.rw.-.'wi'if.--1.- '".vr.';;. ? If i if THE BEE: OMAHA,' TUESDAY, itlARCH 27, 1917. I V .March 26 It Concerted Action the Secret? - This afternoon one more large card party was added to the list of large successful affairs of that ilk which have been given at the Blackstone this winter, when the members of the Political Equality league of the city of Omaha gave a benefit card party for suffrage. Arrangements for the party were in charge of Mrs. Thomas Brown and Mrs. Mary Dykeman Wil liams. The latter was instrumental in securing a collection of handsome prizes which were well worth the effort put forth by the guests to ob tain them. About 150 made reserva tions for the card party, tea and in teresting program of music and ad dresses which the woman had ar ranged. Philosophizing upon the success ot these large card parties for their suc cess has exceeded that of any other form of entertainment this winter an excellent and intelligent young woman of your acquaintance and ours said: "It is not the playing of bridge or high five that draws so many women to these large card parties. It is merely the spirit of doing something at the same time that a great many others are doing something which makes these card parties attractive. Concerted action is the idea, just as it is in community singing or playground work." , , This is a little thought for the so ciety madame to ponder over. Why does she like to attend these large card parties which are so successful in raising funds for worthy causes? Is it because she is altogether altruistic and merely wishes to contribute to a good cause? Not simply, for in that case she might contribute to the cause outright. Is is that the prizes offered are beyond her power to pur chase? No: because the prizes, are very simple, although pretty and worth-while. After all isn't there something fascinating about being among a throng of women who are all carrying on some definite activity at the same time that you are? It must have been this spirit of con certed action which contributed to the success of the big Franco-Belgian relief card party which was the first of its kind last fall, or the Jewish women's war relief card party not long ago, which was another success, and which instigated the card party of this afternoon in order to secure funds for the suffrage cause. Lecture Plans Changed. Madame August Mothe-Borglum announces the postponement of the lecture arranged to be given by Cap tain Holleaux for members of L'Al liance Krancaise next Sunday at the public library, since Captain Holleaux has been called out of town. Another lecture will be given later on, for which members will be notified. Visltori Center of Gayety. Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Mikesell and their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Walter TerrylT, of Eaton, O., and Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Blessig; of Minneapolis will Be the center of much social uavetv during this week. Mrs. H. S. Weller gave a delightful luncheon for Mrs. Terrvll and Mrs. uiessig- at trie Blackstone today. After luncheon many of the party, the guests of honor included, played bridge at Mrs. W. M. Ciller's home for the benefit of the Young Women's Christian asso ciation summer camp tor girls, inis evening Mr. and Mrs. Mikesell will have their guests with them at the "society night" performance at the Orpheum. Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Mikesell are giving a hotel din ner for their guests, after which the guests will attend the Qui Vive, danc ing party at Turpiu's Dancing acad emy, and Saturday evening the Lee Huffs will give a "Dutch" (upper for them. Kuhns Return This Week-End. Mr. John A. Kuhn has received a leter confirming the engagement of his daughter, Miss Marion Kuhn, the pretty society girl who surprised all her friends by being wooed and won while on a winter trio to Honolulu in company with her mother, Hiss- Gertrude Metz and Miss Harriet Mack of Buffalo, N. Y and announc ing their return to Omaha from Los Angeles the latter part of this week. Mrs. Kuhn and Marion stopped over in California while the other young women came home Saturday. Mr. "Peck" Griffin, the man in the case, plans to go to New York for a busi ness trip and will either accompany Mrs. Kuhn and his fiancee or will stop later for a week's visit in Omaha. Miss Harriet Mack will go on to her home in Buffalo tomorrow evening. Her parents