J ( THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28, 1917. Gov. Neville Proclaims Pure Food Week in Nebraska I 1 I The British Government Urges Cash and Carry Away Plan Grocers of England expect to cut out giving credit and eliminate delivery service to avoid needless waste. This is much like The Basket Stores' SAVING WAY Our large volume with quick turnovers, small margin of profit, carload buying and modern economical mer chandising plan makes it possible for us to sell practic ally everythintfat from 10 to 30 below regular prices EVERYDAY. Our business hu shown a won derful growth, which prove that our booitert have been loyal. Sales 1915, were. .(1,850,870.68 Sales 1916 were,. .$1,870,171.84 Sales gained $100,609.18 in the first two months of this year over the same two months of last year. At this rate our sales are growing; more than Half a Mil lion Dollar per year. ' The following list will show some of our volume on just a few of the items we handle. During; the last year we sold: OVER 100 carloads of FLOUR, OVER 75 carloads of POTA TOES. OVER 65 carloads of SUGAR. OVER 85 carloads of FEED. OVER 28 carloads of COAL OIL. OVER 20 carloads of ORANGES OVER 15 carloads of SALT. OVER 12 carloads of APPLES? OVER 8 carloads of SYRUP. ' OVER 6 carloads of CRACKERS OVER 6 carloads of POULTRY FOOD. OVER 8 carloads of MATCHES. OVER S carloads of our famour INDEPENDENT COFFEE. OVER 1,000 dozen BROOMS. Keeping down food eoU to the consumer, and yet supplying the same high quality that Is usually given as an excuse for charging higher prices. WE chal lenge our quality with any, as we do not sacrifice quality for price. Sixteen ounces to the pound always. Buying your goods by WEIGHT is the only sure way to get what you are entitled to. Our Sanitary Market! are the home of cleanliness and sanita tion. All meats are Government inspected and the quality high est obtainable. We sell over a carload per week. When you find a business In staples attaining siie, you nay be sura that in some broad economic way it makes for Increased efficiency and gives a fundamental service to consumers, la no other way could it continue to exist. ! Omaha Council Bluffs ) South Omaba Bensoa Florence The BASKET STORES 40 Stores Lincoln College View University Place Havelock Ashland Elkhom Milk The Modern Way All Ask Grocers ifJ For It Pure Milk In Cans That's All PROCLAMATION TO THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEBRASKA: By an act of the Legislature, passed several years ago, the Governor Is consti tuted the Food, Drug, Dairy and Oil Commissioner, and it is made his duty to see that all of the provisions of the law are properly enforced. To aid him in this duty, he is authorized to appoint a Deputy Commissioner, and he, In turn, with the consent cf the Governor, appoints a number of inspectors. In order that all of these officers perform their duty, constant vigilance is required on the part of those directly in charge. Therefore, as Governor of the State, I am exceedingly anxious that the best pos sible results be secured. Food may be said to include everything we consume that goes to build up and preserve our natural life, as bread, meat, butter and everything into which the products of the dairy and poultry industry enter and constitute the major part, together with vegetables, of which we consume enormous quantities, and that these should be pure, or as nearly so as possible, is the prime intent and justi fication for the existence of the law and for its rigid enforcement. This law has worked well in the past and has received the stamp of public approval, but that it may be made still more efficient and bring more and better results, I deem it proper to follow in the steps of former Governors and set aside a week in which all organizations of commercial endeavor, all societies of publie wel fare and business concerns engaged in selling, distributing or manufacturing goods, and those engaged in the production of food, are hereby requested to join in the movement and aid in making the work of those who are set to carry out the will of the people a success. Nebraska is In the forefront of food-producing states and Its citizens should vie with each other in order that its products should receive first consideration in the markets of our country and of the world. I, therefore, set apart the week beginning March 26 as Pure Food Week. Done at Lincoln, Neb., this 19th day of March, 1917. GOVERNOR OF NEBRASKA. Your Grocer IS RELIABLE He wants to hold your traJe and tries to sell you brands he knows you, will like. He is always ready to recommend KG Baking Powder -Ask him m J 7' PURE FOOD WEEK MARCH 25 TO 31 PURE FOOD WEEK MARCH 25 TO 31 A Big- Convenience in the Kitchen A compact little Electric Range finds high favor with the modern housewife. Just the thing for the small home or apartment May be used in any home where there is Electric Light. Costs little to operate. Very simple. An Electric Range , is always ready. Roasts meats, bakes, broils, boils or fries; clean ly. Special temperature indicator on oven assures the right degree of heat always. Prices moderate. Cook it electrically and assure well cooked pure food. Electric Ranges and other Electrical Household Appliances al ways on display. Call today. v ' James Corr Electric Co. 207 South 19th St. Tel. Douglas 4466. Home of Alfalfa Butter Co. k-Sar-Ben Process Butter Is Pure Butter Made by extracting the oil or butterfat from farm butter, to which is added pure water, salt and color. It is wholesome and you will save 5 CENTS a pound if you specify AK-SAR-BEN BUTTER. Made in Omaha's Newest Butter Factory, the Alfalfa Butter Company Omaha, Neb. When you want the Best, telephone your order to the PURE FOOD STORE SOMMER BROS. Groceries and Meats 28th and Farnara. Phone Harney 188. EalSKINNERMaaironi V - . r J 1 1 rnaK Skthners Mincaroiji in iljo loriosr njacaroijl iacfoiy In America ai)il an) Very particular howItnaVo if All Apoi Grocer JC-lllf. Mv SiPnsrura is oi) eVerjj Paclcago of skinners 4 jnacarotn Iwillsvnd abeaufiru Coo Bool( Ire 4o eVerjr woiqan reader of Hps paper Sond or onr Copy ioiay Two larjfc raclta&w 25 U U . Cut clown 4:1)6 cost of liVirjA al) d" PreserV ctt ! rjeaiTi) or your Tonjuy ay jervi jrvlnnnw Aaccu-oiji arjd Spagpem two ortree tmjes aweel U)tfdren loVo Quality Wines and Liquors For Home Use Fine old standard brand, such as Cedar Brook, Old Crow, Old Taylor and Spring Hill, 10, 12 and 14 years old. If you are going to lay in a supply for home use be sure and see us. Immense stock to choose from. We are selling full quarts of fine Whiskey at $1.00. ALL COUPONS OUT WILL BE REDEEMED CACKLEY BROS. 16th end Capitol Are. The Old Reliable Liquor House. MAIL ORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY.