.30. No. I mixed, 1 ear, 11.03. No. 4 railed, 1 car, 31.00; I can, 31.11. RywNo. i, can, 31.11. Corn No, I white, can, I1.13H; t oara, I1.1SH N I white, 1 car, 31.UH: can, 11.13; 1 can, I1.17H. No. 4 white, 1 car, 11.17 H. No. I yellow. 1 car (ablpper'. welghta), 11.17! I can, I1.17H. No, I yel low, 1 car, I1.17H; I care, 11.1714:, I can. $1.17. No. 4 yellow, 1 car, I1.10S; t oar, I1.10H, No I mixed, 1 r. 11.1714: 1 car, 11.17: I can (ahlpper'a weight.), 11.17, No. 1 mixed, , care, I1.10H; 1 car. I1.1IH; I oara 31.11. No 4 mixed, t oar, 11.11. No, I mixed, 1 car, 11.11. Sample mixed, 1 oar, 1.1614. Oata No. I white, 1 oar. Me. Standard, I can. 3114c. No. I white, 1 car (ahlpper'a weight,), 114o: II oar., 681401 I can, 430 No, I white, 1 can. ISo; 3 oara, :o; I oar, 01 Ho, Sample white, 4 can. Ito. Omaha Caah Prlcea Wheat: No. I hard. I3.00V3.O7; No hard, 3l.0tOl.07; No. 4 hard, 11.364)3.01. Corn: No. I whit., 31. UH Ol.UH: No. 3 white, 31.17H4H 1IH: No, 4 white, I1.171.17H; No. I white, 11.16140 1.17 No. I white, I1.14H01 114; No. I yellow, II.17H 01.1744; No. I yellow, $1.17 91.1714: No. 4 yellow. 31 llHOl.U : No. 3 yellow, ll.KHOI KH: No. yellow, tl II Ol.UHl No. I mixed, I1.1014O1.11V4: No. 31.16Ot.10Ht No. mixed, 11.161 01.11; No. i mixed. .ll.16Hei.16; No. I mixed, 11.1114 OI. 1614 Oata: No; I white, v 04O66OI atandard, 0ll4O63Ho: No. , white, n.lfJMHc; No. 4 white, 4114 010c Barley: Malting. 11.1701.11; No. 1 feed, tl.Olel ll, Ryot No. 3, ll.40Ol.ll: No. I, 11.6,4)1.60. Omaha Fat una. The trade In the local market wae T.ry qul.t today and wheat oloaed Arm oa protlt taking by long.. Then wa. a feeling among th. traden that wheat had made aufflclent advencee, for the preaent at leaat. and moat of them did not can to hold their optlona until aome definite conclusion could b. nachad lo regard to the coming wheat crop. Only a few tradea wen made In the Cora and oata market, and theaa cereala, clued ateady, Wheat opened ancut vncnaogea on tne Hay, about 44o higher oa July, and Sep tember wheat cloaed Ho higher. Local range or prlcea: Art "pen. i High. Low. Cloaa. Xfo I i May 10114 1 1744 11114 INlMH July 111 1 13 H H114 illtlRlH Sept. 1 41 t 4114 147K 1 4IVf 14744 Corn, May 111 I IT 111 1 IT 111 July IIT4 IIH 6044 ' ' Sept, I'll til 111 111 111 Oata, May II II II . II IS July I IIHl 104V CO 34 4044 Sept, f 41 HI 4JIH I 40 I 4, 40 Chicago oloalng prlcea, lurn ehed The Be. by Logan 4V Bryan, etock ana grain broken, 111 South Sixteenth etnet. Omaha: Art Open. High. I Low. Cloaa Tea. Wht I May 1 II 1 If 111 1 1614 1061 July 1 14 1 II 10344 1 14 H 1614 Sep. 1 1014 1 II 111 I I1H ISO Corn. May 1 1SH 1 1, UIH 1 1144 ll'i July 1 1TH 1 1744 1K44 1 1TH H Sep 1 li 1 1644 11444 ' 1 II 1144. Oata. May 0IH IIH II IIH UH July 1044 10 1144 1374 6S H Sep. IIH IIH ll IS 13 S Pork. May 14 70 14 TO 84 10 14 6114 14 Tl July IS SO IS 10 83 10 S3 10 31 00 Lard. May 10 10 SO IIH 30 tt 10 1H 10 SO July 20 31 SO 40 30 16 10 37 H 30 IS Rlba. May 18 40 II 40 II SO II 13 H II 37 July 18 ITH II 47H 1 47 II 60 18 35 Mlnneapolle Grain Market. lllnneapolla, .arch SI. Flour TJn ohanged. . Barley I1.02O1. 31. Rye $1.061.67. Dran 337. 00038.00. Wheat May. ll.03;July, 11.11. Caah: No. 1 hard, I1.1103.1S; No. 1 northern, 12.01 0 3.06: No. I northern, ll.08O2.0S. Corn No. S yellow, 11.171401.1114. Oat. No. 1 white, I203o. flaxseed 13.01 03.00. M. Loan Grain Market St. Loula, March SI. Wheat No. I, 13.01 02.13: No, 1 hard. 83.10OS.10; May, I1.I6H Ol.OOHl July. 31.61T4, Corn No. 1, $1.18; No. I whit., I1.SSHO 1.24; May, 11.1344 01.11 Hi July, 31.11)40 1.17H- Oat. no. t. lie: No. 1 whit,, 1714. Egga Flreta, 3$o. Kanaaa City General Market. Kanaaa City. March II. Wheat No, I hard. 32.0803.16; No. I red, 12.0703.111 May, 81.8314; July, 11.(3 14. Corn No. I mixed, 11.1,01,11: No. t whltet. I1.21H: No. I yellow, H.llHi May, 11.17 4; July, 11.1614. Oata No, 1 white, 66 14 0 67o; No. I mixed. I4H03IC . Cotton Market. , New Tork, March II. Cotton Future, opened Heady; May, 18.76c; July, I8.630; October, 17.63c; Deoomber, 17.llo; January, 17.67a Cotton futuna ctoaed ateady; May 18.14c; July, 18.6$o; October, 17.74c; December, 17.77c; January, 17.640, Spot quleti mid dling, lO.SOc No aalea. Tbe ootton market cloaed point. off from the under nallxlng, but the ton. wa. rery ateaay at a net gain of 6017 polnte. , Motal Market, New Tork. Maroh SI. Metala The cop per market haa been quiet during the laat waek with the altuatlon showing little or no change. Small lota for nearby and aec ond quarter delivery hav. been offend at oonoeaatone. but mon generally .peaking the market today waa nominally unchanged at from 133 to 833 for the second quarter. Some ot the .metier dealen wen a&ld to be offering electnlytto for the third quarter around 1.10031, but the larger agendo, quoted 131032, Iron wag unohaiiged. 7 '.