1c 10 1 1 I unr mrnrn rmr I for rem rooms Want-Ad Rates HO All TAR UN tOU LESS THAM TUIAL or Mo OH LfcS THAN 1W rKK UAV. CASH WITH OKDKH. s.t Holm (No uiepiayi. paf word John U Faragrapbeoor Dlaplayed m Larger Typi la pr dm f'1 un la pw lint, I or mor oonaocutlr. Ineertlooa. ' . (Count ill wordi 10 tot lino.) ' aiTVATIONS WAMTEU. w..kij u CARD Or THANKS, DEATHS AND ' VUMEitAL MOTICiajl 1M Dor IId loMrtloo (Count III word. U) tbt Una.) (Minimum charge, 10 eanta.) MONTHLY RATI FOR STANDING AD. I iDxrUoa la tt Century Farmer, pw wort M , iBMrllono U UnU Boo and 1 lootruoo 10 rumor, per lino I tnaartlona ! oataba Boo an tlo I inotrtion 10 ivia v-mw. rumor, por word . IVttjO no (Contraot ratoa oa application.) TH BEB will not be reoponalbla for mora tbao one moorroot woeiuon v : A ,nr mnra than 00 tint. ADVKHT1SEHS ahould rouln recelpla glvoa by Tho Boo la payment lor Want Ada, at do ailatakoi can be reclined without thorn. CAB THE TELEPHONE l you cannot con. yoalonUy bring or aend In your ado. AaK lor Want Ad Tahor and you will re- ' oolro Mo aamt good aorvlco aa whoa 00- llrarlng your aa at tno omco, BUONE TILER MIMI. mud ill niLUUNl CLOSEt RVEN1NU EDITIONS ! 110RNINO EDITIONS r. , u- n, mm allowed.! Oaa lino '" Two line or mora ,,,,,,,i,i,au ICouot all worda to too Una.) ar.t. roRKlQN ADVERT1SIN0 UNDER iioii.R WANTED CLAASU'ICATIONSI M nee word 10 por word, twa or mora oonaocutlva l aorttona, ' uvriii muHINATION BATE. Oa Load, Pool try aad Other Adyartblag. n.uui iiiiiu t kKB lover ftO.ObV dally). 10TU CENTURI rARBER lovar Utl.POO weekly). a aomMnad dnaiauon which will reach kola tho city aad rural roildent, . Hpeolal Reg; , Ratea, Rate. t Irjatrtloaa la Omaha Boa and 1 1 m.n la mth Century farrnor. par Moo Ha i!a I Inaertloaa la Omaha Boa aad . tf'lVIE PROliRAM Carraat Morlaga of tba beat Motloa Pl- tero Tuoatora la omana, ttnawao wo Downtown, PRINCESS lilt DOUULAS VIOLET , UERSEREAU "THE BCY GIRL." North. :mi AND LAKE ROBERT WARWICK .111 "SUDDEN RICHES." 1021 AND 1INNET OLADrr BRfCKWB-.I. I.N 1 "ONE TOUCH OF $1N,' LOTUHOP S4TU AND LOTHUOP BUIHUANA.ND BAYITB In "THE GREAT SECRET." THE OOD'S Or FATE." South. APOLLO J.TH AND LEAVENWORTH CLEO RIIXIELy , . WALLACE 11 KID in t(TH E YELLOW PAWN." FAVORITE , 1710V VINTON UAROAR1TB VAN 1 - "THE ROOM OF MYSTERY AND POOP OKNERA1, PROGRAM, iirr ttet LEAVENWORTH AlAULT! TALIAFERRO IN "THE DAWN OF LOVE." West I'll FARNAM ' RUPERT JULIAN IN "THE RIGHT TO BE HAPPY. South Sim, MAOIC ' 3,TU Aal' FRANCES FORD AND GRACE CUNARD lu No 11 at ,"TUK pimpt.B MAHK" AND A UNIVKRBAL PHUORAM. rTTT,Ti?i1 24TH ANO nnii i n mlH nmi, REPORTERS" l-RKEL KNICKEBBOCKER KEATUHE FRANK. 1'Awir.i.n "LET'S SEE YOU HERE." DEATHS ft fcUNlALJiOTIJCES. BHENNAN Jamaa P., aged 47 yeara, , kt.i. ( ahnpt lllneea. uraemlo polunlng. Remalna at Heafey Meafey'a tihapel. runerai wnivi. OOLDSBBRRY FrWnk, aged 43 years; died at local noipi... hlppe4 to Iowa from Heafy A Heafy Chapel, 4 O Cioca inwnuw """" FLORISTS. HoilNG memtturs of the National Florists Telegraph Delivery Association wo are in dm tiion to deliver flowers oa short nottoe Lay where In tho U. . art Canada. Hess i - u.i.-wr .Mi.rfmor.t ut trash OOWtra. L. HENUEKSUN. 1519 FAKNAM. t'ontoo.lla LEE L LARMON 111, !, Hi. Uooaiaa nut. Takkkk yior ahoy. u . l'n. u. io. A. WWAUHUB. ! Uaruail. Holm Hal, BAIH. ISallooal ,'loilat. ! Faroaia at fUNERAL UIKECTORS: HUUIal HlKfaN. unuerlak.ra aua m- ta.lm.ra, TOl ao. ,.,a eu wmiw ... iri'ik-irv a, JuHNHTuN. ouitialmer. and ftt nerel airMIora. Ill o I.Ik HI. Tyler Ida. CARD OF THANKS. -,-g wiea to thank our many, frlenda and nelahbore and eapeclallyllio employee o( tho Omaha Council Blufle Street Ball war Co.. lor their klndneaa ahown and tor the baautltul floral oltertnaa at lha ' death OX our Delovea nuaoana ana lamer. UK8. . f. BUHNAT ANU FAM1LI. .I, ii., i ia I ihii.ii in i, 1 1 I . mariuagb licenses:: ' Tha lollowln Barmlla to wod bav, bwn laauwl: . M . . Name and Bealdenca. Afa. i-., ...... hahnck. llaaver City, rl.bi ataud. McCauWy, Baavw City, Nata..... II Walter B. Balttor, Omaha SS Hlaaeha Wooaley, Omaha Tka.r. E flhatt. Omaha. . tl Uoaa Doha. Omaha M William Koek, Elkhora, Nob II liariarat Blal. Millard, Kob.. .......... II Carl a. Kaeaaner, Omaha IT Heiga W, Poaraoa, Omaha ,....... I. Eddy T. Underwood, Craig, Be... ...... 41 Muriel B. I'oroatar, Omaha I ntta Hartwla. DunlaD. la. .,..., II . Clara Heed, Duolat, la. ......,...... II Anton. Rychnavaky, Omaha II ' alary Potmaatl. Omaha . 10 K.vmond a. Villa. Omaha. ........ 4... II l'aulla. Roblaaon, Omaha.,...,'..,.... 19 flanfred Vonaon, Baroavllle, Nab. ....... U . Amelia Sederaton. Maroovlll Neb 1, Joha O. liana, Omaha .... Ill Pearl Carlaoo.. Omaha. .,.. II Joaaoh Blavlk. Omaha II Velea allller, Balaton 10 BUILDING PERJITs. William Bomback, 1411 North rorly-aev .nth, frame dwelllni, ll.to.; J.I Land holm, I41I Brletol. P1" lBBB- -a-tiilAL NOTICE lSUTlCIS All people havln, bill. ouutaud Ina aaalnat Lma Cluna'a reetaurant at 404 No. 14th, aiuet nr.aant them keforo I a. in.. Marrh lfilh. aa we have lakea" over tike buauieaa, thiol Co. BIKI'HS AND UEA'lHS. Blrthe John and Carotin. Wlal.r. .H South Thlrty-aeventh. Boy; Joaepn ami . .. r.o.i.ka afiot South Twenty-eevenln. girl; Andrew and Agnea Pudek, 4030 South Tnlrty-etghth, girl; George and Alvena Kroehler, zwi v-umina. . -.. Mallna Andereon. 