Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 09, 1917, Page 12, Image 12

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Cattle of All Kinds Are About
Steady Sheep and Lambs
Slow to Lower. ,
Omaha, lurch I, 111?.
Receipt, mi Cattle. Hon. Bbeep.
official wona.T e.xua i.i. e.aai
Offlgltl Tueada. .... .1
Official Wedn.auajr ... I.BI6
oilman Thuraday ....MOO
Four daya Ihla week .ll.Mi 10,471 II.MI
tianie daya laat week.M.IM 11.114 ll.tll
Kama daya I wka ea.JS,4l 4.60 41.101
Heine day. I wka. ao. 24.101 I0.1M 61.121
IUI, daya 4 wka. eo.!,IU WO.IOt 11,171
Kama daya laat rear... :.ll! 41,414
B rc.lrila and dlapoaltlon of llva alock at
Iha Union alock yerde, Omaha, for twenty
four houra ending at I p. m. yeeterday:
Cattle. Hon. Slieep. Il'r'K
..4 i a
68 fed latatat
HI fed lainba ,
10 fed lamba .
104 fd lamba
:S1 fad lainba .
I fed lamba ..
:0S fad lamba .
C. M. ft St. P ..
Wabaab. .
Mlaaourl Pacific .,
Union Pacific
C. N. W., eaat..
0. A ,N. W., weat.,
C , m. P., M. a. o.
" 140
H. ft a., aaat.. !
0.. B. Q.. weat 24
C, R. I. ft P., aaat 1
!., R. 1. P. ,waat
llllnola Central . .. 2
:lilcafo Qt. Weat.. I
Tolal recelpta ..101 10 ' II
Call la. Hnna.
Morrla ft Co
Swift ft Co 441
Tudahy Packin( Co.. all
Armour Co 1.3
(khwarta Co
J. Vi. Murphy ,
8. O. racking Co.... I
Nflaon Parklnir Co.. 71
llunlnfer Oliver.. 14
Hentnn, Vanaant at L. 12
P. B. Lewla It
J. B. Root Co.... IT
Koaenatovk Broa ill
P. (tr-Kallan ....... It
Werthelmer ft Degen 243
Bill! Co IT
Bulllvan Broa II
Rolharnltd Kreba,, l
Mo. Kan. Calf Co... 21
run. tie , it
Hlealn , I
Huffman....... ....... II
Roth I
Meyer. , .. ID
Banner Broa. ........ 21
John Harvey II
ennle A Franola.. 12
Other buyers ........ 241
' 2,140
Total :..ul,lll I.SH 11,011
Cattle Receipt vera light today, only
I, 100 head being reported In. This brliifa the
total for the four daya up to 21,061 bead,
the amalleat for a good many weeka back
and amaller than ,a year ago by over 1,000
The market did not allow very much
change. Price were not aa. high a the
high opening yealerday, but about ateady
with yeaterday'a general market. The beat
cattle here were good enough to bring 111.40.
Quolaltona uu cattle; Good tu oBotuo
baovaa, 1111.11)4)11,71; fair to good beevee,
II. 7lvl0.IUi couiiuon to fair beevea, ILeutf
I. 71; good to obolca heifers,
good to choice cows,; fair lo good
oowa, IO.7tti1.7li common vto fair oow.
II. ll0l.7li prim feeding ataara, lll'V
10.11; good to ebolo feedera,;
fair to good feedera, 17.61101.711 common
to fair feeders, IH.WC7.60; good to oholce
Slockers. 17.7101.71: atook bolters, 11.0114
1.60; alock cows, I6.OOO1-00; .took oalvaa.
1.IODI.I0I real calves, ll.OO0U.til beef
bulls, slags, aio.'ei.eiKie.Ils bologna bulla.
Cattle "trout, Hoga Utreng,
HtroDg. '
rhtavn. March I Cattle Receipt..
AAA hnad: market atrona: native beef cat
tie. 16.600 12.60; Blockers and feeder". 16.60
tt.0v: cowa ana netrere, ...vvviv....
calvea. 11.60011.00.
unaa Rece Ota. 27.000 neao; ntirsei
atrong, 6c above yeaterday'a average) bulk
lea, I14.6O014.ko: lignt, aiv.iuw
4.H0; mlaed. l4.1U14.ia; heavy, 114. mo
4.16; rough, 14.20014.46; pile, 111. 210
Sheep and Lamba neceipia, .u.vuw
head; market firm: wethera, ll,.ltieis.e;
ewea,; lamba, 112.26016.00.
Mooi Cllr l ive Ktoek Market.
SIA CAtv. Maaah I. battle Recelpta.
00 head: market for klllera rtron, Block.
era ateady: beef ateora, siu.U" V n.av; Duicn-
era, I6.00ljl0.00; fat cowa t nd helfera, 11.76
06.60; cannera, h.udi.i 'I, Biocaera anu
reedera, 17.0001.60; ealvea,;
bulla, ataga, etc.. I6.60AI.60: feeding cowa
nd helfera, lli.aavc.ia
Hoaa Recelbta, neaa; maraei
eady with yeaterCav'a cloae; light, 114.00
14.06; mixed, II 4-miw; neavy.
14.10: pita, Ml. 10011.50: bulk of aalee,
4 06M14.16.
Mhexn and Ltmhe RecelotB. TOO head;
market 16c to !( higher! wethers, 111.000
2.00: ewes. lit1. J 011.26; lamos. sia.iav
Kaaaas City Url Stock Market.
