THE BEE: OMAHA, ' FEBRUARY 1917. Want-Ad Rates NO AD TAKEN FOB LESS THAN A TOTAL OF XOe OR ajaw T11AN a. PER DAY. tnnn , ...... Bat Solid (No Lrtepiay). , er wora ch lnrt,on 1C a paragraphed or Displayed In S. r' wmVrV concutlv.l1rtlon (Count ill word to In. 8ITCATIONS WANTED, vreelsl. r.i tM " "" CAKD9 or THANKS. nEATM !" FCNBBA1. NOTICES. ;0o per line .V',. i (Count .1 word! to tho lln. (Minimum chr, M cnu.l MONTH -T HATH FOR BTANDTNO APS. (No chant of copy nllowed.) Js "n. Mn. U Yin'." $10 Two line, or mor. :ip,,, , ' (Count ilx vord. to tho line.) ALT. FOttEION ADVEBTtmNO UNDER HELP WANTED CLASSIFICATIONS. i 't'w'." '.V mor'.' eo'mi'cutlv. tn ortloiw. SPECIAL COMBINATION "A.,. On TBd. Poultry .d Other ''" THE OMAHA BEE over (.0,1100 . $0TH CENTl'RT FARMER, (ovor J10.OTO A eomblneA elrcultloti ' which will reach both th city and rural ,,d"f' Special rlg. Rate. R'o. t tnnrtlon. In Omaha Bo an X Inaortlon Is $0th Con. irarin.r, per Una Ho llo I Insertion. In Omaha Boa and 1 Inaartlon In fOth Con. Farmer, per word 7 Inaerttona In Omaha Be and o 1 Itiaertlon tn loth can. jr.rm.r. per I'no " 7' Ineertlona In Omaha Be. and 120 per word 1! (Contract rate, on application.) rifrJ BEE will not bo reaponalbla for more then on Incorrect lnaerimo oi an HunMi A-.rui tnr more than on time. ADVERTISERS ihoold retain receipt Uvea by The Bee In payment for Want Ad. ae no mletalco cen DO recunoo. wiwiuuv fun tu vi tpi RDUAMK ir vgu rennot oon- veolentlr brine; or .end In your ad. Aek for a Want Ad Taker, and you will re cl. th same food service a wha d UvarlDf your ad at th ornc. pflONU TYLER 1000. WANT AD COLUMNS CLOSE: EVENING EDITIONS 1M SIORNINO EDITIONS 10:00 P. M. MOVIE PROGRAM. Canreat offering of the beet Motion Fl tun Theater! la Omaha, tenants Many.) North. UIAUOND TWENTT-FOUUT1I A LAKE 1 BELL HARDIN In "TEMPTATION AND THE GIRL" and GENERAL PROIIHAM iiKAND. . SIXTEENTH AND 1IINNKT CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG i '"THE SAVAOK INSTINCT'' LUTUItOl', 24TH AND LOTURUI' E If. BOTH V.nti and EDITH STORE V In "AN ENEMY TO THE KING" South. Al'OLLO, aiTH AND LEAVENWORTH MAE MURRAY, , ' 'THE PLOW GIRL" HOHLFF. SHU LEAVENWORTH PEARL WHITE In (TH CMAPTBH OP ' PEAHI, OF THE ARMY" : "DANOERS OF DORIS" West. Hit FARNAM EDNA FMJOARATrf In . "ME AND MY PAL A UNIVERSAL WEEKLY South Side. "twenty-fourth and m IIOI.BROOK BMNN In "THE GRAY SNUFK BOX" A MUSICAL COMEDY COMPANY .."AUIC. "TWKNTY-FOlTrlTH AND N "AFTER THE BALLED UP BALL "DIAMOND FLASHES" ANIMATED WEEKLY and COMEDY ALSO FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Jlil.SE a RIeT'EN, undertaker and em balmr. 701 8. 16(h St. Uouglaa UU. Itl'.VY A JOHNSTON, embhlmer and fu neral director.. Til L S. JCihm.jrylrim FLORISTS. BEST UUALITH CUT FLOWERS 01 plant Art comblnattona chipped every whera. Etcellent aorvlce to our custom ' or In pat year recommend. HESS A SWPBOUA. m. rarnem pi. uoug. ipqi. SSSS? . LEE L- LAKMON 1114 Iol"B Douglas 4. L HENDERSON, 1519 FARNAM. fArtKK.t Flower shop, 411 B. liJth. V. 11 US? a. UuNAUHUa, U-2 Harney. Doug. 1U01. HATH. Natloni ' Kloriit. 1H0 Farnam Ht. FRATERNAL ORDERS. ATTKN TIO N C'a m D No. 12U. Modarn Wood man of America: Clerk of flea hereafiur will b at 701 South Hth Ht, Uulao St Itlamn'a undartaklns parlora. Aaaoaa- manta can alao be paid at U. I. National Dank by prrsanttm poaial card nolle. Meeting. Hereafter will ba bald at Crounaa Hall, nth and Capitol Ava., tvery Wod neaday avatxlng. ' O. H. T. UlKPBN, Clark. y BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Jiirtha Max and Sarah outer. 3412 Pnr- kr, boy; Thomaa and loretta Cuahlnir, 321S South, Twenty-fourth, boy; Janpr L, and lvalot Frltchtnan, 4134 Huuth Twelfth, boy; Mlchaiol and Mllada Sinid, HIS W, boy; VladlataT and Helene Podilnaka. 4B18 South Fortieth, girl; Joaeph and Marie Sperl, 5701 Houth Fifteenth, Klrl; Edward and Mary St II I mock, &4U. South Sixteenth, boy; Frank and Anna Panok, 1711 South Eleventh, girl; Charlea antl Antonla Kudlao, 1436 South Fourteenth, boy; Harvey and Louise Burr, S44K Houth Fifth, girl; Val J. and Marga ret Peter. 1716 South Twentieth, boy: Ua oar and Henrietta Peterson, 1606 Sprague, girl: K. F. and Pearl Btelnhaua. 2.U South Sixtieth avenue, boy. leat ha Helen Fair, , 143. Saratoga Court; John Schaefer, 4, hoapitai; John Anderson, 48, 1207 louglas; Ueopa CveJIn. bl, 660 South Twenty-ninth; Charlea Kitchen, 43. 42.7 South Twentieth; Thomaa HacotM, S3, hospital; jonn J. cratg, Tenth and Paul; 4. Si. Rydor, 41, tTii North Twenty-eighth; Augustus K. Stelllng, 46, X20I Douglas; Henrietta Scbopler, 70, hoapt tal; Eunice A. Sweet, I months, hospital, H. J. Koonti, 84, Twelfth and Uouglu. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Permits tu iv cd ha,u bcvii ntucd to the following; Name and Residence, Age. Charlea H. Matson, Cedar HlulTs, Neb... 37 Thai ma !. Sampson. Cedar Hluffa. Neb.. II Arthur B. 1 Arson, Hoardvllle, Neb 23 ltesala A. Pungan, Central City, Nab.... 23 1 A. Tripp, Omaha .31 , Mebtctsa R. Lambert. Dun Lap, la 19 Charlea L. Hehulxe, Florence, Neb...,,, 33 Christina Uartlna, Omaha.... It Warren A. Dmmmond, Omaha......,,, 33 1a Vlvtenn Hulahlter, Kansas City, Mo. 20H Roy Kellogg, Omaha...... 