2121 North Twenty- ilghln, mTlrl ; alicnaei ana nw " ih4 North Sixteenth, Ctrl; Eric ant! Sarah urtobun. 1114 South Twenty-eighth, girl; and Emma Trade, 2217 Manderaon. alrl; Henry ana Baran rrana. ...,,, Nlnoloonth. boy: Harry and Ellaabeth Urlener, 262. South Twentr-alxth, aTlrl ; Jeaaa L. and Pearl A. Campbell, 2321 South Twentieth. girl. Deatha Henry J. oawyer, "v well; Joaephlno Mitchell, M. Mil noum Tw.nty-aeventh; Eleanor Cathera, 4 monthi. Omaha; Jooepb Kolar, 71, Second and Wll- Olga a. Anuereoo, , .we,,,?-.,,,,,.,. and Pratt; Edward r. Burnap, .a, south Twenty-iourtn. ' LOST-FOUND-REWARDS IP you loao anything and will .overturn 11 hero you wui nureiy recover . I.U . hn.2Y neraon. Ktmarhablo recov- orlea are brought about every day through thi. miiimi. I eun Mfi'jicMT WAT. If yon find aoraethtog 1 of value, or a Keepaaaa 01 value uoir w 1 ,h. o.ner. la to Inaert a email ad. The owner of the artlola In moat caaea la will- ing to refund the coet of advertlalng. OMAHA 4k COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY WMrAPlI. Paraona having loat aome artlola would I do well to call up the office of the Omaha a- fnuncii Bluff! Street Hallway company to aaoeriam whether they left It In U"l - U..W aartlfllM MUtl ( T at IliniMI ID I . . . I "omJInrta alxlo'ua to rwtore them to th rightful ownera. Call Tjier goo. THE FEBRUARY SCORE. of Paid Claaalflod compared with lrll THE BEE gained SMI llnea THE NEWS gained., .770 llnea kuh wnni.n HKHAI.D LOST 14a linen " - 1 M.,ia Mimnllml hv Wfti-flald iA" ' A1cr!tajnd.p.nd.n, audi, bureau, LOHT liOltOD DUI1 .iiiajr, , Aiu, wiiuutaj 1 ii. of head. Anewer. to name of r . . . ...... i tuiiir i, im. 'iviar mi. Liberal reward. FOUND Hoda Fountain, 4 GREEN'S PHARMACY, letb and Howard. LOST One fraUrnlty pin, email diamond 1 shape, with ursea lettera, wan vvsikui i SD84. Rewara. LOST Boaton buU terrier pup. About I Reward. months old. can Harney .oa. LOOT, Boaton torrler dog. 43U N. Forty. eighth SL Phono walnut ai. MEDICAL TOO CAN HAVE TOUR HEALTH) LATEST AND HOST SCIENTIFIC TREATMENT. . CONSULTATION, , EXAMINATION FREE. Dr. Barnes treats luoosssfully all1 Curablt Diseases of tba Throat Lungs, Stomach, Liver, Kidneys, Heart, Brain, Nerves, Blood and Skin, yaa well as Catarrh of any part of tha body. Constipation, Chronic and Acute Rheumatism, Ulotra, Neuralgia, abl atio Lumbago, . Dr. Barnaa is the only physician . In thla part of tha country admin-. Istertng this system cf treatment. Investigate it. DR. CIIAriLES BARNES, Suite tl to 30 Aosa Bidg., ,' E, Corner IQth and Farnam Bta. , . Phono Tyler 9410. ,' PR. H. R. TARRY, riLEH, VISTULA s CURGD. ! . Dr. 83, R, Tarry cures piles, flstula wi Other rectal d mates without surgical op- ration. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book no rso tal diseases wlt testimonials, DR. B. R. TARRY, 140, Bes Bldg. Omaha. Neb. BALL PLAYERS AND ATHLETES. Get in condition with a bottle of Pryor'a Athlete Liniment, lor saia uy auuruggisis, or writs DR. M. PRTOR, 14 PATTERSON BLK., CONDITIONER AND TRAINER OF ATHLETES. J RUPTURE Successfully treated without a surgical operation. Call or writs Dr. Frank H. Wray, 808 Be Bldg. Chiropractors. ntt lfNOI.l.KNHfflHO. SANITARIUM. Lady attendant. 24th and Farnam, D. 728. Dr. J. 0. Lawrem-e, Balrd Bldg. D. M4l, Dr. Frances Dawgon 602-3 Rose Bldg. T. UU : Dn. JohtistoB. 1326 W. O. Bldg. 0. 6629. Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No Pain. -U W. 0. W. Bldg" alt'a Uent. Kma, Ilia Boa. Hid,. I), lilt. FOR SALE Miacellaneout Furniture and houichold Uoodi. THJt PBBHUARX BCOHB. ' oi ram wmhw TUB BBS gained,,.,.. slsr llnea TUB NKWa gained..... '..770 lineal TUB WORLD HERALD LOST 14 llnea Figures compiled by Warfleld Adv. Agcy., an independent audit bureau. - BARGAINS In furniture: I gaa stoves, lb each; st sous, m eaon; s loeooses, rugs of all kinds, tsbles, chairs, china kitchen cabins u, buffats, dreatmrs, trunks, sult oaaes, leather ujaveuporta. AH kinds of boddfng. Full Una of poultry nsttlng. IsiiMT N. aUth SL TtL WeUter lu?. Open till I p m. TUB STORU Oic gUALlTk AND KCUNUMY. Befor buying furniture Investigate tht opportunity w offer you to secure better quality values at lower prices. An enor mous stock or oomplsto house furnishings The "Don't buy until you try" State Fur niture Co.. 14th and Dodge Sta. Dung. 1.1. , Com. Una of ii. U. goods, of flu I urn Fries I right. Coma to bo convinced. Loyal urn. I Cok itl ti. 14thj City Fwrn. Co.. mi 8. 14. GOOD White washing machine and wSnger. also an electric Iron for salej. reasonable.) Call walnut int. , A BalAUTlFUL cooking range, gaa connso- lions, for sale. Webster J9S6. HuoaiU kitchen cabinsti sell reasonable; saving town. Dcuglas 9399. HUUatllOLD lurullure lor aula. UaU Col- faz 2311. t'lanoa and Muilcal ln3tnrmenti. WEI.U1' UalCOllu UXCHAltual, 2.1. Call fomla; 6o and 7o; Columbian and Vic tor rocorda azchauaed, 10c and upj $1.00 record., io mora. Ucuflaa 1012. ,ao a'lANO i r, u mual aell quick: mo d 2 Uluulna, 2210; awav Bvana. Billiard and Pocket Tablet. FOll BALE BILL1ABU TABLES.' llranS new, carom and pockat, with eompl.t. outllt, ,100; aecond-band ttblaa at tra duced prlcea; bowllnf alleya and auppllaal : eaay uaymenla Ctaar ator. flxthrea a apeclalty, tiend for caulogua. THa, BRUNaWlCK-bALKK-COlXKNUES CO.. T-,, South loth Bt. , Harnest and Saddlery. WE make tbetu uuraclvee and aell direct to eonaumer; no mlddl.man'a profit; why pay twa pronta for Inferior flood, whan yott can get high grade gooda at flrat coatt Alfred Cornlak Co., 1210 farnam 8t., Omaha, Nek Printing and Office -Suppliei. CoMllEKClAL Uupllcatlng Cu.. alao public 8t.no. lhou. for price, itaugla, 2,02. 