iiMirJU iMiLir.ItrN ww null, mi' i -an., wrm n rirtvfnM--ilr7r'Ml , iL..H . n' " 'to - ) 3 THE BEE: OMAHA, JANUARY 15, 1917. Want-Ad Rates NO Al TAKEN FOR LRRS THAN A TOTAL OF tOo OR MW8 THAN le PER DAT. CASH WITH ORDKR. Set bo lid (No Dtsplsy). 1 a pw word each Insertion It Paragraphed or Displayed la Larger Typo: lo per Itno n time To per lino, t or more eonseeutlve Insertions (Count six words to too ltn. BITCATION8 WAJfTBOi Weekly rate. . , . . 20c per lino CARDS OF THANKS. DKATHS AND riNKKAL XOffat'KMi 10c per Itno each Inoertlon (Count six words to the line.) (Minimum chirr. M cents.) MONTHLT TtATHS FOR STANDING ADS. (No change of copy allowed.) One lino Sl-tb To line or more per line, $1.80 (Count six word to the lint.) ALL FOREIGN ADVERTISING 1TNDER HELP WANTED CLASSIFICATIONS: Se per word . . one time mc per word, two or more consecutive In sertions. ftPKCIAL COMBINATION RATR On Land, Povltry and Other Advertising THK OMAHA BEE (nv-r 60.000 dolly). :tTll CENTURY FARMER (over 1H.0M weekly). A combined elrculstlon which will reach both the city and rural reel dent Special Res;. Rates. Rate. S Insertions In Omaha Bee and . 1 Insertion In 10th Con. Farmer, per lino 3(c 42c S insert tons In Omaha Dee and 1 Insertion of 20th Cen. Farmer, per word Ic 7c 7 Insertions In Omaha Bee and 1 Insertion In Jttta Con. Fanner, per lino flo 73c f insertions In Omaha Deo and 1 Insertion In 30tb Cen. Farmer, per word 10 Vie 12c (Contract rates on application.) THIS BEE will not be responsible for more than one Incorrect Insertion of an adver tisement ordered for more than one time. ADVERTISERS should retain1 receipts given by The Doe In payment for Want Ads, as no mistake can be rectified without them. USE THE TELEPHONE If you cannot con veniently brine; or send In your ads. Ask for Want Ad Taker, and you will re ceive the aamo good service as when de livering your ad at the office. PHONO TTLER 1000. WANT AD COLUMNS CLOSE: EVBNINO EDITIONS 12:00 II, MORNING EDITIONS 10:00 P.M. FLORISTS. 1 BEST QUALITY CIT FLOWERS or plants. Art combinations shipped every where. Excellent service to our custom ers In past years recommend. HESS A SWOBODA, 14U Farnam St. Pong. 1601. Largest assortment of fresh flowers, delivered or shipped anywhere, L. HEN. DERHON, lfill Farnam Ft. Doug. 1231. Fon tenet 1 Florist. LEE L LARMON 1S14 Douglas St Dou. 1144. PARKER PMowsr .hop, 411 i. llth. DSIOJ. A. DONAOHUE. Hit Harn.V. Pout. IO0L BATH, National Fiorlat. U0( "F.rnVm Bt. BUI.SE RIKI'KN. undertaksrs Mill m balmsrs. 701 8. llth Ht. jDouglaa 1321. DUFFY A JOHNSTON, emlulmari and fu noral dlractora 711 a. llth Hi. Tyler 1171 FRATERNAL ORDERS, CROUNSB HALL. Opposite postoirio.. Now lull for lodg. mMiinn ana dances, ttxaeil.ni noor, TOUNO DOHKRTT, i? Br.nd.ls ThWwMjrJPoug. 1171, LOST-FOUND-REWARDS OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having loot some article would do well to call up the offlcs of the Omaha Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left tt la the street oar. Many articles) each day are turned In and the company Is anxious to restore them to , tha rightful owners. Call ryier ot. IF you lose anything and will advertlM It here, you will surely recover It If found by an honest person. Remarkable recov erlea are brought about every day through this column. THIC HONEST WAY, If yon find something ' or vatue, or a Keepeaae 01 value only to the owner, la lo Insert a email ad. The owner of the article In most cases is wlll Ing to refund the coat of advertlatng. THE GREATEST OAIN 51,718 in pM want-ads over made by any Omaha paper, Is the record of THE OMAHA BEE for 1011. . BEST RESULTS-SLOWEST RATE LOST Friday, Kappa Pal fraternity pin, diamond shaped, edged with pearls, dia mond eyas in center.. Call Harney 410S. Reward. LOST Pair of glasses Thursday svenlng In Millar park or on way to oar line. Tyler LOST Diamond lost out of rlna at Bran dels or Strand theaters, or between; Sun day night; reward. Phone Wei. 1335, X.VJUiHU Soda-Fountain. GREEN'S PHARMACY. llh and Howard. LOST Lady's handbag. Woolwortb and lid Ave, Keep money and mall keys and euros. Address Wooiworth Ave. LOST Black and white fur mutt, prob ably on Farnam car. Return to 120 Bo. 16th for reward. LOST Blue and black silk Jersey muffler last Sunday night, Reward it returned. Douglas 8SS1. LOST White hot tamale wagon No. 3. last week somewhere down town. Finder call Douglas 1540. LOST Christmas time, diamond and sap phire bar pin. Ri -rd. Call Co. Bluffs U07. FOUND French poodle on 161 h between FOR SALE Micellaneou Furniture and Household Goods. THK GREATEST OA.IN BI.1JI In p.ld w.ot .d v.r m.d. by any Oman p.pr, I. th. raconl of THE OMAHA BKK for lilt. UKST RESULTS LOWB8T KATE MONGr RA181NQ SALS. t&,000 stock of furniture, rugs. Ilnolsum, all kinds of bedding, complete line of house furnlshlnits, 1)31-1147 N. 34th. Tel. Web. 1S7. Open 7:30 a. m. till 11 p. m. BUKKKT, extension table, leather seated dtnera, china rase, .pc mahogany Dev. enette suite upholstered In tapestry. II. brary table, perieel bedroom, suite, ete like new. Rare bargains. 3311 Bvans. STOVES, ALU KINDS. See us first. Prices , right. City Furniture Co., 107 8. 14th. Furniture Co.. Its N. ltth Bt BUT a Little Giant Ironing table. It glvN absolute satisfaction. Tha Utile Olut llanufacturtng Co., Omaha. UAH OVENS, kitchen cabinet, blue rut, all prat'llt-ally n-yt. vt alnut 3111. GN'IS lloosler roem base-burner, on. Detroit .Ipwcl ges range. 