Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 18, 1917, Page 12, Image 12

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Good Demand for Liberal Bttn
of Cattle, with Prices Ten
. Cents Above Tuesday.
' Omelet, Juurr IT. HIT.
Ilinlnu e-ere: . (S.ttle Hon Mirer.
e1l.lll.l0: Wry, W 1 00; tlf.
H.loi.oi: bulk of, 110.401 10.10.
Sheep and Le,mb Kereipie, arma,
market alroni; fed maltooa, l.ootlll.0;
wethera, 14. 00410 00; ewe. I.H5I.!5;
lamba, I1I.1HI1U0.
Offtrlel Monday .....
Official Ttmdar
Eailmata Wfxtnaadar
, i.m
t.lfll 1.711
ii.m ii.
14.100 11.104
ll.ltt ''!
1,111 11.411
ii.iu imio
11.117 11.111
14.117 10,111
14.117 14111
Three 4an thll week. 11.114
Heme lin Uat -reek .17. U4
Sana Sere t wka.
8 ma ere I wka. W. I.TIT
8ama da 4 wka. e0.!l.ll
lui v..r ..21.404
' RoM(a aod dlapoaltlon of llva atock at
. im Union Stork rardo. Omaha. Neb., for
lw-ntr-four noon eliding at 1 o clock ra
terday: I : . . RECEIPTS CARS.
- Cattle. Bon. Sheep. Hfl
C:. 11. St. P.... (
Wabaah' .............. 4'
lueeovrl Pacific, 1
t'nloo Pacific;..... l
C. N. W it.. 11
C 4 H. W. will.. 41
C, Ht. P.. U., O. 47
C.. tl. J.. eejrt.. 11
C., B. & Q weet.. 1
C, B. I. P., aaat II
c, . I. P.i wat .
llllnola Central.... It :
(.' Ot. Weet..' II
Total receipts.!. .141
Cattle. Hon. Sheep.
1 I
11 4
. . 1 1
II I 1
. "
'i l ; '
7 .. - ...
141 '
Worrla Co." ' i
Swift Company. .. .1.117 1.1" Packing Co. .1.411 4,111
Armour 4k Co ...1,117 MJ
Hchwarta Co
1 W. Murphy
Unrein Packlni Co.. ,
Huntncer Oliver... 101 ....
BenHm.Vanaant-l.uah 74 ....
V. B. Lewie..........
J, B. Root 4k Co It
J. H. Bulla... l i
1 r. Hua 11
Roaenatock Broa II ....
P. O. Kalian.'
Werthilmer Deten. 1M
H. r. Hamilton el
Sullivan Broa... II ....
Rothachlld Kreba... Ill
Mo. 4k Kan. .Calf Co..1 147 ....
Hlnlns ' 11
Huffman .'. 11
Meyera '
Olaeabars .... "
Baker '
Kenner Bros.... II
lokn Harvey. ...,100
Dennla 4k rrancla.... II
Jeneen Lungrep... 114
Other buy era,. . lu
Cattle Stroaur Hon W and Hither
Sheep fffak,
Chicago. Jan. 17. Cattle Receipt., 20,000
head; market, atrong; native beef cattle,
ll.60aHl.IO: wertrrn eleire, 17.7041 10.10;
-torker and feeder, 16.768. 81; now, and
helfera, It.7l4yl0.l0; r.lven, IIKlollt"
Hoaa Recelota. 41.000 heart; market.
weak at Ic above yeeterrtay'e average; bulk
of aalea, 1 1.10: light, 110.414 11.01 ;
mlied,; heavy, 110.71011. IS;
rough, 10 761 US; plga, 11.004)10.10.
Hheep and umbi Kecelpta, I ..woo neaa;
market, weak; wethera, II. 6I4T 10.10; ewea,
17.10010.11; lambo. II 1.4041 14,11.
St. LoaU Uva Stack Market.
!. Louie. Jan. 17. Cattle Recelpta. 4.700
head; market, atrong; native beef eteere,
l7.IOCyil.IO; yearling eteera and helfera,
M.tOttll.fiO; fowa, II.SO(rl.74l alorkera and
feedera, Il.104yl.l0; prime aouthern beef
eteera, ll.00tyt.00; beef cowa and helfera,
I4.l44f7.10; prime yearling ataera and helf
era, I7.l04al.00; native ralvee, 11.001)14.14.
Hoge Recelpta, 16,100 head; market,
higher; llghta, Il0.0ltyll.10; plga. II.210
10.10; mixed and bulrhera, 110.1501 1.16;
good heavy, ' 111.01011.21; talk of aalea,
110 I6tyll.ll.
sneep and UmN Recelpta, 1,100 head;
market, ataady; lamba, 112.76014.11;. ewea,
14.60011. 00; yearllnga. I11.00411.26.
City Uva Stack Market.
Kanaaa City. Jan. 17. Cattle Recelota.
6,600 head; market ateady to atrong; prime
fed ateera. 110.10011.60; dreaaed beef ateera,
9i.bovio.7; weatern ateera, 17.60011.00;
cowa, 16.1601.00; helfera, 17.00010.76;
stoekere and feedera. 16.7601.26; bulla, M.60
VI. av; caivea, O7.VO01Z.OO.
Hoga Recelpta. 11.600 head: market.
higher; hoik of aalea, 110.70011.00; heavy,
110.16011. 0t; packera and bulr hera, 110.760
11. eo; ngni, aio.ZA01o.flfe: pica. 11.760
Sheep and Lamba Recelpta, 1.000 head:
market, ateady: lamba, 111.16011.10; year-
llnrra, ll.tO0l2.1O; wethera, ll.tO01O.6O;
ewea, II. 00010.00.
.7,411 11.141 U.644
Cattle Recelpta wora fairly liberal today,
about 4,400 hand, hut the throe dare' aupply
baa been 1,400 short of week us ana it
wee evident from the start that both
packera and ahlpplns buyers wanted the
cattle. Quality was eo me what better than
a Monday and Tuesday and sales looked
anywhere from strong to loo hlghsr than
yesterday. Bualnasa was aotlva right from
the .tart and although the oattlo wars lata
getting In; as usual, lhay sold about as (sat
as they, arrived. Bast baavaa brought lll.M
and a good ahara at the offerings sold at
' taCowUand 'helfera shared In tho feasrhl
advanos and were anywhere frem strong
to loo higher than Tuesday. Supplies wsrs
not largo and with a vigorous demand
from all sources It did not taM uaalere
long to class up the offerings at tha hlghsr
VrtDeeirabls stock cattle and feeders wars
la keen demand at tha hlgheel prlcee of
tha seaeoa. Cholee weighty greed taaders
ld u high at H.HVM, astl ,;'.J
all auiubla for tha feed lot was eagerly
picked up st good, strong prloag.
... .1 n ..Ml Good tO
jearlrng hoevas, io.ao0ievi
'boles weighty oernfed bv, I14O0
11.00: fslr to good oornfed hsavss. M.100
10 to; common to fair oornfed hesvas. S7.71
OI.H: good to choice graaa bv 1.OO0
t.ll: fair to good grass beavas. ' ;
common to fslr grsss . ;'' ?;
good to oholco helfera. ' 0O'?
h..tca cowa. I7 M0I M: fair to good 1 cw
14 1001.001 oommau to fslr oewa.14.M0
4 00: prima feeding! ood
i. .olc. feMor M.M0I.1 fair tonjd
feeders. I7.to0t.ol oomraon to fslt loadera.
11 1407.00: fair to oboloe alockera. 17.710
I Jt; stock heifers. It.llt.vbi
Iit07.toi stock oalvaa. I7.DO0I.MI veal
' wlvee, IT.SO01O.IOI bee' bulls, stags, 010..
IIOO07.7S: bologna bulla.,
1 Repreeentatlve aalea: .
A. Pr. 4 ' No.
. lit II 61 4
Kvaperated Apples and Dried Fruit..
New Tork. Jan. 17. Evaporated ADole.
lfum; line, evtc; cnoice, O0ec; prime,
Dried Frulta Prunes, qnlet: California..
1014140. Oregon., IttOIKc Apricots,
firm: choice, 17c; eitra choice, 17Hc; fancy,
oc. feachaa, firm: choice. IU10: extra
cnoice, sun; fancy, lc. Ral.lna, steady;
cnoica 10 tancy, seeaea. 1010c: aeed ea..
110 lUto; lxanrton layers, 11.10.
St. Joseph Ute Staek Markst.
St. Joseph, Jan. 17. Cattle Reeelpte. 1,.
600 head; market ateady to atrong; ateera,
17.10011, 10; oowa and heifers, tt.00010.00;
Hogs Receipts, 10,004 head: markst 10
10c hlghsr; lop, 111.00; bulk of aalss, llt.41,
t Sheep and tombe Receipts, 1,000 hesd
market slow to lower; lambs, 111.00011.10;
Now York Moosy Markst.
New Tork, Jan. 17. Mercantile Paner
ltvl Per oeni.
Sterling Bacnange BIsty-day bill..
14.12 H ; commercial alxtydsy bills on banks,; wmmiTciei aixiy-aar 0111a. 14.T1 u !
demand, I4.76U; cable.. 4.7414.
liver Bar, 7feci Mealcan dollars, 17(40.
Bonda Oovarnment ateady; railroad, firm
Tims Loans Sixty daya. 2U0I per oent
ninety daya, 14101 per oent; six months,
10. w, per oe-m.
Call Money. Btssdy; high, I psr 01
low, 1 par oent; ruling rate, I per pent;
last loan, I per cant; eloslng hid, 1 per
oenti en.rea at 1 per cent.
u. s. r. 10. rag. iih. K. t T 1st 4a 77
'do oounon 0tlMo. P. con e..IAi
41i. S. Is, rag,., ,101 Mont. Power la. 100
Ode Mnun 101 N T. rf rteh II.
