THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, MARCH 30, 1917. 12 LIVE STOCK MARKET Not Mnch Change in Cattle for . Current Day Sheep Slow and Lower. HOGS HIGHEST ON KECORD . Omaha. March it, HIT. Receipts were: Official Monday Official Tuesday.... official Wednesday Ultimate Thursday . Cattle, Hoe Sheep, (.mi t.ont 11.111 .1041 . t.tll . t.ttt 11,141 1T.HJ U.tOt lt.Itt t.tot Va-jv devs this k.lo.i 1,011 10.7111 tt.tlt It.m 11,114 lt,17t 4.lfl Ha ma ilaya hut week..ll.4St Kama dura I Ml, Mama dsrs wks. am-ll.ttl Varna days 4 w"-a. a0.12.4 Kama dara laat year. . .11.401 Rerelpte and disposition of llva stock at Ike Union stock yarde, Omaha lor tha twen-tr-four hours andlnit at t p. m. jraatardair: RECEIPT CARLOADS. Cattla. Hon. Sheep. H'rt. P.. M. 8t P 11 Missouri Parlflo Union Pacific . , V, ft X. W weat r. A X. W.. aaat it ii u ; t " ' ' ti it i i lM 41 I a , f II (!.. St. P.. M. A O. B. A Q., oaatv 1 C B. A Q.. west.. II -.. ft. I. A P., aaat f. R. 1. A P., wsst . Illinois Cantral .. T Chi. Ot. Woat.... Veraf reeelnts . .1(7 DISPOSITION HEAD. . Cattle. Hon. Shaap. I.OM I.ttt 1,111 ,1,100 Morris ft Co lft ft Co.. 1 Cuaahy Packing Co.. Armour ft Co....... Dchwarts ft Co 1. W. Murphy Lincoln Parkins Co.. S. O. Packing Co.... Wilson Packing Co.. Kohr Packing Co.... Hunalngar ft Oliver.. Banton. Vansant ft L. r. B. Lewie I. B. Root ft Co.... 3. H, BuUa u r. hum Rosenstock Bros. F. a Ktllogg . Worthalmar ft Oagon Pennts Bros. Sullivan Bros .- Rothschild ft Krebs., Mo. ft Kan. Calf Co... Chrtatls Hlltlna .. Huffman- Both Meyer - Bannnar Bros. John Harvey , Denote ft Pranols.... Jensen- ft Luwrsa .. Pat O'Dav .......... Other - buyer 1.414 Mil 1.444 1,171 1.401 1.711 ttt 111 1.114 ToUll 4,111 14.1SS MM Cattle Ree.lpte ware liberal for a Thure - day, 144 trssh ear being reported In. This brlnn th total for the four days waok up to 10,111 head, the largest tof many weeks back and larger than a year ago by iver 1,000 head. In spile of the large run tha market wa In fair shape, prices being around stssdy with the decline noted yes. tarday, which means that tha market on the generat run ef medium to common eat tla la I(40o tower than last week, with llrlctly good hoary beef steers fully steady. Quotations on cattlai flood to oholee beeves, 11,(0011.(0; fair to good beevaa. 110. 760 11.(0; common to fair beevee, St.KO10.S0; good to oholca heifers, tt.t0t10.4t! good to .holes cows, t.liOlt.ll; fair to good oowa, (I.00OI.7S: common to fair cows, 11.10 O 1.101 prims feeding steers, ll.(0O10,l( good lo choice feeders, tl.Ittrt.stl fair to good feeder. tt.eO0t.7tt oommon to fair feed, are, Ifl.UOo.OO; good to choice, I stock heifers, 17.IS01.18; stock bows, 18.00O.00: slock ealvee, M.00O14.1(; veal cslres. H.00 0 1 1.00; beef bulls, stage, etc..! bologno hulls., Representative- aalaai .... BEEF STTCKRS. N'o. ,. 1.. 4-. . Av. Pr. No. At. Pr. ..... tit it tt ..... 140 I 41 411 t Ti 1114 I It ..... til I TI tit It tt 1071 10 40 I It It .....ioji 10 ti .....1017 It ti .....not 11 it .....not 11 1264 11 40 T... .... lit It II St.,. .... 114 I It .... 101 to .... 171 II .... 171 I tt ....1061 It 16 11.. 17., 10., 10., ,..,1014 10 10 ,...10t It ft ....1014 It Ti ....lilt 11 tt .... tit 11 tt 17; it., tt., ....1117 11 II ....1211 11 41 ....1161 11 0 it noi 11 to 11..,,... .1515 11 Tt 14... .lilt 11 ti STKEHS AND HEIFERS. 35., 4., IS7 I 40 4.. 117 I (0 lit t ti 17 Il it ... ilt It ti T. ....... "S It SB ... ttt It II II... ... fit It It . t... ...nil 11 :o HEIFERS. ... 141 1 40 I... ... 441 I it 1... ... Tit I tt 1... ... Tit I it t... ... tit 10 00 s... ! CALVES. til It to ..1011 It Ti ::::,.! Ill .... in 1 11 ....1011 t TI .... lit It II 1 , I. ., 1... I. 14.,, !.. ' 4, 1.. - 54. 41.. (4.. It.. ...117 I to II........ 471 II ... 471 I II . I ttt t It ... lit 11 00 - 1 141 11 li ... lit 11 it 1 1TI 11 II TOflKERH AND VEKDERS. 411 I It 16........ 414 t It Ill t tt II. ....... iOt I It Ill tt It 71 It tt ,.im it 10 noes While hog reeslnts Wert tha small. rat alnoa Monday, they wort INterel for this time of the week, the run being tna larg. e,t that has been hero on a Thursday this month. Estimates called tor lit cars, or ll.HO head. This makes the total for the week to date 11.011 head, which It twteo as large aa a week ago, 1,004 heavier than two weeks ago and a gala of about 10,000 over year ago. - - Conditions war In favor ot (alien this morning, shippers having good orders and - other points reporting advances and desplts a fairly liberal supply the market opened ' sharply htrher. Shippers bought thatr hoga ' on a llftlie higher be, IB. Thar were etui - paying nioat attention to llghle. but were also tsklng some or tne heavier stun. Packers also seemed to have good orders, for ther soon fo lowed tha lead of ehtu- pars, paying ItOllo higher srlooa reedllr, The early trade waa aottve, apd the big end of the offerlnn waa elsaned up before It 0 clock. Before a eiearanoe waa etieotcfl, - however, brad weakened and tha oloea waa stow, duet buyera had filled their ordera . by Ihla time, and upwards of twanty.flva loana that were left when the alump oame . had A sell at leaat a nickel lower than . early, or not over t91to higher than yes- - terdar. Most or the bogs mat sold on tna close were not antra dealrable, the good stuff having pretty well oltaned up earlier. In tha end praetlceUy everything . was cleaned UP. - Today'? advance put tha market gt the highest, levels aver touched here, . oven though the gain waa partly :oat late. Bulk .sold at, and tha top reached :. 