OMAHA, TUESDAY, DLCEMBEil HZ Want-Ad Rates b CASH WITH ORDKB, l per word ,,.wch Insertion w (Sot solid no dlsplev.) 'Ads rrairrphcd or Bet la Display Style. 1 I pr line ".....on lime 7c per line three consecutive timet (Count six words to the line.) CHARGE KATES, c per line , one time To per line three consecutive times (Count tlx words to the line.) Farm ..nd Ranch Lands, 7c per tine..,,, three consecutive timer (Count six words to the Hoe.) FOREIGN APVERTTSTNO UKDBR AGKNT9 OR HELP WAXTKD CLASS lFICATeON A. 2c per word one time 1 '4C per word three ronserutlve times NO AD TAKEN FOR I.EJW THAJf A TOTAL OF tee OK UCSM THAN Ifc A DAT. . UARUS OK THANKS, DEATH AND FU NERAL NOTICES. - I iftc per line..., each Insertion (Minimum charge KO centa.) MONTHLY RATE FOR STANDINO ADS. (No change of copy allowed.) One line. Two lint or mere. ...... V . -per lino 11. SO (Count six words to the lino.) (Contract rate on application.) Tl'B BKB will sot be responsible for more than one Incorrect Insertion of an adver tisement ordered for more than one time. ADVKRTISKRtt should retain receipts given by The Bee In payment for Want Ads, as no mistake tan be rectified without them. WK THM TELEPHONE If you cannot con venleatly bring or send In your ads. Ask for a Want Ad Taker, and yon will re ceive the same good service as when de livering your ad at the office, - . PHONE TTLEB 1000. WANT AD COLUMNS CLOSE. EVENING EDITIONS 11:00 M. MORN IN (1 EDITIONS.. .,......,;00 P. M. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. DVrVT A JOHNSTON, embalm re aJT fu neral directors. TIT B. lib, Tyler U7I. HIU.HE A RtttPEl. undertakers and ra baltnera. Ill & lath St. Deusias Hit. FLORISTS. 1IKST QUALIT7 CUT FLOWERS Ol plants. Art Combinations Shipped every. where. Excellent service to our cuslom v ere in past years recommends. HESS A 8WORODA, 1411 Farnam St. Doug. 1601. LARGEST ASSOlTTMENT of frih flowers. delivered or snipped anywaerc, L. HEN' DERSON, 1610 Farnam BL Dona-. I III, T'ont entile : Florist, . LEELTLARMOtf 1S14 Douglas flt. Doug. 18,4. PARKEIi mower Shop, 411 S. 14th. A. DONAdHUE. 1421 Hamer. Dour 1001. BATH. National riorUU ll4 rarunro St. FRATERNAL ORDERS. CROUN8H BALL. Opnoalt. poatofflee. New hall for ladt. mnetitrga and dancea. Bxoellent floor, TOIJNO DOHRRTT. lit Brandeta Theater Bldg. Dong. 1171., SPECIAL NOTICE TO WHOM IT MAT CONCERN Tou ara hereby notified than on and aftar th. lid dar of Dooomoori 1IK, 1 will not ho feeponelble for any eradlt extended to my wife, Maud. A. Whit., . R. T. WHITE. Ida C Itorkwell. eoraeta. Baldrtge block. LOST-FOUND-REWARDS 2F yon loss anything and will advertise It hero, you will surely recover It If found by an honest person. Remarkable recov eries are brought about every day through this column. THE HONEST WAT If you And something of value, or ft keepsake of value only to the owner, Is to Insert a small ad. The owner of the article In most cases to will ing to refund the cost of advertising. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY Persons having lost sumo article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha 4t leunell Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left II In the street oar. Many articles each day ara turned In and the company la anxious to restore them to the rightful owners. Call xyier loo. 8TOI.BN KIT Ford, badly acarrad and nmddy, amino No. 1410,46, Iowa lleanae, nwrlv now.'a llrM. non.akid bark; contain, tal.phono auppllaa und.r uai-a aw cuanion. notixy r. J. Mayor, Bldn.y. la. Reward for apprhanalon, In Iho ELEVEN Month, of 111 ' Th, Be. aalned... ,!S.I0 paid adl . - MORE THAN DOUBI.H th. COUBINKD lain of th. other , two Omaha paper,. Loweat Rata. Beat Reulti, Boat Bervleo, TAKEN by nlataka from t'nton alatloiv Bfttarday at 1 a. m., on. black bag oon talnlag lady'a appar.1; liberal reward tor rtura or lame with oontenta Intaot. Telophone South 274. j LOST-Jeweled Delta Chi fraternity Din. probably on nth St. car iln. Reward for return to J. B, Wllllama, IMh Kvana Ht. Webater 4&I4. 