Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 14, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 9, Image 9

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9 A
Emperor tar Proclamation to
Teutons Says Scheme for
Enslavement Must Tail.
Amsterdam, Jan. 13. (Via Lon
don.) The following proclamation
by the emperor to the German peo
ple has been officially published in
"Our enemies have dropped the
mask. After refusing with scorn and
hypocritical words of love for peace
and humanity our honest peace offer,
they have now, in their reply to the
United States, gone beyond that and
admitted their lust for conquest, the
baseness of which is further enhanced
by their calumnious assertions. Their
aim is the crushing of Germany, the
dismemberment of the powers allied
with us and the enslavement of the
freedom of Europe and the seas under
the. same yoke that Greece, with
gnashing of teeth, is now enduring.
"But what they could not achieve
in thirty months of the . bloodiest
lighting and unscrupulous economic
war, they will also fail to accomplish
in the future. Our glorious victories
and our iron strength of will with
which our fighting people at the
front and at home have borne all
hardships and distress, guarantee that
also in the future our beloved father
land has nothing to fear. Burning
indignation and holy wrath will re
double the strength of every German
man and woman, whether it is de
voted to fighting, to work or to suf
fering. ;
"We are ready for all sacrifices.
The God who planted His glorious
spirit of freedom in the hearts of
our brave people will also give us and
our loyal allies, tested in. battle, the
full victory over all the enemy lust
for power and rage for destruction.
- German Press Comment.
. Berlin, Jan. 12. (Via London, Jan.
U.) The German press, although ex
' pressing indignation at what it con
siders slurs on the central powers in
the reply of the entente to President
Wilson and although angered at the
peace conditions, finds consolation in
the belief that the note will serve to
weld together all classes into an un
conquerable and determined whole.
Papers like the Tageblatt and the
Lokal Anzeiger emphasize this ex
pected effect of the allies' reply and
almost ignore , the second German
note, which was published simultane
ously. The Fan-German press, on
the other hand, gives the German
communication the greatest import
ance and hails it as a sign that the
leaders of the central powers are fin
ally coming around to their view in
regard to Belgium .and; other, moot
questions.' , . ,,:.r
The entente's specific delineation of
its aims is accepted jn general, with
relief as finally eliminating all guess
work and allowing every one to see
just what is at stake. The extrava
gance of these aims, according to the
Lokal Anzeiger, binds central Europe
a thousand times tighter together.
The Tageblatt thinks that the. note,
instead of being a heavy blow for
Germany as- predicted, really makes
things easier because it will serve to
arrange all difference of opinion.
This paper believes that the reply at
one, stroke unites such- opposites as
the socialists, who are desirous of
avoiding any rejection of overtures,
with the moderates, who favor a busi
ness peace and with the annexation
ists, who insist upon the total defeat
of the enemy."
"The enemy's demands," continues
the Tageblatt, "are foolish and sense
less and such that no German could
consider them for a second. The note
Is an afffront to President Wilson in
that it presents , obviously impossible
conditions, in the face of his stated
belief that the aims of the two groups
of opponents are not irreconcilable
and absolutely barricades every way
to peace.
Two Early Fires Are
Now Being Investigated
Officials oi the Omaha fire depart
ment are engaged in th' investigation
of two fires, believed to have been of
incendiary origin. One of the fires
was at the home of George Burton,
839 South Twenty-second street, and
completely gutted the residence. No
one was at home at the time.
The other occurred in a building
at 2432 Burt street used as-a rooming
house and conducted by A. S. Swy
gard. When the firemen arrived it
was found that fire had broken out in
two places in the basement. The dam
age was slight.
Meyers Charged
With Intent to
' Wound G. C.Baker
Charges of having shot Gilbert C.
Baker, 2224 Pratt street, a real estate
man, with intent to wound, have been
filed against Charles S. Meyers, 4552
Franklin street, as the result of an
affray at noon Friday in the office of
Harper Brothers in the City National
bank building. Meyers, who has been
released under $1,000 bail, will not be
brought up for preliminary exami
nation until January 24. At tM time,
physicians at Ford's hospital said.
Baker will be able to appear m court.
iucvua, ill A aiiiiciiitui ly ihc un,.
said that he had objected to Baker's !
courtship of his daughter, Dorothy.