114.11, a nickel higher tbas waa over paid here prevleua to today, nepreeentatlvo sales: o. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. ... 14 41 , ., 14 tt .... 14 Tt tt It It ..lit 14 II 44. .171 It.. 114 IT.. HI 1T..III It. .174 II 14 It ... 14 It Ittlll Ti ... It II 71. .114 II. ,104 70.. Ill Sheer A pretty liberal run of aheep and ambs showed ttp for tble lata in the week. wine forty cars, or 1,100 head, being re ported in. ' Tha four days' total of. 41,117 aoad la 10,000 larger than last week, 1.500 leavlsr than two weeka ago, and more than J.oot greater than a year ago. So far this week the' supply la the largeet that haa Men hero alnoa lata In February. The market was slow - all day, peckers trying for aeetlnea, but m the ana every, thing except light Mexican sold ataadr. - Top was Ewes were fully steady, wavejoa again roaemag Spring lambs sold at I17.04J1I.00. Quotation on sheep and lamba! Lamba, light and bandy, 14.T(91i.l(; lamba. b'.avy, IU.tooi4.7tL lamba, clipped. Ill; laiaba. shearing, tlt.li014.Ti year lings, good t choice. lll.fl0Oll.Tl: yeer. Hugs, fair to good,; wethers. fair to cholea. tll.IC911.1ii ewes, good choice, Ill.lt912.tii ewes, fair to good. II 1.; owes, plau to culls, 17.80 Repreaentatlvg saleai Kit. A. ..It ..14 ..It ..Tt ..14 ..II ..II T4, . 14 . ti 1(4 fed lamb ,. 74 fed lambs Ill frd-lamba ... 144 clipped lamba lit Mexican awe ,., 172 Mexican hush 141 fed lamb 44 fed lambs 414 fed Umbo.... 7lt Nebraska feeding latuba., its feeding lambs 1 Man City IM Mm Market. Mont dir. Ia , March' If Cattle Re c-lpla, .1.31,0 head: Toarket steady ; s beef bUiurs, (5,.ogU.0; butchers, fat cows and kelfers,; snnere,; stocksrs and feeders, 17.110 SO; calves,; oun,v sieve, e.o. 17.(001.(0; feeding cows and heifers, 1.00. Hon Reeelpta. I.H heed;' market to hlibar; light. 14.4t14.H: mliea. 14.((O14.70; heavy, ll4; pits, 111.; hulk of aalea, 114.(1014.70. Sheep and lamoa itecaipis, iw no; market steady; yoarllnn. I11.00O11.K; weihera, 111.60fflM0; awes, 10.S011.40; lamba, 111.00O14.H. CHICAQO UVE STOCK MABR1T. Cattle Steady, Ron StoM and Shoe Are Una. Phlraeo. III.. March it. Cattle Receipts, 000 head; market steady; native beef cat- le, l.lOOIMOi atockers and fecdrra, t.10; cowa and belters, se.auviv.u, leee. i.(0O14.00, . . Hon Reeelpta, il.000 head; market steady at lie above yeaterday'a average; bulk, iis.oooie.i'.; g"t, mired, tUMttlHl; heavy. I14.40OK.I0; rough. lll.0t H.71: plga, 10.(0O14.1(. Sheep and Lambs Recclpte, 14,000 head; market firm; wethera, llt.MOlt.TIi ewra, tl.00911.10; lamba, tlS0091(.l(; eitra fancy Meilcana, M. IaU Ura Mock Market. St touts. Mo March It. Cattle Re. celpta. 1.700 head; market steady; native beef staera, iT.K091i.lfi; yearling ateers and halfere. II. 10O11.76; cowa, K.KOIO.OO; stackers and feeders. to.tOOIO.OO; prime eouthern bnef steers, tt.00911.t0; beef cows and heifers, i4.1ol-oo; prime yeaning ateers and fcelfrre, tT.tooie.oo; native calves. Hogs Receipts. 11, zoo neao; marK higher; light,; pigs, M.109 11.(0; mixed sna wieners, fi4.7vtyift.z; good heavy, IK.l091t.lii bulk, (11.710 10. Shaao and Lamba Rerelpta, 1,004 head; market aleadyi lamba, t1i.001i,4t; twea, ll.i091i.Ki yearunn, bans City Live Stock Market. Kansas city. Mo.. March It. Cattle Re. celpta, 1.000 head; market steady; prime fed steera, t11.7iOll.i0; dressed, beef steers,; western ateers, ll.oooli-OO; cowa,; neirera, 11.00911. is; stockera and feeders, it. 00 911.00; bulls, t7.60910.00; eslves, ti.009il.oo. Hngs Receipts, 1,000 head; market hither; bulk,; heavy,; packera ana nutcners, in.ieii.ivi light, llt.SOff H.0; plga. tlMiOli.M. Sheep and Iimba Hecelpla, lo.ooe neao; market lower; lamba. 111. 7(914.00; year lings, wethers, tll.i09U.liS awes, Naw Peslmaotern a Ad farriers. ' Washington. March It. Special Tela. gram.) Nebraska poetmaatera appointed. Beardwell, Brown oounty, Etnel a. new- comb, vice W. H. Newcomb. reslned; La. vaca. Cherry county, Klleha C. Bwlgert, vice Ktnel Jonnson, rssignea. Rural letter camera appointed! nenrasKa; Sargent. Walter V. Sargent; Sargent, Carl Hough. Iowat Bloomneld. Charlie t. .Eflwaras; Rockwell, Herbert B. Monahan. , W. A. Dndwnlng and C. R. Marshall have been appointed clerks In the .postofftca at Seward, Mob. M. Jeeeok Lire Mack Marital, St. Joaeph, March tt. Cattle Receipts, 400 hsad: msrket steady to 10c lower; ateers, tl.i091l.00; cows and heifers, 11.00; rslvaa, fl. 00911.00. HOae Kecelots. T.500 headt market 19 ltc higher; top, 111.10; hulk of tales, 114.90 lt.lo. Sheep and Lambs-Rrrolpts, 1,000 head; market steadyl lambs, tll.OOOH.OO; awsa,, lie Stock h Right. ' Recslpts of llva stock yestsrday at tha five principal western markats: cattle. Hon. noeep. Slouc City , Omaha . 