3303 Grace St. 1.ARLV Victorian hand-carved walnut din ing room suite. Harney 30t3. KLHIHTLT used, I4& gas range, cheap. its:. TOM MALE Dlolng room set. Call Walnut 20.1. Pianos and Musical Instruments. POK SALE tt;0 mahogany upright Chick' .ring Bros, piano, practically Dew; great p-irgatn. Phone Harney tttt. Sewing Machine!. SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, sell needles and part or an sewing mac nines. MICKKLS . NICBRASKA CYCLE CO.. 15th and Harney Sts. Dour. It3. , BillUrds and Pocket Tables. FOR SALB BILLIARD TABLKH. Brand Drew, carom and pocket, with complete outfit. 9i2b; second -nana tables at d'Kttd prices; bowling alleya and aupplies esy payments. Claar afore, drug, doll' - L'stt-aseo and soda; fountain fliluvfa. THE BHUNSWlCK-BLKIi-OtJLLtiNDliR CO. 9;-t South lh St. FOR SALE Miacellaneoui Pianos and Musical Instruments. BARBER shop and poul hall. will sn IS 07 Far- pool table eeparately. i.ang, nam St. nd 7:36 Lumber and Building Materials. BRICKS for sale cheap. "Harney 4047. Typewriters and Supplies. NKW machines sold the m rent 13 per raontn, nee us ori jv rent. Shipped sny place on ten days free trial. Butts' Typewriter Exchange, 410 S. llth St., 0ahfcNebj WE BUT. sell and exchange typewriters. Guaranteed typewriters. ! up. Writ for llL Midland Co.. Bee Bldg. TYPE WRITERS sold, rented and repaired. Rent an Oliver typewriter 3 months for 1 6. Central Typewriting airnni. " Farnam. REMINGTONS, Monarch and Broun rre- miers for rent: sent anywner. nHuBW. Typewrillngcompany. Dy ' CARBON paper fl a box and up; ""a eherts, 60c a ream. Mimanu v Printing and Office Supplies. COMMERCIAL Duplicating Co.. also pumic Steno. Phone lor prices. 640 Paxton Blk. GET our prices on Job printing. UNITED 8TATKB nilrt nn" ' w Bee Bldg, Douglas 1172- WATER8-DARNHARDT I'lf. fo.. pr t n II n g. Tel. Doug. 2190. JJ l ttn Machinery and Engines NEW AND 8 BOON D.HAND MOTORS. EXPERT ELECTRICIANS AND MACHINISTS. LB BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS, 311-20 So, Uth St.. Omaha. BOILERS, steam, electric, gns engines, plps Groes wrecking t-o.. is.g turning. Store and Oflice Fixtures. FOR SALE Nearly new 1,000-lb. ssfe. Are moving and mutt leu regaruiess 01 pric. TYLER 721. Miscellaneous. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Felt and hair mat tresses matn over In new tints at nan the price of new ones. All your own feather back when we renovate. HOT Cuming St. Douglas 2467. illf high standard of quality will be main- tailed; 4 quarts or Old ron.eneue wmmy, $3.16; bottled In bond. Henry Pollock, mail order house. Doug. IIM. 122-124 N. 16th St. ONE large Iron safe, one Toledo scale, one 160 sound proof Mci'snuey register ac count, one roller top desk, for sale cheap. ndalUx 402. George Roe. ALEX JETTES' LIQUOR HOUSE. Bottled In bond whisky, 86c, tl.00, J1.25 full quart. DESKS, sates scsles, showcases, shelving. etc. We buy. sell, omana rixiure ana Supply Co., 4H-U-U S. 12th. Doug. 8721. it-DRAWKK cash register (National, elec tric); Johnson gas lamps, ma ten ana peanut vending machines, etc. 814 8. 10th FOR SALE or trade, 3 dozen new In cubators, I brooders and 1,000 egg can' dlnrs. Box 684, Grand Island, Neb. ONE Iron stand and 30 Job typo cases, cheap. U. S. Printing Co. 1900 ELECTRIC washer and practically new vacuum carpet sweeper. Pnone uoi. J 671. HOUSE Jo move. Flvs rooms, all modern, 8260. Harneyjion. DRY KINDLINO WOOD. ACM E BOX COMPANY. HARNEY 18J7. SWAPPERS' COLUMN IF YOU HAVE some article that has out lived Its usefulness to you make up little ad and run It In this column at lo per word. You will be mors than- pleased with the remarkable offerings you will receive. One or two insertions in nearly all cases are sufficient to get wnat yuu want. TRY IT TODAY. THIS GREATEST GAIN 61,788 In paid want-ads ever made by any Omaha paper. Is the record of THE OMAHA BEE for 1118. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATE. WILL exchange carpenter or cement work for Ford; engine muni be flrst-ctaas, not particular about bodyt horse considered Colfax SfTl. 130 WORTH of good clear views and one terrlsnopical gla for sale or trade. What have your Aggress a, sab, nee. WH swap or buy kodaka; films developed free: one-gay service. Kane xoaak Studio, Neville Blh., isth and Harney. WANTED To sell or exchange my equity in lot 361, WoNtmoorland addition. Phone Doug. 7l. X LITTLE AD In this column will bring about soma remarkable exchanges. ON B -TENTH H. P. Motor for shotgun. Phona Walnut 263. WANTED TO BUY. GUTTMAN Pays Highest Prices for Furniture, Rugs. Clothes. Pianos. Office Furniture, Trunks, Shoe. Douglas 3871. Res., Webster 4204. WANTED. TO BUY One 160 h. ' p. ateam boiler and engine; locomotive or marine- typo boiler. Must be in good condition. H a warden Sand and U ravel co Ha war den. la. CASH paid for tobacco, tags and coupons. Oatllgan. Cult utt. DESKS DESKS DESKS New dekk used desks, bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1X07 Farnam. u. m, TP MtfTMQ P'O" Wlhwt price for UUiinii'w clothes, shoes, trunKS, etc. Red S2IT. Re., Dougla S932. UrinHxt A V nav full value for furniture. all kinds mens do. D. MM, ANUNClENTS AUTOMOBILE storage; dry and clean, 13-50 per month, Key, Council Bluffs, J a Accountants. E. A. DWORAK, C. P. A, in Ramgc Bldg. Phone Doug. 3100. Attorney at Liw. FRANCIS MORQAN. til Bm. Douil.l 4"tt Bakeries. ORTMAN'S - NKW RKULAND BAKKRT. 