THE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY. JANUARY 18, 1917. 3 '1 Nebzaska SHERIDAN COUNTY BOOSTERSIN SENATE Pay Visit to Upper House and Their Speakers Are Gladly Heard. BANK PROMOTER JARRED BY BILL Murtey of Cass Introduces Measure Intended to Have This Effect. GUARANTY ONLY LIMITED CRAWFORD MAN SPEAKS tFrom a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 17. (Special.) Hearted By ine uordon concert Dana the Sheridan county boosters, 200 strong, in Lincoln attending the meet ings of organized agriculture, marctied to the state house this afternoon and after serenading the executive offices visited the senate and wereg iven full swing without the inconvenience of an executive session. Senator Adams, representing the district from which the boosters came, was asked to escort the speakers to the desk of the secretary. Rev. Walter C. Rundin of Craw ford, president of the Associated Commercial Clubs of Western Ne braska, was the first speaker. He talked of the wealth and future of his territory. Rev. Mr. Vahlia was the scond speaker. He spoke particularly of the wealth and prosperity of Sheri dan countyr He said that the visitors from Sheridan county were much dis appointed to discern the condition of the state house and every one of them hoped that a new one would be built and if the state did not have the money, Sheridan county would let it have all it wanted. Jj H. Jones of Rushville also talked for a few minutes. Notes from Beatrice And Gage County Beatrice. Neb., Jan. 17. (Special.) Bert Wills, who was seriously in jured in an auto accident southeast of Beatrice Monday afternoon in which Walter 'Carpenter was killed, was reported slightly improved last evening, and it is now thought he will recover. Announcement was received here yesterday of the marriage of Enid May Jackson Fulton, actress, widow of the late Jesse -.B. Fulton of this city, tt Warren O'Hara, which oc curred last week at Brockton, Mass. The annual meeting of the Farmers' Elevator company of Holmesville was held Monday afternoon. The follow ing officers were elected: President, J. W. Qish; vice president, J. H. Mc Pheron; secretary-manager, .George Hunkle; treasurer, J. B. Reiff. There are 110 stockholders in the company, which purchased 144,000 bushels of grain during the last year. The net earning of the company during that period was $3,419.66. Roy Wilhelm Wilson and Miss Deborah Mason, both of Blue Springs, were married at that place last eve ning. Company H of Madison Given Warm Reception Madison, NeT., Jan. 17. (Special.) Blowing of whistles and the ringing of bells yesterday morning was the beginning of a welosme to Company H, returning from the south, which was consummated in the evening by a public reception and banquet given by the citizens of Madison and com munity. Judge W. V. Allen deliv ered the principal address, which was ' responded to by Captain Hobbs on behalf of the company. Soldiers' Home Notes. Orand Island, Jan. 17. (Special.) Rev. Mr. Dunffan of the Congregational church of Orand Islaod occupied the pulpit at the Home chapel on last Sunday afternoon. The application of Tr. J. E. Leahy for appointment as first surgeon and physician at the Soldiers' home at Hurkett was ap proved by the state board of commissioners on Saturday. He is young and has been here but a short time, but he has made a large number of warm friends who delight in his promotion. The students of the Grand Island college cave an hour's entertainment of music .Monday evening at the home chapel. Mrs. Mattle Rhodes) who has been quite III, is reciting nicely and her condition Js encouraging. tt la rumored that the farm superintend ent will soon leave for a visit to his old home, that of Humboldt. Neb., and also that Donald Smith, the Grand Army Re public post commander, will visit the capl tol building at Lincoln today on special business. Mrs. Maxwell, the matron at the West hoHpltal, was confined to her room yes terday and probably will be lor some time. She Is having trouble with, a gathering In ono of her cars. Obituary Notices. WILLIAM KAUP, a prominent and wealthy farmer of West Point died suddenly late Tuesday night from heart disease. Mr. Kaup was 45 years , old and member of one of the oldeRt families in the county. He had been to town in the afternoon, returning home at dusk and on stepping onto the porch of his house, he stumbled and fell, becoming unconscious imme diately. A physician was summoned but pronounced the attack a trifling one. In the course Qf a few hours, however, his family found him dead. He leaves a small family of young children and his widow. He was a brother of former County Clerk Joseph V. Kaup. The funeral will be llold Friday under Catholic auspices. MRS. Z. T. BROWN of Platlsmouth. Neb., died at her home there TueBday evening of pneumonia, aged 53 years. Mr. Brown died about a year ago from lead poisoning, which he con tracted as a painter. There are re maining two daughters and one son living at Plattsmouth, one daughter. Mrs. Louis Trimpe of Omaha and one non, Clarence Brown of Topeka, Kan. The funeral took place from the home Wednesday afternoon. MISS SUSAN E. WKSCOTT of flrant precinct, Red Willow county, died at. the home of her niece, Mrs. Joshua Rowland, at McCotfk, Monday. She was for twenty-four years a resi dent of that precinct and was in her , seventy-ninth year. Interment was made In Longvtew cemetery, McCook, Wednesday afternoon. WILLIAM P. BURNS, a veteran of the civil war, died at McCook Tuesday afternoon of heart trouble. Mr. Burns was one of the early settlers of western Red Willow county. He is survived by a wife and one daughter. MISS ELLA EMBBRY LUBBS, au thoress. well known in the east and California, where she resided at differ ent times,, died allier home at Blng hamton. N. Y., Tuesday night. , (From a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, Jan. 17. (Special.) Mur tey of Cass has introduced a bill in the lower house which is intended to surround tile -slate guaranty banking law with greater 'safeguards. The bill, according to Mr. Murtey will take the guaranty law out of the realm of politics and place it on a permanent business basis. He insists that the present law is only a limited guaranty, yet many hanks arc allowed to represent that itv is an absolute guaranty. The bill is aimed principally at the banking promoter and would prevent such a man from representing, when starting a banking corporation that all other state banks are going his se curity. He opposes the idea of allow ing the State Banking board, which he insists is usually under the influ ence of one man, to assume the right to say who shall go into the banking business. New Council Knights Of Columbus at Sidney Sidney, Neb., Jan. 17. (Special.) A council of the Knights of Columbus was instituted here Sunday under the direction of State Deputy George F. Corcoran, assisted by District Dep uty Charles J. Pass. Before the com mencement of the work the knights marched in a body to St. Patrick's church to attend the 10 o'clock mass. In the evening a banquet was given the visiting knights, numbering 175, in the dining room of St. Patrick's school. The new class consisted of fifty jnembers and Sidney council starts on its knightly journey under the most favorable conditions. Rt. Rev. James A. Duffy of Kear ney, bishop of the diocese, responded to the toast, "Some Ideals of the Knights of Columbus," and the elo quent and logical talk of the learned bishop left almost profound impres sion with his audience. Stateiieputy George F. Corcoran of York closed the evening's enter tainmetn with a response to the toast, "Good Citizenship," and as he -arose to respond htf was greeted by the knights, standing, with round after round of applause. New Potash Company Organized at Alliance Alliance, Neb., Jan. 17. ((Special.) The potash industry of Nebraska has received added impetus by the of ficial announcement that a corpora tion has been formed to operate an other plant in tHe vicinity of Al liance. This concern begins with a paid-up capital of $100,000, all of which hase been subscribed and paid in. It is understood that the stock holders are all Nebraska men, some or them being local capitalists in Al liance. The firm has already obtained ex tensive leases on lakes in this vicin ity and is assured in advance of an al most exhaustless supply of potash solution. The location of the plant will De seven miles trom Alliance on the Burlington railwav. The company is already placing orders for machinery and has its plans prepared for the building, on which active work is expected begin early in the spring. It is anticipated that the plant will be in operation bv July 1. Grand Island Brewery Will Make Near Beer Grand Island, Neb., Jan. 17. (Spe cial.; vine annual meeting ot the stockholders of the Grand Island brewery was held late yesterday, and resulted in the election of Henry Faldorff in the place of Martin Schimer, and Richard Goehrinir in place of Henry Voss as directors. It was decided to engage in the manufac ture of nonalcoholic beer, the neces sary cquippment for which has already Deen ordered. ine proposition ot diverting part of the plant to cold storage has been informally discussed, put so iar,no action lias been taken. The directors have not yet held a meeting to elect the officers, but no change in this respect is expected. Mr. Albert Meydc is the president and ac tive manager. Crete Commercial Club Has Annual Banauet Crete, Neb., Jan. 17. (Special.) J ne annual get-together banquet of Crete Commercial club and their ladies was held Tuesday evening in the Congregational church parlors, with 150 present. H. A. Butler, presi dent, presided, and introduced the fol lowing: C. B. Anderson, who spoke on "A Community House;" Dr. W. M. Elliott, "The Ladies' Auxiliary;" Glenn N. Venrick, "The Chautauqua;" Dr. Of M. Johnson, "Paving," and P. C. Swift, "The Town and Doane Col lege. The club plans an active cam paign 'for community betterment at FARMING WESTERN LAND ON LOAN PLAN FEED IS SHORT ON THE CATTLE RANGE Hungerford Potato Growers' Losses Have Been Few So Far, Association Finds Way of but Continued Cold Will Developing Northwest. V 1 play Havo in West WAGE EAENER MAY HELP SPECIAL RATES FOR HAY AN APPEAL FOR FAIR PLAY When the Stomach, Liver and Bowels re bel and Refuse to perform their regular func tions, Play fair, Give Nature the help required, by trying HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS The Hungerford Potato Growers' association is a newly incorporated concern in Omaha, which plans to sell farms to the wage earners and then farm the farm for the buyers' profit besides. The association is the owner of several thousand acres of land in the northwestern part of the state, which it will now sell out in five-acre tracts. It is said to be excellent potato land. and potatoes are to be the principal csnp. The land, according to offi cials of the company, has been pro ducing from 1st) to JOO bushels ot po tatoes to the acre. i However, the association says that it does not make use of these higher figures in arriving at the estimates of what can he made per year. Neither is the present high price of potatoes used as a basis tor their calculation. hut they are more conservative than that. It is pointed out. however, that at 100 bushels per acre, and at a con servative price per bushel even much below the present price of potatoes, the purchaser should be able to pay for his land in two years from the profits of his crop alone. People's Association. It is planned to make it strictly a people's association. The building and loan plan of operation is followed and applied to purchases of farm land instead of merely to the purchase or building of a city home. The idea is a new one. The land in five-acre tracts is to be sold to the wage earner on monthlv payments. The company will then farm the tracts for the purchaser on a large scale, on a co-operative basis, and with the most modern machinery. By having many of these tracts in one locality to farm, the company be lieves it can make use of modern machinery and do the farming on a large scale with such equipment as the small farmer could not afford to have on hand for the cultivation of merely his individual farm. 1 Ins, it is maintained, will reduce the cost of labor about 75 per cent. To Rotate Crops. They expect to rotate the crops. getting every penny the land will pro duce, but the potato is to be looked to as the principal crop. Northwest Ne braska potatoes are known all over the country. The purchaser is to have two-fifths of the profits each year to apply on the payments. The association is incorporated for $50,000. Arab L. Hungerford is presi dent and manager, Edward P. Snow den is secretary and treasurer, and in addition the following are on the board of directors: G. J. Hungerford, Earl W. Snowden and H. S. Hunger ford. Arah L. Hungerford has dealt in land for ten years, with headquarters at Crawford, Neb., where he has ac quired much knowledge of the agricul tural conditions and needs of the northwestern part of Nebraska, hav ing, it is said, farmed more land in northwest Nebraska than any other five men in the section, li. P. bnow den came from St. Joseph four years ago. He has during the last year been associated with Mr. Hungerford in dealing in land in the northwestern part of the state. Plan of Development. It was during their operations in Dawes, Box Butte and Sioux counties that these men studied out this plan and came to the conclusion that they had discovered the way to develop this part of the state as it has never been developed before, and at the same time fill a long-felt want among those ot medium financial means who are desir ous of becoming the owners of at least a small farm. . Norfolk Woman Sues on Note. Madison, Neb., Jan. 17. (Special.) Elizabeth Stegelman has brought action in district court against George N. Beeks of Norfolk to recover $3,880 and interest on same from May 24. 