2, PaStton Block. Ua. our prlcea un jot printing,. UNITED (STATU PRINT iNU CO., 'Bee Bidg. Douglaa 11M. A'iKHS.liAHNiiAHiJ'r I'la u utility I printing. Tl Ihtoar tile Lumber and UtulOinit MturiaU. aXVKtiAlart.il ln-sms. vuluiims' brUk U. Uruta Lunilnr and WrsuhwCu, Web. silt ' r - 1 1 . mrini ' MAPfTT 1Q17. ' - v 1 rvjl an-c iTiioccnaiicuu. 1 """" , r- - 1" t 7 Typewriters and Supplies, I'yrEWKl'i'fciKS eold, rentvd and repaired. Kent an Oliver typewriter S monlna for If,. Central Typuwrltlog Exchauga, Ivuc Karnam. v HbiMiNUToNS. Idonarcba and Smith Pre mlere for rent; aent anywhere. Remington I Typewriting Company, u. 1 zb. GUARANTEED typewrllararjlo up. Write for Hat. Midland Typ. uo.. nee oiaa. at. Midland Typ. uo., nee iaa . 0 T , , 7 : ' OoDOi'tunity for Investment Machinery and Engines. uuuinuuv; ( NEW AND SECOND-HAND MOTORS. MACHINISTS, LB BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS, 21g.;o B. 12tb St.. Omaha. - Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES , W rent, repair, twl. needle and parti I of all Mwtng machine!. MICKKL'S NEBRAHKA CYCLE CO., 15th and Harnny flta. Douy, 11H. Miscellaneous. (jMAH A PILLOW CO., Dowo Comlortere made over Juat llko now. All your own fealhera back, whan wo ronovato. Wo can or anu oviivw, ev, wuuoua. :t7. I KS, aafea, acalea, ahowcaaea, abelvlng. . ate We only aelL Omaha Future ana Supply Co.. 414-16-18 B. VZth. Doug. 724. PORTABLE ahed, 7x7; dandy tool houae, 1 play houae and atora houae. 62b g. iat at. i DRY KINDLING WOOD. ACME BOX COMPANY. HARNEY H37. Vriti ' hlgt .v(n, ' .kla UKnna HsrnnV lUlIb Id'iiTood ahtmP. th. D. 1710. , , gLT. 11.76 bbl. A. W. Wagner. 801 N. l.tb. WANTED TO BUY. KjjfjVrr, DESKS DESKS ooik, uu omh, iwuihi, -mA I 1' R atari 3117 irarntini. U. 01 ID. : " JRNKINS iiSL.,M etc. Rod air 7. Rn., Douglai BO 3 3. FIT A MnWnS 0L BBRUMAN C0. imiiiuitiu 409 S. l&th St. WANT pool ball of grocery atore. 420 Hoee tliog. rnone lyigr ma. GET the highest price for old clothes. Sell I to B. Lay tin, 103 N. 16th St, Tyler e.. SWAPPERS' COLUMN IK YOU HAVE soma article that haa out lived lu usefulneaa to you make up a little ad and run it In thla column at lc 1 per word. You will bo mora than pleaaed with tho remarkable offerings you wlU receive. Ona or two insertion! In nearly all caaea are aufflulent to get what you want TRY IT TODAY, llTOR SALE OR TRADE, rooming and boarding house, central, ostabiunea traae. Box 1863, Bee, IFOR EXCHANGE, small diamond ring for braes bed or typewriter, or leather couch, l Walnut 3939. I WE swap or buy kodaks; films developed I frost one-day service, iwase s.ooaa oiu-1 .in N.viiia Rlk.. ltlth and Harnev. I for an autoraobllo. Blk, I ikiou Int. South Side, for aale or trade for auto, Vord preferred, or wnac oavoi yotll Boa 11,0, Uee. . ANNOUNCEMENTS 1 IF YOU build on concrete, use our !tud an. chor. Stud Anchor Works, Mendota, 111. Accordion Pleating! ACCORDION,, side, knifo, sunburst, box pleating, covered buttons, an sues ana styles, hemstitching, plcot edging, em broidery, beading, braiding, cording, aysH let cut work, buttonnoies, pennants. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO., 3UU uougias bik. LMjugiaa ifio. 1 VAN ARM A. Dreas Pleating and Button Co.. 2ae-1 Pax ton Blk. Doug. liuo. Accor- dion. knife, side, space, box, sunburst and combination pleating, hemstitching, ptoot edging. Pinning, rucning, oovervrg s nut tons, all styles and all sixes. Price list free. Accountants. E. A. DWOKAK, C. P. A. (SB Ramge Bldg. Phone Doug. tU. Bakeries. ORTMAN'S NEW ENOLAND BAKER y. Six N, 10TH. BRANCH BS PUBLIC MARKET AND HAYDEN BKOTHKH8. OUR MOTTO-'BUTTER BAKED OOODB." CAKES, pastry knd fancy bakery goods suppled to parties, lodges and entertain- rnents- Z. H. Keener, 16UB w. iHtn. w. sixt Baths. ELECTRIC TUliivlSH BATHS. The only absolutely aanltary bath. Hlahly recommended by physicians. Steals Institute. 1&U8 Harney St, D. 1087. Open I evenings and Sundays. DR. BENDA Sulphur, steam, Mudsrn Turk- fish BATHS AND MASSAGE. Private apartments for ladles, with lady attend' ants. li Farnam. rnone uoug. ss77. BATH a ml inauaaga, manicuring, physical 1 cuitura. Miss waiKer, ias weviue uioca, R1TTENUOUUE sanitarium; all klnda baths. 8 1 0 -14 Haird lit a., utn ana uoug i as. German nurse, niassagu, bathe of all kinds. 82$ Neville i biocK, lun anu uarney. Brass and Iron Foundries. Paxtoii-MUfhcJl Co., 2Uh and Martha Bts. Canunters and Contractors. LESS A HD A ON. 2U31 Cuming Tyler 1881. Chiropractic and Spinal Adjustment. Dr. burnorn. Kose blag. Hslnicr school graduate. Douglaa liil. ChiropodistB. Carrie J. Burtord, 2t 1'axton Blk. Red 468T. Dancing Academy. T i - TTV1, uAij. Tima. thiirh I JS UUiVLi tJAT., SUN, VB. SCHOOL ' MON. BVB. Ill S. lstn St., Op- Fontenelle. DetdGtivCS. COMPKTBNT Investigator .evidence secured. civil criminal cases, 6ti Pax ton, Doug. Wit nalcasi HiTJiCT. OMAHA DUiTUaCTlVlfi ASSOCIATION. 14k ' 1st Nal'l Bank Bldg? Phone Tyler Jsio. i JAMKS ALLAN, tl Neville Blk, K vide lice aecurea in an caaea ry isr ms. 8. D. JOLLY, tjia'palton. Red7401. Dres&maKina. Mrs. R. A. Conueuy. 416 Kurbach. R. 11U. Terry Druuinukiiig Co.. ioih and Fa roam. ' Fixtures and Wiring. rTTt7ii Jiiluctrto wasbiiig machines. LUiVI.li1 aioctrlo Irons and reading lamps. Jin ouming Bt. iMugiaa ims. t intur.uice, ' BANKERS L1FK OF LINCOLN. 111-14 City Nat'l bank Bldg. Doug 1811. Masseuret, GEOROIB HALLhi, graduate masseuse. Mas electric, Turkish hatha. HO Har D. 707. alaaaaga, chiropody. Iltnalo Nagle, 104-14 Balrd Bldg. 17th and Douglaa. 1. HbS. I JaiittS L1LLK. Uth massage, 1132 Farnam St. 1 MASS AG 1. girl wanted. Neville Blk. i Paten'. Attorney. " PATENT procured, bougbt and otd. Inter national Patent Co , tna Brandela. V. ten. Painting and Piper Hanging. 1U Ul.iuiirur, luun nuaia, SEE FRED PARKS, Wall Paper, Paint, and Olaaa. Pictur. Framing, Painting and Paper Banging. 4H 8. lth Phono a 101. Painting, papwrlianglng. cleaning. H. 7. Piano ior Rent... 22.BO p.r mo, A. liopae Cu.. 1511 Douglaa I Theatrical Costume. THEATRICAL go.ua. lull draaa aulta, tar rant, lot N. IHn. Jobn Feiaman. u. 122. Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Hup ily. am s. 11th. a 12. I Wedding Sutionery. , WEDD1NO annouucem.nta and prlDtla. Douglaa Printing Co. 'tel. uoug. m. Wkn, n Rat. EAT HOMfc (JOUii.t-D MEALS NEW DELICATESSEN. 1201 FASNaM. HURltOUUItB CAFE. OMAHA, NEB. ta.rvlc.1, LINCOLN. NEB. 11. , 12tu. . ' . EDUCATIONAL VAN HANV tCH.MjL lit? UUaiMtWJ, iiaV AM) UVUN1NU BCHOtLa ircond Kloor Omaha National Bans. Bidg aintroncw xa. LHiugiaa asst. (, M, U A ijr fia S!ibt &!. la otferM In an I Excursion Steamer I to run thta tummer on tht Mioaourl river out of Omaha. I Thta will be an arauaement enter I prise, conducted on a atrlctly high claea acale for family oxcuralona. children'! plonfca, etc. A almllar boat made aplendld returni In Kan- I aaa City lait year. Part of the cap!- I tl in thla Doat iiaa oeen arrBHB for, but there la 'opportunity for in- veatment 01 1 5 nftd tn S20.flfl0 'Clamtal Hou ' ' i n The ooeratlon of the boata I In I experienced hat-da. The tnveator should be a man of bualneaa expe rience, but no river knowledge la ea aentlal. - . 1 Addreaa the operator of the excur- 11 lion ateamer through I Ex. Commercial Clufa Of Omaha FINE DELICATESSEN STORE. With light lunch. Sales average 1500 1 monthly. Two good living rooms in rear. Rent 130. Price, 160, part caan. rarucu- , lara only at our oiftce ana not oy pnone. : SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., 4925 South 24th St. Phone South 1247. A SAFE AND PROFITABLE invMtment. An active, capable man can I secure tho retiring partner s interei. m an i Incorporated company taa treasurer;, uo- i in m. ttanoral real esUte. renUL loan, In- I suranca and bonding business, having the I finest equipped office in tna city; ai.vvvi for Interest, half cash, balance monthly, aiiif nt hiiatlnaitia I SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., INC. 4925 B, 24th t. rnone ooum m. EXCEPTIONAL Business Opportunity I Theater seating 100, showing pictures and vaudeville; new screen, 2 simplex ma-1 oninus, ruuiuwt, wim. " 7 18.110 U annually; owner has another In caah don't cooalder. Box 194 North Platto, Nob. THE FEBRUARY SCORE. of Paid Classified compared with 1916 THE BEE gained 89ST llnea THUUNEWS gained. 770 lines I THE WORLD HERALD LOST 14 lines Figures compiled by Warfleld Adv. Agcy., an Independent audit bureau. wanted TO SELL, Oood farm and coun try buatnaas. consisting 01 general store, blacKsmitn anop, grist VwrH crusher; will sell separata or all together; three other farina at a bargain and on easy term!; buy direct from owner and aava money; can glva possession any time. M. Harris, Route 1, UlCKson, Tenn. mpi.kndil) up EN IN U Man with sales and managerial anility wno can invest ,uvv In capital stock ox largest autu aocawutj firm west of Chicago oaa secure responsl- hia nnatiinn. Com trail v nay log good profit. Need additional capital to cover new field. Bank and trade references, Box us., wee. DRUG STORE for sale; finest store South Ttu: beat harbor gull coasi; roua win ters, cool summers, healthy climate; only store, sales I1G.00O. frloe, iB.<u, Terms, 14,000 cash balance clear lana. Aaaresa cimr iaiu. AmAicw i -Texaa SnaD" care F. V. Knleat. Bee Butldlng, Omaha. ' I 9100,000 CORPORATION manufacturing llHUiir iiib.i,im . - I machlnea wanta territorial man- agers with 3tf to sow capital 10 niDOT contract. Plays anu squats any sou in- strument. Wholesale price, siv.uu. uig money maker. Address Hales Manager, 1013 Republic mag., vnicaao. FOR SALE l-chalr ibop. good county seat town northwest lowa: gooa location, main street, good established business; good reason for selling; will show books. Will half or ail, &.eiiy jreeiauu. Onawa, la. TT7rr;a,m AVVti" niirTt' .rArM mnJi -Vlu- m.rf Bdia. in city or country: a nick action. 