23 Mussa Tann, Omaha II LC3T-FOUND-REWARDS ttf you lose anything and will advertise It her you will surely recover It It found by an honeat person. Remarkable recov. erlea are brought about every day through tnta column THtfi HONKST WAT. If roo find aotnethlng of value, or a keepsaka of value only to the owner, is, to Insert a email ad. The owner of the at tide in most cnaea la will- Ing to refund the coat of advertising. "ulAHA COUNCIL UUUfh'UIki:1. RAILWAY COMPANY. Persona having loar aorno article would o wu to call up the office of the Omaha couacii til una atreet Hallway enmnant to ascertain whether they left U U the aire car. Many articles, each day era turned In and the CuRiDinr la anxloua lo raator them to i be risbtfut ownern, Call iyn;r see, Pair of uuitMMiu" rvaary tjvda7i.v ward. Call South 2417, LOST-FOUND--REWARDS tii KiuWAKD For Information leading to recovery of Ford touring enr, motor no. 1JI6077. Stolen Feb. 22, from Waterloo Creamery Co. Scottish union and National Insurance Co., 1316 W. O. W. Uldg., Omaha. LOHT Largs Airedale dog, February 13, color blacH) cud dark tan. wrutn last seen wore black collar with owner'a name and address on plate. Reward for return or information. C. K, Seeley, 111 S. 2Ctb St. Douglas 4414. HAMILTON WATCH OOLD CASJ, ENGRAVED P. K. Lout Sunday. Liberal reward. Omaha National Ratil 7M THIS GREATEST OAIN 68,73 In paid want ads ever made by any Omaha paper, la the record of THIS OMAHA BKK for Ills. BFST RESULTS LOWEST RATB P'OUND Soda Fountain, GREEN'S PHARMACY, 16th and Howard. FOR SE Miscellaneous Furniture anrHou8eholdGoods. THE STORE OF QIJALITV AND ECONOMY. Before buying furniture Investigate the .opportunity wo offer you to secure better "quality values at lower prices. An enor mous atork of complete house furnishings. The "Don't buy until you try" State Fur niture Co., 14th and Dodge Sia. Doug. 1317. THE GREATEST OAIN 61,731 In paid want ads ever made by any Omaha paper, la the record of THB OMAHA HE10 for 1914. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATB. MONE1-RAISINO SALE. 5,000 stock of furniture, ruga, linoleum, all kinds of bedding, complete line of house furnishings, 1831-1147 N. 24th. Tel. Web. 1607. Open 7:30 a. m. till 11 p. m. ECLIPSE gas stove t, round table 16, re frigerator 14, Incubator 36, library table 97, drfssir l&, kitchen cupboard 13. Webater 6H4. , BTUVKB, ALL KINDS. See ua first. FN res right. City Furniture Co.. 107 fl. 14th. Loyal Furniture Co.. 223 N. 18th St. FOR SALE Hooki-ase and davenport. Red M6; 1531 S. a&lh St. TWO modwrn furtilnhed rooms housekeeping. 2667 Dodge. fi light Pianos and Musical Instruments. PIANO, Upright, practically nnw, excellent tone and condition; will saurlfloa. 221. Evans. HIUH-URADB 1560 piano player, 9276 for quick aale. Call Harney6869. 6 ROOMS, furniture nearly new, reasonable. Tyler 13. Mr. Marks. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES W. rent, repair, sell need)., and part .f all eewing mannine. MICKB18 NEBRASKA CIC1.B CO.. ISth and Harney fit. Dour. 1Mt, Billiard, and Pocket Table.. IfOR SAl.rc lilLLlXRD TAHI.K8. Brand new, varom and pocket, with complete outdt. lecond-hand table at re duced price; bowline alleye and suppllea; ay payment. Cigar tor nature a aperlalty. fiend for catalovue. THS URUNSWICK.BALKE.t'OLLB.SUER CO., fioutb lUtlt fit. Machinery and Engine.. NEW AND BKCUND-HAND M'JTOHI. EXl'ltltT Bt.KCTltIi:iANS XND MACHINISTS. LB BRON ELECTltlCAL WOnKS. sii.u . inn nt., umana. HOlLEhfi, ateam, electirlo, gaa engine. Pipe aroe Wreeklng Co.. lillff Cuming. - Printing and Office Suppllea. COMMURC1AI, duplicating Co.. alao public Hteno. Cnone for prluea. iJougla 3HV2. 1,0 faxton Blk. UE'V our price on Job printing. UNlTblU STAXKa PRINTINO CO.. Be Bldg. Dougla 1171. WATKHS-BA11NH ARDT Ptg. Co., quality printing. Tel. Doug. 11,0. tl 8. llth fit. Typewriter, and Suppliei. TYPEWRITERS aold. rented and repaired. Rent an Oliver typewriter . month, for lb. Central Typewriting Exohang., ltoi FRrn.m. BKM1.NUTUNS, Monarch and Smith Pro mlera for rent: eent anywhere. Remington Typewriting Company. D. lag,. OUARANTKKD typewriter, 110 up. Writ for ll.U Mrdland Typ. Co., Bee Bldg. Mi.cellaneoua. OMAHA PILLOW CO., Down Comforter mad over Just-. Ilk new. All your own feather, back, when we renovate. We call for and deliver. ,1,07 Cuming. Doug. HS7. DEHK8. aafea, scalee, ahowcaaea, ahelvlng, to. W. only aell. Omaha Flxtur. and lupply Co. ,u-i-u 8. nth. Dong, am. SECOND-HAND lumber and dry clean kind" ling wood delivered to all parte of the city. Doug. 13B7. DRY KINDLINC BOX COMPANY. WOOD. ACME HARNEY 1117. POR BALE Cheap, 1 nearly new chick bronkere. Colfax 87S. 8ALT. 11.7, bbl. A. W. Wagner, sol N. lth. Kindling wood cheap. 1267 8. 13th. D. 1710. MEDICAL TOU CAN HAVB TOUR HEALTH I , LATEST AND HOST BC1KNTIFIC TREATMENT. CONSULTATION. KXA1 INATION rRBB. Or. Barnea treats auoceaafully all Curable Dlaeaeea of the Noae, Throat, Lunga, Stomach. Dyer, Kldneya, Heart, Brain, Narvea, Blood and Skin, aa wall aa ' Catarrh of any part of the body. Conatlpatlon. Chronlo and Acuta ftheumatlam. Ulcart, Neuralgia. Sol tlo Lumbago, Dr. Barnea la the only phyilelan tn this part of tho country Admin thle ayium oC treatment. InvMtlgato It DR. CHARLES BARNES, tulle 111 to 130 Rom Bids, i. B. Comer llth and Fa roam Bta. Phono Tyler Ills. Da B. R. TARRT, PILES, FISTULA . . CURED. Dr. BJ. R. Tarry curea piles, ftatula and other rectal dlaeaaas without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write (or book rec tal diseases with-taatlmonlala, DR. B.. R. TARRT. 140 Bee Bldg. Omaha, Nab. -vLL PLAYKH3 AND ATHLUTK8. Get In condition with a bottle of Pryors Athelete Liniment for sale iy alt drugglau or writs DR. M. PRTOR, 14 PATVERflON BLK. condition:;r and trainor or ATHLKTF8. UUALTH RE8TOKKU1 WHAT IH RUKU AIAT1HM7 lntorrnatlnn regarding newly revealed druglees cure. Write Mr. Hey. nurae, 601 Park Ave., Kanaaa City, Wo. RUPTURE Succeaafully treated without a surgical operation. Call . or . write Dr. Frank H. Wny, lot B Bldg. . Chiroprtctort, UR. KNOLLKNBERO, SAM1TAR1UM. Lady attendant. 