will not come west as they planned, because of thej pressure ot Mr. Mack t business. Wedding Cards. Cards have been received announc ing the aooroaching marriage of Mar. gery, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Callender Snyder, of Washington, D. C, to Mr. David Abner Snyder. The ceremony will take place on the eve. mng of April 10 at St. Stephen's Eois. copal church. Miss Snyder was born in Omaha, her father being a member of The Bee's staff for many years prior to his going to Washington, where he still represents this oaoer. Cards have been received announc ing the date of the wedding of Miss Kutn oouid, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rees Gould, to Mr. Warren Harold Howard, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Howard, at the Church of the Good Shepherd on Monday evening. April 9. A reception at the home of the bride's parents will follow the ceremony. Social Affairs Planned. Mrs. Clinton Uremic will entertain at a birthday party Wednesday aft ernoon for her little niece. Betty Kennedy, who will be celebrating her fourth anniversary. The Harmony club, which has not been meeting for some time because of illness 4a the families of mem bers, will resume its parties next Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Kobbins will entertain the club. Mrs. Robert Thompson will enter !ain the members of the Kappa Kappa Gamma Alumnae association at the monthly luncheon Saturday. : Qui Vive Dancing club will give a party at Turpin's Dancing academy Friday evening. Skit Room Notes. ' Miss Nellie Wakeley, who is very ill at her home, was reported a trifle bet ter yesterday and was able at times lo recognize those about her. Today hc is in about the tame condition, a MANAGED SUFFRAGE CARD PARTY AT BLACKSTONE. Jka c - ITts Thomzs Brown CAOV WTw slight improvement over that at the time of her attack. Little Barbara Burns has only a light case of scarlet fever, but she and her mother, Mrs. bamucl Hums, win be quarantined for some time still. Master Cameron Millard, who has had the measles, and his mother, Mrs. Ezra Millard, expect to be released from quarantine tomorrow. Mrs. William Kamsey, who has been seriously ill with typhoid fever ior mniusi UIICC 111UIUIIS 1IU SUl- fcred a relapse last week, js now improving. Newt of the Wayfarers, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Currie, Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Dunn. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Agnew. E. E. Rhys, W. J. Moring, Mr, and Mrs. J. Merrt, B. L.. Brown, C. I. Bowman, Charles O'Neill Rich, Paterson and F. W. Smith are among Omahans registered at the Ho tel Uark in l.os Angeles, Cat. Mr. J. Fuller of Las Vegas, Idaho, is spending a few days with relatives, enroute to New York City. ' Mr. Carl F.i Benjamin left Sunday for Rushville, Neb., where he will re main all week. Mr. and Mrs. Gur rurdy leave Wed nesday or Thursday for a visit of ten days or two week with friends in Cin cinnati. Mr. Lewis 5. Reed, who has been in the city for a short time, left Sat urday tor Lalitornia. Mrs. Samuel Rees, jr., is entertain ing her grandmother, Mrs. McMillan of Norfolk, Neb., who is enroute from an eastern trip. Personal Mention. Mrs. Darwin B. Chesney, who un derwent an operation for appendicitis two weeks ago at the Swedish Jm manucl hospital, has returned to her home and is rapidly recuperating. Among the Umaha members wno attended the Acoth sorority banquet in Lincoln Saturday evening were Mrs. H. L. Rivett and the Misses Anna Snyder and Margaret Lewis. Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity mem bers who went to Lincoln for the fraternity formal dancing party were Messrs. Earl Spaulding, Guy Phil brick, Guy Weigand and Lee Lowry. Mr, Robert stout, who has accept ed position in New York City, leaves Thursday evening for the east. Mr. Stout will be gone for at least a year. Miss Gertrude Stout, who is in her senior year at , Mrs. Someir.' school, is planning to "spend her Eas ter vacation, which begins April 5, at her roommate's home in Chatta nooga, Tenn Miss Hallie Wilson spent the week end at her home in Ashland, ' Mrs. D. A. Foote and daughter, Miss Mildred, are planning to leave for Pasadena April 8. , Mrs. Albert J. Nebe, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Ross Hyde, has returned to her home in Detroit. Letters Bear Appeal . To Join the U. S. Navy "The president needs you