THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, APRIL 2, 1917. NEBRASKA MEN FOR FIRM POLICY University Faculty Members Sign Resolution Backing Up Wilson. PACIFISM IS UNTIMELY (From a, Buff Correspondent.) Lincoln, April J. (Special.) A self-appointed committee at the Uni versity of Nebraska wished to obtain indication! favoring support of a strong foreign policy, such as it ap pears that President Wilson is now working out It has been surprised at the ready response. The refusals to sign have been very few. The com mittee has been able to solicit but a part of the faculty, but the indications are conclusive, from the character as well as number of the signers, that the sentiment of the faculty ia over whelmingly in favor of a strong gov ernmental policy. The committee wishes to apologize to the many who would like to sign, but have not had the opportunity, since it has been im possible to go the rounds completely. However, anyone acquainted with the faculty of the University of Nebraska will recognize the following list is thoroughly representative. The reso lution and the signatures have been sent to President Wilson and to all senators and representatives at Wash ington. The resolution reads: "We stand for unqualified support of administration and for defense of international dignity and solidarity in all events. Pacifism is untimely and dtagerous. Signers are: . a. L. Taylor J. E. LoBOMlffnot Minnie T. England w. r. Dann Dana I. Colo 0. R. Marlla 1. T. I-aae Guerneer Jonas Loulee round Allan K. Stubbe H. A. Evana Leo J. Lovan Hi. E. Andoreoa F. D. Barkar Dean R. Inland Edwin llaxejr R. M. Marra Allea Howell Marguerite C. MnPhet E. It, Hlnman Dean E. W. Tala Dean O. V. P. Stoat Mai WeotarntauB H. 1. Oramllck Ouf B. Read Chancellor 8. Arery Charlaa W. Taylor Fred W. Upaon A. If. Hlltner Malcolm a. Wjrer R. O. Claps Nellie Jane Comptoa O. E. Condre, H. H. Watte H, B. Alexander Q, B. Barber Herbert Brownelt F. K. Claymaker George N. Footer Raymond J. Pool . A. A. Reed Dean W. O. Haatlnra J. M. Chowlna B. B. Moore B. 1. Stewart Dean B. A. Burnett B. C. Fllley ( U W. Chaao O. J. Pergueon ' Dean L. A. Sherman H. M. Wllcoa Foreat R. Hall" South Dakota Also. ' Vermillion. S. D.. April 1. (Spe clal.) "We wish to assure you that we will loyally support any measures, however visorous. which the govern ment may take in defense and vindica tion of American rights." This tele gram, signed by more than fifty of the members of the faculty ind staff of the University ot Soutn Dakota, waa sent last night by Dean Ethel hert W. Grabill and Prof. T. E. Mc- Kinney to President Wilson, Senator Sterling, Senator Johnson and Con gressman Dillon ot aoutn Dakota, CAPT HOBSON TALKS FOR A DRY NATION W. C. BrnlMl T. W. San ford C H. Chowtni MfttMlU a Bcttl Ocrtrud Moor Charlcf Fordyo 0orc A. Loveland Fred M. Fllnf . U. lllllor M. M. Fog Robert H. Woleott Wlllard Kimball , Carl C. Engbarr Barka B. Hrbkovft Joioph H. Power Frank H. BhoamaJcar William J. Allen Daniel H. Bui It van , Thorn T. Wlrtb P. M, Back, jr. Q, D. Bwoier J, D. Hoffmn , 8am II. Parker Benton Dale Hut ton Wabater Laura B. PfeKfer T, T . Bui look BMrler O. BabMtt Lawrence Bruner Dean It. A- Lyman STATE FAIR HOG BARN MEETS NEW SNAG ONITS WAY (Coatlnned from Paga On). possession. We remove an the 010 arguments that the liquor dealer put forward and leave them exposed in their real colors, merely as men who are making money from administering the poison to our manhood that has destroyed countless other nations and unless stopped in time will destroy uiis one." Cards were distributed for "re cruits to finance the "nation-dry" campaign. Hobson also declared that a pea tion with 12,000,000 signatures is to he presented to congress asking for the dry amendment. Talks at Auditorium. Captain Hobson was introduced at the Auditorium by John L. Kennedy, who had served with mm as a mem. ber of congress, who urged that this it a time for patriotism among Americana, A small gathering lis tened attentively to the captain, who told of the work of the Anti-saloon league m the United States. "Congress has been petitioned by 12,000,000 persons to submit a consti tutional amendment to make this dry nation," stated the hero of the Merrtmac The captain quoted statistical infor mation, showing the growth- of the anti-saloon movement, and he re ferred to the use of intoxicants as an organic- disease. 'He distributed cards at the close of his address, ask' ing for pledges from 33 1-3 cents to $100 a month, payable quarterly, "We are raising an army of volun teers who will give of their time and money for the furtherance of this work. We now have 700 regular workers of the league in the field," he added. Captain Jess Believes War Will Be Outcome ' Fremont, Neb.," April 1. (Special.) Captain Henry A. Jess of the Fre mont signal corps, who left this morn ing for Lincoln, believes that this country will soon be engaged in war ' with Germany. He has told his men that it may be sometime before they i t permitted to return to Fremont The company, recruited to the full strength, too its equipment to the capital city, where it is expected they will be called upon to do guard duty for a time, at least. The sanitary de tachment. Majo Birkner of Lincoln, commanding, wilt report at Lincoln today. -The sanitary detachment has a membership of twenty-four. - ' Teachers Re-elected. Deshler. Neb.. Aoril 1. (Special.) At a recent meeting of the school boaid the following teachers were re elected': Prof. H. Jennings, superin tendent; Miss Minnie Half man, gram. n:.. T 1. : u met, Jia jvatyinni: ii,ii;jr. pn- roary. . -Mis Hilda Jacobsorr of Ara paho, was elected teacher for the in termediate grade. ef any yardage charges due the state of Nebraska under the provisions of this act, shall constitute prima facie evidence of the violation of this act" Puta It Up to the Dry. In nlain words, this amendment will subject all live stock exhibitors at the state fair to a tax of 10 per cent on any sale they may make, di rectly or indirectly, as a result pt showing their animals at the . fair. Machinery exhibitors, people who show fruits or other products of the soil or any form of material or ar ticle, may negotiate with prospective customers and escape the tax, but a live stock owner dare not. That is the meaning of the amendment It has been hinted that if the dry members of the legislature who are also interested in the future of the live stock industry of the state, will only back away a little from the pro visions of the house bill or look with leniency on the amendments tacked to that measure by the wets in the senate, the Mattes amendment may not be vigorously pushed. , Moreover, it is suspected that the fine directing hand of Arthur Mullen has had something to do with the ap pearance of this scheme to discourage the exhibition of live stock at the Nebraska State fair. All that is posi tively known i that the amendment has made its appearance, and that the interested parties are lining up for a nice little scrap if necessary over the point involved. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meyer Observe Golden Wedding Greeley, Neb.. April 1. (Special.) On March 28, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meyer of Scotia, celebrated their golden wedding anniversary. They were married at Crown Foint Ind. When the boom was on for homes in Nebraska. Mr. Meyer and family came to Grand Island, filing on a nomcsicau wunoui ever seeing me land. They drove from Grand Island by1 ox wagon to Greeley county, March 16, 1878, and had lived thirty six year on the homestead. They are now living in Scotia. Two daugh ters, Mrs. George W. Milne of Greeley and Mrs. George P. Hoke of scotia, a daughter-in-law, and seven grandchildren came to help celebrate the event. The invited guests -were: At Locker, a brother; Kay Hansel of Scotia and Miss Leda Reed of Greeley. Mr. Meyer is a civil war veteran, having served four year from 1861 to 1865, and is remarkably well and active. Mr. Meyer is 77 year of age and hi wife, 67 years. Joe Smith, Quarry Foreman, Is Stabbed by Phil Michael Louisville. Neb- Aoril 1. (Soecial Telegram.) Following a dispute over wages, joe Smith, assistant foreman at the Woodworth stone quarries here, .this morning, was stabbed with a butcher knife, in the left side, by Phil Michael, a workman who had been with the company about a week. ire rather dispute occurred just out side the bunk house. Michael secur ing a butcher knife from a tabte, rushed at Smith and drove the blade its entire length into his aide, bout three inches below the heart Smith 1 in a serious condition and his recovery is doubtful. After the stabbing, Michael ran, but was fol lowed by a posse of the workmen and captured near Meadow. He was turned over to the sheriff of Sarpy county and taken to jail in Papillion. Lincoln Patriotism Shown In Two Great Meetings (From a Staff Correepondent) Lincoln, April 1. (Special.) Re sponse to the call for patriotism last nitrht demonstrated that the pacifist meeting of a week ago here did not trtily