0. S. 4a. reg.,.,110 'ft. X City 4H H0
A dO coupon ...lioujtvew Haven e. Oa.104
4ATATnv.Ua 1A. It, T i
Anglo-French to II do la tlS
Atcn. gen. 4a... to u "ore. a. L. rer. 4a 14 u
n. V. 4a tsrao, T, T. ta. ,101V
Beth. St. ref. ta-101 UPenn. con. 4U... 107U
Central Pae. let , HVi do gen, 4H....103U
C. A O cv. 4Ha. MUReadlng gen. (.,.
C. BvA a. It. 4a IIUSo. Pac. cv. to. .10414
C..M.St.P.ov.ta..l07U do ref. 4a I4U
C.,R I P ref 4... 71 So. Railway la. .10211
c. a. rer. t. 077iunion facifio 4a. oott
D. 41 R. a. o. 4a. I4 do cv. 4a IStt
Erie gen. la 7 1 Si 17. 8. Rubber la. 104
Cl.n. Klec. 1....10I V. 8. Steel 6., ,.107
...... in
.... .717
...... 171
...... 1011
...... 141
......1117 It M
..'.'.1471 It It
......1140 It II
t It
I tt
I 1
I 40
I It
t 40
t 71 ,
t It
, I....
. 1....
' ....
A. Pr.
... lit 17 It
... 711 7 10
... 111 t II
... Ill T II
...ltlt t 10
... 114 It
... tit t II
... tit I 10
...1040 . I
... 171 t IS
...Ittl, I
...lilt 10
...nil I to
...1471 it 10
...lest It 11
4 -Hoga Shippers opened tha '
I4..H4 , 44 It 41 .
II. .lit It II It
, 70. .146 144 10 it
tl.,111 It It
II. .171 . It It It
Sh. ' Pr.
It II tt
,.. It 71
...It It
... It tl
... 11 00
was another
' markst by
' waving lto higher prices for a few Hon,
&t neekera Immediately went them ona
belter and before any great number of aalea
had boon mads tha trade was on a 110 lto
hither besle. There wars eeratoh aalea of
mixed and Ight hon that enoweo even
r..u. ueturna than thUL but that is some-
thing that aiwaya happens- on a sharply
klahM trade.
, There waa net a dreggy moment la tha
market. Mevoment waa aotlva right from
the outset, and while some if
la niHtl pretty well along in tho forenoon
buyers kept etuff: cleaned up J uat about as
fSBt as It Same in, a goou vtvareave
evwrvthlns In waa made by 11 o'oloek. -
Calling tha market 110200 higher wts
iMiiiina It eoneervatlvely. Bum or tne oner.
ina laid it 110.10010.10. and there was a
good showing of ths better weighty hon as
high sa ejome ngni ana plain aiwvu
luff eold around 114.60 and there were
,-eitertns aalea under thla, but as
oik so big an advance ths tower.prlued kinde
moved up moat. ,
neprtewntallve tales
No. Av. Sh, Pr. No. Av.
76.. Ill
61.. 101
II.. Ill
II.. lit
' .Hhees Tha' lamb market
dreary affair. Packera bid at much as 160
26c lower on early rohnda. and as early
wires from other points reported smaller
declines than that, sellers priced their hold-
Inge fully eteady. Lstoneae of trains also
helped make the market draggy, bttyera
not being anxioua to do much until bulk
sf the offerinn got In,
It waa well along in tho forenoon before
much was done but in the end anything
of light or handy welghta eold fully eteady.
Oaod fed weatern lamba aeld downward
from tlt.7t, with eomo atrong weight and
' medium Quality offerlan. under
Choree ttaaloaaa, better than anything here
yfwterday, put a new record of 111.10 on the
market. In-between and weighty lamba were
alow all day and soma of them sold aa
much as itc lower, while a sprinkling wsro
still in first hands at noon, t
OteV-aheep were malnry ateady, sot
great many being offered. Best . ev
equaled the - record of, with othera
on down according to quality. There were
really no: feeding lambs worthy of mention
on offer. Borne nan tac atuti mat
carried over from yesterday was taken out
for akeartag and flniahlng at 111.1a.
' trsotatlone on aheeu and lamba: 1.embs.
good to choice, Ill.lt01l.lli lambs, fair to
tw good. tl2.OO01l.tS: lamba. clipped, lt,7t
011. ti Umbe, feeders. 112.000; year.
Ilnaa.- good lu choice, til 000; year
llnga,' fair to good, 110.00011.01; wethers,
. fair 1v good. 11 60 0 10.60; ewes, good
ohulco. II; owes, fair to good. 11.16
-0I.6O; awea pleln to oulla. 11.0007.76
.wee. fradlag, -
Bepreoaouuvo aalea:
No. i I Av.
171 fad lamba It
411 South Dakota feeding iambs 74
It Wyoming feeding lambs 40
111 native feedlag lamba to
It fed welhsrs II
111 fed ewes -. Ill
161 fed owes Ill
II fed awes Ill
101 fee awes' .., ......110
' til 76
ii n
" ii it
11 16
10 It
- t 70
t 70
I 71
' ftteai Ctlr Live Moek Market. '
Slowg City, Jan. II. Cattle Receipts, I.-
lot head: market for klllera atrong. aleck.
ore eteady: beef ateera, 11.10011.00: butch
ers. 17.64 01 16; fat - Cow. and heifers,
00.00; can here. tt.T0.B; stoekere- and
feeders.; calves,
bulla, atsgs, stc II 1101.60; fsedlng cow.
and helfera. Ife.lfe0fl.on.
Hoga Fteeelpu, 11,000 head: market 10
100 .higher; lights, tlt.tt01t.ti mixed.
