THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, JANUARY 30, 1917. 12 LIVE ST0GK MARKET Killing; Cattle Steady to Easier Feeders Steady to Strong: ; Sheep Steady to Strong-. EOGS GENERALLY TEN UP . Omihi. January "" RwilDU were: Cattle. Hog.. rjitlmale Monday 1.200 6; Bame dar la.t week .. 7.932, !' Kama da weeka an. 6,663 6,683 Sam dan 1 weeks agoll.OGI Kama daya 4 weeka at-" 6.613 J - mmt mr . I. Ill Rwcrfpt. ami dtopo-ltloi. of H orta i at 1h Union ator-k yard. Omihi for twenty four houn endlnn at X p. m. ywiwday. RECKIPTS-CARLOADa Cattle. Hons. Shwp. H r. 16.000 4.1 11.371 (.OAR ..MB ;.( 10,.," CHICAOO UVK STOCK MARKET. Cattle, 8tsdn Hotp., I'uMttled; tthaep. Ntrunc Chlcaffo. Jan. faltle Recalpta, 24.000 head; market ateady; native bff cattle. t7.3Sdll.l6; eastern it ., 7.76 4 1 0.00 ; xtocken and feoni, .0fMe; cowi and heifer, It.OOftlO.JS; ralvee, 1 1.0016.00. Hoks Kecelpta, 87,000 head; market un- wettlfd, early advance of o to 10c lout; mil- of naif, lli.40j 1 1 . ' o ; iigni, iii.iow 11. M; mixed, 911 04u.ifl: heavy, Hl.2r.Q1 11.80; rough. 111. 26011. 40; pit. 1 0.0. Shfrp and Lamb Receipts. 14.000 nead; market atronr; welh-ra, 110.0011.26; , 7.60tflO,.O; Iambi. ,U.7-H.4fl. ,. 1 C. IT. A St. P Mlwurl Pacific ... 1 Union Pacific .... '.. HI. P.. aat C. N. W.. weat.. C , t. P., M. O. . - C. B. Q.. ?at.. .- ., B. Q.. weat.. 74 C.f B. I. P.. 2 C, K. !. A P. wt . Illinois Central .... S3 .'hi. Qt West..,.. 21 OlSl'OUlTNON TIBAD. Cat I If, Hok. Morris A Co....,....- &4 ftvlft A 1.-34 Cudahy Packing' Ca.. 1.022 1 14 l 6 10 I s 1 32 20 1 1 j i 141 72 1 Armour A Co l.lM flrhwarts A Co J. W. Murphy-, Morrall Lincoln Parkin Co.. 40 S. O. Packing Co,,,. 10 Wllaon 2 Tudahy, Denver -Hunmiicr A Oliver,., 160 Benton. Vanaant A L. 232 lllll A Son.... r B. Lewis .1 H Root ft Co '0 i 11. Hulls ........ I"? I K, Huni II Roa nstot'k Bros. , . .23 P. 0. Kellogg a6 Werthelmer Degen 0 Hamilton 10ft Broe , Kan. Calf Co. . -3 4-hrlf.tle 131 J Mr I mi Huffman ............ 1 ,Jtolh M Meyer " 1,402 1.43 2,309 2,10 2.3H Bhip. 1,1" 6.HH4 2. (.Ml 4,1.27 It. r. Sulllian .Mo. ft I ,skr, Jones A 8.. Hanner Bros. ...... John Harvey 1nnla A KrancU., Kilns Jensen A Lungrsa.. Pat O'Day 102 1 IS 121 20fi 14 City Live Htock Market. Kansas City, Jan. JO. Cattle Receipts. 13.000 head: market hlsher: prime fetl steers, ltl.O0fc-n.76; dressed beef steers, II.&O0IV.9O; western tfers. ii.kucii.zi,; cows, I6.CG99.&0; Iteirera, . un w j i.uu; Mtorkers and feeders. I. 7s(y 10.90; bulls, 96.b0ftl.l0; calves, 7,00rll,60. Hokm-Receipts, ii6o neaa ; marwei higher; hulk of ssiss. 9lI S 11.76; heavy, ll.;oTll.77H; packers snd butchers, III fiOtx 11.70; llghU Ill.X&tfll lO; pigs, l,6ftl0.)tl. Sheep and Iambs Keceipia, s.uiru neau; market higher; iamba. Ill.764jl4.3j,: yoar lings. 111. 76 12.50; wethers, 10.00i10.60; ewes, !.7&610.3&. Hlaux City Uva Mack Market. Rloux Cltv. la.. Jan. 21. Cattle Receipt. 3,000 head; market for killers steady; stock- lOftl&c higher; beer steers, iio.OQn 10.25; butrhers. 18. 00 10.00; fat eows and heifers, 9. "0499.25; ctnners, 14.25. 75: Ktockers and feeders, M,50fjt.00: calves. II.OO0R.5O: hulls, otAjrs, etc., M.004l.00; feeder cows and heifers, 96.00491.00. Hogs Receipts. 0.0(10 head; market fcOinr higher; lights, ltO.8O4Hi.iO; mixed, 111.15 All. 45; heavy, 1 1.40 l Lift; pigs, s.sttw 10 00; bulk of salea, I1 1 .10 rr 1 1 40 Hheep and Lamhs Rerelpls, nesa; market steady; fed muttons, 19.00 0 12.00; wethers, II0.00O11. 00; ewes, 9.3610.25; Ittmbs, I12.60CH4.00. St, Loula Uvs Uterk MarkM. Cattle Receipts 1.1 "ft head; 'market steady; native beef steers, 17.60 ft 1 1.60; yearling steers and heifers,; eows, 95, 600J. 76; storkers and feeders, .30 wl.60: prime soul hern beer steers, jh.qqw 9.00; beef cows und heifers, 4. 2647. 60; prlmo yearling steer and heifers. !7.4$ 1.00; native calves, 8.n(f 14.60. Rfelpta, 20,000 head; market strong; lights, 141.30(111.70; mixed and butchers, U. 40911. 10; good Heavy, 911. 7b $11, HO; bulk of sales, 1 1.4b W 1J.7R. Bneep and ijtmwi Rereipis, a.uuu nean market steady, lambs, 12.76(f 14,60; ewes, 90.60910.16; yesrllngs, 11.00tfl2.XS. Uve Stock IB Bight. Other buyers Ill 1,266 Totals MM 10,422 11.610 Cattle Receipts ware the largest for a Monday for several weeks back, there being 150 ears In sight. Fortunately there was a good demand tor wellflnlshed beef oteers, sa that the market on cattle of that de scrlptton was generally steady with last wk- xImu. inferior kinds were possibly a little alow and weak. Cowa and heifers wea filrwhere from Steady tO perhapa a little easier. Oooil feeders, on the other hand, were stronger, with ether grades lully steady. duntattana on eat tie: lood to oholoa year ling beeves, 1 1 1 60 Ct 1 1 0 ; good to choice beeves. 