7 A Sunday, January 14, 1917. BURGESS-NASH STORE NEWS FOR MONDAY Phone Douglas 137. THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JANUARY 14. 1917, We Will Be Three Years ticioat .... jl eina Barga Old This Week and Invite You to in Festival Beginning Monday-Burgess- Par Nash The Third Burgess - Nash was established on January 18th, 1914-next Thurs day we will pass 2 the Third Mile- stone. Three years of sSfl tSiSs serving success- fully the great commonwealth of this com munity an achievement which becomes more grati fying to us as each year rolls by, and one which fully no other store in the country can boast of. We always commemorate our anniversary and our way is simply offering a great quantity of season able merchandise at less than usual prices. Although our anniver sary day is next Thursday, January 18, . we have de cided to begin our annual anniversary sale this year Tomorrow, Monday our preparations being so ex tensive that one single day would be insufficient to give all an op portunity of securing 'their share of the Third Anniversary Spe cials. It has taken a long time to as semble the assortment. Each section was instructed to secure an assortment of seasonable mer chandise at an under-the-market price. The result of our efforts will be in evidence Monday be ginning with the opening of the store at 8:30 a. m. sharp-r-f or your approval. As you will note, all anniversary sale prices end with 3, emblematic of our 3d anniversary. l" ... . II IF we are giving a party, J We are giving a party, Do come, we pray; We are going to have it On next Monday. i'he hour is your pleasure, This brief rhyme does say; We .will be glad if you come, It's our Third Anniversary. Burgess-Nash Company Refreshments 9 to 11 A. M. and 2 to 6 P. "AH New York Is Satinized" Smart Satin Hats at $3.93 THAT "New York is Satin ized" as says a certain well known publication, is really not placing it too strongly, for indeed, one sees a dainty chapeau of satin on the head of every well-dressed New York woman. As an anniversary special we offer for Monday a group of charming new satin hats, trimmed with flowers and Chinese orna ments, in a wide variety of models, at the very special price of $3.93. Burgeas-Naah Co. Second Floor Big Anniversary Handkerchief Specials Monday at 3c to 13c THE result of a special "pick-up" from a wholesaler, their entire sample line of handkerchiefs' for Spring, 1917. Handkerchiefs for men and women, plain and fancy borders, embroidered corners and initials. In fact, the offering includes most every kind of handkerchief you might wish and at a price that is -about one-half that which they were intended to retail for. Price range, 3c to 13c each. - Bqrgess-Nssh Co. Main Floor Anniversary Sale of Women's Shoes Presenting Values That Are Most Unusual WHEN you take into consideration the, great advance in shoe leather, these values are really sensational. r . Women's $4.00 to $6.00 Dancing Slippers, $1.93 All the short lines and odd pairs of women's dancing slippers that were $4.00 to $6.00 the pair, go in the anniversary sale at $1.93 the pair. Women's novelty boots, that were $8.00 and $9.00, $4.83 the pair. Women's patent colt, button and lace boots, were $6.50, at $4.73 pair. Women's novelty boots, that were $10 and $12, at $6.93 the pair. Women's bronze kid lace and button boots, were $6.00, at $3.63 pair. Women's patent colt, button boots, were $5.00, at $3.83 the pair. ' Women's patent colt, button and lace boots, were $4.00, at $3.23 pair. Women's gold and silver cloth party slippers, were $8.00, at $5.23 pair. Women's black and white satin party slippers, were $5.00, at $3.83 pair. Women's black and white satm party slippers, were $4, at $3.23 pair. Women's patent kid and mate kid party slippers, were $4, at $3.23 the pair. ' - . Burgess-Noah Co. Second Floor AMERICAN Taffeta A Umbrellas, $1.03 Special group of umbrel las with waterproof Ameri can taffeta coverings, sizes for men and women, were to $2.00, anniversary sale price, at, $1.03. BurgeM-Nash Co. Main Floor Two 10c Cakes of Palm Olive Soap Free With Bottle or thappedme at Lit AS a special anniversary offering in the toilet goods section, we will give free with every bottle of Chappedine that sells regularly for 25c, but special, Monday, at 23c, two 10c cakes of Palmolive soap. Burgeas-Naah Co. Mln Floor Ji. Anniversary Sale Specials From the Furniture Section Third Floor "yOU'LL appreciate these values as guide posts to big -1- economies in the furniture section. This Writing Desk, $9.83 Choice of waxed oak or fumed finish, sub stantially made of solid oak; was $12.50, spe cial, at $9.83. This Tabourette, 43c Solid oak tabourette in the popular fumed finish, sale price, Mon day, 43c. $2.75 Slip-Seat Chair, $1.93 Genuine leather slip-seat chair, fumed finish, with full box seat, for $1.93. Buness-Nash Co. Third Floor. This Tea Wagon, at $8.73 Reed tea wagon, with rubber - tired wheels, removable, c r e t onne covered tray, $8.73. Anniversary Sale White Goods, 13c New white goods in lace cloth, lace marquisette, diagonal stripe, voile, etc., especially de sirable for waists and dresses; usually 25c the yard, at 13c. Whit. Organdy, 23c Sheer, crisp organdy, 39 inches wide, snow white, for lingerie waists; usually 40c, at 23c yard. White Good., 93c. Fine, sheer embroidered organdy, shadow organdy, party cloth, etc, usually 11.00, 11.26 and $1.60. Mon day at S3c yard. "KAMURA" NAINSOOK, $3.23 1'Hne, sheer nainsook for dainty lin gerie and infants' wear, 42 inches wide. Ten yards, neatly boxed, for 13.23. ENGLISH NAINSOOK Made from long thread staple cot ton, snow white, will wear and launder perfectly. No. 10 3fi inches wide, 10-yard bolt, 11.23. No. 3036 inches wide. 10-yard bolt, $1.93. LONG CLOTH Chamois finish long cloth, full H6 inches wide, for women's and chil dren's undergarments and infants' wear. Neatly put up in convenient 10-yard bolts. B 86-inch long cloth, lO.yard bolt, $1.23. D 86-inch long cloth, 10-yard bolt, 11.93. Bnxreae-Naah Co. Main Floor Colored Crochet Silk 23c Ball One lot of crochet silk in as sorted colors; 100 yards to the ball; especially adapted for making bags and yokes; special, Monday, at 23c ball. Stamped Towels, 13c Stamped Turkish towels, with pink or blue border; ready for crocheting; special, at 13c each. Burreea-Naeh Co. Third Floor. B oys sweaters Monday 93c For boys, sizes 32 to 36 chest measure, gray, brown and ox ford, with wide shawl collar or Byron style that fits close around the neck; were to $2.00, for 93c. Burgess-Nash Co. Fourth Floor. H ot Water Bottles 63c Here's an anniversary special in the Rubber Goods Section of unusual merit. Two-quart hot water bottles, guaranteed, the usual $1.50 quality, for 63c. Vanishing Cream, 13c Pond's vanishing cream, reg ularise size, special in anniver sary sale, at 13c jar. BurgeM-Nash Co. Mam Floor ' Embroidered Flouncings 33c ' Another anniversary special that is certain to bring forth a generous response. Swiss, voile, and crepe em broidered dress flouncings, 40 inches wide, usually to $1.00 the yard, Monday, at 33c yard. Embroideries, 53c ' Fine swiss embroidery flounc ings, 27 