760 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Tel. Douglaa U32. "THB GREATEST GAIN 68,788. ti, nitl Watit-sda aver made by any Omaha paper, la the tho record of THE UMAH AeU(J(S lor 191. BEST BK3ULTS Wwbst kaip. rOR HA LIS Cafe, lunch counter and con fectionery, near litncoinj oes. ioouon in toni maoA business: lease transzerraoie cash or bankable note. Address Boa Ton Cafe. Colleae View. Neb, UKD paying dt, :t ators, with gooa oaroer business la connection, ior sais. neui Broadway, Council Bluffs. Call nigh la 7:0 to 9 o'clock. YOU can, upon Investment of $400, acquire nn.hB.lf Interest In a proposition ina. win "pay you siss per monta irom m inn, oa xbtj, -nee. GET In the gams right. Organise your own company, wo win .ease you a roii i tract. Sure Shot for Oil. Beat location, I Address Box lilt, Kansas City, MO. WB BUY, wo sell motion plotura theaters, machines, feature xiima, wo-opflr.uY Film and Supply Co.. 110 Bromley Hiag. IK YOU want to sell or buy a bualneaa or rooming nous oaii on nusan si ooibiwii, 710 Worlo-Heraia mug, rnono u. BUTCH10RS, attention. Best money making meat market In city, 7t.o. a. uueneiu, Douglaa 4868. XB21 Hickory. motion, ntcturo machine (new and re built), theaters suppuea. umana sum Exchange. Itfs 8. 14th SC , f'liMPLkTK (lxturtMi of l-chalr barber ahop. very reasonable, miner noui. soum Omaha. .Fhona South Uit. moving PICTURE mauhiaes. new and re built, all makes; supplies, w esiern sup ply Co., xoi Mat. Biag SPECIAL plana lo sell a buslneaa or real es tate. F. V. KMest, uea mag., mnana. DOWD SALE AND AUCTION CO..i 11U I W. O. W. Blag, uea Sj.se. - WANT Job printing plant to move to small town, tjenan, atcvague o.ug. TO OET In orN out of business call on 1 Rooming House,. a RdOMS. houaekeeulnu. furulahea com plete, walking dletanc; a bargain, l.i. owner, Harney 1222. NiNbl rooma. full of ruumera, beat location; cheap; leaving city, lot it. zuta at. rnone Red .!. . 1 SEVEN rooma of furniture, practically new, poeeeaalon at once; rnone Tyt.r SITUATIONS WANTED WEEKLY RATE. 2Uo PER LINE. Bu.ln.aa ada. raaular rataat i line. on. we.k 0c I line. on. week....... ..."..Oo Each extra lln. 10c per wek ' Male. , COMPETENT and .aparl.nced bookkaepar "an auditor, opes for poallloo; thoroughly f . . . . , a . , . . . . . V ..all familiar wiin an aeu..i wi t uu !' . . Dm j7K5, Boa. ' glvo'Jory best city referenca. good t .. k.ab character; no booser; prefer bank, hotel. store. PLone Douglas 1171, HOTKL CLERK of t rears' etpertenca wants position; ago 1. wnue, neat appearing; kawt ttt rafttrencea: will aivs bond if re quired. Address Boa lit. Raymond. Neb. aiVUNlNO work In tho Una of aaditfng bookkeeping aouoitea; or smaii mmi w boohs to keep even. a Addreaa F. O. Boa 111, City. j buuKKEKIER wanta set of booka to keep at night or worn 10 ao ener nauu hours. Box 17l, Bee. u AN wants position takitig earn of offles. lijuiTlulB move, ashen and will do general) ranch farm "L haulUig. wta ma. WANTED A position aa bouaekeeper on a ranch or farm By wiaow wi.e nw uu,,,. Addreaa lira, anort, ewe o. iwn Peoria. 111. THE BEB chargo for "Situation ado' la lower than any otoar xoroa oi wui not enough to cover tho coat of printing. Practical uuramg or matron with nuaoande -r . middle aod houaekep.r capable of taking fun chan kHealance: eoeaaa a lanruiir wlshea position; rgw. Box 341. Be Laundry and Day Work. WANTEIJ - r Fancy. Waahlnff. SUka a apa- cilaty. Webiter irts WANTaiU lay work and bund 1ft. wasnlntt by colored lady, weoater ner. FOR experienced bundle -.vashlug, call WetKl ter .tll, rrompi pei ivery. RELIABLE colored woman wiabea t work, rnone uougiaa oga. - COLO H lady wanta waanloK and Ironing by day. Tyler mse-.. COLORED woman wanu work for bachelor. Web. 1618. ; WEEK work wanted, home nighta. W. 4921. WANTED Work by th day. Harney IS60. fmiTAINS carefully laundered. Colfax 4138. cleaning Lfcday or hour. Wainut 0. i v aarArk nr hiiuBcliM.nlna exo. Web. 466?. I LAUNDRY or cleaning, day work. Web 1171. Lace cunaina nicely laundered. Web. fl4m CURTAINS laundered. H 1U0. 314 Dodgv Crloryd woman wanta day worlt. Web. 3401 Want day work by reliable woman. Red 4860. WANTED Coskinii by the day. Har. 464S colored lady wanta day work. H. 6768. WORK V dy or week. Douglaa 6648T XlUlClB atlaU ACBVaUIOtllBi RELIABLE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 161V uavenpori oi. vuui'u Headquarter! ror note. neip. HELP WANTEDMALE Stores and Offices. EXPKRIK.VCBD alANAOER FOR ESTABLISHKD RGTAIU I.U1I BKR BUSINF.H8 IN DE9IRA BLB. MINNESOTA TOWN. GOOD SCHOOLS AND CHURCHES. NB .WHO SPEAKS GERMAN .PRE FERRED. POSITION VUST BE m.I.ED QUICK. ' BOX T .94. BEE. WANTED AT ONCE. Window trimmer, card writer and sales man for new department store In York, I Nebraska; population 7,000 and one of I Nebraska's foremost cities; must be ex pert and experienced. Answer at once with names of references, who know you I well, including former employer it possi ble. ' . MIDDLEBKUOK.B. TORK, NEBRASKA. tut-In Arms have requested Ufl to call their attention to young men, either with or without road experience, who might .qualify for traveling sales positions, call ing on retail mercnants. jeiaoninea trade. Salaries iron. to sivv anu ex panses. WEHTSERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N., 761?; Omaha National Bank Building. THE FEBRUARY SCORE. of Paid Classified compared with 1IM THE BEB gained ...1067 lines THE NEWS gained 770 lines THW WORLD HERALD LOST 14 lines Flu urea compiled by Warfleld Adv. Agcy., an independent audit bureau. 8TENO. (good beginner). ...... ..!. 