1.100 -1,100 100 , 4.000 4,000 , 9,000 1.T00 12,600 21,000 1,000 11,200 9,100 14,00ft 10,000 1,000 Chicago . . . , Kansas City , .uouis . TcUIs ,.. .14.000 69,Ut 94,700 Hew Trk Montr Market. New York, March St. Mercantile Paper 4044 per cent. terllng Exchange 40-day bills, 94.71; commercial 00-day billa on banks. 94.71: commercial 90-day bills. 94.70 ( demand, 14.70 t-ioi canies, i.7 t-ii. Stiver Bar. Tie; Mexican dollars, 16 c Bonds Oovernment steady i railroad. Ir regular. Time wane steady: o ana so aaye, m Qi per cent: sla months. 24104 per cent can Money menu y: Ulan, zu per cent: low. tk per cent; rullnr rate. 2U per cent: last loan. 2tt per cent: closing bid. 214 per cent: offered at iu per vent. B. 2S. re... tf "M..K.AT. IRt If TS oo coupon.. a, si "m. r, con. as. ,ios V. 8. 3s, ret., .100 Mont. Powsr Is. MH "do coupon... 100 14 ff. T. C. deb. 0s.lOU V. a 4s, reg...l0T N. T. C. 4Mb... 107 do coupon.... 101 New Haven . fa. 101 A.T.4T. e.49.1H No. Pac. 4f t ngio-Frenoh 6. oitt do is sou At eh. gen. 4s... 04 O.IL ref. 4s.. 92 B. A O. 4a l2Pac. T. A T. s.)0 Bth. St. ref. Be. 100 Penn. con. 4Ua,10s4 Cent. Pea. let... i do gen, 4Hs.. tt'j C. A O. cv. 4Hs. 90 Reading gen. 4. 94 B. A Q. It 4a. OT Ho. Paa. cv. As. .103 CM.ASt.P. c.MieiH do ref. 4.... 91 ri.p. rr, 4a 7iv bo. ny. ioi C. A fl. ref. 44a, 23 Union Paclflo 4s. IT Tf, A R. Q. 0. 4a 71 Co cv. 4s ffl Brl van. 4..... 06 U TT. fl. Rubber Is.l02ti Oen. Klectrlo M.ltl4U. M. Steel Is.. .10s Ot. No. 1st 4. 01'W. Union 4Ho. 144 I. C ref. 4e...'t - Pom. of C, 1131. !! t. c. h, reL is.iSftV Bi4U U A N. un. s.94 . Cff Mark. ;. ' ..,! New Tork, March II. The morket for coffee futures a little more than recovered yeeterday'a loaeea during today' trading. Ther wis no aggressive or general demand, but offerings were light while there waa some trade buying and poesibiy a nut sup. port from investment amircea on a more optlmlstlo view of peace prospects. Opening prices were I to 4 points miner ana active months sold 10 to 12 points above last night's elos daring the afternoon, with July touching T.llo and December l.lte In the late traainc. uioeing prices were at nearly the beat point, showing a net advene I to li point, sales were B.toe baa. Maroh, 7,46c; April, t.oi May 7.10o: June, 77c: JMly, T.IBc: Anguat. T.tooi September, .lie: October, 1.04c: November, I.OSc; Pa- camber, f.lOo; January. I.llot .February, Spot coffee, dull; Rio Ta, IHc; Bantoa 4a, o. Fw trean orrera were reports a in the oost and freight market, but tt was reported that a bid of mo had been ac cented for Santos s and 4a. Lonaen creaus, out bo mention waa maueor tne aeaonp tlen. The official cables reported an ad vance of 75 rela In the Rio market. Santos spots wer unchanged and futures SI to 90 rela lower. Cottoa Market. - New Tork, March 31. Cotton Putaree onened steady: Mar. lt.lOe: Jutr. 18.10c October, 11.07c i December, ll.ltrCj Jenuaryi ll.SOC Cotton futurea closed steady; Mar. it.oic July, ll.stct October, ll.Olcj December, la.oioi January. ia.oio. spot, quiet: mia dllng. 19.10c. The cotton market eloaed steady, hat nolnta hlaher to I Points lower. Liverpool, Marcn as, uotton npot. strong 1 good middling, 13.13c; middling, i.iioi' low miaaiing, ii.B4c; uiea. bales. - Omaha Hay Market. Prairie Kay Receipts light, market higher en better aradea or hay and alfalfa i d. mand continues good. Vpland: Choice, 912.10 14.00: No. 1, 912.!0.913.00; No. I. 910.I0O oot No. 3, ii.0QOf.D0. Midland; No. 1, 111.000 12.10! NO. 2. 60010 60, XAwland No. U II.30O9.00; No, I 9T.I0OS.90! Nav t, 00.oV7.eo. Aire ra -cnoiee. sir.nnnzo.oo: rro. 9ll.009ll.00t standard, H5.oniMT.00! No. 2. U8.ooni4.oo: no. . IlO.tPOlJ.SO, niraw vati ot,oqt,o; wneat, fs.oeo .ee. Metal Market. New Tork. March 10. Me tale Lead, owlet et e.7H ssaea. sjpeiter, eutet: spot, Bai St. Louis delivery, 9l0.40Oi0.7l. Copper, ajii; eiectroiyuc. a pot ana nearby, nominal aeeond quarter. 9st.00O3l.0O, nominal; third quarter, fii.ooosi.eo, iron, nrm and an- changtv. Tin, ateady: spot, iH.ioosi.oo. At leondon Copper; Spot.- f ISO: futurea. 1119 IPs: electrolytic, iti, Tim spot. 131 Si; futurea, 1214 lie. Lead, M 10s. Bp el. ter, ?, f ; 1 ' ' ' Bagmr Market, Kew Tork, lyarch 20. Sugar Raw. firm centrtfugai, o.sf tis.oje: moiaseee. 1.02 l.l.e. fteflned, firm; fine granulated, T.2I O 0.00c. Sugar futures opened firm and active today, on continued buying by the Cuban Intereate aa well aa euonort from nommlseton house. At Been prices were u ft points n.gner. ' ' ' ,; (Ml si Savaanah, Oa.. March It. Turpentln Firm; 44c. eaiH, 1 bbi.; recti pta, ill ahlpments, 2: stock, 9,714. Roaln-Plrmt eatnt, 279 bble ! reoelpte, 341: Htitpmente. ion: L'ook. 00.478. Qnote a. fl, i' antt p. ii bo: r, u. h una 1. n 40 K. 1.J0, 3t, N and WU, ti.Ui Wxr, GRAIN ANDPRODOCE .All Market! Are Substantially Higher, but the Trading is Kather Slow. SELLIRS ABE HOLDING OUT r Omaha, March , HIT. Today'fe. reeelpta of raln wart vary food and wklla all markets war avbatantlaUy talghar, tha trad waa rather alow twcatiM of tha fact that aaveral of tha acllira held out for better