Kansas City, Mo., March I Cattle Re
ceipts. 2.000 head: market strong; prime
fed atcera. 111. 40012. 00; -dreaaed beef
ateera, 11.26011.26: weatern ateera, M.6O0
1.60; cowa,; ncuera, an.uow
1.00; atorkera and feedera, 17.50010.00;
bulla, II. 1001.21: calvea, 17.00011.00.
Hoga Recelpta, neaa; maraei
higher: bulk of aalee, 114.10014. o;. neavy.
14.76014.15; pacKera ana ouicnera, aie.ei'ep
4.16; light, 114.20014.10; plga, 111.000
1100. .....
Sheep and Lambs Ktneipta. e.uuu neao;
market ateady: lamba, 112.00014.16; yar-
llnga, 111.00011.76; wotners, fii.auvi4.av;
swee, 110.60012.21.
HI. Uula Live Stock Market.
St. Louis. Ma, March I. Cattle Re-
eelnta. head: market ateady; native
beef ataers. 17.60 011.71; yearling ateera and
helfera. II. 50011. 50; cowa,;
atorketa and feedera, 16.60010.00; prime
aouthern beer ateera. 11.00011.00; beef
oows and helfera, 14.2601.00; prime year,
ling ateara and helfera, 17.60010.00; native
calvre, 16.00 0 12.00.
Hoaa JtecelDta. ll.buo nean: maraei
eady; light, 114.36014.76: pita, 110.250
160; mlaed and butchers, 114.60014.06;
good heavy, 114.10011.00; bulk of aalea,
114.60 0 14.10. .
Sheop and Lembu Recelpta, 100 head:
market ateady; lamba, I12.00O14.I0: ewea,
11.10011.00; yearluige, ll.Z60l.lo.
St. Joseph Live Stock Market,
St. Joseph, March I. Cattle Receipts.
700 head: market atrong to lOo higher:
staera, 11.00011.76: enws snd heifers. 15.60
010.601 calves. ll.OOIflo.IO.
Hose Iteceipta, l.Dvu neao; maraei
ateady; top, 114:10; bulk of sales, 114.600
. .. , . , .... a nnn
oneep an win nw,i ,.,v ,
mVrket atrong to loo higher; lambs, 114.000
14.11; owes, Hl.00OU.ll.
. Live Stock la Sight.
Receipts of llv stock at the ftv prln.
Av, Pr. No,
At. Pr.
,. ill 7 iO
,, ill I 10
,. 726 16
,. Ill I 10
,.170 10
,.1101 10 20
,.1001 10 16
,.1241 10 10
,.1211 10 II
,.1IU6 11 00
I. .
II. .
.. 101
.. Til
.. 710
.. Ill
.. 714
.. Il
t 10
I 10
I 10
1 810 T 10
7 ItO I 00
t Ill 6
1 120 16
io no ei
ST. , 11BI 10 00
ll........ ai i io
M. HIS 10 41
11 1111 10 Tl
1ft. ., 1.04 10 00
17. .,..,..1111 11 40
HEIFERS. ' " ;
i 7t n. ....... isi
f BO ......... MS
I 09 I. ...V.. let!
S 40 I........ HI
I 76 t 1140
it I io
. 411 70
. ISO 7 25 1.. ,1430
. arT I 40 I. .,,.. 4 HI I 40
,110 t St 1 .10 10 00
. 110 10 19 I........ 161 11 11
HogarTh uip.y f hov wtv vary light,
rrlVKia of 1U can, or about M00 hud,
being th malltvt that hav baon hero on
Tburaday wittc ftvo wttkn atp. Th total
lor tho four dayg of 40.340 Ihaad ! tho
roallMt In aomathlng tilt two nioittha, be
ing 11,900 Itghtor than a wk ago, 14.000
aialler thaa two weaka ago and 1,001 ahort
oC tho oorrMponding daya laat yaar.
Tht hog marhot had avarybody guwalng
ihla morning. Yaateraaya brtait in prui
vwiona and report of (reah waaknew thli
morn tag mad ahlppara a lit (la afraid to
do anything oarljp, and they wattad (or tha
packer to atart, buying only a law icattar
It load, which looked a little lowar than
raaurday. On earlier round packer made
hardly any bid a, but aaid tbtty war not to
lak on what had bn put on yeatarday.
Bellara started out asking ateady to higher
price, and ao It wa pntty well along In
tha day before they made up their mind
'to make concessions, in tha and, however,
packer had their way, and whan tha bulk
of tha offerings finally started to tnov It
wa at Amu res that ranged from a dim to
as much aa SOo under yesterday's gensrsl
market, or wars as a general thing about
lto lower. Aftar tha movement got under
way tt did not take very long to clean up
the bum os tn imm run, though a law
oars war still unsold at a lata hour, as
the cloae was dull. Attar tha packer trad
bad started shippers got in . to a certain env
lent, but tha active shipping competition
that haa featured th market for several
lay back waa lacking.
A good ahara of th offering sold at a
tpread of tl4.10ftl4.SQ, with a sprinkling
it tha plain, highly mixed and llghtost
ttnd n down, Uest heavies sold up lo
114.40, falling lie short of tho high mark
itaae yeet unlay.
Represent 1 1 v sales!
No. Av, Sh. IT. No. Av.
. 11. .Ill ... 14 10 . 41. .214
II. .117 40 14 Z- St. .Ill
11.. 241 ... 14 10 , II. .311
II.. ISO 120 14 40
IT. .111 4.. 11 40
Sheep Today's run of sharp and lambs
was tho flrst real good on that haa bwen
aero this week. Hup piles counted out fifty'
three cars, r about 11,700 head, which
bring th offerings (or tha waalt so far up
lo ss.041 head. This ts only about 400
smaller than a weak, ago and la a few hun
d red larger than a year ago but Is 11,000
short of two week ago.
Tha lamb trad was an ,:tr nel ragged
if fair, and dragged thro gh tha euttrw fore
noon, un aari; rounua aom of th packers
teemed to want in tanius, tnougn tney ware
I .mis stow aoout taxing noia, ana by mid'
, forenoon quite t bit of stuff had bean cashed
at prices that war right arvut.4 steady.
Thera ha a.. a mure or lass dressy
iindartone all oral tig, however, and after
sbout half of tha lamba bad een sold
eak spot developed, paokers offers drop
ping to as much as lc lowar levels, but
bU a few Bale war made at this tlm
(hat looked as much aa 10410o tower, th
trad Improved attain btfor th oloaa, and
Lha latr aia war aoout a good as early,
'.n the end valua were called ttuiatiy ateady.
irlth decline of possibly a much as 10
tto noted in a few pot. Quit a few
UoKioans. and on or two bunches of west
erns sold hi. l a 914.1s, topping- tha
mkrkat, And yuall..g th record (or th
Cards, Moat of tha desirable w tarns moved
st U.liltlli0. and soms of th wlghttest
ones that were nere soia ..r inau m
real atrong wljht lamb wer offered, but
ibey would t oun oii.7i4.vv.
Old ahp war about steady, some fair
twe selling a.ou I fil.OOc 11.1. and th
lest here bringing $11.06. Good wether
reached HM. tha highest prlc any var
arouaht har. Call for feeding an 4 shearing
took war not aa- argeat as previous
4av at tha wek. and th tendancy waa,
snythhsif) toward a. star p.teea A oupl
tt car of prt.y deirl (eadln ; lamb
sera bought tri.Of.
Quotations -.n shjap and lamfc t Lambs,
dght and I ndy, Il4.lfttyl4.7s; lambs,
leavy, l.7fttl-4i lambs, clipped, 911.0
HlS.Wi lambs, laeaera, sw.ssv j..s, year,
tings, good - choice. 8Ht.4flll.llO, yfar-
Sum, f.;r f good, lll.ft
fair to choice. 10.60tl.-l!
clpal wastsrn markts:
Cattle. Hogs. Shoep.
St. Toul.. 1.100 11,600 . ftflO
Chicago , 4.0D0 17,000 11.000
Kansas City......... MOO ft.000 4.A00
Omaha MO M0 1.10
SIOUX City.......... 800 10,010 1,000
Total ...... 11.400 41,800 ' 90,400
Sh. Pr. f
... 14 IS
40 14 St
40 14 31
1II.00911.2S; ewea. pit 'tt to' culls, 17.011
Av, r
..111 III l)
i... .41
... .K4
14 "
14 8
ii ib
14 7f
14 SO
14 60
Cash Wheat is Very Active and
Some Grades Bring: Bet
ter Prices.
Relapse to Listless Conditions
of February Most Strik
- ing Feature.
Omaha. March I, 1917. ,
Tha-tesh what situation waa Quit actlv
today and while tb market on tha batter
grades of wheat was lower a few care of
wheat brought He advance ovsr yesterday's
The market generally was quoted from
Itto lower to Ho higher. No. 1 hard being
guoted at l.mfl.fl, while No. 1 hard
ranged In price from 91-1 01.1 and tb
No. 4 hard aold at 91.97.
Mlsed wheat sold about lo under tha
hard winter price, th No. mixed being
quoted at 11. 9ft and No, mixed at 91.94.
The demand for all grades of corn wa
very good and whit whit corn was still
quoted at premium prices the yellow and
mixed sold vary readily at advanced prices,
the market being quoted from steady to
c higher,
The better grades of whits corn brought
from 91.03 14 0 1-044.; yellow corn ranged In
price from 1.02 1.03, white mixed corn
grading No. I and No, I brought from 11.03
fjl.02a. i
Oats receipt continued light and while
the depiand for this oareal waa not overac-llva-lt
waa strong enough to take ear of
the small offerings at prices ruling from
itssdy to tfo higher.
Th lop prtcs on oats today waa 69 He
on No. X whits, but tha bulk of tha offoting
brought from bHH&B9c.
Hy sold about lc hlghsr and barley waa
quo tod from 1&2C lower.
Clearances were; Wheat and flour, equal
to 1,178,000 buHhls; corn, 90,000 bushels;
date, 47,000 bunheli,
Primary wheat receipts wore 717,000
bushels and shipments 922,000 bushels,
sgeliht receipts of 986,000 bushels and ship
ments of 1,176,000 bushels last year.
Primary corn receipts were, 970,000 bush
els and shipments 163,000 bushel, against
receipts of 144,000 bushels and shipments
of 401,000 bushels last year,
Primary oats recelpta wer 996,000 bush
els and shipments 471,000 bushels, against
receipt of 450,000 bushel and shipments
of 146,000 bushels last year,
WhoaU Corn.
Cffe Market.
New York. March 9, Coffee Tha market
for coffee future showed a steadier tons
today on a comparatively smau voiume oi
business. The opehtng waa unchanged to
Mints .lower under further scattering
liquidation, but tha technical position seemed
to havs become firmer auring me recem a
olln, and price soon ratlHed on scattered
covering. Peace talk may possibly have
hail Mcmm Influence, but wss not mucn in
evidence around th ring and aom traders
ttributcd the advance to covering ny recent
sellers, who had expected freer and lower
priced of ter in gn from Brasll than hav ap
peared ra th cost and freight market. May
oontraot sold up from 7.14a to 7.4o and
Bantembar from T.iao to 1.7W. or io
point net higher end the market closed
X a net advance, ot io ? poima. aaiea,
49.009 bag. Marrh, 7.tlo; April, T.lfto;
May, T.410! June, T.4Sc: July, T.75c; August,
7.43c; Hop t em her, 7.70o; October, , 7.74c
November, 1.90o; December, T.SIcj January,
.90c; February, 7. IB. - -
HtML ouieti Rio Ts. ic: santos , iuho.
Plenty of steamer are reported at San toe,
but the cost and freight situation was Ir
regular. Bantos 1 and 4s, wre said to be
offered at 9.46c, London credits, on a neu
tral vessel. Bid oabled to Brasll at con
cessions ar aatd to hav bean refused. Tha
official cables reported no change In th
Braslllan markata exoept a deotin os .
rata In Santo future.
, Hugar Market.
New York. March 1. Bugar Raw,
steady: ' centrifugal, l.37o; molasses, 4,40o.
Refined, steady, fin granulated, 1.00)8.00o.
More davombl political reports from Cuba
led ta scattered selling in the mantel tor
iwir ruturea at the onenlng today and
first prioes wer 4jll poinia lower, uner-
Ings, however, war not parnouiariy neavy
and th market raiuan on covering anu Buy
ing .by leading Cubsn Interests and at noon
wag unchanged to i poinia lower.
Th 1st aased off again under reaming
and cloasd easy and 6 to 9 points lower.
Sales, 11,1600 tons. May, 4.41q; July. 4.48o;
September, 1.62a,
Coltoa Market.
Nw York. March S. Cotton Futures
opened barely stvsTiyi March, ll.koo; May,
I7.t.ic: July. ii. sou; uotooer, is.evu: us-
nmii4r 1(176(5. - , 1,1
Cotton fturas eiosea steaayj jnarcn,
May. 17.48c; July, IT. 16c, October, 14.4 Set
December,. 1I.7SO. Spot quiet ; miaaimg,
17 in
Th cotton market eioa tttaay, nei s
nalht hlsher to I oolnt lower.
Liiverivuoi, Huron s. t;oi.n opo, iirm,
maud inlddilna. lS.60d: middling, ll.lAdi
low miaarng, ii.ieu: ouia oj. smwi e.vvv
Chicago 7 270
Omaha 29 ' 11
Ksnsss City It 21 4
Bt. Lou 1 94 93 W
These sales wei. reported .uday:
Wheat No. 3 hard winter; 9 cars, 91.9 4;
1 cur, 1,D6,;. No. 9 hard w...t . : 1 can
Sl.fOH; 9 cars, 91.93; 1 car, 91.94H. -K
cars, 11.94. No. 4 hard winter: 1 car, 91. 97.
No. I spring: 2- car, 91-14. No, 4. spring:
1 car, 91.94H Sample spring: 1 cat, 1.4s.
No. 2 mixed: 1 ear, 1.I6. No. 1 mixed: 1
car, 91.94. No. 4 mixed: car, 91.12.
Hye No, 2: 1 car, 11.92.
HurleyNo. I; t-l car, -C1.1S. No. i 1
ca. 91.09.
Corn No. 2 white, 3 cars, 91.04 H. No. 9
white, 1 car, 91.04; 1 car, 91.03; 1 car.
91.U3. No. I yellow, 3 cars. 91.03, No. 2
yellow, 2 cars, 91-02; 1 2-0 cars, 91. 02'.
No 4 yelluw, 1 car, 91.02H; 1 ears, $1.034 ;
1 car, 91.03. No. 9 mixed,, 4 cars, 9103:
2 csrs, 91.02 H. No. 9 mixed, 2 cars, 91.03H.
2 csrs, 11.0214; cars, 91-02. No. 4 mixed,
2 cars, $1.01. No. 9 mixed, I car, 9103.
Oats No. I white, 1 car, 99 He. Stan
dard, 1 car, fi9n. No. S white, 1 ear (ship
per's weight), L)9c: 4 oars. 48c: 1 car,
MHO. No. 4 white, 1 car, B8Hc Sample
white, 1 cars, 18 He; 1 car, 89 fcc. .
Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. I hard.
91-9601.10; No. 9 hard, 91-03 HOl-M; No. 4
hard, 91.I4O1-00; No. 1 spring, 91.92fyl.99,
No. 8 spring, 91-IO01.97. Corn: No. 2 whit.
91.04tj)1.04H; No. 9 whits, 91O9H01-O4,
No. 4 while, 91.09491.03; No. I white,
1.031.03H. No. tf .white, l1.itaH01.Oi;
sample white, 91.0 HfJl.OI; No. 2 yellow,
91.O2H01.O3; No. 9 yellow, 9l-0291.02;
io. 4 y oi low, i.oi,tji.03H nq. s yellow,
9101 rlr2; No- tf ylor, 91.01HiJl-V2;
No?l mixed, 91.03 1.02 ; No. 2 mixed,
91.021.02H; Jiat 4 mixed. 91.01 1.03 ;
No. mixed, 91.01HO1.03; No. 9 mixed,
9l.01fyl.01. Oats: No. t white, HtJ
GIHc; stsndard, ftlOt9a; No. 9 white,
tNHtillc; No. 4 white, fcaif&se. Barley ;
Malting. 91.14f1.30; No. 1 feed, Sct 11,07.
ays; No. 2, 9l.61tfl.tJ; No. 9, ll.G0fyl.91.
Omaha Future Markets
The future wheat market suffered a small
deollne during th early part of th ses
sion on report of cancellation of levvral
large export orders.
Th trader, however, seemed to .be par
ticularly concerned- with the March govern
ment report which was expected to few
very bullish.
