THE BEE : OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1917. The Omaha Bee DAILY fltORNINQ-mmNO-SUNDA Y FOUNDED BY EDWARD 1Q3EWATER. VICTOR ROSEWATER, EDITOR THE BEE PUBUSHING COMPANY, PROPRIETOR. Enter t Ommh patorfl M ttcond-tlm mitUr. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. , Br Curiae B Hill mu. m .. Mum. ; miM r IS " !' KwlJ MlkoM lrtW Hi? 12 twdw M lr " lull, nil SotkHj Rj, Ilia n t ttmm...... j" tad MW of ckun of Kidraai or ImaalarU? to lnw to Out Bm. OicalalM. Oomhimm. REMITTANCE. Rantt r Mt rnnn or poaul onto. (Mr otuin Utaa III HrtMBt of bbmUI Keoanu. I'firjomi chwts. esoapt on OibiJm ua Mten acbftoit. Dot ooctptod. OFFICES. OnSt-Tha Boo BolVftnt. ak PmrWi flH rMIdbl. Soul Olfllha 231 N 81. H,w Tort 2r) Fifth Are. Cosnatl Bluff-14 N It St LoMo Now B of Um LUcols UUlo BaOdrM. WurAfUB 7J5 14tk Bt N. W. CORRESPONDENCE. Molina to ana MRnnM Bjaoar aa 0oat bo. Editorial Ifcrporlmmt. JANUARY CIRCULATION ' 54,320 Daily Sunday 49,878 iron otrralotlon for tho nrmtk ubosrlkcd tod Boom to bj Datafct luaacrikan aaaJlarJ to tfcaas. Ik city ahaoM baa Th B chanffool aa oftoa aa rqat. The Stars ind Stripes always look mighty goof) more so now than ever! : Britain's daily war bill makes past perform ances look like tips to (he porter. Goodby, Von Bernstorffl Take care of your self! We are really sorry to see you go. And now Carranza has a little scheme to re I stort peace in Europe. . Why not try it out first on Mexico? ' .' : Rest easy that the corporation thimble-rigger cannot put anything over under cover with Jerry on the job. ' The school book trust must be deaf if it does not hear an S. O. S. call from the legislative cham ber at Lincoln. ' The silence that pervades the homeward route of Ambassador -Gerard reveals the diplomat in his proper light ' Not so sure now, Mr. Groundhog, that you did not make a mistake when you hiked back so quickly to your hole! The day of the hideous "comic" is supposed to be past, but St. Valentine has to make excep tions to do justice to some folks. i- Whatever happens in Belgium, the good work and kind deeds already credited to American gen erosity for helpless war victims cannot be un done. , I Nowadays calling an officeholder a "corpora tion tool" constitutes a 'challenge to fight. For merly the title was esteemed a badge of prosperity. An annual review of the debts we owe tbe fathers of the republic are . also reminders that our forgeteriet work overtime the remainder of the year. . I " t Uncle Sam is urged to. buy a few more West India islands and complete his string. Evidently the Caribbean tourist circuit needs a few more patches of tropical green. . For the convenience of visitors some of our , public officers should have placards printed and hung on the door: "Oat of town down at Lincoln lobbying for my own pocketbook." ' Belgium becomes more and more the national martyr of the war. The enforced retirement of Americans engaged in relief work vitally in creases the danger of national extermination, A deficit of nearly thirteen indies in the an nual rainfall in this section indicates that the weather bureau mixed its dates. Officially and legally the drouth does not begin for ten weeks. ' The best and most effective tribute Americans can pay the memory of Washington and Lincoln is to make their precepts the guide of individual action and national policy every day in the year. ; Leagues and league and then some more leagues abound in this country as never before. The offspring of war feeling draw sastenance from war passions. Most of them exist in name 'only the name serving as a tail for kiting the personality and views of expert windjammers. As a matter of honor as well as safety, the legislature should compel observance of parlia mentary law by members in and out of their chambers. Ringing in Queensbtrry rules to clinch an argument or spike an epithet seriously en dangers available material for a beanty contest. Peril of High Salaries -St. Laal Ckka-Dai 1 The New York investigation of the motion picture business has brought forth some inter esting statements from prominent producers. One has declared that the number of new pro ducing companies threatens the ruin of the busi ness. But that is a condition that always attends any industry that becomes suddenly prosperous. The law of the survival of the fittest will attend to that in its own cruel way. But there is an other peril that has an element of novelty. It is stated that the star actors and actresses are commanding salaries that promise ruin to pro ducers. Individuals who drew very modest in comes in the spoken drama and some who got work only occasionally at any price are now said to receive salaries many times larger than sre paid the most brilliant figures in business, litera ture, or public life. A slap-stick comedian draws as much salary a week as the greatest actor in the past got in a season. Nobody has ever been able to figure out the money value of anybody's services. Mr. Bryan once set $5,000 a year as the limit, but after his political fame made , him a drawing card, he changed his .view. His rule now is that one is