express the sentiments of the people of Lincoln. It 'is estimated that more than 6,000 people attended the patriotic meet ings, many being unable to gain ad mittance. The speeches were calm, deliberate addresses to educate the people along th lines of the present war, the conditions which exist and the steps which might be necessary if the country was compelled to take up arms. Resolution were sent to the ores). dent pledging the people of Nebraska to hearty accord with whatever might be his action if called upon to defend the honor ot the nag and the nation, Lincoln Men Plan Erection Of New Hotel in the Capital (From a Staff Correspondent Lincoln, April 1. (Special.) Frank D. Rager, Ernest Folsom and others associated with them in the proposed building of the Crown hotel at Four teenth and P streets, in this city, have secured an option on the Lincoln hotel and also on the site formerly occupied by the old Capital hotel at Eleventh and f streets. It is understood that the project contemplates the erection of the new Crown hotel on the Capital hotel site. instead of at Fourteenth and F, but a new hotel will be also erected on the latter site. ! Hemlngford Community Club Meets. Hemingford, Neb.. April 1. (Spe cial.) The Hemingford Community club held a largely attended meeting on rnaay nignt. ine clutt is re organizing to include the ruralist as well as business men. Keith Pierce presided. F. M. Seidell, county agri cultural agent of Box Butte county, gave talk on "Agricultural." H. M. Bushnell, jr., of Alliance, president of . i. . ' . , f r , ... r mic naawmca vuramcrciai ciuds oi western Nebraska, talked on "Com munity Work and Patriotism. ' Commercial Club Banquet The Alliance Commercial club will give their annual banquet on Thurs day, April 5. It is arranging for large attends: co at this occasion, at which time the cl - will hear Com missioner Taylor of the State Rail way commission and Dr. Housbaum, community lecturer. Masonic School at Gering. . Gering. Neb.. April 1. (Special.) Andrew H. Vide, grand master, and Robert E. French, grand custodian of the Masonic lodges of the state, ar ried in the city Monday afternoon and held a central school of instruction. On Wednesday evening a luncheon was servea to eignty, House Compensation Bill WiU Be Passed By the Senators (From a Staff Correopondent.) Lincoln. Aoril 1. (Special.) In a speech yesterday Senator Hager of Adam pronounced the proposed workmen compensation bill the most dangerous legislation before the senate at the present session. The statement was made while the senate was considering the bill which recently passed the house. The sena tor is a candy manufacturer at Hast ings and he asserted that class ot peo ple were against it . "If this is passed it will bring on more trouble between labor and capi tal than the state has even seen, said the senator. Senator Beal of Custer had intro duced two bills, Senate Files 213 and 220, one amending the basis of com pensation and the other creating a state compensation commissioner to administer the law. In a communication to the Ne braska senate, the directors of the Nebraska Manufacturers' association had urged the passage of both measures. A house bill. House Roll 525. em bodying in one bill the provisions of the two senate bills, has just been reported out in the senate by the labor committee after passing the house. The senate bills are to be postponed in its favor. German Citizens of Polk Resent Rumors About Them Polk. Neb.. Aoril 1. fSoecial.) The residents of the German, com munity west of this village are highly aroused and indignant over a report which has gained circulation not only in this neighborhood, but in other parts of the state that they have been holding secret meetings m the inter ests of the German government and against the United States and that one of Uncle Sam's secret service men disguised himself and attended one of the meetings and at the proper climax made his identity known. These German citizens keenly resent the circulation ot a story that in any way reflects upon their fidelity or loyalty to the United States. These citizens of German birth, while they hope war may be averted, should war come, wish to proclaim to the world that Uncle bam will have no more patriotic defenders than they will be. Teachers' Association Has Banquet at Sidney Sidney. Neb.. Anril 1. (Soecial Telegram.) The North Platte valley Teachers' association closed last night with a banquet at Union Pacific hotel with Mayor lames L. Mcintosh and Professor Elliot of Chadron the principal speakers. This ha been the most successful meeting in the his tory of the organization. Ihe declamatory contest resulted as follows: Oratorical, Orval Harvey, Alliance, first; frank Wilson, Kim ball, second. Dramatic, Mildred James, Sidney, first: Violet Hegemen. Uenng, second. Humorous, James McGowan, Scottsbluff, first; Nellie JJednck, Sidney, second. ..