THE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1. 1917. Tl REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North. BARGAIN. Thin place at 4717 N. 42d St., on the payment! of f 104 cash And 116 pr month Is bargain. The houye has rooms, city water and sewer In (he street, gas and electricity in the house. One block from the school, stores and car line. Two Mocks from FontenelVe park. If you want a home on the easy payment i-lan this is the place to buy. For price call CREIGH, SONS & CO., Jouglas 300. 608 Bee Bldg. BUY THIS AND CUT DOWN THE H. L. Vt JU Located at HA and Cass Sta.. I block from High School aod 4 blocks from Oeiffhton College, 14 large rooms and large attic, upstairs rents for 110 per month, first floor occupied by owner's fam ily i large garage for 10 cars, rents for J30 per month; lot 74x135. This property in a money maker for the right party; J 4, SOO cash will handle this. BIG 4 REALTY CO.. HUS-M W. O. W. Bldg. D. 3486. Good Location 7 -room strictly modern houso near Kountie Park; handy to car line, schools, stores and churches: can be bought for $2,460; 1260 down and 123 per raonta, can Tyler 60 and ask for Mr, Clark. llastings & Heyden, 1614 HARNETT ST. South. Why Look Further? HERE IS THE HOME YOU WANT. Large sis-room semi-bungalow, living room across front, opn stairway, unusu ally fine dining room and kitchen; three good bedrooms and bath; ciothes chute; extraordinary closets; beautifully deco rated throughout; all in oak and white enamel; full brick foundation. This Is a bargain in a oranu new svuw, Osborne Realty Co., 7t-J Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldr. Tyler . Your Own Terms Six rooms, all modern, in good condi tio, with east front lot. at northwest corner of Htta and Marey, on high ground, one block south of Leavenorth St. Owner has decided to sell and wants an offer cash or terms. Tour chance to get a bargain. GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglaa S62. l-0 City National. BIO BARGAIN. SOUTH 80TH STREET. Good B-room cottage and a 4-room rottage. on one lot, at 2433 South 20th, In excellent repair, ravin all paid. OnlT 12.7&U lor the two cottagea. uaay lerma. NORRIS NORRIS, 400 Bee Bldg. Phone Doug-la 4270. Miscellaneous. CLOSE IN NEW BUNGALOW Large living room, dining room, kitchen . . ih ..... 1 .. w ira hailfAATIU aiAal bath on second floor, oak finish and oak floors; Dum-in uui.uie basement; guaranteed furnace; east front lot; paved street; fine location. Price S4,iv. Terms. . SCOTT AND HELL CO., Doug. 10e. Ground Fir. UcCague Bldg THE GREATEST GAIN 68.71 a. Mid . nt.ada ever made by anf . mahs paper, ia the record of THS uMAHA bub ror isie. BEST RESULTS W3WB3ST RATE - - vkw hunttalow. also 8-r. and gardening, your terms and price; lnv. with rent j houses (coat f.owuj, iz.ouv. u. nvi. uni.k iW HI INC.Al nM fine location, east front, paved street. b rooms, narawuuu miui" biiu uiiifH, to scnooi ann car a Dars" .v tammy terms nn owner in it t vie raoma. new. oak finish, fully deco rated, all modern, etc., $2,760: 2tu cash. balance mommy iJoiiaxis HOUSES it. all parts of the city CREIGH. BO IS CO.. 68 Bee Bldg. J B. ROBINSON, Real Estate and Insur ance, 442 Bee IJldg Douglas 80I7. REAL ESTATE Unimproved West THE GREAT fcJH'I (JAIN 68.738 la paid want-ads ever made by any Omaha paper, la the record of CHH OMAHA BEE for 1911. BEST RKSULTH LUWS81 RATE North. Minne Lusa We have a number ot very desirable lots in Minne Lusa, one block from car and Miller park, with all improvements in and paid for, that we can sell for i860, on feasy terms. Hiatt Co., Tyler 60. 246 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. AFTER looking at MINNE LUSA, 300 dif ' ferent buyers decided that It was the best proposition on the market and they backed their Judgment by buying tota IF YOU will come out today you will understand why the others are buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO.. 742 Omaha Nat. Ba.ik Bldg Tyler ls7 MINNE LUSA Nice lot on Titus Ave., near 34tb St., can be bought at a bargain, this lot must be sold. See me quick C. A. Qrlmmel. 849 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. 