entitled to receive all that his services are worth to mankinds. Under this rule, Buchanan was overpaid and Lincoln underpaid. . There does not seem to be any perfect plan for applying such a rule. But the movie stars have adopted a method that has worked to their advantage. They leave it to the gambling producer to figure out how much he can make of their fame and they lell their services to the highest bidder. . i The producers may have to manufacture stars, ti theatrical managers did, although the experi ment was not a brilliant success. Or some may give productions that depend upon plot or gor geous spectacle instead of upon the personality of the stars. The Sherman act forbids an easy - solution of the matter, such as the base ball leagues have adopted. . - - Making Short Ballot Progress. Trospects are that substantial progress toward the short ballot will be scored through legislation in course of enactment in Nebraska. Two steps are practically decided upon that will materially simplify the ballot used in our future elections. One contemplates eliminating the names of presidential electors and substituting the presi dential standard bearers of the respective parties. In this way the voter would express his prefer ence directly for the candidate for president in stead of for a set of presidential electors without personal equation in the contest and make one or, at most, two cross marks where now he is required to make eight and even then is not cer tain of accomplishing the result be desires. Another ballot shortening change will come through the adoption of the four-year term for county officers, bringing their choice on the in termediate election between presidential years. Voting to fill an office once in four years, instead of once in two years, means voting for fewer candidates each time and Better opportunity to concentrate upon really important offices at issue. The ultimate short ballot goal will be reached, however, only by abolishing the minor elective offices and making them appointive, by making the terms overlap so that they will not all be elected at the same time and by legislative reap portionment, one to a district, instead of bunching together as many as twelve, as is now the case In Douglas county with disastrous results. Rome wss not built in a day and neither will the short ballot be achieved through one legislature, but every step in advance brings it closer and makes it more certain in the long run. Who Speaks for the People? The Babel of noises going up and claiming to deal with the nation's destiny emanates from groups, more or leas detached and independent, yet each professing to voice the deeper views of the American people. The public listens with some patience to all of these. Many of these spokes men represent nobody, some of them talk for or ganizations of varying numerical strength, but all of them assume to speak for the public as a whole, An observer unacquainted with our ways might think Americans inextricably involved in a mate of conflicting sentiment He will by watch ing learn that this is characteristic of our great national life, which grows constantly through the turmoil, When the supreme test comes we will lay aside personal views and stand undivided for the safety of the institutions of our country, the most sacred of which is the one that permits the widest divergence and freest expression of in dividual opinion, Nation-Wide Food Cost Inquiry. President Wilson's proposal for a general in quiry into the high cost of living will afford plenty of opportunity for speculation as to its outcome. Serious misgivings are indulged by many as to the authority of the federal govern ment to regulate prices or trade beyond its es tablished power over illegal combinations and to prevent discrimination in interstate commerce. So far as this power has been applied it has but lightly affected the course of business and in no Instance checked the upward course of prices. Th law of supply and demand is still opera tive, although the existence of co-ordinated groups of trader may indue artificial conditions through manipulation. Disturbance of world affair for the last two year ha contributed to the possi bilities in this diTectiorrf but othir factors enter the problem and increase its complexity. For ex ample, a few years ago much discussion was had over the "contents of container," but now the price of the container is attracting more attention from the retailers. Advancing prices of metals have been reflected in the cost of canned goods, while the'upshoot in paper price has not been felt by the publishers alone, but i extended to all makers of foodstuffs 'or other articles that are finally delivered in paper wrapper, bag or car tons. In these Ind in other way the effect of the constantly ascending level of prices has been distributed throughout the mas of tbe popula tion, which must finally make good the high cost of living, -i The proposed inquiry witl perhaps satisfy a popular demand and may possibly open a way to reform in methods of marketing. If we are en abled to bring producer and unsoroer a little closer