1913. Plaintiff alleges in her petition that in Mayr 1913, she entrusted a note and mortgage to the defendant for the sum of $9,410.16 and he ac counted for all but $3,880. Hick Hradajr-b. Due to Const hmtlon. One doso Dr. King's New Life Pills and your sick headache Is gone. Oct a 2E-cent bottle and be convinced. AH druggists. Advertisement. WATCH FOR THE HEADING "THIS IS IT" IN THURSDAY'S PAPERS. IT EXPLAINS IT ALL. Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all druggists., KEEP LOOKING YOUNG It's Easy If You Know Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets The secret of keeping young is to feel young-4o do this you must watch ... I;.. hnwU thrrp's nn need 'of having a sallow complexion dark rings under your eyes pimpics a u.i-ll- ln vni fai-sw-ttnll eves with no sparkle. Your doctor will tell you ninety per cem 01 an siuuica .uuw from inactive bowels and liver. in Ohio, perfected a vegetable com pound mixed wnn onvc on iu .i the liver and bowels which he gave to his patients for years. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the sub stitute for calomel, are gentle in their action, yet always effective. They bring about that exuberance of spirit, that natural buoyancy which should be en joyed by everyone, by toning up the liver and clearing the system of impurities. You will- know Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets by their olive color. 10c and 25c perbox. All druggists. WATCH FOR THE HEADING "THIS IS IT" IN THURSDAY'S PAPERS. IT EXPLAINS IT ALL. According to the railroad reports reaching Omaha, the cattle men of Wyoming are beginning to feel some anxiety over the live stock situation in that state. There xhavc been few, if any losses so far, but indications are that there will he soon unless there is a let-up in the severe weather. The feed situation is what is the most alarming. As a rule, the thrifty cattle man figures one ton of hay per animal during the winter. Generally on the ranges and at the ranches, this quan tity of hay was put up last season, hut owing to the severity of the win ter and the unusually heavy fall of snow, most of the hay has been fed. The heavy snow has kept cattle off the range and close feeding has been the rule for weeks. The railroads have taken hold of the situation and have put in emer gency rates on both hay and grain for western Nebraska and Wyoming points. Large quantities are being shipped with the hope of relieving the situation before losses are heavy. Under the rates now in effect, Wyoming and western Nebraska stockmen are paying $9 to $15 for tame and $5 to $8 per ton for wild hay. Throughout western- Nebraska cat tle men send in reports, asserting that this has been the most severe winter in years, not that there has been so much intense cold as at other times, but that the cold has been steady and has continued for weeks without a break. Again, they say there has been an unusual quantity of snow, and that contrary to the experience of former winters, it has remained spread over the ground, instead of blowing away. As a result, the whole of the range has been buried. Getting Old Too Fast? Late in life the body is likely to show signs of wear and often the kidneys weak en first The back is lame, bent and achy, and the kid ney action dis tressing. This makes people feel older than they are. Don't wait for the worst ef fects of bad kid n e y s dropsy, gravel, hardening of the arteries or Britrht'a disease. Use a mild kidney stimulant. Try D o a n's Kidney Pills. Thousands recommend them. An Omaha Example: Mrs. G. H. Miller, 1611 N. Twenty-sixth St., says: "About a year ago I was having some ailments as the result of my kidneys not being in good condition. My back aehed just about all the time and it was hard for me to stoop over or lift at all. Doan's Kid ney Pills strengthened my kidneys and the discomfort with my back lessened." IfteSwy" of elderly folks DOANS'Sflf SO al all Drug Stores Foater-MMnin IIOIV I CURED MY CATARRH TOLD III ASIMPLE WAY Without Apparatus, Inhalers' Salves, Lo