34th and Farnem. D. life. Ur. J. C. Lawrence. Balrd Bldg. D. jUl. Or. Franoea Dawaon. HOl-J ltoae Bid. Bel. lira. Johnaton, tVit W. O. W. Bldg. D. Dcntnti, Dr. nrwdbury. No pain 111 W. ofw.Bldg. 'i'aft'a AftmL Knis.. Rose Bldg. p. lit. SWAPPERS COLUMN IF YOU HAVE some article that has out lived Its uautulotfas to you, make up a little ad and run It In this column at lo per word. You wilt be more than pleaeed wit th remarkable ofretinga you will receive. On or two Insertions In nearly all eases are sufficient to get what you wool TRY IT TO PAT. vk waf or buy kodnke; tihn(lt,vclopru free, one-day aervlm, Kete Kodak tftudlo, .Seville Blk., I. ud Uaruty, WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New drake, uned deaka, bought, sold and traded. J. C Reed. 1207 Farnam, D. 14e JENKINS Pay blghftt price for clothea. aboea, trunks. eto. Red 329. Rea., Douglas 1032. ANNOUNCEMENTS Accountants E. A. DWORAK, C. P. A. 638 Ramge Bldg. Phone lXug. Ht. Accordion Pleating. TCORD10N, aide, knife, aunburat, boi pleating, covered buttons, all sizes and stylei, h mat Itching, plcot edging, em broidery, Leading, braiding, cording, eye let cut work, buttonhole!, pennants. IDKAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO , 200 Douglaa Blk. IJougla 1.31, VAN ARM AN Ureas Pleating atiJ Button Co., 336-7 Pazton Blk. Doug. 3109, Accor dion, knife, aide, apace, box, aunburat and combination pleating, hematltchlng, plcot edging, pink' ig, niching, covering but tona, all atylea and .,11 aUe, Price Hat free. ACCORDION, Side, Knife, Box Pleating, Cov. Buttona, Hemstitching. Neb. Pleating and Button Co., 43' -2 Pazton Blk. H. 4941 . Bakeries. ORTMAN'S NEW ENGLAND BAKERY, tit N. 18TH BRANCHES PUBLIC MA It K 1ST AND HAY DEN BROTHERS. OUR MOTTU "BETTER BAKED GOODS.'" CAKES, paitry and fan.:y bakery gooda aupplled to partita, lorlges and entertain menu. Z. H. Rtjt'der, J 506 N. ISth. W. 327. Baths. ELECTr.IC TURKISH BATHS. The only absolutely sanitary bath. Highly recommended by pbyalclana. Staats Inatltute, ltOft Harney SL D. 7097. Open evenlnga and Sundays, DR. BBNDA SulfHiur, atnum. Modern Turk lah BATHS AND MAHBAGE. Private apartmenta for la dice, with lady attend ant!. 1819 Farnam. Phone Doug. 6877. R1TTEN HOUSE aanltaiium; all Itlnrla batha aiO-214 Balrd Blk,, 17th and Douglaa, Carman nurao, maaiiage, baths of all kindst 238 Neville Block, 16lh and Harney. Brass and Iron Foundries. Paxton-Mltclmll Co., 27th and Martha St. Carpenters and Contractors. LE38AHD at HON. aozi Cuming. Tyler UX. Chiropractic anc Spinal Adjustment. Dr. Burhorn, Rose Bldg. Palmer school graduate. Doug. D347. Chiropodists. Carrie J. Burford, 620 Paxton Blk. Red 45(7. Dancing Academy. ( T TTYT? BALL TUES., " THURS.. LU UUVAJ hat., sun. eve. school HON. EVE. ill a. ISth St., Op. Sontenelie. Detective-. COMPETENT lnveattgator. evidence secured, crvll criminal caeee. 609 Pazton. Doug. 8002 OMAHA DETECTIVB AHSOCIATION, 93S lt Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phone Tyler 8510, JAMES ALLAN, 8U Neville' Blk. Evidence awured In all canca. Tyler 11SB. Interstate Detective Aaa'n, 432 Ramge Bldg. S. D. JOLLY. 613 Pazton. Red 7401. Dressmaking. Mrs. R. A. Connelly, 416 Karbach. R. 1794 Terry Drenamak g Co., 20th and Farnam. Fixtures and Wiring. , flTTPTTTM BlMtrlc waahlng machlnea. xyUAVXVlil electric Irona and reading lar.ip. 2?t Cuming St. Dougla 1619. Insurance. BANKERS LIFE OF" LINCOLN. 913-14 City Natl. Bank Bldg. poug. 1819. - Job Printing. GATE CTTT Printing Co., hlgh-grad print Ing. 2621 N. 24th. Phone Web. 1H97. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and aold. Inter national Patent Co683 Brandels. D. 6691. Painting and Paper Hanging. PAINTING and cleaning, boo per room and up. We clean carpeta In your home with out removing same. 91 per rug and up. Wjibater2ll83: FOR hlghclaas painting and wall decorat ing. Call A. J. Doll n iky, H. 4176. Painting, pqperhangtng, cleaning. H. 6779. Pianos for Rent 99.69 per mo. A. Hoape Co., 1611 Douglas. Theatrical Costume. LARGEST stock of costumes for theatricals and masquerades In the country for sal orjrant. Lleben A Son. 1614 Howard. THEATRICAL gowns. fuiTd7esaulta7for rent. '204 N. 17th. John Feldraan. D. 1198. Towel Supplies.. Omaha Towel Supply. 207 ti. llth. D. 939. Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcements and printing. Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 944. Where to Eat. EAT HOME COOKED MEALS NEW DELICATESSEN, 180ft FARNAM. BURROUGHS CAKE, OMAHA, NEB. (Service), LINCOLN. NEB. 319 fl, J 8th St . 139 8. 