Wheat Market is Drill, but
Trade in Cash Corn and
Oats is Good.
Omaha, January 17, 1117,
The trade in cash corn and oata waa
fairly - active todsy, but the cash wheat
market waa rather dull, both on account ot
the alight decline In prices and also be
cause of the extremely light recelpta of thla
cereal. The demand, however, waa auffl
rlently active to take care of the offerlngo
at the prevailing prlcea and at noon No. 1
hard wheat waa aelllng around 11.1101. Hit
and the No. I waa quoted at I1.II01.I1,
with the bulk going at 11.11. There did
not seem to bo a very good Inquiry for
durum wheat on the poorer gradee of hard
winter, and the only aalaa other than the
2 and 2 hard were a car or ivo. s
mixed at 11.11 and a car of No. 4 mixed
at 11.71.
The corn and oata marketa made rather
good advance, corn being quoted from 14 c
to a higher and oata c higher. Tellow
and white corn of the commercial gradea
.old at !202t4e. while the mixed corn of
the same grade eold generally at ozc.
The aaloa of oats were extremely light.
No. 1 white selling at 64 itc and tha sample
grade at tttto.
Rya was atrong at 102c higher and the
barley market . waa firm, with quotations
practically unchanged.
Clearancea were: Wheat and Hour equal
to 47I.OOO bu.; corn, 11,000 bu.; oata, 111,
000 bu.
Primary wheat recelpta were 711,000 bu.
and Bhlpmenta 772,000 bu., agalnat recelpta
of 1,022,000 bu. and Bhlpmenta of 1,073,000
I. last year.
Primary corn recelpta were 1,267,000 bu.
and ehltynenta 731,000 bu., agalnat receipt,
of 1,012,000 bu. and shipments of 617,000 bu.
last year.
Primary oats receipts were 111,000 bu.
snd shipments 46H.0OO bu., agalnat recelpta
of 760,000 bu. and shipments of 126,000 bu.
Isat year.
Wheat. Corn,
Chicago 40 276
Omaha 34 76
Kanaaa City 71 26
St. Loo la Ill 16
Theae sales were reported today:
Wheat No. 1 hard winter: 1 car, IMIVj
No. I hard winter: 2 cars, 11.12; 6 cars,
11.12: 1 car. 11.11. No. 9 hard winter: 1
car, 11.11: 1 care, 11.11. No. 4 hard win
ler: 1 car, 11.16: 1 car. 11.14. Sample
hard winter: 1-6 car (light), 11.16. No. I
spring: 1 car, 11.10. No. 4 spring: 1 car,
11.11. No. 4 durum mixed:, l-t ear, 11.10.
No. I mtxod: 1 car, I1.I7H. No. 2 mixed:
1 car. 1 l-l cars,, No. I mixed:
2-1 car, 11.71. Ssmpls mixed: 1 car, 11.11.
No. I mixed durum: 1 car, 11.11,
Rye No. 2: II car, 1144; l-l ear,
II IL No. I: 1 car, 11.44. No. I: 1 oar,
11.44,- Sample: 1 oar. 11.41V,. -.
Barley No. 1 feed: I car., tl 00.
Corn No. I white: 4 cars, tli4o. No. 4
white:. 1) car,' tin: No. 2 yellow: 4 csrs,
lite. No. I yellow, II cars. Ilttc; 2 cara,
tic. No. 4 yellow: 1 cars, I2c. Sample yel
low: 1 car, '12c; No. 2 mixed: I care, lie.
No. I mixed: 12 cars, tic. No, 4 mlxedr
1 car. IHtc ,
Oats No. I whin: I cars, 61 He. Ssmpls
white: 1 car 62 tic. ,
Omaha Caah Prices: Wheat No. I hard.
II. 1101. 114; No. I hard,; No.
4 hard, tl.1201.11; No. 1 eprtng, 11.170
1.14; No. I aprlng. 11. 1401.11. Corn No.
1 white, I10III4O; No. t white, I20
Ifco: No. I white, tlKOIlc; No. I white,
2w0ll.c: No. t whits, II HOlIc; No. 1
yellow, I30liy,c: No. I ysllow, I2i0llito;
No. 4 ysllow, IIVi0lle; No. i yeUow,
20IIMc: No. I yellow, 1140120; No. 2
mixed, 12140120; No. I mixed. I2ii02e;
No. 4 mixed, 2t0lUjc; No. i mixed, 120
mo: No. t mixed, II tt 011c. Oata No.
I white, t4H04244c; standard, l4i40Slttc;
No. I white, 64 0 64!4o; No. 4 white, 64440
tie. Barley Malting, 11.0101.11: No. 1
feed, I7C0I1.OI. Rya No. I, 11.4101.46;
No. t, 11.4101.41. ,
I J ret
21 21
21 It
II 26
II 10
16 60
1 00 lit.
1 ootl ntt
lit lltt
21 36
21 It
16 12
II 10
II 10
16 61
in ::l 21 2i
21 00 21 00
111 I0
II 161
111 021
16 17
It It
It It
If Ot
16 40
66 5
21 It
21 OS
II 10
It 20
111 06
16 42
Many Influences Make for Re
straint in Day's Irregular
Early ffettNM la Wbemt U oUmr4 bj
Bally Md Modmt Advance.
Chtcairo, Jan. '17. Wholesale detraction
of pie re ban l ahlpfi failed to exerctue a pr-mini-ntly
ileprewilnti Influence on the wh-t
market today. In the end prlcea, although
nTvoun. wire at the aamn aa yeeterday'a
rinlnh to c off, with My at 117 tf
and July at iM 1.50V Corn
advanced lc to lr. net and oata gained e
tii & c- I" provision, the outcome varied
from 6c decline to a rlae of 27jR
Notwlthntandlny that heretofore any bis
ucceax. for the (.ermana on the Atlantic.- has
had a decided bearinh effort on wheat, trad
em today ehowpd a notable dlapovltton to
discriminate. At flrat. owing to the an
nouncement that many veaaeli had been
lout, tho, market underwent a moderate nag.
but soon I he view became general that
paralyala of commerce in the South Atlantic
would increane the neccaalty of the entente
com. tr lea to draw supplies from the United
ritatea. On thta account prlcea rose to well
above yeaterday'a finish. Information, how
ever, that some of the veasela given up for
lout were In the North Atlantic service, led
afterward to a material setback, though not
of laetlng sort.
Home leaders on the ball aide of the wheat
market took the -position squarely that ao
far aa the ultimate effect on prlcea was con
cerned no real difference could arise whether
wheat went Into the aea or Into the human
stomach. Other authorities, though, seemed
more disposed to consider the possibility of
new Oerman attacks In the North Atlantic
and of the likelihood that clearances from
United States ports might at lease tempo
rarily he brought to a standstill. On the
other hand, assertion were current that do
mestic farm reserves, especially In Kansas,
would be exhausted before the coming of the
lfl 17 croo. and this view aDDeared to be
dominating tho market aa the day came to
a close.
Kxport demand made friends for corn.
The market showed Independent strength
throughout the 'day, regardless of transient
downturns In wheat. Oats reflected the ac
tion of corn. Rural offerings were reported
fork advanced to the highest price since
USD 130.27 H a barrel. January delivery.
Other provisions also averaged higher, the
result largely of a rise In values at Liver
pool and In the hog market here.
Cash PricesWheat: No. 2 red,
Nos. S red and 2 and 2 hard nominal. Corn:
No. 2 yellow nominal, No. 4 yellow, "ri
Me; No. 4 white, Mc. OaU: No. S white,
bl&Mc; standard. 679Slc. Rye: No.
2 nominal. Barley, Hc0ll.31. Heeds: Tim
othy. 18.6006.60; clover, 912.00617.00. Pro
visions: Pork, 110.60; lard, 16.S60U.O;
ribs, 214.6O0U.Ot.
Butter Kaav- creamery. 3ttt937c.
Km am I.ower: reoelDts. 1.287 cases; firsts.
44c; ordinary firsts, 38041c; at mark, cases
Included, 98 6 43c.
Potatoes Steady: recelpta. 20 cars; Wis
consin and Michigan, white, 91.80O1.90;
Idaho, Colorado, Oregon and Washington,
white, $l,O8.06.
Poultry Alive, steady ; ro wis, l Be; springs,
19c. 1
New Tork, Jan. 17. New low records for
Russian and Italian exchange, which regis
tered the greatest discounts since, the out
break of the war, the reported activities
of the Oerman raiders In South American
waters, causing marine insurance to mount
to prohibitive rates, and the conservative
tone of steel trade authorities, were among
the Influences which made for restraint in
today's irregular market.
The acute weakness of remittances to
Petrograd and Rome rubles being quoted
at 29.08 and I Ires at 9.98. was attributed
by dealer. In foreign eichange to the In
ability or refusal of those countries to meet
the requirements of our bankers. The re
tent sharp decline In Russian government
bonds on the curb also counted for the de
preciation of the ruble.
Uncertain price changes were scored at
the opening of tho market, the only note
worthy a teration neing in einienem oiwoi,
which rose 6 points to 476. but reacted to
440 in the final hours. i ne reversal was
accompanied by reports affecting the com
pany s policy or expansion ana next ween
dividend action. s
There was a general rally tfunng me
first hour, but thi Bave way to variable
declines In the afternoon. United States
Steel, which at one time showed a slight
gain over the previous day, closed at a
loss of almost z points, wun i w . ior j..ic.
active industrials, coppers, equipments.
imiilnnN snd shlDDlnas. and 4 tor indus
trial Alcohol, the moat erratic of the specialties.
The activity of pools was observed in tne
temporary strength of motor issues. Max
well making an extreme gain of 6. with
4 for General Motors and 24 for Stude
baker. Various miscellaneous Issues also
derived their impulse , from professional
Ralls moved with the current, racincs.
coalers and New Haven sagging 1 to .
points on light offerings, although minor
Issues like KocK jsiana ana Missouri mumt
were firm when not act uat y strong. Total
sales amounted to 766,000 shares.
Steadiness ruled In the limited oona
dealings, international Issues showing lees
activity. Total sales, par value. 26.300.00.
United States bonds were unchanged on call.
Number of sales and quotations yn lead
ing stocks were: " ' ' .
Sates. High. Low. Close.