inches wide, dainty, fine patterns, also pretty pat terns in Swiss and nainsook em broidered alio vers; 24 inches wide, at 53c yard. Embroideries, 43c Madeira embroidered flounc ings, 12 inches wide, also dainty organdy with Venice lace edges, 9 inches wide, 43c yard. Embroideries, 23c 18-inch nainsook embroidery flouncings, corset coverings and allover embroidery, at 23c yard. BurgeM-Nash Co. Main Floor Anniversary Sale of Jewelry ery special values that will appeal to those economically in clined. Candle Sticks, 13c Silver-plated candle sticks, were 25c, at 13c each. Hair Pins, 23c Rhinestone set hair pins, va riety of styles, were 50c, for 23c. Perfume Bottles, 63c White grained ivory perfume bottles, were $1.00, for 63c. Strap Purses, 93c Small lot of leather strap purses, were $1.50, at 93e each. Burgess-Nash Co. Main Floor DEDDING Supplies D In Anniversary Indicators of what this splen did bedding section has in store for you. Seamless Sheets, 93c 81x99-inch seamless sheets, heavy weight, full bleached, free from dressing, 93c each. Pillow Cases, 33c Pair Pillow cases, 45 or 42x36 inch, bleached, to match the sheets described above, special, Monday, 33c pair. Blankets, $2.23 Each 70x84 fine wool-finished comfortable blankets, assorted colors, slightly soiled; sale price, . $2.23 each. Blankets, $2.23 Pair Large size heavy cotton blankets, good nap and warm; gray or tan; were $2.98, pair, $2.23. Robe Blankets, $1.23 70x84 bath robe blankets, wool finish, in tan, brown or gray checks; were $2.00, at $1.23 each. Burgeas-Naah Co. Down Stairs Store. Thousands upon thousands of Yards of new BLACK SILKS Go Into the Anniversary Sale Monday 'way Below the Present Market Value THE result of careful searching of the markets. Rich, lustrous black silks, always de sirable and the indications are that they will be in greater demand this season than for some time. Black silks for every purpose dresses, skirts, blouses at prices quite unusual. Black Chiffon Taffeta, Usually $1.25, at 93c Beautifully finished soft black, espe cially desirable for skirts, dresses, blous es and suits; 36 inches wide, usually $1.25, for 93c yard. Black Silk Poplins, Uusually $1.25, at 93c Silk poplins, rich, lustrous black, for dresses and suits, excellent quality for wear, usually $1.25, at 93c yard. Black Chiffon Taffeta, at $1.13 Excellent weight for suits and skirts ; rich black for skirts and suits; usually $1.39, at $1.13 yard. Black Satin Messalines, at $1.13 36-inch black satin messaline silks, very desirable for dresses, rich luster, specially priced, at $1.13 yard. Black Chiffon Taffeta, at $1.33 Fine imported black chiffon taffeta, raven black, soft finish, beautiful black, usually $1,95, at $1.33 yard. Black Crepe de Chine, at $1.33 40-inch all pure silk crepe de chine in a rich black, good heavy quality, usually $1.75, sale price, $1.33 yard. Burgesa-Nash Co. Black Chiffon Taffeta, at $1.63 40-inch chiffon taffeta, soft finish, extra wide, permanent black, usually $2.25, at $1.63 yard. Black Peau de Soie, at $1.63 36-inch rich black luster peau de soie, soft finish, good heavy weight that will wear, at $1.63 yard. Black Satin Duchess, at $1.43 High finish satin, deep black and a good heavy quality, usually $1.75, Monday, $1.43 yard. v Black Silk Faille, at $1.93 Most favored for silk suits and skirts, ex cellent wearing quality, full yard wide, usually $2.50, at $1.93 yard. . Main Floor ' Anniversary Sale of Room-Size Rugs That Were $19.50 to $37.50, Monday, $15.53 T?VERY one with a rug need cannot afford to let this announcement go unheeded, f