13th St. Masseures. SWEDISH and muscular massage, electric treatment of all kinds. Staats Institute, 1609 Harney St. Douglas 7097. Open ev- en 1 n gs an d 8undaya, MauXge, chiropody. Minnie Nagle, 209-14 JtalrdBldg,17jlh4li DouglaaD3458. MISS LILLY, bath massage, 1122 Farnam Bt. BUSINESS CHANCES SI 'LENDJD OPENING Man with sales and managerial ability whn can Invest 99.000 In capital aiock of largest auto accessory firm west of Chicago can secur reaponal bla poaltlon. Company paying good profit. Neod additional capital to cover new field. ' Bank and trade references. Bog 1437, Bee. HluiVEbT SPOT CASH" PAID ror stores an J stocks of merchandise, In city or country; ulck action. OMAHA SALVAGE: CO.. 190 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg, Tel. Dougla 1831 THB GREATEST GAIN 68,738 In paid want-ad ever mad by any Omaha paper Is the record of THE OMAHA BEE for 1916. BEST RESULTS LOW EST RATE. OUR bakery for sale; population of 1,000, for sale or rent. Do $4,600 buslneaa a year. If you mean buelnea write, Eaat urn Nebraska. Only bakery In town; good lively town. Bog Y 869, Bee. FOR SALE Good, cleantock of hardware! live town, central Nebraska, Good rea son for Mlllng, Be quick. Address T 167. Bee. FOR SALE I..terpt in prominent retail drug eto re In Lincoln, Neb. Good reasons for aelllng. Apply J. C. Vanghan. Hi South Fourth St.. St, Loula, Mo. DOWD Sal nntf-Auctlon Co., Omaha, have closed out more mdee. stocks than any other Arm In U. B. Writs tor jtsrn. WB BUY, we sell motion picture theaUreT machines, feature Sim. Co-operative Filmland Supply Co.. 91 B.omUy Bldg. R E STA U U A NT doing good business lna live town; must sell on account of other business. Boi Y 872, Bee. WILLIAMS, establlahad 91 years. To buy or sell busiite se him. '411 MoCague Bldg. Reference, U. 8. National Bank. IF TOU want to sell or buy a, buslneaa or .rooming house call on Buach i Borgholf, TIP World-Herald Bldg. Phone p. jilt. MOTION picture machines (new and re built), theater supplied. . Omaha Film uzeneng. IPS B. lth St. COMPLETE fixtures cf 3 -chair bather shop, vary - reasonable. Miller Hotel South Omaha. Phone South 1991. MOV1NO PICTURE machines, new and re built, all makes; aupplles. Western Sup ply Co.. 301 Nat. Bldg. DOCTOR An experienced physician wanta to learn of a good location. Box 16S6, Bee. SPECIAL plana to sell a buslneaa or real as- tats. F. V. Kntcst, Bee Bldg.. Omaha. WANT job printing plant lo move to small town. Can an. McCague Bldg. TO GET In or oui of business call on OA NO KPT A I). 428 Be Bldw. Doug. 1479. Rooming Houses. ROOMING HOUSES, all stses. great bar gains. 419 Roae Bldg. Phnn TyUr I4IY. 30 ROOMS, nice furniture with piano, 11,000, 9391-91 Harney Bt. POULTRY AND PET STOCK 3. C. R. I. Red cockerels; extra good ones. 39)6 N. 17tfa. Colfax 3179. FOR SALE One and one-halt doien laying hens. Phone Tyler 197SW. ScruenlnKS 11. 6V luo. A.W.Wagner. 801 N.Wtlt FOR RENTlsincss Pp'p If. A wOl.FriUattiir. War Blk. Specialist bi duwuuiwn business yrvpergr. SITUATIONS WANTED WEEKLY RATE, 10a PER LINE. Dullness ads, regular rates; 1 Unas one week 4e S lines one week 60e each extra line 10e per week Male. WANT CLERICAL POSITION. Young man, college and commercial graduate, wlabea clerical position with chances for rdvancement. Now high school commercial teacher but wish busi ness poaltlon. Beat of references. Inter views requested. Ens ley. Box, 267. Estber vllle, la. MACHINIST. Aire 25, wishes poaltlon as lathe hand, 8 years' experience; wanta to locate In omaha. John K Baler), 310 12th St., Milwaukee, Wis, YOUNG man employed at present but de siring change want position as assistant book keep-, or bank employe. Have bann ing and business experience, good educa tion. A-No. 1 refernccn. Box Y 874, Bee. THK GREATEST GAIN 68,718 In paid want-ads ever made by any Omaha puper la the record of THS OMAHA BKB for 1916. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATB. TYR8.fretall merchant retired 2 years ago. Find time hard to occupy, would like to become associated with a reliable firm as city representative. Phone Harney 3.719 or aridrpss Box 304, Bee. MIDDLE-AGED inan wirhea poaltlon as traveling salesman. Can furnish best of reference... P. S. Mantz, 'Mi Crown Point Ave. WANT work fur the year around by experi enced farm hand with family. After April H. Reference. Box 4:', Sterling, Colo. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper doilrea to change positions; good references. Ad drftsa Box 1616, Bee, YOUNG man wants work for board and - room evenings, Saturday afternoon, part Sunday. Box 1BH3, Bee. SITUATION wanted aa chauffeur; can do own repair work; 4 years' experience. Ty ler 2-44. Li. II Ho- SITUATION wanted an chauffeur In private family. Good references. Phone Doug laa 9007. POSITION wanted as watchman or hotel clerk Box 1G19, Bee. MAN wants position taking care of office, city references. Call Dong. 7802. Colored chauffeur, i years' experience. Douglas 6332. John Rlce GEORGE moves ashes and will do general hauling. Web. 6036. Female. EXPERIENCE saleslady wanta position In millinery store. Address Box No. 177, Wall Lake. la, WANTED A position as housekeeper by widow with one child. Address S. Waroe, 118 15th St., Aurora, Neb. SITUATION WANTED By a good, honeat widow as house keeper. Ilrs. Emily Swanson, Red Oak, la.. General Delivery. THIS BEE charge for "Situation ads" ts lower than any other form of advertising not enough to cover the coat of printing. Practical nursing or matron with husband's analatance; speaks 9 languages. Web. 980. WOMAN wl-"little boy wanta steady job as houaekeeper In city, Tyler 1389. COLORED woman, experienced chamber maid, wanta work Tyler 1908-W. Laundry and Day Work. FIRST-CLASS laundreai wants day work. Call Col fa x 3930. DAT WORK wanted by reliable colored woman. Call Douglas 6698. WANTED Laundry work or housework. Mr. Julia Jones, 944 N. 27th. Har. 6737. WANTED Day work, washing or cleaning. Walnut 3638. WNTED Bundle washing or Ironing by day. Phone Web. 1483. EXPERIENCED chamber inald or general housowork. Douglas 8443. EXPERIENCED woman wlehe day work of any kind. Douglaa 6130. DAYwork watfted. Web. 4921. DAT work or huUBecleanlng cxp. Web. 4067. For d.-iy work or gtn. noiinowtirk. Ty. 1B54-W LAUNDRY or cleaning, day work. Web 2973. Lata curtains nicely laundered. Web. 6416. CURTAINS laundered. H. 1130. 