110.16911.10; fair to good beeves. I9.76910.26; common to fair beeves, ll.ov 976; good to choice heifers. 97,7691 16; rood to choice eows, 17.609 1.26; fair to gMid oowa, 9I.6097.50; common to fair cows. 9a.6b90.50: prime iseatng steers, se.vvv itm aoed te choice feeders. 91.109 00: fair to good fseders, U.6091.IO; common to fair feeders, ll.609T.50; good to cholos S lockers. 7.769a50; stock halfe.a, 17.009 1 la- nitok mwi 6i.aoa7.76: stock oalvea 17.00 91.00: veal calvea. 98. 00911-00; beef bulla, tags, stc, 97.00 9150; bologna bulls. s. on 97. eo. Representative salea: BMEP STBKRfl, At. Pr. No. . 1X0 II T6 3.- Reeelpte of live stock at the five prin cipal weatero markets: . Cattls. Hora. Sheep, St. LoUll 1,100 10,000 2,000 Omaha ............ 1,300 . 1,500 sioux city 3,000 1.000 1,000 Chicago 24,000 17.000 14,000 Kansaa City 11.000 11.600 1,000 ' Totals ....... .50,0000 114,000 41,000 No. I.. 31.. 87.. I.. II.. 20.. 21.. 17.. Ay. Pr. 716 97 on 721 7 16 732 I 00 121 I 26 126 I 76 141 I 76 1100 0 10 ..677 7 70 ., 701 7 10 II... 150 I 26 30... .. 134 I 10 I... ..1006 9 60 II... ..1322 I 10 14... ,.mi ift 75 cows. 1..,,.,.. 741 100, II. ....... 69 171 1 711 t 10 1 136 I 16 T 22 f 30 1151 I 16 4 147 9 16 I Ml T 00 4 MS T 40 14. ...... .1010 T 0 I. ...... .1210 110 II ,.1161 II5 Hogs The hog run was Just about nor mal for a Monday at this season of the year, arrivals coin ting out las oars. 1,600 head. This is a few hundred smaller than a week age, but Is about 1,001 larger than two weeks ago, and 1,000 heavier than (or the correeDondlng Monday of last year. Prices showed a higher trend again to d.y, though the unsvennesa of lights, and the fact that- quality showed tho usual : Monday sailing off. made it hard to com pere prices very accurately with laat week's eioee. nntppera tooa aoout meir quota, buying mainly the good lights and butchers on 6910c higher basis, and packers paid a full I9t 0 upturn on the butcher and heavy Hinds. ; As noted above, light, plain mixed and underweight klnda were extremely uneven. Some of the lights, especially the better kinfia, on wnich snippers woum compete, showed the full strength of the market, being In many cases a dime, and In extreme instances io mgnsr. utners, nowever, were discriminated against all day, and at a lato hour there were everal loads still in first hands, some of which had new even attracted an offer, while others wsre wanted at prices that wore at the best no more than steady. , , The bulk of the offerings sold at figures that were a big 6910c higher, a good many tracers quoting the .market flat dime up. Most of the sales landed at IU.O09U.4O, though there was the usual scattering of Fights on down. Several loads of the beaf heavies touched 911.60, the day's top and a new reoora lor the market, . Representative aales; No. Av Bh. Pr. No. At Sh. Pr. 146 II.. 171 16. .114 90.. 201 T1..I1I 71. .212 41.. 217 121 10 IS 40 11 00 ... U 10 10 11 20 ... U 16 ... 11 16 ... 11 46 II. .119 111 10 10 13. .191 40 11 16 44. .306 .,. 11 16 46. .191 ... 11 10 II.. 124 14 11 30 II. .137 ... 11 40 12. .270 ... 11 60 PJOS." 2. . 10 ... I 00 1 Hheep There was a liberal run of sheep snd lambs on hand for the opening day of the week, rerelpls being estimated at sil ly -seven loads, or 11,000 head. This Is the largeit run since three weeks ago, being i.rrf7 inree umee aa targe as laat week, over 7,104 heavier than two weeks tiro, and a gain ot almost 6,000 head as compared with a year ago. The opening of the fat lamb trade was a little draggy, buyers making first bids en a generally easier basts, but when traders settled down to business It was at figures that, while possibly lower than the high time on Friday's close, wsre steady with rnuay genera, mantel. A good share of the desirable Iamba sold upwaraa irons wnt e both lla-ht end handy weeterna and good Mexicans of fairly strong weights reached 114.16. There were no light Mexicans on offsr and while the lop of 914.36 seemed to be a deadline It looked as though, compared with the way the stuff that was here sold, handy Mexl cans should be quotable to 914.16. Good fall clipped tamos landed at 112.60, a record ior ioe yarns. Old sheep were fully steady and some ealee were called strong. As usual, ewea made up almost the entire supply, the beat on offer bringing 110,96, while quite a bit of the better stuff sold upwards from 910.09, and a plain kind brousht 19.26. A 'bunch of good heavy yearlings sold at 911. 