1TTE OMAHA SUNDAY BKE: JANUARY 14, 1917. What is Going On .-' in Society Circles Vogue for Ostrich Fans. Fans have always been the sjmbal of that nhich is gay, vivacious and flirtatious, in the eyes "of poe.s of womankind from time immemorial. There' Itave been fans and fans. too. Dainty Japanese fans with their quaint coloring and figures, hand painted white satin fans with ivory handles which are heirlooms handled down from some dainty bride of the past, lace fans for fjirl graduates, pa per fans, palm leaf and untold other varieties, but most beautiful of all are the newest big ostrich feather fans. Many Omaha girls are now proud possessors of these handsome fans; they come as wedding gifts, as holi day presents, or some have been prosaicly purchased, but however they have been acquired, they are most fascinating accessories. Per haps the vogue for them "began last year, when the bewitching Farrar stood beside the grand piano at the Auditorium singing over the edge of a huge and beautiful ostrich fan. Surely since then their numbers have increased with great rapidity, and the theater and concert parties during the holidays saw a wide array of the beautiful feathers in the pos session of Omaha maids and matrons. Miss Mcliora Davis is one. of the popular and beautiful young Omaha women who owns a handsome os trich fan.- She and Miss Louise Din ning were the observed of all observ- 1) ers at the theater the evening of the Jfale Glee club concert, when they sat tn trie nnt dox in tneir stunning Opera cloaks, and, as if defying the cold, with their large fans unfurled. Miss Irene McKnight has a won derful fan; indeed, so large and hand some is it that when her friends catch a glimpse of this photograph their exclamation is, not "What a hand some photograph," hut "What a stunning fan." .-..: Washington Society. Five of the ten cabinet homes in Washington were open to callers last Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Lansing, wife of the secretary of state, was one of these and among her assistants was Mrs. Walter Scott Penfield, for merly Miss Lucile Bacon of this city. Mrs. Penfield and her husband have been entertaining at a serierof pretty dinner parties in their new home. Among the guests of honor on one of these occasions was Miss Josephine LeFevre, sister of the young Mr, Le Fevre of the Panama legation, who served as one of the attendants at the Bacon-Penfield wedding last summer and made many Omaha friends during his stay. Mrs. Frank W. Bacon plans to leave some time during February for a.ihort visit with her daughter, Saturday Dinner-Daice. I Wrsll love flowers, that the flor--j ista attest, but few of us care to lav j ish ' on the purchase of flowers the ' amounts required to procure many Of thenvor choice varieties.' That also -, Oman florists attest. It was a de- ' light to those who were the members i of the 'party entertained by Mr. and Mrs. ;Roy Wilcox and Mr. and Mrs. I Carletou Woodward of Council i Bluffs at the Btackstone last evening to be where flowers could and did 1 blossom in abundance, : In the center of the table was a novel electric fountain, such as has j not been used here before, r Under the spray of the fountain were yel low carnations, yellow sweet peas, yellow calendula and yellow snap dragon mingled with lavendar sweet peas. At the places of the women ' were colonial arm baskets and for the gentlemen violet boquets were ar ranged. Covers were laid for: Ntwt an! Meeoamea . 