prleea en wheat and corn. Tha demand, however, waa not over active, and It was almost noon before the buyers beyan to bay-corn, althoofh there were quit few sales ef wheat and oats re ported during tb early part of tha ses sion . The wheat market waa very stronr ai an advance of 2c to 4c, and while there were a few cars of mixed wheat sold, the bulk of the sales were made up of the No. and No. l trades of hard winter. No. hard waa quoted at 11.01. a record price; No. I hard brought 12.09, no. i mixed aold at $3. OS. and on car of No. mded brousht $2.00. Tha corn market aencraiir waa quotea ic hlvher and, with the eiceptlon of a few la of the No. 1 aradee of wnit ana yel low corn, all the corn aalea war made at 11.11. Tna oars maraei w Try miront compared with the other market, and this cereal sold much more readily than wheat com. A new hlrh price of fflo waa had for a choice car of No. 1 white oat, and there were aeveral sales of ordinary No. I white : etc 10 itc. There wis onlr a Mant trad in ry nd barley, and these market were again quoted nominal):' firm. Clearances were: wneai ana noar aqua. UMOO bushels; corn, 30,dq vusaeia; oats, bushels. Primary wheat receinia wer ves.uutr no. and ablpments of Ml,000 bo., aralnnt re- Ipta of i.w.qoq bu. ana antpments or 040,000 bu. last year. Primary corn receipts were 7S,oni mt and ahlpments of 447,000 bu., against re ceipts of 441,900 bu. and ahlpments of ftftS.OOO bu. last year. Primary oata receipts were 78H,oob nu. and ahlpments of. 784,000 bu.. r- ipts ot 123,900 bu. ana snipments or 6)1,000 bu. last year. ' CARLOT RKCEIPTS. Wheat.. Corn.1 Oats. Chicago S , 110 Mlnneapolla 400 ... ... Duluth t Omaha 43 17 22 Kansas City ......... 10 HO . 70 8t. Iiula ...107 2 : 19 Winnipeg 147 Theae salea were reported today: Wheat No. t hard winter: I can. 13.01. No. t hard winter: X oar, $2.00. No. 4 hard winter! 1 car, 92. Sample hard winter: t ear, 11.10. No. 4 durum mlied; 1 car. l.M. No. I mixed: 1 ear, 22.01. No. 4 mixed: 1 can 92. Barley- Rejected : 1 ear, 11.12. Corn No, 2 whltet 7 cars, 91.11, No. whiu: 1 car (shipper's weights), : t cars, 91.11; 1 ear, 91.17; 2 care. II. ITS. No. I yellow: I cars. 11.11; 2 care, 9117. No. I yellow; 1 car, 91.13; 1 car, 91.17; 9 cars, 9MT4; 1 car, 91.17. No. I mixed: car, 11.16; I II ". Oata No. 1 white: 1 oar, ooc. standara: oar (shippers weights), etc. No. I white: 1 car (shipper's weights), 14 c; 1 car, 04 c; 2 cars (ehlpper'a weights), 04c; cars, 04c; 20 car, 040. xso. wnite: 1 car 04c. Omaha Cash Price Wheat: no, I nara, II.0BO3. Of: No. I hard, 9l.05O3.0l; No. 4 hard, 91IBOI 04; Corn: No. t white, 9117ft 1.11; No, I white, 91.17 01.11; No. 4 hit, 9l.UOM7; No. 9 white, 9M0 1.17: No. white. 91 It 1.17: Nof I yellow. 9l.lT01.Ut No. t yellow, 11.17 O II: No. 4 yellow, 11.1701.17; No. 0 yel low, l.ll01.1THi -No. 0 yellow, 1.1I0 I7t no. 2 mixea. si.ieai.ivvi; no, mixed. Il.ll01.1l: No. 4 mixed, 91.10O N e mixea,; no. mixed. 11.1601.14. Oits: No. I white, 4Otlo: standard, !4OI4a; No. white, t404c; No. 4 white, t3O04o. Barley: Malting, 91.1701 37; No. 1 feed. Rye; No. 2, 1.6l.ll MO. 91.01 Ol.OO. Oaaah Fataree. A bullish sentiment prevailed In the wheat market aa a result of the continued dry weather in the west, and while the market declined a trifle during the early houra, baying pressure forced almoot a 4o advanoa in mat article. The trade on the whole today was not very active and was confined mostly to the wheat and corn markets. There were very few of the traders who are willing to risk the abort side of the market as long as the present acut. crop situation exlits, and while the marked may reeaive temporary setbacks, tne general belief Is that prices Will eventually be much nigner. May wheat opened irm tt a ho aavane over yeeterday'a close; July wheat closed practically unchanged, wntte tne neptemper ruled a fraction lower. All the corn out one advanced, nut tna biggest gain waa made la the May article. which closed lo higher, wnne juiy corn advanced 1, and the September article oloeed lc , higher. The oats market was quiet. Mid while May oata ruled a fraction higher at the dose, tha July and September options closed unchanged. Local range of prices! Art. I Open. 1 HigH. , Lovr.j Close. 17. WhtTT "1 : 1 May t'14 1 99 114 111 104 July 1 01 1 66 10S 1 lfi 160 Sept.; 1 10 1 12 160 1 10 160 Corn. May 1 14 1 16 114 1 10 114 July , 1 11 1 14 113 1 14 111 Sept. 1 10 HI 119 1 11 110 Oats.- Mey 12 : 12 01 61 03 July ' 60 10 66 66 66 Sept. 40 41 40 41 46 Chicago eloalng price, furnished The Bee by Logan A Bryan, stock eM grain brokers. 115 south sixteenth street, omana: Art. Open. High. 1 Low. Close. Tee. Wht. I I May 1 19 1 91 104 1 II 194 July 1 17 1 66 100 1 00 160 Sep. 1 91 1 16 1S1 1 94 113 Corn. May 1 1T 1 19 117 1 II 117 July 110 1 17 116 117 116 Sep. 1 14 1 16 114 1 13 114 Oata. May; 11 11 11 63 91 July 16 .60 66 61 66 Sep. ,61 91 II 13 62 Pork. May 14 71 14.60 84 II 34 II 34 90 July . 