THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, MARCH 20, 1917. 12 Broader Assortments, Superior Values in Spring Dress Materials 'Ilii'HMI'ilM'HEi! I '.nm ;i i! j:H!ti,iiiii:iiiHiiiiH!!iiiHiiHHiii(lti.iii,iiit;iiil GRAIN ANDPRODDCE Big Demand for All Kinds of Drain and All Sold Out Early in the Day. WHITE CORN HIGHEST EVER Omehe. March It, HIT. Tha cash train ettuatlon wss excellent today and. while the receipts of the dif ferent grains were rstber heavy, there wee a heavy demand for all cereals and the ta bles were pretty well cleaned an before the close of the cash market. The wheat market, however, was In clined to bo bearish and while a few cars of No. J hard sold at a Ho advance the bulk of the offerlnita -wild either at un changed prices er la lower. Today's top on rash wheat was on No. I hsrd, but the general run of sam ples of this grade Draught II. SB to while the bulk of the No. I hard brought from l.MV.el."t. Corn was In strong demand and the white variety, which sold at a premium, sold around l .MHII.I1 and set a new high price level on this cereal. U'htle fhs yellow and mlsed varieties of norn sold at somewhat lower prices than the while the demand for theae varieties was very food and a large part of to day's sales were mede up of the orrmuiercial grades of the yellow and mixed. The better grsdes of white corn were quoted at 1.07: the yellow ranged In price from II.MttOl.M'a and the mliod brought from ll.or.rjl.0o. Oats were a trifle weak and the demand for this cereal was not overactive. Rya was quoted from steady to 2c higher and waa In goed demand, while barley waa quite active and was quoted from unchanged te So higher. Clearances were, wh at and flour equal to 27,60 bun .els; corn 27I.0AA bushels. Primary whjit recelpta were 511,000 buah als, and shipment 417.000 bushels against receipts of 1,177.000 bushels, and shipments of 017,000 bushels last year. Primary corn receipts were ots.OOO hush als, andshlpments 411,000 bushels against receipts of 1,334,000 bushels, and shipments of 141.000 bushels lsst year. Primary oa'.a rsoelpts were sOI.OOO bush els, and shlpmsnts 807,000 bushels sgalnat recelpta of 1,701,000 bushels, and shipments of 101,090 bushels year. CARLOT IlKCKlPTft. . V7heat.Com. Oats. Chicago 10' Minneapolis a 0 Duluth I Omaha Tl Kanaaa City 131 CO 10 St. Louis .- 01 , 107 so Winnipeg 370 Thesa sales were reported today: Wheat No. hard winter: 1 car, 1.I0 ( ears.; II care, 11.104. No. I hard winter: 1 car, 11.17m I cars, 11.07: I cars, U.MW; car, ll.'Si 1 car, 11.144: 1 car, 1 l. No. 4 hard winter: l-l car, 11 1!. Rumple hard winter:. 1 ear, 11.74! 1 car. 1.71: 1 oar, 11.70; l-l car, 11.10. temple mixed: 1 car, IMS. No. i mixed! 1 oar, No. 4 spring: t ear, 11.17. Rye No. I: 1 car, 11.41. No. Il 1 sr. Barley No. Il 1 car, I1.1S; 1 ear, 11.07. t:om No. I white: 4 cars, 11.07. No. I white: 4 cars, 11.011,. No. 4 whits: 1 car, 11.00 4; 1 car, 11.01. No, 1 yellow: I car. tl.00t4. No. I yellow: 1 car (shlp- Ser'a weights), ll.oi'i; f oars, 11.01. No. yellow: 1 car, IMIK. No. 1 mixed: t ears, 1.0I. No. I mixed: 1 car (sblp pers weights), 11.01: I cars, II cars, 11.054. No. 4 mixed: I cars, 11.014. Oats No. t white: 31 cars, 50c. No. 4 J hlie: 1 can, 170, Sample white: 7 cars, 74c Omaah Cash Prleea-Wheat: No, i hard. II. 11(41. 00; No. I hard, ll.HH6l.1114; No. 4 hard. 11. 71111. 01. Corn: No. 1 white. !1.0l4vl07: No. t white, 11.09 '1.084; No. 4 white, II. 01401. 