Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 24, 1917, Page 12, Image 12

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Potato Boycott
Cuts Sales
A great (ailing off in sales of po
tatoes is an outstanding feature of
the vegetable market in Omaha and
probably elsewhere as well. There
lias been no official embargo declared
iere upon the high-priced tuber. But
there is no necessity for the decla
ration of an official embargo when
the price is up cround 75 cents a
peck. The domestic engineers have
just simply declared they will get
along without potatoes and they are
proceeding to dp that same thing by
buying other"vegctal)les. And the
vegetable men don't care, because,
they say, at present prices there is no
prctit m potatoes. They sell them
at just about cost.
There arc many vegetables on the
Keep Smiling.
We are always happy. YOU will be happy when you trade at
bcau.a you SAVE, and tha only way to match The Bkt Stort' quality and 1 with another BASKET STORE.
Oransei. Fatnoua Redland Naval-
Carload in. They are tin; Juicy and
ewaat. rlcaa range from 2 doxn for
25c up.
i'00 alse, per doien , 21c
1 76 aiie, per dozen 24c
, lZfl slie, per doien , ,33c
a Buy them by the Ail
J caee. at dW.VU j
Mpplee, par boa. from $1.23 to 12.3S
Lemons, per do sen ..17c, 19c, 21c
Comb Honey, rack. ...16c
Olives, stuffed, 4-m. bottle Be
Olives, Queen, large alia, pt. 17c, trt. 33c
DID Pickles, doien 14c
Sour Pickles, dosen , Sc
Sweet Pickles, doien. , 8c
Sweet, split Pickiee, doien 12c
Mustard, Cash Habit, Sc, 3 for 22c
Vinegar, cider. Grade usually said for
35c a gallon. A Sc trial will convince
Sou I our price, gallon, , 21c
ottle Vinegar Ac
Rko, bast Jap, 10c grads, 4t lbs., 25c
Rica has fiva times tha food value of
National Corn Flakes, pkg. 6c, 3 far. .16c
KHnkle Corn Flakes Urge 15c pkg. JOc
Poet Toasties, If .T3c
Shrtdded Wheat, 1B pkg He
- Tip Farina, like Cream of Wheat, pkg. 13c
Kellogg's Bran, 26c pkg 20c
Oat Meal, bulk, 6 lbs. for.... 25c
Large 2Se pkg Basket Store Oats. . . .21e
Tip Pancake Flour, large pkg 20c
Pikes Peak Macaroni, Spaghetti or
Noodles, 6c pkg., 3 for 22c
Peanut Butter, bulk, lb. 13c, t far 28
Peanut Butter, Cask Habit, glass
Be, 3 for 26c
Wa would Ilka to close our stores
Omaha and - Lincoln. CMM'
behind the DougK
Asuyoiir grocer-ne Knows
Is Here;
But Not Prices
market at comparatively small prices
which csily and satisfactorily take
the place of potatoes. Potato eating
is largely a habit anyway and while
the prices continue so unprecedented
ly high thrifty people ire "cutting
them out" and after the first few
days they say it is just as easy to get
along without them.,
Rutabagas, turnips, carrots, par
snips, cauliflower are some of the
vegetables that are being called on to
do emergency duty while potatpes
soar at $3 a bushel.
Oranges and apples are .cheaper
than potatoes. The finest of oranges
and apples cost no more than ordi
nary potatoes A Dundee grocer has
a display of potatoes in his window
Live Better lor Lass I
REJOICE AND BE GLAD. Happiness was
' born a twin.
Economy Flour, an excellent health
flour, 46-lb. sack $2.29
Tip Flour, nothing better milled. A
trial will convince you, 46-lb, 62.40
Cold Medal, 46-lb. sack $2.45
Cash Habit Flour, 46-lb. sack ... .$2.35
Corn Meal, 6 lbs. white or yellow...! Be
Graham or Whole Wheat, 6 lb 34c
Rye Flour, 6 lbs 34c
Bran, 100 lbs $1.75
Maraschino Cherries, pony else Oc
3 for 26c
Maraschino Cherries, S oi 14c
Dried Apricots, lb. 20c, 3 lbs 66c
Dromedary Dates, pkg 1 2e
Dried Prunes, large alia, lb 12c
Dried Peaches fancy Mulr, lb He
Bulk Currants, a bargain, lb....22o.
Galvanised Tubs, No. I., , ..78c
Galvanised 12-qt. Pall 30c
Market Basket, a good ana far.,,... 7c
Knit Wrist Gloves, everybody wears
them for rough work, oven the women
about the house, pair 6c
Tallow candles, small, 6 for..,,, 6c
Tallow candles, Urge, 3 for 6c
Matches, 6c box, 3 for.. 13c
Diamond Axle Grease, Be, 3 for...,. 13c
Coal Oil, gallon, 9c, 6 gal 41c
Sewing Machine Oil, 10c bottle 8c
Mouse Traps, 3 for.,., '. ,.5c
Needles, per pkg 2c
Tacks, carpet, 5c pkg , .4c
Extract lemon, Basket Store. 1
Extract lemon. Dr. Prices, 1 oi...,16c
aVurftavaWe) vanilla Rasa Isaac WeaaaN ' 1 u
Extract vanilla. Dr. Prices, 1 01. . ! !l9c ,
Extract fruit coloring Tip,
1 os. 9c, 3
Diamond "C" Soap, 9 bars for 26c
White Borax Naptha or Electric Snark
deep, 7 oars 26c j
Sundays If others m the same business would do likewise. Men should hsvo one day
and PUBLIC why not agltats for such an ordinance?
I $6.00 orders delivered free within a reasonable distance. Smaller
Our Booster Hav Bean Loyal.
Thank You. I
........ .... ;...1
that is attracting much attention. In
the center are some fine potatoes
marked at 40 cents a doien and on the
sides are fine pranges and apples, each
at smaller prices. This is a true re
flections of present conditions which
will continue and grow worse until
the new crop comes in next July and
Lettuce, head lettuce and radishes
are on the market in good quantity
and quality. Pineapples at 25 cents
each, rhubarb at 1U cents a bunch,
oranges at 15 to 50 cents a dozen and
beautiful apples at $1.75 a box are
some of the good things to eat that
will make you forget the potatoes
and snap your fingers at their price.
Had Cough? Feverish? (irtppy?
These ailments weaken your system, don't
Walt. I'm Dr. Bell's rtnc-Tar-Honey. It
allays Inflammation, kills germs. 26c. All
druggists- Advertisement.
Keep Smiling.
Excel Soap, like Ivory, 6c bar.
Cocoanut Oil, Pumice or Tar, bar.
Olive Cream or Queen of Roses, 6c bsr,
3 for ...... 22c
Sunhrlght Cleanser, cm 4c, 3 for 10c
Lighthouse Cleanser, can 4c
Chloride of Lime, can 11c
Ammonia, large bottle 7c
Bon Ami, powdered or bar 8c
Pyramid Washing Powder 1 7 j
25c pkg.. for
Gold Dust Washing Powder, 25c pkg. 21c
Hippo or Small Pyramid. 8c pkg 4c
Sal a
Soda, llVt lbs.. .
. 9c
Soap Chips, lb
Tollttler, Ilka Sanlflush 15c
Sanlflush 21c
Cedar Oil Polish, American Lady with
out the high priced advertising,
$1.00 site, 60c 50c else, 30c; 28c
slis, 15c. '
Laundry Starch, bulk, 6 lbs 26c
Argo Gloss Starch, 6c pkg 4c
Oswego Silver Gloss, pkg. 9e, 3 for. .25c
Broome, O. K. brand, a good one... ,39c
Brooms, Leader brand 80c
Store Broom, a heavy one, fine for
garage , 60c
Ws carry an excellent quality of meat
Veal Stew, lb 13c
Veal Roast, lb 16c
Veal Steak, lb 20c
Pot Roast, lb 16c-ISc
Short Rib, boll 12c -15c
J"1 Slulder 'Steah . . . .. . . .. . 18c-a
I"' - - ' -
Quality, lb 26c
Tip Whit a, highest quality, lb 25c
Cash Habit, high duality, Ik 22c
Magnolia, 2-lb. roll 35c
ri.3r. -niivir i an maraeie at
prices that will please you.
40 Stores
Omaha and Lincoln.
OT A lS"The Ham
O 1 HIV What Am"!
Anwar! JiBXSf. WitiStockinetCoTering.
ate JWeriin Armour Ttatvn-Patnt AppHti tor
Three generations have enjoyed and en
dorsed Armour's famous Star Ham. This
standard excellence is now further en
hanced by the Stockinet Covering, which
intensifies the fine flavor and protects
quality. Buy a whole ham. It's economical.
The Oral Label, which distinguishes Star Ham, gives
the came Armour guarantee of top grade to a wide
variety of perfect food product fruits, fish, vege
table, meat, condimenti, etc
ROBT. BUDATZ, Mgr, 14th Jonas St..
man. uoug. tuna, umiiu, nea.
W. L. WUktason. 29th Q. So. 1740.
jowe Economics Department
Salad Making I. .
If you were asked offhand to name
the most attractive-looking food you
had ever seen I imagine your an
swer would be either a dessert or a
salad. These two articles of diet of
fer more range for artistic display
than any other type of food. Salads,
particularly, can be made tempting
in appearance, since in them we have
highly colored foods. Perhaps owe
reason why young people, particularly
girls, are so fond of salads, is the ap
peal to the eye. But even with shut
eyes we can appreciate salads, because
to most of us the sharo flavors of
acid and condiments are very pleasing.
All ot which reasoning has caused
people to look upon the salad course
as "something extra," put in solely
because we like if, hence a luxury
to be avoided when close watch is
kept upon expenditures. It is quite
true that as sources of fuel for the
body salady art extravagances, but
we cannot be well nourished on fuel
foods alone. The body processes must
be carefully adjusted, and the food
for this regulation is minerar matter,
which occurs especially in fresh fruits
and vegetables. In addition to min
eral matter, uncooked fruits and vege
tables contain certain little under
slood substances called vitamines,
without which certain diseases occur,
notably scurvy. Here are two rea
sons why salads are not an extrava
gance at any season of the year. It
is not necessary to have the expensive
vegetables, such as hothouse toma
toes and cucumbers, for salad; ordi
nary leaf lettuce, if cold, fresh and
crisp, with a good dressing is equally
Of the innumerable possible combi
nations of all the food use as salads
we can distinguish not over a half
dozen really different kinds. There
are the heavy salads, such as fish,
meat, egg, cottage cheese; there are
the light salads of fruits and vege
tables or combinations of both
(though some vegetable salads, such
as potato or kidney bean approach the
"heavy" type); there are gelatine sal
ads, which may be either heavy or
light, depending upon what is put into
them. 1 he heavy salads should never
be served as a parSof a dinner; or at
luncheon, unless they form the main
course; they are used chiefly a, the
basis of. light refreshments. A light
salad forms part of a dinner or lunch
eon, either as a separate course or
served with the meat course. This
type of salad may also be used at
an afternoon or evening party.
The names of different kinds-'of
salad dressings are often misused by
the American people. There are just
three main kinds of dressings, the
French, the mayonnaise and the
cooked, '
French Dressing.
One part vinegar or lemon juice.
The Tarragon vinegar is particularly
nice. Two, three or four parts of oil.
Two parts make a thin acid dressing;
four a bland dressing. Three parts is
the most usual. Seasoning of salt, pap
rika,'etc. One and one-half teaspoons
salt to one cup oil.
Mix all ingredients together in a
chilled bowl, and beat with a silver
fork until a smooth mixture results.
It is unnecessary labor to add the oil
drop by drop. A special flavor is ob
tained by rubbing the salad bowl be
fore using with a clove of garjic.
A new and handy device on the
market is a bottle for the mixing of
French dressing. Vinegar is poured
into the bottle up to a certain line, the
oil to another line, seasoning added,
then the bottle is corked and shaken
till the ingredients are thoroughly
mixed. A similar device may easily
be made at home. Select a bottle of
the desired size; fill it nearly full of
water, then measure the contents. If
the bottle should hold one cup of
Specials In Meat and Groceries
For Saturday
Choice Steer Rib Rout. Ib 17ViC
Cholc. 8U.r Beef Roast. Ib ISc
Cholc Steer Rib Boiling Beef. lb..tXVaC
Chole. Staar Brisket Boillns Beat, par
lb., at SVac
Cholc. SUer 8lrloln 8U.k, .... SaVsc
Chole. StMT Shoulder Steak, lb 15c"
Small pic pork loin, any quantltr. pw
IK. at lc
Compound Lard, par lb 1 Sc
Genuine Sprint Lamb Htndquartere. par
lb., at ....."is 17"c
G.nuin. Sprint Lamb Porequartera, per
lb., at UVic
Leal Lard, t lbs., tor $1.00
' All erdara aatitk toMartha and wast to 4th St, leave avsry day at M A. M.
v All arder. a.rth to Asm. Ay.., and west to 46 tk SL, leave .very .dar at 2 P. M.
Orders muet a. us kail aa haur kalan delivery laavaa.
The most aanlUry and up-to-date aroeery and meat market In tha mlddla west.
Phm Trier 470 eeaaecta all department.. 1407 Daatlaa St, Omaha. Neb.
Readers are cordially invited to
ask Hiss Gross any questions
about household economy upon
vjhich she may possibly give help
ful advice; they are also invited to
give suggestions from their expe
rience that may be helpful to
others meeting the same problems.
water, and a three-to-one proportion
dressing is desired, pour one-fourth
cup vinegar into the h6ttle and mark
that level on the outside of the bottle
by scratching with a file. Then add
three-fourths cup of oil and mark the
second level in the same way. The
seasonings may be added at the begin
ning or later. Cork the bottle and
shake just before using. With this
device, a quantity of dressing may be
made up at one time, and the ingre
dients need never be measured but
the first time.
No oil is so delicious as olive oil
to the person who is accustomed to it.
but to the uninitiated the olive oil
flavor is often distasteful. French
dressing may be made 'equally well
from corn oil, cottonseed oil, peanut
oil or any commercial table oil.
French dressing is by far the best
dressing for all vegetable salads. It
may be used for any type of salad.
"Marinating" means soaking in
French dressing.
Though we use the term "Mayon
naise," to indicate any kind of salad
dressing, mayonnaise means just one
thing an emulsion of oil in acid and
egg yolk. The following is a standard
1 t. mustard. 2 ett polka.
1 t. .alt. 2 T. lemon Juice. '
1 t. powdered sugar. 14c oil.
Few grain, cayenna. I T. vinegar. '
Stir together the eggs, mustard, salt,
pepper and sugar. Add the oil, a drop
at a time, stirring and beating con
stantly. The back of a silver fork' is
a good thing for mixing mayonnaise,
though some people prefer a Dover
beater. There is a very satisfactory
oil dropper on the market, which
costs 15 cents. As the dressing be
comes very thick it should be thinned
occasionally with vinegar and lemon,
alternately, but never let it lose its
consistency. After the first, the oil
may be added more rapidly. All in
gredients and utensils must be cold.
If the weather is warm, the bowl
should be surrounded with ice water.
If the dressing should separate, be
gin with another yolk , of egg and
stir the separate mixture into it slow
ly, as before. Set the bowl in a cold
place and it should keep for many
days. A mashed hard boiled egg yolk
is an addition to the dry ingredients.
Mayonnaise dressing may be used
for any kind of salad. It is particu
larly favored for meat, fish and egg
salads, and for vegetable salads for
special occasions. v
Thousand Island Dressing.
Thousand Island Dressing is the
name given to mayonnaise or cooked
salad dressing to which is added var
ious chopped ingredients and season
ings. Chopped green peppers, pimen
toes. and hard cooked eggs are al
ways added; other possible additions
include chilli sauce, Worcestershire
sauce, or tomato ketchup; chopped
pickles, onions, chives, olives, etc.
These foods may be added in ay de
sired quantities.
Question Box.
Mrs. M. R. B., asks to have fruit
cake recipes reprinted. Tne follow
ing are the only ones wliich have
appeared recently:
4-lb. butter. candled.
ta-lb. rnolaase.. H-lb. orange and
-b. brown augar. Imon peel.
S eggs, 2-oa. sweet almonda.
H-pt. warm milk. 2-os. bitter almonds
2 lb. ourranta, 1-lb. flour.
Cream butter and sugar, add mo
lasses and beat well. Add eggs, one
For either brain or
Bakerls Cocoa
is reires
tains mor
wOcoa contains more
nourishment than
Walter Baker & Co. Ltd
Diamond C or Beat 'Em All Soap, I bare
tor 25c
Waahlntton'a Best' Flour, sack.... S2.4S
Washburn-Crosby Gold Medal Flour, per
sack, at 2.4S
Freah, Criap Glnter Snap., lb Oc
-All Brands Creamery Butter, Ib..,.40c
Extra Fancy Country Butter, lb,... 38c
Crtaeo, par can... 30c, 60c, fl.lS
Pur. Preserves, lane Jara. special. ,24c
Quean Olives, lane jara. special. .. ,14c
Pork and Beana, in tomato aauec, per
can, at ioc
by one, beating the mixture thor
oughly between each additioj), then
add milk and beat five minutes. Mix
currants and flour, chop candied peel,
blanch and shred almonds, add to
other ingredients and mix thoroughly.
Stir in flour very lightly. Bake in a
slow oven five hours and store away
a few weeks before cutting.
H-Ib. butter,
a-lb. brown sugar.
2 t. caramel.
B egga. .
U -lb. flour.
2 T. brandy.
Pinch of salt.
t t. mixed aplcea.
tt-lb. ralelna.
1- lb. curranta.
2- oa. aweet almonds.
2-oz. citron.
2-02. mixed peel.
Cream butter and sugar, add eggs
one by one, alternating with a little
flour and beating very well between
each addition. Add other ingredients
except brandy and mix well. Beat
twenty minutes and add brandy. Pour
into a tin lined with greased paper
and bake in a moderate oven about
three hours.
2 p. sugar. 1-3 o. each chopped
2 T. butter. orange and lemon
1 t. grated nutmeg. peel.
1 t. cloves. I o. aeeded raisins.
1 t. allapice. 2 e. aour max.
1 t. cinnamon. 1 t. aoda.
1 o. currants. 8 c. flour.
1 e. chopped nuts. 1 t. baking powder.
H o. chopped citron.
Cream butter and sugar, add spices.
Add one cupful sour milk; add fruit,
then one cupful flour. Sift soda and
baking powder with rest of flour, add
flour and rest of milk alternately.
Bake in a slow oven one and a half
Tested Recipes.
Eggless Chocolate Cake.