94 01 34 09 12 96 II 17 SI 17 Lard. May 19 97 20 20 II II 20 II 19 17 July 19 02 19 37 29 17 20 22 II 16 Rlbe. May II 30 II 17 19 30 16 33 IS 19 July II 17 18 66 til 27 13 60 13 20 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Wheat Advances 9 Maw High Reeertl Be- : cause a fBaUleh News, Chicago; March 29. Higher- war prices yet were touched in the wheat market to day, the quotation for May delivery jumping to wiinin o or a ousnei, uooaya record, which resulted from excited, rushes to buy, waa the topmost ever reached by any future delivery sine 1660. Sensa tional crop damage re porta, eepeclally from southern-Nebraska, la rgely-responsible ror the new upturn. The market eioeed un- nettled at -the sams aa-yeaterday'a finish to 3q, higher, with May at 91.07 to 9116, and July at 91.09 to 91.66 Corngalned lo to lo net;, oata, o to ic. and provisions e to 27O30e. wild trading in wheat developed soon after th atart, the apeeulatlve crowd being greatly wrought up by report indicating that 79 per cent of the winter crop In the eouthern half -of Nebraska had been so badly damage by drought: that the fields were being ploughed over and sown te oats ana barley. Kansaa reports told also of a vere damage and seemed to Imply that un- leaa rain fell soon the yield in many sections might be almost a total failure. The effect of such sdvlees was undoubtedly heightened by the ract that tne reoent enforcement of an embargo In Argentina had led North America as tha only aourc of breadstuff supply readily available for Europe. In thla connection the high premiums being paid ror ,cn wheat wer taaen aa pointini clearly to the urgency of tha demand and tha emallnese of stocks at consuming point. Striking news of a big defeat for the Turks In Palestine acted at one time aa aomethlng ef a check en the wheat bulls aa the dlaster te the Moaelems. suagested a renewed likelihood of the opening of the Pardanellee. However, wires soon soaring again and showed no further Im portant reaction until realising of profit became free In the last hour and mad th pit nervous. . Com ascended with wheat. All deliveries went to new hleh price levels for thls ee wma crop. IteftMpte here were notably small and rural settling meager, Oata came up to within a fraction of the tiptop season values scored last November. Provisions advanced eharply on parebasea credited to commission housee and packers, snd Impelled by the upward awing of the hog market and o f grain. Lard especially waa In demand, and like wheat and corn smashed some of tb existing high price records. Cbtcago Cash Price wneat: No. 1 red. nominal: No. 3 red,. 3,06 2.00; Noe. 2 and 3 hard, nominal. Corn: No. 3 yellow. nominal; No. 2 yellow, 0I.ZIOl-Zl, No. 4 yellow, I1.30OI 21. Oats: No. I white. 640 66c; standard, 65066c. Ryo: No. 3, 11.70. Barley, 31.1001.36. '' Seeds: Timothy, 14. 0006-76; clover, 113.00011-00. provisions: Pork, 13.4.06; lard, :0.00O20.26; ribs, 118.60 f.e42. Batter Hi gner; creamery, id v tic, Erse Higher; receipts, 13,336 casei ; firsts, 30 Sic; ordinary firsts. 2 0 21 c; at mark, cases Included, 27030c. Potatoes Unchanged; receipts - twenty care. .... NEW TORK GENERAL MARKET. Quotations of the Day on the Various Lead- teg Commodities. New Tork, Kerch 21. Flour Strong; spring patents. 10.06O10.30; winter pat ents, 9I.70OI.I&; winter straights, 60.300 360; Kansaa straights. 910.06010.30. Wheat fiDOt. stronc; No. g hard, 0Z.Z7; No. 1 northern, Duluth, 12.38; No. 1 north ern, Manitoba, 13.32. f. o. b New Tork. Com spot, strong; no, 2 ye now, I. f.. New. Yor st- Oats Spot, firmer; standard, 77c Hops Dull; state, medium to choice, 1016. 36040c; Paclflo coast, medium. to choice, lOftlOc Provisions porn, strong; mess, tdo.iuitr 37.00; family, $3.flOSj1.00; short clears, 937.00030.00. Beef, firm; mess, Z6.oo 20.00: family 927.00020.00. Lard, firm; middle west, 920.40020.60. Hides Uulet: Bogota, 43044c; Central America, 43c. Leather Quiet; hemlock firsts, 07c; sec onds, 66c. Tallow Firm; city, izc, nominal; coun try, 12013c; special, 13c. Butter Firm; receipts, e.ees tuos; cream ery, higher than extras, 44atc; cream ery, extras, (02 score), 44c; firsts, 40O c; seconds, S7voc. Esse Firm: recelpte, 11,362 cases; freeh gathered., storage packed, firsts, 34 c; fresh gathered, firsts, 33 034c. Cheese steadier receiprs, i.iuo noire: state, held, specials, 27027c; same, aver age fancy, 26 037c. Poultry urwsaea, strong; cnicxens, iety 20c: fowls, 18024c; turkeys, 18034c. tve, firm; chickens, 31Z3c; fowls, 2&0 26c; turkeys, 26c. v , OMAHA 4i EN KM At. tt.lKECT. Poultry Alive Broilers, 1 to 2 lbs., 30c; broilers. 2 to 2 lbs., 26c: hens, under 4 lb., 10c; hens, over 4 lbe 18c; springs, ell elses, smoooth legs and soft under 6 lbs.. 2c; old roosters and stags, 14c; geese, 14c; duoks, 16c ; turkeys, 20c ; capons, over I It. 24c; capons, 9 lbs and under, 20c; guineas, each, 26c; squabs. Homers, 14 oa, each, per doxen, 94.00. H.t ter Choice creamery. No. 1 40et No 280. Eggs Fresh, No, 1, case, 97.90; No. I, fresh, 97.30; erax, caae, 90.60. (Jbeee ouotatiuita by (Iriau tt Co. I Cheese Fancy domestic, 42c; block, 32c; twins, 26c; daisies, 27c; triplets, 37c; young Americas, 28o; Blue Label brlrk, 24 c; Hmburger, 2ftc; Herkelmer (N. Y.) white, 28c roquefort, 0&c. Wholeeaie price of beet rutai Beef Cuts Ribs: No. 1, 2:0 lb.; Ko. 1, 30o; No. 2, 10c. Loins: No. 1, 26c; No. 2, 24c; No. 8, lie. Chucks: No. 1, I6c; No. 16c; No. 3, 14 Ho. Hounds: No. 1. 