00 STENOGRAPHER SSb.VU BOOKKEEPER (bank) 6.00 CLERK, CREDITS gt.l THE CANO AGENCY, 609 BEB BLDG. STENO., $76; Steno., $70; SO., $60; bill or, a)iu; Diner, feu, oinuo uiqek, fiv, puhhwi, $40; otcice boy,.,fsu. WATTS RKF, CO.. 1st Nat'l Bk. Bldg." BOOKKEEPER Aged 40, desires change. years of experience, prefer small office. Competent for entire charge. Salary 126.00. Phona H. 4003. - , k WANTED Bright office boy. Apply lri per- son. Powell Supply Co, 2061 Farnam. Professions' and Trades. rnu unw lohn, ITnlAt, Pai-lUn 1 Stor. Hunt. I vvv.. . ' . JZZ i Apply Caaa Street Gate, , ask for storor I Keeper, WANTED Two first class coat makers. Nothing but tho best need apply. Martin Petersen, uouncu wiuus. DRIIO POSITIONS ALL STATE. CO-OP ERA TlVfl REFERENCE CO 1011-16 city National nana mag-.. LEARN barber trade; low rateo now. Call or write Barber College. 1134 Douglas at- j SHOEMAKER wanted at once. Tho Mod ern Shoe Shop, Clarlnda, lowa. . I WANTED A flrat claas meat cutter. Wash ington Market, 1407 Douglas -gt. WANTED An all-around good tailor. , Q St., South Bide Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMEN WANTED To sell farmers, also dealers, Tai-ToniK, medicatea conai- ment (salt and pepper) fifty pound blocks for all stock. Vermifuge, disease pre vnntivfl. conditioner. Stock licking It 'doctor themselves automatically. No trouble, no feeders, no dosing, no waste, hi demand, easy seller, liberal weekly commission advancements, writs for sales producing circular or phone or call on our Sales Manager, C. A. Trent, Room 710 Henahaw Hotel, Oraa. uuarantee Veterinary Company, Btoux City la. AUTO LOCKS. 100,000 cars In tuo In Nebraska. Every ! cur nnada a Lock. "Ferry" la only one 1 reducing Insurance premiums up to 40 per csnO We have complete Una high class accessories and need salesmen all or part tlmu. Sales guaranteed. NATIONAL J TO ACCESSORIES CO., Brandsla Building, omana. WANTED SALESMEN. All or Dart time. Ualea Guaranteed. n,ip d.vlca took icold medal California ax. poaltlon. Every auto owner naaaa. rra v.nu .orlna braakaae. makea car ride 10 per cent aaaler. Small aelllnj prloa, 10 n. n.nt urafit. ti, L. W. bi'KINl, UILtK . Brand.ia uuuaina. umini, rieo. ADVEKT181N4 apcclalty aaleaman for our compiei. line oi nne an wi.uu.i. num. Olotn. tana, laaa penuiie, .utvia, w metal auveltlea tiioluelve protection (Ivaa (nrlnea. Cnnnant with th. faatMt arowlna apeclalty houa. In NebraaKa. . a. anaiar w CO. 1210 anq raman, f wunn uwr. WANTED. i Yeun men aa auto a.oeasonr salesmen. Earn sv to $50 weekly. Our Una exclusive. W2t.il aaiivarttaed and fully guaranteea. Tea tl monta Is from - firms, individual garages and banks everywhere. AUTU eUBiVlUE BALIaO VVhj Brandeis Bldg- Omaha. WANTED Experienced city awning sales- m&n tor Denver: must do gooa a. ng- nr. and ono who has had experience selling awnlnga; none otner neea mvvu. Write fully to the Awning At a. Larimer BL, uenver, woio. WANTBD -Experienced paper bag and pa par specialty salesman to call on Jobbing trade In slates of Kansas, Iowa and Ne braska; must be experienced and ome recommended; state expertenca and salary expected. Box Y-bPO, Uee. aalaainan. WANThiU Exueriencer1 piano rinnti ciosftr. city wora. nini.Kn. hi- ary. Pecmgnent connection. Prospects furnHhed. Mr. Harding. Bales Manager, Schmolltr 4 Mueller piano Co. SALESMEN with cara to aell oil., greaaea a . a nulllAr atlaataT.C M t 2 Fl fial laiwlf 1 i , no wuu , y.w- I l tltu.r.1 rnmmlulrili to urodUCSf. Call 01 I writs Voas-Piemer OU Co., BrandsU WANT1SI High daaa "Pwralty I An aivraantlnnall OrtDOrtUnity IO r UVO WirSS. An oacajitlonal opportunity for Hva wires. lOsi w. u. w. amg. WANTfeii Two live smieatuen to call on auto owners. Jau tww ' Agentt tnd Cgnvasjera. W NT! -K '. 1 or I ant fit Pord cr X sell our special i I combination brakes; allmliat9 rear aalo trouble: good seller; good profits; saila- faetloa guarani.eo winbl iiro. cc . lth and Walnut ao.. Kansas City. Mo. farm Land wanted changed. 8. aad R. & Montgomery. . t - WANTED Bright, ambltioua boy, IB yeara of ace or over, for bundle work. Apply Bupt, office, Balcony, Burg-eaa-Naah Co. Traie Scnools. AUTO MECHANICS EARN BIO MONEY. Never Idle Big Dmnd. Eaay to Learn by Our Methoda. NATIONAL AUTO TRAINING ASS'N. 2817 II. 30th St., Omaha, Send for Free Catalogue. CALL or write for our free Uluairated ciita- logue explaining now wo leacn me oaroer trade quickly by actual experience, care ful instruction, etc. ; largest modern equipped barber col lego in the west Moler'a, 110 S. 14th, Omaha, Neb. (Estate llahed 1893.) . LEARN barber trade; be Independent; more than make four expenses wane learning. Wagea or percentage. - Wo don't over charge you to- begin. 1401! Dodge St. ' TRI-CITT -BARBER COLLEOE. NIGHT SCHOOL Autos and electric atart- era. For parucuiara can uougiaa or write ua. AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE, 205 Farnam 8t Omaha. MitKeiianeovni. I fM a HA Government clerk Oxaminatlona April 1, 176 to iat monto. tsamp.e ques tions free. Write Franklin Institute, Dept. ! 237 C, Rochester, N. Y. - WANTED City organiiera for good fro 420 Roar ' ternal order. Call phono Bldg. Tyler 7dS. HELP WANTED ' Male and Female. WANTED Immediately, names of men and women, la or over, ...suing to oecoine government clerks. 17 ft month. Educa tion unnecessary. Box T-804. Bee. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. I WANTED Neat appearing fir! for errand work. Apply supt. ornco balcony, uur-gess-Naah Co. POSITIVELY OPEN DON'T DELAT Stenographer, 176; bookkeeper, l5; dictaphone opr., f60; billing clerk. $54; bookkeeper and ateno., 165: Iteno., $60; comptometer opr., HO-160; typist. $40; ,40. U xiuifrvr r.r-wiuy .w investigate references. THE MARTI COMPANY, 1317-18 W. O. W. Bldg. STENOGRAPHERS Special -' w win eriraraniee to' place you at a raise In salary of 110 per month or no charge. Present copy this ad or mall It with atiliireiui. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND'ASS'N., 763 Omaha National nann uuiming. THE FEBRUARY SCORE. of Paid Classified compared with 1116 THE BEE gained ,....J..8B6, lines THE NEWS gained 770 lines THE WORLD HERALD LOST 14 lines Flgurea complied by Warfleld Adv. Agcy., an Independent audit bureau. 3TE.NOU $70: Stenog., $66; Stenog., $60; Stenojg. and Bkkpr., $60: Stenog., $40; I Steno., $36; Steno. and Diet. Opr., 60; typist, $40. f WATTS REF. CO,, 1st Kat'l BK. Bldg. WANTED A girl for office work; must be aulck and good penman, union uui- flttlng Co. SEE Co-Opera tlvo Reference Co, for com- merclal positions. No filing fee. Professions and Trades. WANTED Several young women, 18 to 82 Al oira. iinmarrlr. trt ts.k UD loft- irr" r: :r, v h.vfl it least a grammar school education, per manent employment. Salaries above aver- age paid at start. Steady advancement Sick benefits and pension fund. Apply to Mlas Cox, chief operator, OH Brandeis Theater building, after1 13 p. m. WANTED Girls with common school edu cation, between u ana is years, so tas up .local and long distance telepnono worn. C F. Lambert. 1807 Douglaa St, WANTED Girl! to label and pack Skin ner's macaroni products. Apply lacier, 14th and Jackaon Sts. - WANTED Girls, colored preferred. Omaha Paper Stock Co., I8tn ana Jaarcy. i LEARN barber trade. 1403 Dodge St. Hotels and Restaurants. wanted White chambermaids. 120 per month, room and board. Apply to house- keeper. Hotel Fontenelle. - Saleswomen and Solicitors. WANTED Four first class cloak and suit salesladies; ones who have haa experience In cloaks and suits and can give refer ence; none other need apply; steaay posi tions and good wages. Apply - eddeq, 1417, Douglas St, Omaha. Household and Domestic WANTED At once, housekeeper, ex- nerlenced, small family, moaem nome. no objectiona to woman with child. Ad- drss Mrs, R. L. McCullough, Bellevue. Neb. Phone Bellevuo 73. flip I. a.lrlrlv ladv to helO With children and housework; permanent ponuon right patty; stato wages aesireu. Marvaie Mlliara, neos - WANTED Girl for general houaework ; small family, lira I. O. HoUtagton, 1H6 N. 15th. Webster 72S0. piwwv.vv.wv whit, alrl for aenerat bouae- work; in xamiiy, eea bunuu. i Walnut Itn. WANTED Whlta alrl for aeneral houaa- work; no waamnci muat d. bwu wv Barney nit. I WANTED white ,lrl to do teneral houae. 1 . n,.ll familv. Walnut 2179. IpiRL for general houa.work: no waahlnf. t call Harney 47Z. arter i p. I WHITE girl for general houaework. Sundry, tfl o. aatfl pQR RENT Buinea Prpp'ty Stores. 71 80. 3TH ST. $86. Center of South Omaha business aisirici. , a. mtbuu't. Ramge Block. Uoug. s4U$. MODERN tore, Itith St., near postonice. $it montu U. DieoDine, niuwutM MOPKRhT B'lt'BES AND OFFICES IN Far nam Bid. Piret iruat v. ..... Ill 8. loth St., ateam Beat, on yeara wu HALL, Uth .id Parkr St.. Offices and Desk RoomT" Op pICES. , Slnala and an ao te. 1 ua central loca- 1 tton, BROWI. BLDG., Room 401. UouEla 1882. OKS1RABLE office Toom. 'n th. rsmod.l.d Crounae block, n n. u n. vVn poatofflc. 10 to 15 p., month. Conrad Vouna. 2SJ Brandela Theater. Dour. 11. 1 OPPlCli. room aultabl. for de.. lati raaaon- abl. rent, i.tn anq n,. CHOICE office spaoe. Baird Bid.,' llth and Doualaa atct-agua .nr, w Garage tnd Barn., OARAGE for two machlnea; good drive-up. o l&tl South S6tb St. Red 1881 QK RBNTQarage in Dundee. Phone A. Blair. South 1340 or Walnut 1635. XtlTO garage and large rip. M28 Davsnport, I FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartmtnta and House. Apartment.. , miBUiHURi) a. roam moaem nuue. .rd.o apot In Tloiancfc from April H Septambar hlwuiulb . furniahed and unrurnianeo apartmenta. " auaaa ",V, did loi-atlon 2lh and Farnam. D 1272 DEWET. HI 2 and 1-rooin Apia., nicely luralaMdi - modem, walking dutaaca. FOR REN I ROOMS ATTENTION, ROOMliTJNTERS! If yon fail to find the room yo ' desire among theae ada call at Tho Be office for a Room Lilt Given Complete detailed description of va cant ruumi In all parte of the city. If more convenient phone The Bee Want Ad Dept. and give your name ' and addreaa a.nd a liat will bo rail ed to yon at once. New. llata are Isaue'd every ween. Furnished Kooms, THE FEBhUARY SCORE, of Paid Classified compared with 1911 THE BEE gained.....' fl7 tinea THE NEWS gained ...770 llnea THE WORLD HERALD LOST. .....14 llnea Figures complied by Warfleld Adv. Agcy., an Independent audit bureau. "" CALL AND SEE THESE. Large front room and Bmaller aide room In modern hardwood nnlahed houce, evory i L-onveniunce, walKing aisiance Hansuom Park diatrlct; cloae to two car llnea; breakfaat If dealred. 1123 S. 30tb Ave., Phone Harney H31. WEST Farnam Dlatrlct Furntahed room in newly-bu.lt, atrtctly modern -home, deair- ably locateo; suitaoie ior un o. gen tk men preferred. Harney 6166. PLEASANT room In private home for teacher or iady employed; referencea re quired. On Farnam and Cuming car Una. VBreakfaatlf deal red. Phone Wal. 1324. LARGE, well furniahed room with house keeping 'privileges; Sleeping iwnw. : fee r ling Apt. No. 20; flrat door west of Flatlron Hotel.' 