for the first line defense, U. S. Navy; Stand by your president I" This appeal ia being printed on the face of all mail matter being sent out The Debutante in All Her Glory Astrology is Superstition By GARRETT P. SERVISS. No, in my opinion it is not possible to read the future by the stars. Those mighty and distant suns were not created to watch over the insignifi cant destinies of infinitesimal man. But it is the planets, rather than the stars, that the astrologers imagine to have an influence over human affairs. These planets are simply other worlds, which revolve, like the earth, around the sun. Some, like the moon and Mercury, appear to be bar ren balls of rock; others, like Jupiter and Saturn, are evidently globes com posed mostly of clouds of gas and vapor; still others, like Venus and Mars, may possibly bear inhabitants on their surfaces as the earth does. Why should any teasonable man or woman suppose that those far-off masses of common matter influence the character, the adventures, the achievements and the crimes of the little creatures that crawl upo;i this particular globe of ours? The asser tion that they do so is a pure play of fancy. There is not the slightest scientific evidence to support it. Historically, astrology is extremely interesting. It has played a great part in the development of Immni society. Kings, warriors, statesmen, priests, popes and even astronomers m old times believed in it. Those were the days when real science had not been born, and when the ignor ance of nature's simplest facts dis played by the most "learned" men exceeded the innocence of a child. Astrology is a survival from the age when generals, sent out with armies to save their countries from invasion or destruction, wasted days and lost golden opportunities while awaiting the reports of soothsayers upon the omens derived from the ap-. pearance of the entrails of animal slain before an allar or from the di rection of the flight of crows. . It was one of astrology's sister 'sciences" that kept the .Spartans waiting at home for a change of the moon beforemarching to Marathon, where the fortunes of Greece and of all the western world were to be de cided, and which left all the glory of that day to be reaped by Athens and its little ally, Platea. The survival of astrology is due principally to the deep-seated love of mystery among mankind. The great agents with which it pretends to deal are located in the sky, which has al ways been regarded as the abode of gods and superior powers. In its ea lier days astronomy possessed no tacts about the stars and planets which mil itated against the astrological idea ot their influences. It was a strange, dark world that astrology and its cognate supersti tions reigned over. But there were en lightened minds even then which pen etrated the mist. When you read Cac. sar's personal history of his great campaigns in Gaul, you hear nothing about soothsayers, or the entrails of victims, or the flight of cawing crows. You hear only of sudden and desper ate battles, of rapid and unexpected marches, of victory upon victory, and not a moment lost in waiting for aus pices. Casar reformed the calendar, but he had no use fo astrology. On the contrary, those wonderful lights in the sky, some of which were seen to move about with slow and majestic motions, now advancing, non retreating, now drawing close togeth er and shining for a while side by side, as if in fateful consultai.v-n, or con spiration, and now glaring at one .an other from diametrically opposite quarters of the heavens, like spirits of celestial space watching and perhaps contending over the fates of the help less beings on the earth beneath them; the menacing color of such a planet as Mars, always associated with blood and disaster; the golden glow of Jup iter, suggesting wealth and good for tune; the quick movements of Mer cury, suddenly disappearing from the west only to reappear in the east, and seeming to dog the sun; the mar velous splendor to which Venus peri odically attains, now in the evening and now in the morning sky; the "in constant moon," continually chang ing its face like a mask, and some times esclipsed as by the shadow of a great hand, moving invisibly across the firmament all these things, be fore they had been scientifically ex plained, lent themselves naturally to the notion that they were portents and powers appointed to sway and foretell the fates of men. - And