17c; . 2, 16o; No. I, 16c Prates; No. 1, 13c; No, 2, 13o; No. 2, Uc. Onion Sets Tellow. bu.. 14.00. red. 11.20: whit. 94.60. Msmmotn eatery, per oosen, sso. Frosen Fish Salmon Falls. 14c! Salmon Stiver, lie: trout. 17c; cat flab, lie; Alesks sablefleb. 11c; smelts. 18c; whiting. 16c;, lo; pike, yellow, dressed. 17c: round, i4c: picasrei, aressea. ibc; rouna. 6c: herring, round. 7o; herring. 8c: jumbo, 260; round, email, llo; til fish for sieaKs, 1x0. . rish rresn nanout, id., ib: iresn catiisn, large, 20c; medium, llo; froxen salmon, 17c; fresh frosen smelts, Ic; herring, dressed, 7c; pickerel, round, frosen, 9c; pickerel, dressed, frosen. lie; yellow pike, round, nc: pisck froxen, 16o; crapplea, Ic; silver bass, white perch. Ic: yellow perch, Set catfish, 16c; roe shad, 10c; fresh black base, 35010c; smoked whiting, headieea, mc; Kippered saimon, iso; black cod. alaska sable fish, lie. Smoked, halt and spiced Fish Smoked white chuba, ltc; kippered salmon, 18o; fin nan naaaie, 110; coatisn. noi ruruan coa. !(.; puooi, vai cvrvixn. nurrius, ivu hlrttra. Kfl trt box. 11.70: 100 to box. 13.16 l,c; PC 1 10c K, Bc; ivp.iv jx nerring, ivc; kippered cod, 10-lb, bssketa, lOo; whlteflsh. No. 1. 40 lbs.,; 10 lbs., ii,40; horrintt, spiced. 40 lbs.. 13.86: 10 lbs., t&o. Oysters "King Cole." large cans, stan dards. 40oi selects, 46c: counts, 60o Fruits Oranges : 260. 238s. 124s, 13,00; 200. 216. 61.76: 100s. 126s, 160s, 176s, 14.00. Lemons: Fancy 100s, 860s, 6.0o; choice 200s. 860s. 14.60. Oraoefrult: 30s, 14.00 46a. 24.26: 64a. 84.S0: 64s. 80s. 16s. 16.00. Apples: Jonathans, -extra fancy, 92.36; Jonathans, fancy. 12.16: wine saps, 176s, entailer, 93 00; W. W. Pearmalnes, extra rancy, fl.eo; vv. w. rearmaines. xancy, 93.86; Ben Davis, orchard run. 91. IOt Mis souri Pippins orchard run, 11.60. Bananas, Veaetab ea Potatoes Ratlnr. I3.8P hu.; Early Ohlos, 92.21 bu. Sweet poUtoes. 13.09 hamper; sweet potatoea seed, ox.ze dpi. Celery, 91.00 dos.; crate, 94.60. Turnips, carrnta. earanlos. rutabaaoea. 4o lb. Cab- base, le Ib, Lettuce. 94.00 crate, 91.35 do. Cauliflower, 96.60 orate, 92.00 doi. Cucum- hsra. extra, rancv. aos. Tomatoes. 97.00 crate. Onions: Red, 12o Ib.; Spanish, 910.00 orate. MlscellaneotM Cider, mo tie, s.z xer. Onion sou: Tellow, 99.00 bu.; red, I&.60 bu.; white, ll.oo bu. Minneapolis Grabs Market. Minneapolis. March 20. What May, 11.13401.02: July. 91.8601.8&. Cash: No. 1 hard, 83.10O9.U; No. 1 northern, 93.00Q1.04; NO, 2 nor mem, si.yeo 04. Corn No. I yellow, 11.1801. 30. Oats No. I white, 62062c. Flaxaead 22.88 WO 2.17. Floor Second clean advanced 26c, quoted at 86.80; other grades unchanged. Barley i.oio-- Rye 91 6401 66. Bran 316,0034.00. London Stocks and Bends, London. March 30. American securities were uncertala pending action by congress on the Stock exchange today. Silver Bar, 16 14-184 per ounce. Moniiv 1H nar cent. Dlecount Rate Short bills and' three months, 4 par cent. " Dank Cleavrtaig. Omaha. March- 81. Bank rlearinga for Omaha today were 90,727,037.06, nd for the corresponding day last year, a.Bie, 161.21. ' Leaden Sxehaag Will Close. London. March 20. The stock exchange here wilt he closed April I, 7 and f, Easter holidays. . Benefit Dance for Base Ball Team of the Stags A benefit dance for the baSe ball team of. the Order of Stags will be held tt the Swedith auditorium Sat urday night at 8:30. All of the funds derived from the dance will go to ward the purchase of uniforms ana equipment for the nine. All of the base ball player, and fans in Omaha have been invited to attend. AMrSFMENTH. "OMAHA'S FUN CENTER. Daily Mats., IS-M-gOc Evan'is, 15-JS-SO-75C FRED IRWIN'S 118 SHOW n.Z'L as tB..a.ia4 mm ttssaealMsaa lallltlH ait HetatflM EXTRA I THE NAT NAZARR0 TROUPE Israseu Aensals. a Fame at tas Nnr Tars wiam itAUTY CMORUt OF HAWAIIAN BANCM. (Flssl Ferlornsaee Friday Nut) . .meat n.MS I.. Titles wru nave. Sat Mat. Wk: Trad Irwin's Majesties." .fhon MouiUs 494 TNC ICIT OF VAUDCVILIE. Mb mtlm. Ml: Ntttrt. TMt WmH.' WILL M. Cltf MY A. BLANCHE DAYNF. flCOROt WHITE A LUCIUI CAVANAOH, NCUIC 4 SAftA KOUNSi ! niiiri imi rinufi MMaren L.til at ttlM. A rattans. Trmvtil WaeklV. Pr4m: Mat. Klfwv, I9a: tat Mali wft Biter- Mf Mfl tyj. .; aHju, iw. zm, ta hi m. WM ftTUtl I.INO A CO. F ft CAR, RAGGETT A FREAK rOUalS 319IUU lc nwt ; DurrET wunn BABY MARIE OSBORNE, te - tiTYitl. AT TWILIGHT" CblMraa'a Mat. Ubirdmf 10 A. M. NEW YORK STOCKS Market Counterpart of Dull And Irregular Session Of Previous Day. TRADING IS EESTEICTED New Tork, Marcb tt. Except tor spo radic movement. In special atocks, mainly at ht.h levels, today's market waa a coun terpart or tlie dull and Irregular seeeion of the previous day. Trading was again restricted almost wholly to tha professional elements, whloh brought and aold according to its caprices or th. sxigencles of ths hour. Banking Interest, were somewhat appre hensive during the morning on the sudden suspension of the market for exchange on the