( The following; officers were elected for the ensuing year: President. C M. Matheny, bcottsbluft: vice presii dent, K. n. iruax, Kimball; secretary, Aida xiaideman, uering. Wheat Near Shelton Is in Poor Shape Shelton. Neb.. April 1. (Special.) Many farmers in this locality have examined their fall wheat fields and opinions vary from a total loss to a good half crop in case rain should come soon. One prominent farmer reports that in places where large snow drifts have melted from the recent big snow, that on this land wheat is dead and can be pulled up by the tops, roots and all, while in other parts ot this same field rain would bring the eroD out in good shape, but many farmera will plow their entire crop up. Some will sow less acres In spring wheat and the balance put into corn. Potash Plants Compete For Box Butte Ranch Alliance, Neb., April 1. (Special.) A certain ranch orooertv which was bought more than a year ago for $16,000 has recently been sold for $62,000. The cause for this pheno menal price was the fact that two competing potash plants needed the land to protect their industry with the result that it was bought for three times its actual value. Delay In Finishing Cutoff. Fremont Neb.. April 1. (Special.) According to Burlington officials the Yutan-Chalco cutoff, which the company is building to shorten the distance from Omaha to Sioux City, will not be completed until May 1. Uilticuity in driving piles m the flatte river for the bridge to span that stream is said to be responsible for the delay. All the steel has been laid and only the bridge work remains to bs completed. Austrians Are Ejected. Petrograd. April 1. After making repeated attacks, Austrian forces yes terday penetrated the Kussian trenches near Kirlibaba, in the south eastern Carpathians, says the Russian official statement today, but they were ejected by a counter attack- and the position was restored. Near Odo bechti. southern Moldavia, a Teuton airship was destroyed by Russian air planes and anti-aircratt guns. : Shelton Saloon Robbed, Shelton, Neb April 1. (Special.) Burslars cot into the saloon of E. L. Lomax Thursday night and got away with cash and checks to the valua nf 250. It is sunoosed thev were either in hiding in the building when closing up hour came or entered through the transom over the rear door , Nature Cures, the Doctor Takes the Fee. There Is an old saying that "Nature cures, the doctor takes the fee," but as everyone knows you can help Nature very much and thereby enable it to effect a cure in much less time than is usually required. This is par ticularly true of colds. Chamberlain'i Cough Remedy relieves the lungs. liquifies the tough mucus and aids in its expectoration, allays . the cough and aids Nature in restoring the tys tern to a healthy condition. CZERNiTS WORDS ASK PEACE PARLEY German and Dutch Diplomats Segard Anstro-Hungarian's Words in This Light. HOLLAND MUCH STARTLED London, April 1. Renter's Amster dam correspondent says that a semi official Berlin telegram states that in German political circles the following view is taken of the interview with Count Czernin, the Austro-Hungarian foreign minister, in the Fremdenblatt, in which he was quoted as saying that the entente could conclude an honor able peace and that the proposal of the central powers for a peace confer ence still held good: We joyfully greet the rrank utter ances of the well-tried leader of the Austro-Hungarian policy. They will doubtless contribute to dissipate the rumors which the enemy is circulating that the central powers are interested in a Russian reaction and are willing to assist it to return to power. Count Lzernin closely adheres to the utter ances of Chancellor von Bethmann- Hollweg in the Reichstag. It lies now with Russia to reply to these clear and unmistakable utterances of the German and Austrian statesmen. Will of Germans Also. Count Czernin'a remark regarding his general readiness to enter peace negotiations immediately our enemies are ready to abandon their unrealiz able idea of crushing us also funda mentally agrees with the general wishes of the German people. As re gards this we can with erect head