THE BEK : OMAHA, TUESDAY. MARCH 13. 1917. A Complete Revolution in Agricul tural Methods "That the entire Southwest is on the verge of a complete revolution in agricultural methods, with which will come more economy and an increase in yields of from 20 to 40 per cent, is apparently the unanimous opinion of farmers, tractor manufacturers and others in touch with the situation who are attending the big national tractor demonstration at Dallas. The sentence, perhaps, most fre quently heard on the tractor grounds is a short sentence of four words 'The tractor is coming.' And usually following closely in the wake of that remark comes a second, also of significance 'The light tractor is the thing.' "The Dallas Morning News. I THE FAMOUS FOSD :TRACTJDR h iv . The above is a reproduction of an actual photograph taken of the Tractor demonstration at Dallas, Texas. This picture illustrates the enterprising way in which the large and growing army of FORD TRACTOR dealers are pushing the sale of FORD TRACTORS through- out this country and in various parts of the world. . iZdLJHJ ,w A...'-mj!i,... ai Will Surpass The Marvelous Growth of the Automobile Industry "The tractor industry s just completing the first chapter of its history, and n very eventful chap ter, and one that has been marked by brilliant and rapid progress, is tho opinion expressed by every big factory official with whom the matter was discussed. The next four or five years will see a devel opment that will surpass even the marvelous growth of the automo bile industry, they believe without exception. And the farmers, to a man those with whom the ques tion was discussed are of the same opinion." The Dallas Morn ing News. VHa Knr Tw nam WOk It, MIT.) WANT 2,000 TRACTORS FOR NIGHT PLOWING 1 BIG TICTORT FOR "THE FORI)" Dallu, 1xas, May 19th, 1915. Vh Ford Tractor Co., mnneapolli, Minn. Gentlemnt One of our expert! waa at Stamford Monday starting one of our agents with the Ford Tractor It was well adver tised and there waa mora than two or three hundred people present. The agent for the tractor decided to make & eonteat out of the affair, got out oma hand bills and made a big talk as to how they were aroint to ahow the Ford Trac tor up. "Well, ha came out and we did aome plowing In the same field, and, of course, It was about an even draw on pull ing plows, but when we took the gentleman out and palled other tools over the broken land we whipped him to death. Then there wm a big bunch of oountr commissioners there and we hitched the Ford Tractor to a I -foot road grader and built one and a half mllea of the prettiest road you erer saw. The Tractor bitched to it and pulled U on round. On coming back the next time their main and only drive wheel was en the soft land. The result waa that they Just pulled their engine down, spun their wheel and could not move the grader. To aay the leaat It waa a big victory for the Ford Tractor in that territory. Our agent In that county alone claims that ha la going to sell a hundred machines, -We think he la over-estimating It a little, yet at the same time he Is a very good busi ness man and has an excellent territory. We Just pass this Information along to you, for we know you like to hear things of this kind. Tours Tory truly. R. H. Parks. Wlnsted, Minn., Sept. 3, 1915. The Ford Tractor Company, Minneapolis, Minn. Gentlemen: Having had a Ford Tractor at work on my farm I am pleased to be able to State that X was agreeably surprised at the amount of work It did aa well as tbe manner In which it would do it. There are many new and valuable feat, ures found In the Ford Tractor, such as I never expected to find embodied In any one gas tractor, which makes It especially adapted to use on small farms as well as en larger fields. Perhaps the most characteristic feature bf the Ford Tractor Is Its ability to turn cor ners so easily, rapidly and accurately. I have harvested with it on fields of one acre In site, and found that It was more con venient to turn corners than it would have been with horses, at the same time taking a full swath with the binder. X consider the Ford Tractor one of the most valuable assets to modernised farm ing, and to own one of them is tbe only way to appreciate Its usefulness. Respectfully, ' JOHN WESTRUP. THB COMING "HORSE" ON THE FARM. m . Zumbrota, Minn., fiept. , 1818. , '1 have seen the Ford Tractor at work on a binder and also seen it at work on both cms and two gangs, and it does all you claim of it. 1 think It is the coming horse on the farm. "If anybody doubts my worn, write m. t am, sincerely, & K. CLEMUtNTttOK. ' Brflan to Recruit Oreaf Army of Colttralors to Combat U-Boat Food Menace. LOWDOtt, Fob, ITWs want 1000 Amerioan tractor plows for tbe use of a civilian army of night plowers which we are about to onllst throughout tho British Istee," said Sir Arthur Lee, Director General of Food Production, to Tho Associated Press today. This new department, which Is tho outgrowth of Germany's submarine campaign, alms at the enlistment of several hundred thousand civilians to cultivate every available btt of soil. ' "Wo hope to make the traotor plows fill tho gaps caused by tho shortage In labor," continued Sir Arthur. "For this reason we are going to Import 1,000, or as many as we can, from America. We are going to equip them with headlights for night plow ing. Laborers can only work eight hours, but tractors can work twenty-four hours. They will bo driven by taxicab drivers and chauffeurs, who wilt be able to learn .their mechanism In a few hours. Behind every plow will be a skilled farm er. They will be assisted by prisoners, con scientious objeotors, members of the home defense forces, and women. In this way we hope to produce enough food to make us Independent of outside help as long as the war lasts. Wa do not believe we will be able to produce sufficient to feed the population in time ot peace, but we are confident wo shall be able to grow enough to stave off starvation during the war. "For this wo thank tho German subma rines. They already have given England an agricultural policy which is destined to make ue to a large extent self-supporting. The submarines also have revived rural life, given tho farmers a minimum wage, and generally made our national defense more affective than a thousand speeches In Parliament." The FORD TRACTOR $495 F. 0. B Factory THE . s . if JD v j FOE! TMACTOM A successful farm tractor now in operation in thirty-seven States and several foreign countries. Manufactured by THE FORD TRACTOR COMPANY Inc., of Minneapolis, Minnesota. The lowest priced tractor for general farm use. Orders on hand sufficient to keep factory working day and night. You can share in the profits. "The machine the world has been waiting lor." BUY STOCK TODAY Right now you can buy Ford Tractor shares at the low price of $5.00 per share (par value $10.00.) Price will positively be advanced on Saturday, March 17th. This stock will continue to be advanced and we predict that enormous profits will be made by those that take advantage of the present low quotation. Do not delay bift forward your order today. Write, wire or phone. The Ford Tractor Company of Minneapolis, Minn, is engaged ex clnslyely In the manufacture of THE FORD FARM TRACTOR, and has no connection whatever with the Ford Motor Company of Detroit, or with any other automobile or tractor concern. MOTOR PROFITS THE FARM LABOR PROBLEM SOLVED The demand of the farmer for a light, serviceable farm tractor at a low price has at last been met. The FORD Vcs the farmer's work bet ter, quicker and cheaper than horses can do it The FORD palls ploughs, drills, discs, harrows, mowers, binders, seeders, manure spreaders, drags, wagons and small road graders; it operates ensilage cutter and silo filler, feed grinder, water pump, circular saw and other belt driven machines used on the farm. It is designed for strength, power and durability. It performs all classes of practical farm work. Every farmer needs a FORD. Every farmer, farming forty acres or more, realizes the need for a good, strong, serviceable tractor that will do the work, and that is constructed of strong material and is of snch simple design that It is not continually getting out of order. THE FORD TRACTOR is built and designed to meet every requirement of the average farmer. SIMPLE, POWERFUL, EASILY HANDLED, RELIABLE THE FORD TRACTOR sells for $495 f. o. b. factory. It is the lowest price tractor for general farm use. It is In successful operation in thirty seven states and in several foreign countries. The demand Is increasing daily. The unfilled orders, on which deposits