213 N. 1TH BRANC1IKS P11BI.IO MARKET ANU HAY1IEN BKOTHRHS. 'OUR MOTTO" BKTTKH BAKKfl OOODS. CAKKS. l).Htry ntl fancy b.k0ry gooda UDiill.d to parti... Iuuk.h and entertain m.ntl. Z. H. H.der, 150 N. Ulb. W. J27 Baths' KLKCTRIC TUKKIBH BATHS. Tha only absolutely sanitary bath Highly recommended by physicians. Staata Institute. 1S0 Hsrney at. I. 107. Open evenings and Sundaya DK. BUN DA Sulphur, atesin. Modsrn Turk' lah BATHS AND MAHSAOM. Private aoartmenla for ladies, with ludy attend' ants, ltlt Farnam. Phone Doug. iS77. KITTENHOL'SEsanlurlim;sll kinds baths. 310-314 Balrd Blk.. 17tn and Douglas. MINERAL, steam, hot baths and massage. R. 3t Neville Blk., Hth sral Hsrney, Brass and Iron Foundries, Psiton-Ultchell Co., 31th and Martha SI.. Caterers. WHOBVKR needs an ekp. caterer call Mra Rfckett. Ty. H53. Will fur. waitresses. Chiropractic. Dra Johnston. 133i w. o. W. Bldg. r. Chiropractic and Spinal Adjustment. Dr. burhorn, Kose bldg. Palmer school graduate. Doug. 634i. Dr. J. C. lrf.wrei.ee, llalrd Bldg. D. I4fl, Dr. Franoea Dawaon, G0S-S Roae Hid. T. t3. Dra. fl. 4 Billing ham Crelghton Blk; D.7608 Caroenters and Contractors. LKS9AKD ft SON, 3C21 Cum Ing. Tyler 1833. Detectives, JAMKS ALLAN, 311 Neville Blk. EvUencs secured In all caees. Tyler 1 ISC. Inttratate Detective Asa'n, 431 Ramge Bldg. Dentists. No Pain. 12 W. Dr. Bradbury. O. W. Bldg. Taft'a Dent. Rma., 308 Rose Bldg. D. Sift. Dancing Academy. TM? T TTVT? BALL TUKH.. THl'RS. XJtZJ LUAU SAT.. St'N. KVE. 8CHtXL MON. BVB. 11IH. imh St.. Op, Fontenelle. M16B AC.NKH MALI.OY, Phnne Dong. 3443 Fixtures and Wiring. TTTTJ'I'T'VJ Kloclric washing machines, iuuiui eipclrtc Irona and readli lampa. ttit Cuming Ht. Douglas SMI. Furnace and Tin Work. BnHNh.'.J,. fur., thlm. ..leaning. D. 7331. JSIASHKR, furnace cleaners, work anteod. best prtcea lm S. llth. D. ANNOUNCEMENTS Dreasmakinsr. PLAIN sewing; children' -wing apefalty. 2402 St. Mary r ('till. Doug, owuft. GOWNS AND DRESSMAKING BY DAY. M18S COB. IIARNEJI'''- ALTERATIONS, plain sewing. Douglas 8K80. 209 8. 24th. SEWIN; done ra. 421i . 12tli. T. 10tl-: K. A. Connelly, 200 Bulrd Hhig. D- 270fi. making by the day. D. '"t and !: Torry Drssmak'g Col., 20lh and Farnam. ADIES' aulta rrmodelrd. Douglas 4188. Everything for Womert. ACCORDION. Jd hn!f, aunburet. bo pleating, covered ouuoni", an tyl; hemstitching, picot eamng, em- broidery, blading, braiaing, corum, r' lt cut work, buttonholes, pennants. IDEA.i BUTTON AND FLBATINU J00 Douglas Blk. wougias m. VAN ARM AN Dreaa ' Pleating and Button 338-7 Paxton Blk. Uoug. aiws. Accor- dinn, knife, aide, apace, bos, aunburai ana combination pleating, hemstitching, plcot edging, pinking, rmhlng, covering but- ons, all styles and all sIiwb, rnce umifca. r-r.nttinM Hirin Kulfr. Box 1'ie.a.ting Cov. Buttons, Hemstitching. Nob. PleAting nd Button Co,, 421-2 Paxton W1-"2 - SW ITCHES from combings. II up. Dyed, 60c. Mrs. M. Brllihart. 3i raxion jjiuk. Hair Dressing. IDEAL Hair Parlors, 207 Halni Bldg. Mani curing, toilet article, poiigias eiae. Job Printing. OATE CITY Printing Co., high-grade print ing. 2621 N. 24th. Phone w eo. ion, Justices of the Peace. C, W. IIHITT, 3d Barker Blork. Masseures. ' SWEDISH and muscular massage, electric treatments of all ktncu m&ats insiiiuie. 160 Harney St. Douglas 7097. Open eve nings and Sundays. Miss Mae, H. 22)1 Neville Klk., 16th, Harney. ASH AO E girl wanted.' 1322 rirora Si IHS LI I XT Massage, baths. 1322 Farnam. ASSAOK add Baths. 210 Balrd Bldg. Music, Art and Language. FINE old violin. Free to puplla. Phone Benson S78-J. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Inter- national Patent Co., fiHa Hranneia, u. wi. A. JSTCRC11H. 820 Brandcis Th. D. Painting and Paper Hanging. WALL PAPER SALE. 1(1,000 rolls of wall paper, worth up to 7&e, goes on sale Monday, Jan. 1. at c to 16c per roil. Borders and cutout borders at half price. W, W. CKAMfJIt, 24TII AND LAKE STS. PHONE WEBSTER 2043. LET "OARNETTB, the PAPERHANOER, do your neat job; estimate free. Harney la. Pianos for Rent 10 per mo. A. iloape Co.. 1513 Douglas. theatrical Costumes. LAROEHT sock of costumes for theatrical ana masqueraaea m mo kuuuh? or rent. Lteben A Son, 1614 Howard. THEATRICAL gown, full dreaa suits, for rent. 204 N. 17th. John rwiaman. u. aigs. Towet Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply. 207 8. llth. P. Wedding Stationery. WRDDINO announcements and printing. Douglas Printing Co. Tel. uoug. e. Where to Eat. EAT HOME COOKED MEALS NEW DELICATESSEN. 1808 FARNAM, BURROUGHS CAKE. OMAHA. NEB. (Service) LINCOLN, NEB. Sift 8. lth St. m s. iatn at. BUSINESS CHANCES HKill EST POT CASH PAID for stores and stock of merchandise, in city or country,; uulcaf action. OMAHA 8ALVAOB CO., 760 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg., Tel. Douglas 1832. THE GREATEST GAIN 61,731 In paid want-ads ever made by any Omaha paper, is the record of THE OMAHA BEE for 1916. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATE CLEANING, pressing giiid at one tailor shop at sacrifice li uaen at ; other business employ" all my time money making pro- position. HASTINOS. NEBRASKA. ADDRESS P08TOFFICB1-OX 177. tfMn8AT,H--Uoln( nool hat) buelneas at Sut ton. Neb, rour laoieH, cigar, .uncn counters aifd refreshment stand; good lo cation. Owner engaged in owner ouar ness. Inquire of Register. Button. HAVE three sood Ba loons In Kanttus City, Mo, any one or all for sale. I am the owner and want to retire. If you want a good place let mo hear from you. Ad dress Y 793, Bee. iiMT OI'T Was have one of the bat propo Billons on market ior roru uionwun No uomnntltlon. Guaranteed life of car. Small selling price. Liberal commissions. Hales guaranteed. Call ar write McFar-land-Parmer Co,, 7SH Bntndels Bldi 'OH SALE A fully equipped one-man newapaper In western Draaaa town. Owner has other bus In pes and must sell, Addreee F. E. Brown, 818 Forest Ave., Omaha, r.AlTNURY FOR SALE Doing a good buhl neas; reason ior seinng vu miuuni wi in health. Hoi ftax. jewcrson, iu SALE Drug store and doctor s practice, eastern Hoorasaa. w .wui4io.tn fi.nwo, a snau for a good doctor. Address V, 779, Bee. oil. money easy, made by oecomtng charter member grounu uwi piuvwaiviuii. imui lease fortune In sight. Get details. W. F. Weaver, Murdock BldS-. Wlciiua. Kan. van 'HALE Only Variety Store In good Neb. town OI S.vuu, vuutiiy i. umtr bualness reason for selling. Address 781. Bee. niTARANTY PLAN: get In or out business. All states, r. v. ivpiwv. p MOTION picture machines (new and re built), theaters, supplied. Omaha Film Exchange, m im o. FOR BALE Good, clean stock of hard- ware: live town, central Nebraska. Oood reason for selling. Ue Quick. Address Y 26T, Bee. cr.N SECTION ERY and light grocery, II lug, cheap rent. Juat me place ior man and wife; best bargain in rlty at W Call tm City Nat. Bank Bldg. wig Rifr. wt sell motion nlcture theaters, machine, feature Alms. 4;o-operauve Film and Buooly -Co.. 21tt Bromley Bldg. FOR SALE by owner, drug store, duelling and sto'k; square deal. Auurcss owner. 911 West 5th Ave., Denver. Colo. WILLIAMS, established 29 years. To buy or sell business see mm. u mcuague Bldg. Reference, U. 8. National Bank. WAU, papkr and ualnt. Invoice 8700, sale or trade for anything, box ss.j, uee. for HALE Flve-chalr barber shop In towi of M00, beat location in town anu aoing good bualness. Address T tbs. nee, DRUG STORE for aale. cash, or trade ror city or farm investment Aoaress i .si. Bee. haw! IK00 stock In sood Omaha corpora' tlon. Want good car or residence ioi. uox 990. Bee. SMALL hotel for sale cheap If taken at once. Good reason ror soiling. u IJ83. DOWD Sale and Auction Co., Omaha, have closed out more muse, biocks man any olher firm in U. 8. Writs tor tcrms; IF TOU want to sell or buy a business or rooming houtet call on Huscn uorgnon, 730 World-Herald Bldg. Phone D. 331 to MKT in or oui of business call GANG EST AD. 422 Bee Bldg. Doug. aii. ROOMING HOUSES, all alien, great bar gains, 419 Rose Bldg. i-nono xyier Jiai, SITUATIONS WANTED " WKKKI.T RATE, tOc PER LINE. Business ada regular rales: 2 line, one week tte 1 lines one week... ttc Karli estra line ..iCu per week Male. POSITION wanted by a young man, 21 years of age; has had Ave years' experi ence at a retail grocery clerk, three years' experience, with office work, and some several months' experience as traveling salesman. Address Y 780, Bee. THB GREATEST GAIN 88,738 In psfd want-ads ever made by any Omaha paper, la t he record of THE OMAHA BEE for 1918. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATE POSITION wanted by all-around blacksmith and horst-thoer. Absolutely do not drink. C. O. Morris, Qultmau. Mo. BUSINESS CHANCES WANT pttnltton h collector, agent or sales man. Knperlencrd. Twenty yesra' hustling an constable and justlre of the peace. Can walk thirty miles a day without turning a hulr. I'. C. Caldwfll, South Omaha. CAP A BLK bookkeeprr and general office man, 38, desires employment In or near Omaha. Quick and accurate. A-l refer ences. Address C. C. Norton, Oakdale, .Neb. SHRINK., clothing, furnlahlnga and ahoo aaleaman, also window trimmer, wants place at once. Beat references and flrat rlau man. 28 yrs. old, Address T 74, Bee. YOCNO Japanese boy wants work. Can speak, read and write Kngliab. Bllmdo. 37th and L Sts., South Bide. GENERAL work wanted by reliable Swede. Strictly temporate, best references. Har ney 1393. POSITION as ateno. or bookkeeper, 7 ypara bualness experience; Bohemian. Box 9977, Bee. YOUNG man wlsl.ea position, either as driver or apprentice mechanic. Address 9H06, Bee.' ANYONE In need of chauffeur or driver call Web. 2044, Female. WANTED By colored girl", day work. Call Webster 23117, aak for Esther. THE BKK vbarga for "Situation ads" is lower than any other form of advertising not enough to cover the cost of printing. WANTED Position as companion or house keeper hy middle-aged lady; refined, edu r terfA ddreas Y 7 74, Bee. POsTtION as housekeeper or company by lady with small child. Palmer. Neb., K. 6. Box 42. nvalid would like crochet work, hemming napkins, tablecloths. French hand. Col. 1777 EXPERIENCED mail and filing clerk, de- Irca position in a large otiice. wainut uv. COLORED woman wants chumbunnata or du work. Call wenmer COLORMTi girl anta position dusting In Call Webstar 3951. furniture store. WANTED Bundle wtthtng by experienced laundrcas. all wenmer Jl f i. POSITION as companion to society lady. No aalsry. Box n4. nee. ANTED Day work or washing by day. Walnut 2638, ' OIRIi wants to do housework In s.nall family. Webster 4fl67. Laundry and Day Work. FOR experienced bundle washing call Web- ster 1B77. Prompt aeiivery. Day work, any klndcomp. ref. Web. 77. Ex. lady wants b'dle wash. Ouar. Web. 400ft. DAY work or housecjaanlng exp. Web. 4667. For day work or gen. housework, Ty. 1864-W. KXT LAUNDRESS, bundle wash. Web. 8941, CHAMBER, day or laundry work. Har. 2156. Ex. colored lady wants ttay work. H. 6761. jiUNDRY and day work. Webater S344. Hotels and Restouranta. RELIABLE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 1110 Davenport St. Douglas 18k. Headquarters f h.l help. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. WANTED Young man stenographer; accu racy and fair apeed on typewruer re quired. Apply at auditor's office, Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway Company, Room 203, Merchants National Bank Bldg. HIGH-GRADE commercial positions. WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASS'N. THB GREATEST GAIN 68,738 In paid want-sds ever made by 1 Omaha paper, . Is the record of T OMAHA BEE for 1914. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATE ABSTRACTER wanted, competent with ex perience. Permanent position, n. 1 uim land, Jefferson, la. Professions and Trades. WANTED Experienced templet maker to aic.t as shop foreman. Appiy hi. Josepn Structural Steel Co., St. Joseph, Mo. Drug Positions-vAil States CO-OrtSRATlvu. nrr tr ranv.iv w., lOlb'll City National Bank Bldg. WANTED A first-class welder, familiar with general run 01 repair worn., gooo wages. Address Box 862. Bee. ' WANTED Head washman to take charge of shirt work; reference requirea. uiooe Laundry Co., Lincoln, Neb WANTED Registered drug clerk, perma nent position to rignt man. ioui et uei rkk. York, Neb WANTED A young man to assist window trimmer. S. N. Wolbacn s sons, urana Island. Neb. ARCHITECT draftsman wanted. lAurte, 837 Paxton Blk. Salesmen and Solicitors. THE OLD LINE Bankers' Life of Lincoln The Company of Big Settlements. Liberal Contract to Agents. KUly. Ellis Thompson, General Agents, Doug. 3810. 813-14 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. WANTEDA good stock salesman who has had experience to sen a nraura amount of stock in a new public service corpora tion Must have good references. Good opening for the right kind of man. Ad- dreas 9980, Bee. " kamtkrn manufacturers want man of in icirrllv and ability 10 repreaeni iuciu iu Nebraska, North and South Dakota. Some capital, reference and standing required. Attractive proposition to right party. See Sales Manager. Room uus, noie. uui nelle. thla week. WANTED every stock salesman, who reads this ad, too can anu mvwn proposition at once. HOWARD O. WOLFE. I Wead Bldg. 18th and Farnam St.a tj.Ta,a nn.i 1 inn. mrna.ntlle lines. WESTERN K'.ri-r. "' WANTEi Experienced city salesman who understands selling ouicnrr mvv -H. Ehrlich and Sons Mfg. Co.. St. Joseph. Agtents and Canvassers, AGENTS Yu can make 38 a day with our uroposlliom HU5 jacKson m, rade Schools. AUTO MECHANICS. EARN BIG MONEY. Never Idle Big Demand. Easy to Learn by Our Methods. NATIONAL AUTO TRAINING ASS'N, 381? N. 20th St., Omaha. 8endfor FreeCatsJofue OOOD MEN WANTED. To learn auto trade for tho many pe titions now open. Fine training work in auto and electric starting system. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE, 20&3 Farnam. Omaha. Neb. WE WANT MEN TO LEARN CTHK RARMRR TRADE. Fe weeks qualify to run shop or work for others; years of apprenticeship saved by our method; we have placed graduates to leading positions every wner; coum..' tlvely no expense; catalog mailed free. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE, 110 3. 14th St., Omaha, Neb. (EsU.blisbed 1893.) LEARN barber trade; be Independent, more than make your expenses while learning. Wages or percentage. We don't over charge you to begin. 1402 Dodge St. TRI-C1TY BARBER COLLEGE. Miscellaneous. FEB. t-TH, Railway Mall Clerk Examina tions in Omaha. $76 to 1180 month. Every second week off with pay. Education un necessary. Sample questions free. Write Immediately. Franklin Institute, Dept. 139 A, Rochester, N. T. MEN wanted to enlist in Signal Corps at once; report at Lincoln. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. WIN g "Remington, Monarch or Smith Pre mier typewriter free. Enter Remington Accuracy -Speed Contest January 18. Par tlotttar for the ssklng. Remington Type writer Co.. 19th and Douglas. ' THE GREATEST GAIN 8I.TJ8 lit naiii wMtil-sds ever made by any Omaha oaner. Is the record of THE OMAHA BKK for 1918. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATE. BOOK K E EPioT"tenof raph po i lions. WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND AWN. 'Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Success. BELP WANTED FEMALE Professions and Trades. 50 GIRLS WANTED. To make house dresses and aprona. All machines are driven by electric motors and require no exertion. Splendid pay to girls wbo are willing to be come expert operators. Will be girls without experience, as we glid to have applications from have room for several of this class. Ask for Mr. Andorson. M. E. SMITH & CO., 9th and Douglas Streets. WANTED A No. 1 fountain dispenser and luncheonette man tout of city) ; must have past experience; give reference and state wages expected. Address Y-788, Bee. WANTED Girls with common school edu cation, between IK and 23 yars, to take up local and long distance telephone work. C. F. Lambert. 1817 Douglas St. M ANICURIST wanted." Phono Douglas "875 1. WANTED Mangle rgir,s. Monday morning. Noo-Pareil Laundry, 1704 Vinton St. Household and Domestic. WANTED Olri for- general houne work. References required. Good wages. Mrs. Clarkson, Casper, yo. A YOUNG white or colored girl to assist in houaework. Family of time grown people. Call at 114 N. 30th St. WANTED Dining room girl: aluo help in kitchen. Apply at 11 Forest avenue. Douglas 13 6 7. WANTB D A co m peteVt "while girl for gen eral housework; must be good cook, no laundry; high wages. TIamey 3014. WANTED Nurse girl In family of three; no washing : board and room and small wages. 1144 8. 3l!d. Harney 531. NEAT appwarlng young girl for light house work: no cooking or laundry work. Har ney 2712. WANTED Girl or middle agd womah for general houaework, two In family. 1708 Lake St. WANTED A competent cook, also an ex perienced housemaid, Ca II Jlarn 264 ): HOlTSEKKEPER"wa.nted "for family of six. I). A. Ross, Montrose, Kan. Box 16. Hotels and Jtestaurants WANT EI-Chambermatdr "apply house keeper. Hotel Fontenelle. EDUCATIONAL SPANISH Evening classes now on by na tive teacher. English-Spanish transla tions guaranteed. 516 Beo Bldg. Eladio Blntto. Douglas 2447. VAN SANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS. DAY AND EVENING SCHOOLS. Second Floor Omaha National Bank Bldg. Entrance 220. Douglas 6890. Y. M. C. A. Day and Night School. Musical. Harp Limited number pupils accepted com ing season; eariy applications lavorm. Harps fur. LoretjDe J1one!308i Lyric BUL FOR RENT ROOMS ATTENTION. ROOM HUNTERS! If jrou fall to anil th. room you deslr. amonff toes, ads can ai Th. B offlcs for a Room List Gives complet. detall.d description of va cant rooms In all parts of the city. If more convenient phone Th. Be. Want Ad Dept. and glv. your nam. and address and a list will b mailed to you at one New llat. are Issued every week. . Furnished Rooms. THB GREATEST GAIN 58,788 In paid want-ads ever made by any Omaha paper, Is the record of THE OMAHA BEE for 1916. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATE FOR RENT Furnished rooms in Hanscom Park district, everything new. well heated, on car line; breakfast if desired. 1144 S. 82d. Harney 631. - SUNSHINE7 APARTM ENTS. For men only. Comfortable team heated rooms. Rate $3.60 and up per week. 808 N. 17th St THE NORTON Excellently furnished 2- room apartments complete for housekeep ing. Call 570 S. 28th Bt. Harney 1580. MAHOGANY furnished, large, steam heated room, private bath: excellent nome-coortea meals. Garage. Phone Harney 1788. NICELY furnished room in steam-heated apt,, private family, close in, walking dis tance. Call Douglas 6890. 708 N. 28D Modern furnished room, close In, private family, all conveniences. TWO neatly furnished single rooms. Rates very reasonable. 1314 Park Ave. ney E658. Har- CHICAGO 2610 In private home: large south fronlSfoom with alcove; also sias rnnm FOR RENT Front room, furnished, private bath If desired. 3121 Douglas. Doug. I7ti. 2037 DODGE Large double front room. modern, with board. Phone Tyler 1S72. DESIRABLE 2-room apartment, completely furnished for housekeeping. 230 N. JMi Ht. 2712 JACKSON ST. Newly furnished, mod- dern. References required. Harney ZaZi, NICELY furnished front room, one block from Harney car line. Hsrney fi8$6, ROOM, with washing. 11.60 per week. 1013 So. 23d St. German rnmtiy. LARGE furnished room, all modern. Tete- phone Webster 4306. Housekeeping Rooms. iH S. 23D (Choice suite of 2 rooms, bn bath room floor, newly furnished; plenty heat; 8 blocks to Burgess-Noah. Reasonable rent. Board and Room. NICELY furnished room with board .for two gentlemen. In strictly modern bungalow, S per week. Webster 2785. WARM ROOM. Bleapant neighborhood. 4x cellent board, private tamiiy; no otner roomers. Phono Webster 2780. UnfurnisLed Rooms. 4 UNFURNISHED rooms, all modern cept heat. 1817 No. 19th. Webster 52S7. Rooms Wanted. YOU PEOPLE WHO RENT ROOMS. CALL THE BEE WANT-AD DEPT. ana nna oui all about the FURNISHED ROOM GUIDE. It's a plan that la helping many proplt rent their rooms. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments and Houses. Apartments. DESIRABLE furnished and unfurnished nnmontfl. Alt ulses and prices, splen did location. 14th and Farnam. Ernest Sweet, New Hamilton. Douglas 1473. Houses. FOR RENT Furnished West Farnam home forjieyeral mon t hs.Cal 1 H a r ney5 2 60 . FOR RENT HOUSES West. 3303 HOWARD ST. A 1-story frame. 1 rooms and sleeping porcn, New furnace. Room for one cai In garage If desired House rent, 838. ALFRED THOMAS, 80S First rtat. Bk. Bldg. stonk HOUSE and Karaite at 60th and Dodse, 170. w. l. .iDy c eons, lioukiss 1610. Keellno Bids. ' 30S 8. 41st, hot water plant. $23. 1125 S. 31st St.. with garage ior two cars. North. NEW, modern residence, Dion do, $1R per monin. inquire us rrwu. Douglas 7311. M. Sterk. NEW bungalow, 6-room, strictly all modern, halt blork to car. $2ft. Located 3th and Fcrt Bts'Red MSI. 6-ROOM cottage, strictly modern, oak floors. 30th ana corny, z. r-none t pp. iiii. f-R.. mod, cot.. ZUA N. I8th Av.. fl. T.4711. South. 711 S. 17TH AVE. Sis-room house, all mod em but heat. DoughML MM.' , WALKING distance, a-room, modern. 8. -Hlh 8t. ISO. Web. 33. S-ROOM house, modern except furnace. 