Th local trad la future wa not vary
active, mast of- th traders, preferring to
wait until th report wa given out before
making any trades.
Wheat and corn closed strong; at a frac
tion under th high pflbt of tb day.
Ust wsr quiet and f eat u relet and closed
strong la sympathy With th other mar
Local rang of options:
Art.' Open. I, High. I Low,
Wnt. .
Metal Market.
New York, March I. Metals Lesd,
steady at 910.ISH. Spelter, ateady; spot,
Bast St. Louis neiivery, iu.vv aiaea. cop
per, firm; electrolytic, spot and nearby.
nominal: second uuarUr. S33.O0S3ft.oo, nom
inal; third quarter, . 931. 60 fj 32, SO. Iron,
steady and unchanged. Tin, Arm; spot,
At London: spot ooppar, hit iosi ru
t ureal 4134; electrolytic, 111. Tin, spot,
not 10s; futures, 4301. Lead, 110 10a, Spel
ter, .
May Market.
Hay Upland: Choi
io. 9it.60O
x i, 910.000
1X.0U. Na. l. Ill.tittl2.tt0: No.
ll.ou Nj. I. 9s.tt0O9.00. Midland: No. 1,
111 Hfltftll fiO; Kb. 3. 9S.U0O10.U0. Lowland:
No. 1, IB.6BOI.00; No. 2. 97.SOOI.OO; No, 3,
19.40' T.00.
Alf.lf Cholo. 1 111 OOOll POl No. 1
117. 000019.00; atsndard. S14.00O1I.00: No.
3, i3.uo( IS.91; wo. s, siu.uu vn.uu.
Btrcw KiU
97.90411.90; wheat. 99.0041
Dry Geode Market.
New York, March 9. Cottou good and
yarns were ateady today. Print cloths were
active. Ther waa a good demand for
spring men wear for dupllcat delivery.
tusssb raw aim was mgu and very nrm.
Jobber reported a quiet trad n
me tic. ,
OU w
Savannah, Oa., March 9. Turpentli
Nominal. 44 Hoi receipts, bbls.( stock
Rin firm: als, 373, bbls. ; receipts.
101; StOCR, TI.3D2. AJUOie; A, B, C, B, B,
r, Q. 91.00; U, I, K, M, 44.10; Nf t.IE
wu, is.iof.s; ww, -.
, j .ii 1 1 I. .I,
' Brapeeated Apple and Dried! VnUU.
New York, March T.Kvaporated Apples-
Firm; fancy, 9 a la, cnolo prim,
Dried Fruits -Prunes, firm: California, 9
41 He; Oregons, 9Ol0. Apricot.
strong; Choice. 17c; extra choice, is:
fancy, 14c. Peaches, steady; choice, I He
extra choice, 9c; fancy, 9 He Raisins,
ateady; choice to fancy needed, 99c
seedless, leoiiHe: isonuoa layers, 91.10.
OamWUg High Wins Debate.
Cambridge, Nb March I. (Special Tele-
gram.) Cambrldse High school won from
13.38; wether 1 Ueavar city nigh here last night tn a ie-
tww, good to 1 naia, navina: ins aairmaiiv on m stun-
ihelcu. 11.21L,.( owes, Sal- to good, jqpe JOijlrin.
1 94 1 IS 1189
1 SB 1 E3H HI
I 41 1 41H1U
1 oih 1 otsuoi
1 08 1 01411014
1 01 1 OSHjlOS
69! 99 j 68
6hI hi
Clos. iVest.
1 S3H163
1 41H1H1H
1 04HI10IH
I 03 103
1 01 hi "3 .
99 I
Cnioago OaiAMiug prices, luinished l'ne Uwe
by Logan Bryan, stock and grain broker,
31ft Hnutb Sixteenth street, umana:
Art j Open. I High. Low. Cloae. Yea.
I I it
1 I7 ,1 99441196 1 IS187H
1 67 H 'l 6l164H .1 61 167H
1 46 H 1 47 Il44 1 4T l46
1 07 Hi' 1 0910H 1 08 1197
1 0 1 09HI104H 1 OS 104
1 OSHI 1 0T 1106 1 07 109
99 ( 99h 69H It I
99 9THI 91 67H 69
99 11 I IS 139 00 16 112 00
92 10 j 32 90 92 3ij 32 4 S3 49
19 if 19 00 111 T7 IS 92 'll IS
19 9S J IS 97 111 90) 19 97 19 99
M 60 I im 11 T ll "T 97 117 10
17 65 17 97 17 47) 17 4T 17 90
Lower Opening of Sugar wFutur la Fol-
lowed by Slight Bally.
New York. March 9. Wheat Spot, firm;
No. I hard. 92.19: No. 1. northern, Pu-
luth. 92.37 Hi N. 1, northern, Manitoba,
93. IS; f. o. b, New York. .
Corn Spot, firm: No'. yellow, 11. 23,
e. 1. 1., new xorK. y
Oats Spot, weak; atandand, 919.60fll0.90,
Hay Steady; No. 1, 91.16; No. 2, 41.000
1.06: No. 3, IUtttc; shipping, 70OB0C
Hops Hiuleti stats, common to cholc,
1114, 3044c; 1116. IffelOc; Paclflo coaaL
1914. 11 friar: 1914. 9010c.
nid Firm; Bogota. 44c: central Amer
ica, 430,
Provision Pork, firm: mass. 33S.OOO
S6.60: family, 937.O0ttll.OO; abort clear.
I3ft.0003l.00. Beef, firm; mess, 14.00
26.00; family, 934.0AO39.00, Lard, weak;
mifldie west. 919.B0ttll.79.