4 WO dandy Mouth ' ont lots. N. E. corner Z i and Lafayette we. Montclare Addi tion. Phone Harney 1988. h AL Eh I A 1 E In vestme.. A OOFNER lot, 46x146, unrestricted and suitable for store or flats, to be sold at a -lacrlftce for cash, for owner, who is leav ing Omaha. This lot is on corner of Far nam and Cuming car line and all paving ,a tn and paid for. Catl us If you are In terested in a bargain. Sbuler tft Caxy. Z'i Keellne Bldg. Phone D. 674. SEE US FOR iN VESiMENT AND ....ULA11VE PROPERTY. A. K rUKEY & SON. tlO First Nattuuai Bank mdg. APARTMENT IJ6.UO0 Income I'i pel ueot. one yuai oiu ry One location, mortgage 36,900 and Mil accept HO, 999 In trade; balance -i '( negotiable papers. CALKIN b CO., '.uimh ltilH my Nat l Bank Bldg HOME BUILDERS, INC. New capitalisation, tl.UOU.OllO 90. New 11.00 Preferred Hharet, Guaranteed 7 V ' cash dividends Jan I ft July 1 ' O on an1 number 1 shares Feb. 1 American Security Co., Pis. Agts. Omaha. ttSaAl faiATJL WU JOI.-AJL, ifb K-lltlr- Hldg UU EAL EMAIL iRACKAUh TRACKAGE. 3 66-100 acres C B & U trackage Olbson. Suitable tor industry desiring large area with low price. Also have b acres beautifully located on ooulevard ti E. part without trackage. W L. Selby A sons, Keellne Bldg. POULTRY ANDPET STOCK Screenings $1.50 100 lb. A- W. Wagner. 801 .v. Ifitb St. REAL ESTATE B'new Pr'ty Down-Town Business Property This ts a three-story brick building tn established retail district, with store bil low and tints above; located 14 blocks irwm 16th and Harney 8t. ; lot $uxl32 ft. Under lease to good tenants for $6.40 per year. Price only $26,000 for long time leasehold; desirable terms. Pays nearly 10 per cent on purchase price. George & Company, Cong. 76. to: City National Bank Bldg. Good Location For Down-Town Garage 132x132 Feet Northeast corner 17th and Jackson Sta. See us for price and terms. George & .Company, Phone D. 756. 902 City Nat. Bank Bldg. REAL I A I b Suburban Benson. START YOUR HOAlW IN BKNSON uuy rt-is lot 110. ett down and liuott per monin; price 1200 0; site. uOxUS, located on Locust St., between Clark and Burn bam. not far from school and i-ai lino Geo B Wright. Bee Office, imntria BbiNSON home ai real bargain, J-room bouse, ual front, cornel lot, Fruit trees and shrubbery One block to car 1200 down and 12 per month, to responsible party.. vVlu sacrifice for quick sale or will trade on Omaha property Benson 337W. Dundee. SEVKKAL lots, building restriction. 13, 50U.OO. Adjoining Happy Hollow Circle. $490.1)0 to $1. 000.1)1). W L. St; I, BY & SONS. Doug. 161. A DUNDEE lot bargain, near school and car line Write Bos 9832. Bee. Florence. 1250 ACRE, acreage sold; 2 tracts left at $300. Last chance. Call Net ba way, Flo )2ft. South Side. A GENTLEMAN'S HOME. A stately, spacious mansion on !2J Ave. overlooking Hanscom Park, with 13 large airy rooms, 1 fire places, steam heat and innumerable closets and pantries. Ter raced plot, 10x176 feet. Price, 112,009. Only 12,600 cash required. Vnr sale only by the SOUTH OMAHA INVKSTMKNT CO., 4925 South Hth St. Phone South 1247, CHEAP HOMES. We have a largo number ot small bouses with to 4 rooms, ranging In price from Sti9 to fl,2u, on full sized lots, which we can sell at your own terms. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., 4936 S. 241b St. Phone South 1247. POUR ACRES. Well improved Will take guod bunga low as part payment. S. P UorfTWICK SON, Tyler 15M6 J 0 Bee Bldg REAL ES I A TL To Exchange MUST sell or trade, nonresident. G-room. story and a half house. Neaily new; strictly modern; hardwood floors, garage, Lot 69x120 paying 10 per oent; $3,000, easy terms. 2616 Fort. Owner, I. Smith, Castle to lei. 1 280 ACRES, highly improved, near Aber deen, South Dakota, to exchange for in come property. Write F. L. Jones, Creston, Iowa. WE have some good homes and rental prop erties for Neb. or Iowa land Kdwurd F William Co.. Omaha Nafl bank BUU. 1 itAi'K - I ivrt i - I K A Karma Cattle, Ranches. New Apartment Flats, etc AHHOTT 4 Patterson Block Ranch specialist; sell or trad? ranches for city property Franta, 678 Brandels Bldg REAL LSirtii: WAIN 1 fcD WE solicit your business. We can sell your house. We can trade your property. We can write your insurance, INTERSTATE REALTY CO, 929-30 City National. Douglas 8862. , W WANTED 4, 6 and tt-ruunied houses tha can be sold for $109 cash, balance 16 per monlh; send complete description first letter. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnaro. Tel. Doug. HW4. LIST your 6 and 6 -room houses with us WE SELL f H EM OSBORNE REALTY CO Doug 1474 HVB customer for bargains In homes. See me. U f Stebblns. t AKM FOR REINl KOM ikENT Improved ' quarter. Swift county, ft innesota. two and one-but miles from good town. About 190 acres tn cuiiivation Crop or oash Address it W I Pal ett Crete Neb. FINANCIAL Reai Estate, Loans., Mortgages. LC7 Serving our Investors for 39 U 0 years without a loss is our rec ord in handling first mortgages on pro ductive Nebraska farms Our loans run In amounts from $60U to $36,090. We collect all Interest and principal free or charge. KLOKE INVESTMENT COMPANY. 846 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg., Omaha. Neb. 'I I V and farm tuiw promptly made. Hates 6, b and H per cent. Reasonable com mission. UNITED STATES TRUST CO.. ill South 17th. Omaha. Neb. City and Farm Loans 6, 61 and 9 per cent. Also drat mort gages on farms and Omaha real estate for sale J. H Dumenl A Co . 416-18 Keellne Bldg., 17tb and Harney. 1 HE iHU,A k U-Si viAllS 08.138 In paid want-ads ever made by any Omaha paper la the record of THE OMAHA BEE toi 1918. U&ST KKSI ll.TS M W KS'I RATE 6 PER CEN I u b pei cam un tmsl class city residences in amouut ti.bvit up; also farm loans Reason Oie commission PETERS I'KUSI I'll I HZ 2 Fsrtiam St I3.1HI0 MOHTOAUE bearing ti per cent semT- ouv luuimKw-ivtKJruiP inv (JO., W. bldg W. STANDARD SECURITY AND INVESTMENT CO., 3 WEAD BLDG. 18'IH AND . AltNAM. aUoPEf. Ot CO.. PKlv A IE MONEY $600.99 to loan on Omaha real estate or trai Neu. uuta. W. L. Selby & aoua. Keellne Bldg MONEY to loan on improved farms and rain-bee We also buy good tarm inort- rvtusr ill km., umana. UELlAULK insurance. See o'Nell's Real Estate and Insurance Agency, bji-b Bran deis theater rel Tyler 10H4. MoNEY on hand tor city and farm loans U. W Hinder. City National Bank Bldg riTv GARVIN BROS., "Om. Nat, Bk. Bidg. 0 LOANS' HON EY H A Itlllfit VJ ti Omaha Nat i OMAHA HOMES. EAST NEB. FARMS. O' KEEFE R. E. CO., 1010 Omaha Nat l . FARM and city inana. W H I'tKMiittB Keen W UK I I) lv T,f I i I II Sun 1 healer BLljdiug HEAL L.&1A1E loans. 6 per cent. D E HUCK A ci' 'Mitnm ,Nai Una C1T V and I a rm loans, lowest rates E H Li'UuEtv I tic o-U Keeime Uldg iiuo io Im.miti iiiatlr proiiipiiy F D Wead, Wead Bldg mill Miid Nritaut Sts. Abstracts ot TiUe - I'Hif OuaiaiKee and AUaitm l C tVCI I Htfb S 1 ith St.. routMl Him btmdro by Mhms bundltia mid ins Co Financial Wanted . WANTED To borrow from private party 1,2II0 for 6 years; A-l farm st-rurity, at 6 ppr renL Bjtx jfi4, Hen. Miscellaneous. GALLAGHEK 6i NELSON. Represent prumpl 1llHUrHlli:e COttl ;', Omaha, N"b nanb'S. 944 Brandels Bl r ARM AND RANCH LANDS Co i or ado Lands. OPI'OU'ITNITY A 1.1KKT1ME to acuiv farm. L,i wiiole piece in win ter whual, fanned "lhl. sod crop, ItuiaU'd on main hifctiuay, mlks from Yum. Colo, whose lupulalUui has doubled in the lam i wu years nwly teuced. new weli-buiil sioiKKu building. 4ixM; sod - rop means sure yi td, should g'1 to 4& bus lit' !i (o the acr and at nxt year's prices mare than pay for Ihe land, hurd, level land, no aaiid ; a rare cha nee to settle in a new. llvr community without watting (wo yearn for a crop and without killing your horses breaking new Kround; four elevators within 2h nniea. Here is everything done but le harvest in the best dry -tn 'int tig district tn Colorado IT'S A SNAP ut J&0 an acre, half down. Who wants it 7 Quick action nece&pary William P. Tarrant, Saratoga Springe, N. Y. Fior da Lands PALM HKAH COUNTY. We have the record crop truck warden and Urus fruit land the United Slates. You can buy on easy :erm. Note: If you are i good laud sales man Palm Bench county, Florid . offers you the best land proposition In America. PARSONS & SON, 5- Brandels Bldg. Douglas 7846. Excursions leave Omaha first and third Tuesdays every month. Make ur reser vations with us early THREE THOUSAND ACRES Florida farm land for sale In tracts of 10 acres and up To suit purchaser. R. E. M'NEILL, Live Oak. Pla. RAISE ALFALFA IN FLORIDA (Natal Ha.' I this winter First cutting, 90 days, 160 to 180 annually on $6V land. tfU Karon Blk Walnut evening) lorn Land. 30 YEARS OWNER OK THIS FARM. NOW GOlNO TO SELL 272 acres Crawford Co., towa; has o-room bouse, barn 52xti, cattle barn, hog house, double cor nc rib, thicken house, ma chine shed, granary, well, windmill, all improvements firm-class shape, well painted, all fenced hog-tight, with b sep arate fields hog-tltfhi. i WO acres under plow, IS acres alfalfa, 4ti acres blue grass, balance timothy and 'Hover. 7 miles from Dow City. 7 miles rrmn Charter Oak. 8 miles from Klnwood. Price $176 per acre. Mttce. 20,U00. five years, 6 pcL owner will take $10,UUU cash, carry bal ance at 6 pet., except owner wantfr jailO and interest each year; farm rented tor 7 per acre for 11IH. S. O. NORDU.U18T, 882 Nellle Blk,, Omaha. Nee. Missouri lands. SMALL MISSOURI FARM f lu cash and $1 monthly; no interest or taxes, highly pro ductive lard; close to i big markets. Write for photographs and full informa tion. Munger, A-ll. N. Y Life B:dg Kansas City, Mo. Nebraska Lands. WE FARM THE FARM WE TELL YOU. Many people cannot understand how It is that this association can afford to make the proposition It does to the wage earner of Omaha. Our plan was studied very thoroughly by us before we adopted It and put it up to "The People." We know right where we are all the time and, as stupenduoun as it may seem, we are prepared to do and are going to do every thing we Droiniae to do in our aavoriising. We are going to sell you a five-acre potato tract at from $227 to $487 each upon payments of from 25 to $35 down and $6 per month. That land that is not already under cultivation we are going to break out this spring and seed to either flax or wheat while that land that ts under cultivation, we are going to seed to potatoes We are going to give you two-fifths ot all the crop derived from the land and apply It upon the last end of your contract until the last end meets the head end which Is being paid upon ay your monthly payments. This Is eolng to take perhaps two years. After your con tract Is paid out, you get a warranty deed for the land, a copy of abstract showing clear title. After that the land is yours. If you want to re-lease it to the. association, we will re-leaae it and continue to work It on the same plan. It you want to sell it, you can do so. or .f you want to lease it to other, you may do ao. We do ail of the developing for you and, by the time it is turned over to you, it should be In a gardenlsed condition, well Bllrred and sus ceptible to tho taking of moisture and thereby In good condition for the raising of bumper crops. Our lands are In Butte and Dawes Counties. They are all about the name soil and all the same conditions. The Box But te County average on potatoes Is shown by the government or stale statistics to be 137 bushels to the acre. Will you join us by coming In and getting one of our books explaining our jpjropoaition and then Join us further by buying one of our tracts? You get a real deed for real land and not a gilded stock certificate. Besides this, we farm the land we sell you. If you cannot come In, please telephone us for one of our booklets and we shall be very glad to mail or send you nne Teieuhone DoUKias 9371. THIS HUNOERFORD POTATO GROWERS' ASSOCIATION. 15th and Howard Sta. Tel. 1 ou. 9871. 240 ACRES improved farm, 140 undwr cul tivation; 2i alfalfa, zu meadow, ou pas lure; 3 orchard. 6 timber; good soil; 2 mtlea to church, school house on land; tub per acre; mortgage, J4.G0U; for aale or will trade for small farm adjoining good town and school Address Owner. Box 37. Route 2 Brunswick, Neb. WE FARM the farm we sell you. THE HUNOErtFORD POTATO GROWERS' ASSN., Co-operative Potato Farming, 16tn and Howard Sta,, oppclte Auditorium. SOME bargains in Kimball county farms; improved and raw land, land mat raises 16 to 36 bushels of wheat per acre; 610 and up. Farmers' Land Co. W tVi isud made dry enough lor crops or no pay. Is out way ot dtaniltig land. No tract too large ot too wet. Ouarantee Dtaluage Co. Oakland, Neb. un sale Boat targe boay high grade medium priced land in Nebraska; very little money required C Bradley. Wol-tmi-h Neb SECTION CHEAP, near Valentine; easy It-rrnn; buy quien. w noss, vv nuerocKS. Utah. CAN sell or exchange ny land you have to offer C, J Catian. Mi:C an ue mag on A h AKM rot sic ji trade D 6707 South Dakota Lands. BENIETTarid titymnon county, S. D. land on Pine Ridge -reservation. Get in before it is too la t e Finest soli in the world. Have a few good ranch proposition, too. Wayne L Barker, Brennan 9. D. Texas Lands. S. FRANKS Real estate, east Texas IsndH 'l NeviH Bik Douglas S9. Wisconsin Lands. BE YOUR OWN BOSS. Get a farm borne in rich corn and clover belt of northwestern Wisconsin along new Soo line, fifty miles, St. Paul. Minn., near Dututh. Superior Land seekers all say, "I saw nothing better." Yor'H like this wonderfully prosperous atock and dairy region too Well settled but prices still reasonable. Rich soils, hardwood timber, plenty raiufall. healthful climate, beauti ful lakes, fine sr-bouls Creameries every where Only 60 miles, big markets. Im proved or unimproved. 61 u per acre and up. Investigate at once. Map and list free. Bakr. N 117. St Croix 1 alls. Wis WANTED RANCH BS, Farm Lands bought, sold, ex changed. S. S. and R. E. Montgomery, Horses Live Stock Vehicles FoilSale FOR SALE Beautiful silver gray hearse, rubber tire, latest design, band carved elegant cordition. used very little; cost 61,400; will sell very cheap. Ensign Om nlbua and Transfer Co., Lincoln, Neb. PAIR of good geldings, 6 ears old, weight 6,200. and sound. Also three gi. young pane of tnares. Must ne sola. 146 North D, Fremont, Neb. Phone 622. AUTOMOBILES GUARANTEED TIRES. y2 Price We make one new tire from the ok) ones. GUARANTEED 3,000 MILES. We Buy and Sell ' USED CARS TIRES. Live agents wantud. If you are a bus tler write for our agency proposition. I IN i VULCANIZING CO., 1514 Davenport St., Omaha. AUTOMOBILES CLOSED CAR FOR SALE. A C.-t Stevens lHtryta flv-passenger Laundlet in ftrat-class condition. Silver town cord tire. uno extra, all practically new, for vale at a big bargain. TOOZER - GERSPACHER MOTOR COMrANY, Tel. Doug. 6082. 2211-13 Karnam Pt. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE 1209 Karnam St. Douglas 3310. Chalmers "6' Sacrifice Hupmobile "St" 6376 Mitchell ".' touring 400 Chevrolet touring 360 THE GREATEST OAIN 68.718 In paid want-ads ever made by any Omah.1 pa pel. is Ihe record of THE OMAHA 'IKE for 1916. REST RESUI.'WS" LOWEST RATE. 15 PCX. Cash rebate on uui auto Insurance pol icy tf you car Is equipped with PERRY LOCK. Phone Douglas 3217 K94 Brandels Bidg ;S.US. MOIOK CO. ,SS3 S4U9 Leavenworth. and Fireproof storage, 16 per month Day and ntgbt service Phone Tyler TIT. TO RENT Best location In Council Bluffs for garage, will remodel to sun tenant.; 7,600 eq. ft floor space; one block from corner of Main St and W Broadway. See Hendricks & Son. Co. Bluffs, la. 11913 PAIGE, electric equipped, $210. 11914, 6-60 Maxwell, speedster. 6409. Several second-hand Franklins. TELL & BINK.LEY, 2318 Harney St. D. 1670. ORoSSTnWNVarage,' 316 H 34lh. D 4441, New Ford wheels, real 6. 60, front 11.60 ea.. Stewart vacuum system, $6; other bargains Motorcycle preslu laup, full. 64. WK"wTT"trade you a new Ford for your fild one. INDUSTRIAL GAR AGP CO., Uth and Harney. Douglas 61161. FOR SALE Owing to my leaving city, my 19 1 & Overland coupe ts for aale, cheap, cash or payments. Addreas Apt. 897, New Hamilton. USED CARS AT REAL PRICES C. W. RAN CIS AUTO CO., Douglas 6. m-18 Farnam St. AIJTO" Tops, Cushrona, Seat Covers, Bodies, Manufactured and Repaired. AUTO TRIMMING AND EQUIPMENT CO 410 S 18th. Douglas 6677. FOR SALE My 1916 Overland touring. Just overhauled and reflnisbed. Must sacrifice, as leaving city. Call D. 6661 after 9 p. m. REBUILT high and low tension tuagaetoea, magneto pa s or magneto repairs. Mai tox, 1420 South 19th Tyler itll-J. BALL and roller beatings, all makes of cars, good as new at half the price. Mat to. M26 South tth. Tyler IU-J. FIRST reasonable cash offer takes my lilt Maxwell louring car, just like new. Call Tyler 1816 after Prm . FOR SALK 1916, five-passenger Fond cheap for cash. Must be sold at once. Owner leaving otty. Box 162, Bee. Tlbu i 'isCH kan- Fix-It." Houtneast cor ner aoth and Harney Sta Douglas I9. SECOND-HAND Ford touring car for sale. Call Colfax 499 Auto Livery ngpar-gB. EXPERT auto repairing, ,-sorvlce car al ways ready Omsha Garage, 2010 Har- n-v St. Tyler "66 Auto Rcpainng and Painting. 1100 reward for magneto we can't repair. Coils repaired Bayadorfer. 210 N 18th NEB, Auto Radiator Repair Service, and prices right 118 B 19th D 7390 Motorcycles and Bicycles HARLEY-DA VIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bar RHlns In used machines, Victor Rons, "The Motorcycle Man.' '70S ijeavanwortn MONEY TO LOAN WANTED. HIGH CLASS LOANS. t&0.00 to $300.00. Ten per cent Interest per annum and 10 per cent brokerage fees. Provided by law. Easy Payments. Utmost Privacy. Twenty-five Tears Established. OMAHA LOAN CO. Licensed and Bonded. Tel. Doug. 3296. Room 340 Pax Urn Blk. FURNITURE, pianos, Ind, notes as security. (40 rj-mo H. H. gda., total cost, 13. Do i $40 " indorsed notes, total coat, 62.60. Smaller, larger am ts., proportionate rate PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY, Organised by Omaha Business Men. 432 Rose Bldg 16th and Farwaro Ty 6t. PERSONAL PILES, FISTULA 47URED. Dr. B. R Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without lurgioai operation. Cure guaranteed and on money ijaid until oared. Write for book on rec tal diseases with testimonials DR. EL R, TARRY. 240 Bee Bidg.. Omaha. Neb. PERSONAL "PROPER CARE OF THE HAIR AND SCALP An authoritative book, written in esKily understood lan guage (profusely illustrated), describing In clear and positive manner best means of preserving healthy hair and scalp, by recognized author, dermatologist and Medical University instructor. Prospectus free. University Medical Press, Orand and Windsor St. Louts. THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga zines. We collect. We distribute. Phons Doug. 4116 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1111-1114 Dodge St. TUB GREATEST OAIN 66,711 Omaha paper, Is the record of TH E OMAHA BKK for 1616. BEST RbULTS -LOWEST RATB ilSS LARSuN Baths, massage and manl cur Seal, nd facial massag . Staata Institute. 1606 iixmey St. D 7067 Open veilings a. d Sundays. Sulphur, steam and eucalyrptu baths for chronic diseases: exp attendant for ladles and gentlemen 402-3 Rose Bldg Ty Zitil HUPTCRlt Successfully tr ated without s surgical operation Call or write Dr Frank H vVrav HOB Bee Bldg " " DR B U R K K. " OMAHA MENS SPECIALIST. zl6CROIN8B BLK OPPOSITE P O. east WANTED to adopT a llttle glrl' between age' of 2 to 6 years, good home. Address Lock box 129. St rat ton. Colo. MU-.'St- LILLY AND (iuULD Batb. txas-' sage 1222 Pernsm St Phont- Doug 34 U LUKLLA WKRSTKR. massage and ma Bl earing. 61s Paxton Blk Red 1400 SCIENTIFIC massage. 6Z0 Bee Btdg Pnon n-imlan X73 MISS S. BENJAMIN, manicuring, facial, scalp treatment Stoats Ins. 1606 Harney. M1HS NAHH BRUOMAN! wTenViflcassVus." and baths 303 Karhach Hlk Red 27t7. AIJj" Right IM"vste MatcrniryHorne. SOI! Miami St. Webster 3908. K BROTT Magnetic maasager 24 2'Cum7ng MISS (JII.K, mass., rhiropody. 1 822 Fsrnam ManicLring and mass. 16JS Far nam ." R ml . REAL EST ATE JTRA NSFERS Matthew A. Hall and wife to Omaha Safe Deposit company. Underwood avenue. 100 feet west of Fifty -second Htreet, south side, Irregular, approxi mately, 91x116; Webster avenue, 64 feet west of Fifty-first street. south side. 60x128 1 Cmgh Sons & Co., to Kdwln 8. Oll lelte, Twenty-ninth street, 49.76 feet boh Lh of Pratt street, east side. 4a.7i.xl2W 100 Dundeo iieaity company to Laura M. Richardson, Webster street, 126,6 feet wnwt of Fifty-second street, south sldf, 30x135 1,260 Oak C. Kodlrk and wlfo to Gertrude M. Warren, Evann street, 92.46 feet east of Twenty-fifth avenue, north tilde, 42.23x124 1 Oah . KeflicK and wire tn Ev J. Wilaon, Evans street, 231.16 feet eaut nf Twenty-fifth avenue, north side. 42. 23x14 J Winter Byles t Myrtle Clare Ixiugh rldgf. California street, 150 feet eat of Fiftieth Street, south side, 60x- 13.:. 6,000 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Barker company to John H. White, May berry street. 22" feet east of Forty-fourth street, south aide, 4Rx 1HS 1 Belle A. FTfelovn and husband to Kathleen R. Correll, Lynn avenue. Benson. 100 feet north of Hopkins, w.'st side. 60x1 2S . Jamee M. Kenny and wife to Benjamin M. Mundt and wife. T street. 50 feet east of Forty-third street, south side, 100x130 MM John i4t linen. Jr. and wife to Kmilla J. Skogman. Twenty-ninth street, 60 feet south of Wool worth avenue, east side. Irregular, approximately. 46x14! J Edward W. Stoltenberg and wife to Florence O. Christie. Fifty-second street, 244 feet south of Dodge, west side 66x123 Michael Clark, sheriff, to John J. Kpindlnr, northeast corner Twenty- fourth and Saratoga avenue, 12714 1.475 'Swedish Moody" is Conducting Revival At Missions Church "The Swedish Moody" is the title that has been bestowed upon Rev. K. August SkogsberRh, who is con ducting a series of evangelistic meet ings at the Swedish Evangelical Mis sons church, Twenty-third and Dav pimnrt streets. Mr. Skogsbergh was associated with Moody in his great campaigns during the world's lair in Chicago, and il was at that time the above descriptive title was given him. For . C XI - CI K-,r.l, iwemy-nve years mi. ursucirii was nastor of the Swedish Taber nacle church of Minneapolis, perhaps the lamest Swedish church in Amen ca. He left this pastorate to devote all his time to evangelism, but still re tains the position of pastor emeritus of that congregation. The evangelistic services at the. Swedish Missions church started last Sunday and they will continue until February 11, with services every eve ning except Saturday. Omaha Nurses to Go to Mexico Border For Uncle Samuel Athena Eggleston, Carrie Klanck, Ernestine Larson, Florence Wilson and Leah Hunter are five of ten Omaha n irses to respond to Uncle bam s call to go to tne Mexican nor der February 20 for six months' gov r,itrinr prvire. Orders l.ave been received to be nrn.r,l1 tn IrSVP Ml til datfi lTien- tioned. Their destination is not vet known to them, lhese nurses must undergo immunity tr;atment against tvnh.tiri fv.r and cmallnnx Miss Hunter, who has charge of the Omaha contingent, win nave tne full complement of ten ready before the date to leave. . New Burlington Elevator For Armour is Report The prevailing opinion among Omaha Oram exchange members that the 2,000,000-busheI grain elevator the Burlington is to build in Gibson will be used by Armour's, and that next season when the crop begins to move the Armour company will be in the Omaha market stronger than ever before. The Armour company entered Omaha Grain exchange some time ago, but has always worked against a strong handicap because of lack of elevator facilities. It has been one of the heaviest buyers on this mar ket during the last year, but has al ways had to run its purchases through the elevators of competitors for business. When Vice Presidents Burnham and Byram were in Omaha the other doy and made the announcement that the Burlington had decided to build an elevator here, they would not name the company that would oper ate the building, but grain men be lieve it will 1 be taken Over by the Armour people. Dahlman Says He Works For Interest of People "Some of the legislators and even some of the plain people seem to have a belief that 'the passage of proposed Omaha charter amendments j by the legislature will be conferring a great tavor upon me city commis sioners," remarked Mayor Dahlman. ''Speaking for myself, I would say 1 that the commissioners are proposing these charter amendments for the best interests of Omaha as they view those interests. If the people arc vitally interested in having Twenty fourth street widened it would be timely and wise for them to urge their legislators to pass the charter amendment bill. The same might be said of the comfort station feature , of the bill and the proposal to au-1 thorize bonds for a new police sta tion and jail, continued the mayor. A delegation of Omahans will go to Lincoln Thursday afternoon to appear before the committee on cities and towns in the evening, when dis cussion will be allowed on legisla tion of particular interest to Omaha. Remodeling of the Beddeo Store Almost Completed The remodeling and redecorating of the Beddeo Clothing company's big credit store at 1417 Douglas street is very near completed. Among the many changes is the installation of a new electric elevator running from the basement to the third floor, giving room for a selling department in the hasement as well as on the first, second and third floors. The credit department has been moved from the first floor to the third floor, along with the general offices and the bookkeeping depart ment. The departments on both the first 'and second floors have been re arranged and the store redecorated throughout. Elmer Beddeo, vice president and general manager of the company, leaves with his buyers this evening for the eastern market in search of new wearing apparel for men, women and children Grain Prices Rally Again On the Local Market There was a rally in the Omaha grain market and wheat prices slid up I'i cents to 3 cents per bushel, sales being made at $174(3)1.76 per bushel. Receipts were light, only twenty-nine carloads. Corn sold up K- cent to 1 cent per bushel at 94KS95 cents, with fifty six carloads offered. Oats were up lA(a)'A cent, selling at 5.54 cents, with the offerings being thirteen carloads. WESTERN STOCK IS IN GRAVE DANGER Recent Fall of Snow Makes it Almost Impossible to Get Feed on the Range. HAY IS BEING RUSHED OUT Railroad officials connected with roads that operate into the range country of western Nebraska, Wyom ing and South Dakota are beginning to got some meager reports from the cow counties, and all of them are tell ing of stock losses that are in sight as a result of the blizzard that struck that section Tuesday night Trior to the coming of the storm of Tuesday reports indicated that both cattle and sheep were getting along fairly well as a rule, but this storm has changed the situation. Anywhere from three to eight inches of snow has been piled on top of that already on the range. This heavy body of snow makes it impossible for animals to dig through and down to the dry grass. The supply of hay that was put up last summer for close feeding, ow ing to the long spell of cold weather, is about gone. It is impossible to get hay only as it is shipped in from Ne braska stations and thus getting it is slow work. The railroads have placed a large number of cars at hay shipping points in western and central Nebraska and have ordered that they, when loaded, be sent through to stations closest to the feeding yards on the fastest pos sible schedule. Arriving at these stations, still an other condition confronts most of the cattle and sheep men. Generally their ranches are remote from the railroad, some of them twenty to fifty miles, and in such cases it makes the haul ing of hay and grain overland very slow work. However, railroad men are of the opinion that if feed can reach the ranches within a week the stock losses will not be great; other wise they would be enormous. J. C. Lovrlea, Art Frisco Walnot 5L, kMe. -f a . m. x i mo. wa.iu I a a i 1 Jj IS era I y,.: I m n mmm JI Sues Taxi and Street Car Companies for Large Sum The Omaha Taxicab company and the Omaha and Council Bluffs Street Railway company are named joint defendants in a $50,000 damage suit brought in district' court by Mrs. Pauline llenkel of Minneapolis, who was injured believed to have been fatally at the time on the morning she arrived in Omaha when a machine in which she was riding crashed into a street car. The taxicab was de molished. The accident occurred at Twenty fourth and Arbor streets. Mrs. llenkel alleges that she was permanently injured and will be dis ligured for life as a result of the ac cident. The driver of the taxicab, Alvin Miller, was also injured. The Minneapolis woman was on her way to visit her sister, Mrs. Annie Mare sek, -'01.1 P. Street. For Pile Sufferers Sample Pack as of the famous Pyramid PHa Treat meat 'Now Offered Free to Prove What It Will Ho for You. . Pyramid Pile Treatment f ;ives quick re lef, itopfl itch I n (r. bleed Inr or protrudiriK ptlfls, hemorrhoids and all reotnt troublea, in the privacy of your own horn. 60c a box at all druggists. A at rigid box often cures. Frre ample for trial with booklet mailed free In plain wrapper, tf you srnd us coupon below. FREE SAMPLE COUPON PYRAMID PTttlfl COMPANY. Ht Pyramid Bldg. MaratmU, Mich. Klnrllr send me a Frea tampl of Pyramid PUaTraarmaat. la plain wrapper. Name Street City Stats i,,y,i.,hy,MHV.i.,;iln.'.w ''?W!Sy?-.?:VW Overcoats here todav .and parasols up day after tomorrow, in Florida. That tropical land is so easy to reach; yet a world tour could not bring you to a balmier clime, a more beauti ful country, or to more prodigious equipment for comfort and pleasure. Sp0(M leave. Kinui City at 6:15 p. m.. reaches Jacksonville :26 second dy only ft day and a half's ride vis Frisco Lints and Southern Railway the direct route. All steel train; coaches, sleeping ears, Fred Harvey dining earn. i The nndenlrned bis some new Florida liters to re thai will interest you-w rile lor It, and ask aboul tarts and reservations. DW Pisr Umi, u Kassae City I-