-fl'ui'.nu A is t.uiwruv-DEic,.. m a nrvx t inii , 2 B the omaha Sunday bee: march 4. 1917. vWhat is Going On in Society Circles motonrc- of Womon'g club to Present Play C tinged Ftaaa Page Oaa.) man department in the State Agri. cultural school. She will return in about ten days. Betrothals Announced. Mrs. Nathan Sampter of Fremont announces the engagement of her daughter, Florence, and Mr. George sugarman of Omaha. No date nas been set for the wedding. Mr. Sugar . man went to school at Ann Arbor and the University of California, tak ing his law degree at Creighton uni versity. Mr. and Mrs. Martin L. Sugarman will bo uo to r-remont next week with the prospective bridegroom to attend an affair given in honor of the two young people. . Mr. and Mrs. John G. Neale an nounce the engagement ot their daughter, Jessie, to Mr. Ralph Weir ich. ion of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Weir ich. the marriage will take place the last of March. For their honey moon the voung people will go to the ranch in Alberta, Canada, which Mr. Weirkh has with Mr. Chester and Mr. Hart Jenks. Miss Neale is a talented musician. Mr. Weirich is best known for his record in athletics. At Central High school he set records which have never been equalled. ' Mr. and Mrs. H. Zisslin announce the engagement of their daughter, Sarah, to Mr. Max Weisman of Au rora, III. The wedding will take place in April. Auto Week Luncheon. Miss Alice Kushton, who has just returned from Smith college for an extended visit in the east, is enter taining Miss Marian Hall of Lincoln for a few days. Friday, she compli mented her bouse guest at a novej luncheon, when the table appoint ments were suggestive of automobile work. The centerpiece was a bowl ot red and white tulips, and at each place were little boxes of candy in the shape 1 of automobiles, and traffic policemen stood guard at intervals on the table. Favors, consisting of corsage bou- queta of violets and Mrs. Ward roses, were at each guest's place. After the luncheon the party Went to the Orpheum and they were chaperoned by Mrs. Howard Rushton. The guests were: , llaaee ' Marten Hall of Lincoln. Ruth ntefarala. Katharine Cold, Mlaaea Stella Heblnaon, Ruin Andereon, Helen etreleht. i Wedding Anncucement. Cards have been received announc ing the marriage on February 19 of Miss Helen Brandeii and Mr. John R. Pink. Mrs. Fink is the daughter of Mrs. Carl Brandeis and was a teacher in the Omaha High school until two year ago. Mr. and Mrs. Pink will make their home in Shako pee, Minn. ' Miss Minnie Goldberg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Goldberg, was united in marriage with Mr. A.X Weinstein at Drexet hall, Kansas City, last week. After a honeymoon trip in the east the pair will be at home in Omaha. Observe1 Wedding Anniversary. , ' Mr. and Mrs. John M. Daugherty cel ebrated their twenty-eighth wedding . anniversary with a family dinner party Tuesday evening, at which were ' Mr. and Mrs. Charlea Creighton, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Daugherty, Mrs. john Daugherty of Greeley, Mrs. F. A. Nash and children, Miss Ellen Creigh ton, Miss Claire Daugherty, George Daugherty and Miss Gertrude Kountie. Patriotic Decoration Scheme. Mis Dorothy Balbach entertained Saturday it patriotic luncheon in honor of Miss Mildred Foote, who leaves soon for her home in Pasadena, Cal., and Miss Marian Hall, who is the guest of Miss Alice Rushton. The table wasgayly decorated with the national colors, the centerpiece be ing a group of silk American flags, the place cards representing flag and ; silk flag handkerchiefs forming the favor. Red, white and blue balloons which Miss Balbach' father had filled with hydrogen ga for her floated from each girl's chair, making a bright and festive scene. The aft ernoon was spent informally at her home.. Cover were hid for the fol lowing: Mlaaea Mildred Feole, Allee Rnthon, Mildred Rhoadee, Hum McCor, Baatrlea Jobnaen, Marian