tions, Harmlul Drup, mm or Elottrieity. Heals Bay and Wight It Is a new way. It is something abno lutrly (tiftorcnl. Nu l-tlonn, sprays or sickly smollintt nalvos or cream. No atomizer or any apparatus or any Kind, isotnirifc 10 smoke or liihaln. No ntn-anilim or rubb.i.K or lnJfM'ttonM. No rlfetrtrtty or vibration or niRNBagc. No powder; no piaifrs; no Keep ing hi the huuae. Nothing of that kind ut m all. ,Sonn,thtnK nw and ilifTnrcnt. nomc- thins ncuKhtrul una healthful, some thin instantly niKTfrful. You do not havf to waft and llnsT'T and pay out a lot ot money. You ran nlop It ovor niRht and I will rladly toll you how KKEK. I am not a dortor. and thin is not a no-ralkd dor-tor prnHcrlptlnn but I am cured and my frindn r-ured, and you ran n cuiftrt. 1 our suffering will ittnp at onr llkn niajcir. I Am Free You Can Be Free My ratarrh wsa filthy and loathsome. It made inn HI. It dulled my mind. It un dermined my health and wnn weakening my wilt. The hawklnft, eoutrhinir, wplltlnjt made mc obnoxloua to all, and my loved in, avoid me aerretly. My delight In Hfe waa dulled anu my raruinea impaired, i knew that In time It would bring me to an untimely graver hepauafl vry moment of the day and night It waa alowly yet surely sapping my vitality. But I found a rure, and T am ready to tell you about It FKUS. Write me. promptly. RISK JUST ONE CENT Send no money, .luat your nam and ad- rtrpBN on a postal rard. Hay : "Dear Ham Kate: Pleano tell ina how you c-ured your ratarrh and how I ran -m mine.'' That' all you need to say. I will undernland, ad I will write to you with complete Informa tion, FRKK, at nncc, Do not delay. tend poatal rard or wrlie rue a letter today Don't think of turning thla page until you ank'-d for thin wonderful treatment. that ran do for you what it haa done for me. HAM KATZ, Kdotn JJ. I,. 110, 3909 lad la n Avenue, Chicago. 111. Paving Tax Row At Plattsmouth Taken Into Court riattsmoiith, Neb., Jan. 17. (Spe cial.) A temporary order, issued by Judge Begley, was served on the I'lattsmoulh city council last night forbidding its sitting as a board of equalization at a session called for that purpose. The controversy grows out of the levying of a special tax for the pay ing for paving of District No. 12, which is between the center of the city and the Missouri Pacific sta tion, about a mile distant. Those signing the petition asking for the restraining order are: Kdward Fitz gerald, Andrew Krcehler, G. G. Mcis ingrr, Adam Kaffenberger, Andy Dill, A. V. White, George Heisel, C. Mockenhaupt, Carl G. Kricke, K. N. Rauen, John McNurlin, Lovina Mc C'ool, G. M, Buttery, Ida Kuusmann, Kate Seidenstricker, Ida Campbell, 11. M. Wilcox, Mac E. Goodwin, Minnie I.. Hiatt, Marv Heinrich, E. II. Meisingeer, Nellie Archer and Louis Kroehler. In this case it is alleged the city council created the paving district jind had the work done over the iro- icsi oi inc residents oi inai poruon of the city. The matter will be heard in district court January ?.0 at 10 a. m., to ascertain whether the restrain ing order will be dissolved or made permanent. Puas All Pub'lic Utilities Under State Commission (From a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, Jan. 17. (Special.) Sen ate file No. 47, by Heal of Custer, rJro vides for control of every public utility of every nature by the State Railway commission, which now has jurisdiction only over the carriers. Under this hill municipalities will for feit control of electric light plants, gas corporations and water works. Another hill by Sawyer of Lancas ter, prohibits hotels, amusement places and cafes discriminating be cause of race, color or religion. Mrs. Underwood Asks Divorce. Madison, Neb., Jan. 17. (Special.) Sarah Underwood of Norfolk has tiled suit for divorce from Earl Un derwood. They were married at Van couver, Wash., in 1913. The petition alleges statutory grounds. WHAT IS LAX-FOS? Cascara and Pepsin A Digestive Laxative Lix-Fos is in Improved CASCARA with PEPSIN. Pleasant to Take In LAX-FOS the Cascara is improved by the addition of Pepsin and certain other harmless chemicals which increase the effi ciency of the Cascara, making it better than ordinary Cascara. LAX-FOS aids digestion. Pleasant to take and does not gripe or disturb the stomach. Adapted to children and adults. Just try one bottle for constipation or indigestion. 50c. l'lllllllu!