THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY. MARCH 16, 1917. LIVE . STOCK MARKET Some Beeves Sell Ten Cents . Oyer. Wednesday'! Top Bif Ban of Hogs. SBLLZRS ASK HIGH PRICES J . . Omshs, March II, HIT. ltMlnis wsrs: . Csttls. Hon. Shssp. Olflelsl Monday.. I.Slt M0 11.111 run.i.l hit .. l.Sf' lt.MT 11, ill Oftlelsl Wedimdny... MM 1MM s,7t bilnia Thursday... S.los H.100 1,700 d.vs this srsslc.2l.lls H.IBI 40.7SI .. ri.M lut wnk.91.lii SI.IU !. arm dsys 1 wks. uo.3i.iU . . Um. daya I wss. alo.ii.OI 04.II0 41,101 .m. dara wks. aio.14.101 10,134 13.191 Sahia dara latt yar.. 21.010 IT.747 S,!4S Rsestptstml dlapoaltlon of stork at tho Union Slock Tarda, umana. tor iwsmjr (our hours ondlu at I o'clock ycatarday: RECEIPTS CARLOADS. Catlla. Hoes. Bhstp. H'fa. 3., M. it. P , Wsbssh I Mlaaourl Psctllo .... 1 Union Pacific 14 ' C. K. W.. ssst I a K. W writ.... 10 81. P., M. O ) B. Q , ssst I C, B. Q., wcat.... It C, . I, P., oast.. I C. . I. P., weal.... 3 Illinois Cantral t ChlcafO OU Western. I . Totals 140 43 13 i 4 i 11 1,2 91 .. 77, II Jl DliPOMTION HBAD. e Cattle, Hoss. Bheep. 771 1. 117 l.tll 701 Totals;-,. M41 11.311 .IM Cattle ilisoelsts vers, moderate, aa usual on a Thursday, only 131 ears being reported la. There a food swllvs demand for all dsslrsW kinds of beeves and tvorythmf sold freery at food .strong 'prices, is high as 113.00 wss pald for1 full loads, that hav ing been the record yesterday, while s few dd head sold p to it 1.40. Cows and helf.ra commanded good, firm price, and the same waa true of desirable fseder etolf. : ... , . Quotstlons on cattle: flood to , choice beeves. 111. 400)13. Oil fair to good bervea. f10.ioei1.40: common to fair beeves. if.3l OI0.I0; good to choice helfere. ll.00lo.00: good to choice cows. 11.7101.11; fair 10 onAd cows. tl.00OI.7l: common to fair cows, i.7il.00; prime feeding steers. 11.10! good to moles reeaere, os.(ecyf.e; fair lo good feeders, ll.00fti.7i; common to fair feeders, le.Tiftl.00; good to choice suckers, ll.3ifti.:l: stork heifers, 1.00: stock tows, It.00fti.l0: stock oslvee, M.OoeiO.OOt veal calvee. If.00eil.7l; heef )ulls. stsgs, etc., ll.tOSI IO; bologna bulla, 7.ooei.ii, ltspressntailvs sales: BfDKP ST1CBRS. . No. 30.; nil 41.. u'.l Av. Pr. No. AT. Pr. ... 1t It 00 ... iiO I li ... Ill I 41 .., (71 I 10 ... 171 I 0i ... 701 10 00 ...111 II 31 ...1130 10 40 ...1034 10 li ...1110 11 II ... Ill II II ...1110 11 li ...llii 11 40 41... 11... II.., 4.., II... II... tl... I... II... II... I... II... 117 17 10 101 I 40 101 I II 171 I 71 141 00 1141 It 10 .,...1013 10 II 141 10 10 1114 10 10 .....mi it ii .....llii 11 to nit u li 1337 11 II 10. II. ...1111 11 10 ..llii II 00 ITIIM AND HEIFERS. .. 110 I 31 li tmrrsjHfl. .. Ill I 3i 13 101 .. Ill f 10 1 1401 ..1111 I II ' 1.. HOO .. 741 I II I........ Ill ..1101 II 00 t fl h i ii CALTSS. ,, 411 I 71 ,111 I 10 , III I 10 , 440 I II , , 411' I Ml , no 10 40 I t Tl I li I Tl I6 li . Ill II 10 , 111 II 10 ,J 101 10 Hogs Another, liberal run of koga put In Its' appearance this morning. Today'a orrl vale of lot eara, or 14.100 hsad, bring ths total for ths week ts data up to IT.Tii head, as eomparsd with It.lll last week, 11,114 lw weeks' ago and 17,74: year ago. So far this wssk supplies have keen ths heav iest sine three wssks ago. The hog market today wag good HI f a dleeppolntmont to seltsrs. Teeterday's market, which around noon became as much ae 30c lower than tho preceding day, strengthened UP again on -the estrema eloee, ens of the packers who had laid out on the earfy trade cleaning up all the hogs oilers were willing to cash at morning prices. ' ' Today all Indlcatlena pointed to t hlghsr narkct. Teeterday'a better eloae, eoupled etth the 'fact that prices here have been tew compered with moot other markets, and reports of advanees elsewhere this morning, nude sellers bullish, but, as noted, the trade was a eomplsts disappointment to selling Interests. Shlppere bought a few hoxs a little hlghsr ts start things, but ths aptVoachlng rail Itnke oriole made them cautfoua. and they .jralted until packere got startsd before , 4elRg much. Killer buyere looksd around larly and Invoiced moat of tho .droveo, but rent away without making bids. Hsllers Inelly had to' give In before packere' In., and In tho end bulk of the kill . ng hoga wss bought to about ths asms lotehee as yeeterday. At the best time trices mlfht have been g little better than rastsrday, but there were also sales which ooked If anything eesler. On. lights and plain mixed kinds It waa .Tto old familiar story, Ons packer wee laying out, and others picked their hose, leaving out less deslrabls kinds whsrevsr - poaslble. with ths result that towarda noon chero were still as much aa forty or fifty Mrs of hoga unsold, a good percentage of which wore on ths light or highly mil. a jrder. At this tlms most packsrs had their drovea pretty well filled out, and the 'nly buyers who wsre still In the field were trying to buy hogs towsr than yssterday'a general market. Ths hsgs eold up to midday wire genor tlly eteady with yeeterday and poselbly . averaged a Uttte stronger. Bulk of these truer sales wsn made around 114.009 .4.30. and aa high as 114.11 had bean paid. Ksprrsantatlv salss: No. Av. Sh. Pr. Ko. At. Sh. Pr. 17s. Ill 111 It II . 