American Can 4.100 48tf 46 46J4
Am. Car A Foundry 2.600 8 67 W 07 H
Am. Locomotive
O No. 1st 4Ui,101W. Union 4Ui
. C ref. 4a l4UDom. of C. 1831. ina
-iv. tj. m. rtji. m so
u w, un,
New Tork,, Jan. IT. Cotton FutureB
opened ateady; March, 17. lto; May, 17.46c;
July, IT.41e; October, ll.llo.
pot quiet; tnlaallni uulan as. lT.ltc:
eslee, lit bales.
Too cotton market today closed steady
at a not decline of It to 17 points.
uotion ruturea closed stsady; January.
IT.oOc; March, 17.11c; May. IT.tlcl July.
IT.tlcl October, 11.16c,
Liverpool; Jan. 17.-KVtton Hoot ateadv;
food ralddllnt. 110.16; middling, 16.11; low
mlddllnt, 114.41 1 Basts, 1,004 bales.
' Omaha Bay Markst.
Prairie Hay Choice upland. No. 1.; No. I, li0.00Oll.00; No. I,
H MD 14.04. Choice midland. 111.60: No. 1.
110 600)11.00; No. I, l.00 10.00; No. I,
KlltJIOt Choleo lowland.;
No. 1. Il.tl0t.iti No, t, 11.1101.10; No I.
II 1X0 It
traw Choice wheat, tl.ltajl.iti choice
It or rye, I1.ttt)7.60.
Alfalfa Choice, IIT.ttail.t0: No. 1.
I1I.40IS17.00; standard, 116 14.00; No. I,
lll.00l4.0ti No. I, 111.00 t)l 3. to.
Mlaaeapell, (Ireis Market.
Minneapolis, Jan. IT. Wheat May, 11.11
1.I0U: July, 11.11 V Caah: No. 1 hard,
ti.HH 1)1.0: No. 1 northern, 11.11 t
1.I4,: No. I northern, 11 1!.
Corn No. I yellow, llwVHVjo.
Oata No. while. lleJSHtc ' ,
Plaaaaod ll.IIOI.ll.
Flour Unchanged. i
Barley lie 1 1. II. i
Rye ll.44fM.41.
reeelpte, 161
stock, 11,171
.- OU an
Savannah. Oa., . Jan. - IT,.
Firm: tic: aalea, 100 ob!a.t
bbla.s Bhlpmenta, 1,4.61 bbla.;
Roaln Firm: aales, IT! hbla; receipts. 111
bbls.! shipments, 1,014 bbl.. ; stock, 16,11!
bbla. Quote: A, B, C, D, B, F, O, H.17H H,
I, M IS; K,; M, 11.10; N.; WO,
17. no; WW, 7. is.
Dry floods Market.
New Tork, Jan. 17. There was more sc.
tlvlty today in wlds print cloths st low
prlcea ' Tarne were quiet. Ths export de
mana lor cotton gooae waa more active.
cotton blankete aold up and were with.
drawn, by tha larteet house.. Worsted yarns
sola a itttie more rreeiy Tor drees foods pur.
poeea. tsuriapa were more active at low
' ' Hocar Market. '
New York. Jan. IT. Bufai. Raw. ateady;
centrifural. f.I7c: molaaeea. 44.40c. Refined.
eteady; fine tranulated, I.Ttc. Future opened
a point or two lower on over nlsht aelllnf
ordero, but there waa a food demand from
ahorta and trade Intereeta nwlna to ihe
uneettled ahlpplns situation. At noon price.
had rallied and showed net faina of 1 to I
Metal Market,
New Tork. Jan. 17. Metala Lead,
bid. Spelter nominal, copper firm: elec-
trolytlr, flrat, aeeond and third quarter.,
lafl.ootf II. to. iron ateady and unchanfed.
Tin atronf; spot.
London not received.
The wheat market opened atronf today
and advanced about 44o durlnf the early
tradlnf noun,, and wniia tne export buai.
eontlnued fairly heavy, .profit taklns
by lonta and abort aelllnf, induced by the
renewed aubmarine actlvltlea, caused a late
decline In May and July, the May and July
oloelnf He and lower.
The corn traders fenerslly were Inclined
bo bullish with continued reports of
corn dsteriorstlon In Arfentlna the fovera
tnf faotor. The local trade in com was
quite active, while bualnees in oats waa
extremely quiet May corn oloaed Too hlsher.
July cloaed o hither and both May and
July oata closed uncnanfed.
txicsl rente of options;
Art. Open. Hlth, Low. Cloaa. Tea.
wht. p r
May 1160) 1IIH1I4M 1 U 1I6H
July 1 44M 1 H lltt. 1 464. Ulli
Sept. 1 10 1 tt 111 I 21 lit
May 16 tlti ttH tit. Is 4,
July IIVj 14 Hit 14 lltt
May 6114 6614 tile Hit lilt
July II tl tl tl tl
Chloafo closinf prices, furnished Ths ttss
r Lofan A uryan, atock and frstn brok-
ers, lit South Sixteenth street, Omaha:
Open. Hlth. Low. cioaar
1 "HI
1 1114
1 1IV.I
1 414lll4l!
1 II 141
l 17 m
1 itlt 16114
i as l,
)tiotatloBe of tho Day as Tartou Leadinf
Can modules.