00; No. I white, lt.0IHOl.0D44; No. 0 white, ll.oiifil I. 004; No. I yellow. Il.00lrl.00 4; No. I yellow, tl.05ttvl.OIV. No. 4 yellow, IV0I41.O54: No. I yellow, 11.05 1, d 1.01 4; No. I yellow, 11.0444 91.004: No. S mixed. II, 8H61.UV. No. a mixed, 11.05401 1.054; No. I mixed, II.IMKei.OeV, No. I mixed, ll.04 4ttl.054: Na. 0 mixed, l.04f I ts. Oats: No. 1 white, uttWIfr; stand ard, I! till 4c; No. I white, 11 i (J 51c; No, 4 white. I14OI7440. Harley: Malting. II.1KM.I0; No. 1 feed. l. 0401.1:. Rya: Ito. z, ll.ottfi.ea: mo. 3., Irfical range of options: "Art. I Open. High. Low.l Close. SatT Mar 1 "141 1 l0 1 X'i 111 July i II 1 1441100441 J 144 1504 Sept. 1 SIKf 1 II 1I4 1 41 lit torn, I I .1 . May I 054 1 01 1014 1 01 I July 1 01 I 1 00 10444 1 00 1 01UI 1 01 . lOSHl 1 04 I bala. I II Way IT, ISSi 1744 July I SiW. 4 I u 1054 104 4 1"S4 HI 174 51 ! 534 Chicago closing prices, furnished The Ilea by Logsn A Bryan, stock and grain brokers. 11S South Bistccntti street, Omsha: Art. Open. I High. ftw.t Close. Ea. YVh May July Kept. Corn. , May July 'Pt. Jata. . May July Pork. May July tard. May July Itlba. May July 1 K4 1 154 1 44 1 014 I 01 111, 514 II It It 10 It IT II 40 17 10 17 II 1 114 1 514 1 104 1 13 1 104 ltV 154 U4S4' ion 4 1074, II 174 14 44 II 50 It II II II 114 174 14 40 II 10 It i( It 41 17 It If II 17 tl II 01 17 7l II 01 IS 40 13 00 II til II 21 1 It 111 1 514,155 1 40 (4 1434 1 II 1101 1,104'K74 1014 174 544 3! tl 31 II 11 :o 11 30 IT 17 17 71 CHICAGO BRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Moderate Strength leavetope In Wheat and Cora oa Strike Settlement. Chicago, March It. Derided adtencea to day In the value of wheat followed the railway strike settlement end the supreme court decision that tha American eight, hour law la constitutional. Prices clossd strong. 140440 net higher, with May at tl.la01.llU and July 11.11401.104. Corn gained 14w3c, oats 44040 and proviaions 17r0ll.ll. ' At first Ihs wheat market made only moderate upturns In respnnsa to announce menta that the threatened walkout of rail road employes hsd been declared on. Tem porary bullish sentiment waa restrained by the expected ronlinusnca of such freight ambargoea as had been due to roiigcnled facilities. Besides demand from would-be purcbsaera waa checked by uncertainty over the increasing destruction of American shipping In the war aone, Bearlah crop re ports from the aoulhweet aa well as a re vival of rumora of efforts for a separate peace between Auetrla and Rueela acted fur ther aa transient weight on the market. After the trade Hsd taken lla bearings on' tha Adamson law decision, however, the buying movement broadened out and quota tions went up with a rush. One of the factors which In the laat hour lifted the wheat market to the highest level of the day was an unconfirmed rumor f serious disturbances In Germany. -A sub. ' Itantlal decrease In the United Htatea vial- - bla total counted likewise In favor of higher prices, and so. too, did the conciliation of railroad embargoes. There was In addition gossip of energetic measures to be taken to five gerater protection to American shine, Corn advanced to new price records. Sea board buying and active demand from In dustries were strongly In svldcnca and were ascribe largely to the alrtke sett ement. Oats rose with other gralna. Southern call for cash oats were keen and premiums were ottered lor immediate ahtpment. Sharp gains In proviaions accompanied ths improvement In the rail altuatlon. Scarc ity of hog arrivals formed another stimulus to buysre. May delivery of pork, lard and noe went is we topmost prices yet. ' Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. i red. nominal: No. 1 red. 11.17: No. S hard, ti ll; No, 4 hard, 11.100 4. Corn: No. a yenow, ft.lOH 4 1.10 : No. 1 yellow, Il.4t01.lia4; No. 4 yellow. Oats: No. t white, 1140104c: standard. eixae-4c. Itye, nominal. Harley, II. sou 1.31. Seeda: Timothy. I3.75tt5.75; clover, 11.44010.00. Provlalona: Pork. 134.40; 4ru, ei'.ee: noe, f I , .su V IS. 1 . Butter Stsadr: creamery. 