1. M. Hardin,. , frank Binder, ' Haraoel Rms. Jr.t nor beVot, " '! , Oeeraa Van Brunt, Harry Van Brunt, : OMrca Hannan, Blaine Wilcox. , . Off to Milder Climes. , Mrs. Henry D, Neely leaves today for California to apend the remainder of the winter, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Rushton. left Thursday morning to spend the win ter at San Diego, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Lyman left Monday, for California ta be gone two months. Mr. H, P. Whitmore-and Miss Eu genie Whitmore expect to go to Cali fornia later. Mr. J.. R. Scobie left Friday for New York on his way aouth and will be met at Jacksonville by Mrs. and Miss Scobie, who do not leave until this week. :, Mr. and Mrs, Arthur J. Coolcy and family will join the winter aojourners in Florida the latter part of this month, when they will go to Winter Park for February and March. : Miss Marian Funkhouser will accompany them.." .Mrs. Frank Colpetzer returned Sat urday from Chicago and leaves Tues day with Mrs. B. F. Crummer and Dr. Leroy Crummer for California. Dr. Crummer expects to make the trip to Honolulu also, and has pas sage engaged for January 24. : Mr.and Mrs. R. P. Hamilton and Miss Edith Hamilton are planning a southern trip for the last of this month. They expect to go to San Antonio, Tex., and New Orleans, Mr, and Mrs. W. O. Gilbert have engaged passage to Honolulu on a boat sailing January 24. ! ' Box Parries for Sister's Play. ' Additional reservations for boxes at Sister Mary Angela's play at the Krug week after next have been made by Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Kranta and Mrs. M. Lichlenborger.. Mixers Club Banquet The University , Mixers' club of Creighton university announces that the date for its formal hinn.t nA dancing party has been set for Tues- day evening, February 6. The affair I this year, will take place at the Black- stone hotel and will be given in honor I A. J Skinners THE HICKEJT QUALITY MACARONI ""3 MKLCaOMAHA.aU tmmwtmmmnimmMmtA L'ALLIANCE FRANC AIS TO EXTEND ITS ORGANIZA TION Thi well known local club proposes to add to its membership, and a committee of these ladies is now actively at work on the project. r me v May.2$aeoney tit i "r, t i - 2ks.BwjrdE3il3riq of the junior and senior classes in the university. Among the guests of honor will be Governor and Mrs. Keith Neville and Mayor and Mrs. J. C. Dahlman. Archbishop Harty will also be present at the banquet. Many of Omaha's prominent citiiens will act as patrons for this event. Friday Night Dancing Club. The Friday Night Dancing club in troduced an innovation at their party Friday evening by lengthening each dance a little and allowing no en cores whatever. Fifty-seven couples were present. An elaborate masquer ade ball is on the club's program for next Friday evening, and it is con fidently anticipated that several sur prises will be on the program. Engagement Party. ' . ' ' ' Mrs. J. D. Hamilton announced the engagement of her daughter, Hazel Ethel, to Mr. William A. Scott at a luncheon Saturday at her home, the wedding to take place in February, Decorations were in pink roses and white flowers. - Covers were laid for: MMdamea , : Moailamea Jaroaa A. Tancork, ' H. o. .llalberwtaben,. r. J. Orlffln. , O. R, Pateraon, Vl. r. Curtla, K. A. Hamilton. Mta Mlaafa ' Jan Hamilton,' ' ' ' Rut.li Chaaa, Ada. Hethrtngton. : l.ana Dua-tnmoa, Loutao Curtla, Marian Prlti. RutS Cultra, s " Airnaa MrPhlaou. , Qeral Clara. .. Mildred Staela, r' San Carlo Grand Opera Season. Opera patrons will be gratified to learn that no one will be seated dar ing the act of any opera, during the coming grsnd opera season of the San Carlo company at the Auditor ium January 25 to 27. Doing away with this annoyance is necessitated in the opera "Aida," when the beautiful tenor solo, "Celeste Aida," sung by Manuel Salazar, almost directly after the raising of the curtain. It is also a necessity in the opera "Pagliacci," when Antota sings the prologue, even before the curtain rises. I Boxes for the opera have been Sanatorium i This institution is Jthe only one jn the central west with separate buildings situated la their own ample