(llllllllllllllllll1llTlllllllllllltl!tHIl : FOR A BAD COUGH I Here Is a fins od-faahioiic4 recipe for coughs, colas or catarrh trouble Z that haa been used with treat sue- a cesa. Get from rour drusg-ist 1 oa. of " Parmint (Double Strength) about Tie 1 worth and add to it K pint of hot - water and t oss. of granulated sugar. ? ' This will make full half a pint when 1 mixed. Take one tablespoonful i times ? a day. ? ? No more racking your whole body with a cough. Cloggsd noatrtla should ? open, air passages of your head clear ? up ao you can breathe freely. It la m easy to prepare, costs little and Is ! f pleasant to take. Anyone who has a atubbom cough, or hard cold or s catarrh in any form should give thia- a 2 prescription a trial. i Alkali Makes Soap Bad For Washing Hair Most soaps and prepared shampoos contain too alkali, which is very injurious, as it dries the scalp and makes the hair brittle. ( The best thing to use is just plain mulsified coc- I ut oil, for this is pure and entirely greaseless. - It's very cheap, and beats the most expensive soaps or anything else all to pieces. I You can get this at any drug store, and a few ounces will last the whole family for months. Simply moisten the hair with water and rub it in, about a teaspoonful is all that is required. It makes an abundance of rich, creamy lather, cleanses thoroughly, and rinses out easily. The hair dries quickly and evenly, anl soft, fresh looking, bright, fluffy, wavy and easy to han dle. Besides, it loosens and takes out every particle of dust, dirt and dan druff. Advertisement. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. ww - . f f I Telephone N brandeis Stores "S B E-A-U-T-I F-U L Are the Newest Blouses Of Georgette and Crepe de Chine "SIMPLY GORGEOUS," as one woman remarked, while they were being shown for the first time in this Blouse Shop. "Paisley" designs are the very newest note and Fashion takes to them kindly. There are models that are pleated, plaited and tucked, with tie ornament in front with exquisitely trimmed tabs in the Paisley designs and little buttons dangling at the end. ' : 1 (j ' d the likeable sailor effect many trimmed with contrasting colors. Colors are Flesh, Kelly Green, Peach, Coral, Pink and White. Some styles showNfrill front, square collar piped with white and buttons for trim ming as well as fastening! ' ' Others severely plain, except for frill effect, and rightly so, for the color is so exquisite that it needs no elaboration in design to enhance its beauty. The prices are extremely moderate- $5.98 to $8.98 Second Floor. New Silks, and Dress Goods Novelties Find Highest Favor The increasing popularity of Sports Wear was the signal for manufacturers to make the first of the new season's fabrics of materials and in designs that would follow out the desire of Fashion and so, before the season is fairly started, and even before anyone can forecast what the trend will be in other directions, come these fabrics for Sports Wear that will be highly favored and eagerly sought after. One note that deserves special mention, is the intro.duction'of the "Paisley" designs into the fabric weaves-the designs which our ' grandmothers were familiar with, as they were used on the Shawls of a decade ago. In the Dress Fabrics We Find Velours and French' Serge, with light and dark grounds, in stripes and plaids and smart combinations of three or four colorings these are in the light weight wool that go to make the majority of the Sport Skirts at moderate prices. - , In the Silks We Find Indestructable Voile, a sheer, silk fabric, 40 inches wide, filmy, but strong, and one that will wear won derfully well. Fifty of the new spring 'shades' are shown here. Used for the new Blouses and Dresses. $1,95 a Yard. Khaki-Kool Newest of the sport style fabrics of silk shown here in novel and "Paisley" designs a charming variety of patterns and colorings. These are but forerunners of a particularly beau tiful display of Silks that will be shown here shortly. v Main Floor. 5'''MWllllilIMlHmts 1 ? f a A Mandarin Turban Here again the Chi nese influence is found a little Chinese coin at the end of the decor ative tassel in front of the hat completes the "Celestial" idea. This little Turban is bound to be popular a close-fitting, smart ap pearing Hat that is just fine for 'tween-season wear a hat that will appeal to every woman. Braided with silk sou tache braid in allover design. Price, $5.98. Second Floor, Millinary Dept. i IMPORT ANTt 0n Saturday we shall begin HViruiV 1 tn i . Qur Semi.Annual clearance Sale of "Emery", "Manhattan" and other standard Shirts for men. See Friday's papers for details. ,