together we may lower tbe cost of tbe service, but it will still remain true that final cost will depend on how expensive (he service is to be. Cabin PoHtje Bubbling Again. Advice from Secretary Lansing to the Cuban patriots that they adjust their political differences without resort to arm ha failed to produce the desired result, and now our government is offer ing to loan the Cuban authorities arms and am munition to defend themselves. Reports come from the island that engagements have taken place, with loss of life, between the rebels and the government troops.' This will surely revive interest in a lot of things that have been obscured by events, one of which is the responsibility of the United States for maintenance of order In Cuba. Under the Piatt amendment we took on something in the nature of general oversight for the little republic, very direct in some regards, and at least once since its first president took his seat under American direction we have had to interpose to preserve the institutions we aided in setting up. It now remains to be seen if we will apply "watchful waiting" to Cuba, or if we will spare the Cubans the horrors of Mexico by a little wisely moderated interference and direction, Nearly every ragtag and bobtail bill before the lawmakers at Lincoln carries an emergency clause. Declaring "whereas an emergency exists," however, does not make an emergency as contem plated by the constitution. Some of these fine days our supreme court will develop enough perspicacity and backbone to nullify these fake "emergencies" and confine tbe emergency clause to legislation affecting conditions that will not remain unchanged until the prescribed time for laws to become effective may elapse. Our sensitive solons at Lincoln are afraid they may be contaminated by contact with serpentine lobbyists without realising that they are being so exposed. There ought to be some way to com pel a lobbyist to identify himself by distinctive costume and warning signal perceptible by night as well as by day. Virtuous lawmaker must be protected from seductive blandishments at what ever cost. Living costs in the warring countries is not so much a question of money. It is the more vital one of getting the goods. Melting Pot, Limited -WuhiBft Letter la Boots Trajucript.- On May 1, 1917. will take effect the first immi gration act, containing a literacy test provision, ever to pass the congress of the United States; a hill enacted into law only after the veto of Presi dent Wilson had been overridden. For the present this probably ends the discussion of the advisa bility of the literacy test, a discussion that has held attention for years within and without the halls of congress. When the act becomes effec tive a little more than two rronths hence it will supersede practically all of the immigration laws that have been placed on the statute books in the last thirteen years. The new law is identical in many respects with the hill passed by the last congress which was vetoed by President Wilson and failed to pass over his veto by only a few votes. It is more famous for its literacy clause than for any other feature, but while this may be its most sensa tional claim to public notice, it is a codification and re-enactment of a jumble of immigration laws on the statute books. Were the literacy test not in the bill the measure still would be one of the greatest importance for the reforms m the immi gration service which it prescribes. The literacy test proposes in brief the exclusion of aliens who cannot read in some language or dialect, and was aimed at a class of immigrants far different from same group which might have been affected by the same exclusion test sav fifty vears ago. when the best muscle and some of the best brains of Europe, notably from Ireland, were seeking our shores. Exemptions in the bill are generous; and one of the arguments in defense of the literacy test has been that persons otherwise eligible could qualify for admission to the United States by merely learning to read. The test applies only to aliens over 16 years of age; and it provided that any admissible alien, or any alien heretofore or hereafter legally admitted, or any citizen of the United States, may bring in or send for his father or grandfather over fifty-five years of age, his wife, his mother, his grandmother or his un married or widowed daughter, if otherwise ad missible, whether such relatives can read or not The reading test will be of not less than thirty or more than forty words in ordinary use, printed in legible type in an appropriate language or dia lect. Aliens a-voMmg religious persecution in the country of their last permanent residence are exempted from the literacy test, "whether such persecution be evidenced by overt acts or by law or governmental regulations that discriminate against the alien of his race to which he belongs because of his religious faith." Aliens who have lived continuously in the United States gain the right to go abroad and return within six months from the date of their departure. The American Federation of Labor has assid uously urged the adoption of the literacy test and it is doubted if this much disputed feature could have been retained in the bill had organized labor been opposed to it A new provision, which may not please the unions as much but is regarded as a necessary offset to the exclusions compelled by the literacy test is one permitting skilled labor, if otherwise admissible, to be imported if labor of like kind cannot be found in this country. The question of the necessity of importing such skilled labor may be determined by the secretary of labor, but application must be made before such importation and the secretary of labor must have rendered a decision after a full hearing and investigation. The provisions of the contract labor law are not held, however, to exclude pro fessional actors, artists, lecturers, singers, nurses, clergymen, college professors or other profes sional men and domestic servants. The Asiatic exclusion test has been a source of grave contention, particularly with the Jap anese government but congress has wisely fol lowed the guidance of the State department and avoided framing the new exclusion law in lan guage offensive to the sensitive Japanese. No nationality or race is indicated by name, and the exclusion applies only to residents of whatever specified territory may exist between certain par allels ost latitude and longitude. After the bill had passed the house its language was modified by request of Baron Chinda, the then Japanese ambassador, and although a sensational story got about to the effect that fresh objection to the exclusion clause had been raised by the Japanese government, this was found not to be true. Even with respect to Asiatics the exclusions are broad and include ministers or religious teachers, mis sionaries, lawyers, physicians, chemists, civil engi neers, teachers, students, authors, artists, mer chants and travelers and their legal wives and their children under 16 years of age. The new law will not repeal the Chinese exclusion act The section relating to the solicitation of aliens to enter the country by transportation com panies, owners and masters of vessels, etc, now carries a heavy penalty ($400) for each offense, and persistent violation of the law by a steamship company will render it liable to the revocation of its privilege of landing alien immigrants here. Bad Teeth and Bad Eyes -Itnr York WwrVr- ,' The marked increase of applications by young men to join the army and navy is an encouraging thing. Unfortunately, there is less cause for satisfaction in the surprisingly large number of rejections for physical unfitness. Thus of 276 ap Itcants at the New York and nearby stations in January for enlistment in the navy 221 were rejected, and of the fifty -frve who passed only twenty-seven took the oath. From February 1 to February 6 there were 230 applications and twenty-two enlistments. Bad teeth figure as the main cause of unfitness, together with poor eye sight and defective bearing. An army must have eyes and ears and a sound digestion, and if these grave impediments to mili tary service are to be removed the remedy must be applied while the youth from whom recruits are to come are yet of school age. But will any pacifist consent to have the public schools ex posed to this new menace of preparedness? If a few hours of physical training weekly constitutes militarism, what will compulsory dentistry and eye treatment be but f rightfulness of some sort? Yet what preparation have boys who carmot see or hear wdl and who are rmderrronrished by reason of their poor teeth for success in industrial employment? It is not only that tbey are unfit to be soldiers or sailors; they are also unfit to be motonnen or engineers or to enter a hundred oc cupations requiring physical fitness. The army and navy tests reveal a serious defect that calls for correction regardless of national defense. . People and Events Not the least of the causes delaying American ships in home ports is the scarcity of wireless operators. The submarine scare prevails in the ranks of the radio men. William Lorimer's partner in the banking business in Chicago, Charles B. Munday, lost the second round in the courts in his battle to keep out of the penitentiary. The court of appears affirmed his conviction for bank wrecking. The case goes to the state supreme court for the finish round. Your Uncle Sam now rivals John Bull in possessing territory on which the sun never sets. St.. Croix, in the newly-acquired Danish West Indies group, is the eastern end and Bahtbac in the Philippines the western end, or half the cir cumference of the earth. Just as the sun is rising on St. Croix it is settjng on Balabac Two federal courts have blocked the moves of Cuyahoga county, Ohio, to pinch John D. Rocke feller for taxes on $311,000,000 worth of property. The county needs the money. But John D. knows the touch of Cleveland. He lived there in the wayback days and still has a summer residence there. His steady home, the courts find, is among the Pocantico hills where Hudson scenery discount the dreary reaches of Lake Erie. 1 TODAY Health Hint for Today. Authorities claim that cancer of the mouth may be cured in most caea by diarontinuinK smoking; (that is. of court;, if you are a smoker) having your teeth put in order and faithfully using a good mouth wash. On Tear Ago Today In the War. All single men in Great Britain called to the colors. Capture of Krzerum by Russian, of ficially announced. Germans captured French positions in Champagne and Alsace, for a total of a mile. Germany intimated her new eam p&lgn against armed merchantmen might be postponed. In Omaha Thirty Years Ago. Manager ftheem of the American District Telegraph company has re ceived thirty-ttve blue jacket as uni forms for the messenger boyB in his charge. They were made to order and some of them bear marks of or namentation to distinguish the rank of tho we.arer, which runs from cap tain to private. Thfl men of No. 3 engine house pre sented James Delaney and his bride with a handsome easy chair. Ten young ladies presented them selves for examination to be admitted as teachers In the public schools. The examining committee consists of W. W. Keysor, Mrs. Sudborough and Mrs. Kurtis. At a recital In the First Methodist Episcopal church the following were on the program; Mesdames J. T. Clarke, R. W. Breckenrldge; Misses Emma Fried, Nettie Vapor, Ullle Chamberlain and Dr. J. M. Woodburn. Captain Webb of Engine company No. 3, one of the best and most fear less fire fighters In the department has suddenly made up his mind to re tire from the service. He is succeeded In the captaincy by George Wlndhelm, who is also a reliable fireman. Mr. and Mrs. 6. T. Smith gave a dancing party at the Millard in honor of Kansas City guests. Miss Tressie Brickert, while draw ing water from an unenclosed well at the rear of her residence, slipped and fell to the bottom, a distance of twenty-two feet By clinging to the sides of the well she saved herself from drowning until she was rescued by neighbors. This Day In History. 1800 Emory Washburn, the last Whig governor of Massachusetts, born at Leicester,' Mass. Died at Cam bridge. Mass.. March 18, 1877. 1804 Otis Tufts, who built the first passenger elevators In this country, born at Cambridge, Mass. Died in Boston, Nov. 6, 1869. 1824 General Winfield Scott Han cock, civil war commander and dem ocratic candidate for president in 1880, bom at Montgomery, Pa., died in New York, February 9, 1886. 1842 Juliet Corson, the originator of cooking schools, born in Boston. Died in New York City, June IS, 1897. 1876 Alexander Graham Ben filed an application for a patent for a speaking telephone. 1879 "Marseillaise" officially recog nised as the French national anthem. 1896 Isaac P. Gray, United States minister to Mexico and former gover nor of Indiana, died in Mexico City. Born in Chester county, Pennsylvania, October 18, 1828. 1903 The president signed the bill creating the Department of Commerce and Labor. 1911 The house of representatives passed the Canadian reciprocity bill The Day We Cctebrate. "Mogy" Bernstein is 41 years old to day. His real name is Moses and he started out as a newsboy and In charge of the newsboys for The Bee, since which time he has branched out Into various lines of business. Philip Potter, local manager of the American Surety company of New York, was born February 14, 1845, in Baltimore. He was educated at Ho bart college and -Brown university and was in the mercantile buslnesB before he located In Omaha in 1886. Rev. Anna Howard Shaw, the fore- most loader of the woman suffrage movement in America, born at New-castle-on-Tyne, England, seventy years ago today. Florence Roberts, a noted actress of the American stage, born In New York City, forty-six years ago today. Lieutenant Commander William C Watts, the new judge advocate of the United States navy, born in Pennsyl vania, exactly thirty-seven years ago today. William Shaw, prohibition leader and general secretary of the Christian Endeavor society, born at BalJardvlUe, Mass., fifty-seven years ago today. Israel Zangwill, celebrated author and playwright born in London, fifty three years ago today. Charles F. Johnson, United States senator from Maine, born at Wlnslow, Me., fifty-eight years ago today. Ttntoly Jottings and Reminders. St Valentine's day. Greetings to Arizona, the "baby state," five years old today. The senate and house of representa tives will meet in joint session today for the quadrennial function of count ing the presidential elector vote. Brigadier General George B. Scriv en, chief signal officer of the United States army, is to be placed on the retired list today on his own applica tion. Negro OTgarrixaticns In all parts ot the country have arranged for a suit able observance today in honor of the centennial anniversary of the birth of BYederick Douglass, the noted ne gro leader and orator. Storyetto of the Day. Two men were in a dining car. or dering breakfast The first one said to the waiter: "George, you may bring me two fried eggs, some broiled Virginia ham. a pot of coffee and some rolls." The other said: "You may bring me the same." "Yassa." The secorfft man then called after the waiter and remarked: 'Just eliminate the eggs." In a moment the waiter came back. " 'Sense me, boss, but Just what did you all say erbout dem aigs?" . "I said just eliminate the eggs." "Yassa." And he hurried again to the tiny kitchen. In another moment he came back once more, leaned confidently and penitently over tne tame, and said: "We had a bad accident .Jest afo' we leave de depot dis morning', boss, an' de delimtnator done got busted off right at de handle. WiU you take 'em fried, as dl hyar gemmenf" New York Times. Suggestion for the State House. South Auburn, Neb., Feb U. To the Editor of The Bee: That the com mercial organ iftatlona and the farm ers' union occupy antagonistic posi tions on the question of improving Ne braska roads la only too evident- The present disagreement promises only to block highway development In any di rection. We need a body of public sentiment which can pan Judgment upon these defined claims of equal validity. There must be a view which embraces ail of the conflicting inter- en te if we are to have the mutual ad justment and accommodation that will be necessary for caxryiny out any comprehensive scheme. The federal and state appropriations should not be entirely for the benefit of a few com mercial highways and pleasure boule vards. On the other hand the advo cates of the ordinary dirt roads should realize that these necessary avenues of communication cannot satisfy com pletely ail of the needs of the state, The whole matter of a unified plan for highway development is primarily one of impartial expert opinion. Why would it not be possible to request the state engineer or some other similar expert of the state government to sug gest an extension program for the building and improvement of Nebras- Ka roads, permanent and other? Speaking of compromise and par tial co-operation among rival propo nents, would it not also be advisable, in view of the varying opinions as to the appropriate character of the new state house, for the legislature to au thorize the governor to appoint an unpaid commission to Investigate our needs and possibilities in the way of a capitol and report it to the next leg islature? . JOHN HANNA. Wore the Boys Over-Exuberant. Omaha, Feb. 1L To the Editor of The tiee: I beg leave to call attention to the services held In the municipal auditorium, but more particularly to the conduct of Omaha High school students, for whose benefit the enter tainment was Intended. Yes, they were out en masse, with plumage and all.j&nd succeeded In almost queering the whole service. Nut being satis fied with giving a college yell, which Is entirely out of place at a memorial, they managed to keep all kinds of discordant sounds, whistling, throw ing buzzers out over the audience. In fact, anything to annoy. In justice to the two speakers I wish to say the two eulogies pro nounced on Lincoln and Washington were simply immense and both mas ter productions, equal to anything 1 have ever heard from that platform and well worthy of better treatment, and I hope if an inviation is ever ex tended to these students again to take part in exercises of this kind that all the policemen In the city be included in the Invitation, and needs be, the standing army. If they are not old enough to have pride enough to re spect speakers who were Invited here for their particular benefit it's an out rage and a shame and on any other occasion they would have been ar rested. Old Grand Army men who were anxious to hear the speakers had their entertainment spoiled to a great ex tent, and so much so that you could see in their countenances that they were greatly annoyed. ROBERT DEITRICK. Rejoinder to the Traveling Men. Omaha, Feb. 13.' To the Editor of The Bee: Can I prevail upon your generosity to provide me space to come back in rebuttal on the triple alibi presented by those three most innocent and industrious traveling men who have so courageously signed their names to an article making a personal attack upon me because I defended a victim of man's animalism and the insane system of society that differs from feudalism only in name and methods? I refer to P. G. Lewis of Omaha, J. H. Rewell and O. D. Yohe of Lincoln. I shall not resort to personal feel ing in this discussion because I know that we are all victims of the same system that produces liars, hypocrites, thieves, murderers, prostitutes (female and male). August Bebel in his book, "Woman," tells of the time Just be fore the fall of Rome when there ex isted in that paradise of human brutes (Rome) such a condition of licentiousness that it spread over the entire world as it was known at that time. Men and women vied with one another in acts of immorality. So cieties were formed by men for the practice of what was known as "Greek love." We need not throw stones at our fallen sister who through eco nomic necessity has been forced to sell her virtue, not to a woman, but to a poor, resisting, innocent man. I have too much respect now for my mother, sister, wife and daughter to accuse any woman of making her body common property Just for lazi ness or pure devilishness. The inher ent good planted within the mother breast makes this impossible, backed up by the facts of the different Investi gating committees who have proven It has an economic basis. Man participates in the bitter sweets of woman, then he kicks her down, down and down. Man once denied that woman had a soul. Man makes the law that punishes woman for participating in the violation of that law. Man has kept woman In economic and political slavery. Man has denied to woman up to a short time ago the right to Join a union that she might help better her working conditions. Man establishes moral ethics and the civil code to guide society, bnt it Is a single standard. Men has always, in fart, treated the mothers of the race more like animals than human beings and it stamps him as a moral hypocrite and a social coward. As to working conditions on the road, H per cent of traveling men with ordinary ability work only from five to six hours. Any dub working longer lacks ability to produce results. If our friends work fifteen or sixteen hours a day they either are new at the business or they lack ability. Ninety-five per cent of all traveling men are always anxious to stop the road at their earliest opportunity and I deny they stay until old age, death, or are killed. I sold goods enough to satisfy th boss, as my record of years on the road proves, and still had time to he devilish the same as the rest of the Innocents. Steer clear of those trav eling men who try to shame St An thony. I will, however, qnalify my previous statement to not apply to over SO per cent of the married travelers and 99 per cent of the single. 1 stopped the road because I married. Is that a legitimate excuse? JESSE T. BRILLHART, 1332 South Twenty-first street. SAID IN FUN. Mrs. Qu.wfu.' Thorn's one fotxl thin k about our stria, John; tbey ar always ! POswmmmwL Quiverful (grimly) Tu ; they'ra toe ielf poisjML I wUh they'd get somooa else to possess them. Boston Transcript. "Mr fortmts fs made." "How so?" Tw Just limnted an attachment to conserve the eneryy expended upon sum br the tienofrapher's Jaw -movement and run a dynamo." Florida TUnaa-Unlon. "Pop, do I ersT" "Of course not, you foolish child. ao yon ask tnatv "Because In book they are always plow Ins the ocean." Baltimore American. Mrs. A- Don't you think you lose pa tience with your husband on rather slight provocation? Mrs. B.I have to provoke him some tl men so that he will lose hts temper and then irlve me anything I want so as to atone for the war h has acted- Boston Tran script. Mothr Toiir father didn't take his cold bath this morning, did heT Johnny Nope. I beard him kicking be cause there wasn't sny hot water. Life. cap tains have to be farm Why HOCH DER CUPID! Oh, tho month of February Is a month of conquests bold, By a daring little general. Full of Intrigues manifold; With an aim that's true and steady From bis tried and trusty how. His little darts go whizzing And lay his victims low. So peaoe league ever daunts him. Nor talk of arbitration; No neutral rights he'll recognise. Nor bint of regulation; He has declared his danger zone. And all wbo venture there Will be in danger from the darts That perforata the air. No matter what security you reel, you're not oxerant. Tho' fortified with features plain. me io r tress ne ii attempt. And tho' your heart is hard as flint And you boast you are Immune. A little arrow from hts bow May shortly change yoar tana. Some people say that bs Is blind. This Genera Dan Cupid. But, on reftectlon, you will find This is a statement stunld: When he seems to overshoot the mark And some near tercet's sllehted. tt does not prove that he Is blind- Perhaps be s just as far-atgbted. Now this month of February, wnen tne boom or battle roars In the sentimental universe. Don t risk that heart of yours: Don't go loitering and lingering Too near that danger line. Or you will soon find out that you Are some one's valentine. BAYOLL NB TRELE. statistics prove WE HELP THE DOCTOR Win the victory against sick ness by giving your prescrip tion the utmost care in com pounding. The physician up preciates, and we appreciate, that thoroughness is absolutely necessary. We use only the best and purest drugs, and our supply is always fresh. No where will the charge for filling prescriptions be more satisfactory. for Hospital and Sick-Room Supplies. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. Four Good Drug- Sioros. REAL financial inde pendence ia not attained by simply taring money. Once eernnnlated, it most be ja diraoTuly invested where it can really WOBK for yotu Money drawing a small interest rate ia not -working to advantage. The average man eannot afford to sup port LAZY eapitaL Capital stock in a grow ing Company, eondneting basin ess that already is highly profitable, with limit less possibilities, is a REAL investment opportunity. We invite your snb- eriptkmg in lota of from $ioo to tyioo (stock ioo per share). Make checks payable to Corapany, or to Joe Both, Treasurer. TbeLr. Persistence is the cardinal virtue in advertising; no matter how good ad vertising may he in other respects, it must be run frequenny and con stantly to be really successful