Tallow steady; vlty, llo; country, 1X0
l2Hc; specie), 12HC.
Butter Easy; receipts. 4,040 tubs; oresm
ery higher than extras, 41t41o; oresmery
extrss (92 score). 40HV4Qo; msta, s.HW
40c; aeconda. 140370.
Ea Unsettled; receipt. 14,444
state hekt apaclal. S7ff37Ho; atat held.
average fancy. 14 H 49 34 Ho.
Poultry Llv Mtronger; reported ! of
average fowl at sstfSiHc; chicken ana
turkeys not auoted. Dressed week: chick
en lSOIScI fowls, 1902iHot turkeys, 11
33e. . . , ; -
1 ' M In nee poll (.rata Market.
Minneapolis, March I. Wheat May,
II July. 91.11 - Caah: No. 1 hard.
il.47Htt!.09; No. 1 northern, 91.97H9
1.04 H: ;:o j aorinern, i,ii7i.uin.
Corn No. 9 yellow, 91.04 ttl.OIH,
Oats No. 9 White, 67Htt67H
Klaxeeeil 93.34 2.94.
Flour Unchanged.
Basley 99cs91.3.vx V f ,
Kyo 91.t:oi.93.
Bran 33.60tt34.6. .
Kansaa Oly Oraln Msrket,
Kansss City, March 9. Wheat No.
hard, 1.93 01.97; No. 3 red. ll.HOl.l
Msy. 31. iS; July. 91.14-Con-No.
i mlxtd. 9l.06HO1.09; No,
whitr, ll-Olttl.OftH
Oete No. 3 . while. 91He( No, I mixed.
99tT41C, . '
''!" ImIi Amahs Market.;
St. Loula. March 9, Wheat No, I red,
91.0392.07 ; No. 9 hard, 91-M92.0S; May,
91.89: July, 91.66.
iWNd. S. 91.09: No. S W'llte. 91.09
lio: Msy. ti.irM9. Juy. 9109H
Oats .No. I, 92 Mc; No. 2 vhltct, nominal
soft. Provlalona: Pork. 932.19: lard.
912.97H; ribs, I1I.I7HO17-60.
Butter Unsettled; creamery, 329406.
Karre Lower: rscelpU. 7,181 cases; firsts,
27U 437 tie: ordinary firsts, 26H924c;
at mark, cases Included, 26 927ttc
Potatoas Lower: recslnts. 29 cars; Idaho,
Colorado. Washington and Oregon White,
42.4092.60; Wisconsin and utcnigan wnito,
93. 2ft 9 2. 3S.
Poultry Allv, unchanged.
I5H 24
16 &
New York, March 9. A relapse to the
listless conditions of last month was the
most striking feature of today's market.
Dealings fell away by 30 t 40 par cent
In comparison with thooperatlons of recent
days and the number of Issues traded in
suffered corresponding reduction. t
There was a concurrent diminution or pro
fessional activity In ultra-speculstlve stocks.
probsbly tn consequence of the failure to
enlist public Interest In that quarter. Oen-,
rat newa pertaining to tna nnanciai situs-
tlon ranged from favorable to the reverse,
the delay In a settlement of the armed neu
trality mitigating against shippings and
kindred Issues.
Such changes as occurred In prices of
Important storks represented tittle more
than the caprices of the trading element.
United States Steel and allied shares were
steady to strong most of the session, with
coppers, oils, motors, sugars and tha usual
equipments, utilities and fertilisers.
The mora ewtatantlal advances, very few.
of which were fully retained1, Included Texas
Company, which rose 4 to 234, with S
each for International Agricultural, Chem
ical Preferred and American Cotton OH
Preferred, and I to I points for Gulf States
Steel, Mexican Petroleum, American Smelt
ing, .International Paper Preferred, Peoples'
Oas, and Ohio Oas, th latter extending tie
gsin to 6 jpolnts, at 109, just before the
Rslls continued to ihow general heaviness,
with further moderate liquidation of high
grade, Including Chicago A Northwestern
and other grangers. New York, Chicago ft
St, Louis Second Preferred dropped 9
points, to 49, on a slngl transaction. Total
ales, 940,000 shares.
Operations In exchange were nominal.
sterling and marka hardening, with an
other setback in rubles. Maintenance of
th prevailing discount rate by the Bank
of England was ssorlbed to th reduced
liability reserves reported by that Institu
Bonds were steady, except for a further
decline In Distillers' Securities 6s to 'the
new low record of 93. Total salsa, par
value, 92,306.000.
United State bond wer unchanged on
Number of sales and quotations on leading
stocks wsrs:
Sales. ' Hlrh. Law. CIom.
Am. Beet Sugar... 1,300 2 91 91
American Can ... 6,400 47 H 46 46
Am. Car ft Fry ... 1.200 8M H 67 H 47 H
Am. Locomotive ... l.lflO 71 71H 70
Am. Pm it loaini insu
Am. Sugar not 110
Am. Tel ft Tel. ... 700 126 226 136
Am. Zinc. LAS,.. 9.000 37 27 37 H
Anaconda Copper. .16,300 94H 14 94
Atchison ., 900 102 101 101
Baldwin Locomotive 1,600 64 63 65
Baltimore ft Ohio . 1.000 7&H 76 76
Brooklyn Rapid Tr. . . 200 40 69 07
Butts A Superior.. 9,700 60 48 49
Cel. Petroleum.... 1.200 244 23 23U
Canadian Paclflo 162
Central leather ...14,100 72 91 91
Ches. ft Ohio 400 68 67 97
Chi. ft Northw. t . . 2,600 114H 113 H'H
C, ft. I. A P., 1st asst. paid 37
Chi no Copper 4,600 63 62 6SH
coio, run a iron . i,.iu in
Corn. fro. net. ..10,300 z&H
Crucible Steel IS, S00 67
nhullier' Sec 4,800 20 19 20
une zs
General Electric ... 900 164H 13 164
Ot. Northern pfd. . 600 113H H-H H2H
Gt. Nor. Or Ctf.. 4,0a 26 36 3&
Illinois Central ... too 101'i 101 ioo
Interborough C. C. 300 1 13 13
Inspiration Copper 10,100 60 lV 60
Intl. Harvester 116 '
Int. M. M. pfd. et. .26,700 76 73 74
Kansas City So 33
Konnecott Copper .11,600 4T 46 .46
Louisville ft Nash.. 200 126 126 134
Mex. Petroleum .... 7,400 99 97 9
Miami Copper .... 1,209 41 0
Missouri rac. new sua as
Montana Power .
