Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 14, 1917, Page 2, Image 2

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Berlin Announces Assaults of
Allies in France and Russia
Are Repulsed.
Berlin. Feb. 13. (Wireless to Say
ville.) Two attacks were made yes
terday by the Russians on the upper
Sereth river, the war office announces.
Several battalions were employed.
The statement says 'the assaults were
Berlin, Feb. 13. (By Wireless to
Sayville.) Details of the violent en
gagements on Sunday night north of
the Ancre on the Somme front are
given by the military critic of the
Overseas News agency. Writing un
der date of February 12 he says:
"On Sunday night violent engage
ments took place between Serre and
the Ancre, where six attacks by the
British wera repulsed, the assailants
suffering heavy losses. The British
in the afternoon opened an extremely
heavy fire on the German positions
north of the Ancre. One trench near
Serre was evacuated by the Germans
during this preparatory fire without
the British being aware of the move
ment. V "Between 9 and 10 p. m. the first of
the British contingent initiated the
attack over the snow-covered ground
in the vicinity of Beaumont. They
were repulsed sanguinarily. Two ad
ditional attacks at the same point also
"Toward evening the British
launched their fourth attack east of
Beaucourt This was made by a bat
talion supported by numerous ma
chine guns. It was followed by vio
lent hand-to-hand fighting, during
which one officer and more than thir
ty men wre taken prisoners by the
Germans. The attack was a failure.
. "The British atempted two addi
tional attacks with strong forces in
this district. Soon after midnight
they succeeded in penetrating Ger
man trenches buried in snow after
furious hand grenade fighting, but
were ejected by counter attacks after
sustaining heavy casualties.
. "At 4 a. m. the British made their
.sixth and last attack of the night,
this breaking down, however, under
i the German curtain of fire." ,
Britons Report Gains. .
London, Feb. 13. Official announce
ment was made today that the British
forces on the Tigris front have es
tablished a line across the Tigris
bend west of Kut-El-Amara, com
pletely hemming in the Turks. '.
The announcement follows:
i "On Saturday the enemy's bridge at
Shumran. was shelled. A direct hit
was scored and some enemy shipping
sunk. . . V - . ;
- "On ' Sunday the advance on the
right bank of the Tigris was resumed
and the enemy was driven back to
his last line of trenches in the Dahra
:. bend, west of Kut. By evening our
line was ' established across .the
bend, from bank to bank, on
a frontage of 5,500 yards, and the
enemy was hemmed m. The distance
'covered in the advance varied from
800 to 2,000 yards." ......
'! , Teutons Active on Two Fronts.
Berlin, Feb. 13. (By Wireless to
Sayville.) The capture of a strong
point of support sooth of the Vale
riana road, on the northern end of
.the Roumanian front, is reported in
today's statement from army head
quarters, which reads:
"South of the Valeputna road our
troops took a strongly constructed
"point of support by storm, capturing
168 men, three machine guns and
much field material.
"Between the Uzul and Putna val
leys there were lively artillery duels
: ? and forefield engagements at many
After a long period of inactivity,
- Teutonic troops on the Macedonian
front -took the offensive yesterday in
' the Cerna bend. The war office an
. nounced today the capture of a hill
position east of Paralovo.
"In the Cerna bend yesterday," the
statement says, "our troops, after ef-
; fective artillery preparation, attacked
the enemy's hill position east of Para
lovo. They took it by storm and also
several cantos behind the front. Our
lossea were small. Two Italian of
ficers and ninety men were made
r ; prisoners. We also captured five
machine guns and two mme
Russian Official Report.
Petrograd, Feb. 13. (Via London.)
? "Scouting reconnaissances and in
' fantry firing are proceeding on the
, Roumanian front says today's of
ficial announcement. "British armored
' motor cars twice advanced toward the
: enemy's position in the region of the
Sereth mouth and bombarded them
with artillery. .. . .
. - "The situation on the Caucasian
front is unchanged.
"Our aviators dropped four bombs
on the enemy's airdrome in the vil
lage of Kobylnuc, north of Narocz
: lake. Enemy airplanes dropped
,' bombs on the Pogoreltsy. station, on
' the Alexandrov railroad, on Luci and
, in the region southeast of Galttch.
. Northeast of roksham one of the
French aviators engaged an enemy
machine, which descended rapidly, ap
"i parently damaged."
Fairmont Girl Is Taking Red
Cross Work in Northwestern
' Evanston, III., Feb. 13.ASpecial.)
; Eighty Northwestern university
young women students are taking a
- Red Cross course in nursing to qualify
" for becoming nurses at base hospitals
' in case war breaks out. Those who
qualify will soon receive official
papers from Washington. They have
been given lectures in Red Cross first
ail and other subjects. Another class
will be enrolled as soon as the pres
ent one qualifies. . Among those in
the present class is Ruth Watson of
s Fremont, Ken.
Nature Cures, The Doctor Takes the
- Fee.
There is an old saying that "Na
ture cures, the doctor takes the fee,"
. but as everyone knows, you can help
ftatnre very mucn ana thereby enable
it to effect a cure in much less time
v than is usually required. This is par-
ttcularly true of colds. Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy relieves the lungs,
liquifies ute tongn mucus and aids in
its expectoration, allays the cough
and aids Nature in restoring the sys
tem to a healthy condition. Adv.
Measure, With Many Import
ant Amendments, Passes the
Lower Body of Congress.
Washington, Feb. 13. The naval
appropriation bill, aggregating $369,
000,000, including administration
emergency amendments for comman
deering of ship yards and munitions
plants if necessary, and acquisition
of basic patents of aircraft, was passed
today by the house. The bill now goes
to the senate.
Without Discussion Representative
Mann got an amendment into the
naval bill today declaring that the
United States favored settlement of
international disputes through media
tion or arbitration.
"It hereby is reaffirmed," the
amendment read, "to be the policy of
the United States to adjust and settle
its international disputes through
mediation or arbitration to the end
that war may be honorably avoided."
The administration amendment au
thorizing the appropriation of $1,000,
000 to acquire basic patents for air
craft was adopted.
The appropriation of $12,000,000 to
equip the navy yards to build ships re
fused by private builders, was agreed
to after some discussion. Amend
ments to specify the Boston and other
yards were defeated.
Eighteen democrats, including Ma
jority Leader Kitchin, four republi
cans and one socialist, voted against
the bill. Those voting against it
Sherwood. O. ;
Roller. Pa. :
YtiirnetC Ala. ;
Huddlmton, Ala. :
Calloway. Tex.;
Davla, Tel. :
Doutbton, N. C. ;
Poo, N. C. ;
Kltchin, N. C;
Oordon, O. ;
Johnaon, Ky. ;
Thomea, Kr. :
Haundera, Va. :
Hear., Via. ;
Hlaaon. Mlaa. ;
Tavanner, III. ;
Thompaoti, Okl. ;
Tillman, Ark.
(Vampton, Mtrh. ; T.tndberth, Minn
Hnlllnmrarth. O. ; Neleon, Wla.
London, Now Tork.
Hastings City Light Plant
Nearly Short of Coal
Hastings, Neb., Feb. 13. (Special
Telegram.) The Hastings Municipal
Water anl Light plant, according to
reports made today by Commissioner
Watson, has been running perilously
close to the danger point in fuel, be
cause of the failure of teh local ex
tractor to supply the kind of coal bar
gained for. The excess cost in the
use of substitutes during the last
three weks has been $598.
The commissioner charges that coal
contracted for by the city and deliv
ered in Hastings has been sold to
private users, while the city plant has
ben forced to take coal which is in
ferior for the city's use.
The city has ordered the purchase
of an 300-horsepower boiler and two
automatic stokers for the city plant
at an approximate cost of JV.MXI.
An investigation by County Attor
ney Fouts today resulted in the de
termination that the death of Williarn
Varney at Prosser yesterday was ac
cidental. He was occupying a shack
while his family was under quarantine
for scarlet fever. His clothing caught
fire in some unknown way. He
jumped through the window and was
dead when found.
New Pastor at Faiibury.
Fairbury. Neb., Feb. 13. (Special.)
Rev. f. W. Hudiburg of Victor,
Colo, wilt arrive in Fairbury, Wednes
day, and assume his duties as pastor
of the Presbyterian church. He has
been located in Victor for several
years. He succeeds Rev. S. J. Megaw,
who severed his connection with the
Presbytenan church last December
and took charge of the church in
Fullerton, Neb. 7
On aWor Poofconw
Beautiful Htcipe ook Free
Squibb' Castor Oil
Louney's Cocoa Butter
Colgate' Glycerine
J. & J. Cotton
Bocahelli Castile Soap
Imported Bay Rum
Rock Candy
Parko-Davis Peroxide
16th and Howard Sto.
Phono Doufloa 846.
Mr Mfaotno
Marking Up
Widow of Founder of
Wellesley College Dies
Wellesley, Mass., Feb. 13. Mrs.
Paulina A. Durant, widow of Henry
F. Durant, founder of Wellesley col
lege, died yesterday. She was born
eighty-five years ago in Alexandria.
N. H. On the death of her husband
in 1881, Mrs. Durant succeeded to his
office as treasurer of the board of
trustees of the college and she was
actively connected with the manage
ment of the institution for many
years. Her outside philanthropies
were numerous.
Hastings Bank Buys
Bloc kof School Bonds
l-l..,:no V-k Ck 13 C :-t
Bd.iiia,ii, i.iv, , cu, j j. vopciioi
Telegram.) The Hastings Board of
Education today contracted for the
sale of $20,000 of school building
bonds to the First National bank of
this city for a premium of $1,156.
Bonds in the sum of $40,000 are op
tional after one year, $o0,000 after
five years and the remainder after ten
The 57th Annual Report of the Society shows substantial gains in
all items of essential importance, including an increase in the in
terest rate, and decreases in the expense and mortality rates.
The New Insurance paid for amounts to $209,706,988.
An increase over the previous year of $51,250,376.
The Outstanding Insurance Amounts to $1,607,089,581.
An increase 6f $77,203,528.
Payments to Policyholders in 1916, $58,915,422.
Total since organization, $1,100,057,839.
ASSETS, December 31, 1916 $562,381,599
For Distribution to Policy
holders in 1917. $16,266,040
Awaiting apportionment on
deferred dividend policies. 63,854,448
For Contingencies ......:. 11,514,211 91,634,699
In addition to the ordinary forms of life insurance the Equitable
makes a specialty of the following:
Insurance to protect business firms and corporations.
Group Insurance, by which employers protect families of employes.
A flexible contract which can be converted by the Insured into an
Ordinary Life, Limited Payment Life, or Endowment Policy.
A Bond giving the investor an income for his declining years.
A new policy is offered under which the insurance is DOUBLED
if death results from ACCIDENT. This policy also embodies the
following advantages if the person whose life is insured becomes
totally and permanently disabled :
1. Thereafter the Equitable will carry the insurance The
Insured will have nothing further to pay.
2. The Equitable will pay the Insured an annual income fer
life equal to one-tenth of the face of the policy.
' 3. Upon the death of the Insured the full amount of the in
surance will be paid to the Beneficiary (or double the amount if
death is due to accident) without deduction on account of the in
come paid to the Insured while living.
' (See the policy for conditions and details.)
The Annual Report embodying the Financial Statement, verified by
Public Accountants, and further details regarding the Equitable's poli
cies will be sent to any address on request
Guy A. Collard, Agency Manager,
Represented by
H. D. Neely, Joe Klein, E. H. Pickard,
Omaha National Bank Building,
.. . Omaha, Neb.
the Figures
Victor Murdock of Kansas
Attends Chinese Parliament
(Correepondence of Tho Aaooclatod Presa.)
Peking, Jan. 15. Victor Murdock,
Wichita, Kan., who is making a tour
of China, has been received in au
dience by President Li Yuan-hung
and many of the members of the cab
inet. He also attended sessions of the
Chinese Parliament, and met promi
nent members of that body with
whom he discussed legislative
methods in China.
Three Hundred Naval Guns
Are Unloaded at New York
New York, Feb. 13. There was
being unloaded at the New York
navy yard .today from railroad
lighters a large number of naval guns
of various sizes which, according to
information emanating from the yard,
are intended for the arming of Ameri
can merchantmen in case this policy
is decided upon. It was said that more
than 300 guns had been ordered de
livered to the yard for this purpose.
General Harries Will Give Up
Actual Management by
General George H. Harries, presi
dent of the Omaha Electric Light and
Power comoanv. will step down from
the active management of the prop
erty within the next six months, it
became known yesterday. General
Harries will gradually withdraw from
the duties of the position, J. E. David
son of Portland, Ore., representing
the Electric Bond and Share company
of New York to assume control here.
As Mr. Davidson, who is expected
in rimaho within the next
two weeks, becomes familiar with the
electric light company's affairs, his au
thority will be extenaea, wnn rresi
An trrnea' hemminc rnrre.snond-
ingly less. The present head of the
company, However, is to retain me
title of president for an indefinite
New Title Formulated.
Mr. Davidson, at the present time
vice president of the Walla Walla
Valley railroad, passenger and freight
electric lin running between Port
land and Milton, Ore., will probable
have the title of either assistant
preside"! or vice president of the elec
tric light company.
H. A. Holdredge will continue to
hold th title of general manager, for
a time, at least.
General Harries succeeded the late
Fred A. Nash as president of the
electric light company three years
ago. He expects to spend consider
able of his time away from Omaha in
the future.
Mr. Davidson's coming to Omaha
will mark the turning over of the
management of the company to the
Electric Bond and Share company, a
General Electric company subsidiary.
Perspiration" ,
When your feet get into a
"cold sweat" after walking, it
means the circulation is being
interfered with chances are
your shoes press on the veins.
We have them cut over all
known lasts, and there is at
least ONE pair here that won't
pinch YOUR feet anywhere.
Tut Yoar Foot m Strrkor's
Handi lor Foot Comfort ana)
Douglas Shoe Store f
117 N. 16th St.
Opp. Pm toff ice. i
l iiiiiiintntitftiiriinriiiiitttum
The United Electric Securities com
pany has been managing the Omaha
company for the General Electric's
financial interests.
Villa Smuggles Arms
And Amunition Over
El Paso, Tex., Feb. 13. The port
of Columbus, N. M opposite Palo
nas, Mexico, will not be closed be
cause of the appearance of a band ot
Villa troops at Palomas yesterday, ac
cording to Special Deputy Customs
Collector W. W. Carpenter here.
Wholesale ammunition smuggling
was reported to be in progress along
the border near Columbus, according
to American cattlemen and others
who arrived here today from Colum
bus. They say automobile tracks may
be seen crossing the boundary line
at several places and large quantities
of ammunition and rifles were said to
have been smuggled across the bor
der for Salazar's troops at Palomas.
Villa was reported to have been
short of ammunition recently and it
was said Salazar's trip to the border
at this time was to obtain ammuni
tion, rifles and other elements for the
Villa troops.
Oddments of Women's Underwear
at Smallest Prices Wednesday
One lot of odd garments,
mostly children's sizes, sold
regularly up to 70c. For a
clearance, Wednesday, 12 He
One lot of women's wool gar
ments, broken sizes. All separ
ate garments. Sold regularly up
to $1.25, Wednesday, 29c.
Confiners !
What Are They?
This question is asked
by a great many women
and we take this space to
tell them.
Almost every woman needs a
confiner to help correct the
lines of the figure. They con
ceal the lines of the bust and
also feel very comfortable to
the wearer. Made in washable
silks and satins, cotton and
silk treco, trimmed with laces
and embroidery, SOc to $3.50.
Corset Section, Third Floor.
Kid Glove Special
Wednesday: Kid gloves
in all sizes and colors; al
so black and white.
98c a Pair
Quality Ginghams
1 5c and 18c a Yard
Genuine Red Seal and
Toil de Nord Ginghams,
in all the new patterns
and plain colors for spring
an especially choice se
lection, 15c and 18c yard.
The better the teeth, the better
joe ean eat. the better you eon work
and the more value yon Are to your
employer or youreelf."
Heevieat BrMs I Beat SOW FB.
Wonder Plate
worth SIS loS2S,
1)5, $8, $10
We oUaae row or nhat ymm manly.
nth aod Famine ISM Fai
Phoao Dooalaa 2871.
Boat ZTV Cold
To Chicago
Arrive La Salle Station on the Loop any
part of the city quickly reached by elevated
trains. Most 'convenient location in Chicago.
"Chicago Day Express" at 6:00 a. m.
"Chicago-Colorado Express" at 3:55 p. m.
"Chicago-Nebraaka Limited" at 6:08 p.m.
"Rocky Mountain Limited" at 2:00 a. m.
Connections at Englewood Union Station
(63rd Street) with limited trains for all Eastern
Automatic Block Signal
Finest Modern All-Steel Equipment
Superior Dining Car Service
Plead Guilty to Stealing
From Merchandise Cars
Hasting, Neb., Feb. 13. (Special
Telegram.) Chester Coleman, aged
52, and Mark Jefferson, 42 colored,
pleaded guilty and waived prelim
inary examination today to the charge
of robbing a Union Pacific freight
car, stealing a ham and part of an
other. The men confessed to rail
road detectives and local officers to
robbing eight cars on the St. Joe
and Grand Island road, seventeen on
the Burlington and eight on the Mis
souri Pacific, and of stealing upwards
of 1.000 pounds of brass, most of
which they disposed of by shipment
to Omaha. About 350 pounds of
brass was rocevered.
Price of Bar Silver
Continues to Advance
New York, Feb. 13. The price ot
bar silver continues to climb, a new
high record for many years being
made today at 79 cents an ounce.
This is an advance of ti cents over
last week's high quotation and 13
cents above the selling price about a
year ago.
A few odd vests and pants,
sold regularly up to $2, for 39c.
These ridiculously low prices
are not exaggerations. It's
merely our way of thoroughly
ridding our stocks of all odd'
Shoe Sale
For Small Feet
Sizes 2 to 4V2
$3.35 a Pair
All Sales Final
isn't m bH to ret, but it 4m t1rc
work to iva up to oh after 70a ac
quire it.
To give yon an Me .rov'v MH
boat the good work that w do.
Each article that ia handled by na la
taken care of by experts to get tho
proper restilta.
But we let the paee acquired the
reputation and can't go back on it.
Onr service costs you no mora than
inferior work.
Omaha Van & Storage Co.
Phono DoufUa 4163
806 South 16th St.
Tickets, leseivaUura and mfbrraatkn at
Rock Island Trarel Bureau, 1323 Famam
Street, or at Union Station.
Di'amiim Pmamjar A$mt
rfcoaa DMflaa 428