2413 CASS ST, Large room with closet and kitchenette, gas rangs, sinn; Birituj muu- thlrd floor; lor .couple empioyeu. Douglaa 6306. A- ELEGANTLY turniiihed room In new mod crn Dundee home. Private family. Reason able. Board close by. For gentleman. Wal nut 3a2a. ., . 6.!0 8. Hist Ave. Prices reasonable, In newly furniahed rooms, within walking; prefer gentlemen; everything desirable. D. 6065. i'm.ii.v furniahed room In strictly modern homo In Dundee; board close by; to only people employed. Walnut lit, aiterop.m. 2510 AMES AVE. Modern room for two gen tlemen, on car line; privileges oi nun,, referencea required: will give breakfast. NEATLY furniahed room In private family to young lady. Piano and other home privileges. 2502 Ames Ave DZZot TWO nicely furnished rooms, strictly mVd ern home. Farnam car line. Walnut 3048. 273 CALDWELL Modern, Jurnaco heated rooms; cosy; near car UneTwebster 4104. FURNISHED room for rent Lady, pre ferred. 4303 N. 46th. Phone Walnut 3S0. $S PER WEEK, 2218 Leavenworth St., two furnished housekeeping rooms. ONE room, on third floor,, electric lights, $ month, on car line. Douglas 5011. 609 CASS Pleasant furnished froijt room, $10 month. Harney U 20. - I FOR RENT Elegantly furnished front bed room. 3812 JJoage oi. . 1 330 N. 17TH ST. JHceiy furnished, front room. Douglas mi 2212 DOUGLAS, aleeplng room, sultabls for two. M per week. 16li Howard, nicely f urn, rooms, stm. heat. Housekeeping Rooms. MODERN, furnished front room with kitch enette, adjoining nam room, privvj in.m Uy; referenoea exchanged. 4411 S. 26th, South 1690. , , ; HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. Light outside rooms, steam heat, good location. $3 and $4; also 8 -room suite. Cor ner 36th and Farnam. 2415 CAPITOL AVE. Two front rooms, with running water, well furnished, flva mlnute walk to postofflce. Doug. 6449. MODERN, comfortable housekeeping rooms, walking distance, everyming lurnMHvu. w-Pir 4S4 S. 20th St. Douglas 13. SUITE OF CLEAN, NEATLY FURNISHED, WELL HEATED HOUSKEEPINOV ROOMS. 3002 DODGE ST. HARNEY 1247. I clean, newly furnished housekeeping and sleepins; rooms; from $a up; warm ana homelike; near Farnam car. 81$ S. 26th St. 2204 WEBSTER ST. Housekeeping rooms, well heated, nicely furnished, also aieep Ing rooms. Douglaa 8084. ONE well furniahed room, closo In, largo clot-ies closet, $8.00 per week. 2416 Cap ttol Ave. Douglaa 6449. . ONE suite of two light housekeeping rooms, very reasonable If taken this week. Red 6189. I COZY Housekeeping roo is, t- ween. Kitchenettes au joining, woo "? 1 'SASEMEN-j room, suitable for light houss- I . .... n Tani.Bl.B 11107 keeping. ub' - 2312 DOUGLAS Ono suite of nice, cleaa housekeeping rooms on bathroom floor. I TWO or three rooma r light nousejceeping, 2131 ueavenwortn. nw wig. FARNAM, 2832, 8 nice housekeeping rooms. electricity, steam, gas range. $3.00 PER weeH. 21S wivenwmiu, i nlahed housekeeping rooms. 2663 ST. MARY'S Two large front rooms, $4.60 week. Douglaa :432. 31X91 CALIFORNIA 3 modsrn furnished i 4ixa -m , "I il Harnev 4001- I room!. 1611 Howard, ntt. ana ww. . Board and KOOinS. GOOD home cooking; lunch c; n'clock. and Sunday dinner 8650c 114 N. 14th Bt. AMERICAN LUNCH-,Wanted 600 men to 4vt Be, iva ana "'0'p- THE IRVING 310J Leavenworth; axcellent board; gopd aurroundings. Tyler 1410. BOARD and roona for young man; convenl- ent car service. Harney 6702. FORTworklng men to room and board, 16 a week. 623 South 10th. Unfurnished Rooma. U7M CALDWELL Modern; furnace heated rooms; near car wi i.v..... 4104. ' Rooms Wanted. I ffixEk. "or7"four rooms wanted; must bo modern; wltsiin waiKina u.i. Address Box ihb, pee FOR RENT APARTMENTS West I MosT modern, up-to-date, new brick flat lu Omana; hot water heat; w.lklnf flatuni nice lawn) Mcelleut location, P. 61. U. 1S08. North. SEVEN-BOOM, aeam-heaWd, 135, near poet offlc. Q. P. at.bblna. H10 Chlcaao. r "" 33TABR0OK APARTMENT. 120. O. P. BTEBBIN3, 1610 CHICAGO. Miscellaneous. 132 507 ROOMS, all mod., 2111 Maple St, $30.00 6 -room flat, all mod,, beautiful ly decorated. 2411 N. 18th. We have others. tenffARD F. WILLIAM8 CO. D. 20. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, RBNTA1 HEADQUARTERS FOR OMAHA. FOR RENT HOUSES West. . THE FEBRUARY SCORE. of Paid Claaeifled compared with 111 THE BEE earned 81 unM this mud a" 770 llnea THE WORLD HERALD LOST 1 llnea Flgurea compiled by Warfleld Adv. Aa-cy.. an Independent audit bureau. t 3302 HOWARD STREET. A l-itory frame, 1 rooma and .leaping poroh. Hew furnaca. Room for on. car In aaraa. If dealred. Houae rant, 1. ALFRED THOMAS. 202 Flrat Wat. Bk. Bids. 1033 S. 30TH AVE. 1 rooma, etrlctly modern, verr comfort, able houae. In excellent nelabborhoooV Rent' 125 per month. 4 GILBERT C. LOOMIB. 108 McCaaue Bld. Douglaa 27. SEVEN-ROOM, all modem nouee. Including bath. cloa. to. Lincoln boalavard and Caaa. Harney 17S. .Royu modern house for rent, lis N. itth call tvimvi -io I J.lVE.R xju cotuge, modern, oxeept heat newly papered. Harney 7$1. I North. I la. ee 7.r,Mim houaa mod. ax. Beat, a... rin.rtea waina. ..... f South. I so. l,TH ST., 3132 Modern, five-room oot- taae. Fhone narney t tSlOOM cotuaa, water and totlat. Tele- phone Harney . m. to Misce laneoia. TWO llrlng and porch, furniahed. 11- room bouae. ' " w' Owner. Addreaa wa w, ..... -KIHIM mudem n-'ue wild garage for , can. oIom to ear Una. on pavexl .UMt, ,30 month. Douglaa itli,