New Tork. Jan. 17. Flour Vnsettled.
Wheat Spot, ateady; No. I hard, 11.1114.;
No, 1 northern, Duluth, I1.21H-: No. 1 north
ern, tlanitoba, 12.16, f. o. b., New Tork.
Corh Spot, firm; No. 3 yellow, 11.12, e.
I. f.. New Tork.
Oata Spot, firm; standard, ITHDIlo.
Hay Steady; No. 1, 11.10; No. 1, 11.00
1.16; No. 1, l60l7Me; ahlpplnf, 8SJI0c.
Hope Quiet; atate, common to choice,
lilt, 464Hoo; 1116, ll)14o; Pacific coaat,
1111, lltyltc; 1111. 14)110.
Hldee Doll; Bogota, 41943c; Central
America, 41c.
eLather Firm; hemlock flrats, K7c; sao
onds. itc.
Provisions Pork, Btronf; maaa, 111.00
Oil. 60; family, 131.604)13.60; short clear,
121.00913.00. Beef, firm: meea, 121.009
121.60; fsmily, 126.00 9 37.00, Lard, ateady;
middle west, tll.10t31l.2t.
Tallow-Bteady; city, lOtio: country, 119
lllto: epeclal. 111, v.
Butter Steady: receipts. 4.321 tuba;
creamery, 4040!to: firsts, , !514tU14c;
creamery seconds, 33 9 36c,
Kffs Irretular; receipts, 3,103 cases:
freeh fathered extra Urate, tic; Or.l. 414)
60c: refriferalor aeoonda to Qrata, 37921c.
Cheese Irregular! receipts, 7tl boxes;
state held speclale, 3414934S.O; atate, aver
age fancy, 121.914c.
Poultry Pressed, Arm; chickens, 11 9
11c: fowls, 1402I01 turkeys, 10933c.
June. Lite; July, 1.72c: Auimst. 174c: Sep- reported a decline of 75 rela at Rio, whlls
tember, 1.10c; October, t.B&c; November, I Santos waa unchanged to 26 rel. nisner.
1.10c; December, 1.14c. ( Santo, reported a clearance of 26,000 bate
Snot coffee w.a rcnorted In fair demand ! 'or New Orlean..
with price, unrhanged st 10c for Rio 7. anil I
Wise for Santos ts. offers of Sanloa 4. j
were reoortcd In the coat and freight mar- ' IJondon,
ket at 16.16910.10c, London credits. Prl-
London Stork Market.
Jan. 17. American aecurltlea
recovered with Wall atreet, but apart trom
business In the low priced rails.
vato advices reporter mat a steamer -.roni th. -tock .jxchange here to
Brasll to Ixndcm had been sunk with a ruled dull on the stocK escnange
carro of 20,000 bags. The official rabies I day.-- ,.
Am. Smelt. Rat. .
Am. Sugar Ret....
Am. Tel. A Tel....
Am. Z., h. A S.,..
Anaconda Copper..
Ilatd Isocomotlve . .
Baltimore Ohio..
Brook. Rapid Tran.
B. A 8, Copper
Ca. Petroleum....
Canadian Pacific. .
Central Leather....
Chesapeake ft Ohio
C, M.. ft St. P....
Chicago ft N. W...
C.. R. I. ft P Ry..
Chlno Copper
Plain. Fuel A. Iron. .
Cam Products Ref.
Crucible Steel
Distillers' securities
flnneral Electric.
Great No. pfd
ureat wo, ure cus.
llllnola Central....
Inter. Con. Corp. . ..
Inspiration Copper.
Inter. Harvester
Int M. M. pfd. ctft.
K. C. Southern. ...
Kennecott Copper. .
Louisville ft Nash..
Max. Petroleum. . . .
MtAmi Copper
Missouri Pacific...
Montana Power....
National Lead
Nevada Copper
New York Central..
N. T., N. H. ft H..
Norfolk A Western
Northern Pacific.
Pacific Mall
Ray Con-.' Copper . .
Rep. Iron ft Bteel. .
ShattucH Arls. Cop;
Southern Pacific...
Southern Railway..
Studebaker Co
Tennessee Copper. .
Texas Company.,.,
union Pacific
lnlnn Pacific nfd.
U. 8. Ind. Alcohol
.300 78 7fi 76
10,100 102 106
4oo nm 111 no
1.400 123 123tt 12H
BOO 37 U 36
21,200 86 84
1,000 106 106
6,300 68
1,400 84
Raymond's January Sale
Will Make a Big Feature of
1,000 4IM 41H 41
16141 160
Kansas Cltj General Market,
Kansss City, Jan. 17. Wheat No. I hard,
1.1001. 16a.; No. 1 rod, II. 1101.11; May,
ti.UH: July, 11.4746.
Corn No. I mixed, llilttHc: No. I white,
mantle; No. I yellow, HUeilt,; May,
7H: July 164.
OaU No. 2 white, 6H4tHo; No, t
mlied, 6l6me.
Butter Creamery, 41c: firsts, llujc; sec
onds. 7Vjc: packlni, Itc.
Krsjs Firsts, 41c.
Poultry Hena, UVjc; roosters, 124c; tur
heye,' 24c.
Ht. louts Grain Market.
St. Louis, Jan. 17. Wheat No. I red.
1.1.I7: No. hard, tl.t701.ll; May,
1.1Uj1.I7H; July. I.4IU.
Corn No. I, : No. 2 whits. 11.00;
May, 1.10: July, tic.
Oals No. 2, tic; No. I white, tie.
46 -4
22 4
66 'i
. 64
' 89
66 V.
ana 3S4. Ilia
200 106 101 106
1.100 15 15 14
14,200 61 57 57
11,000 47 46 46
4AA 112U 131 131
7,100 104 103 102
1,100 42 41 41
'"iot ioo" 'tl l
3.100 25 24 2,
2,800 101 101 101
1.100 4844 47 47
500 136 134 134
100 101 108 108
700 21 21 20
4.000 54 16 66
9,100 27 24 z
1R.400 103 101 101
l.iflO 8044 71 78
600 28 26 26
2,700 18 97 97
13.100 32 Jl 31
6.400 no fin 107
"l'.806 235" 231 231
1,400 146 1,4 1
U. S. Steel 212,600 116 113 113
U. B steel pio zt :;7f i77
Utah Copper. so.too 10. iwoi 1.9
7WfA ! . 400 30 21 29
Western 'Union 100 J7 16 16
Weetlnshoueo Elec. 1.000 63 53 63
Totsl salea for tho day, 756,000 shares.
Coffee Market.
i.a. .l.n. 17. coffee The reported
activities of German commerce raiders in
south Atlantic waters causes a susrp u
.n, in the market tor coffee futures here
today. The openlnf waa 3 to t points
hlsher and active montha Bold about 10 to
20 polnta above last nithfs closinf futures,
with May touching 1.71c, and December
8 too. Demand failed to broaden materially,
however, and part of the advance waa loat
under realising In tho late trading, with the
cloaa ahowing a net gain of t to 14 polnta
Halea. 61.260 Page January, ....u.
1.54c; March, 1.61c: April, t.tlc; May. 1,15c
World's Best Piano (
Advance Notice of
Increase in Prices:
Plan to Make Pipe Lines of
v State Common Carriers
Pipe lines in Nebraska are to be
declared common carriers and are to
enjoy the right of eminent domain
in the state,' according to the pro
visions of a tentative bill drawn up
by the .Commercial club of Omaha,
and soon to be introduced in the leg
islature. '
The club is greatly interested, in
the. possibility of establishing a pipe
line, between the Wyoming oil fields
and Omaha, and more particularly J
interested in tne possibilities ot pip
ing oil to Omaha from Chadron,
where some recent oil discoveries
have been made.
; .'-THIS IS IT"
Messrs. Wm. Knabe & Company, Baltimore, Md.,- have advised us that be
cause of the increasing cost of labor and material an advance in, prices on all
Knabe Pianos will shortly become necessary. , .
Knabe Upright Pianos Will Advance $50 Each.
Knabe Grand Pianos Will Advance $50 to $100 Each.
ThU advance only covers the increased cost of production.
In fairness to prospective customers, therefore, we wish to give this notice
in order that you may take advantage of present Knabe prices. ,
The quality of Knabe Pianos is known to musicians throughout the world.
The material and workmanship are of ut one standard THE BEST. The
pride that we take in the beauty of the Knabe Pianos you will share when you
have one in your home. Its perfection of tone and ability to stand the wear and
tear of time you will appreciate more and more as the years go by.
TO OWN. If you are not quite, ready, a small deposit will reserve a Knabe
Piano for future delivery. Convenient terms of payment.
Overstuffed Rockers, mahogany
bases, $17.75, $19.75, $22.50, $26.75
Chairs to-match some of these.
Same patterns in Genuine Span
ish Leather, full 6verstuffed same
Low Prices. The number is now
limited in these Tapestries and
Leathers. An early call will pay
This is a fumed oak, large
Arm Rocker, Spanish leather seat
and back, at $U.6S
Arm Chair, same style, leather
seat, only 17.25
Golden Oak, High-Back Rockers,
scroll arms
$1.95, $2.50, $2.75, $2.95
Golden and Fumed Sewing Rock
ers, at 1.65
You may identify hundreds of
Equally Great Bargains in our
Rocker Section Marked with the
White Tag "As Advertised."
una oisii
Pianos Taken in Exchange.
. ..; w;.av' vw'f4liliy"i"i,y " '"'--n ''-WW '?! 11
Day after tomorrow
morning you can be in
Florida,within easy reach
of affairs back home yet a
world away from winter's cold
and winter's garb. Thousands
and more thousands visit
Florida each winter not only
because of its balmy climate
and beautiful country, but be
cause of its proximity and its
magnificent equipment for rest
ana pleasure.
leaves Kansas City at 6:15 p. m. and reaches
Florida 8:25 a. m. second morning only a
day and a half's ride via Frisco Lines and
Southern Railway the direct route. All
steel train of coaches, sleeping cars and Fred
Harvey dining cars.
The undersigned has some new Florida litera
ture that will interest you write for it, and eet
full information about fare and reservations.
J. C. larrrlen. Dreirieii Paeeewfer Atevt, Prlee LiM
70S WeJoal Street. lUaeu City, Me.