await the offer of the enemy, to whom since December 12 our intentions have been known. We are stroneer than ever on all fronts and we can and shall, as Count Czernin said, hold on to the end to an honorable peace wnicn really is worth our gigantic sacrifices. ' New Peace Proposal. The Hanue. Aoril 1. The impor tant interview with Count Czernin, the Austrian foreign minister, printed in the semi-official Fremdenblatt of Vienna and republished here, caused an unusual sensation in the Dutch press. The remarks of Count Czernin are generally interpreted in Holland as being a new peace proposal for a general conference of all the belliger ents without the interruption of hos tilities and the enabling ot conversa tions without the loss of military or political advantage. Mohler, Former President of Union Pacific, in From South Having spent the winter in the south, A. L. Mohler, former president oi ine union racinc, has returned improved in health and assertine that during the last six months he had had the greatest time of his life. He as serts that it has been the first real vacation that he has ever had and that he has enjoyed it hugely. Mr. Mohler will probably remain in Omaha two or three weeks and then will go west to look after his ranch property. When Mr. Mohler left Omaha last fall he went to Texas and there he spent several weeks hunting and fish ing along the gulf coast He made some great bags and some great catches. From there he went to North Caroline, remaining in that state until he started for Omaha. He made his headquarters m Newbern, going out on trips to the fishing banks and to the mountains after game. These expeditions were usually at- rennea wun success ana ne returns well estisfied with his outing and its results. Plant Barley at Holdrege. Holdrege. Neb.. April 1. (Spe cial.) Fifty per cent of the winter wheat area ot fhelps county will be planted to barley and at least 25 to oats and corn. There will be prac tically no spring wheat here, due to the lateness of the season and inabil ity to secure seed. Winter killing was not due to lack of moisture, but smothering by the ice early in the month, according to C W. McCoun naughy and Harry Mann, local grain dealers, who said the wheat was do ing well before the ice. but since it has been rotting at the crown while the roots rested in moist soil New Train to Alliance. Alliance. Neb.. Aorti 1. (Soecial.) Superintendent Weidenhamer of the Alliance division announces that the Burlington railroad has definitely decided to put on a new local train, beginning May 1, between Alliance and points east This train will re lieve the congested conditions of the traffic and lighten the work for the fast trains. The Burlington will be gin work at once on enlarging the freight facilities at Alliance. Farmers Buy Graf Elevator, Tecumseh, Neb.. April 1. (Spe cial.) ihe rarmers Elevator com pany of Graf has bought the elevator of the-Central Orananes company ot Lincoln. Possession will be given just as' soon as the Lincoln company can secure cars in which to ship the wheat in the elevator. The officers of the companv are president An drew Hahn; vice president, John Kuhlman; secretary, i. t. Roberts; treasurer, William fcrnst, jr., " Gering City Ticket Gering, Neb., April-1. (Special.) The ticket for city officers names A B. Wood for mayfcr, N. R. Reasoner for city clerk, F. E. Neeley for treas urer, and J. ts. Jones tor engineer. The latter two are the present incunv bents. - - rjiumo v in in v. ' ii 1 1 n i j v. . "-. Vre, formerly county treasurer; Frank Hnnta- formerly a clerk In the county treasurer's office, and Anton E. Dwnrak, a public accountant h&v or ganlzed a firm ot expert public x Goununu auu aueiwn, v Mother Chases Up Son for rear He Has Stolen March on father. OTHER C0MED7 ELEMENTS All aorta of freak and unusual cases furnish comedy and relaxation for the recruiters during their stren- effort to bring the military or ganizations up to war strength. While most OI me recruiter ic iw b fourteen hours a day, with hardly u nit fnr K n t,7 menl. thev. UMIC CliUUgu "v. . ' nevertheless, find many chances to en joy the lighter sine oi ineir serious work. A l!..n..a am..-. nf --ltt1riV Mt National Guard headquarters is found in the cases oi moiners, wives, amic, o and sweethearts who frequently seek ... ,.4--lani- ri;vr1 from rlutv IV K-i buoij'"... . . ------ - - or to prevent fond sons and brothers trom outburst oi painoiuui would bresjk the family apron strings. Mother Heads Off son. In breathless excitement, Mrs. R. A. Kress, 1608 Corby street, rushed Um -.,;fr,'nr atatinn tn Innuire IIIHF Hie IW, UI.I1-, , if her 16-year-old son, Virgil, had joined the Guard. "Wis tatner is out oi ine cuy, nc ".