14.. Ill ...14 11 Sheep Only moderate euppllea of aheap and .lambs were hero again today, axrlvala of twentyetght .s, or 1,700 bead, being about tho eame bIbo sw yestsrdsy's run. Owing' to libers! supplies on tho opening daya the weeks total la still ths largeet In three weeks, four days' reoelpte tooting up ts 40.TII head, which Is bout 3,000 larger than either last week or two woeko ago. sad a gain of 14.10 ever - rear ago. Tho sarly market wu eteady to 10c higher on the better grades of lambs, ths bssl here selling up to 114.41. After the more urgent orders wsre filled tho trade - eeamo dull and closed slow to a, . little l.w.r fh.n VMt.rAav Quotations sn shsep and lambs: LamboJ light and handy, iambs, jeavy, Ill.uei4.10,' lambs, clipped. 111.11 11.10: lambs, feeders, sil.oit.lil, yssr. inn, good to choice. 111. 4IS1I.II: year- llnge. fair ts good, lll.iOSll.SI: wethers, tslr 40 choice, lit. 10011.04; owes, good to choice,; owss. rair to goo. Ilo.40tll.00s wes. plain ts culls, If.ooe Representative sales: , No. - t ' ., At. ' Pr. 371 fed lambs , 371 Meilcan lambs., 301 Msiiean lambs,, 111 fed lambs ., '.II fed eweo ,. 13 fed lambs 37. Mexican lambs ., 10 Tl ..... TT ....103 ....101 .... II ....01 14 li 14 31 14 Ti 111 41 vll 40 x14 10 14 II ; Slsn City lies tlsck MaraM. ' Hloux city, March 11. Cattle Hclpt. 1.4(0 head:, market ateady: etockera, 10c V-XHsr; bocf stsers, I10.I0O13.00; butchers. Morris Co....- no fc: Swift and Company.. I0 I.4ST Cudahy Packlnf Co.. li " 1.931 Armour Co 101 l.30 Bchwsrts Co...... .... " ' 1. w. Morphy MM r.lncoln Packlm Co.. IT .... Ho. Omaha Pack. Co. TVIIson Packlnf Co,, 10 II Cudahy from K. C W. PI". Hurst.,,. .... 1 F. B. T.SW1 I .... 1. B. Root Co... ... li .... Sullivan Bros, s 1 .... Mo. Kanaaa Calf Co. it ,. Chrlstls ............. 13 Hufktna .,,'.,..;..... I .... Huffman 10 .... Roth ...... i Mayors ..." (llassberf ,'..,.).. ...... Baker, Jones Smith 4! ., .... Banner Bros.1'... : 17 . .... . John Harey f ' 14 ..... Dmnrs rrancls.,.,. T Jenaen Luntren 14 , .... onay : I' .... Other Buyers 311 .... II 1010 to: fst cows and heifers, l!.O"0 1.10: cslvss. I7.00OI.I0: bulls, stsgs, etc.. I7.0oei.00; feeding cowe and heifers, 10.31 Oi0. Kegs Receipts. f.ool hssd; msrkst stronger to 10c higher; light,; mixed. 114.1014.11: hesvy, 114.100 14.40; pigs. I1I.00O13.I0; hulk of salee, lit.ioo 14.31. Sheen and Lambs Reeelpte, 100 hesd msrkst needy; yesrllngs, IH.OOOHOO; wethers, IH.l0O13.i0; ewes, llO.3iOH.33; lambs, HI.00O14.i0, . CF11CAOO ' UVB STOCK MARKBT. Cartla, Steady) Hogs, Strong I Chicago, Msrch 11. Cattle Reeelpte. 4.000 head; market eteady; native beef cat tle, !t.OO013.ii; Blockers and feeders, II.I0O I. 70: cows snd ncirers, io.svv-iv.iu; csitcs, II. 7SAll.iO. HogsB-Rscelpts, 31.000 head: market etronf, 10c to lie sbovs yeeterday'a aver age: bulk of eatea, IM HtJH.ll; light, 114.00 O14.I0: mixed, I14.3SO14.I0; roufh, 114.30 014.4i; pigs, iio.&oeii.zv. Shsep and lmbs Receipts, 13.000 hesd: msrket stronf ; wethers, I11.00O13.I0; owes, II. 71013.31; lambs, 111. 35014. 15. St. Tresis Un Stock Market. St. Louis. Mo... Msrch 16. Cattls Re ceipts. 3,300 head: market higher; nstirs beef eteers. I7.50OH.71; yearling eteers and helfere, It.SOfJ 11 .! ; cowe, K.I0O10 00: storkers snd feeders, i.7IO 10.00: prime eouthem beef steers, I0.00OH.00; beef cowe snd helfere, 14.110100: prims yesr. Una steers snd heifers, I7.10O10.00; native calvee, 10. 00011 71. Hogs Receipts, jx.ioo neaa: meraei hlfhor; llfbte, 114:10014.70; pigs. II.10O 13.00; mixed and butchers, 114. 40014.00; good hrevy, tlt.71OH.t0; bulk of aslee, II4.4BO14.0i. sheen and Lamba Reeelpte, 1.100 heed: market higher; lambs, tli.00O14.00; swss, II. 10O13.00; yearlings, tH.31 1 1.S0. Kansas City Idea Slack Market. Ksnsas City, Mo., Msrch 1. Cattle Re ceipts. 3,000 head; market strong; prime fed steers, til. I0O13.31: dressed beef steers, western oteers, tt.OOO 71: cows. I0.oocpio.oo; neiiers, ..,u 11.00; Blockers nnd feeders, I7.31O10.70; bulls, l7.00Ot.10; esrvea, 17. 01)011. 10. Hnse Receipts. 1.000 nesn . maraei eteady: bulk t( salea, IH.7SffH.7l: heavy, llt.70O14.S0; packers sno nutensrs. OI4.T0; light, ll4.oooit.4o; pigs. sis.vv 13.7i. Sheep snd Lsmbs Bsceiptsr e.juo nrau; msrkst strong: lambs. I13.00014.i0: yesr llngs, H8.00OI3.i0; wethers, 111.1001350; owes, tl0.l0O13.3i, St. Joseph Lies Stock Msrket. St. Joseph, Msrch 11 Cattle Reeelpte, l.aoo heed: market strong to 10c higher; steers, l.inOH:7i; cows and heifers, tl.lOO 11.00; calves, ts.0OffJl.7e. Hogs Receipts. 10,100 nesa: msrnei steady; top 114.10; bulk of salss, n. top 14.71. Bheep and Lambs Receipts, t,00 hesd: msrket slow; lambs, lli.70O14.4O; owes, 111,00013.00. ,v Lies Stock 111 Sight, Csttle. Hogs. Sheep. 1,100 000 1,100 11,000 1,100 South Omsha.. 3,100 1,000 3,300 4,000 1,000 14,100 1,000 13,100 31.000 1,000 loux City St. Louis Chicago Kansas .City ... Totals ........ ,.11,100 11,100 31,400 New York Money Msrkst. New Tork, Msrch 11. Money On call. steady; high, 14 per cent: low, I percent; ruling rate, I per. cent; last loan, 34 per oenl; cloning, 3(4 psr cent; offered at 2H per cent. Time boons ntesoy; sixty oeye, v psr cent: ninety days, 1403 psr cent; sx months, per cent. prime Meresnws rsper iv Slerllnv Kxrhanas Sixty-day bllla, 14.71: commsrclal glxty-dsy bills on banks, 11.71: commercial sixty-day bills. ItlOHl mend. 14.71 l.lll csbles, 14.71 7-1. Silver Bar, 71c; Mexican dollars, ier. BcndB Oovsrnmsnt, . Btsadyi , railroad, eaey. U. B. r. is, rsg, sv "M.,n. i-.iene i,k do coupon... 