19 years of age. lie said Baker, who
is a married man, had induced tin
girl to leave home and hail continued
to call on her despite his pimmse that
he would not. Friday Meyers soughi
out Baker at his office and again asked :
hiin to cease his attentions to the j
eirl. Hot words ensued :.nd then a !
quarrel, in which Meyers fired three
shots at Baker, two of which entered i
Barker s thighs. '
Prettiest Mile Club Has ;
Re-Elected Its Old Officers
The Prettiest Mile club has re
elected all its old officers for another
year. They are: Mrs. F. M. Crane,
president; Mrs. William H. Flynn,
vice president, and Mrs. A. M. Smith,
The , president announces that
enough shares of stock have already
been sold to pay for the construction
of the new club house. It was voted
to raise the capital stock from $15,
ooa to $25,000.
The building, which will be one of
the finest country club houses in the
city, is now being built. The founda
tion is entirely built and the jest of
the construction is progressing. The
building is situated on. a tract of
ground on . Redick and Minne Lusa
avenues facing Miller park. . o
Mercury. Below Zero for .
First Time This Year
The weather went under the zero
mark the first time for the month,
when it registered 1 below at an early
hour this , morning. The weather
forecast is for a very slowly rising
temperature. f
Valentine reported the coldest place
in the state, with a minimum tempera
ture of 4 below. At North Platte 2
below was reported. Williston, S. D.,
reported the coldest point in the coun
try, with 22 below. Temperatures in
western Wyoming range around 20
Five-Year-Old Lad is Dead ,
From Spinal Meningitis
Roland Nelson, 5-year-old son of
Mr. and Mrs, George Nelson, 3436
Curtis avenue, succumbed to an at
tack of cerrebro-spinal meningitis, the
first death from ihis disease in recent
Nine other children at this home
are being carefully observed for symp
toms. - The funeral will be private on
account of the virulent nature of the
cause of death. I
. The health office records 'show
only one other spinal meningitis case
in Omaha at this time.
fills Stomach
Vith New Energy
Weak, Worn Out, Gassy, Sour Stom
ach Revived and Made to Enjoy
Food With Stuart's Dys
pepsia Tablets.
to right, front row: Charles Bangardt, Leo Beveridge,
Daniel Leary. Back row: Ralph Wilson, Elmer Barr, Lyle
I! YF? 7, -jj n II
Judge Landis Holds Federal
Commission Has No Power
to Repeal State Laws.
Creighton university has chosen
these six speakers to compete for
oratorical honors in the annual ora
torical contest to be staged in the uni
versity auditorium on Wednesday eve
ning. 1 he winner ot this competition
will receive a gold medal and the right
of representing the university in the
intercollegiate contest between the
colleges of Nebraska Six colleges
compose the state league. 1 hey will
hold the state contest at Doane col
lege, February 17.
Creiehton collcse is also a member
of the State Peace Oratorical aasocM
ation and the winner of second place
in the local contest will be the repre
sentative. Creighton has won this
contest four times and made creditable
showings in the national contest.
The orations and speakers are:
"Democratic Discipline," Charles Bon
gardt; "The Golden Touch," Leo
Beveridge; "America and World
Peace," Elmer Barr; "The Drug Evil,"
Daniel Leary; "America's Real Peril,"
Lyle Doran; 'Robert Emmett," Ralph
Wilson. ,
The contest promises to be one of
the keenest ever held between the stu
dents and the choice of the winner
will be an extremely difficult task for
the judges. Epecially is this true
since all students have done meri
torious work in public contests and
class work. Leary hails from Mar
quette, where he has an established
record as an orator. Barr is the win
ner of last year's contest. Wilson and
Bongardt both have a string of
medals. Five of the contestants are
Omaha boys. i
Chicago, Jan. 13. The" supremacy
of the Illinois 2-cent rate. for passen
ger travel within the stale was af
firmed today by Judge Landis in the
United States district court when he
dismissed for want of equity the, pe
tition of twenty-eight railroads oper
ating in Illinois for an injunction lo
restrain the state authorities from
prosecuting for establishing a 2.4
cent rate.
The right of the Interstate Com
merce commission to authorize rail
roads to increase state rales above the
point established by tl.e slate law
had been argued for several days.
Judge Landis held that the Inter
state Commerce commission had no
power under the guise of removing
discrimination against points outside
the state to repeal the Illinois 2-cent
rate law.
In a preliminary hearing Federal
Judge Carpenter declared the case
to be one of the most important ever
brought before the federal courts.
Hoa Receipts Here Run
Far Ahead of the Record!
Hog receipts here for the week j
broke all previous records, the 7,700 I
head of Saturday making the total j
for the week 112,755 head, or 6,000
more than the best previous mark.
The price for tops was $10.75 per
hundred, which equals the previous
January high marks and brings the
farmers about $25 for each hog, or
about the price he used to get lor a
cow. ' '
Stomach Bitters
Make a new start help Nature elimi
nate any Digestive and Bowel Trouble,
. such as Poor Appetite, Indigestion,, Dys
pepsia, Biliousness, Constipation and Ma
lariaHelp yourself back to your former
strength and vigor.