he values are way out of the ordinary. , , The offering includes. Body Brussels rugs, size 9x12 feet, in an assortment of patterns that we wisn to close out tor the tact that we cannot duplicate them at the tactory. were ifia.so to $87.50, now, $15.53. , Axminster rugs, size 9x12 feet, in a good selection of patterns and colorings; were $25.00, at $15.53. , v Tapestry rugs', sizes' 8-3x10-6 and 9x12 feet; were $19.50 to $27.50; sale price, $15.53. Rugs at 73c Rugs at 93c . Rugs at $1.93 18x36-inch a- ; 18x3 6-inch ax- 86jc63-ineh mot-' minster rags, as- minster rugs, as- tied axminster rugs, sorted colors, for sorted colors, for assorted colors, for 73c. ' ' 93c ' $1.93. ' BurgeM-Nash C. Third Floor. UNDERWEAR in the Anniversary Four big values that are most interesting. 39c Union Suits, 23c Women's union suits, fine, white cotton, low neck, sleeve less, lace bottoms; were 39c, for 23c. 75c Union Suits, 33c Women's union suits, fine cotton and lisle, cuff knee or lace bottoms, road men's sam ples; were to 75c, for 33c. $1.25 Union Suits, 73c Women's union suits, light, medium and heavy weight, fine white cotton, high neck, long sleeves, low neck and no sleeves, Dutch neck and elbow sleeves, ankle length; all large sizes; were $1.25, for 73. $2.25 Union Suits, $1.23 Women's union suits, white or gray, part wool, ankle length, broken sizes; were to $2.25, for $1.23. Burgess-Nash Co, Main Floor. Anniversary Sale of Blouses That Will Interest You , ' 1 . ' '. -. IN fact, a clearaway of three special groups with values quite out of the ordinary. ; 1 Blouses at $4.93 -i N, ,v , -. Suit chiffon blouses and silk blouses, in bright shades, plaids and stripes; many styles from which to Belect, but not every size in ev ery style; were $7.50, $8.50 and $10.00. Blouses at $3.53 Fancy net blouses, georgette crepe and a few crepe de chine; colors are flesh and white. Also at few dark chiffon blouses in this list; were $5.95 and $5.00. Blouses at $2.43 Pussy willow and crepe de chine blouses, in tailored models, flesh, white and a few dark suit shades; were $3.95 and $5.00. Burfeas-Nash Co. Second Floor Anniversary Sale of White Semi-Porcelain Dinnerware Down-Stairs Store FANCY shapes, very light in weight every piece, per fect. The values are quite out of the ordinary. Cups and Saucers, 6 Pairs, 43c Fancy shape cups and saucers, 10c value, at 6 pair for 43c. Gravy Boats, 13c . Fancy shape sauce or gravy boats, at 13c. Bakers or Vegetable Dishes Fancy shape bakers or oval vegetable dishes : 15c size at. . 17c size, ,at. 21c size, at. 13c Fancy shape nappies or round vegetable dish: 10c size, at. i n 17c size, at ..... 15C Oatmeal Dishes, 6 for 43c Fancy shape oatmeal dishes, 10c value, 6 for 43c Soup Plates, 6 for 33c Fancy shape coupe or rim soup plates, 6 for 33c Fancy Shape Plates 5- inch, or bread and butter size, 3 for 13c. 6- inch, or pie size, 6 for 23c. 7- inch, or dinner size, 6 for 33c. Burgess-Nash Co.- Fancy Shape Meat Platters 8-inch size, 15c value, at 13c. ' ' Decorated Dinner Ware, $3.63 Specials 42-piece cottage dinner sets, fancy mayflower shape, pretty decorations, service for 6 people, for $3.63. . . . 100-Piece Dinner Sets, $10.33 Fancy mayflower shape, pretty decoration' complete dinner service for 12 people; set, $10.33, 98c Creamer Sets, 63c Daisy cut sugar and creamer sets, pretty shapes, 98c values, at 63c. 98c Glass Jugs, 43c ' Grape cut jugs assorted shapes and sizes, value 98c, at 43c. , Daisy' Cut Vases Trumpet shape, small size, 33cj large size, 43c' Down-Stairs Store. BURGESS-WASH C mm. EYERYBODYS STORE