01 M. P. con. Oe.,.103 eu. S. Is, rcg.,.100ii Mont. Powsr Is lilfc do coupon. ..1004N. T. C, d. a..loJ4 U.S. 4s. reg. ..107 "N.T.Cy I4sl0ii.107 lo coupon. ..nsn.i.,".n sn.fl.iiii'.vi .T. A T.o. 44ein6tl.N. P. 4 3H Anglo-French lo IIH'N. P. Is....... 8014 Atcnison gen, es . a. u. r. ,e... -.- H. A O. 1 13'iPsc. T. A T. i..1004 Beth. Stool r. IstOOViPenn. con. 4H...16, C. P. 1st 10 Penn. gen. 44s.. 1004 C. A O. 0. 44.. IlltResdlng gen. 4s.. 14 C..B. A Q . I. 4s tl S. P. cv. 5 1004 CM. A St.P.c.lslOtUS. P. ref. 4 01 14 C..R I. A Pr... 73.14 S. R. Is 1004 'C. B. r. 44s... SB u. r. es wt D. A R. O. o. 4s I04U. P. cv. 4s.... tl , Kris gen. 4s.... OltTtr. S. Rubber (S..1014 Clon. tine. la. .las' 11. S. Steel is. . .1054 O. N. 1st 44S...100 West. Union 4 4s I "I, c rsr. es.. Be i?otn. ot u. ei is . c. B. r. s.. 00 4 . 'ma. . , A N, un. Is.. I4t f . . , , ' ' Mstnl Marks. New Tork,' Msrch II. Metals Lsad, last, Ids, ssksd; spsltsr, sssy; spot. Bsst St, Louis delivery, 10, aoked. Copper, quiet: eleotrolytlc, spot and nearby, nominal; sec ond quarter, ltl.00O3i.00, nomtnsl; third, qusrtsr. 111,10013.10. Iron, firm;' No. 1 northern, III.I0OI7.00: No. I, I31.I0O; No.' 1 southern. 111.00013,00: No. 3, 181.00011.10. Tin, oteady; apot, I1I.00O 14.00. v At Ijondon. copper, apot. Ills ruturee, fill; slsctroyltlc, , (111. Tin, spot, till. lis; futures, 130. Lssd, ill, 10s; spelter, 1T. Kansas City Osstsnl Market, Kansas City. March II. Wheat No. 3 hard, 1. ISOl. 00; No. 3 red, II, 1101. SI; May. tl.77Hl July, It. 41401. HH. Cora No. 3 mixsa,. 11.074 ji. os: no. i white. I1.OI01.OI4; No. 1 yellow. 11.0140 1.101 May. '11.11: July, 11.01. ' Oats No. I whits, ojko3o;. no, 3 mlxsd, 1140114c Butlsr creamery, sic; nrsts, eoc: sso onds. lie; packing, tic, Kggs Firsts, 37c. v . Poultry Hons, I04o: roosters, llof tur ksyo, lie' v MlnnospolU Onta Market. Mlnneapolta. March ' II. Wheat May. 11.11401. 114: July. 11.714 01.71: ossh No. 1 hard. II. Ilf 1.1741 No. 1 northern. 111 tto. r nortnern, oi.e no 1.11. corn no. 'i ysuow. ti.oooi.oi. Osts No. I white. 11401740. Flsssoed ll.liOI.l4, Flour Unchanged. Ryo Il.il401.144. Bran llt.IOQH.00. - . Cstto Msrket. ' New Tork. Msrch II. Cotton Futures opened stssdyi1 Msy, lT.dc; July, 11. tic; October, l.70e; Doeember, K.tlc. Cotton futures closed stesdy. ' Msrcn, 17.11c: Msy, 17.17c; July, lT.0c: October, 17.80c; December, 11,11c. Spot, quiet; mid dling, IT.Ilo. L,lverpool, Maron lB..oiton spot in ll'mltsd demand; prlcea easier; good mid dling. 13.3idi middling. ll.lSd: low mid dling, 11.174; bulk of salss, 4.00 pales. Oenssjnpt i of Cotton lnofsnsss. . .. Wsshington. March ll.-Cotton son- sumod In tho Vnltsd Statea during Febru ary aggregated 147.33 running balea, sx cluslva of (Inters, and for tho aeven months. sndlng with Fsbrusry I, II4,II balsa, ths censue bureau today announced. Laet year during February ilo,73l balea war eon svmed and In ths ssvsn months,- 1,111,141 kales. Evaporated Appsss sjsd Dried Frail. ' .New Tork, March It.-e-Bvaporated Applss Firm; choice, tc; prime, T40o Dried Frulte France, more actlvs: Call- fornla. 140104c: Oregons, I4O10C. 'Apri cots, firm: extra choice, lie; fancy, 114a. Poachee. firm: choice, 84o: extra' choice 14c: fancy, lc. Raisins, qulst; choice to fancy sseded. IOc; seedless, 100114s; London laysrs, ll.RO. . . , Mgu Market, rfew ' Tork. Msreh li, Sugar Raw. steady; csntrtfugsl, Lite; molasses. 113c. Retlned. stssdy; tins granulated. IT.00S 1.00c Futurea market quiet, with opera tions tsndtng ts hold oft and await do relopmenta. At noon prices wsr about un changed. Closed quiet ana unensnged tn 3 polntg lower. Salee. T.300 eackB; May, 4.I8C1 July. 4.10c; Ssptember, i London,-. March II. Amsrlcan seoorlttes worn (rsctlsnatly lowsr on ths stock ss Ckangs today. . . , . Bllvsr Bar,' iia par ounoa. . Money 14 per cent. Discount Ratas Short and thrss months, its psr csnt. 1 TJrr Goods Msrket. Ksw Tork, Msrch 11. Cry Ooede Cot ton goods wees, steady today. Prtnt cloth anal yarn goods wsrs firm. Tsrns wsrs steady and wool goods firm nnd quiet. Raw Bilk haa boon more active at lower prlcea. For quick snd sure' results ase The Bee -Want Adi. . . ' . GRAIN AND PRODUCER Oaih Demand for Ah Cereals is Excellent and Receipts Are Very Good. PRICKS ADVANCE A BIT March l", 1117. RMrii(r: of a'l cln nere vtry good today and thtrt was an txcellcrit cash de- nuri foi osverythlnr on tn net. w neai prla rr rathir Irregular and while a Uw car of pretty good io. nard'wntit nold at a lo advance, the jrneral tone of tho market was .lower, the No. 2 bard fell In front unchanged to me under yeetor- day'a market. Todiy'a top on wheat wa ll. on No. 3 hard, but the bum or tne .Vo. t aamplen hrought from $1.16 to tt.SS while the general run or no. nara ioia at $1.10 to II, 11, The trade In corn wai rery active at an advance of Ho to lc and while there waa mall orem urn said tor wntte corn tne yellow and mlied aold very readily on the advance and tne toia were pretty won cleaned up before the clone of the neMion, So. a white corn aold at $1.0 f, to 11.04 Ki So. 2 white brought $1,04 to $1.04 U; the better gradei of yellow ranged from $1.03 Mr to 11.0 '4. an ad the name grades of mlicd corn brought from to $1.0IH, There wai a rather large increase in oats receipts nd while the demand was very good It was hardly strong enough to take rare of the Increased offering and quite a few samples were held over. The oats market was quoted froi Ho to Mjc higher, No, I white being quoted at otc, No. 4 white at JHc. while sample oats brought from 64 Ho to 