National Lead ..
Nevada Ooppef .... 1,200 20 26 York Central ..1.200 96 94
N. Y.. N. H. ft H... 700 43 43 43
Norfolk ft western swo -an
North urn Paclflo .. 900 103 102 102
Paclflo Mall 22
Pacific Tel ft Tel 2
Pennsylvania 3,900 94 64 . 63
nv Conion Connsr. 1.600 20 20 30
Heading .bw mh m ;to
Rep. iron ft Hteei. ,ouu si ii
Hhntturk AM Con. 29
Southern Paclflo 1.300 93 '92 92
southern Railway i,o .
Studebsker Co. .... 3.000 103 100 101 H
Texaa Co. V... 4,000
Texaa Co 4,000 234 229 290
ITnlnn Pn.lf.a 1.300 145 134 136
U. S. Ind. Alcohol ..19,900 123 118 119
U. S. St.-el IM0O 110 ios no
U. 8. Steel pfd. . 300 117$ III 117
ii .h rnnn. 117 116 116
Wabenh pfd. VB' 7?? 25, 24 24
Weatern Union ... w it
Westlnghouae Eleo.. 5,700 60 49 SO
Total aaies ior 4iw qwy, wv,vvv
w.t Vnwtt Hmmv Marksb.
Kew York. March 9. Prim Mwcantlta
Bai r.arw.1 A4U nr Oaint.
Strllna Bxchang Sixty-day 4 bill,
un. i.mim.rMil alstv.dav bill OB banks,
d!?l: comraeretat slaty-day bills, 94.70; li.taU: cables. 14.71 7-16.
Silver Bar, 7Sc; sieaican aouars, n.
Boads Government and railroad, ateady.
rrir,. Tynb.Eiilirt alxtv dava. 9H93
per ninety days, 3 4 per cent; six
months. 494 per cent.
Call Money mesay; nlgne poruom,
loveat. 2 per eent; ruling rate, 2 per
cent; laat loan, 9H P ot: cloelng bid,
it ... ,nt- offered at 2HvDr oent.
V. B. ret U teg Li. m un .
do. coupon . 99 M., K. ft T. lt
U, . 3. ref.100 4. m........ a
U. 9. 4s, reg.107 Mont, rower .
do. coupon .ivnia. v.-.
AnuLTel. ft Te . N. Y. city 4.i"
cv Vs 104 N, Y., N. H. ft
Anclrf-French 6s 92 H., cv S ...102
Atchison gen 4s 94 Kor. rao. ..
Bilh. Steal r Is IliiOra, 8, L. r 4a. 13
Cent. I'ao. let.. IHiPac. T.U TL...
U. ,M.ln R. 100
ov'lHa II Jen " i J"-2
C B. Q.. J 4s IPenn. (an.
C. 11. HI. . peauina a""' "i,
er la 1041alo. Fao. cv M.ii..
r at T & p 8o. Pan. r 4a... S1V
Ry' re'f 4a... TIS., By IS!S
f M 8 rer 4 Ui, St union ru.
b ft R . Ck o 4 91 Un. Pac. cv. 4s. 92
Krlf !en 4... 67 U. S. Rubner 4.103
vri.n Via tains U. B. Steel... -106
Qt. Nor. lit 4 f9HW. Union 4a J4
III. Cent, r , VlWW. ui vmumm
K. C So. r 6. 99
E3 31
.. 102
.. 6S
H 96
LosMtoa Block and Bond.
London. March 9. American securities
were lifeless, apart from a few tilings In
the tow-prljed share on tha stock ex
chaBv today '
Sllvar Bar, 27 Hd per ounca,
Money 1H per cent. '
Discount Ra tea Short bills, 4 per cent;
hreo months' bills, 4 per cent.
Motorcyclist Crashes ,
Into Auto; Hurts His Leg
Paul Mulligan of Florence was
badly cut and injured about the right
leg when a motorcycle 'ie was riding
crashed into an automctile driven by
E. L. K'ingsburg, S82"4 Brandeis
Mulligan was driving his motor
cycle north on Seventeenth street. It
was a machine of manufacture differ
ent from that which he was accus
tomed to In attempting to put
on the brake he put his toot on the
accelerator and the machine leaped
into Farnam street at a rapid clip.
Mulligan missed one automobile, rode
over the heel of a passing pedestrian .
and brought his flight to r.n end by
crashing into Kingbury's machine. He
was taken to Lord Lister hospital.
Odd Fellows Flourishing.
Plattsmouth, Neb.t March 8. (Spe
cial.) Last evening a delegation of
Odd Fellows of thisity were vis
itors at Louisville, where they helped
in the work of initiating a large class
at that place. This evening lodge
No. 20 of Omaha, with the lodge from
Louisville, assisted in receiving into
the order a large class at this place.