grounds, yet entirely dis tinct, and rendering it possible to classify cases. The one building being fitted for and devoted to the treatment of non-contagious and non-mental diseases, no others be ing admitted: the other Rest Cot tage being designed for and de voted to the exclusive treatment of select mental cases requiring for a time watchful care and spe cial nursing. . . . - ' , C '., T ,v if ' 4 2&S.CJJ&U taken by Dr. C. C. Allison, Dr. J. E. summers, oeorge A. Hoagland, Jonn Lee Webster, Clement Chase, T. F. Quinlan, I. A. Cavers, Peter Elvad, Mrs. T. L. Kimball and Miss Ara bella Kimball. -The diavan and pa trol off the Shrine will also occupy two bopces. '. Line parties from neighboring towns reach large proportions. Fre mont has made MS reservations; Ash land, thirty-two; Plattsmouth, twenty-six; Auburn, twenty-one; Mis souri Valley, sixteen; Stanton, la., twenty-four, while a party of eigh teen will come from the Peru Nor mal achool, chaperoned by Homer C. House. Brownell Hall students make up another line party and the Nebraska Master Bakers' convention, in Omaha on those dates, has engaged 100 seats. Other line parties will be given by: Frank' Judaon, John L. Kennedy, - Prank Kaosh, . George Mlckel, . O. a Hoffman, William P. Ourley, W. A. C. Johnson, H. H. Baldrlse, P. H. Myers. CV C. Oeorse, Arthur Mullen, ' H. H. Clarke. ' Ueoi-ie Hltibel, J. i. Sullivan, Charlea Metl. Waller B. Wllklna, Charlea Bill-utter, R. P. Kloka, ... I.. Slbbereon. K. W, JMnon. w. D. McHush. Charlea T. Kountie, A. T. Jonea. Prank B. Johnson, J. W. Orltlth, Nathan Merrtam, fred sfeti. , 0. W, Hamilton, B. M. Palrlleld, Charlea P. Wllklna, P. 1G. Pearce, , John Pettlbone, R. U Bridaea, Prank B. Dealer," Walter B. Graham, Tancock. W. P. Callfaa. J. H. Bvana, . - - Everett Uunklnihain, M. c. Twemley. ' j. h. oaniMier. 1 T. J. Pltaaerald, -Waller Dale. J. W. Towle, II. II. Blori. P. H. Bailer, ateadamea ' P, J. Rogera, : . 1. H. Wheeltr. R. . Hall. C. H. Harple. Mlaaea , Mary Munohhorr, Martha Powell, Marlon Carpenter, Pannle Arnold, t B. c. Henry, A. V. Klneler. fG. A. Pesau, C -B. Brown. W, H. Dudley, Waller. Meedames .. KINIe Hvan. DoualaetWelpton, Aleiander Pollaok, J, M. Mstcalf. Mlaeae Nina Hartell, Corlnne Paulaon, Helen Hltte, Anvela Brlnamald. -. Meaera. P. P. Newlean, , Meaara. Jean Dulld. ' O. W. Wattlee. Mr. and Mrs, Val Peter are plan ning a reception for' Miss Mary Cast ner after the opera at the 'German home, A party of 250 leading Ital ians organized by Mr. Fadanalli, ed itor of the local Italian newspaper, to welcome their .country people, have secured sittings. Novelty Dancing Party. The party given by the Novelty Dancing club at the Blackstohe Fri day evening not only carried out a color scheme of blue in invitations, programs, decorations and refresh- Hr b found delightful apartments (or a lady alone: ot for Mvaral. who with to occupy a aulte torothor. Tha initea rang from on room to von rooms oseh. Tboso apartment! art beautifully farnUhed, all hava in dividual bath rooms, and tha outlook tn aver? ease It assailant. . '' Btaekitona tananta, besides their rooms, may make uxe of tha 8th floor lounjinf rooms and roof garden at any tlma, and on each apartment floor la a pleasantly fur nished lobby, wher vliitora may be received. Ren tale, which range from S4S.S0 and up per month, in clude free telephone aarvtoa oa Omaha exchange, light, heat, hot and sold water, bed linens and bath room linens, towels, maid service, etc. " If upas, e semination, suitable apw'tsjiauta canaat be had at preaent, have your name places, ea. our waiting list. q- - Appeal taMBts tor .a . aieda kr ntapkMrnf Haraey S4S. ' ' W ar MaphMmt Hantey S4S. HEADS WOMAN'S WORK AT BELLE VUE COLLEGE. rr -rr' JJlDVOOC ments, but in ke names in the dances. These1 described the various "blue" feelings