23 So. J4lh Ave. Harney 4ftb. Miscellaneous. I ROOMS, all modern, east front, porches. everything new and up-to-the-minute. . Walking distance. $2 per month. Doug las CMI. TRAVER BROTHERS, lit New First National Bank Bldg. HOUSES FOR KENT. i.HKIUU. St INK CO.. HVP Ml. MI IV1.IH1 Jtt K1RST TRUST CO. Houaen. atorea, 40ft Ftntt National Bank Bldg.. Mih and Farnam. FOR RENT HOUSL& KLAL WlAlt uurwTw Miscellaneous. - WE HAVE WHAT YOU WANTI, HOUSES AND COTTAGES 1 PARTLY MODERN. T 4.r,3401 Parker St f 10.00 4- R, 1616 Carter Lake Blvd 14.00 6-R &03 Martha St , 12. B0 5. It. til Martha St 12.60 6- R. 4120 Saratoffa St 16.00 7- R. 601S N. 42d St (.. lti.00 MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 5- R. 2910 Saratoga St V.JIS.OO 6- R 3K19 N. 37th St. (for colored- 1&.00 -lt. 3232 8. h St , 12.60 STRICTLY MODERN. -R. 4112 Farnam St f35.00 6-R 5327 N. 27th St. (brand new). ( 26.00 7.R4612 H. 2Id St 26.00 g.K 2430 Bristol St. (with barn ir the rear) r 22.60 -R. 3901 N. 17th St , 30.00 9-R. 2608 Dewey Av? . 40.00 FLATS STRICTLY MODERN. , 6-R-- -3018 Dewey Ave. (very choi je)S37.E0 HEATED APARTMENTS.! 6-R. 2918 Farnam St. (strictly mod ern and up-to-date In every re spect) 133.00 WE HAVE OTHERS. SEE OUR COM PLETE LIST BEFORE KEXTJNO. PORTER & SHOTWEl.L, 2d2 S. 17th St. '' Doug. 6013. 432215 Howard, 12 rms.. rfurnace and bath. $2i 2220 Chicago, 8 rms., mod., suitable for lltrht housekeeping. I1U.50 1654 N, 201J, 4 rms., water paid. R1NGWALT, Brandels Theater Bldg. H2.60 2114 C ilcago St., 11-r., Good fur rooming house. d. A. WOLF. 114 Ware Blii MOVING AN D STORAGE " GORDON VAN CO. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Packing, storage and mov ing. 219 N. llth St. Phone Douglas 34. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real moving service try us. Largs J -horse padded vans. Storage, f2 month. Satisfaction guaranteed. We move you QUICKER. CHEAPER AND SAFER. Phone Tyler 230 or Douglas 4338. METROPOLITAN VAN ANU STORAGE CO. Careful attention given to orders for moving, packing or storage Office at Raymond Furniture Co., ill! and 1(18 Howard St Phona D. 6624 FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked roon s for household goods and pianos, moving; packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., SOS S. 16th St Douglas 4163. FIDELITY FREE Pboco Douglas 288 for complete list of vacant houses and apart ments. Also for storage, moving, lttb and Jackson Sts. Maggard van ana oiorege -., inurm rtiwn. Storage and Shipping. Phone Doug. 1496. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real service in moving, packing and storing, call Tyler 230, or Douglas 4338. J- C. REED Express Co. Moving. Packing and storage Douglas 6146. 1207 Farnam St. TWIN CITY EXPRESS CO., 1822 Cass St, Douglas 1717. 'rrunas siorea a spouinnjr. FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. VERT choice 6-room steam heated apart. ment on west rarnam hi. JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. TWO 12-room flats at 1720-22 Dodge. arney 4847, North. 1914 BURT, 4-room modern steam heated Apts. Winter, 3&; summer, iv. RING WALT, Brandels Theater Bldg. FOR RENT Business Pr'p'ty Stores. FOR RENT Good business location In Council Bluffs at 2312 West Broadway; most central lo cation In the west end. A nice little store room, suitable for any small business. 115 par month. M'GEE REAL ESTATE CO., 105 Pearl Street. STORE FOR RENT. ! 81 6-17 North 24th St., store room, Sli 88, basement ana one large aispiar win dow. Good location for re tali store 01 shop. ARMSTRONO-WALSH CO., Tyler 1636. 233 Rose Bldg. STORE room, 2116 Cuming St., with rooms in rear. Via monin. uan ,v coster ojub. STORE building for rent in good business town. Write Box "F." Snyder, eb. Offices 'and Desk Rood?. Single and en suite. In a central loca Hon. BROWN BLDG., Room 407. Douglas 1528. uKriiKABLE office rooms in the remodeled Crounse block. 119 N. 18th St. (opposite poet office). 310 to 816 per tnontb. Conrad Young, azs nrariaeia intwmr, u'liim. ibii, CHOICE o:lce space, Balrd Bldg., 17th and Douglas. McCaguo In v. Co. Garages and Barns. FOR RENT Garage, 2227 Evans. Call Web. 4088. Miscellaneous. LARGE, light basement. cheap, wrlgni Lasburjr- Dong. 181, WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished Houses and Flats. WE GUARANTEE TO ADVER TISE YOUR RENTAL PROPER TY IF YOU LIST WITH US. BIG 4 REALTY COMPANY, 1015-16 W. O. W. BLDG. DOUGLAS 3486. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West WEST FARNAM. stucco. 7-r.. modsrn. Lot vslite. ,3.009: bouse vslut, S4.00D. All for. IG.0O0 Sl No. 3xth Av.. Doug. 2t,7. FINE home In Hanscom park, modern, with aaraae. A bargain. Walts. 037 raxion bik. FOR SALK- -Fine home. Harney car Hne. 11.250. Kasy terms. Snap. O. P. Stebblns. north. COAIE MOVE RIGHT IN. Brand new bungalow, S rooms, all mod crn, obW finish ami up-to-date in every way t'holce 50itl2H ft. lot, one block to Ames- Ave. car. Price only 12,800 (Worth 13.300V Tttrms t ir suit. This la a dandy, See It. RSP BROS., 510 kVline Bldg. BIO BARGAIN. SOUTH 20TH STREET. Oood 6-room cottagcA and a 4-room ,nH.r, nn nne lot. at 33 South 20th, In excellent repair, paving all paid. Only 12.760 for the two cottage. Easy terms. NORRIS A NOR ft IS. 400 Bee Bldg. Phone Iongla 4270. Miscellaneous.! THE GREATEST OAJM-UJSI Id paid want-ads ever made by any Omaha paper. Is the recokd of TUB riu aha RKK for 191. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATB MODERN' BUNGAZOW Fine location, east front, paved street. 6 rooms, hardwood floors And finish, close to school and rar. A Drga.n ai -, Easy terms. Call ownerj.Uoug. 1722. u . u n. !"-: h i.At'K. reBtrluifed nirtct. real dence for asl. A. V Kntet. IMS N Mth. rVtcw aunaalosr. ale i. and gardening voui .rro and p e. iov tth $40. rent. I hojeea cost la.fcOO) .