Teutonic center, but wheat condition waa overcome later when rates on Berlin and Vienna stiffened substantially. Declara tion of martial law In Spain gave rise to further misgivings regarding tha general, European altuatlon. Over tt - per cent of the total of &70,too sharea took place In the forenoon, the last three hours recording an almoet ateady di minution of operations to the accompani ment of tower quotations, in which rails yielded with the general list. Next to United Ststes Steel which ranged between 114 apd 114H, closing at 114, a net loss of ii ot m point, the most active stocks of the day included two newly listed issues Blrwlatre Oil and Mldvale Hteel. Sinclair, made an extreme gain ot 4 points to tilt, but Mldale'a maximum of 61 waa a gain of only to 1 point over Its final quotation on the "curb." Wilson Packing made the new nigh reocrd of 13 on another rise of t point, and Ohio Oa. also aought a higher level on Its advance to 182. with the aubscrlptlon "right.'' at4. but both failed to hold at top levels. Other epeclaltlee and utilities shaded on small offerings and metals, ship pings and minor rails wer. lower by 1 to z points.. Motor and Leather Issues, were early fea tures ot marked strength, but declined ab ruptly In the laat half hour with Sugar. and some of th. secondary equipment and supply Issues, Including Petroleume. General news embraced an analyals of February Import, and exports, the latter item aggregating 467.ff83,406, an Increase of almoat 66,000,OUO over tha aame month of mo. Th. only noteworthy rail statment for February waa that of th. Lehigh Valley railway showing a net decreaae of 1644,311. Bonds were irregular with a decline of t point In Pennsylvania railway 4s. Bond sales, par value, 12,860,000, United State bonds wer. unchanged on call. Sales; High. lw. Close. Am. Beet Sugar... 16,100 18 6 Am. Can 28,800 11 60 60 Am. Car 4 F ndry. 2,100 71 6S 61 Am. Loco. 1,000 7Z 71 . 71 6,000 106 104 104 2,700 113 113 113 400 127 127 127 800 27 36 36 1.800 84 85 83 300 104 104 104 10,600 61 i 69 300 7 71 V. 7! Am. Smelt lb Ref. Am. Sugar Ref... Am. Tel. ft Tel.... Am. Z., L. AS... Anaconda Copper,. Atchiaon Baldwin Loco Baltimore A Ohio.. Brook. Rap. Tran,. B A 8. Copper... - 300. 46 600 24 16 46 33 California Petroleum 23 Canadian Paclflo.. 400 164 164 163 Ready ewe. . Wool bunting flag's, best Size 6x10 ft, $10.50 Size Secure Your X FLAGS. Friday or ' Saturday PHOTOPLAY'S. I Vivian Martin in "TheSpirit Human Interest THE 8TORY "The Spirit of Romance" la aptly named. Briefly. It la tha story . romance enaoies ner to point out HUMAN ntTERESTOf course, the little drudge's Idee W a retular time would he to be turned loos In candy store, , so it Is cult, natural she should round up all the kids in the neilhborhood and turn them loose in confectionery shop. Is there anybody in the world who wouldn't like to see this scene, oven tt they oouldn't take part in it? Aiid . from the psthetie moments, this picture abounda in comedy. ( One impromptu bit by Colin Chase la a Una of experiments with a tea ksttle, which will "rock ths house" with laughter. . THE AUTHOR Trie whlmtlcal story. . screen by Adele Harris. SPECIAL CHILDREN'S PERFORMANCE SATURDAY 10 A. M. iiS(0) IS TOlAY AND SATURDAY GEORGE WALSH DORIS PAWN . - in "HIGH FINANCE" Phonf Tyler 1000 - n'ftufc V U 14.101 12 10 11 1,40. 61 10 60 1,100 84 18 3 4tt 111 117 117 40 2,000 1.600 17 61 26 70 20 67 11 68 20 2 6t 614 26 Corn Producta Ref. 10,100 Crucible Steel. rt.. 7,700 68 K Dlstlller'a Sec Erie Oen. Electric OU Northern pfd.. Ot. No. Ore Ctfs... Illisoi. Central.... Inter. Con.ol Corp. Inspiration ,Copper. 200 20 39 166 114 34 106 11 60 116 90 22 46 130 91 40 30 106 ,to 23 I. IOt 600 166 161 200 lit 116 1,800 36 34 700 106 106 1,200 12 12 1,700 11 60 Inter. Bar., N. J Int. 11. M. pfd. ct(a. 20,100 K. C Southern i.. ti 81' Kennecott Copper , L. A N :. Mexican Petroleum Miami Copper Mo. Pacific, new... Montana Power.... National Lead Nevada Copper.... N. Y. Central M. T., N. H. A H.. Norfolk A Western Northern Paclflc... Pacific Mall Pacific Tel. A Tel. Pennsylvania Ray Con. Copper.. Reading Rep. iron A Steel. . Shattuck Arts. Cop. Southern Paclflo... Southern Railway.. Studebaker Co Texas Company.... Union Pacific U. a Ind. Alcohol. U. S. Steel........ U. S. Steel pfd.... 2,600 46 46 400 130 130 200 t3 10 1,100 41 40 1.300 31 30 t.000 108 104 1,200 61 60 too 98 17 46 2,400 134 132 132 400 106 106 106 23 32 53 8,400 1,200 7,300 4,200 700 64 20 19 84 28 13 J9 21 98 82 28 96 28 98 82 26 96 28 1,600 3,600 t6 29 1,700 104 102 102 s.ouo ZZ9 226 226 4,200 141 140 140 1,600 126 123 123 12,800 116 114 114 ww IIS 118 117 utan copper 4,300 111 110 110 tvaoasn rid. "U".. 400 26 . 25 .. 26 Western Union 600 17 97 97 Westing Eiectrio.. 