-,-1 I'm afrairl Viral! ia taking advantage of the fact toenlist against our wishes, it win oe soon enough for him to volunteer when he becomes of age." Peter Johnson, who is 40 years of age and served three years in the Danish army, joined Company B Saturday, although rather older than the usually accepted "rooKie. ne had to make his mark in lieu of signa- ... n til an1i(l-,nt n9-,r. hilt proved himself otherwise qualified. A . L an.l!n(iAii lim MM.ll r ' I . J -1 i m nne snape, ana mat Obituary Notes ilOtlM -a. Wa WAkW " a-va SUI v -v. . . yeari resident of Fremont, died at nis noms iners, loiiowinpj an umw often weeks. Mr. Brown was 67 years Ut, lfS7e Af VT 1UU T , VU-B MA M- A.-.UA two sons, an vi r remonu survivs Storz Famous Bock Beer On drautfht and in bottle through' out the city on and after April 2d. Order a few cases of this fine brew for your home, l'hone CHAS. STOK-., Web. UW- Wouldbe Rookies Try All Sorts Of Schemes to Get Into Service bad cold was the worst illness he ever had in all his life. Albert Sledge, a professional cook, living at 3455 South Sixteenth street, not only joined Company B, but was so zealous to "do his bit" for Uncle Sam, that he ran out in the midst of signing up, and soon brought five of his friends, who also enlised. One man was so anxious to enlist that he declared himself unmarried and with no dependents to support However, Major Todd said, the man's wife appeared later and had his en listment cancelled, because he had a family of three to support In the navy also, unusual cases broke the monotony of recruiting last week. Lionel Tuffield, son of C J. Tuffield, 2824 North Twenty-sixth street, appeared in knee pants and begged to be enlisted. He had his parent's signed consent, and exhibited a four-inch chest expansion, to make up for his tender age, only 15 years and 6 months. Recruit Given Up. However, Washington headquarters refused to waive the age and physical requirements on Lionel, and Lieuten ant Waddell reluctantly gave up the recruit, who declared he would en list later, after growing a few inches and aging a year or so. Perry Shirley, president of the jun ior class at Commercial High school, gave up his studies to enter the navy as a landsman for yeoman or clerical duty. He asserted that he would write articles about the navy for the high school paper, on the staff of which he has been a writer. His father is Tillman P. Shirley, 2205 Vinton street Perry went to the Great Lakes train ing station Saturday, The navy's need of men in the pres. ent crisis drew Andrew W. Edwards of Wymore back to the fleet, after he had married and settled down in business, following a previous term at sea. He left the navy in 1911 as coxswain. Saturday he told navy re cruiters that he had secured his wife s consent to his serving another term, and had left her a $1,000 bank roll to keep away the wolf till he could start sending his navy pay back home. Omaha Man Eefuses To Believe Report Of Reward by France Although Dr. F. J. Despecher, Omaha dentist, rendered notable civilian service to France during the three months he was there at the be ginning of the war, and has since then sent monthly boxes to Europe for Belgian relief, he refuses to be lieve that the French government has sent him a present in recognition of his services. However, an Associated Press dis patch Saturday announced that "something handsome" in the way of a big box that formed the only cargo of the British freighter Knight of the Garter, had reached this country, consigned to the Omaha man. "There must be some mistake," Dr. Despecher said, when told of the message by The Bee. He says he believes the box is something that his relatives at St. Nazaire. France, have sent him. But his friends are awaiting its arrival with confidence that it really is a gift from the French authorities, in rec ognition of the Omaha man's work. ENDS CATARRH, ASTHMA, Broochitit, Croup, Coughs and Colds, ot tnooey back. Sofa" and guarantees! try' Sherman aV McConnell Drug Co. The American Revolution began APRIL 19, 1775 v The Mexican War began APRIL 24, 1846 The Civil War began APRIL 12,1061 The Spanish-American War began APRIL 24 f 1838 ANY person -who owns the 'new Encyclopaedia Britmnica has access to -l this interesting information and to VERY MUCH MORE, including all the facts dealing with the causes and