Read Want Ads for Profit Use Them for Results-
Bee Want Ads Never Fair
Convince Yourself With a Frca Trial
Host of us eat three times day and
often forget that each meal sfcould be
disposed of in the stomach to make room
for the next. The failure of the stomach
to do this is called indigestion or dyspepsia,
with its sour risings, gas, rumblings, pain,
depression and the feeling of stuffiness when
breathing is difficult.
The most effective remedy and the most
reliable one, because you can get it at any
drug store In the United States or Can
ada, is Stnart's Dyspepsia Tablets, at 60
cents a box. Instead of depriving your
self of food or going on a starvation diet
simply keep on at you have and let these
tablets straighten out your stomach, digest
the food and keep you in the fight. Send
for free trial package and prove how
'wonderfully and quickly effective they are.
Mail coupon below. . A
Free Trial Coupon
F. A. Stuart Co., 249 Stuart Build
ing, Marshall, Mich., send me at once
a free trial package of Stuart's Dyspepsia
Name '
City . . .
Pleasure Assured
Health Insured
Taka a Winter Holiday at Hot Spring.
4m you'll return from with
bettor health and bigger en
thusiasm one that will giva
you a real rest a change
a chance to
enjoy yonr fa
vorlt roc na
tion. Ideal elimata.
beau tifm 1
en r y, to
tawrMtinc DefT
pla, One of
the finest golf
eourses In the
country, open
all winter long
in a tempera
tm that never
falls below degree. i
Tennis, horseback rramc.
mono tain climbing, motoring.
Ommmd mnd CmtrM by (no
U. aV
The Hot prlnga of Arfcanaea are
on to beautiful Government res
ervation their virtues art en
dorsed and their use ta controlled
and regulated by Uncle 8am. To
hi One army and navy hospital
here he aenda hta soldier and
sallora for rheumatism, liver, ohln
and tomach trouble and they
go away cured.
and many other out-door
amusements available all
winter long. The clear, crisp
mountain air makes every bit
of exercise a
keen pleasuae.
T h a t's why
m ft a y of the
big league ball
teams com
her for train
ing. You ean
watch their
Every attrac
tion of a big
city all the
n 1 ea s u res of
resort life or the quiet life
you love In a restful climate.
BTOCIAXf Low roood tr rat. to
afiset on road, entwine Hot Sprlnn,
Ark, end .11 cooaMtlnc Hoaa. Be
mr van t tM. .nodal rst.-
NOTE. A rndil wire to D mer
aata to tboM Intereetad. 1
This Is
Every man and every woman liyes in the Hope arid
expectation that some day a lucky chance wili come that will transform
life from a hand-to-mouth struggle into a life of ease, comfort and plenty. 'When my
ship cornqs home," you have said and. thought over and over again. But what have
you done to bring that ship into port, loaded with treasure? If you expect your ship
to sail in with its cargo of happiness and wealth, you've got to start that ship on its
voyage of treasure-seeking. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE AT LAST. ; , ' .
Everyone knows what fortunes have been made in manufacturing
automobile tires. You know that tires haye made millionaires almost over night.
You have probably heard how men who a few years ago were hard pressed for the
, price of a meal are today rolling in sucli luxury as only the enormously wealthy can
command. And it was all earned in TIRES. . '
Today the TIRE INDUSTRY is on an absolutely SAFE BASIS.'All the
experiments are made all the losses have been incurred. The PRODUCT IS PER
FECTED, the market is growing more enormous EVERY DAY. The future of the.
tire business was never so bright with promise. It is estimated there will be FIVE
MILLION AUTOS in use in the next year. Think of that and then wonder if an
established tire company hasn't a great FUTURE ahead. ,
We Offer You a
to Invest in a Producing Tire
Company Now Paying Dividends
We are not offering a "Prospect" or a "Paper" company.
We are offering a chanfce to invest in the stock of a company
that is operating, paying dividends and that has so much BIG BUSINESS
ahead that expansion is absolutely necessary.
We have done all the preliminary work. We have grown in four years at the
rate of over 1,000 per cent. In the next year we should more than triple our
growth. We have IN SIGHT millions of dollars' worth of business for the
coming year. To handle this great volume of business we MUST HAVE
MORE CAPITAL for factory development, raw materials, operating ex
penses, etc. s '
We could borrow from the banks by mortgaging our plant and accounts re
' ceivable, stock on hand, etc., but we would rather ask a FEW people who
want to make a SAFE and GOOD INVESTMENT to join us in increasing
our plant capacity and production by taking up some of our treasury stock.