Hall, atalla Aoblnaon. Martorle Idenold. Marsaratha Criminal, Dorothy Balbach. Affaire of Past Week. Young people of the Trinity Bap tist church were entertained at the home of MisnAnna Lane. The pro gram consisted of piano numbers by Hall Samuels, readings by Miss Em ily Rough, vocal tolo by Lois Frei berg, a farce, "Not a Man in the House," by Mildreth Street, Esther Blumenthal, Helen Kunde, Ivy Wilier, Ruth Paddock, all students of the Central High school. This was sup plemented by a marshmallow roast at the fireplace. George GrooIcpAsr, Grand Army of r ( Benson . Social Circles MRS AJVSCUV BKSZLCW IMaleMacaronHoriht Millions and I am faTfJhrHcuIarfkiwIMak rt My StpmtMht , tfcaVervrkce Ask ISr and Get Skinner's '(' Macaroni Products Skinner Manufacturing Company VWaAW..vt. USA. y j '7-i the Republic, and its auxiliary, Wom an's Relief corps, were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barothy in honor of Mr. and Mr. beorge liarlick ot Miliord. Neb. Dec oration were the American flags. Pa' triotic songs were sung and violin so los were given by Comrades Rath' burn and Dunn. The hostess was as sisted by Mrs. Flaugher. Those pres ent were: ' . , Maaira. and Mcadamaa- Flauahar. r. c. Hourh, ' Maadamea Bush, doors Brown. Roblnaoa, Miliar. Tonant, Maura. T. w, Slmpaon, Ooorso Rathburn, v. t. amitn. Moadamaa Ferrall, O'Towla, fltaphona, Whlitlar. Jannlnsa. Moaara. William ponn, X. O. Oaaton, S. B. Crookar. ' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Randall enter tained at a dinner party Friday even ing for Mrs. Ernest Austin, guest of Mr. Lester Westcott. when ten couples were present, and the table decorations were suggestive of St Patrick's day. Dr. and Mrs. u. e. Ludwlck enter tained at their home -Thursday even ing for Mrs. Ernest E. Austin of Cres ton, Neb, and Mr. John Yeager of this city, ihe guests included: MoaaraJ and Moadamaa Laatar P. Waitootl, Ulasea Mlaaea Mario Walch. Lnalla Caratana, P. Putnam, LaHona Burmalatar. A. Harmon. Alt Anaon, Baaa Anaon. . , rioronoo Ludwlck, - Maaara. Maura. noland I.udwick. A. A. SchaoKar, Bdw. O'Brien, Jamea Uavaloa, Edw, Hart. L. Cooper, Mra. Arllna Anaon. Zr. Stevtna. Dr. B. Kirk. The Lambs' club was entertained last evening by the Misses Agnes and Mamie sloup at their home. Those present were: Ulaaoa franoeo Krrook. Lamatre and Mr., and Mrs. Joseph Berger. Others present were: Mlaaea Mlaaea , Mildred Pea, Rather Knapn. Ruth Wood. Margaret Powell, Maria Cejnar, Mae Orady, 'Aletha MacWhlnnay, Domlcella Sumovlcfa. I 'Ulan Hendaraon, Meaara. Maaara. Edward Elliott, William Camper,, Howard Wldenor, William Thompoon, . Kenneth Wldenor, Jnmea Bmlth, John Talllafaro, Reed Zimmerman Walter Ollbert, Mark Lbwo. Stork News. A ion was born to Dr. and Mrs. M, I. Gordon last week. Personal Mention. Mr. J. C. Hammond left Saturday Tor Denver to spend a month there and in other Colorado and Wyoming Doints.. Benjamin Teller of Omaha, .who has been critically ill for some time, is now in M. Mary hospital at Rochester, Minn., where he iias un dergone a serious operation, tin mother from New York and his brother and wife. Mr. and Mr. F. E, Teller of Columbus, Neb., are with him. . Roger McKenzie, who ha been ill at Wise Memorial hospital for several weeks, returns home today. Mrs. Martha Heth has returned from a two weeks' sojourn at Excel sior Springs. F. W. Judson went to Excelsior Springs early this week to recover from an attack ot acute indi gestion. Howard Baldrige is there' for -the week-end and goes to Kansas City on business. -Mrs. C W. Hackemeier (nee Carc- Nynne Kaufmann), wife of the late Charles William Hackenuier, nas re turned to Omaha to make her home here with her mother, Mrs. Mary Kaufmann. Mr. Ronald Paterson has returned from an extended western trip. Mrs. William Ramsey, who is ill with typoid fever, has now passed the crisi and is much improved. r. aadii. Maria Vaako. Anna Pleuler, Meaara T. J. Cralf, A. O. Oatronle, Lao Mlakonky, Billy wataon. Tony Bedll. Frank Vaako, Mlaaea Itooa Maallka, Mary Miner. Emma Km ent, Maaara. Bd flwoboda. J Frank Krycek, 1 W. F. Bedll. 