67c. There wsre abou five ram of barley en the tables, but the demand for this artlele was rather poor at unchanged prices. No rye was placed for sale on the tables and this market was quoted normally un changed. , w. Clearances were: wheat and flour eoual to JIMQD bushels; corn, 468,000 bushels; oats. $.000 bushels. Primary wheat receipts were 147,000 bit. and shipments of S70.000 bu.. against re- relpts of 1,010,000 bu. and shipments of $.3,000 bu. last year. Primary corn receipts were 713,000 bu. and shipments of $02,000 hu against re ceipt) of 74,000 bu, and shipments of 601,000 bu. last year. ' Primary oats receipts were 713,000 bu. and shipments of 783,000 bu., against re ceipts of 475,000 bu. and shipments of 1,121,000 bu. last year. wneat. Corn. Oats. 140 Chicago .... Minneapolis Duluth Omaha 43 $7 40 Kansas City $8 .4. I fit. IjouIs ... Winnipeg ... tfO 4$ 41 423 These sales were reported today: Wheat No. 3 hard winter: 1 car, 11.1$; t cars, If.lfiH: S tars, $1.16; 3-S car, $1.14. No. S hard winter: I care, ll.sfi; 1 car, $1.84; 2 cars, 11. li; 1 car, 91.82; 1 cars, $1.81: t car, 11.10',,; 1 car, 1.80. No. 4 hard winter: 1 car, $1.73; I car, $1.73. Sample hanrl winter: 1 csr, $1.01. No.- S spring: 1 car, $1.80. Ko. t durum mixed: 1 car, $1.74. No, mixed: 1 car, $1.8; 2-1 car, $1.8. Barley No. 1 feed; 1 car, 1.06. Re- Jected: 1 car, 1,01. Corn-No. 2 white, I can, 81.04: l car. $1.04, No, 3 white, 1 car (shipper's weights), $1.04 U; I car, $1.04. No. 2 yel low, l car, $1.04',. No. I yellow, I can. $1.04; I can, $1.03. No. 4 yellow, 1 ear, $1.03. Ko, yellow. 1 car (31.40 per cent moisture), Bp. Ko. 2 mixed, 1 car, $1.03; I cars, $103 Hi I cars. $1.0$. No. 2 mixed, S can, $1.0ni4; $ rare, $1.03; 4 cars, $1.02. No. 4 mixed. 1 car, $I.03U. , oats no. i white, l tar (shipper weights), Mo; 13 oars. STHc No, '4 white, 3 cars, 17 Ho- Sample white, 1 car, 57c; 8 cars, 6$Ho; 1 cars, 56 He Ko, I mixed 1 car. 57 Ho. Omaha rash Prices wheat: No. I hard, $).84H01.$: Ko. 3 hard, $1.8001.84 Ko,, 4 hard. $1.7301.80. Corn: Ko. Z white. $t.04HO.04ti; No. 8 white, $1.03 01.04; No. white, ioiu 01.08; No. ft white, $I.OUVO)H; No. white, 1.030 1.03 HI NO yellow, ll.O401.O4H; no. 8 yellow, 1.03461.04; Ko. 4 yellow, 1.02 ni.ui: no. o yenow, ft vi.uit : no. o yellow, 1.034tJ1.02H; No. 3 mixed, 1.03O 1.08; Ko. 8 mixed. 1.02 01,03 ; Ko. 4 mixed, 1.03 H 01.03 ; Ko. $ mixed, 1.02O 1.02 H; No. 0 mixed, $1.01 SO 1.03. Oats: No. 2 white, 708c; ntsndard, 70 ttlHc; Ko. S white, 67H067c; No. 4 white, 670570. Barley: Malting, 1.140 1.10; No. 1 feed, 1.0101.01. Bvti No. S, 1.4101.4$! No. I, 1.4701.48. OmahA Futures. Keporta rscelved today werT to the effect that the trade had discounted the strike rumors and that heavy export business had been planed with eastern houses. This newj led a buying rally by the bulk! and under pressure of which the market scored a steady advance on all options and closed naar ths high point of tho day. The ad venes in wheat today was ac on the Mar. I Ho on the July and I Ho on the Bp pt in ner option. May corn closed about 1 to lVta hither: July ruled o higher and September ad vanced c. The oats market waa strong In sym pathy with wheat and corn, the May article advancing o and the July o. local range or options: Art. Open. High, Low. Close. J Test j , May 174HH 1 71 174U 1 17 174 July 1 47 1 M 147 1 60 H 147 Sept. 1 T 1 1 137 1 1 187 Corn. . - F May 10!M03 1 04 102 Ti 1 04 108 July 1 1 1 01 101 1 02 103 Sept, 101 101101 101101 Oats. May 88 STH 68 B7 88 July 61 83 tS 65 62 Chicago closing prlcea. furnished The Bee by Logan Jk Bryan, stock and grain brokers. 315 South Sixteenth street Omaha: Art. Open. High. Low. Close, Tea. wht. n May 1T7HM80H 177 1 80 1T7 July 1 62 1 fit 1S3 1 68 l&J July 1 43 1 4b 14114 1 4$ 141 Corn. n May 1 07 1 01'i, 100H 1 08 10T July 1 06 1 0T , 106 I 07 108 Sept 1 04 1 0 104 1 OS 104 Oats, May l 17 S8 IT SH July 86 l4 II 14, IS Pork. 1 May 1 $0 38 81 21 10 $3 It 32 00 July 1 10 12 10 ,11 10 S3 12 11 40 Lard. May IS 83 It 7 II 80 II 00 ir?0 July II IS 119$ IS 72 1117 IS 7 IMbs. May - 17 IT 17 47 17 17 IT 47 17 It July 17 it 17 II 17 27 IT 61 17 30 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Wheal Opens Higher en Improremeat Id Rail Htrlk Sltwatlna. Chicago, 111., March 15. Orowlng confi dence that the threatened railway strike would be averted led to higher price for wheat today. The raarkot closed strong and 3c to So net advance, with May at $1,$0 to $1.10 and July at $1.66 to 11.61, Corn gained e to I He. oats e to lc and provisions 30c to 76c. Aside of a little sinking spell at ths out set and another weak spot just before mid day, tne wnest market showed a con tinuous gain. Houses with eastern connec tions ware the chief buyere, and It was said that una firm alone purchased 3,000,000 bushels. Almost from tho outnat the as sumption waa general that the railway strike outlook was less ominous and as the day wore on It waa more and more evident that optimism In regard to favorable out come of the strike conference had become pronounced. Meanwhile bullish crop re ports from southwestern Kaneas aoted as decided handicap on the bears. Accord ing to leading au t nor t ties, mucn or tne wheat tn that section had not germinated at all, and much that did germinate was dead. Kit I mates that export aales in tne last twenty-four hours amounted to 1,200,000 bushel helped to lift the wheat market during the ffnal hour of the session. in the