33 ft 40c. Eggs Lower; receipts. 4.037 cases: firsts. ' 144c; ordinary firsts, 35024c; at mark. . asses inotuueo, zeuzstoc Potatoes Lower; receipts, 14 cars: WIs- . eonslo and Michigan white, 13.3503.15; Ms ho, Colorado, Washington and Oregon, Poultry Ally lower; fowls, I14o; Wrings, tl4c - . - - ' St. Iamb Gram Market. It. Louis, Harsh It. Wheat No, I red ll.tlfjl.01; No. t hard,; May, l.H: July. 11.1444. Corn No. 11.414 01.104: No. I white. ai.ievji.jz; Jtay, fi.11401.11e4; jury. ... iut Awm,irii : and wtl Jiross iMwntus i ir ajla u liiir IXl m AlU. 1TT-.JI.craa,J I I I I I VL 11 Ism, I I I I I I I I l!;0..1i.l..l:.:ill' tl I: 4 .IJI;4lil:.l:!ll!0lillllll:llllill;.l!ilMi'l:.l..l4 4 I 11 11 efcatVIW . IVVJW BauiitiilMll New Si and W1 'DOUOUaS STREETS 18 Bming Prilcess iLr:Si:ajBria..aiia;:ai.BijM Exquisite New Silks "stl 'Sports Silks' are very popular this season. All the new ideas are here, rich "Sportussahs," the popular imported hand-woven Shantung Pongees, -beau- k tiful .Taffetas and RadiuAs, "Cinderella Silks," Pussy Vyillows, etc. A very complete showing of the new silks that are in demand. Here are a few items at y special prices Tuesday : 1 25 pieces of 36-inch "Sportussah," one of the special forecasts for spring wear. We have all the new sports shades. Strictly all silk, worth $3.00, $225 .a v i a it f:it. r , : r . t, : 1 it 4U-inCU All OUK. Oailll lueicui, a I fabric, dependable wearing quality, in H Btreet and evening shades. A tM CC j special value, Tuesday ylsUw 40-Inch Novelrjr Radium Silk, beautiful printed designs,, artistic color effects. A rich, lustrous quality of handsome gowns. See them Tuesday, at the special CI QC price of 50 pieces of 40-Inch All Silk Georgette Crepes, worth $2.25. Perfect goods, in a full line of street and evening M MC shades. A bargain, at. . y litw Novelty Satin Striped Taffeta, checks and plaids; entirely new styles, light and dark colorings, black and white effects. Satin novelties in the most popular silks for Spring wear, at $1.18, $1.38 10 pieces of 36-Inch Black Dress Taffeta, a soft, supple finish; good black. OQU Very special, at 00 C 50 pieces 36-Inch All Silk- Chiffon Dress Taffeta, a bright, lustrous quality that gives satisfactory wear. '15 of the new spring colors. Tuesday, $1.10 I at 100 pieces of 40-Inch All Silk Crepe de Chine, a fine, firm quality, in every new 1 color, for street or evening wear. M 1Q I Worth today $1.50, for Tuesday $1.-10 All the Fashionable Weaves and x Colors in Our Showing of New Wool Dress Materials Wool Jersey Cloths, Sports Stripes and Plaids, Novelty Velours, Fashionable Serges and Diagonals. " See them Monday in Daylight Dress Goods Section. heavy, All-Wool, 25 pieces of 64-inch All-Wool Jer sey Cloth, In the new spring shades of russet green, chartreuse, citron, military blue, tan and navy, at, each ...82.50 New Covert Cloths, 54 inches wide, In a variety of tan and caster shades, the right weight for spring costs, at. . . .$1.75 ni S1.98 French Serges, 40 to 60 inches wide, strictly all wool, fine, soft finish, one of the most popular plain weaves; every new color, in cluding black-, at. . 