11. Camel, J. Kunck Joaeph Swoboda. Fraternity Enertatna Coed. Thet Phi fraternity of the Uni- vertitv of Omaha entertained a num ber of the coed of the school Friday evening at the fraternity house, 3519 North Twenty-fourth street The house was decorated in purple, white and gold, the fraternity colors. The evening was spent in playing games and singing. A musical program was given by Miss Mildred fee and Ken neth Widenor. The chaperones were Miss Enid Beatty , Mr. Harry De- 500 MAHOGANY CLOCKS Beat American Make, 8-Day, Cathedral Strike, Perfect Time piece. Guaranteed and kept in repair free of charge for 6 year. SPECIAL SALE THIS WEEK Vs OFF $18.00 Clock........ 812.00 $16.00 Clocks., 10.00 $12.00 Clock....... 8.00 $ 9.00 Clock 6.00 $ 6.00 Clock 4.00 Came Early While the Selection la Still Complete. Brodegaard Bros. Co. 16TH and DOUGLAS STS. President Signs Bone Dry Postoff ice Bill Washington, March 3. President Wilson today signed the postofnee ap propriation bill, containing the "bone dry prohibition provision. Everything in social lines stepped i to one side the past week for the "Epidemic, first in the history ot this town. A. J. Senger of Lincoln and Dr. James Hanna of Chicago were guests last week at the W. H. Leochner home. Miss Helen Jorgenson will be hos tess for the Christian Endeavor on Tuesday evening, when the annual election of officers takes place. Mrs. A. L. Snyder entertained for the Good Times club on last Thurs day afternoon. Miss Evelyn Kelland is spending a few days with her father in Sioux City. The P. E. O. Sisterhood will elect new officers on Monday at the home of Mrs. E. A. McGlasson. The Woman's club meeting was postponed last Thursday to March 16. A son was born on Tuesday . to Mrs. T. J. McCormick of Omaha, for merly Miss Edna Selling of this place. J. W. Welch acted on the com mittee for the Rotary club birthday party last week. Mrs. E. H. Ehlers and Mrs. M. Martins represented the Baptist church at the Golden Jubilee in Omaha Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Mutz of Platts mouth, spent last Wednesday at the home of the latter's sister, Mrs. E. N. Bowerman. Mrs. E. B. Torrance entertained for her sister last week, who came down from Lincoln for a short visit Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Dixon and family have moved from Sixty-second street to the south side of town. Mr. and Mrs. J. Killian celebrated their wedding anniversary last rri' day with a dinner for six guests. A son, David Peck, was born to Mr. and Mrs. W. F.- Vernor last iuesday. i Miss Madeline Horton came down from Clarks, Neb., to spend the week-en, with relatives. Miss Pearl Mattson will be hostess for the Augustina Luther league Tuesday evening and Mrs. S. Bjork tor the t-adies Aid society on Ihuis day afternoon. ' Mrs. E. N. Bowerman returned home Monday from a week's stay in the hospital for an operation on her tonsils. Mrs. William Bliss, of Schuyler, spent a few days last weej at the home of her sister, Mrs. William Butter. Miss Margaret Love accompanied Miss Bessie Bedell to her home in Peru last week for a few days' visit. Mrs. N. H. Tyson has returned from a visit in Det Moines and other points in Iowa. ' Mrs. F. M. Beckmeyer has returned home from a five week' visit in Illi nois and Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. V. R. Shelly enter tained at dinner Wednesday in honor of Mrs. H. Hedding, who is here from California to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Lowe. Miss Phoebe Kate Parker and Mr. George Nelson were quietly married in Omaha last week. The marriage waa a surprise to the young couple' friends. They will reside in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Justin enter tained fast week for Adofph Kyriss of Clayton, Neb. Mrs. C. C. Jacobsen entertained at dinner Thursday in honor of Miss Lizzie Schott and Henry Schott of Atlas, la., who are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Lauritzen. Mr. and Mrs. G. Roth entertained at dinner on Sunday for Miss Nellie Megrue and Mr. and Mrs. A. Megrue of Scotia, Neb. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lauritzen enter tained at dinner for Mr. and Mrs. B. Hansen, who left Benson some time ago and have returned to this place. Mrs. A. Lbngstaff entertained a number of little folks at her home in honor of her small son's birthday an niversary. The minstrel to have been given by the Eastern Star chapter last Satur day night has been postponed indefin itely. Mayor Bailey has returned from Kearney, Neb., where he spent a few days last week. Give your Want Ad a chance to make good, Kun it m ine pee.- Why They Come Back rn NATURAL to experiment with hotela. But iHlmltaly one sets beyond the experimental atage. beeauae EXPERIENCE YIELDS FACTS. rn HAT'S WHY Fontenelle guests come back. They know they get comfortable rooms and something 1 really good to eat at the Fontenelle year in and year out They know that the organization, as a body, is working for the comfort, conveni ence and service of its guests as a regular expected thing. , rpHEY KNOW that the Fontenelle never grows old that its renovations keep it always up to the best standard. And they know that if any place is home like, that isn't home, it's the Fontenelle. Management, JOHN F. LETT0N WELMKD MM WM3 TEST H0W "71 GAIN -v I N A TEST conducted Thursday morning in the presence of the partiek given below, the Wilmo Manifold showed an actual increase in mileage, per gallon of gasoline, ot 71 as compared with the regular equipment of a Ford car. The terms of the test and the results are given here in a sworn statement signed by those who witnessed the test. Results of Gasoline Mileage Test Made at Omaha, Neb., March 1, 1917, Under the Following Oonditionas Car used.was a Ford roadster with standard equip ment, top and windshield up, and carrying three passen gers, namely, Joseph P. oodlock, Herman Beal and R. H. Findley. First iXain fuel tank was disconnected and a two quart auxiliary tank was attached to windshield and con nected with carburetor. This auxiliary tank was filled with gasoline and car run until fuel was entirely con sumed, and 6.6 miles were secured, or at the rate of 13.2 miles per gallon. No stops were made. Second The exhaust and intake manifolds, which are standard equipment, were removed and the Wilmo combination one piece manifold was installed. The car buretor was readjusted to meet the new conditions, the gasoline tank filled with fuel and car was driven at same , rate of speed as in former test with standard equipment, namely, 20 miles per hour, over same course and under like conditions, carrying same passengers. One complete stop was necessary owing to traffic congestion and 11.3 miles were securedVor at the rate of 22.6 miles to the gal lon, or an increase in mileage of 71 per cent The Above Test Was Witnessed and Is Hereby Attested to By the Undersigned: Herman BeaL AtsJ. Engineer, City of Omaha R. H. Findley, Supt Track and Roadway, 0. A C. B. t Ry. Co. S. E. Smyth, Assistant Secretary of Omaha Automobile Club P. H. Patton. Sow E. Ohamberlen, Assistant SpOrU Editor, Omaha World-Herald. J. V. Woodlock. Raymond A. Fogan, Feature Advertising, The Omaha Bee John E. Clarke, jr., Omaha Dally Tribune. Commission expires September 8,1919. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2nd day of March, 1917. L. R. WILSON, Notary Public DOES THIS MEAN ANYTHING TO YOU MR. MOTORIST? This Is Not An Accessory. But An Improved Part . . The One Device That Materially Decreases the High Cost oi Motoring Home Office z The Whittier Co., . First Nat. Bank Bid?., Chicago ' Automobile Necessities Co. 610 Brandeis Theater Bldg., Omaha ; V1 WESTERN DISTRIBUTORS OF WILMO DEVICES ' Omaha Service Station H. W. Levering Machine Co., 311 S. 12th St., Omaha ;