614 Dodge. Colored woman wants day work. Web. 3401. WHITE woman, wash. Iron, Rflf. Col. 174s. Hotels and Restaurants. RELIABLE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 1610 Davenport Bt. Douglas 18(9. Headquarters for hotel help. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. LOCOMOTIVE or car drafter, 1100; bkkpr.. 9100; bkkpr., $75; steno., $75 ; steno,, out of town, 970; stock clerk, 826. WATTS REF. CO., 1st Nat. Bank Bldg. THE GREATEST GAIN -58,739 In paid want-ads ever mads by any Omaha paper. Is the record of THE OMAHA BEE! for 1919. BI3ST RESULTS LOWEST RATE. R. R. CLERK 18600 HOTEL CLERK 135 bd A rm. STENO (out-of-town bank) $76.00 THE CANO AOENCY, 600 BEE BLDG. HIGH-GRADE commercial positions. WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASS N. Professions and Trades. DRUG POSITIONS ALL STATE CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO.. 1015-16 City National Bank Bldg. Salesmen and Solicitors. HIGH CLASS SALESMEN WANTED by firm which dealre to open up new territory In Nebraska and Iowa. Apltcanta preferred will be men over 30 who can show good records as sales men and who can also show themselves to be men of good personal character, and, In addition, It Is desired that auch ap plicant ahall be familiar with territory and with methods of doing business In two states above mentioned. Positions open are such as will enable hard workers to earn from $50 to 200 per week. Only high class men will receive con sideration ao when writing give full par ticular regarding preaent connection and paat accompllshmenta. All Information so given will be treated In a strictly con fidential manner. Address Box 1328, Bee. IF YOU ARE A SALESMAN WHO HAS ENOUGH CONFIDENCE IN YOUR ABILITY TO FINANCE YOUR OWN EX PENSES WE HAVfe A SELLING PROPOSITION THAT WILL APPEAL TO YOU. THE ARTI CLE IS AN AUTOMOBILE AC CESSORY THAT EVERY AUTO OWNER WILL CONSIDER A NECESSITY- INSTEAD OF A LUXURY. A FEW GOOD TER RITORIES STILL OPEN. CALL DOUGLAS 3217. ARE YOU UNDERPAID? A prominent life Insurance company of Omaha will teach you the fundamental principals of salesmanship free. Course 1 will Include life Insurance and how to sell It. This aervlce la absolutely free. Tou owe It to yourself to grasp thla op portunity. Enroll now for free course, day and night classes. COMMONWEALTH LIFE INSUR ANCE CO., , 734 Omaha National Bank. Phone Douglas 1070. ADVERTISING specialty salesman tor our complete line of fine art calendars, alumi num, oloth, fans, lead pencils, ruler, cel luloid, thermomwtoro, pennants, signs and metal novelties. Exclusive protection given "good men In this city and outside terrl torlese. Connect with the fastest growing specialty house In Nebraska. M. F. Sharer ft Co. 18th and Farnam Bta Fourth floor. TRAVELING salesman, estab. mercantile lines. WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASS'N. AUTO supply salesman, who has good per sonality; excellent future. $76 to $100. WATTS REF. CO., 1st Nat. Bank Bldg. 1 LIVB wire iv.leemon for new Hopr Indian rugs. Call after 1p.m. Mr. Sykes, 2010 Davenport St., Omaha, Neb. YOUNG man, good talker, as city salesman. Midland Ribbon and Carbon Co., 229 Bee Bldg. WANTED Two live salesmen to call on auto owners. Call Doug. 9009 Trade Scnoola. AUTO MECHANICS EARN BIG MONEY. Never Idle Big Demand. ' i Easy to Learn by Our Methods. NATIONAL AUTO. TRAINING ASS'N, 2817 N. 20th St.. Omaha. ..- Head tec s'rs Catlaogu. HELP WANTED MALE Trade Schools. LEARN barber trade; be Independent, mor than make your expenses while learning Wage or percentage. We don't over charge you to bgln. 402 Dodge St. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. NIGHT SCHOOL Auto and electric start ers. For particulars vail Douglas 4473, or writ us. AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE, 2069 Farnam St., Omaha. Miscellaneous. OMAHA Government clerk examinations April 3, 876 to $120 month. Sampla question free. Write Franklin Institute, Dept 237, C. Rocheatcr, N. Y. FIREMEN; BRAKEMEN, beginner paid $125-9160 monthly; do strike. Railway, Box Y-831, Bee. v $50 MONTHLY for man to manage branch office, eastern Neb. Smalt Investment for fixtures. Address, Capital Collection Co., Des Moines, la. HELP WANTED Male and Female. WANTED Immediately, names of men and women, 18 or over, vlsbing to become government clerks. $75 month. Educa tion unnecessary. Box Y-866, Bee. WANTED Experienced white married cou ple to act as janitor and chambermaid. 2102 Chicago. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. STENOGRAPHER. $76; steno., $65; typist and Bteno., $60; tiling clerk, $26. NO FILING FEE only 50 cents to Investigate references. THE MARTI CO., 1317 W. O. W. Bldg. STENO., $65; steno., $50; steno., $35; typ ist, $35; of lice clerk, $40. WATTS RTCF. CO.. 1st Nat. Bank Bldg. BOOKKEEPING, stenographic, office posi tions. WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASS N. CIGAR CLERK $40.00 STENO (Beginner) 35.00 THE CANO AGENCY, 00 BEE BLDG. GIRL for soda fountain. Beaton Drug Co. Professions and Trades. OPERATORS AND INSPECTORS. LADIES. Come to work In our house dress and apron department. A number of new machines were recently installed In this department for making house dresses and we want operators for them. They are driven by electric power and require no exertion, i We also want some ladles for In specting house dresses after they ar made. This work Is not difficult. Working conditions here ar Ideal. The rooma are large, clean, light and well ventilated. A- private din ing hall In which hot tea and coffee are served Is at your disposal. Experienced operators and Inspectors are desired, but It you have had no such experience come down and get acquainted with the work. You can learn. If you are Interested, come down to M. E. Smith ft Co., on the south west corner of 9th and Douglas and ask for Mr, Anderson, WANTED Girls with common school edu cation, between 18 and 22 years, to take up local and long distance telephone work. C. F. Lambert. 