Material for a Bungalow
Plans and Specifications
for You
y If you are lucky enough to uggest the most acceptable name and
give the two best reasons why Cement is the ideal building mater
ial for a home. :The Mid-West Cement User's Association has
generously donated these materials and five other gifts. Full par
ticulars may be had at the ' -
Two Days Left, for the (Jig Show Closes Saturday
Open 12:30 to 10:00 P. M. V Admission 25 Cents.
1 '
Omaha Concrete Stone Company
Ornamental Posts, Bird Baths,
Simpson Vases,
Rustic Flower Pots, Rustic Flower Vases,
Pergola Posts, Lawn Seats, Etc., Etc.
WhMt Prim Tended IXrwnwmH. Owln to
CwtlntuuM f Phlpplnr DlffUmltlM.
Chloaro, March I. Bin alMrancea t
Balttmora 'tinii coirtwt forecast tbat th
sovirnmeat crop report on (arm reuervM
would nrov bulltili did a Bood dett to
bring about advmnca today lit .tho price-
of wheat. Quotations eioaea nrm,
n.t hi.hp. with May at ll,88Sei.NH
and Julr t l.SI1.5. Corn finished
IQIHo up and oata gained' HOe. In
provuions: tha outcome ranged from 13Ho
aectine to a raiae or tc.
Pen d tie bullish jrentlment, which ulti
mately ruled the wheat market, prlcee
tended downp-ara ai me uuiw. owm
laraoty to the fact that railway trafflo otf-
tlcultlei had caused export contracts in the
wt &nd aauthweit to ba cancelled. One
railroad was reported as atona having O00
cars tilled with freight-standing lti tho
Kansas City yards. Some vague peace tala
was also among the faetora that gave the
bears a transient advantage. Free buying
on the part of stroag in (create, however.
aannn.Danled announcements that some ex
porter who had cancelled whtiat purchases
were trying to replace the lines at points
wtere the railroads were not wholly block
aded and that ten neutral grain ships had
cleared from Baltimore today. Pessimistic
crop reports, especially from Nebraska,
tended also to glva an upward Impulse to
th market. 1 s
As the time-aproacbed tor the Issuance
of the government report on farm reserves
th annfldtnes el the wheat bulls became
yWr and more apparent. Uossip was cur
rent, too, that foreigners were nuying fu
ture) deliveries here, and It waa said that
for the flrst time since th German war
ion decree was Issued on January 11.
American ship owners were coming Into the
ocean freight market In fairly larg num
bers. ' '
Corn nhewed Independent strength. Th
government-report on farm reserves wet ex
pected to be bullish and turned out t be
much more eo than bad been anticipated.
Oats-war firm in sympathy with corn.
There wa persistent buying at Winni
peg, presumably for th British govern
ment. Advance guesses en farm reserves
of cat proved to be considerably In eacess
of th government total.
Provisions wer Irregular and much less
actlv than haa been recently. Realising
ales by holders weakened lard and ribs.
Offerings ft pork wer smalt
Chicago Cash Prlcee Wheat: No. I and
3 red, nominal t No, I hard, il.t'; No, a
hard, Corn: No. 1 yellow, Il.tlH
1.01; No, I yellow, 4l.tTl-H, No. 4
yellow, U.QlUOl.wS. Oats: No. S white,
eetjtfltto; standard, lOttO'tr. Ry: No t,
nominal: No. S. $1.66. Barley. tl.001.3l.
Stnda: T-wvtay, l.UO'Ti clover. U.Jtf
' Much of the demand for farm mortgages comes from those who
have been paying taxes on their savings. If their money has been earn
ing only 4 per cent taxation takes a considerable part of the income.
Nebraska mortgages are free from state, county and city taxes. Ihe
v money invested in farm mortgages is certainly just as safe as in banks
or savings institutions, where it is taxable, and the net income is very
- much greater. v ' N ;
V 1 The holder of a mortgage knows just where hia money isHe need
not be an expert accountant to determine whether it is, safe plain
common sense is his best guide. . ,
When you buy a security from us your dealings with us have only
commenced, for we look after the collection of interest and principal
and paying it over to you during the life of the loan; also watch to see
that taxes on the property are paid, insurance kept in force, etc.
" ' We describe below a few of the many choice loans on hand for
sale to investors T,. j
' $ 2,500 On 80 acres, Merrick County, near Grand Island; valued at
', . : ' r. $8,00v 5 per cent. V '
' $ 3,000 On 80 acres, Thurston County, near Winnebago; valued at
$9,000 5 per cent. '
$ 4,000 On 120 acres, Nuckolls County, near Nelson; valued at
$10,800 5 per cent. .
$ 6,500 On 154 acres, Thayer County near Deshler; valued at
$16,000 5 per cent. " '
7,000 On 250 acres, 'Dixon County,' near Wakefield; valued at.
. . $35,0005 per cent.
. $ 8,000 On 160 acres, Saunders County, near Swedeburg; valued at
, ' $16,000 5 per cent. . -
$ 8,000 On 240 acres, Thayer County, near Carleton; valued at
$24,0005 per cent. . .
$10,000 On 240 acres, Butler County, near Surprise; valued at
$35,600 5 per cent. I
With each loan is note, mortgage, abstract, attorney's opinion on
title, showing our mortgage to be a first lien, insurance policy, owner a
description of farm and our own examiner's description and valuation.
- Monthly paper, "The Investor," with lists of securities, mailed free
upon request to all who haVe $100 o more which they wish to keep
safely at interest. " ' , -
Lincoln Safe Deposit Co. Lincoln, Neb.