and, however, trade consisted ror the moat part of evening up transactions by shorts who were eager to anticipate a pos sible harmonious outcome of the difficulty with the railway employe. Corn rose with wheat. Lightness or re ceipts tended to prevent any sharp setback. Oats dlsalayea no independence or other cereals. Salea of 400,000 bushels of oats for ahloment at tha ODonlna of lake naviga tion were made, a total oi ti,uvv ousneia so far this week. Sharp upturns in tha Trro visions market resulted from persistent buying on eastern account and from higher quotation! on hogs. Offerings were light until lard touched 111.00. Chicago Cash Prices Wheat t No, I ana No. S red and No. t hard, nominal; Ko. I hard, Sl.ll. Corn) Ko. S yellow, $!.! O 1.01: Ko. S T Uow. $1.07 l.OIH; 9io, yellow, $1,QS01-OI. Oats: No. I white, $6 0 67 01 atendtfrtl. ItOllHo. Nominal. Barley; $1.1111.1:. Seeds: Clover. 111.0041 timothy. $8.7601-76, Provision! Pork, nominal t lard. $11.06 O ll.fl"; ribs, Utiiler" (Jnchanecd. . Kjsj Higher; receipts, S.4J0 caeca, first. H037HR; ordinary firsts, 3-HtJ27c; at mark, cases included, leo-aic. Potatoes Higher; receipts, 19 cars; Wis consin and Michigan, $2.1603.26; Idaho, Oregon, Washington and Colorado, $3,200 2.60. Poultry Alive, higher; fowls and springs. 31c. KHW YORK GENERAL MARKET. Quotations of the Iay on tho Various Lead ing Commodities, New Tork, March 16. Wheat Spot, strong; No. 2 bard, $2.08; No. 1 northern, Dulutb, $2.11; No. 1 northern, Manitoba, $2.21, f. o. b. New Tork. Flour Unsettled, Corn Spot, Arm), Ko. 2 yellow, $l.22c, f. o. b. New Tork. Oats Spot, firm: stsndard, 744c Hops Easy; state common to choice 1116. 3S942c; 1U5, 709c; Pacific! coant 1916, 80r. Hides Quiet; Bogota, 44c; Central Amer ica, 43c, Leather Firm; hemlock firsts, 57c; sec onds. 6 &C. . Provisions Pork, firm ; mean. iii.s.u p 38.00; family, $37.004238.00; "hurt cleat. 136.00038,00. Heef. firm; msn, 25.00; family, $:.Ot(ftS.00. Lard, strong; middle west, $18.80 11.70. Tallow Steady; city, ll 4c, nominal; country, 12l2c; special. I2&c. Butter Firmer; rectlpts, z,CP tubs; creamery higher than extras. 41 iH2 H"; extras ($2 score) 4K41cV fir. a, 40c; seconds, 8&4?37c. Ergs Firm: reeelpte, 22.016 canes; Trent. gathered eatra fine, 2O20c: extra flrstn, 28028c; flratF, 2N'c; aeconds and low er grades. U(c21r, Cheese Irraruiar; receipts, Z.nSO boxes: state whole milk flats held specials, 27 H 02T4c; do, average fancy, 3Ct7r. Poultry Live, firm; fowls, 23 24 He: chickens, 20c; turkeys, 26c. 6rpfl'il. quiet; hckens, 18028c; fowls, I703c; tur- kejs, JHHiic. OMAHA fiKMCH-; a-KET. Live Poultry Broilers. 14 to 1 lbs. each., lb., 30c; broilers. 3 to Z'i lbs., lb., 2tc: hens, under 4 lbs., Ib.. 18c; hens, over 4 lbs., 37o; springs, all slzs, under 6 lbs.. lie; stags under 6 lbs., 4c: oia roosters, 12 ; geese, 13c; turkeys, over ft lbs., 1'Oc; turkeys, less than 8 lbs., half price; capons, over lbs.. 24c; capons, $ lbs. and under. 20o; gulneaa, each, any else, :5c; squabs. Homers, 14 os. each, per doz., 84; pigeons. per dos., toe, B'.tter Choice oreamerv, n0, i, 4(fC; so. 2, 8Se. Eggs Fresh, Ko. 1, case, $7.80; Io. 2, fresh, $7.20; crax, case, $6.00. Cbuese auotalloiio b iFrisn at Co.: Cheese New chanffCfl In clieeaa quotations furnished by' tfie Urlnu Cheese company are; Imported Swlti, out : fanry domentlr, 42c; block, 82c; Twins, 27r; UsIhIcs, :Rc: Triplets, 28c; Young America, 29c; Blue. Label brick, 26c, llmbenfer, 2M-; Berkl mer County, fi. T SHe; rouqucfort, French. 6Dc. Whnteaale prlcea of heef ruts: Beef Cuts Ribs: Ko. 1? ':2a lb.; No. 2. 20c; Ko. 1, 16c Loins: Ko. 1, 2Gc; No. Z, 14c; No. I, 18 c. Chucks, No. 1, lii'Ac; No. S, lie; No. S, 13',-. Rounds, Ko. 1, 18c; No, S, llc; Ko. 3, 16c. Plates: Ko. 1, 13c; Ko. 2, 12c; No. t, Uc. Onion Sets Tellow. bu.. 81,00. red. S4.25: white, 4.60. Mammoth celery, per dmen. 150. Frosen Fish Salmon Falls, 14c; 8s I mo n Sliver, 18c; trout. 17c; catfish, 16c; Alaska sableflsh, lie; smelts, 18o; whiting, lnc; crap pies, to: pike, yellow, dressed, - 17c: round. 14c: pickerel, dressed, l-'Au; round, mo; herring, round, 7c; herring, 8 Ho; whlteflsh, dresaed, medium, 16c: la rue, 20c; Jumbo, 26c; round, small, 11c; tile fish for steaks, 12c. Fresh Fish Cstfish, 18c; halibut, too; Spanish mackerel, 16c; Grapples, order sfxe, lC20c; bis ok bass, largo, 20c; order sine, thai small. 18o; red snapper, 17c: flounders, 13c; codfish, owtora, 16c; bluefish. me dium, 16c. Smoked. Salt and Spiced Fish Smoked white chubs. 16c; kippered salmon, 18c; fin nan saddle, 17c; codfish, 12c; Puritan cod, 12Ho; pollock, 8c: KKKK herring, luo: bloaters. 0 to box, 11.76; 100 to box. 3.35: kippered cod, lo-lb. baskets, 20c: whlteffsh, Ko. 1. 40 lbs., S5.1S; 10 lbs., 1.40; herring, spiced, 40 lbs., 3.86; 10 lbe 96c. Oystsrs "King Colo" northern atandsrda, 1.80: selects. $2.00; counts. 2.16; Chesa peake standards. 1.56; selects. $1.80. Fruits and vegetable quotations furnished by Otillnskl Fruit company: iruiia uranges, tvvm, sin, in $1.00; 176s, 200s, $3.&0; 100s, 126s, 160s, $3.76. Lemons, fancy 100a, 360s. $5.00; cholco 300s, 800s, $4.60. araporruit, ass, $4.00; 4 Ob, $4.25; 64s; (4.50; 64s, 80s, 96s, $$.00. Apples, Jonathans X, fancy, 12.60; W. W. Pearmalnes, fancy, $2.26; extra fancy, $2,25; Arkansas Blacks, extra fancy. (J. 60; rsewton nppins. cnoice, 91.10. Vegetables Celery. $1.00; turnips, carrots, 4c; cabbage, 8c; onion, red, yellow, 12c; onion, Spanish, $8.60; onion, large crate, $10.00; cukee, $3.00; tomatoes, basket, $1.00; tomatoes crates, $6.60; cauliflower, crate, $3.50; cauliflower, doxen, $2:00: lettuce, Braw, $4.60; lettuce, doxen, $1.36: bagoes, 4c: sweet amids. $2.65 hamn; spuds. eating, $1.00 bu.; spuds, Early Ohio. 3.50 bushel. Mlscelleanous Cider, mous, Honey, 3.2$ case. St, Louts Grain Market. Ph. Loula. March 16. Wheat No. 1 red. $1.1701.