1807 Dougla St. WANTED One shirt finisher and 1 collar girl. Apply to Supt, of laundry, Hotel Fontenelle. WANTED Ten girls, packing department; good wages, I ten Biscuit Co., 13th and Capitol Ave. . FINISHERS on ladies' coats, M. E. Smith A Co., 9th and Douglas. WANTED Massage girl at once. Rm 228, Neville Blk. MASSAGE girl wanted. 1322 Farnam St. Saleswomen and Solicitors. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. Three lady solicitors, salary and travel ing expenses, splendid proposition. Inves tigate. Mrs. L. R. Fleming, Castle hotel. LADY solicitors for a food product that helps reduce the high coat of living. Very easy and pleasant work. Good pay for those who can produce the business. Apply at once 200 Crounse Blk. Household and Domestic. WANTED Young girt or elderly lady for companion to young mother with two small children, whose husband Is trav eling man; In l-lce, new home, near car line. Phone Harney 5339. WANTED Competent cook; references; good wages for satisfactory person. Mrs. F. B. Johnson. Harney 3436. WANTED An experienced aecond girl; good references required. Mrs. Frank T. Hamilton. 210 S. 3Id Ave. WANTED Girl to assist with housowork and car of small child. Phone Walnut 8707. WANTED Woman for housework; farm experience preferred. Address A. C. Hardy, Springfield. Neb. EXPERIENCED housekeeper for small fam ily, permanent position, good home; ref erences exchanged. Box 369, Bee. WANTED Neat girl tor general housework, must be good cook; no washing. Wal nut 392. COMPETENT maid for general housework. Mrs. F. B. Kennard. Walnut 2419. WANTED An experienced second girl, white preferred. Harney 264L WANTED Girl for general housework. 4102 Farnam. Harney 2543. ' WANTED Girl for general housework; plain cooking. Call Harney 5485. A GERMAN girl for general houaework, no washing. Call fill N. 20th. GOOD girl for general housework, no wash ing.' 510 So. 25th Ave. WANTED A good girl to assist with house work. Harney 1342. GIRL for general housework; no laundry. 401 & 38th St. EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLT.EGE, DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day Is enrollment day. Book keeping, shorthand, stenotypy, typewrit ing, telegraphy, civil service all commer cial and English branches. Catalog free. BOYLES COLLEGE, Douglas 1565. Is to and Harney Sts. VAN 8ANT SCHOOV OF BUSINESS DAY AND EVENING SCHOOLS. Second Floor Omaha National Bank Bldg. Entrance 320. Dougla 5890. Y. M. C. A. Day and Night School. Musical. PIANO lessons taught to beginners. Tel. S. 2697. r OR Rt.N k .illness Pr'p'ty Stores. 171S ST. MARY'S AVE., 18x40, $40. 1410 Capitol Ave., 14x55, $30. 1422 Capitol Ave., $30. 1219 Farnam St., 19x47. suitable for bar ber shop, $76. S09 So. ISth St., 22x48, $66. First claaa modern office from $10 per month up. A few good ones left fronting on Farnam St. FRsnam Bldg., 13th and Farnam (Old First Nat. Bank Bldg.). FIRST TRUST CO., REALTORS, 400 lat Nat. Bank Bldg. poug. 1151. 4719 SO. 24TH ST.. $100;' center of South Omaha business district. & H. Benner, Hamg Blk. D. 9406 JlU ULK f .'UKl j Art! (Jt lfH,tLS I , far nnm -ndif. "trst Trust Co.. 1). 1161. MODERN atore. ltith St., near post office, $76 month. G P. Stcbblns. 1910 Chicago. Offices and Desk Room. Oi-i-iCiia. Single said en suit, la a central loca tion. BROWN BLDG., Hoorn 407. ' DourIos 1999. ublKAL& office room lu the remodeled Crounse block, 119 N. 16tb St. (opposite postolTie). $10 to $16 per month. Conrad Young. SSt Brandt la Theater. Doug. 1671 itiOit-n. apai- ttiiird blUg.. . Douglaa. Mcl'agu tnv. Co. Garage and bams. AUTO garage and large rm. S029 Davenport. Miscellaneous. UAUUb. Dghc basement, ltitn ana rivwaru. cheap. Wright Laebury. Doug, 162. FOR RENT ROOMS ATTENTION, ROOM HUNTERS! If you fall to And th room yon desire among these ads call at The Be office for a Room List Gives complete detailed description of va cant roo it a In all parts of the city. If more convenient phone The Be Want Ad Dept. and give your nam and address and a list will be mailed to you a; snc. New lists ar Issued uvery week. Furnished Rooms. THE GREATEST GAIN 59.728 Xn paid want-ads over mad by any Omaha paper, la the record of THE UAIAHA BEK for 1919. . BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATE. CASS, 2605 Attractive room; new. mod ern home, with every convenience; suit able for ono or two gentlemen; walking distance; two car lines; -refined private family. 2712 JACKSON One modern, newly fur nished; references required; gentleman prefered. Har. 322. 616 8. 2D. 2 rooms, modern, clean, plenty heat, newly furnished, 6 blocks to Bur- gess-.-vasn. BEAUTIFUL furnlahud room, suitable for 2, ciose in. reasonable, zvil jJodge St. HEATED room fop worklngmon. Modern nonie. l'i:h Decatur, w coster 4o7. FURNISHED sleeping room, $1.50. 2220 2 ROOMS on bath room floor; modern; rea sonable. 1D14 California. Dou.las 2440. ROOM free for tending furnace mornings, to refined elderly man. Colfax 22u6. FOR RENT 110 So. 35th St., modern room in private family. Harney 5907. EXCEPTIONALLY warm, nice room, reas uiiiLuie, fume in. nurnejr ddid, NEWLY furnlhed rooms; modern. 