4,900 13 62 52 ' Total sales for the day, 170,000 sharea, Three Resign from Guard To Join Regular Army Three members of the Fifth Ne braska1 National Guard have resigned to join, the regular army.. They are Charles I. Shaul and James M. Puett of Lincoln and Lon M. Richardson of Beatrice. They will be sent to the army training camp at Fort Logan, Colo., if their resignations from the guard ar accepted. The Fifth regi ment has not yet been called out by the president. Four New Boy Scout - Troops Are Approved Four new Boy Scout troops were approved by the executive committee of the scout council at a noon meet ing at the Commercial cluh. Thev are the troops of Scoutmaster Fred- navan, tlanscom Park Methodist church; James Drummond, St. Mary's Avenue Congregational church; Paul T. Hill, Oak Street Methodist church, and George H. Bowley, St Luke's Lutheran. When the Central Leather C. ft O , C, M. A St. P.., C. A N acct paid Chino Copper. . ., Colo. F. and I. . . Anticipating the requirements of "Old Glory" this store displays a embracing large and small ikllflflVV ' tiAiAwn1 lUsjenslMM vuinuig, uauviieu wuiiiviiig, cfii ri an aim ring ah mouniea wrcn gin spears, each .10c to $3.50 Muslin Flags White sticks, bright colors, from per dozen, 5c, to each ... .35c Sewed Stripe, fast colors, canvas heading, brass grommets, clamp dye blue field Size 3x5 ft, ea..$1.00 Size 4x6 ft., ea..$1.69 Size 4x8 ft., ea. .$2.25 National Bunting Flag, sewed stripes, sewed stars, canvas heading, brass grommets, clear fast colors Size 6x10 ft., ea . $6.98 Size 4x6 ft., ea . . $3.75 Size 3x5 ft., ea. . $2.98 grade worsted, heavy canvas 5x8 ft. ; .$8.50 Size 4x6 ft. . H AYDEN' U ilj6tPD0OSDOU0UkS STREETS PHOTOPLAY. -THE MUSE. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Story ay Well-knowm AuUer, Produced ay tna road to happiness to (rouchy old "The Spirit of Roma ace," waa written by "Real War Pictures" is the phrase on everybody's Hps that have seen these "History Pictures." There are still a few who cry "fake," but they will be convinced they are wrong when they see for themselves. The Authentic British Government-made Pictures of "THE WAR" 4 Exhibited aa thla vicinity under th auspice l OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT PICTURES. INC. DISTRIBUTED BY GENERAL FILM CO, INC. They Ar tha Most Wonderful Motion Pictures Evar Produced Don't Misa Tkam at tha EMPRESS THEATER, Omaha, Neb, Sunday, Men day, Tuesday and Wednesday, April 1. 2, a, and 4. MAJESTIC THEATER, Cedar Raplda, la. Today and Saturday. NICHOLAS THEATER, Council. Bluffs, la, Tueedey, April 24th Wed, April SSth. PALM THEATER, Omaha. Neb, Saavday. April th Monday, April 30th. PLAZA THEATER, He. tin is Neb, Tuesday. May 14th. PLATTE THEATER, North Piatt. Neb, Monday. May 20th Tueeday, May Hat, LYRIC THEATER. Broken Bow, Neb.. Wedneedey. May 30th. ORPHEUM, South Omaha, Monday, April S. Sheriff Avers Charges Of Prisoners Are Absurd ' Sheriff Clark characterized as "in sidious" and "contemptible" the at tack made upon him through the medium of a one Bert Osborn, a prisoner, in a statement regarding alleged bad conditions in the jail. Osborn, who served a sixty-day sen tence, was supposed to have written a statement that prisoners in thp jail were not properly fed and that the food was insufficient and in some cases spoiled, causing sickness among the inmates. "Utterly absurd," asserted the sher iff. "Absolutely untrue. If this Osborn went to bed hungry a single night, it was his own fault. He got as much to eat as the other prisoners and none Of them have complained. It's silly when he says he was put 'in the hole' in solitary confinement for thirteen days. "This fellow made himself so ob noxious to the other prisoners that they kicked him out of their cells and we had to put him in a cell by himself. The cell was no darker than any other, unless Osborn put some thing over the windows. "I buy the meat fresh every day from one of the biggest and most reputable stores in Omaha. I pay a good price for it and it is good, clean meat. This store is just as in censed as I am over this fake about tainted meat. "Dropping notes out of the jail window is a physical impossibility. No notes could be thrown out of a window and there would be no rea son to throw any .out. Any 'notes Ofjborn wrote evidently got into the hands of the 'right' person at the 'right' time." , Civic League Meeting to Have a Patriotic Air The annual meeting of the Omaha Civic league, to be held Friday night at 7:30 at the Commercial club rooms, will probably be more of a patriotic demonstration than a civic meeting. Secretary Stanley Rosewater of the league, when he attended the patriotic -meeting at . the Commercial club at noon, invited the representatives of all the organizations present there to come to the Civic league meeting Friday night, as he said he believed every civic organization should make national patriotism a part of its life and activity. Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Success. Call Came extraordinary demand for readiness with flag stocks, sizes in government wool J 1T 1 1 atv buk or musun prints. xj ..i ... Size 5x8 ft., ea..$2.49 Size 5x10 ft., ea.$2.98 Size 6x10 ft., ea. $3.50 heading, brass grommets .$5.50 Size 3x5 ft. . .$4.50 Every Home Should Display the FLAG PHOTOPLAYS. of Romance" Pallas Pictures. of a little flrl whose natural love ef millionaire and a young Inventor. George Hopkins and prepared for the .r