50 and a small package of wethers brought 4)10 Feeder limbs were In keen reoueat and a fair supply sold sharply higher than last week. There have been few feeders here lately to furnish a basis of comparison for - today'a sales, but a majority of the trad ; tre quoted prices a quarter higher than last week. A string of good Idaho shear tng lambs reached 911.16, while stuff of : lighter weights and very good quality Loucneo n.i, a reoora tor tae market, and within a dime or the day a top on killers. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs, good to choice. 914.00914-36; lambs, fair to good, 919.609 14.00; iamba, clipped, 911.26 912.60; lambs, feeders, 912.60914.15: year lings, good to choice, 9U-7S912.60; year lings, lair to good. 111.00011.76: wethers. fair to choice, H.6O9 10.60; ewec, good to i.moice,; ewes. rir 10 good, 91.76914-00; ewes, plain to culls, 91.009 . 1.50. Representative sales: No. Av. Pr. 12I clipped lambs 66 912 30 Jfl fed lambs , 47 14 IS 141 fed lambs 14 14 II 414 fed owes l 26 10 call ewes ................. II I 16 41 M ewes ,,112 9 It . 721 ted Iamba ................. 14 14 16 GRAIN AND PRODUCE Ml II I t. Wheat Market is Quiet, but Com and Oats Sell Quite Briskly. RECEIPTS ABE VERY GOOD Oate. 16 82 16 70 ' M Joseph Mrs Stork Market. St. Joseph, Mo., Jan. 2l.-attls Receipts. 1,900 head; market, slow;' steers, 7.609 11.60: rows and heifers, 95.00 9to.s9; calves. 17.00913.60. Hogs Receipts, nta; mwrn-i, iirem to tc higher: top, 911.70; bulk, tU.ibtfUM, flheen end I.ambe ReaelDts. 4.000 head; lamb 919.00914.16; ewes, 9.609 10.IS, NEW YORK fi EN KRAI MARKET. QnotaUiona of the Hoy oa VaeHotia Com mouiiies. , New York. Jan. 21. Flour Hasler; spring patents, 9.IO09.16; winter patents, 9MOff'4.66! winter straights, 61.2696.60; Kanas straights, II.I0W9.1&. Wheat Knot, weak: No. I tiara. 11 ft1; No. 1 northern. Tniluth. 19.01: No. 1 north ern. Manitoba, 93.07 M, f. o. h., New Tork. Corn NpoL easy; no. s yeiiow, fi.ii, c, 1. f.. New York. Oats Spot, assy; stsnasra, wvmhc H.v Mteadv; No. L ll.lOi No. 3, 91.009 1.06; No. I, l&97c: shipping, 10905c. jlope nteauy, state, commim m oiiuinn 1916, 46960c; 1916, 6911c; Pacific coast, 1911. 11914c; 1115, Offlio. Hides Steady; ttogoia, eiqricv, wniiii America, 41e. Leather Finn; neraioc nrsu, 01c, ao- onds. 6 6c. .Provisions men, nrmer; 21,60; family, 982.00932-50; 932.00 934. 00. Beef, firm; 32.60: family. 926., middle west, 111. 60011.40. Tallow Firmer: city. lie. nominal, covin- trv nueenvc: aneclal. 1116a. Butter Firmer; recvipie, i creamery, higher than extras, 4SUic; creamery extras (93 score), 439430; firsts, 17U941e. seconds, 16937c. Steady; rereipts, 1,111 cases; fresh gathered extra firsts, lie; firsts, 429 43oj refrigerator seconds to firsts, 369 lie s rheeaa Firm: recslots. 1.942 boxes: state. held specials, lie; stats- average fancy, 14 H 9341tc. Poultry Pressed, strong: chickens, 119 29o: fowls. 16 9 2401 turkeys, 20014c. Uve, no prices quoted, 931.009 short clear, 923.009 Lard, firm; Omaha January 29, 1117. The local receipts of grain were very good today and while there was a pretty actlvs trade in corn and oats, the wheat market remained ' quiet and only a small part of the offerings were disposed of be fore the does of the cash market. Ths bet ter grades of hard winter wheat were held over by most of -the traders, but they let go of the durum and mixed samples quite freely, and aluo the lower grades of hard winter, the durum selling from 11.7191-77 and No. 3 hard selling at 91.7791-71. The corn market was excellent, at an ad vance of H9lc and the sellers had little difficulty In dutposlng of their offerings on the advance. White and yellow corn eold tt a fractional premium, the No. 9 white und No. X yellow going- at 15c and No. 3 mixed selling at 94t'6c. The oat market showed considerable Im provement and most of the earn plea went at an advance of 44 9 He over Saturday's market, the No. 2 white bringing 66c