514 N. ao tn. Housekeeping Rooms. 1609 CALIFORNA Housekeeping and sleep ing rooms, modern home, very reasonable. call Tyler 672. ONE or two furnished or unfurnished mod crn rooms, with or without kitchenette. Walking t'.istance. Rod 5790. LARGE rear room, private entrance. Con venient for children. 2648 Dodge, $10 per month. ROOMS and pantry, water and gas. 1711 Jackson. Douglas 7-68. . 1611 HOWARD, steam heated housekeeping and sleeping rooms. 3 ROOMS for light housekeeping. South ex posure; ready for occupancy. Red SIS 9, 2582 HARNEY, clean' housekeeping rooms, mod. apt, laundry privileges. Doug. 3427. :i21tt CALIFORNIA 2-3 furnished rooms, with heat, first floor. Harney 4001. 217 S. 25TH ST. Well heated, furnished. gas, electricity, seml-baBement, SUITE of clean, nicely, furnished, well heated housekeeping rooms. 2002 Dodge. 2 ROOMS for housekeeping furnished or ua furnished. 2739 Caldwell. $3.00 PER week, 221ft Leavenworth; two fur nlshed housekeeping rooms. Board and Rooms. FOUR young men, who havu nicely fur nished home, would like 2 more young men to' board and room with them. Call Harney 5702. LARGE southeast, steam heated room; ex cellent board; garage. Harney 1796. Rooms Wanted. YOU PEOPLE WHO RENT ROOMS, CALL THE BEE WANT-AD DEPT. and find OU all about the FURNISHED ROOM GUIDE It's a plan that Is helping many people rent tneir rooms. FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. VERY choice 6-room uteam heated apart ment on Wst Farnam St. JOHN W. BOBBINS! 803 FARNAM ST. THREE-ROOM apartment, nice woodwork; 2422 Leavenworth. Douglas 6313. North. STEAM HEAT. 4-room heated apartment, private bath, gas rar.fre anil Janitor. Cor. flat, 2550 Cuming St.; 2d floor: family moving Sat urday. Rate $24 wlntur, $18 summer. Thomas W. Hazen, 207 McCagua Bhdg. D. 13HI1. APARTMENTS of 8 and 4 rooms each, S. E. corner 18th and Cuming Sts., to small families only; rental $12.50 to $18 per month: water and janitor aervlce fur nished; key at cor. store, Thoa. W. Hazen, 207 McCague Bldg. D. 1800. South. 4-ROOM, strictly modern apartment, best lo- 4-ROOM flat, modern except heat, $16. 2620 Maroy. Phone Tyler 2204W. Miscellaneous. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, RENTAL HEADQUARTERS FOR OMAHA. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments and Rouses. Apartments. DESIRABLE furnished and unfurnished apartments. All sizes and prices, splen did location. 24th and Farnam. D. 1479. CAPITOL AVE., 1H12 Ia Verna 3-room modern apartment, steam heat, hot and cold water Doug. 884. House. . FURNISHED 6-room- bungalow, all modern. well furnished. Douglas 4az. FOR RENT HOUSES West. 1203 HOWARD ST. A l-tory frame, 7 rooms and llcaplng porch. New furnac. Room lor od car ID garae " dealreu. nouaa rent, tju, ALFRED THOMAB, SOS First Nat. Bk. Bid-. North. PR ACITICALLY new modern 9-room house. first efflss condition, three blocks from good school, walking distance from high school and ureignton, on car, una. x. Burns, Webster 4182. NEW bungalow, story and a half, 6 -rooms on first floor, 3 rooms on cond, modern $27.50. 28th and Franklin. Red lSBi. FREE rent until first, 4-room house, rents $12, 915 N. 25th Ave, Call 2420 Cuming St., upstairs, Hoom n. 5322 N. 26th St. 7 rooms, veneered brick, modern, hot water heat; In good shape. Phone Colfax 9584. 6-ROOM cottage, food repair, month. Colfav South. DANDY 6-room cottage, modern except heat, close In; 841 S. 2 2d St. Newly painted and papered. $20.00 ptr month. Key S43 S. 2Sd St 9-ROOM ail modern house. $25 per month. 025 So. 3Cth. Call Harney 2991. Miscellaneous. HOUSES AND COTTAGES. PARTLY MODERN. 6-R-, 603 Martha St. $12.50 MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 8-R., 2914 Saratoga St.. reduced to 18.00 6-R.. 616 N. 17th St 20.00 -R., 2819 N. 27th St. (for colored) 15.00 6-R., 4545 N. 40th St 20.00 6- R., 4327 N. 27th St. (brand new) 25.00 7- R.. 4613 S. 23d St., (Good brk-k dwelling, convenient to but!- ness ce.,ter of South Omaha, newly decorated throughout) 25.00 8-R., 2430 Bristol St. (Good brick dwelling with large 1 am in the rear.) 22.50 8- R., 3849 Charlea SU (with garage) 25.00 9- R., 559 S. 26th Ave. 35. On 9- R., 559 S. 26th St. 32.50 10- R., 3221 Dodge St 40.00 HEATED APARTMENTS. 4-R., Apt. N. 6 Stoocker, 826 S. 24th St., (All outside rooms, very light and de sirable, $23 summer, $30 winter.) WE HAVE OTHERS. Se OUR COMPLETE LIST BEFORE RENTING. PORTER A SHOTWELL. 202 8. 17th St. ' Doug. 6013. Offices with HOME BUILDERS. WHAT HAVE YOU FOR RENT In the way of four, five or alx roo.j modern up-to-date apartments? Prefer ence will be glvea to those In better districts of the city. Want to deal direct with owners; no agents. TELEPHONE DOUGLAS 1018. 909 K 17th 6-r. heated apt., $36.60. 1114 N. S2d.. 4-r. flat, steel range, gas plate, kitchen cab., water paid, $15. RASP BROS., 210 Keeline Bldg. Tyler 721. $12.601664 N. 20th, 4 rooma, water paid. 114.00 2616 Seward, 9 rooma, small barn. RING WALT BROS. Brandels Thea. Bldg. HOUSUS lu ait parta of the city. CRF1GH. Sit .8 ft CO.. 59 Be Bldg. -ROOM modern House with garage for i cars, close to oar line, on pawd street. t9 mouth. Douglas 8i9S. MOVING AND STORAGE GORDON VAN CO. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Packing, storage and mov ing. 219 N- llth St. Phone Douglas sat. FIDELITY Stk- FKEE ' Phone Douglas 98 for oomplet 1 list of vacant houses and apart ' meats. Also for storage, moving. 