98. S1.48 56-inch extra sponged and shrunk Serge, in a good line of colors, including navy blue and black; Tuesday, $1.18 100 pieces of new Spring Dress Materials, in plain colors and nov elty stripes and plaids, light and dark shades, black and white checks worth up to $1.00, at 48s to , 6S Skirts made to your measure. See our latest models, made up by our own tailors. First-class workman ship and a perfect fit guaranteed in every case; for the making, $2 Sewing Needs for the Spring Frock la this tale of Sawing Notions, sharply raducad, and at this vary op portune tint you will find vorythinf neeaseery for your spring ewing. J. & P. Coats and Brownstring best 6-cord Machine Thread, black or white, all numbers, 6c value, 9 for s -25 , , , (No mail or phone orders filled). Standard Dress Form, with reinforced skirt. model, correctly sized; regular $3.00, special .., $1.89 16c Warren Gros Grain Silk Covered Featherbone, black or white, the yard 8 15c Barbour's Linen Thread, 200-yard spool, black or white. . . .10 10c High Grade Inside Skirt Belting, black or white, all widths, at, the yard DC K Cleinert's Featherweight, Dress Shields, 20c size 12e 25c size 16c 30c size ZOt? 60c Sample Steel Scissers, Shears or Button Hole Scissors, a wontier- 10c Do Long's Hump Hooks and Eyes, black or white, all sizes, 6 M. & K. Knitting Cotton, all sizes, white only, regnlar 5c, ball 3H 8c Bias Lawn Tape, 6-yard bolts, all the wanted sizes 4 H t 15c all white Novelty Braid, very scarce and much wanted i 4-yard bolt lOe 10c Tin-Top. Pryms o Perfection Garment Snap Fasteners; all sizes, 10c English Twilled Tape, white only; 10-yard bolts 7 4? ful lot 29 5c Dressmakers' Nickel Plated Pins, sharp point, full 300 count, for ...3J 5c Crowley's Ever-Sharp Gold Eyed Needles, 2 for 5t 6c Challenge Safety Pins, all sizes, 2 dozen for .:. 5 t , . . , , 7 Y 36c Hard Rubber Dressing Combs, in all best makes; a sample lot; many sizes and styles: , 19 The New Wash Goods White and Colors Inspection invited. See the newest of the weavers' and printers' art expressed in textiles for Spring and Summer wear. VOILES Printed, Woven and plairr colors. Our collec tion now on display comprises the daintiest of color com binations in weaves that are'decidedly different; at, per yard 25 to 89 SPORTS FABRICS In suiting and dress weights wash able cottons, also silk and cottons, ranging from the stripe color grouping to the elaborate Persian band ef fects, at, yard 29 to 89 PAISLEY SILKS AND COTTONS These lustrous print ed Tussah weaves of lustrous silk and cotton wa,rp, 36 inches wide, designs and colors representative of the days of the old Paisley shawls, are especially attractive and considered very good style. Price, per yard 59 FINE GINGHAMS We feature the fine zephyr quality in the 32-inch width, in plaids and checks, especially adapted for children's wear, colors and combinations, the best that can be produced, at, yard, 35 FINE TISSUE VOILE 36 inches wide. All cofors are woven in the fabric, stripes with inset embroidered motif, all new, best dress designs, dainty, summery laoncs, at, yard 25 WHITE WAIST1NG FABRICS 36 to 40 inches wide, showing the new striped effects, -in an excellent quality of the popular voile weave, at, yard. 29 WHITE TRANSPARENT ORGANDY every quality re quired for every dress purpose displayed here, from the fine domestic grades to the sheerest of Swiss' manufac turers' art. Splendid quality featured here, 40 inches wide, at, yard 35 WHITE GABERDINE SUITING AND SKIRTING 40 and 43 inches wide. This fabrie'has the new wool finish; eliminates the wrinkling feature of most finishes. Priced here, at, yard , 75 LONG CLOTH The fine weave, in sealed packages of 10 yards each. No stamping on the fabric, no waste in cut ting and unusually line in texture; per bolt. , . .$1,85 NAINSOOK The fine weave in softest mull finish, for undermuslins, 36 inches wide; special quality, yard, 25 WHITE PLISSE CREPE For gowns; the standard 30 inch Windsor grade; yard .19 PAJAMA CHECK DIMITY Yard wide, small, dainty checks, yard 12 PERSIAN LAWN This quality never offered for less than 25c, special, yard 15 INDIA LINON-A rare bargain in this 25c grade, on sale. Tuesday, yard 15 ONE-kALF PRICE SALE OF Laces, Embroideries, But tons and Trimmings A special lot of Vals., Cottons, Torchons and Filets, with insertions to match, worth up to 15c, special, at, yard. 5 Cotton Cluny, Torchon and Normandy Vals., 2 to 4 inches wide, at, per yard .-10 Shadow Flouncings, IS and 27 inches wide, at, yard. . . .35 and 55 Chantille and Oriental Flouncings, in white, cream and embroidered in colors, worth up to $2.00, special, at, yard. . , 69 Gold and Silver Lace, for hat trimming, 3 to 6 inches wide, yard. .98 Beaded and Crystal Trimming, jn bands and ornaments, Tuesday, at One-Half Price. Si)k Embroidered Bands and Medallions, in all colors, at, yard. . .15 Flouncings. in Voile and Organdy, 18 and 27 inches wide, very good for graduation dresses, worth up to $1.00, special, at, yard 49 A Very Good Line of Buttons for Spring Suits and Dresses Suit Buttons, doz.. 35 to S2.98 Dress Buttons, doz., 25 to 90 Trimming Buttons, doz 15 to 45 Fancy Pearl Buttons, doz.. 20 to $1.98 EMBROIDERIES, HALF- PRICE Embroidery Flouncing, 18 inches wide, used for underwear, many pretty patterns to select from, worth up to 60c, at, yard ... 19 Embroidery Flouncing, in voile and organdy, for graduation dresses, 18 and 27 in. wide, spe cial, yard 89 Infants' Ruffled and Hemstitched Flouncing, 27 in. wide, special, at, yard 59 A good assortment of Allover Em broideries, worth up to $1.25, spe cial, at, yard 69 Embroidery Edges and Insertions, at, yard 10 Narrow Embroidery Edges, at, yard 5 Beading and Galloons,'l to 3 in, wide, worth up to 60c, special, at, yard . -.19 LACES AT ONE-HALF PRICE Filet, Cotton, Cluny, Torchon and Normandy Vals., 2 to 6 in. wide, regular price 50c, special, at yard .-..15 A good assortment of Normandy Vals., for underwear, worth up to 98c, special, at, yard 39 0 March Dinnerware Sale Tuesday and Wednesday We Have Made Some Important Reductions g 9,00 42-piece Bluebird semi-porcelain din- rn der set; service for,6 persons. Special. tpDadv $12.00 100-piece English semi-porcelain dinner set, blue or brown borders; service for 12 d no , persons. Special ' yOaJO $20.00 42-piece French china dinner set; "service for 6 persons. Blue spray design. 10 C( Special ylL.QV Plain white cups and saucers, pair 10j 50c decorated vege table bowls ?0c dinner plates, ?t 15c soup plates, at 12c pie plates, at.. .. 8c 6c EXQUISITE MILLINERY Special Showing This Week in Omaha's Largest Millinery Department . Of late Parisian styles, also models -from America's leading makers and productions by our own expert de signers. , '' You Are Cordially Invited to View the Display SPECIALLY PRICED AT $10, $12.50, $15, $18 to $45 If You Want to Save Money Try Hayden'i First 13 Iba. Bast Pure Granulated Sugar far l.u 4S-lk. Sack Beet Hlgh-Creae Diamond H Flaur, aaad from tho finest, aa . lected No. 1 wheat, per aack..$2JS bars Diamond C. Swlft'a Pride or Laundry Queen White Laundrr Soap 2S t Iba. Choleo Japan Rite ISe Ibe. White or Yellow Cornmeal . . ISc Ibe. Best Rolled White Breakfast '' Oatmeal ..SSc I bare Wool Soap 19c Nebraeka Maid . alaearonl or. 8pa- ghettl, pkg... IV,c 2S-oa. Jars Pure Strained Honey. .SOc Purs Comb Honey, raek. ........ ISc E. C. Cora Flaket, pkg !', K-os, Can Condensed Milk lie Ksney Sweat Plrkles, qt. ...... .SOc Fancy Sour Pleklee. qt..... 10c Fancy Chow Chow, qt .....ISc Fancy Queen Olives, qt 3Sc tirspe-Nuts, pkg...v .....lie Breakfast Coroa, per lb SOc Tha Beat Bulk Peanut Butter, per lb taVsc Kamo Soupe, can....... tVac Tha beat bulk Laundry Starch, per lb. ...5c The best Taa 8lftlngs, lb UV.c raney uolden tfanlos vofiac, lb. .xo THE BEST CREAMERY BUTTER, bulk, par lb .41c The beet No. 1 Country Creamery Butter, lb...... SSc, 40c Tha best Dairy Tabla Butter, per lb sc, aoc The beet Full Cream, Young America, Wisconsin Cream or New York White Cheese, lb 30c v Full Cream Brlek Cheeee, lb 30c Imported Roquefort Cheese, lb. . . .SSc Nsufehatel Cheese, sacb 4c SPECIAL ORANGE SALE Highland Navels Are tha Healthiest Fruit Grown to Eat. Tuesday, U alas, Highland Navel Tuesday, US silt Highland Navela Tuesday. 17 sise Highland Navels Tueadav. 20 else Highland Navels XX Tuesdsy, 260 ttie Highland Navels Tuesdsy, i8 alia Highland Navels la Iks. Real Cooking Patatoee Freeh Beets. Carrots. Turnips. Bad- Ishes or Shsllots. bunch Sc Freeh Cauliflower, per lb llVic t heads Fresh Leaf Lettuca 10c Largo Cucumbers, each 15c, 20c Cape Cod Cranberries, qt. ...... .10c Fsney Jersey Sweet Potatoes, per lb.. I Vt Old Beets, Carrots, Turnips. Par. snips. Rutabagas, par lb 5c Brussels Sprouts, per lb .ITa Eatra Fancy Grape I rait, each...TV,c Onion Seta, red ar yellow, qt. .ISVic ..SSc ..30c .SSc .ISc .lie 70c Housefurnishing Needs Greatly , Underpricea 6-ft Braced Stepladder, $1.65 value, for $1.39 6-ft. Plain Stepladder, 95c value, for 1- Burner value, for 2- Burner value, for 8-Gallon 794 Gas Plate, $1.45 ....V. ......8 Gas Plate, $2.45 81.98 Garbage Can, $1.00 value, for . 79 10-Gallon Garbage Can, $1.35 value, for 98 . Any 26c Oil or Polish.". . . 19 Plain Roller Skates 65 Best Ball Bearing Roller Skates, for ...,l...$1.98 Good Wire Carpet Beaters, at, each 10 A Good Galvanised Washboard, for 19 Wooden Towel Rollers. . . . .7 The Last Word in Apparel Fashions Is what a visitor here may expect at all times. But; seldom are such assortments or values apparent, as you will find in this Sale of Elegant Spring Suits IN TWO SPECIAL LOTS TUESDAY At $45 100 Suits, exclusive de signs, in the season's most desirable materials and colors. Each suit has a charm ing individuality and superb quality, which constitute these really ex traordinary values at sale price. t At $25 Hundreds of classy Suits, in Semi-Tailleur and Norfolk effects, clever Sports Suits, Jersey Suits and many other styles in a great variety of models. All sizes, 16 to 46. Sur prising values. Ah Immense Showing of Coats I In almost unlimited variety of the sea son's most, clever styles in Burella Cloths, Velours, Bolivias and fine Nov elties, exclusive designs, at $35 19 50 A Bevy of New Models in Coats, Special Tuesday at . In PopliriV, Men's Wear Serges. Burella Cloths and Velours, Novelty Plaids, etc., in Apple Green, Gold, Ruby, Biege, Blues and "other popular shades. Silk Sport Skirts Just received, new shipment of Novelty Silk Sport Skirts, at . $7.50, $10, $12.50, $15 Hundreds of Classy Dresses $25.00 19c lDc $25 A Specially Attrac tive Lot of Dresses On Sale Here Tueiday at Suitable for street wear, afternoon wear and evening wear. Big range of styles and colors. Materials are Taffetas Georgettes, Crepes, Shantungs, and Nov elty Combinations, all colors, elegant values. Tuesday 1 ' . - - il , ri . fii SJ.1S01,IOU. .. Oata steady! track, Ko. 1, lloj No. 1 esnjia taa, ...