and the No. 4 white selling generally at 64c. There was a pretty active trade in rye and barley, with rye quoted Vio higher and barley unchanged. Primary wheat receipt were 1.726,000 buahels and shipments 619,000 bushels, against receipts of 1,610,000 bushela and shipments of 109,000 buahels last year. . Primary com receipt were 1,634,000 buahela and shipments 141,000 bushels, against receipts of 1,113,000 bushels and shipments of 612,000 bushels last year. Primary oats receipts were 1,066.000 bush els and shipments 253,000 bushels, against receipts of 1,472,000 bushels and shipments of 716,000 bushels last yr. Wheat, Corn. Chlcaao 36 in Omaha 126 VH Kansas City 29 73 HL Louis 214 208 Theee salea were reported today; Wheat No. 1 winter: 1 ear, 91.80. No. hard winter: 1 car (eh I purr's weight). 11.81; 6 cars, 11.10; 2 cars, 1.60. No. 2 hard winter; 1 car, i.av: 1 rare, ?., ars. 11.78; I cars, 91. 77. No, 4 Bard winter: 1 cr, 91.71; 1 car, 91.71; 1 car, 11.70. No. 4 spring: 1 car, 11.40. No. I durum mixed: 1 car, 91.78. No. 1 durum mixed: 1 oar, 91.77; 1-6 cars, 91-73. No. 4 durum: 1 ear, 4173; 1 car, 91.71. Sample durum: 1 oar, 91.40. No. 2 mixed: I oar, 91.11; 1 91.77. No. I mixed: 1 car, 11.71; 1 ear, i.7Si 1 car. no. e miinu. w, 91.76; 1 car, 91.74; 1 oar, 9L70 91.40; 1 oar (light), 91-60. Barley No. 4: 1 car, $1.10; 1 oaf, tt-O. Sample: 1 car, 47o. Corn INO. wnue: can, 64 o. No. I yellow:- I ears, Htte. No, I yellow: 11 cars, 16c. No. 4 yellow: 1 ear, 94c; 1 oar, I4c. No. I mixed: 4 ears, 96c. No. 9 mixed: 11 cars, 16c; 11 cars, 94440, No. f mixed: 1 ear, 94e( 1 oar, 9414c No. 6 mixed: 1 car, 14 c. No. I mlxS: 1 can. 14 fcc. Sample mixed; 1 car, l4o, Oats Standard: 1 car, 660. No. I white: 14 cars, 66c. No. 4 white: 4 ears, 44o. Sample white: 4 cars. 640; 1 car, 62c. Mn i mlsed! 1 car. 64 "Ac. iitriKha. fjiHh PrlcM Wheat: No, I hard, 91.79H91.80Uj; No. S hard, 91.7191-10; No. 4 hard. 41,6i9i7i; o. s spring, Mn 3 .ni-inv 11.73lft. Corn: No. 1 white, itninuc! No. I. 44 4446c: No. 4, 4Q 4o: No. 6. I4K9I4o; NO. I, I49l4ci Sample, No. 1 yeiiow, vihpbc; nv. , 946c; No. 4, l4H944a; No. 5, 94 9 iiu. Na . 94tt94Uc: No. i mixed, 949 960i NO. I, SIWW'SC. o, "v'i'i I.'. X tiniilif: No. 6. 93OS4UC. UatS! No! 1 white, 5595&c: standard. 6495o. No. I whits, 84956e; No. 4, -641496440. 96c99l'.0l. Hye: No. 1, 1.4C1.U; No. I, H.tiV'"S- Omaha Futures. The trade in local futures was very active today and prices on wheat were very irregu lar, the opening prices on both the May and July options being about 2e higher, and theaa options closing at 4c to 5c decline. The seaboard demand for wheat has fallen off materially as a result of the lnMllly to move the grain already bought, but the decline today was also the result of a heavy selling pressurs and iiop ices orm)r. cllne, July corn dropped 10 and the May declined lo from the high point of the rtOat followed In sympathy with wheat and corn, the May article closing o lower and the July closing nominally 4u w""- that a predicted cold wave would cans a serious dsmage to ths domestic winter crop led afterward to a new advance, but was offset later by lack of urgent fresh export purrhaalng. Then came news of a second Inquiry as to whether and American sailors had been Oaken to Germany as war prison- era. aLter there were reports of the brob able Isflue of a new memorandum at Wash ington declaring that arming both fore and aft does not necessarily convert vessels Into war craft, Word of government selling at Winnipeg was received soon after wheat bulla had been staggered by the Washinrton advices. The worst weakness of the seavlon followed and before the aelllng stampede was checked the May option had dropped Ito from early top prices. Desolte heavy clearances from the seaboard and notwith standing a big decrease in the United States visible supply total subsequent rallies were not of an Impressive sort. corn weakened with wheat after beinr swayed early by the transient strength of inac cereal. There were some Indications of a good export demand for corn. Oats fol lowed tne c nan gee in other grain. Ship ping Inquiry was slow. Provisions failed to hold an advance that was due to a temporary upturn in hog values. Commission houses became active sellers when the grain market began to fall. nicago usjd trice wneat: No. 2 red. 11.80: No. 3 red, nominal; No. 2 hard, 9l.l391-87tt; No. 1 hard, nominal. Corn: No. 8 yellow, 91-0191. 