19th and Jackson St. METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO. Careful attention given to orders for moving, packing or storage. Offlc at Raymond Furniture Co.. 1619 and 161 Howard St Phone O 6594 FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE!. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving; packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. S02 & Hth St Douglas 4191. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real service In moving, packing and storing, call Tyler 2 SO. or Douglas 4399. Maggard- J& K Van and Storage Co.. Moving, Packing, Storage and Shipping. Phone Doug. 1499. ftO Drn Express Co. Moving, . j JxLiLiU Packing and storags. 1207 Farnam St. Web. 2748. Doug. 6146. TWIN CITY EXPHESS CO.. 1623 Cass St, Douglaa 1717. Trunk stored a specialty. WANTED TO RENT Unfurnishcf Apartments and Houses. WE want good house to rent. PAYNE & SLATER, 616 Omaha Nat'l Bids, rhons Dour. 10M. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. A most attractive home built to live in, not to rent; built to last a lifetime; beautifully finished and decorated; in the very best residence district. , .v This is one of the best built hornet in Omaha. Stone foundation and base ment under the whole house, and solid brick above; full brick cross wall. No veneer. The porch steps, front, back and to the sun parlor, are all stone. The roof is slate. The coal bins and fruit cellar of tile. There is practically no cost for painting or re pairs. The library with built-in book cases is .olid cherry; the halls and stair case of oak. The dining room is pan eled in Venitian oak. All floors up staiccas well as down are hardwood, quarter-sawed beach, except the kit chen, which is' maple, and tile under the stove. A large double storm win dowed and screened sun porch is con nected with both the library and din ing room by French doors. The walls of the first floor and upper hall are covered with hand decorated burlap, except the music room. There are three bath rooms. The ample closets all have outside windows and ward robes and cheat of drawers, which will delight any woman. There is a laundry, fruit cellar, furnace room and space which can be finished for a billiard room in the basement, which is cemented throughout. Soft water is furnished from a large cis tern. The house has a gas hot-water heater for summer use, thermostat, electric outlets, etc. It is so well built that 15 tons of coal will heat it throughout, and with solid brick walls it is wonderfully cool in summer. As it is at the very crest of the hill in the summer there is always a breeze there -if anywhere. It is con venient to the car line and in the choicest residence section of Omaha. The price is very reasonable, and terms will be made to suit the buy er's convenience. Owner is leaving the city. C. C. ROSEWATER, CARE OMAHA BEE. CATHEDRAL DISTRICT HOME. Eight rooms, hall. Living room, Hx26, with fire piece, dining room 15x15 with bullt-ln buffet and oak flntah. Kitchen with bullt-ln features and maple floors. Upstair hss four large bed rooms and bath, and stairway to attic. $5,001), one half cash. SHULER CART, REALTORS. Phone D. 5074. 804 Keeline Bldg. l750O FOR A FIVE-ROOM HOUSE Only been built a few years; all modem except heat. 1150 down, balance IIS monthly. Located at 3110 Burdette St. TRAVER EROTHERS, 706 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Phone D. SSe. 1 CAME from Arlzo. 1 to sell my eleganc West Farnam residence. 8 rooms, strictly modern, hot water .teat, oak and cherry finish with banr ,me fireplace. I will aacrlflce for $6,000. J. E. Rowland, at Fontenelle uoteL NICE 7-room modern house finished In oak. nearly new, Cathedral district, dole in, walking distance to high school and to the clty'a five largest churches, b'li N. SGth St. Harney 1126. North. 2418 LARIMORE AVE. $150 CASH fi rooms, modern except heat, newly painted and decorated;- close to car and paved street. Price. $2, 250. balance easy pay ments. HASTINGS & HEYDEN (Realtors), 1614 HARNEY ST. TYLER B0. MR. COLORED MAN, HERR IS AN OPPORTUNITY. Your choice of three five-room cot tages, modern except heat. Eaat fronts, close to car and school for $1,860 each, 200 down and balance fid per month. -1814 N. X7th St.. 1920 and 1922 N. 2ftli St. For further Information call Tyler 46. NEW BUNOALOW. Five rooms, strictly modern, finished In Oak. Located at 3028 N. S6th St. Price $3,160. Terms, Will tali small cottage In trade, NOR R IS A NOR HIS. 400 Bee Building. Phone Douglaa 4271. 4808 NORTH 27TH. Prairie Park district.' , 6 rooms and battt; near public and par- ' chial schools; S blocks from t car lines; beautiful home; $300 cash, $30 monthly. Will take new $1,000 car as first payment. I B. J. Scanned, Douglas 348 or Colfix $611. 1 NEAR HIGH SCHOOL. 411 N. 23d. 7-room cottage, oak floorn, colonnade, laundry room, etc. A big bar- I gain at $3,150. $3i0 down, $27.60 monthly i payments. Phone Red 3651. S-KOUA1 modern homo; hot water heat: good lot; pavua street; will taKe used car, value up to $500, as first payment. Call owner. Colfax 2S34. FOR SALE Five-room house, modern ex cept beat; paving iuuy paid, iii.300. 2711 Maple St. Web. 1615. South. BRAND NEW, 6 ROOMS. Living room, den, dining room, kitchen and pantry on 1st floor, two bed rooms and bath on 2d floor, plenty of closets, bungalow roof, modern In every way, full cement basement. with hot a1 " cold water, nicely sodded east front lot on paved ntreet, close to Hanscom park. Price only $3,400; will take $300 down, balance monthly. C. G. CARLBERG, RKAUTOR. 110-313 Brandels Theater Bldg