$$: No, 2 hard, $1.8101.l6tt; May, 1.7$: July, $161. 1 orn NO. S, l.w"it; no. wime, n.vetj 1.0$; May, $108; July, 1.07. Oat No. 2, lc; No. 1 wnite, nominal. Authorities Probe Thefts Of Money from Mail Boxes Thrte cies of thefts from tht mails in Omaha have been reported to police and postal inspectors. When SM in currency was stolen from a letter addressed to a guest of the Rex hotel a clerk there was ar rested. But while he was in jail a second theft of $40 from a registered letter was reported by the same guest. The clerk has since been re leased. While efforts were being made to uncover the leak in the mails, a woman employe of the Burgess-Naslf store reported a third case of local mail tampering. She said she had mailed a check to a Sioux City woman, but that the check with a forged endorsement had been found on the street here and returned to her, after having evidently been lost by the mail thief who stole it. j Farmers' Union State Exchange to Locate Here ReDresentatives ol the Farmers' Educational and Co-operative State Union of Nebraska have filed articles of incorporation for the Farmers' Union State exchange, wliith will have its headquarters in Omaha. The capital is $50,000. The organization is incorporated for the purpose of buying, selling, shipping , and manufacturing farm products and all other articles which may be handted to the interest of the members ot tne union. The incorDorators are lohn Hair- kost of Hooper, C. H. Gustal'son of Mead. James hlliott Ot Morrill ana H. D. Tute of Paxton. Nimble Con Men Switch Checks On Iowa Farmer After vainly trying to get cash for a $100 check he had written Grant Turner, a wealthy Iowa farmer, was induced by two friends to tear up the check, he said. Hat it must have been another piece of paper that was destroyed, for the real check later came 'in against ais account after having been collected through an Omaha bank. . I Turner has offered a reward for the arrest of one of his "friends." George Harris, alleged to have been con cerned in the confidence game, has already been sentenced to pay a fine in police court and committed to jail in default of payment. Man Killed by Explosion Of Ton of Black Powder Wilmington, Del., March 15. Two thousand pounds of black commercial powder blew up today in the Hagley yarda of the Du Pont Powder com pany and killed one workman. The city and surrounding territory for miles was tremendously shaken. The cause of the blast is not known. NEW YORK STOCKS Day's Dull Market Roles Firm to Strong Despite Handi caps. TRADING WAS BROAD Nw Tork. March 15. Despite tha hand! cans Imposed by adverse domestic and for- elsn factors, today'a dull market ruled firm to atronr. though losing considerable ground In the later dealings. Prices were at their best during the mad-session, when recess In the railway labor conference was announced, but fell back all around In the final hour of selling, apparently Induced by the reports of the revolution In Kussla. Trading wss broad, considering the com paratively small tourn-over, dealings em bracing more than the usual variety of In - dustrlals and metals with a fair sprinkling of specialties. Bethlehem Steel, new and old sharp!, the latter selling ei -dividend of to per cent, made extreme gains of !H and 44, respectively at 1M4 and 13XH. United grates Steel rose IV to 1114, but cloned at 110. and' gains In'' other steel and Iron Issues suffered like -reductions. Coppers rose 1 lo 1 points, .Shippings, m to 3 points, oils m to 2 points and Motors and Equipment 1 to 3 points, with General boa trier, industrial Alrortoi, American can and International Nickel, Sugar and Paper tsharea. were Irreau ar throughout. Tho movement In utilities was limited, the only features being an extreme rise of 6 In Ohio Gas to 112 with 16-S for West ern Union at s9t. Inquiry for rails centered around Reading, Union Pacific, Canadian Pacific and less than a dozen of the low priced shares? most of which forfeited the greater part of their gains tn the gradual reversal at tha close-. Sales, 465, 000 share. Remittances to Rush la were not disturbed by the advices affecting that country and It is not probable that a halt will be or dered In Intending foreign financial nego tiations by American bankers. Efforts to establish Italian credits tn this market evi dently made little progress today, tires fall ing to the -new discount of 186. Marks, or German exchnnge, hardened perceptibly. Large blocks of foreign bonds changed hands at moderate concessions with a lower trend in domestic Issues. Total sales, par value. 3,226,noo. United States bonds were unchanged on call. Number of sales and range of prices of leading siocks: open. nigh. low. Close. 4 2,1)00 47 4fi 46 BFi 4 1.500 7Ji4 70U 704 9,000 106 li 104 104 14 1,000 1S7 126 126 2,300 S7 36 36 8.100 84 8r 81 1,200 101 101 101 600 63 62 62 00 76 76 76 Am. Beet Sugar.. . Am. Can Am. Car A Fdry. . . Amer. Loco Am. Smelt, & Rfg Am. Sugar Rfg.... Am. Tel. A Tel.... Am. Zinc, L. St ,S. Anaconda Copper.. AtchlBmi Baldwin Loco Baltimore A Ohio Brooklyn R. T Butte ft Sup. Cop. Cal. Petroleum. . . . Canadian Pacific. Central Leather..'