Cream a cup of sugar with a table
spoon of butter, two tablespoons of
grated chocolate or cocoa, and a level
teaspoon of cinnamon. Thin with a
cup of milk, and work in one and a
half cups of flour. Cut up and seed a
scant cup of raisins and chop the
meats of twelve English walnuts. Stir
with these half a cup of flour and add
to the rest. Dissolve a teaspoon of
soda in two tablespoons of boiling
water and add, stirring until all is per
fectly smooth. Then bake in a loaf
and ice with a frosting made by boil
ing a cup ot brown sugar with half a
cup of water and a teaspoon of water
until the syrup spins a thread, then
beat for a few moments and spread
on the cake. .
Sift together a cup of flour and five
tablespoons of sugar, then rub in two
heaping tablespoons of butter, add
one well beaten egg, and stir to a
smooth paste. Flavor with vanilla
Cut with a dry small cutter after roll
ing out, then roll the little cakes into
balls, roll in granulated sugar and
press a raisin or a nut meat into the
top of each and bake in a quick oven.
Curried Tripe and Macaroni.
A pound and a half of good fresh
tripe will be sufficient tor six por
tions. It usually comes from the
butcher s partially cooked, but should
be well washed, cut in small pieces or
strips, then covered with cold water.
Bring this to a boil, drain off and
throw away, cover with cold milk and
simmer for an hour. Salt and pepper
to taste, slightly thicken with a blend
of butter and flour, and stir in half a
teaspoon of curry powder. Have ready
macaroni cooked until tender in milk
and water. Arrange this in a border,
putting the curried tripe in the center.
Garnish with parsley and serve very
Eggless Corn Muffins.
Put the iron muffin pans with a bit
of lard in each in the oven until hot.
Sift together three tablespoons of yel
low corn meal and three of flour, also
three heaping teaspoons of baking
powder, two teaspoons of sugar and
half a teaspoon of salt. Mix to a soft
batter with a cup of milk and two
tablespoons of melted butter and
other shortening half and half and
nil the piping hot muffin pans half
beef i
25,000 LBS. PIG PORK LOINS, LB 1578c
Steer Porterhouse Steak, lb 17V,e
Steer Shoulder 8teak, lb.... 14V,c
Steer Pot Rout, Ib 11 Vac
Yount Veal Roast, lb HV.c
Yount Veal Chops, Ib, U'ic
Pit Pork Roast, lb... ,.ie"ic
Pit Pork Butts, lb .17c
Mutton Chops, Ib 14V,
Mutton Rout, lb SVsc
15,000 LBS. PIG PORK LOINS, LB 15c
Staar Pot Roast, lb 11V,
Yount Veal Rout, Ib 11 Via
Yount Veal Chops, lb 14Vic
Steer Shoulder Steak, Ib I4rtc
Steer Porterhouse Steak, lb 17Vaa
Pit Pork Butt., Ik ITVsc
Pit Pork Rout, Ib lV,a
Mutton Chop., Ib 14V,e
Mutton Stow, 4 lba, for. A Xc
full. Bake brown and serve at once.
This will make a dozen muffins.
Chili Con Came.
tut up the remains of steak. In the
casserole put a layer of the meat,
sprinkle over it chopped onion, a few
spoons of canned kidney beans and a
layer of canned tomatoes, seasoning
each combination layer with salt and
chili pepper. Repeat until the casser
ole is filled, then turn in the liquid
part of the tomatoes, thickened with
a little flour and butter, cover and
bake for an hour, then uncover and
bake for twenty minutes.
Mock Terrapin.
Parboil a pound of beef liver cut in
slices, for five minutes, then drain,
and brown in bacon drippings Chop
in small pieces, but do not mince, put
back in the pan and add a quarter of
a teaspoon of dry mustard, salt and
pepper to taste and a few drops of
Worcestershire sauce. If there is not
much liquor in the pan add a very
little boiling water. Boil up, thicken
with a teaspoon of flour blended with
one of butter. Add a finely chopped
nard boiled egg and a few drops ot
lemon juice. This dish is delicious.
Woman's World.