results of American wars all manner of interesting information on any subject and knowledge in ALL its many branches. . The Britannica is not only an authori tative source of knowledge about American affairs, but a complete survey of world affairs and international rela tionships. It gives you a complete ac count of your country's history, and, whatismoreimportant.anundersfanrfrig' of the problems and crises which have developed the nation and made it great. Intelligence is the keynote of good citizenship and true patriotism. And intelligence comes from knowledge. The more you really know about your coun try and the questions of the day, f7i better qualified you are to serve your country in the highest sense. This is just as true of citizenship as it isof business you certainly will concede that the more you know about your own business and businesses directly or in directly related to your own, the surer you are of advancement In both cases in patriotism as in business the most complete and author itative source of knowledge is the new Britannica. Abundant proof of this is afforded by the fact that the foremost men in Amer ican government and American business own and use the Britannica. President Wilson has access to a set in his official home. Secretary of State Lansing has a set in his official library. Secretary of War Baker and Secretary of the Navy Daniels were among the early subscribers. Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo keeps a set near his desk. And there are additional sets in the various de partments for general use. ' Among the 102,400 business men who own and use the Britannica are Presi dent Rea, of the Pennsylvania Railroad; President Earling, of the Chicago, Mil waukee and St Paul ; President John H. Patterson, of the National Cash Register Co.; President Vanderlip, of the National City Bank, the strongest bank in Amer ica; ex-Judge Gary, head of the United States Steel Corporation; President Vail, of The American Telephone and Tele graph Co., and hundreds of other heads of industrial and commercial enterprises. Do you realize what an advantage the Britannica would give you? To own it would mean to have always available the very best knowledge you need to make ?ou a better American, a more success ul business man. We don't want any one to buy the Britannica unless he is convinced that it will be useful and helpful to him. You should not order it simply because the leading men and women in America own it But you certainly should inquire about this wonderful library of knowl edgeand we must urge you to do so at once, if you propose to do so at all. For the remaining unsold sets are selling fast and these are all there are in the world printed on genuine India paper. No more can be printed because the war makes it impossible to get the Belgian,Irish or German flaxand Russian hemp out of which India paper is made. The Britannica is published in two forms: The large-size, higher-priced Cambridge issue, printed on genuine In dia paper, of which 75,000 sets have already been sold.and the popular "Han dy Volume" Issue, of which 100,000 sets have been sold, also printed on genuine India paper, and selling for about 60 less in price. You can buy a set of the Cambridge issue for 5 down and $5 a month for a limited period; or of the "Handy Volume"Issueforoiy $J down and a limited number of monthly pay ments as low as $3 for the cloth binding. Your set (29 volumes) will be shipped as soon as your order is received, giving you the immediate use of the books. Don't put this off a day's delay may lose you the privilege of obtaining one of these very last sets printed on the famous India paper. Act at once. Send this coupon, which will bring you sam ple pages of the two issues, showing the type, also pictures of the different bindings. Yea eta sm sat and lam relart all J. L. Brandeis & Sons Sixteenth Street, S. W. Cor. Douglas .ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA 120 W. 32nd St, Naw York Please send me at once sample pages of both the Cambridge and the popular "Handy Volume" Issues of the Britannica, showing the type, together with pictures of she differ ent bindings. I am especially interested in the large-size Cambridge Issue printed on genuine India paper, of which 75,000 sets have been sold. . the popular "Handy Volume" Issue, also printed on genuine India paper and sell ing lor about tiu; less. Please quote me the special prices at which I can buy one of these last sets. I t 7t. I eaeK .aetJBSaaaStSBMBVSaenBVSBBSBaejaaBa