this notion had nothing ridic ulous about it in an age when the earth was thought to be the center of the universe, and men were regarded as the constant playthings, pets or victims alternately of a multitude of jealous, man-minded and woman minded gods and goddesses. You should no more believe what an astrologer tells you the stars say than you believe what Mother Goose tells you the fairies say, for a sooth saying star or planet is as much a product of the imagination as a fairy. SMOKED gray chiffon swirls over a rose-color satin foundation and makes a frock which looks like an embodiment of sunset on a river. Silver bands outline shoulders and corsage and fall into long sash lines ending in silver tas sels. The chiffon floats out from under the arm in a double cascade and fades away like a mist where an old rose velvet flower nestles softly at the front of the corsage. DESIGNERS have a way of forgetting the debutante, but Sweet-and-Twenty was thought of most kindly in this charming frock. The dress itself is cut with soft, babyish fullness. The trimming is in itself quaint and it is quaintly applied. For the bertha, the jumper back which lengthens into a girdle and the sash and band at the bottom of the skirt, coarse ecru scrim is used. by Lieutenant Waddell and his staff of asssitants at the navy recruiting station. Old Glory to Fly ... From the Highest Spot in the City President J. Wisler of the West Leavenworth Improvement club states his organization will have Old Glory floatine at the highest point in Omaha, which he explains is at the southeast corner of blmwood park. An eighty-five-foot steel pole is at the park ready for placing into posi tion. The flag will be 10x16 feet and will be raised this week, probably next Saturday. "We will have a celebration and will break a bottle of pop when we christen the flag poie," said Commis sioner Hummel. "This flag will be seen as far as Papillion, Elkhorn and other towns," added Mr, Wisler. E. M. Morsman is Reported To Be Much Improved Improvement in the condition of Edgar M. Morsman, retired Omaha capitalist, is reported to be so en couraging that two of his sons. Joseph of Chicago and Frank of Omaha, have decided not to go to California, where the elder Mr. Mors man was taken ill, The other sons, Edgar, jr., and Robert, went to Cali fornia to be with him when first news of his sickness was received. One of them is expected to return to Omaha soon. Y. W. C. A. Girls Doing Well on Fund. Miss Clara Brewster, athletic direc tor, reports $3,300 already secured in ASK FOR and GET Horlick's The Original Malted Milk SubitttutM Coat YOU Sam Prlca. -&Jh fStHSSF Eggs with Star Ham or Star Bacon make the ideal QYJ. Easter breakfast J3W Eggs are fresh selected for size and color MjTM JiVJ largaf than ordinary gg- Ask fof tba cartoo with tin Armoar Oral Label. '-BflaMatoJ.'X TiT" JFor years, Star Ham hi adorned the Easter board; today SSall p" h comaa to you in tba Julca-conaarvina; 8tockinat Coaring, undar 4 jfzl2- . J5V UU thaOval LabaL Uka tha fcmoua 8tar Bacon, its Am flavor JTrff lfTI O UJT& LTJ jf' to dua o lb celebrated Armour cure. Buy a whola 8tar M A Hun or a piaca ei Star Bacon far Easter. I ppf3!?CffT I ARMOUR COMPANY V ' " T l JLLI r.OBT. BUDATZ. Mir, 13th Jama Sta. Pliane D. yVjj 103. Omoha. Nab. Vf. I- Wukbiaoo. astk Q. Sa. 1740. gjJ the campaign for $20,000 to purchase a summer camp for Young Women's Christian association girls. A mass meeting of the 200 girls working to raise funds will be held at the asso ciation building tonight at 8 o'clock. 3.e 3.c Quart gj Uarl Now on bale at Leading Grocers and Department Stores t " 1 ,ui Saves from 15 to of every Ie.ttef-writing hour SELF STARTING REMINGTON TYPEWRITER This new invention permits your typ ist to keep her eyes on her copy. The mschine doesn't hive to be looked at, or the scale watched. The time saving is automatic, There is no other type writer like this. Fully protected by Remington patents. The Self Starter, while adding to speed, adds nothing to the cost of the typewriter, machine. It is part ot the Try the time saver on your own letters. We are constantly making demonstrations throughout the city they involve no obligation on your part. Shall we put you on the list? Write or 'phone us. Descriptive folders also mailed on request. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER COMPANY, (Incorporated) 201-3 3. Wnataanth St., Phona Douglas 1284 (