Hubby Objects to Wife
Attending Hops by Herself
Three years of wedded life has not
tended to cool the love of George
Kazaros for his wife. Thursday even
ing, it is said, Mrs. Kazaros attended
a dance at Washington hall without
the consent of her doting spouse.
Peevish at this lack of discipline,
Kazaros "is said to have , grabbed .his
trusty six-shooter and a pair of brass
knucks and started on his way to
wreak vengeance upon any man who
dared dance with his wife. Officer
Anderson was attracted by the oaths
of Kazaros at Seventeenth and Har
ney streets and, believing that the
man was up to some mischief, ar
rested him. Upon Kazaros were found
the revolver and brass knucks. In po
lice court Friday- morning he was
given a suspended sentence of sixty
Bedford Wants Flags On
Court House All the Time
In the future two flags will fly from
staffs atop the court house twenty
four hours a day.
Orders to this effect have been is
sued by Commissioner Bedford, who
was incensed when he came down
town on the morning of Washington's
birthday and found the court house
bare of any display of the Red, White
and Blue. He ordered that flags be
run upon staffs that stood gaunt and
naked against the sky. THey were
but were taken down Thursday even
ing, sow the commissioner has de
creed that the flags be kept flying day
and night' for an indefinite period.
Police Believe They Have
Solved Porcine Mystery
With the arrest of Edward Blake,
the police believe they have closed
the last chapter of a baffling porcine
Blake is said to have stolen a hog
from the Omaha Feed and Render
ing company. Notified of the crime,
officers followed a trail of blood and
footsteps to a vacant house near
Tenth and Grace streets. There they
found the animal under a pile of straw
with its throat cut. They were ad
vised of its presence when it gave
its last dying grunt. Blake was turned
over to the Council Bluffs police, as
the rendering plant is on land un'dcr
the jurisdiction of the Iowa town.
Quo-Warranto Proceedings
Filed Against Compton
A. C. 'Harte, defeated candidate for
county commissioner, has filed with
the clerk of the district court quo
warranto proceedings to oust A. D.
Compton, successful candidate, from'
the office. Harte alleges in his petition
that no election should have been
held in 1916 under the four-year rule,
which was passed in 1905. He says
elections should have been held in
1909 and 1913, and that there should
not have been one in 1916, because
four years had not expired.
Fire in Postoffice Draws
Much Smoke and Big Crowd
Tired firemen, who had just thawed
out their ice-encrusted uniforms,
responded to a call from the post
office building at 3 o'clock in the
afternoon when some blanks in tlie
internal revenue office mysteriously
started a blaze. There was much
smoke and a great crowd gathered,
probably anticipating another big con
flagration. But chemicals were
enough 'to extinguish the fire.
Kaiser Apologizes for
Sinking Swedish Ship
London, Feb. 23. Reuter's Stock
holm correspondent cables that the
German minister to Sweden has in
formed the'Swedish foreign minister
that the Swedish steamship Edda was
sunk as a result of a mistake of a
submarine commander and that the
German governments regrets the oc
currence and is prepared to pay an
indemnity. The Edda was torpedoed
January 29 while on its way to
Sweden with coal.
Mutton Stew. 4 lba., tor 2Sc
Extra Lean Regular Hams, Ib....l04c
Sutar Cured Bacon, lb lSVeC
From 8 to 0 p. m. Lamb Chops, Ib, Sc
From 0 to 10 p. m. Country Sauaata
par Ib, at 7c
Dellvet(.e Made to All Parte af tha City,
Mau uroere
Filled At These Pricea.
Phono Douglas 2791
Extra Lean Regular Hama, lb.,..19c
Sutar Cured Bacon,1 lb lBc
Front t to 0 p. m. Pork Ckapa, Ik, ISc
From 0 to 10 p. at. Lama Chopa, lb, Sc
DaUTarka Made to All Part, al tha City.
Mall Order. Filled At Then Pricae.
113 South 16th Straw!,
Phono Doug. 2307..
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