Want -Ad Rates KO AD TAKEN FOB I.W THAN A a TOTAL UK tea OR LEHS THAN lae FKB DAY, CASH WITH OBDEB. Rt Solid (No Dleplay). 1C por word each Insertion 1C Faragrapoea or iispiaj'wM u ""per lino... i. ',m 7c per line, I or more consecutive Insertions (Count six words to tho lino.) " SITUATIONS WANTED. Weekly mo ...j... D"r "w CARDS OF THANKS, DEATHS AXI Fl NKBAI. NOTICES! lc per line Insertion ( (Count ol words to tho llne.1 y (Minimum charge, to centa.) . MONTHLY RATB FOB STANDINO AIM. . (No change ot oopr ellowod.) On Itno ,',""!'. Two line, or mor. -Vr . (Count sis wordo lo the llue-j ALL FOREIGN ADVERTIjron tmrtEB HELP WANTED CLASSIFICATIONS: 20 por word . Ilia per word, two or moro consecutive In onrttons. . 8FETIAL VlOMBINATION BATE On I-nd. rooltry and Otfcor AdwJlota. THE OMAHA BEE (over 10.000 dHj. 10TH CENTURT FARMER, (over 111,000 weekly). A combined circulation which will reach both tho city and rdroj resident Special Reg. Rite. Roto. 1 Insertions In Omaha Boo nnd . 1 fnoertlon In loth Con. Farmer. J per line .....Mo 41c I Inoortlono In Omaha Bee and 1 Inoertlon M ta Con? Farmer, r per word . t Inoortlono In Omaha Bee and , 1 Inoortlon In. loth Con. Farmer, per lln ...... Mo 71e " 7 Inoortlono to Omaha Boo and ( i I Inoortlon to 201h Con. Farmer. per word , " (Contract ratal on application.) . I TUB BEE will not ho responsible for more v than one Incorrect Inoertlon of an adver ttaoment ordered for more than one lime. . ADVERTISERS abould retain reoelpta given or The Boo In payment lor Want Ado, an t- no mistake can be reclined without them. CSH THE TELEPHONE If you oannot con veniently bring or lend tfi your ads. Ask tor a Want Ad Taker, and you will re. eelTo the oame food service an when do llvsrlng your d at the office. ' ,: . PHONE TYLER !M. WANT AD COLUMNS CLOSE: EVENING EDITIONS ilsiM ' M0"0 gt'"fONa".;,,r' V i MOVIE PROGRAM Cwrwt offerings of tho hoot Motion Pic ture Theodora In Omaha. bangs Pally.) North. GRAND, "SlXTBENTK AND B1NNET GLADYS COBCRN In "THE BATTLE OF LIFE" AI.SO tHWD UUMCU1. DIAMOND, i4TH AND LAKE ONE GOOD PICTURE i i . AND REFINED COMEDY. LOTHROP, lTH AND LOTHROP DOROTHY KELLY ,ln "THE SUPREME TEMPTATION" v- fin l tiiwr.ui APOLLO, OWEN MOORE and - MAROUKRITE COURTOT In "THE KISS. BOULEVARD 11D AND LEAVENWORTH -VALESKA SURATT ' IN- -JEALOCST.v RUHLFF, I6SI LEAVENWORTH s EMMY WBHLBN ' r . T ' IN , "THEPRETENTERS." ' West MONROE, Hll FARMAM "CHARITY." i . PROCEEDS TO HOUSE OF HOPS. South Side. OBPHEUM. I4TH AND M C.OOD PROGRAM TODAY , I . AND .'A nOOD COMEDY. DEATHS ft FUNERAL NOTICES. DENN1NO Ruebon, aged yuan, Janu ary IL Funeral norvlcei at Hoffman'a funeral homo Friday 1:10 p. m. under tho auopl ceo af tho Pile Layers' and Helpers' un ion. Interment West Lawn cemetery. Members pleVaa notice. , , , CHARLES SOHUCK, , i i. ,j 1. J. O'BRIEN, i uomnuiHe. BOvtivGoorie. He la ourvlvodTbealtlW bis wile, oy one- unuamer, one. p Adklna. , ' Funeral Friday mornjnf from realdeaoa of his daufhter, Mn William Adklnl. '1H& North Elfhteenth atreeV at 1:10 o'clock to Holy Family church at I o'clock. Interment Holy Sepulcher sam- elery. KINBI-eV Hnh. acd TJ years. I Funeral Friday at I a. m. from roal dence of 3. P. DuEdale, M 'Seward t.Mi to St. CoeolU'o church at 10. In- i.mnL Holy Sepulcher cemetery. Auto PPTKRSON CarU atd II yearn.. Funeral . Friday at l:0 py m. from Taart'l chapel. Intsrment Forest Laws. Brother Baalotf please aueno. -i CARD OF THANKS. I WISH TO THANK my many friends for tho kindness ano irmpeinr ths lllnoso and death of my homvod hue hand, and also for the many beautiful uoral olferlnts, MRS. L. J. JONES. FLORISTS. BKKT .DUALITY ' CUT FLOWER8 planta. Art comhlnotlons shipped every where. Excellent service to our' custom- era In past years recommends, rl 6.BO n W U UUA. nil eernom ax. mw. T.ARfiKftT ASSORTMENT of fresh flowers, delivered or shipped anywhere. L. HEN- DERSQNr iil Karnam Bt. pong, 'laaff. Fontnllw . Klnri.t. LEE L. LARMON IBM Pougtat St. PonfflM . I'ARKER Flower hop, 411 8. Hth. D. 1103 A' It'NAOHUB. 123 Humty. Doug. 1001 BATH, N-tioml riorUt, ISO Fmrriam St. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. HI LAB ft RIBf'KN, undortaker ud m- boalmcrfl. 701 8. 1Uh 81 DoaglM 1I3. DUFPT ft JOHNSTON, tmbtvlmor and fiv nersl directors. T17 8. llth Bt TyUr ... - MARRIAGE LICENSES. " Permits Co wdd have been issued to, the following: i ame : nd Residence. Af. Carl Albert Hanrien, Hlssouii Valley, Ia.. 31 Irene F. fiwearkngen, Ulssourl Valley, la. 10 Harry Arthur Cross.' Omaha ...aver 111 Helen H. Dili. Omaha...... over II Joseph A: Dalr. Omaha II MarsueiiU K. Stansbvrg. Omaha...... 34 Kmeet C. Jaeobs, Uneoln. Neb. II Buele B. Leifhtner, Traer, Kan,...,... 33 Alexander Schmidt. Omaha ,.,...,... IT Vault ne Pros, Omaha (..........,ow II Jens Jensen, Ontaha......... .,,.,,.,. 46 Mildred Hull. Omaha 31 Rdraond 8. TOiltalre, Duttoa, Mont.. over 11 Joa Ulahow, Stanberry.' M.,..;,evfr 11 Huy McMurphy,- Adair, U 13 Rosa Hofmeistor, Adair. Ia II Albert V. Hess, Axf-ll, Mont ST lues Herdmaiw Ajatell. Mont. tl Harry M. Ludr, Fulton Moak.. . IS ; Kdna H,rt, Elliott, la.....,....v It Michael Bnurhemp, Omaha.. .. 19 Bridget Cleary, Omaha..... II Fran A- Hebenstrelt, Palls City, Keb.. , Irene H. O'Neill, Omaha SI Floyd B. Pavenport, Ortavla. Nb..,. 34 ddiih H- Hutchison, Oetavla, Neb...... 39 Lloyd Kno-)'. Fremont, Nb. 33 tiladyii fiauiiwoit, CMr Biuffe, Neb..... SI Albert Harn?y, Whiting, la. ...... , ... . 3 Jueie Tbomu, Whiting, la.............. II Welter Otiokin. Atlanilr, la. . . ,,?.ver 31 Mary C Aadereon. Atlantic. la,.,.orr II FRATERNAL ORDERS. CROUNSB HALL. Oppocltt poitoffice, New hall (or lodge mMlioga and danci. Bxrellent floor. TOUNO ft DOHERTY, 333 Brand H- Theatir Bldg ??uf- 1-71- BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Blrtha--Clarel.ce E. and Mamie Kil- p trick, 3711 A. boy; Louis and Ida Herti-bera-. 1C11 Mtvnltv rirl: Harold and Helena C. M. T. Bobolker, fl II Capitol avenue, boy; Edward and France Miller. 21 Boutn Twenty-Wventh. boy; Walter and Alice Bdna Chrlatlai.. 32ie sahlec, gin; weeiejr and Maude Allison. Sherman apartments. boy; C F. and Margaret Cavanaugn, 16 South Seventeenth, glH; Leon and Doilie Marshall. hoapltV. ' - ieatiisMtidred., Davis, 4, 3710 u. BUILDING PERMITS. The following building per mils have been issued : Frank wlleoa. 1030 Western arenas, brick veneer dwelling, 91,00e; Harold Hanson, 3113 Hickory, (ram and stucco dwelling, 11,10 ft. LOST-FOUND-REWARDS IF you lose nnythlni nnd will advertlae It hero, you will oureiy recover it 11 roono hy an honest person. Remarkabl revov rlee are brouvht about every day through thla colomn. - THE HONKHT WAT, If you and aomethlnl ot va,lue, or a Jteepsaao- ot value only to tho owner, In to Insert a small ad. Ths owner ot ths artlo lo moot caeee la will ing to refund ths oost ofsdvertlotng. OM"ArrA"OUNCIL BLUFFS STI.ICBT RAILWAY COMPANY. Pomona having loot oome article would do well to call up tho office of tho Omaha . A Council Bluffs (treat Railway company ' to aocortaln whothar they left It la tho etreet .r. .. Many articles each day are turned lo-f and tho company Is anxious to motors them to - the rightful .owners. "U Tyler 100. , I THB OREATKrtT OAIW ttlU paid want-ads ovor mad. hy any Omaha paper, 'M the reoord of THB OMAHA BUB for 1010. ' BEST HBHULTS LOWEST BATE . LOUT Saturday, bundle of soiled laundry. s tied in sheet, aoutn or Loavenworiu Call Doug. t(5T Bunday or . evenings, -or' Doug. 4621 weeh days. Reward. LOST Saturday afternoon, near Auditorium. ladles' gold hunllng-caao watan; initials E. L. Reward. Notify A. J. Jacaaon, llth and Laav.oworth St.. LOST, two diamond rings In plush hoi, be tween Cartor LaKe clun ana aown wwn. Ill reward It returned to Edholra s J.welry store. FOUND rLm.- OREEN-S PHARMACY, llth and Howard. LOST Pair of glasses vbetween 26th and Putrtck Ave. and llth and Douglaa. Re- turn l .m.rgencyhospital.Reward. LOST Knit handbag containing Insurance policy and boon poon.'none pouin v.r. LOST Shepherd dog, white, with, brown oars. Tyler mxe. Reward. i i ?bCNI Puras, Saturday evpning. Phono Walnut 170k. FOR SALMjiillawetMi Fumitur ifid Household Oootfs. ECONOMY BALE By purchasing your fur niture where your money goes tho far thest. Our goods ara rare bargains at the prices wo 0.001.. Don't take our word, all . we ask Is that you com. and sea. The STATE FURNITURE CO- Itth and Dodge Sta. Douglaa HUT. THE OrtKATEST GAIN .! In paid want ads aver made by - any Omaha paper, la tho rooord of THE OMAHA BBB for 1110. BEST RESULTS LOWEST BATH MONEY RAISING BALD. 11,000 attck of furniture, rugs, llnoloom, all kinds of bedding, oomploto Una of houas furnishings. 1IU-1M7 N. 14th. T.L W.b. HOT. Open 1:00 a. m. till 11 p. m. niinn wanid FROM CARPETS WRITE for llluslrated folder of ruga, mads from oarpeta. 'Freight pawl, unoom sua Factory, Llnootn. Neb (TOVES, lALlTSlNDS. See us first Prices i . . i . ... tn, a 1 ilh Loyal rumlturo Co., Ill N.llth it FOR SALE Single hod cheap. , Phono Wal- nut 1171. ; l Pianos and Muilcal Initrumenta. NEARLY, now 1410 Schmoller A Mueller piano; hrloa 1100. Mil n. a ut. mono 1411. ' . Sewinj Machines. SEWING MACHINES ' Ws rout, repair, tell needlaa and parts af aU sewing machines. y . , MICKEL'S . 1 V NEBRASKA CICLB CO.. llth and Harney Sta. Doug., till WHAT have you to trado on a practically new latest modal Stager sewing machine, Boi IS4, Bee. Billiarda.and Pocket Tables. FOR BALE BILLIARD TABLES. Brand new, carom and pocket, with oomploto autAt, Illl; aseond-haad tables at re- ' duood rrloosi bowling all.re and auppllMl eaay paym.nU. Cigar Mora naturae a specialty. Send for catalogue. THAI BHUNSWICK-BAlKB-COUraWDEB CO, 40T-40I South llth St ' Typewriters and Supplies. NEW machinal sold the same aa rant II par month. Sea OS before you buy or rent) Shipped any plaae an ten days' trao trial. Bulla' Typewriter Exchange, 111 S. ilth St., Omaha, Neb. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented and repaired. Beat an Oliver typewriter I months for t. Central Typewriting Exchange, ll'l Farnam. REeilNOTONS, Mouarcfaa and Smith Pre mtera for rent) aeat auywhara. Remington Typewriting company. D. 1114. OtrARANTBED typewrltera, 111 up. WrtW for llat. Midland Typ. jo.. piqb. 'jrrVnCpUes. COMMERCIAL Duplicating Co., alao public Steno. Phono tor prices. Douglas SIM, III Patten Wk. ' OCT our price, on job printing. UNITED STATES PRLNTINO CO.. Be. Bldg. Douglaa lira, WATERS -BARNHARpT Ptg. Co., quality printing. T.L Dong.X MM. Ill S. Ilth St Machinery and Engines. NEW AND SECONDHAND MOTORS. EXPERT ELECTRICIANS AND . MACHINISTS. LB BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS, ll.-IO BO. IIIU ou, vmana. BOILERS, steam, electric gas englnaa. pipes Oroas Wrecking Co.. 1111 Cuming. WI MAKE them ourselves, and sell direct to consumer, no middle man'a profit Why pay two pretta for Inferior goods when you out gat high-grade goods at Srst aaatf ALFRED CORNISH A CO 111! Farnam St. Omaha. Neb. Nurseries, Seeds and Plants. ALL FOR lie POST PAID. I. lc packets of soeda, I Icicle Radlah, I Grand Rapids Lettuoo, 1 Early Beets, Stone Tomataea. Rush your ardor. O. P. Conklta. Fremont Neb. n Miscellaneoua, OMAHA PILLOW CO. Pelt and hair mat tress made aver la new ticks at ball the prtee of new ansa. All your own feather back when we renovate. 1107 Cumtog Bt. Douflaa 346T. TO BB moved by February 16th, two flve- rooov frame cottages at 36ii-ifc5i Farnam Bt. Call P. U Heyn, Douglaa 744, or Har ney 1736, evening. DESKS, safes scales, showcase. shelTlng. tc we buy, sell, umana nitara ana Supply Co.. 414-1 ll 8. 13th. Doug. 171. ONS Iron stand and 39 Job type cheap. U. B. PrlnUng Co. i DKT BOX K1NDLINO COMPANY. WOOD. ACMB HARNKT 1137. FOR BALE l,n0 bushels Early Ohio po- tatoeo. uenson ess.-. BALT.I1.7I bbt. A. W. Wagner. 101 K llth. SWAPPERS' COLUMN IP YOU HAVE some article that baa out lived ita lawfulness to you, make ui , little ad and run It la this column at le ymr word. You will be moro fhan pleased , with the remarkable offerings you will re-Iva. On or two lnsortlons la ueetrly all rssw are sufficient to get what you waaL TT IT TOUAI. THB ORB AT BBT GAIN It.ISS In paid want-ads ever made by any Omaha paper. Is the record af THB OMAHA BKK for 1111. , BEST RB8ULT& LOWEST RATB. I WIT awstn tir buy kodavkai: fllma tlvtAMrtl (reo: one-day erira. Kut Kodak tkttdl4 N-Ue Bik, uAfiaca. J THE BEE: OMAHA, SWAPPERS' COLUMN RARE old vfotlt., worth $110, to swap for cornet of standard make. Must Je In first class aondttion. Box 171, Bee. , X WI8H to swap Victor and Columbia rec ords fur others in ' good condition. Douglas 382.. A LITTL15 AD In this column will bring about some remarkable exctitnges, WANTED TO BUY. GUTTMAN Pays Highest Prices (or Furniture, Rugs, Clothffs, Plane hoee. Dougli JENKINS Clothffs, Planoa, Office Furniture, Trunks, hoee. Douglas 39T1. Ra.; Webster 43ft4. Pays highest price (or clothes, shoes, trunks. ste. Red 32T. Res.. Douglm "Oil. DESKS DESKS DESKS 4 Now desks, used desks, bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam.D.l. ROCHMAN f"ys full value for furniture, ill kinds raens rloj). Mi. W ANT K D-To buy 2 "white barber chatr. mirrors and fixtures 223 ts.en worth. jjNB Rln,ORflrVorn" "popper In rood live town. Tel. :olfax 3133 or Bo 373, Bee. ANNOUNCEMENTS Accountant, E. A, DWORAK, C. P, A. ill amge Bldg. Phone Doug. HOP. Brim and Iron Foundries. Paxton-Mltchell Co., 37th and Martha Sta Bakeries. : OfiTMAN'S NEW ENOLAND BAKERY, il! It. 10TH BRANCHES PUBLIC MARKET AND HAYDEN BROTHERS. OUB MOTTO" BETTER BAKED POOPS. CAKES, pastry and fancy baksry goods aupplled to parties, lodges and entertain ments. Z. H. Header. 150. N. llth. W. HIT. Baths. . ELECTRIC TURKISH BATHS. 1 Tho only absolutely sanitary oath, highly recommendc-d by pbyetctana. Staata Institute. ItOt Hsr'ney Bt D. TOOT. Open evenings and Hntujays. DIt. BRNDA-ulphur. stesm. Modern Turk. Ish BATHS AND MAHHAOE. Prtvats apartments for ladles, with Isdy attend- ants. till Farnam. PhoosDoug: HTT. RITENHOUSE"sBiiUariim; ail klnda tetba7 llo.HI Balrd Blk.. nth and Douglaa. OormaiTnurso, massage, baths of ail klnda. Ill Neville Block. 10th and Harney. Carpenters and Contractors. LESSARD 4 BON. loll Cuming. Tyler lilt Chiropodists. Carrie J. Burford. 110 Paiton Blk. Red 4IST. Chiropractic. Dm, Johnston, ml w. O. w. Bldg. P. H. Chiropractic and Spinal Adjustment Dr. Burhorn, Rose Bldg. Palmer school graduate. Doug. Sl.T. Dr. J. , C. Lawrence, Balrd Bldr D.I.I1. Dr. Frances Dawson, 601-1 Rose Bld. T. Illl. Dre. , A L. Bllllnghaat Crelghlon Blk. D.TIOI Dancing Academy. TiR T TTY1? ball tues.. thurs.. UU i-IU A-LM BAT , SUN. EVE. SCHOOL MON. EVE. Ill s. llth St.. Op. Fontsnslle. . Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No Pain. Ill W. O. W. Bldg. Tafi's Dent. Rms.. 101 Rose Bldg. W till. Detectives. Prtvats d.taetlva. evidence oeured. all atrlctly confidential, Oov rcf . . Flo. 141. JAMES ALLAN, lflNev!IIoBSEvMonS secured In all canea. Tyler 1111. Interstate Detective" Aasii"lRamgsBidg. Dressmakinxr ' OOWNS AND DRKHHMAK1NO BY DAY. MISS COE, HARNEY ll, Sewing by day. 1131 Locust. Webster tii. Mrs. B A. Cohnollyi ICO" Balr dBslirb7lT0l7 Tarry Dreasmak'g Coj., lOtn and Farnajfi" LADIKM' BUlU remodeled. Douglaa 4111. SEW1NO DAT OR WEEK. TYLER 1111. Everything for Women. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating, oovered buttons, all slses and styles; hemstltnhlug plcot edging, em broidery, bonding, braiding, cording, eye- v let out work, buttonholes, pennants. IDEA.. BUTTON AND PLBATINO CO., 809 Douglaa Bile. Douglas 1131. VAN ARMAN1 press' Pleating and Button co 131-7 paiton Blk. Deug,.ii99. Accor dion, knife, side, space, box, sunburst and combination nleatng, hemstitching, jptcOt edging, pinking, niching, covering but tons, all styles and all alsos. Price list free. ACCORDION, Side; Knife, Box Pleating Gov. Buttons, Hemstitching. Neb. Pleating and Button Co.. 41-3 Paxton Blic H. 4148. Electric Repairs. ELECTRIC REPAIR, phone us your troubles. Wfw Automobile Lamp Co. uoug. 3334. Fixturet and Winn. TTTPVTW Klectrio washing macbinee, XJ VJ XVXVll .iwirin irons and readlna lamps. S8IS Cuming St. Douglas 1611. Furnace Cleaning. BORNE MAN, fur., ehlm. cleaning. D. Till. Hair Dreiiuig. IDEAL Hair Parlors, 307 Balm Bldg. Mani curing, lot let aAtcles. Douglaa Illl. - , . ' Insurance. ' BANKERS LIFE OF LINCOLN. 91314 City Net!. Bank Bldg. Doug. H. lob Printing, OATH CITT Printing Co., high-grade print- Mas. 1681 V. 34th. Phono Web. HIT. - Masseures. SWEDISH and muscular masaaga, eleetrta treatment of aU kinds. Staata Instltuts, 1601 Harney St. Douglas 7011. Open eve nings and Sundays. Massage, chiropody. Minnie Nagle, 391-14 Balrd Bldg.; 17th Djuglaa. D. 1418. MarleOftlger, R. 328 Nevtlle Blk. Massage. MISB LIIdLT Maasage, hatha, 1333 Farnam. Patent Attorneva. PATBNT6 procured, bought and sold. Inter national patent Co., 611 Brarfflela- D, 1191, Painting and Paper Hanging. - PAINTING and cleaning, 69n per room tnd up. we oiean carpets in your home with out removing same, l per rugx and up. Webster 83. LET OA ARN det KTTK, the PAPER HANGER, do your 300; estimates tree. Harney nil. CALL Charles Roadh for pper hanging and interior aecorating. uouaiaa wis. " Pianos for Rent, no. a. Hoopo Co.. IMS Douglaa Ml. Theatrical Costumes. LAKOKST .took of coatuma. for thoatrfoaai and menqusrades la lat- rounlry for am. or rent. Llaben A Bon. liH Howard. THEATRICAL gowna. full dross sulta. tor ronL .0, n. iTtn. jonn reidman. o. ma. Towel Supplies. Oanaka Towel Supply. . 107 S. llth. D. 111. Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announc.m.nt. and printing Do'iglaa Printing Co. Tel. Pong. 144. Where to Eat EAT HOME COOKED MEALS NSW D6AICATKS8KN, 110. FARNAM. BURROUGHS CAFB. OMAHA. NKB. (Service) LINCOLN. N1SB. UI a lltn at. u: a. lita at. BUSINESS CHANCES fOBLICj SALE.' At Laurel. Keb., Wednesday, February 1. at 8 p. to, one door south of Lemars Hotel. Stock of groceries, shoes over alls and other furnishings; alao list urea. Invoicea 13,199. Htore will be open Tues day morning, February I, until aale. Right to reject any and aU bids Is re served. PETER BALK CM A, Trustee, ',0t Trimble Building, Stoux City, lowav $.90,000 corporation manufacturing talking mat-nines wants lerriionai managers with 1309 to I&09 capital to finance contract. x Plays and equals any 869 tnatrumnL Wholesale price 319. Big money-maker. Address Sale manager, 1918 Republic ttiag., inickio. H1QHB8T SPOT CASH PAID fpr scores and stocks of merchandise, la city or country; quick action. ' OMAHA BALVAOB CO., , 719 Omaha Nat. Bank Bid.. " TeL Douglaa 1138. $1,199 BUYS Chicago corner saloon; lease, llcoaee, stock and fixtures. Club attached. Will stand ctoaeat investigation. Oood rea on for Selling. Cnaa. Crawley, im W Madlenn BL. Chtrago, 111. THB ORBATJWT GAIN 11,783 In Vtld want-ftua ever mad by any Omaha paper, is the racord of TUB OMAHA BHH tor Itlf. MM8T BU)UI.T LOWmirr RATB S FEBRUARY 1917. BUSINESS CHANCES GOOD BUSINESS OPENING On tho South. aijle. If for sale, sre reas onable .tn price and are worth while, yon may be sure are listed exclusively with the SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., 492$ 8. 34th 8L Phone South 1-47. 8HOK SHOP for sale. Have all the work J can do at goad prices, voiy .suop in town. Cheap rent. Good location. Reason for selling, sickness In family. Address Box 824. Bellwood, "Neb. FOR SALC Good, clean stock of ltar- ware; live town, central raaDraaaa. won reason for selilng. Ba 4ulck. Addrass T 367. Boo.-" . ' - DRUG store Ipr sale; Invoke $",9); sales. $12,000 last year; compeuea io quu arm bustn-sa; location, Nebraska. Write quick. Box T 81'. Bee. TO OET in or out of bulnM In SOUTH OMAHA fall at buutm ujiama iivt.oi ME NT CO. 412 South 2Sth. South 1347. , TALKING MACHINE MANUFACTURKRB J have a talking machine patent mat win Interest you. Write Hans E. Neve, Han cock, la. FOR 8 A LB at once Equipment and bench tools for auto repair worn, inciuaing Bowser 409'-gallon tank and pump. Ad dress C. W. Kay, Craig. Neb! FOR SALE A profitable millinery business in a town ot snoot toe, no coenpeuuon. Fine country trade. ' Reasonable rent. Write, One B. Kuie, Cook. Neb. MOTION picture machines (new and re built), theaters, supplied, umana rum Exchange. 191 B. 14th Bt. COMPLETE fixtures of 2-chalr barber shop. very reasonable. Mlllev Horn, ttoum Omaha. Phone South 1113, WS BUT, we sell motion Picture theaters. ..machines, feature aims. co-operative Film and supply uo.. "is B.omiey wag. FOR SALE Owing to severe sickness my drug stock for sale at a big seennce. Eckerman, Itth and A His. Phone 6 U. FOR HALE CHEAP, One bowling alleys in good order, For Information write H. Alvenklel, Vail, la. . WILLIAMS, established 39 years. To buy or sell business see him. 411 MeCagns Bldg. Reference, U. S. National Bank. DOWD Sale and Auction Co.. Omaha, have closed out more mdae. stoeaa tnan any other firm in U. a Write for tern. IF YOU want to sell or buy a business or rooming house call on Bosch -eorgnoix, 739 World-Herald Bldg. Phone D. 31 J I. POR SALE Five-chair barber shop In .town of 1,000, best location In town and doing good buslneas. Box T 781, Bee. . ON LI EST butcher shop In town, with 149 tons juia ice tor saie vneap. w Bee. TO OET tnor out of business call on OANOESTAD. 433 Bee Bldg. Dong. 3477. GUARANTY PLAN; get In. or out business. All states. P. V. Knlest. Bee Bldg.. Omaha. FOR' SALE Cheap, a rug factory outfit. J. F. Thomas. Webber, Kan. 26-ROOH hotel for sals or trade. Box Y 821, Bee. S , WANT Job printing plant to move to small town, nana, McCagua sing. Rooming Houses. ROOMING HOUSES, all slses, great bar gains. 411 Rosa Bldg. Phono Tyler seiT. SITUATIONS WANTED ' WEEKLY RATB, fee PER LINK. Business ads, regular rate: t I (pes one week ilhea one week.. lie Bach extra Una..,. ..3te per week Male. THB GREATEST GAIN 41,718 fn paid want-ads ever made by any Omaha paper, la tho record of THB .OMAHA BEE for 1911. BEST RESULT LOWEST RATB HARRIED man wantb job In blacksmith shop; year around, anarouna man, ago 38. No. booser. Write P. O. Box 7, Cali fornia Jet., Ia. . CAPABLE salesman with twelve years' traveling ana executive expei-imca, vmu to represent a first-class concern In Colo rado; best of references; will be tn Omaha for personal Interview about Feb ruary I. Address Julius B. Oouth. 2818 Pleasant Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. MAnhlVJD MAN wants employment as farm manager In Nebraska; 'armed in Kansas, also Illinois; confident I can give good service; references furnished; good wages expeoted: write parucuiara. u.v mack, Salem, lad. EXPERIENCED shlesman wanta position as traveling or city salesman; best or refer ences. Box 393, Bee. i -t ' . WANTED Work by man and wife en ths farm or to run farm on snares; agea is years. Box 173, Douglas. Neb. INSIDE work, tniddle-agetf map; 1 with tools or machinery. Web. 6110. FIRSt CLASS butcher wants steady voi' Won. References furnished. Harney 3963. WANTED To manage a farm, married, can give references. Box 142, Herman, neo. WANTED General jbb work of all kinds. 25c per hour and up. - Webster iJ"s. ASHES or all kinds of hauling. Tyler 2841. " Female. ' WIDOW with one child , desires permanent position aa housekeeper. Iti9 Norm ntn St., Omaha. ; XPK BEE charge for "Situation ads" is lower than any other form of advertising not enough to cover,the cost of printing. EXPERIENCED colored woman wants day work Monday s and Tuesday's, web. 3921. COLORED LAUNDRESS, washing. Ironing or cleaning by the day. w5ater 8812. A ELI ABLE colored woman wants bundle washing or day work. Douglas 7499. COLORED wiman wants cooking In board' Ing house or day work! Red 1391. EXPERIENCED wqman wants position aa housekeeper. Box T 838, Bee. WANTED work, mornings and evenings for board and room. web. 193. PRACTICAL auree wants position; house- worK also. Harney . WANTED To work ia a furniture store. Douglas 8388. . A-ivo. l cook wants position, coioreo. rnone Laundry by the day. Call Webeter Iff 17. NURSE girl, ironing and general cleaning. experienced, day work. Tyler 3i3Z-w. Laundry and uay Work. " FOR experienced bundle washing call Web eter 1877. Prompt delivery. v RELIABLE colored wiman wants day work. rnono vo. n. COLORED WOMAN wan day work for Tuesday. Webster 941. LAUNDRTand day work. Webster 1344. Hotels and Restaurants. RELIABLE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 1119 Davenport St. Douglas 1814. Headquarters for beta blp. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. TRAVELING sSleaman, $131; traveling salesman. $199; retail saleeman, jewelry, $100; office clerk. K R., 160; typist, some stenography, $86; stenographer, uptown ofdee, $71; -stenographer and aaet. book keeper, beginner, $SI; stenogrspher and bookkeeper, western Iowa, $98-fl09; aast. bookkeoper, Insurance, $10; stock record rlerk, 49. Weetern Reference A Bond Aas'n.. I nc Originators of the Reference Buelness. 713 Omah National Bank Building. THB GREATEST GAIN 68,781 In paid want-ads ever mads by any Omaha paper, la the racord ot THB OMAHA BEE for 1919. . BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATB DRAFTSMAN (Architectural) .-.$99 STENOGRAPHER 76 A. R. OFFICE CLERK 7t THB CANO AGENCY, 899 BEE BLDG.-' WANTED Young man to learn wall paper learn a esset business; neat appearance essential; good opportunity, dels Stores. Apply Superintendent. Bran- WANTED Stenographer 18 to 29 years. some experience; chance for advance- ment. Western Smelting and Refining Co. 8T:0.rTBriikkpiC $88? steno., $78; steno. and bkkpr.. $88 to $109; office boy. $3$. V A T ITS ncr. vu.rK panti. ping. DRY GOODS CLERK, splendid future, $&. THE MARTI CO, 1817 W. O. W. Bldg. HIOH-GRADB commercial positions. WESTERN REFERENCE BOND ASSN. " Professions and Trades. v Drug Positions All States CO-OPERATIVE RBPBRKNCB CO.. ' 191b-l City National Beak Bldg. Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMAN AND DEMONSTRATOR WANTED. For Easy bright carpet and rug elsaner. , Exclusive territory. Removes ink and grease from clothing. Sample pkg $1.99. KaiybrtgW Mfg. Co.. Hudaon. Wis. SALES positions, mercantile lines. WBSTKRK RICFEREMCM A BUND AJHTM. HELP WANTED MALE Salesmen and Solicitors. . t Exceptional opportunity for experienced sales man. We have Mis souri, Nebraska 1 and western Iowa open. Commission. WUI ad. vanco expense money. ' Must be able to fur nish good rrfrneee. NO HAS BEENS NEED , APPLY. THE IMPERIAL MERCHANDISE COMPANY, Direct Mill representa tives. Manufacturer' ' Agents and Brokers, Perry, Ohio. . EXPERIENCED accident and health mgr.; $100 per month and commtenlon ; bond re quired. Call New Keane, Douglas 3736, , new. Hotels and Restaurants. WAITER wanted St 618 S. 13th. Teamsters and Chauffeurs. TEAMSTERS wanted. Apply Sunderland Brothers Co. 101 h and Hickory St. -24th and Taylor St. 42d and Isard St. Steady employment, good wages. Trade Schools. CALL OR WRITE FOR OUR FREE Illustrated catalogue explaining how we teach the barber trade quickly by actual experience. Careful Instruotloo. etc. Large est modern -equipped' barber college In the west. MOLLERS. (Established 1893.) 119 8. 14th HL pmaha, Neb. y AUTO - MECHANICS. EARN BIO MONEY Never Idle Big Demand. Easy to Learn by Our Methods. NATIONAL AUTO TRAINING ASS"U 2817 N. 39th St., Omaha, , Send for Free Catalogue. GOOD MEN WANTED. To learn auto trade for the many po sitions now open. Fine training 'work. Is suto and electric starting system. AMERICAN AUTO COLLSOO, 2963 Ftf'rnam, Omaha. Neb. ' LEARN barber trade; be Independent, more than make your expenses while learning Wages or percentage. We don't over charge you to begin. i403 Dodge SL TRI-CITT BARBER COLLEGE. Boys. ERRAND boy In drug store. Drug Co., 60th and Dodge. Miscellaneous. FEB. 19th. Railway Mall Olerk Examina tions In Omaha. Commence $75 month. . Sample questtons free? Franklin Insti tute, Dept. 331 B. Rochester. N. Y. HELP WANTED Male and Female. WANTED Men. women to try examinations for government jobs. $70 month, vacations. Common education sufficient. Apply im medlately to Box T-811, Boa. HELP WANTEDFEMALE Stores and Offices. STENOGRAPHER. $78; atenogr&phor and clerk, $&; stenographer, $50; billing clerk, $8K; typist, $40; stenographer and book keeper, $48. Western Reference A Bond Aas'n., Inc.. 782 Omaha National Bank Building. , STENO., $4&; steno., $66; steno., $60; typ ist, $49; typist, $38; P. B. X. opr., $40; asst for credit dept., $69 to $C6. WATTS RBF. CO., 1st Na. Bank Bldg. WANTED Stenographer, Smith Premier operator. Give experience, referenced and salary. Permanent it satisfactory. Box $33. Bee. ' THB GREATEST GAIN 48.738 ' ' Hhl paid want-ads ever made by any Omaha paper, lo the reoord ot THK OMAHA BEE for 1911. " BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATB. BOOKKEEPING, stenographic, clerichl aitlonn. WESTERN BflfrERENCB BOND ASffN. TYPIST STENOGRAPHER 65 THB CANO AGENCY, 800 BE B BLDG. . Professions and Trades. WANTED Girls with common school edu cation, between 18 and 23 years, to take up local and long distance telephone work. C. F, Lambert, 1807 Douglas SL ' WANTED Girl to sell candy and cigars. 1103 8. 13th. Red 8349. . , 'Household and Domestic. WANTED Good girl, white, for general houaewtyk; $ adultswln family. 831 Park - Ave. Harney 3239. EXPERIENCED girl for general hoose ywork; family of three. ' 103 South, llth Bt. Harney 317i - WANTED A competent nurse girl must have references. Apply 408 N. 49th St. Harney 203T. , WANTED Reliable white girl to help with housework. References required. Call Col 's" Ull. , ' WOMAN for Rail cleaning In apartment i flat. For particular, Webster 2843. GIRL for housework; 3 grown-ups In fam ily. Call 114 North 30th St WOMAN of 86 or .10, as attendant for Invalid- Phone Doug. 7163. N WANTED A girl for general housework. 4913 Dodge. WANTED- Girl for second work. 114 No. llth St. edOcational ' BOTLEfl COLLEGE. . DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. ' . -Bwry y enrollment day. Book keeping, shorthand, stenotypy, typewrit ing, telegraphy, civil' service all commer cial and English branches. Catalogue free. 1 BOYLES COLLEGE. Douglas 1688. 19th and Harney Sta, VAN SANT SCHOOL OP, BUSINESS, l DAY AND EVENING SCHOOLS. Second Floor Omaha National Bank Bldg. Entrance 23fc pouglas 6890. Y. M. C. A. Day and Night School. 1 WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished Houses and Flats. WHAT have you for rent in the way v of four. Ave and six-room modem up-to-date apartments T Prefer ence will be given to those In bet ter districts of tho eity. Want to deal direct with owners. No agents Telephone Douglas 1014. Unfurnished Apartments and Houses. DO YOU WANT TO RENT YOUR VACANT PROPERTTT ir HO list It Wltn OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AGC'Y, aa we cannot supply the demand, for va cant property of all klnda Call us and let us talk it over with you. ' HASTINGS HEYDKN, 1114 Har. Tyler $9. FOR RENT1 FURNISHED Apartments and Houses. Apartments. DESIRABLE furnished and unfurnished apartments, ah sues ana prices, splen did location. 34th and Farnam. D. 1471. FEB. 1 4 -room furnished, hoated apart ment; close, In. Harney 4141 or Walnut MONEY TO LOAN . WANTED. HTGH CLASS LOANS - $69.91 to $300.99. Ten per cent Interest per annum and 10 per cent Brokerage tees, -f roviaea Dy law, Easy Payments, Utmost Privacy. Twenty-five Years Established, , - OMAHA LOAN CO. Licensed and Bonded. Tel. Doug. 3216. Room 340 Paxton Blk. FURNITURE, pianos, Ind. notes as security. 849 4-OfO. H. u. gaa., total coil 98.6V: $49 Indorsed notds. total coat, $$.19. Smaller, larger em'te., proportionals rata Organised by Omaha Buelness Men. , Motorcycles and feicycles HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTOuCYCLES. Bsr- gains Is used machines Victor Rooa. "Ths Moioreyoie sun.' zm LoavsowertJU FOR RENT ROOMS ATTENTION. ROOM HUNTERS! If you fall to find the room yos desire among these ads rail at The Bee office for a Room ListGives complete detailed dee"1ptlon of va cant rooms in all pata of the city. If more convenient phono The Bee Want Ad Dept. and give your name and address and a list will bs malted to you at oneo. New lists srs . laaued every week. . Furnished Rooms. THE GREATEST GAIN $1,713 In paid want-ads ever made by sny Omaha paper, is the record of THE OMAH K BEB for 191$. BBS RESULT LOWEST RATB til S. 34TH AVE. Those wishing to be de sirably, legated In modern rooms o ni. warmth and convenience, call Doug. 6449. WEST KARNAM dlBtrlct, comfortable fur- uMneu room, everymmg convoKii erate; private Jiome. Harney 238 HARNEY ST., 3633 Double front room. eleetrio light, hot water beat, waiaing jJiaUm-ejjM per week. Harney $767. 2528 CALIFORNIA Cosily furnished mod ern rooms; private nome; waiama distance; reasonable. Doug. 998$ BOULEVARD, near Farnam; room for busi ness woman In modern home. Breaaian tf desired. Harney $838. . HANDSOME furnished room for gentleman, strictly mod., private borne. West rar nam. Harney 8771. ELEGANTLY furnished room In private home, suitable for three; walking as tance. 3&64 Harney. " 3116 HARNEY ST., nicely furniahed for one or two gentlemen in private lanuiy. Phone Psuglas 3447. 1 FURNISHED or unfurnished . rooms tor housekeeping; steam heated. 1414 Sher wood Ave. W-bster 8744. DAVENPORT,. 1911 D. 8844. On Dodge car line, room with steam neat, aeiscinc lights and bath. iuf CALIFORNIA j modern furnished rooms, with heat; first floor; reasonanie. Harney 400 BOARD and room, $5 per week. $833 Cali fornia. Dour las ilZb. - NICE warm furnished room, one-half block from Harney jar. Phone Harney 2212 DOUGLAS Three nice sleeping rooms. Gentlemen preferred. Douglas sun. ONE furnished or unfurnished room, mod ern, walking distance. Red 6790. HEATED room for working men. Modern home. 2428 Decatur. Web. 4674 N. 23D, lllr-Modern, single room, bath room floor. Red 8817. BEAUTIFUL front suited also large single rooms. 2148 Oodge. Harney 4178. 1811' HOWARD ST. -Modern furnished roome; steam heat FURNISHED rooms, 2408 Davenport St.; private -family; references required. Housekeeping light houselceepio Rooms. NTOE light housekeeping and famished rooms, reasonable. Tyler 319, 12 B. 13th St 2 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, everything fur nished; good heat; close in; cheap. Red 8661. TWO or 8 excellent rooms for light house keeping. 2121 Leavenworth. ' Board and Rooto BEAUTIFUL i'-room suite, fireplace, mlrVor doors, largs cicU suitable for lour; nir nished or unfurnished; also single and double furnished room; hot and . cold water; walking distance; excellent board. .JIarney 8607. 880 S. 28th Bt . SOUTHEAST, steam-heated robm, with pri vate bath: excellent meals; garage. Phone Harney mi. WANTED A worklng'man for board and room. 717 S. 19Ut St Phone Douglas 4889. BEAUTIFUL suite consisting of bedroom. living room and sun room, excellent board; private home; West Farnam. Harney 48. LARGE, well furnished room with board, on Farnam and cuming line, rnone wain or 2094. . r Hotels. WORKING MEN'S hotel. 209 N. , 12th St Reasonable. Call. Night, week yr month. Rooms Wanted. YOU PEOPLE WHO RENT ROOMS, CALL THE BEE WANT-AO UK FT. and Dftd out all about the FURNISHED ROOM GUIDB. It's s plan that Is helping many peopjo rent their rooms. ' . FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. CHOICEST 4-R. APT. , IN THE CITY., : Hss t-t. accommodations, - having, s bullt-ln bed and smell dressing room, which has a buflt-tri chiffonier. Beauti ful .large dining room with French doors opening' Into bedroom, which ls nicely decorated and white enamel finish with mirror door and two good clothes clos ets; dining room which has a bullt-ln '.bed, etc.; oak finish; kjtchen equipped with elevated over gaa range, refrigera tor Iced from outside, garbage incinera-. tor, gas drier in laundry, extra eleetrio plugs for Iron, etc.; curtain apd over drape rods, individual porches. , IDALIA, 115 N 33D. Apt No. 3, the only one left, renting for $80 sum., $66 winter. Janitor will show you through. OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AGENCY, HASTINGS A HEYDEN, 1814 Har. Ty. 68. FIVE-ROOM flat. 205 Paxton court, between 26th Ave. and 26th. Douglas and Far nam; has Murphy in-a-door bed la din ing room, besides two large, light bed rooms, gas -range, - refrigerator, window shades, curtain rods turn t shed, new, $37.60. OMAHA'S LARGEST .RENTAL AGENCY HASTINGS A HEYDEN, 1614 Har. Tyler 60. . THE DEWEY, 3301 DEWEY AVE. Good locatlon and choice 3-r. apt, jvtth S-r. accommodations. Murphy-tn-a-Door bed in living room and small dressing room with bullt-lo chiffonier, also disap pearing bed In dining room. New. excel lent janitor service; $36 sum., $40 wint OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AOENCY, HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1814 Har. Ty. 68. THE MATFAIR. CLOSE IN. 222 Howard, NEW, has 8 rooms with 6-room accommodations; 2 built-in beds, small dressing room bullt-ln chiffonier; very choice. $31 sum., $36 winter. OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AGENCY HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Har. Tyler 69. 6-ROOM modern apartment In the Hudson, 207 8- 26th Ave. Heat and janitor serv ice, $46. BENSON & MYERS CO., i 424 OmahaNat'l Bank JBldg. VERY choice-6-room steam heated apart ment on West Farnam St JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. CLOSE-IN -r. flat 3679 Harney; walking distance; strictly modern, $30. OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AGENCY HASTINGS A HEYDEN, 1614 Har. Tyler 66. South. ARE YOU YOUR OWN , JANITOR? There's no need to be. Rent a cozy flat in the Carlyle, 626 South 16th St, 4 rooms and tile bath, on first floor, the- most desirable of all. Here you have no carfare. , $33.60 summer, $42.60 win ter. " PAYNE & SLATER CO., $16 Omaha Nat Bldg. Phone D. 1018. 6R. flatr26i4Wool worth, new eleetrio light-in-: fixtures, good location, strictly mod., good yard, large porch, $23.69 and water paid. Hastings A Heyden, 1614 Har. Tylef 60. Miscellaneous - $30.00 660 So. 26th Ave., all modern &-r. brick flat 838.80647 So. 37th Ave., C-r. brick flat tn excellent condition. GLOVER & SPAIN, Doui-lea 3,11. ,1,-lr Cltr National. ..ROOM apt. Id Starling, 110. Ftrat Trust Ce.. D. 1111. - .-. FOR RENT HOUSES West IIS N. 17TH AVE. 125. Hot water beat, rooms. This houM has been tborousoly redecorated and repaired. ' . THE BYRON REED COMPANY, Douglas 397. 212 S. 17th St 3393 HOWARD ST. A I'Story frame, 1 rooms sad sleepn porch. New "urn ace. . Room for oaa oar Is garage If tMrtd Houae tent $$fc ALFRED THOMAS, 39 r ire. wai Bk Bldg. , FOR REN Close in. strictly modern -room Apt, new. 3711 Dewey Vve, $33 is summer, $49 in winter. Phone Harney 4414. STONE HOrSB and arage St tlst and Dodge, its. w. u Beisy sons, updiih is. FOR RENT HOUSES North. A WINTER BARGAIN. $20" PER. MONTH. Linton tlulldlnar. lilh and Uaaon. , room., all modern. 1 Plata with beac and water: & will be, allured towap" movlnv expenses. Tbase nata are et main street, Very close to down4 towo dl trict. I THE BYRON REED COMPAN? , i rwiltlas ni. J g. nth t. ' 8 ROOMS, all modern, east front, porches, everythlnf near and up-to.the.mtnat.Ay Walking distance. li per moath. Doug laa 6I. , ' : ' TRAVER BROTHEkS.' IH New rinrt National Banh Bldg. SU SPENCER ST., 4-T. all-mod, 3S. 2,:: 8. 1Kb SL. t-r.. dandy, all mod., tit. 252. Wirt. at., l-r.. mod. tx. bt. 11. 1104 N. 2ld SL, 4-r.. mod. ei- hL, Hi. HASP BROS., 1 Kaellne BMy. Ty. iH. zr-- RAILROAD MEN, ATTENTION. ilnton Bide., llth ami iLaana. rooma, all modern, heat and water rural. bed ; 9S allowed on mobg aspensea -4 , THE BYRON REED COMPANY. Douglaa SIT. S1! S. l7ti SL RRST HRKT fiVAP : OVFERS. " ' t-r, new, very eboloa, nst N.,!0th, tat; 4204 Lake, l-r.. nam. paved ,L. Ill: (-r 2,20. Seward, $1; theaa modern ex. beaL Eleven otbara, (i to ItO. ' lilt Burt, 7-r MrKITRICK R. g. CO., 14tl Tyler 2H.-J. rnioOM ail modern house, nfwly decorated. ne furnace, lit. 1014 N 22d St T.L Red 1M1. NEAR 24TH AND BURGETTE. -v . Nlea, aU modern cottage an good car Una, In excellent repair.' - ' 2221 Burdette SL, 7 rooms, hot water haaL Sit. '' ' , THE BYRON REED COMPANY, Donglas 1,7. 1119. 17th SL 1-R.. mod. cot. 2544 N. 21th Av, 114. T.4TU. South. FURNISHED t-room houae and garage la ' park district. Walking "dtstanc. Bed 4,,4 days. Harney ,01 evenings. Miscellaneoua. WE HAVE WHAT TOO WANT, BOUSES AND COTTAGES PARTLY MODERN. 4-R. 1414 Carter Laks Blvd 14.Hr l-R. ,01 Martha St 11.H t-B. til Martha Bt lt.i, 1-R. lt N. 42d St 14.4, MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 4-R. HI, N. 27th SL (for colored) 1S.M . i STRICTLY MODERN. 4-R. 1127 N. 27th St. (brand new). 26.44 7-R. 4411 8. 23d St.. i.. 11.44 1-R. 2430 Bristol St. (with ban la the rear) li t, FLATS STRICTLY MODERN. ,-R 1,11 Dewey Ave. (very ebooelT7.ll WE HAVE OTHERS. SEE OUR COM PLETE' LIST BEFORE RENTING. PORTER. 8HOTWELL, Ml S. 17tb Bt Doug. Mil 922 N. 24th 8L, 4-r., mod. . bt....tl2.M 123 N. 10th 8L, f-r. flat mod. ex. hL 10. M 202t 8prboe, S-r part modern..... lt.,0 -lit N. 27th Ave, C-r., all modern, hot water heat Sf.tl S407 Jackson, 6-r, all modern, hot - water beat 15.00 2223 Burdette, 7-r, hot wat,r heat 25.00 THE BYRON REED COMPANY, Douglas 207, 111 a 17th SL CHOICE -r. house, ..2101 'Spencer, water paid; excellent condition, new lighting fixture., large yard. Kountx. Place, vary choice, fit. - i Omaha's Largest Rental Agency. Hastings Heyden. 1414 Har. Tyler M. RENTAL HEADQUARTERS : FOR-OMAHAJ'- '- MOVING AND STORAGE GORDON VAN, CO. FIREPROOF WA&BHOUfiB. . Packing, ' stotmte -; and nov lag. 21 N: lilh Bt.i Phone "MfcTROPbLlTAN VAN; AND " STORAQfi CO. V Careful k atteiitloh given- to e4mm fW movin. pacHing-or storag. v Office at Raymond Furniture,, Co., 161$ and ills Howard St Phftnd D. ,6954. 1 ''.wJ1 riKnriiwf ntAMnuuea Separate locked reome for honaebeM good snd planoa, moflng;, padklsc sad OMAHA VAN ANJJ 8TORAOB CO mV6 B. Dh uvwftiM Va, Globe Vaii and Stoiige Co. For real eefvlce in moving, packing: and storing, call Tyler tit), ef Donglas 4Stl. FIDELITY fiSSSSu.: FREE Phone Doaglas 'SI for complete -" list of vacant bouses sd apdrt ' menta. Also for etorage. moving, lth snd Jackson1 Sis.- ' Maggard , EiVSS5 Van and Stirraga Ca. ItoVtng, Paokiag, Storage, and Shipping. .Phona Pout. 1.4,4. T tl?T?Tfc Expresa Co. llovlng, . O. HCjEjU faaWagaad storaga, 1207 Farnam SL Douglas .Ht- TR-IN CITY EXPRESS CO.. '121 Caaa St Douglaa 1717. Truaka storad a sp.et.lfry. FOR ItXNTBtiiiBes. Pr'Tty Stores.' 214 AND HI B. 1TH'. ST, obla stare (with light, -dry oaaemet).:ataaBa haaa. electric llglls,, amall elevator,, eta.! noa Farnam. Oral Exchange Bldg, new tat .phone Bldg. .and new hotels. Win re model or build -larger la salt ,SO, 14t Pro aha National Bank Bldg. 2212 CUMINO ST., 20xt0, one locatleo, naS croas-town transfer, 127.60.. 2204 Cuming SL, office, Boalaa, yard sad bins; suitabla for ooal and faad ttara, , Tyler 1514. 331 Raaa Bhuy. CONFECTIONERY or bakery stora for rant with living room in rwr, 14th and Wirt ' good location, ' 235. . t, Call us for appotafcnwmV - HASTINGS A UETDtai, - IBIt namey. dTORE ROOM, 2116 Cuming SL, with room . mm! ... abo, or tallar fthon or any small mutlneaa. 925 pr month. Call -Webeter . . , t RESTAURANT to rent with flitm-aa. gas stoves at tvi a. . o, . hut tioa. HALF of modern ator. with aneloaod show winaowa " ' So. 14tn Bt. STORE for rent itth St..' near poatoffloa - . . . . - ...A f k , . B . o, r, ntepoin.. i.i. Othces and Dash - Room. OFFICES. Single and ca sulta. . Ia a central taog. " BROWN BLDG.! ' , Room 4,7. pooghu Ull. Jit S. 1TH ST.. 2d floor, steam heat elec tric lights, oak nnlsh, maple floor; about 22x2, It; reasonable. . ,i n .n VIM DfttVI ' 241 Omaha National Bank Bldg. uKeiKAoUi olllee rooms in the remodeled Crounsa block, 111 N. 14th St (oppoette postolfloa). Il t 111 par wntk. Ooarad ' Toung. p'."" . CHOICE o:lc. space. Balrd Bldan 17th aad Ponslea, llcCagu. lnv. Co. Garigess and Barns. BARN for car or horses, 14. a month. 414 B. fith SL . i Miscellaneous. LAROE. Ught Daa.ro.nL llth and Howard, cbap- Wrlgbl tasbaryMIng UI. REAL ESTATES-IMPROVED " West 513 S. 35TH ST. . . I -room. nei all modern, heautifnl hunga'ow. Price. thW. IBM each, bal ance 43t. per month. 1 H. a. wolf; Realtor HI Wan Bl.ct Doagiaa 1144. "0