have been made, now on the books of the company, will keep the factory running night and day for months to come. After eighteen months of practical use on the farms of America the FORD has proved so successful that a new modern factory has been built and leased to the Company for a period of years, and already, while the Compny has only been in the new building abont one month, the demand for THE FORD TRACTOR is so great that an extension to the factory is already being planned. The plant of THE FORD TRACTOR COMPANY, Inc., Is located In Minneapolis, Minn, the center of the great Northwest agricultural district and the home of the farm tractor Industry In America. Minneapolis is to the farm tractor what Detroit is to the automobile. In our opinion THK FORI) TRACTOR occupies the same relative fiosltion that the low price automobile has occupied in the automobile ndnstry. In other words, the big demand for farm tractors Is, and mast always be, for the low price tractor. Certain patents owned by this Company inventions of Mr. Paul B. Ford are such as to moke It impossible, in onr opinion, for any other manufacturer to turn out the same dependable low cost farm tractor without paying royalty to THE FORD TRACTOR COMPANY, Inc. We have in our office an illustrated folder giving full specifications and particulars regarding THE FORD TRACTOR, a copy of which will be readily mailed immediately upon request. SALES ORGANIZATION The .urncr orKanliatlon of THK FORD TRACTOR rom-ANY now numborn over Two Hundred cadihlliihrd drnleri, or fluent, loented throuirli out tome of the be.t farming- eountrr In the 1'nlted HtntrM. The.e njrenlw keep on hand or at a nearhy farm one or more farm truptora, whleh they exhibit or demonstrate aa often an orrnnlon require. The eomlilned aell InK ability of a lara-e UKeney orsaniantlon properle trained and equipped can aeareelT be overeatlraatrd aa to ita fnr-reachtna; re.ullH. Theae deal era are today aelllnic more traetora than the f'ompany ran deliver. The added capital which thla Company will receive from the underwriter, will enable the Company to Increaae Ita mauiifacturlnK fncilltlea. Dealer aeeklnc THE FORD TRACTOR AGENCY ahould communicate with lia at once. MESSRS. ROBERT P. MATCHES A COMPANY, Dept. O-B, 1S34 BROADWAY. NEW YORK CITY. Pleaae aend me full particular regarding; an Investment In the Mtock of THK roan TRACTOR COMPANY. Send me a copy of the apeclflcn tlona of tbe tractor, with photovrapha and full particular,. Send me proof of the fact thnt theae tractora are In allccc.Kfiil operation on the farms of America. Olve me complete detnlla, bank referencea aad full Informa tion. If perfectly aatlafactory. 1 might be willing; to Intent Dollar.. W e believe that the motor vehicle haa mnde more money for the miiwiII investor, from a amall Investment, than any other Industry In America during the past ten years. The auccesa of tbe automobile haa made a ne,v t crop of millionaires! fortunea have grown from trifling amounts) cltlca have been built, and the complexion of atatea chaaged as a result of the motor vehicle Industry. Probably no other Invention ever afforded the profit that has been made out of the motor vehicle Industry. And no other industry today la making greater proflta for the actual cash capital In vested. These profits have run all the way from 10 per cent per annum to 1,000 per cent per annum on the Investment, In fact, more than 1.000 per cent per annum baa been earned by aome of the low price automobile man ufacturers. There are three distinct branches of tbe motor vehicle Industrythe automobile for pleasure purposes, the truck for commercial purpoaea and the tractor for farm parpoaea. THE ONE BIG MONEY-MAKING OPPORTUNITY IN THE MOTOR VEHICLE INDUSTRY TODAY Is. In our opinion. In THB FARM TRACTOR FIELD. The leader In the low price farm tractor field Is THK FOIIll TRACTOR, manufactured by Tllli FII11U TRACTOR COMPANY of Minneapolis. Minn. Right now you can aecure an Interest In that company on a basts that aeema certain to Insure tremendoua profits. ORGANIZATION THR FORD TRACTOR COMPANY la Incorporated under Ihe laws of Delaware with a eapital Block of 1 0,000,000 divided Into IOO.OOO shares of T per cent preferred atock and 000.000 aharea of common atock. Each share bas a par value of $10, fully pnld