To this LIMITED NUMBER we offer a very attractive opportunity. We offer
this stock at $12.50 per share for a SHORT TIME.
W $500 invested in Goodyear returned $64,500
I Do You Know That An I
Investment of a Few Hun- j
1 dred Dollars InTire Stocks .
Has Made Men Wealthy ? j
s Many men have grown wealthy from an investment of a few a .
s hundred dollars in some stock that has increased enormously 3 ,
in value. The TIRE INDUSTRY hat been especially prolific
E in tremendous earnings. Here are a few samples -. , V s ,
I What $500 Invested In
Tire Stocks Has Ptfd -
$500 invested in Goodrich returned,'. , ,'.$225,00.00
$500 invested in Fisk returned. . . . .': 62,000.00 '.,
E $500 invested in Goodyear returned . ,', j. ) 64,500.00 .
$500 invested in Dunlap returned ..... 250,000.00 5 t
s And there are MANY MORE such phenomenal earnings made, S '
from small investments in tire stocks. STUDY THEN ACT! .
The National Speedway; Redwall Tire
and The National Factory at Pottstown, Pa. ;
B)ow It th Pottstown plant of taa National Rubber Company nd fth
home of th National Sptodway Redwall tira. Tb drawtnc ahowa th old r
building whera tht national Kubbcr vompany tint fan nanafactanait
tiren and which it hits outgrown (at left) and at right the new 6-itory
cement, ateel and slam factory of which two floor arc completed and fa
operation. This la convincing evidence of the tremendous growth of the
company since It was organised four years ago. An expert opinion of the '
l leading efficiency tire building expert on thla plant and it equipment will
I be sent on request.
Your Stock at Present Low Price
The hiroiwt nrofits in all stock investments have been made by buying
EARLY, before stocks have begun earning large dividends. THIS IS YOUR
CHANCE. For a SHORT TIME, we are offering this stock at $12.50. In a
few weeks, perhaps days, it will probably go to $15 perhaps $25. To INSURE
getting the low price of $12.50 a share, ACT AT ONCE. The stock we offer
von is treasurv stock of the company now drawing 8 common stock, full profit
sharing, carrying voting power and NON-ASSESSABLE. All we ask you to do to
reserve the low price is to SEND $10 with your reservation as an evidence of
ROOD FAITH. This $10 payi your firat installment on four shares of stock. We then (rive you SO nays
A iK..i.t. lknH.hl. At;th ..nil nf that time. If vou are ahAutelv satisfied that this is a
genuine opportunity to make !ara-e profits from your investment, if you convince yourself that this is
a clean, honest, healthy company, then you ran take up the stock you have reserved and gpt it for
$12.50 a share. Th $10 IS YOURS UNTIL YOU ABE SATISFIED with th character of the invest
ment If you are not satiafied, we will return it to you without delay.
Reserve Stock AT ONCE!
Then Investigate All You Want
If Not Satisfied Your Money Back
' We do not ask you to SUBSCRIBE NOW. We ask you to MAKE A RESERVATION OF ,
STOCK, sending us $10 to show your sincerity and desire to invest, and which acta as a ' '
; PRICE HOLDER FOR YOU. It insures your getting the stock you want at this LOW PRICE. We will
then assist you in every way in our power to investigate the company thoroughly, sending you fullest
particulars and details. If you are satisfied you then take up the stock you have reserved. NOT UNTIL
gest that you ACT AT ONCE.
Yoa Delay You May Have to Pay a Higher Price
V aVJI lit " '
If you can't pay cash in full for your stock you carl purchase
it on the following terms: - .
S SHARES $12.80 share) 1 20 down, 120 a month for 4 month. $100
12 SHARES ($12.50 share) $30 down, $30 a month for 4 months $150
IS SHAKES ($12.50 share) $40 down, $40 a month for 4 months $200
20 SHARES ($12.50 soar.) $90 sown, $50 a month far 4 month. $2S0
Larger amounts in the sama proportion. i " v
nfflrcMremvfl imam
aisaMMMMMMMMmwa asMlammaaammmmmmmmWasi I amllimawamttaaawa. smmsamawf 111 II '
Dept. 121, Pottstown, Pa.'
Please reserve for me . . . .shares of' the common stock of the Na
tional Rubber Co. at $12.50 per share. I enclose $10 to reserve this
price and protect myself against an increase in price during investiga
tions. Please send me fullest particulars about your company, product,
officers, etc. If I am not satisfied you are to return my money.'
Department 121,
Pottstown, Pa.
(Address) .
(Postoffice) (SUte)v'.'r. vO.B. f J