01K , No. 4 yellow, 97e991.01; No. 4 white, I7c991.00. Oats: No. 9 white, 69 57c; standard, 6749 67c, Rye: No. 1, 91-46. Barley: 91.009 17 Heeds : Timothy. 13.60 A 6.60 : clover. 913.00917.60. Provisions: Pork, 31.60; lard, $16.22 916.27; ribs, $14.879 16.60. Butter Higher; creamery, 31926c. Eggs Lower: receipts, 8,127 canes: firsts. 37 931c; ordinary firsts, Il936c: at mark, cases Included, 86937c. i'OLaioea nigner; receipts, cars: Wis consin white, $1.169200: Michigan white. 11.1093.00; Idaho, Washington, Oregon and Colorado, 12.0092,26. Poultry aiivo. steady: fowls. 20e: springs, 18 c. Coffoa Market. New Tork, Jan. Il.-3offeo The market for futures was lower again today, under scattsrlng liquidation by recent buyers, who appeared to be disappointed that over Sunday advices showed no fresh develop ments in connection witn peace passiotmies. The market opened at a decline of 4 to 1 ooints. with active months selling about 69 10 points net lower. During the day MayJcorn. coniraria raiea 011 ib .", r iuun from the high level of Saturday, and the market closed at about the low point, snow- Ing a net loss of 6911 points. Sales esti mated at 26,000 bags; January and Febru ary, 1.40c; March, 1.45c, April, I.Dle; May, 8. 64c; June, 1.61c; July, 1.64c; August, 1.47c; September. 1.71c; October 1.76c; November, 181c; December, 8.86c, Spot, quiet; Rio 7s, 10c; Santos 4s, 10 So. Ths cheapest offerings of Santos 4s in the cost and freight markets were quoted at 10.0c. London credits on neutral steamers tor wen described correes. Rio 7s were quoted at 1,80c, London credits. neutral st earners. The official cables report' ed no change In the Braslllan markets ex cept In the case of Santos futures, which were 86 rels higher to 16 rels lower. Cotton Market. New York, Jan. 19. Cotton Futures opened steady; Marcn 17.4Xc; May, 17.60c; July, 17.46c; October, 18.50c; December, 16.600. Cotton futures closed steady; March. 17.81c; May, IT.6Z0; July, 17.48c; October. 18.87c: Iecemben 16.69c. Spot cotton quiet; middling upland, 17.80c. Bales 400 bales. The cotton market closed steady at a net loss ot vto is points. Liverpool, Jan. 21. Cotton Spot market, firm; good middling, U.84o; middling. 11.14c; low middling, '10.91c; aales, 10,000 Dates. Kanaaa City General Market. Kansas City, Jan. 19. Wheat No. I nard, 9i."9i-B3; mo. 2 red, 11.7891.93: May, $1.181691.69; July. Il.4191.42. Corn No. 2 mixed. 11 9 98c; No. 1 white. 18c; No. 1 yellow, I89c; May, 6ci July, 96 994c Oats No. S white, l7967o; No. 1, 15 956 e. Butter Creamery, 41o; firsts, llo; seconds, 3o; packing. 28c. Eggs Firsts, Ho. Poultry Unchanged. St, Louis Grain Market. St. Louts, Jan. 31. Wheat No. 3 red. 91. sv; no. m oara, st.fivi-u; May, 11.72 July, $1.41. Corn No. I, lie; No. 1 white, $1.01; Oats No. I, 67c; No. I white, nominal. AGUACATE MINE S Actively traded in on N. Y. Curb Market . WE have prepared a booklet describing in detail the properties, , history, production and financial condition of this company. A copy will be mailed upon request for booklet M-62. J. A. BRENNAN & CO. 31 BROAD ST. NEW Y0RK4 l-l car, Art. Mar July Bent Corn. Mar July Caca. Mar July TOpn, I HTtlC Lwr.j Cloaa. gat 1 140JI 1 1' 1 M 1 1 4b 1 t lilt 1 4lti 143 1 II 1 91 III 1 Hit 1IDH at T HH , is l 16 16 IS ms n n 4 ii 1 1 ti 1 1 to to 10 ('litraao cioin. oftc,,. furnlahed Tha B.a by Loa-an Uryan, alOCK ana .rain oroaara. 31& BOUtri Hmi.enm airq.t. wn.w. Art. Opn. High. 1-ow. Olo. Sat. Vr J tMnnoH JTimH Jill. 1H 1 61 146 1 46 147 Sep. 1 II 1 " " Corn. 'May '101 1 M II l 100 July 1 00 t 00 IT 17 II Oata. . May 6T 67 16 65 l July 61 66 63 61 64 Pork. May II 16 10 06 II T7 21 II II 10 July II TO II 70 II 60 II 60 II 00 I-ard. May It 1 07 II 61 10 67 10 61 July 11 TI 10 a: II 17 10 TI 11 TO Rlba. . May 16 T6 16 76 II 15 16 17 II 70 July II 16 16 ST 16 77 16 10 16 IS CHICAOO GRAIN AND PBOVI810NS. Wheat A (Iran re. Nharply oa Dlaappearmac. , or rHM Huiaora. Chicago. Jan. 26. Violent fluctuation, that Included an extrem. break of lc kept the wheat market oontlnuoualy dla. turbed today. Pronounced weakneea which developed In tha cloving hour waa aaao. elated with report, of Brtllnh rovernment selling- atVVlnnlpeg and with Washington advices that were taken to Indicate poiwlble renewal or friction between tne united Bute and Germany. The finish In th, pit waa wild. 1040 net lower, with May at ll.71ffi1.7lo and July at 11.46 1.46ct Corn lost lo to 1010 and oata c to l VI lie. n .provisions tne rcault varied from 10c decline to a rise of 2c. Sharp advancw In wheat values at the outaet were brought abou by th. faot that Bmparor William's war manifesto bad nul lilted the bearish effect of Saturday'., peace rumors. Shorts rushed to cover, but on the upturn round much whea-Mor sale, owing, apparently, lo a new embargo on freight shipment, eastbound from Chicago. Feara Preferred Stocks of Industrial Corporations In times of great Industrial prosperity the best grade of such shares attract investment funds because of 1. Safety of th. principal " involvwd s 2. Wid. martin f. profit. ovr dividend ivquiromwiU. 3. Practical certainty of ' continuous dividend paymenta. 4. Liberal yield on the Investment. First coniideratkxi should be given to the .toe lu of corporation! whose future will be fivorably influenced by Peace, rather than War. Aa analytu of at tractive thare. in tail group lent by requeirioi Circular "P.J27." M1CHAE1IS&C0. mvesTMENT sucuemaa si aaoaewal mm tobb HEW YORK STOCKS Gains of Early Fart of Session Give Way to Losses. the AUTOMOBILE GROUP DEAGS MlneapoUs Grata Market. Minneapolis, Jan. 21. Wheat May. 11.74: July. II.I1H. Caah: No. 1 hard, $1,829 1.14: No. 1 northern. $1.76 91.78: No. 2 northern. $1.7291.78. Torn No. 2 yellow, 9444916c. Oata No. 2 white, 6296344c.' Klsiseed $2.8892.14. Flour Unchanged. Har!ey-I9r9$1.22. Rye $1.8991.40. Bran $31. 00 & 21. 10. Uverpool Cirala Market, Liverpool, Jan. 29. Flour Winter pat ents, 47s. Hops Pacific coast, it 15S and 15 16s. New Tork, Jan. 39. Beginning with a general demonstration of strength today's listless and highly professional market soon reacted, virtually all gains giving way to losses of 1 to I points among leaders and greater recessions In the speculative shares. The superficial character was Indicated by the limited volume of the trading. Only 460,000 shares were dealt in. United .States Steel and other conspicuous industrials, as well as coppers, shippings and peroleums contributing a preponderance percentage. More than ordinary Interest attached to the course of United S la tee Steel because of tomorrow's quarterly meeting of the di rectors, when action on the common divi dend Is to be taken, together with publica tion of the financial statement. Steel moved betwecnI14 and 112, Closing at the low point, a net loss of 1 points. Bethlehem Steel lost 10 points on two sales and low-priced Industrials yleldM 1 to 2 poinu with 4 for Nova Scotia Steel and an much for Oulf States Steel. Metals and shippings became heavy after their early advance and Mexicans, sugars, leathers and papers succumbed to moder ate pressure. The ' automobile group dragged throughout, with an extreme loss of I points for General Motors and 1 to 2 points for subsidiaries. Inactive specialties were Irregular, reflecting the operations of pools and cliques. The heaviness of New Haven, which fell to 3, within a small fraction of Its mini mum price of many years, was a disquiet ing feature In the railway division, repre sentative Issues manifesting eaalor or re actionary tendencies. Reading and other coalers were firm until the final hour, when the entire list was at Iweat levels. Exchange rates on the belligerent coun tries were confusing, rubles, marks and llres making concessions, although not to recent low records, with steadiness In remittances to London and Parts. The firmness of bonds was the most strik ing In view of the unsettlement In stocks. Internationals held their ground, except fen a slight shading of United Kingdom 6s. Total sates, par value, 94,170,000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. Number of sales and quotations on lead ing stocks were: Sales. High. Low. Close. 3,000 90 90 4,500 f.04i 48 48 1.UO0 69 7 87 3,400 77 75 75 9,400 109 106 106 1,00 112 111 110 1,300 127 12fi 126 '3, .100 40 38 38 7.300 83 81! 82 1.400 10i 105 105 b 1.5"f 2,300 700 D00 5.400 "l',300 300 1,900 5,800 500 3,100 Am. Beet Sugar... American Can Am. Car & Fndry., Mm. Locomotive .. Am. Smelt. A Rfng. Am. Sugar Rfng. . Am. T. fe T Am. Z L. & 8... Anaconda Copper. Atchlaon Baldwin Loco Haiti. & Ohio Brook. Rapid Tran. B. & 8. Copper Cal. Petroleum . . . Canadian Pacific. . Central Leather Chena. A Ohio C, M. & St. P Chicago A N. W.. J., ft. I. & tr 2VU Chlno Copper 1,400 Colo. Fuel A Iron 1.400 Corn Prod. Rfng.. 1,600 Crucible Steel Dlst. Securities Erie General Electric . . Ot. Northern pfd. . Ot. No. Ore Ctfa.. Illinois Central . . , Inlter. Con. Corn. . Inspiration Copper 3,500 68 int. iiarv., r. j . . . I. M. hi. pfd. ctfa.. K. C. Southern Kennecott Copper. Ijouls. & Nash Mex, Petroleum .. Miami Copper .... M K. A T. pfd... Mo. Pacific (new). Montana Power . . National Lead .... Nevada Copper ... N. T. Central N. T., N. II. & H. . Norfolk A W8tem Northwrn Pacific Pacific Mall Innsylvanl: Kay t Rfadi Rep. Iron A Steel. . Shattuc k Ariz. Cop. Southern Pacific . . Southern Railway. Studebaker Co Tfxas Company .. Union Pacific ... . U. H. Ind. Alcohol 54 81 (!) SI 28 io" 64 0 31 51 47 23 14 27 31 81 80 77 77 49 49 21 26 ISO 86 85 04 63 89 89 132 31 31 54 4 2 63 27 31 62 27 31 700 170 161 169 200 110 116 lies. 2,1100 38 36 600 106 106 106 1.100 16 16 16U 66 66 150 14 84 24 24 46 46 .... 130 99 99 41 41 IB 32 300 108 107 107 200 60 60 69 1.000 24 2 24 1.400 101 100 100 6.900 46 43 43 600 137 137 136 IDS 1,200 66 400 24 6,600 46 15,800 102 200 42 400 21 21 21 1,400 67 66 67 00 26 26 26 4,000 101 99 100 1,900 79 4 7 78 700 27 26 26 1,700 97 96 96 "4.700 31 30 30 8,000 107 104 104 1.700 230 228 228 2,300 143 143 143 ,600 124ta 121 121 Steel 135.800 114 112 112 U. 8. Steel pfd.... 700 120 120 120 Utah llopper 10,000 108 106K 105 Wabash Pfd. "B". 1.300 29 39 28 Western Union 200 88 97 97 Westing. Klertric. 1.200 63 62 62 Total sales for the day, 460,000 share. New York Money Markets New Tork, Jan. 21. Mercantile Paper 3t?3 per cent. Sterling Exchange 60-day bills, 14.72: commercial 60-day bills on banks, 64.72; commercial 60-day bills, 64.72; demand. 14.7610; cables. 4.76 ....I. , Silver Bar. 76c; Mexican dollars. 69c. Bond, Government, steady; railroad, Arm. Time Loans Steady; 40 daya, 302 per cent; 90 daya, 2J J per cent; all months, 3 per cent. Call Money Steady; high. 2 par cent; low. 1 per cent; ruling rate, 1 per cent; lact loan. 2 per cent; cloalng high, 1 per cent; offered at 2 per cent. U. S. ref. 2s, reg.99 ., K.4T. 1st 41.76 do coupon ,...96Mo. Pac. con. Se. 105 U. S. 3s. reg 101 Mont. Power 58.100 do coupon ...101 N. T. C. deb. fis.1241; U. S. 4, reg. ..110 'N.C.C'y 4 a65)110 do coupon ...110N. Haven cv. la. 104 Am.TTcv.4s.l06No. Pac 4 96 Anglo-French 5a. 93 do 3s 6 AlcliiBon gen. 4s. 960. 8. L. ret. 4a. ..94 B at o. 4s 94 Pac. T. ft T. 6a. 101 Beth. StLref."Pa. con. 4... 106 Cen. Pao. 1st . . . .63 Pa. gen. 4a...l04 C at O. cv. 4s. 15 Reading gen. 4s. .96 C. B. Q. Jt 4s. 91 So. Pac. cv. 6.. 101 C , do ref. 4, 94 Rock Isl. ref. 4a. 77 So. Ry. 5a. . ,. . . .103 C. & 8. ref. 48.l7Unlon Pac. 4.. ...68 D. i-R. O. con. 4a. 86 do cv. 4a. . . . . .96 i Erie gen. 4a 73U. S. Rub. 6a. ..103 Gen. Elec. 6s..l06U. 8. Steel 6a. ..106 Gt. No. 1st 4s. 100 Western V. 4. .98 I. C. ref. 4s.... 93 D. of C. (1911). 100 K. C. S. ret. 5a.. 89 'Bid. L. & N. un. 4a... 17 Leadoa Stork Market. I.ondon. Jan. 31. American aernrlties after adjustment at parity, ruled idle in the stock exchange here today. Silver Bar. 34d per ounce. Money, I per cent; discount rates, short btlla, 595; three months, 6c?5o. Bank Clearings. Omaha, Jan. 21. Bank clearings for Omaha today were 14,832,417.12, and for the corresponding day last year. 63,019,-068.61. MetaJ Market. New Tork. Jan. II Metala The Metal exchange quotes load 16.00 bid; spelter, strong; spot. Bast St. Louis delivery. 610.50 bid. Copper, firm; electrolytic, flrKt, second and third quarters, 629.500 32.60. Iron, steady; No. 1 northern. 131.50032.60: No. 2, 631.00tT33.OO: No. 1 southern, 621.60930.00: No. 2, I3l.00d2l.50. Tin. Orm; spot, 143.17 f 45.87. At London: Spot copper, 132 6s; futures. 138 6a; electrolytic, 143. Tin, spot, 191 12s 6d: futures, 19t 12s 6d. Lead, apot, 30. Spelter, spot. 62 16a; futures, 47. Dry Good, Market. - Now Tork, Jan. 29. Print cloths were easier today. Cotton duck waa offered at lower prices in sizable lots. Tarn ruled farlly steady with Inquiry broader. Dreaa gooda and men's wear llnca were firm. $5,500,000 Seven Per Cent. Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock , of the , HAYTIAN AMERICAN CORPORATION (ncartMroieoI anoV tki lawi 1. State Krw York) Owning and Operating Railroad, Public Utilities and Sugar Properties in the Republic of Hajrti, Refietrar BANKERS TRUST COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY Dividend, payable quarterly, January, April, July, October, Tranaf.r Agent NEW YORK TRUST COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY CAPITALIZATION PREFERRED STOCK (par value $100). callable at $110 leaned... Reeemd (or future corporate purpoees. . '. ORDINARY COMMON STOCK (mtkout par value) (2.500 (beree fceld in Treaiury) FOUNDERS STOCK (without par value) $5,500,000 500.000 $6,000,000 60,000 ekaree 60.000 .haree The Corporation haa no bonded indebtedness end none can be created without tie assent of 75 per cent of the Preferred Shares. THE UNITED STATES IS OBLIGATED TO MAINTAIN A STABLE GOVERNMENT IN THE REPUBLIC OF HATTI Th Treaty between th United State and the Republic of Hayti, concluded in 1916 and now in full operation, is regarded as the strongest protectorate existing between the United States and any other Country, including as it does the maintenance of order and the receipt and disbursement of Government funds. We believe the stocks of the Haytian American Corporation offer a most exceptional opportunity for the safe investment of funds, with every indication of increasing dividend returns- and base our conclusions on the following salient points: , 1st. The Treaty between the Republic of Hayti and the United States of America. 2nd. The control of the Railroad, Electric Light Plant, and Wharf and Warehouse, now operating under exclusive concessions at Port au Prince, the capital and principal seaport, located in the most thickly populated part of the country, together with th electric light property at Cap-Haitian. 3rd!1 The particular value of these utilities to th operation of an extensive development In the cultivation, manufacture and shipment of sugar. 4th, The control of approximately 20,000 acres of the most valuable sugar lands in Hayti and a sugar mill of 300,000 tons grinding capacity, now in course of erection, located in the plains served by the railroad and ad jacent to Port au Prince. 5th. The specially favorable conditions of land and labor in Hayti for the economical pro. duction of sugar, as compared with Cuba where cost of sugar production up to the present time has been considered the lowest in the world. PapulatlaA 2,469,000 2,500,000 Paeulatton par Soj.Mil. 56 246 Preeemt Average ; Daily Wage $1.75 .20 Area S, Mile. CUBA 44,164 HAYTI 10,204 Labor tonililula not lot than 60 per ant vf the cost of producing sugar. 6th. The stability of the earnings due to the diversity of the sources of income. It is con.' servatively estimated that the annual net earnings for the Corporation will be $1,339,540, which will leave after payment of the 7 per cent Preferred Stock dividend, and the regular dividend of $7 a share on the Ordinary Common Stock, $552,040 applicable one-third for retirement of Preferred Stock (if any remain outstanding); one-third as an extra dividend on the Ordinary Common Stock; one-third to th Founders Stock. 7th, The acceptance of Common Stock for a large part of their cash investment by former owners of the Public Utilities, who, after many years of successful operation, will continue to assist in their management. 8th. The investment in the stock of the Haytian American Corporation by men of promi nence in the sugar world and their service as directors of the Company. The above securities have been underwritten and a very considerable portion withdrawn for investment; tbe balance is offered by the undersigned tot the account of the Syndicate. PRICE: 100 and accrued dividend Th Preferred Shares will be accompanied by 25 per cent in Ordinary Common Shares and SO per cent in Founders Shares. Delivery in form ef interim receipt! pending the preparation ef engraved definitive certificate, of th. Corporation.', Application will be made to liet theee Shares on tha New York Stock Eichanf.. Deacriptive circular, may be had upon application! reports and opinion, may be examined at our office.. P. Wl" Chapman & Co. 126 W. Monroe St. Chicago 53 William St New York City Lawrence Turnure & Co. 4 Wall StNew York Breed, Elliott & Harrison 1 05 South La Salle St Chicago First National Bank Bldg. Cincinnati Fletcher American Bk. Bldg. Indianapolis Ervin & Company Drexel Building Philadelphia Th. aha kiferautiea. whO. .ot guars. Med, has km takes (ram source, maktareal reliable. 47 fed lambs , 14 14 26 U66 fed lambs 70 12 ID ZH fed lambs II 14 10