and non-assessable. OFFICES AND PLANT A boat two wont ha ago the Company movtil Into a nrw (wo-nlory hulldlnfc with every modern facility, lorated at AlariUon street and Hev enteenth avenue. N, C. In the ciiy ot Minneapolis Minn. The present fac tory has u to parity of twenty FOHI) tractor, per day. Additional facllltlea will he provided aa rapidly aa poaalblc. THE PRODUCT THK FOHI) -ell for $195. It In the lowest prlrerf tractor made for general farm purpoaea. The profit at thla price In nufflclent to ahow an earn In; of about 33 1-3 per cent on the par value of the entire common tock, with a production of only Ita.IKH) tractors per annum. Thla farm tractor hna proven Its ability to do heavy farm work rapidly and to accomplish It In season, to plow deeper than by horae plow, to nave In cost of labor and to be utilised for tlrlvlns machinery on any part of the farm. According to the WALL KTRURT JtH ItAI., "There lire In the t nlted Ntates alone over 2.700.000 farms on whleh the prewent models of trnrtnrn inn be economically Uited." In addition to this, thnt journal points out that "the American tractor has already found a Rood field In Kurope," nnd It la believed that after the war chanves in Kuropean farm methods will be revolntlonlxed and will call for an Immense supply of American made farm tractors. Name Street ..... City State Occupation IN WAR OR PEACE THE SOIL MUST BE TILLED An aifent of the French novernment after lnvptlKa!lni the farm tractor field from bUto to stern has placed an Initial order for Fifty FOKD TRACTOUS for a private concern, and has made the public an nouncement that this order was not for war purposes, but thnt these tractora would be used to till the soil after peace has been declared. In faot, serious-minded men have taken the placing of tills order as a forerunner of peace, and Kurope, short In men and more than short in horses, must of necessity look to the farm tractor for the power with which to till the soil. So In buying stock today in THE FORD TRACTOR fOMI'ASt you are getting In on the ground floor basis with the low-priced tractor builder In America, with an opportunity not only to make money out of tractors tlmt must be used on the millions of farms In the 1'nlted States, but with the type of tractor that all Europe must turn to when peace has been declared. We honestly believe that THE FORO TRACTOR COMPAXI of. fers the greatest money-making opportunity of the age. We unhesi tatingly advise our clientele to plunge this time, and buy every share of this stock that they can afford before the advance in price, which will positively take place March 17. Our clients In Sew York City or all those that can find It conven ient to visit us In our offices, In the heart of Automobile Row, corner of Fifty-ninth street, on the Circle, 1W14 Broadway, should do so, and we shall be glad to go Into the fullest details regnrdlng this company, Its management, Its past and its future. Everything about this com pany Is open to the closest scrutiny, and wo solicit the most rigid In vestigation, realizing that he who Investigates will most certainly Invest Name ...... Street City Mate Occupation STATEMENT OF THE PRESIDENT. The following la a copy of a letter from W. Baer Fwlnpc. President of Til 10 FOHI) TKACTOH COMPANY, which tella of the early development of THH FOIIll FA KM TRACTOIl, the present prod action facilities, thft plana of the Company d estimated proflta on future production. THE FOHD TRACTOR COMPANY. INC. Minneapolis, Minn., Dec. 20th, 1910. Messrs. Robert P. Matches Co., IKU4 Broadway, New York. IS. T. (entlrmeni The following; general Information regarding the progress of The Ford Tractor will, 1 believe. b of Interest. It waa during tha latter part of 1912 that my attention waa railed to the Insistent demand of farmers for a light, aervleeable farm tractor, and In 1914 I began devoting my time and energy to the development of a rarm tractor light In weight, aervlrahle to a large degree, r-ad that eon Id he aold to the fnrmera at n reasonahle price. About this time, or early In 1915, Mr. Paul B. Ford who had been studying the trnetor problem, Joined me, and on March IS, 1915, The Ford Tractor Company was Incorporated, and July itOth of the same year we sold and delivered the first Ford Trac tor that was put ont In