(SO0 DJM1 mi.h: riMsntj. . uak dnlSlv fully deco rated, all modern, etu. H.VEO. 1 100 cash. balance rtontbly. Coif a i 7&3fc. Miscellaneous. CLOSE IN NEW BUNGALOW Large living room, dining room, kitchen en 11 rat floor; three large bedrooms and bath on second floor; uak finish and oak floora; built-in bookcases and buffo I; full basement; guaranteed furnace; east iront lot; paved street; fine location. Price 14,500. Terms. SCOTT AND HILL CO., Doug. 1009. Ground Fir. McCagtie Bldg, WHY PAY RENT? $1,250. 1 00 Cash, fl& Per Month. 5-room cottage, gas, water, nicely dec orated. Maple floora In kitchen. Lot 60x 120 feet, two blocks lo car lino. Call Douglas 5013. E, L Morrow. REAL ESTATE B'ness Pr'pty SEE US FOR INVESTMENT AND SPECULATIVE PROPERTY. A. P. TUKEY & SON. 620 First National Hank Bldg. APARTMENT $76,000. Income 12 per cent; one year old very flue location; mortgage fcltMQO and will accept $20,000 In trade; balance cash or negotiable papers, CALKINS ft CO., Douglas 1313. City Nat'l BsJik Bldg. INVEbTMJiNT. Corner, clus. Id, two bousas, annua rtnl 1720. Frio. I..60S. a P BOSTWU.K & SON, too Be. Bldg. Tylar Ills. STORE property for sale, located In South Omaha, good location, small store, new, with grocery and butchf shop fixtures. Will sell cheap, with terms. Clauaon Bros., Kiron, la. HKAL ItaTATS. WM COLFAX. ' 111 Ksslln. Bldg. Dour 1171. REAL ESTATE Investments HARNEY STREET APARTMENT Close to 24th St. This Is a well constructed, well-arranged apart ment house In excellent condition, netting a substantial Income on ths purchase price and In the line of Omaha's growth. Where land values are Increasing rapidly. There Is ad ditional ground which can be Im proved which goes with this prop erty and It Is something worthy of prompt Investigation, as ths pries and income are attractive. George & Company, D. 7fi$. 902 City Nat Bk. Bldg. REAL ESTATE To Exchange SALE OR EXCHANGE 10.000 acres Bel trami County, Minnesota. Best wholesale or colonization tract land In northern Minnesota, traversed by two good auto mobile roads. Will sell at right price and terms or exchange for income real estate or merchandise. Address Box 185, Inde pendence, la. HAVE two 160-acre farms and one 80-aors larro, eastern neorask. to trade lor city property. . ARCHER REALTY CO, MO Brandels Bldg. 12-ROOM rooming bouse for sals or ox change for equity In lots or house and lot or good car: good location. Call Doug las 68 5 after s p. m. WE have some good homes and rental prop erties ror ea or la, lana. Ed ward r. Williams Co.. Omaha Nat'f Bank Bldg. TRADES TRADES TRADES. Farms, Cattle, Ranches, New Apartments, Flats, etc. ABBOTT, 4 Patterson Block. Ranch a clallal, sell or trade ranches for city property L Pranta, 676 Brandels Bldg. i0 ACRES, improved Nebraska farm, for Omaha rental Income. Box 728, Bee. REAL ESTATE Unimproved THE GREATEST GAIN 58.73S In paid want-ads ever made by any Omaha paper, Is the record of THB OMAHA BEE for IBM. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATB North. A BARGAIN. Elegant lot In MINNE LUSA. $750 lot; will sell for $600 cash. Call Florence 134. during days, or 383 at , night. KEAl ti ATE Suburban ACREAGE AND SMALL FARMS. A fine list within -ten mile radius of J6lh atid Farnam. Hume special bargains. GEORGE G. WALLACE. 61 Keellne Bldg. Benson. BT A HT YOUR HUME IN UENSOfs, BUT THIS LOT. $11.00 down and $10.00 per month; price $200.00; sice, t0xl38; located on Locust St., between Clark and Bur a ham, Dot far 'from school ant. car tins Geo. B. Wright, Be offif-e. Omaha. Dundee. DUNDEE. See me for good bargains In residence and vacant property. Good locations. C. A. Oriinmel, 849 Omaha Nat Bank. SEVERAL lots, building restriction. 13.- 600.00. Adjoining Happy Hollow Circle, $400.00 to $1,000.00. , W L. 8ELBY f: SONS. Doug. MM. A DUNDEE lot bargain, near school and car line. Write Box 9832, Bee. Florence. $250 ACRE, acreage sold; 2 tracts left at $300. Last chance. Call Netbaway, Ftt. 22s. South Side. CHEAP HOMES. We have a large number of small houses with S to 4 rooms, ranging In price frost $600 to $1,200, o; rull sized lots, which can sell at your own terms. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., 4925 S. 24th SL Phone South 1247. RESIDENCE property for sale, a choice residence property in Omaha, good loca tion, modern and nearly new. Owner wishes to leave town. Will sell right, with good terms. Oauson Bros., Kiron, la. REAL EMAIL WAIN ILL) LItiT your 5 and (-room houses with as. WE SELL THEM. OSBORNE REALTT CO., Doug. 1474. FOR BALE See F D Wead. 110 8 llth S' W ANT 3D I, 6 and f-roomed bouses that can be sold ror sioo cash, balance $1 per month ; gtra com pie is description first letter. W. FARNAM SMITH k CO., 1 1 20 Farnam. Tel. Doug. V044. POME to EDWARD us with your real bargains. F. WILLIAMS CO. Doug. 430. FINANCIAL Real Estate. Loans, Mortgages. THE GREATEST GAIN 11,718 In paid wan t-ads ever mads by i OMAHA BEE for UU. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATB I PER CENT to I per cent on best class city residences In smount $2,000 up; also farm loans. Reasonable commission, PETERS Tl.LJST CO.. 1832 Farnam SL $1,100 MORTOAOE bearing pr. ct. seml ann.; set-ured by property valued at $6,000. Talmagp-Loomls lnv. Co,. W, O. W. Bldg. FARM and city loans, b-5 and 6 per cent. W. H. Thomas, Keellne Bldg. Doug. 1641. SHOPEN CO., PRIVATE MONET. OMAHA homes. East Nehraa! . fa rma. O'KEEPE REAL ESTATE CO. 1016 Omaha Nat L I'ho.'e Doug. IT II.