that, are attributed to people and creatures, such as "Lonesome Blue," "Monday Blur" and others. The next club party will probably be a formal dance on February 16. Out-of-town guests were 3d Ikm?h Margaret Tidtvell of Ounver, 'lorothy Wiley or Ufa Molm.. Mesarit, flatumouth. Goraf, tiovy of Plattjimouth. UIhiIji, OhHndler of New York, I.llllan Patenon of Kremont, Maaara. , J. C. SylveMer of Chicago, W. Sonoecfaaen of Swastika Club. Mrs. A. Foote was hostess to the Swastika club Friday afternoon, Mrs. D. C. Buck, Mrs. J. C. Reeder and Mrs. F. Allen being the prize winners. The next meeting will be at Mrs. F. Allen's home in two weeks. Dancing Party. Miss Muriel Yard entertained at a dancing party at her home Friday evening, the guests including: H lanes , raiBeea- Marjorie Cole. Edith Pettlfrew. Doris Schneider, Vera Held. Katharine Blind, Bva Jacobean, Mildred Hunaate, Marie Tard, Velora Boone, Honor Yard. Meaara. - ; Messrs. Donald Bramaon. Tout Roble, George Purek. ' John Wllderman, John Sparry, Gerald Heln, -'vey Hudson, - Charlea stlixier, William Woodhall, Klay Tard, Ernest Nordln. Wilbur Yard. Mrs. Charles Ogden entertained twelve guests at the Saturday evening dinner at the Blackstone. Le Mars Club. , Special preparations for the annual ball of Le Mars club, to be given at Keep's dancing academy next Thurs day evening, are being made by Messrs. Bob Heath, Jay Collins, Jack McCarthy and Vine Schmittroth, the committee in charge. . ,. The event is to be known as. a Ha waiian bait and decorations, music and favors will be in keeping with this idea. . . j : :. . .... - Press Club Tea. 1 Miss Rose Rosicky will have mem bers of the Omaha Woman's club at tea at her home this afternoon at 3 o'clock. - Manuscripts submitted in the Press club's recent short story, play and poem contest will be read. Stork Special. . A daughter was born Wednesday night to Mr. and Mrs. H. Z, Rosen feld. -i A son, named William David, wasJ born Thursday to Mr. and Mrs. Alex ander Marsten. ' Pleasures Past. h "Miss Margaret Damm entertained at luncheon Thursday for Miss Flora Sears, daughter of Judge Sears, a bride of next week. Miss Gustav Icken entertained at an Orpheum party 'complimentary to Miss Sears, when twelve guests were present. Miss Jessie Amin entertained fif teen friends Wednesday evening at faispacttaai Bay be i! HES ENGAGEMENT TO WED IS JUST ANOUNCED. $ ft i 1 1 1 i I , SI h Jtiss KAxmxmElfeuQ t rotate t1Xsatp. the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Zerbe in honor of her eighteenth birthday. Miss Thresa Tromp entertained the members of 1 the Yaake Hula club Thursday evening. Prizes were won by Misses Ann Wardian and Mary McDonough. A "special meeting is called for next Tuesday evening at the home of Miss Ann Wardian. All members are requested to be present. Those present Thursday evening were: , - Mlasea Hisses Ann Donovan, Ann Wardian. Bertha Wreade,. Thresa Mullaljr, Catherine Lans, Mary McDoooufh, Clara Skarda, Threes Tromp, . Mayme O'Connor. Miss Helen Goodell entertained the F. L. club at her home Saturday aft ernoon. The following members were present: Mlasea . - Misses- Helen Williams, i Iorothy Weller, ' Maxlne Koshier. Johanna Brodenen, Hasel Ayer. , Mildred Ayer, Helen OoodeM, " Josephine Jensen. . Beatrice Olmsted, v . Social Events to Come. -. Mrs Howard Rushton will give a luncheon at the University club Tues day, followed by an Orpheum matinee party. -v- McKinley auxiliary "to B'nai B'rith will give a dancing party at the Hotel Rome Tuesday evening, January 23. . Mrs. Charles Duffy of Burlington, la., arrived Sunday to be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J, Cooley for two or three weeks. In her honor Mrs. Clarke Powell will entertain at bridge Wednesday, afternoon. Bethrothal Announcements. On Saturday afternoon Mrs. F. J. Carey announced the engagement of her sister, Nell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. U. Cahill, to Mr. Walter Wightman ot Denver, Lolo. Miss Cahill is a graduate of the class of 1911 of Omaha High school. For' the last six years she has been a teacher in the South Side schools. The ex act date of the wedding has not yet been made ' known, although it will take place near the first of June. Major and 'Mrs. Frederick V. Krug announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Katherine Krug, to Mr. William Petersen, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Petersen of this city, at a luncheon given yesterday at the Krug home at the Post to nine of Miss Associated Retailers of Omaha 1 Geo. Brandeis C. C. Belden Committee in Charge L C. Nash Announce that the Reserved Seats for JOHN McCormack Concert Tuesday Evening, January 23 - Go on sale at the ' AUDITORIUM BOX OFFICE MONDAY MORNING AT 9:00 O'CLOCK Prices $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50 Mail Orders With Remittance Filled in Order of Receipt A. L. GREEN, Local Mgr., Care Burgess-Nash Company. Krug's intimate friends. The wedding date has not been set. ' D. A. Foote Family to Leave. ' ine many tnends ot Dr. and M.fs. D. A. Foote and rhewMisses MariisjeJ and Mildred will regret fdearn that Tney are movinEfTO vaniornia, they will make mrTeTrrlSnWnt Mrs. Koote and Miss Mildred the first of March, but Dr. Foote and lliss .Marjorie will not go until June. 1 let fever for six weeks. Mr. Davis j has been staying with his parents. Omaha Club Plans. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Davis, and his Omaha club members are being no-1 younger child' has been at the home tilied of the events which will take i of Mr. and Mrs. Brady, place at that club in the near future, i Mrs. T. J. Rogers returned Wednes The annual meeting will be held at I day from New York, where she has tne club Mouse on Saturday, January n o :.. .!. r . .1 20, at 8 in the evening. At that time three directors will be elected to suc ceed Messrs. Lawrence Brinker, E M. Fairfield . and Robert Gannett whose terms have expired. Lieutenant Pechkoff will speak for half an- hour at this meeting ot his experiences in the war. A week later the club will give a dinner-dance with dinner served from i 7 to 8 o'clock and thereafter dancing till midnight. The tinie for the Omaha club's Mardi 'Grasnall is also fast approaching. Celebrates Birthday. Mrs. Joe Wranch celebrated her sc.Tnty-second birthday Friday after noon by a party at her home. The guests were seated at one long table in the center of which was a laree birthday cake with the numerals 72 outlined in candles. The guests in cluded Meeclames Mepriames J. Conk, .1. P. Marshall, F K. ruuns, K. Kkptrom. L. T. Hall. B. W. Hall. W. H. Hall. K. A. PHildtitK, Oeorse Wti. Duff Wulf Jean Gallagher C C Williams F. W. Somes G. Ohrt, Albert Snyder, Social Gossip. Miss Amy Gilmore is expected to leave next week for Louisville, Ky., to visit Mrs. Arthur Krock. Mrs. E. M. Fairfield and daughter, Miss Wynne arrived yesterday from a two weeks' sojourn in New York. Mrs. E. S. Westbrook went to Ex celsior Springs Wednesday for ten days. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. McGrew are expected at the Blackstone today to remain for the winter. Mrs. McGrew has been east with her daughter, Mrs. Wilson Austin, since September, but was called to Lincoln last week by the death of a relative. Mr. and Mrs. McGrew will not open their house this winter, preferring to stay at the Blackstone. Mrs. Windsor Megeath returned last Sunday from Minneapolis, where she spent the holidays with her fam ily. Mrs. Charles Turner of Fremont is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Barton Millard. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Clarke and Miss Helen Clarke are .planning to leave the latter part of the month for Beverly Hills; CaL, where they were last winter. Harold Pritchett has been ill at his home with pneumonia since last Sun day, but although his temperature has run very high his case has not reached an alarming stage and he was con sidered better by Thursday night Colonel and Mrs. Thomas Swobe will not give up their apartment at the Hamilton until June, when they expect to go out to visit their son, Owight, in California.' '' Mr. and Mrs. D. C, Stapleton, who left Omaha last month to make Wash- sss mmmm t mmmm The Star Accommodating Some of the Things .'. ' . That ' Our Service Means Frew T.lephona, Efficient Salespeople' Expert Pharmacist, Delivery to Your Home Courtesies, , Etc. Good will, real friendship and actual value to every customer. itoal alui tag! 1161 16th and Howard St,. Phone Douglas 846. , ington ther home, "have bought a house there on Massachusetts avenue, ! but are still at the Grafton. They j expect to move into their new home some time this montn. Mrs. X. -JUjContant, who has been I the tfuesnn -Mr. and MrsilfH! Hav-' ifornia, whf rxierstick for thre$ weeksptitomed S,at iMHtttt homftTurdiy.evVnirig to ' CbjAtJnjO ' ' Mildred leave Mrs. T. L. Davis is out of quaran- tine with her boy, who has had scar- ; oeen visiting ner ramer aim :9: ! C.nr nA fr 1 at.v ter, Colonel Spoor and Mrs. Latey. for some weeks. , Mrs. S. D. Barkalow and Miss Car oline Barkalow. who have been stop ping at the Fontenelle since giving up their home last autumn, will go . east next week tor the winter, stop- ping in Louisville, ts.y. tor a weeK or so and then going on to New York. Mr. Will T. Burns returned iat- ; urday from Salt Lake City. Mr. Sam Burns and Mr. J. T. Stew art, 2d, who are in New York on business, will be home the first of this week. , Mrs. Joslyn, with Mr. and Mrs. f Farnsworth, have (rone from Holly- wood to Beverlv Hills. Mr. A. J. Love was at txcelsior Springs last week, Mrs. Tom McShane returned on Thursday from visiting in Kansas City. Mrs. Walter Page left last Sunday for San Francisco to meet her daugh ' ter, Mrs. Trinder, and baby, who are returning from the. Philippines and were due Friday on the transport Logan. Dr. Trinder is still on duty in the islands, -where he -has been for over two years. Mrs. Page and Mrs. Trinder will remain in California two or three weeks before coming to Omaha. Personal Mention. Mrs. James C. Dahlman is ill at her home. Miss Helen Sturgis has been - the guest of Miss Katherine Newbranch at the Alpha Phi house in Lincoln for the last week. Mrs. Russell Fisher and daughter, Jane, leave this evening for a three weeks' visit in St. Louis with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fisher and family. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Hoch and two children, formerly of Omaha, now living in St. Joseph, Mo., spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Pruitte and mother- ' Mrs. G. A. Finkel of Buffalo, N. Y., is visiting her mother, Mrs. Clara Roeder. Notes of Interest. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hart of San Jose, Cal., are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Cohn at the Colbert apartments. . Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Gbetz will re turn Sunday morning from New York City and other eastern points. Miss Mary Coll will arrive today from New York, where she has been (Continued oa Pace Six, Column One.) It is Merely a Mark of Courtesy or Appreciation to provide flow V ers for the lady you take to the theater, dinner or dance. It is a beautiful custom Leave the choice of flowers to us, as most of our customers' do. John H. Bath 'The Careful Florist'' 1804 Farnam St, Omaha. Phone Douglas 3000 fir''' .1 li' i & Mi ., z: 1