u commercial way. Our first tractor la atlll la use on the farm to which It was shipped and la giving excellent aervlee and satisfaction. Since the first Ford Trnetor waa shipped hundreda more have been manufactured, aold and delivered and are In uae In various parts of 40 Mtatea of the 1'nlted States, and In addition to that we have aold and shipped Ford Tractora Into Canada, England and Porto Rico, with large ordera from other foreign countries pending. The business progressed ut so rapid a rate that a larger Company with greater facllltlea was necessary and thla resulted la the present or ganisation of The Ford Tractor Company, Inc.. Our tractors have been In the hands of farmers and In actual use for more thnn a year and wa have demonstrated beyond the shadow of a tlouht their high degree of efficiency aad general practicability. In order to meet the continually growing demand for our tractors, we have come to your hanking house for the eapital necessary to enlarge onr facllltlea for turning out Ford Tractora on large scale. We are now located In our new factory, which la of the moat mod ern type and so constructed that additions may be added from time to time. Our factory capacity la tweaty Ford Tractora each twenty-four, hoars, but with the steadily Increasing demand for our product I an ticipate the early necessity for added factory space. Aa you know, "THK I'OIII)" Is the lowest priced aervleeable farm tractor on the market, which largely accounts for Ita wide popularity. With the funds which your house proposes to furnish us we will. In my Judgment, be able to manufur tii re and sell at leant 28,000 tractors per annum nt a net profit of abont ft.1,000,000 per year. Thla would Indicate an earning of approximately 33 1-3 per cent on our total Issue of common stock at Ita full pnr value. We have In these figures provided for a "Safety Fund" of ten dollars on each trac tor turned out, to be used for contingencies or working surplus. . I may add that we are located right In the heart of the Great North west, the richest farming district lu the world. Our manufacturing and shipping facllltlea are second to none, and I would suggest, whenever pos sible, that you send Invcatoro or any of their nearby friends or relatives right out to our factory, where they can see Just what we are doing and MutUfy themselves as to the large, permanent, profitable Industry where in they may participate. Our business Is open to Inspection nt all times, and we solicit oppor tunities to show Investors tbe details of same and to demonstrate and veri fy the correctness of all statements made. Yours very truly, THE FORI TRACTOR COMPANY. 1WC. (Signed) W Baer Ewlng, President. OFFERING OF STOCK. ' We are the exclusive underwriters of the atock of THE FORD TRAC TOR COMPANY, INC., and no other brokerage or banking house haa any authority to sell or quote prlcea on tbe Treasury atock of this Company. For Immediate subscription we offer the unsold portion of tVO,000 shares of the common stork of this Company at fo.00 per share (par value $10,001, full paid aad non-assessable. No subscriptions will be accepted for leas than five shares, hnt you will he welcomed Into this Company whether you purchase 5 shares, lit, sbares, 100 shares or 1,000 shares. In fact, the buyer of 10 or 30 shares will be given the same consideration aa a purchaser of 5,000 or 10,000 shares. In any event, subscription booka to this allotment will be closed next Saturday, March 17, when the price will positively advance. -Ordera should he mnlled with remittance without delay. Telegraphic orders may be for warded If remittance follows by first mall. .. The shrewd Investor will promptly fill out the coupon In the lower right hand corner of this announcement and pin to It draft, check or money order for the number of aharea wanted. If you aend currency be sure to register the letter. ROHKRT P. MATCH K COM. 'A.M. Exclusive Financial Agenta for Tbe Ford Tractor Company, Inc., 1834 Broadway, New York City. MESSRS. ROBERT P. MATCHES A COMPANY, Dept. O-B, 1S34 Broadway, New York City. Please find Inclosed herewith In full payment for Shares of the Treasury Stock or THK FORD TRACTOR COMPANY, Inc., pnr value 910 per share, fully paid aad non-asaessnble. aaKMaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBU