10 A THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: ' JANUARY 14. 1917. ill!. gency Omaha's Largest Estate and Rental A Rea . Servicers the Link That Binds the Tenants and Owners Together ' Everything being Equal : . SERVICE ' f is th only thing that you have to sell in the Rental . - Business. - ' 1 ' .' . In the past anyone could open an office obtain ' ' a list of houses for rent and property for sale and do a v general Real Estate business. , . 1 . ' : ' V ; Today it is diffetent. To be a successful operator - requires the highest kind of human ability, with spe--. c'ialists in charge of every department. , ' , A. Rental Agent fills as important a place in the v. Real Estate profession as does the man who has the1 ability to convince others that the.possession'of a home ' is the ideal state of every family. JL. CZZ22n2 St aft UMM M CRaQg; 1 WWMtiJ v irirx , ' IDALIA APARTMENTS ' ' . " iiir Wp - : i ,mM.,.i '-riili.iif.Lm. mil v - . , . ; v MILTON APARTMENTS Five Buildings Recently Constructed by Us. i. There are many things that have brought about the development of the Real Estate profession. The demands of the tenants make it necessary for' the agent to have the most improved conditions for housing people, and you must be progressive in order to fceep in advance and supply the highest type of ' home conditions, as are exemplified in the latest type of apartment houses. . , ' We have kept in the front ranks as Rental Agents. Our Rental Department has grqwn from a modest be ginning to a business enterprise 6f considerable magnitude.- , , ' It is truehat we have given years of study" to the building and managing of apartment houses. We have studied the science of modern housing from every angle. ' y J We' have charge of fourteen apartment houses; and also have the management of some 500 houses, flats and terrace's. ' ' X' , . ': V s n Among the many apartment houses are the five shown o"n this page, illustrating the science of building apartment houses. Four of these were completed in 1916 and one during the latter. part of 1915. Each of these buildings have incinerators, ref rig- c ; ' - erators and gas stoves, and each 0 . , ' apartment has from one to two ' built-in f'Murph'y In-a-Door". beds. The size of the, apartments range from 2 to 5 rooms. V , The growth of the Rental De partment of this firm has been re markable, and in order to take care' "of oui" clients''; .accounts we ; have 'minimized ihe cost of main- ' tenance and s jr s t e m i z e d our method of taking care of the ac counts", sohat it has hot only been" prof itable to them, but also to the 1 owners of the property, - ; . .m : t pilaffs' . L- , i y .... MELROSE APARTMENTS ,? In charge of the Rental Department is Miss Catherine Shields, who has gained an . enviable record tor her ability in this particular line. She has two able assistants,-one Of j whorix is assigned to office work, and the other takes care of the details on the outside. She also has charge of a staff of cepair men, who are thoroughly familiar with the desires of the clients, and-who do not spend money when it is not necessary. ' ; " . ' r : It is interesting; to talk with Miss Shields and learn from her the many things' that the tenants desire and what you mustive them' at the least, expense possible and yet i satisfy them, as well as the owner of the property. , P . , ' . ' .'I '- Miss Shields made the following com ments on "Modern Apartment Houses" ; , ', ,v x "Modern methods of living have made the building of apartment houses a science. . , As we have become modern and fastidious in dress, so we have become in our home life, until ' it is almost impossible to re'nt an apartmenjt unless it is equipped with all of the details necessary to satisfy the most exacting tenant. The architecture of'an apartment house has . (fhanged, and does change as quickly almost as fashions and1 amusements. The demands . of yesterday are forgotten in the desires of tomorrow. A few i years ago people were highly pleased with flats, of which the St. Louis was the most popular. In these they fur bished their own heat, water (took care of it themselves), and were apparently quite con tented with this mode of construction. .Then came the apartment house, which has been changed, exterior an4 interior, until today an apartment house is not complete unless it has sun rooms, sleeping porches, gas dryers, laundries, vacuum cleaners, refrigerators, gas stoves and built-in beds. " In fact, a modern apartment, house today is so complete that it takes very little furniture to furnish it. Everything is at youKfinger's end, no matter, what "you may want!, . ; ' - ; A ' "If you study, the cost of construction and value of land, there would be'no occasion for the remark that landlords are asking too much rent. Not only must the building be 'complete in all of its details, but a tenant expects so much more in an apartment house than he would thiik of putting into his own home. The builder of apartment houses has but little choice as to what his own ideas may be. He must always bear in mind what'the tenant wil expect and demand from him if he wants to fill his building and keep it rented." We have constructed many apartmentTh'ouses for clients, and while we always try to please the tenant, we never loseight of the fact that the investor must have an equita ble return on the money e invests. It is pleasing to know that you have rendered service worthy of consideration and the relations that should exist between tenant and owner can only be reached through successful management. ): 1 4 A- 4' Ml Oil r 3b I m i .3 i, 11! i DEWEY APARTMENTS You must always bear in mind two things in apartment b.uildirig. First: Apartments" that supply the needs of the tenant an,d apart- -t ments that pay. When you combine the two you have the ideal invest- ment and you should consult suc cessful managers before you-build or buy an investment.' If you have money to in vest'you cannot find any safer or better field than apart ments, and when you understand all the conditions ypu will be pleased to1 place your money in this form of an ', investment ; ; ,, k ; t . ; s; v If youi; property is not bringing ' the returns it should, a call 'at our office, consulting pur specialists will be beneficial to you. If you want anj!information regarding the rent ing, building or buying of apart ments, come to us and we will be glad to adyise you. . VICTORIA APARTMENTS M (r HASTINGS & 1614 Harney Street. Telephone Tyler 50. JL - 1 HEYDEN