. Ches. A Ohio C. M. & St. P C. A N. W C, R. I. P Chlno Copper Colo, rue I & Iron Corn Prod. Rfg.,. Crucible Steel PI" tillers Securities Erie General Electric... O. ti., pfd O. N Ore, etfs... Illinois Central...., Int.r. Con. Corp... insplr. Copper Inter. Harv.. N. J. 600 67 67 66 1,400 47 45 464 23, 1,800 154 162 163 9.700 92 0 91 68 600 82 80 81 600 113 113 113 3,400 B9 1,704 48 2,100 23 4.80O 66 600 21 1,40ft 26 58 23 23 66 66 20 20 2G 26 ike i:u 700 113 112 113 1,200 35 33 34 200 100 100 100 300 13 13 13 7.000 61 60 60 116 Int. H. M. Pfd. etfl 10,4" 78 K. C. Sotuhem... 60(1 23 Kcnneeott Cop.... 1.909 45 76 77 21 21 44 45 .... 124 87 87 40 41 .... 16 .... 29 .... 100 56 65S, 24 24 94 94 43 43 Irfu1s, A Nash.... Mex. Petroleum.. Miami Copper. M K. A T., pfd. . Mo. Pacific (new) Mont, Power....... National Lead Nevada Copper,... X. T. Central X. T.. N. H. AH.. Norfolk A West.. 2,400 88 80 41 200 66 1,100 24 2.600 94 800 43 Northern Pacific. 600 103 102 103 Pacific Mall 1.500 23 22 32 Pac, Tel. A Tel. . .291,900 63 53 63 Penneylvanla 5,300 ? Rav Con. Copper.. 9.000 95 Reading 4,100 81 Rp. Iron A flteel Shattuck Ariz. Cop 2,6n 94 PnMfl . 4.600 27 U 28 94 79 93 2S Southern Ry l."" ioa i" i" Tennessee Copper.. 1.7f0 230 228 22 Texas Company.. 8.8fX 136 133 135 Union Pacific, pfd. 20,300 127 124 124 U. f. Ind. Alcohol.. 10 6, 100 111 110 110 V. S. Steel 3"0 117 117 117. V. S. Steel, pfd... 20,800 113 112 IIT. Utah Copper 700 25 24 24 Wabash. Pfd. 1,100 99 98 98 Western Union.... 2,200 61 50 60 Gets Court Order to Keep Other Half from Bothering Married on December 20. 1916, the Oliver Watsons have found the matri monial sea since then as rough as rough can be, particularly so the wife, judging from a petition for divorce filed in district court. Harriet Watson wants no more of Oliver: in fact, wife thinks so little of his company that she has had Judge Day issue a restraining order to Keep the former head of the household from bothering either' her or her mother. Since the "big fight Mrs. Watson has been living with her mother at Rellevue. She a leges m her divorce suit that he is "insanely jealous and has, attempted to take her bodily from her mother's home. The wife asserts her husband has been extremely cruel since their marriage. Lena M. Kazeros is suing ueorge Kazeroi for divorce on grounds of alleged cruelty. J he following decrees were granted: Anna Barden from Bert M. Barden. Eunice Anderson from Albert An derson. , Flurina Galloway from Charles C. Galloway. r Dr. White is Held for Passing Forged Checks Dr. W. D. White, 35, said to be a graduate of Creighton medical col lege' and' a former practitioner in Omaha, pleaded guilty in police court to a charge f forgery and was bound over to the district court under $750 bond. The man was brought here from Dallas, Tex., where he was"ar rcsted. Detective L.'T. Finn of the Bran- deis stores said Dr. White bad, ad mitted passing torged checks tor iiu. $35 and $45 at the Brandeis stores, and that the physician also had passed worthless checks totaling over $300 at the Hayden and Burgess-Nash stores. , . r Prague Hotel Man is Fined For Tilting Liquor Cover For tilting the lid Wednesday night John Ort of the Prague hotel bar. Thirteenth and, William streets, was fined $12.50 and costs. Inmates of the place were discharged. H. P. Nielson, whose saloon at Twentieth and Grace streets was also raided bv notice Wednesday niffht. forfeited an appearance bond. Inmafcs A Billbui Attack. V When you have a bilious attack vour liver fails to Derform its tunc tions. You become constipated.. The lood you eat ferments in your atom' ach instead of digesting. I hit in flames the stomach and causes nausea, vomiting and a terrible head ache. Take Chamberlain's Tablets. They .will tone up your liver, clean out vaur stomach and vou will soon be as well a ever. They only cost a quarter. Advertisement. THINK THEATER FIRE INCENDIARY Mixture of Gasoline, Turpen tine and Other Liquids On Floor and in Tub. SECOND FIRE IN THE PLACE After investigating an explosion and fire which did $1,000 damage about midnight Wednesday night at the Farnam movie theater, ' 141 J Farnam street, Fire Chief Salter and Fire Warden Ed Morris asserted they were convinced the blaze was in cendiary. Another suspicious fire oc curred there some time ago, since when the theater has been closed. "The losris well covered by insur ance," said Warden Morris. "Fire men found a highly inflammable mix ture of gasoline, turpentine and other liquids scattered over the floor and in a tub, from which the flaming li quid spattered all around when a stream of water was first directed into the place." Police say they were told by several waiters in the employ of the. King Joy restaurant, upstairs, that the fire was preceded by an explosion which rocked the building and disturbed a large numbers of persons partaking of after-theater lunches. The theater is owned by Joe Kohl berg, Twenty-eighth and Decatur streets. The place was closed tem porarily for repairs. Kohlberg, his wife said last night, is in Kansas City buying new fixtures for the opening of the place. Kohlberg is said to be under grand jury indictment in connection v'"1 a charge of arson growing out of a previous fire in his theater building. Peeved Parents Urge Doctors to "Go to the Dumps" Citizens of Saratoga' school district have selected Charles C. Haynes, an undertaker; to extend to members of the Douglas County Medical society an invitation to inspect the dump at Twenty-second and Meredith avenue. We want to see, said the dele gates of the peeved parents, "if the guardians of health and warriors against disease will approve Dr. Con ned action in regard to that dump, which is only a few feet, compara tively, from the Saratoga school, as readily as they sanctioned his action in regard to that so-called smalTpox epidemic up our way and the placard ing of our homes with Exposed To disease cards." Folks in the Saratoga school dis trict will, hold another meeting in a few days. Mr. Haynes says they have received financial and moral assistance from people who live out side the district. Department Lets Contracts Cruisers; Cost $136,000,000 Washington. March 15. The Navv department' awarded contracts today for new shioi totalling approximately $136,000,000. 'Five battle cruisers at $1?,000,000 each and six scout cruis ers at approximately $6,000,000 each are to be built by the following firms: Seattle Construction and Dry Dock company, two scouts. Union Iron Works, San Francisco, two scouts. William Cramp & Sons. Philadel phia, two scouts. r ore River ship Building comoanv. Qsincy, Mass.. one battle cruiser. ltw lork Ship Building company, Camden, N. J one battle cruiser. Newport News Ship Building com pany, two battle cruisers. ihe mm battle cruiser will be built at a navy yard not yet designated, but probably tne rnuadeipnia yard. Grain Market Unaffected By Prospective Rail Strike Prospects of a strike of ' the rail road trainmen did not have as much effect upon the grain market as had been anticipated. Wheat sold off 1W cents on the Omaha market. Corn was cent to 'i cent up and.oats the same, i There was a good demand and ev erything was sold off early. Receipts were: Wheat, forty-hve cars: corn, fifty-seven cars, and oils, forty cars. Meeting of Federal Farm Loan Bank is Postponed With President Hogan of the Fed eral Farm Loan bank of Omaha now n Washington attenditig a confer ence of all the presidents of the twelve banks, the meeting of the di rectors of the Omaha institution. which was scheduled for yesterday was postponed. No definite date is now set, but it is likely the meeting will not be held for some two weeks. I spjijtBtf Many people are seeking bar- gains in Used Cars at this I time of the year. Put your I ad in the paper these people j read. Phone Tyler 1000 Between 8 A. M. and 10 P. M. Today You are ae close to , THE BEE WANT AD DEPT. i " as your phone is to you FILE CHARGES FOR TAKING DOWN SIGNS Health Commissioner Orders Complaints for Removing Smallpox Signs. SOME STILL ABE REFUSING Health Commissioner Connell di rected his inspectors to file com plaints against the following residents of the Saratoga school district for alleged violation of the law in con nection with removal of "exposed to smallpox" signs: Ada Parker, 2113 Grand avenue; Robert M. Monroe, 2321 Vowler ave nue: E. W. Fields, 2216 Meredith ave nue: Mrs. Christian, 2316 Sahler. The inspectors reported they were unable to get responses at the homes of Rev. Earl Bowen, 4605 North Twenty-fourth street, and A. J. Bur din, 4608 North Twenty-second street. Revised statistics of the smallpox situation in the Saratoga district shows that twenty-one children were excluded from school on account of internal vaccination and 118 for re fusing to be vaccinated. Wants the City To Settle for Suit Wet by Sprinkler J. R. Lemme, 2705 Douglas street, made epistolary demand upon the city commissioners for monetary allevia tion of mental and physical anguish suffered on the afternoon cf March 6. This citizen explained that while standing on a corner at the intersec tion of Sixteenth and Farnam streets a city street flusher suddenly emitted a stream of water which struck him amidships, soaking all parts of his wearing apparel except hat, collar and neckfie... He recited that he walked to his. home in saturated clothes, in chilly air, succumbed to inflammatory rheu matism and is threatened with per manent disability. I ; The city legal department was re quested to investigate and report. AMUSEMENTS. Phone Douglas 494 THE ICST Or VAUDEVILLE Osllir Mstlsss. 2:l: Mint. 1:11. This Wssk. ICROY. TALMA a B08C0. THE ABE Of REAM. THE VOLUNTEERS. Vslssd timUl. Dshms Vsl L"'1"'. OsysI, Fljflsi Hsslyt. Orshssis Trsvsl Wstkly. Prless: Mstlsss. flsHsry.'Ifle: Bstt Sssts fixesst 8st srssir sss Susssy). 2s: Nlihli. Ik. Ws. Ms ss 7 Special EARLY CURTAIN SATURDAY NIGHT 8 o'Clock Sharp. "OMAHA'S FUN CENTER" iCfl M Xs Jt Dsllx Msts., l.2f-S0c 3RJs,6'asr Evsb'is, 1S-2S-B0-7SC Last Time; Today 1 Fsstsr A TUT PnWCDVt Muslcsl H.rc.urt sV lilt DUHEIII Burlssqus Tomsrrew (Satimaqr) Mst. snd Wssk ?! . fiMrtiai HfldllsY5Hr Coetr Mourn With "r"''"l "'"- 42 Otbsrs LADIES' DIME MATINEE WEEK DAYS (SBSBSSBVSaSMSSJSBasBSSSHSJSBBJBSSSS WILLIAM WILSON A CO. " MARLETT3' MANIKINS GILBERT CLAYTON EMILY DARRELL CO. Hslbrsok Blbtn, tof "Ths Empress" TODAY AND SATURDAY William Fox Presents William Farnum ia "A Tale of Two Cities" i Clara Kimball Young j "The Prke"she Paid" S Saturday Morninf at 10 o'clock Special Children' Performance I Auspices Omaha Woman's Club ADMISSION 5c FjllllltltlllllllllllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHr. "Yt,M "1 in"l 'Si- FRIDAY AND SATURDAY . WALLACE REID snd ANITA KING, in ."THE GOLDEN FETTER" A Thrlllln, snd Nsvsl Wsslsrsj Pholodrsms.