1.IUKRAL REWARD will be paid for the return oi lane aappnir. and diamond dinner rlnf loat Monday nlfht. Telephone bouflao 86111. . f LOdT Small handbag with gold letter won. outalde. Contained hand engraved gold watch. Liberal reward. 914. Charlea. Walnat 1474. " FflTTWri a.anltary ' vv"" , Boda Fountain.. umaiuvn fHAKMACT. ''handJoward, LOHT Oray leather handbag, containing ohange, k.y, .y.glaiiM, etc. Finder keep - cnnge and return bag to IPOS Farnam. LOOT Brown mink fur mulT la gtoree Wedneeday afternoon. Beward. Webetw f7!. LOHT Cameo pin In downtown dletiict. . inoer piae call Doug. tt,6l. Reward. LOST Shepherd dog, white, with brown eara. Call Tyler 1630. Reward. LOST Pair aye gianea with real Thuraday, near S4th and Lake. Harney 1142. FOR SALE MiicelUneoui Furniture nd Houiehold Goods. In the EI.EKN liontha ofliil .The Be. gained. . ..a3,14 paid ada - ' MORB THAN DOUBLE) the COMBINED gain of th..othor ' two Omaha paper., ltweat Hate. Beet Reeult,. 4eet Service. HKJII.aRADE.'o.w furniture, incidinaTAr debit and Dagheetan ruge fxU); .olid braaa beda, boa aprlnga; beautiful Circa, elan dreaaer: alao atht deelrabl. article,. Webeter 61. STOVKS. ALL KINDS. Se. ua (Irel, Price, right, city Furniture Co.. 17 S. 14th Loyal Furniture Co.. 133 N. lath St BUY a Little Olant Ironing table. It glvei abaolute aalterartlon. The Little Olant Manufacturing Co. Omaha. STOV furniture, mmm. bedding and ' unen oi an kinds. Open Dolgoff. 1939 N. 24th St. UII 9 p. m. $?96 our a nractic! v now nnnrwwoq uouDie-aoiion harp: rare op portuiylty; reaaonahlc 309 Lyric Bids Store and Office Fixtures. TVYQ glass clothing cabinets, can be uwd for mm'i or ladies' ready-to-wear; one 34 feet long, patent pullout trolleys; one 19 foot cabinet; 19 single clothing racks, 9 double clothing racks, shelving, tableo, etc Apply Mr, Sonnenberg, care Guarantee Clothing Co., 1619 Douglas SL ' t?R SALE Abstract books, 100 volumes record and index system; only set of , abstract books In county. - Boa 17 1, Tecumseh, Neb. Sewing Machines. SEWmGMACHINES" - We rent, repair, sell needles and parti oi au sewing incmn. , , MJCKEL'8 y NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 15th and Harney Big. . Doug, U6t. Billiards and Pocket Tables. FOR SALE BILLIARD TABLES, Brand new, carom and pecket. with complete t outfit, ' 9126; eond-hand tables at re duced price; bowling alleys and supplies; easy payments. Cigar stores, drug, deli catessen and soda fountain fixtures, THE BHUNSWICK-BALKB-COLLBNDER CO.. 487-409 South I9th St. 1 , ILIHHKK shop and pool ball, poof table separately. Lang, am SL Red ?23. . Will sell 1997 Far j $3 FOR SALE Mitxellaneous Machinery and Engines. , NEW AND SECOND-HANI) MOTORS. EXPERT KLE-TKI('IANS AND MACHINISTS. ' LK BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS, 311-10 So. 12th St., Omaha. BOILERS, stesm, electric, gas engines, pipes. Grose Wrecking Co., till Cuming, Printing and Office Supplies. COMMERCIAL Duplicating Co., also public steno. I'ftone tor prices, Doug las 2102, S40 Paston Rllr ' . UET our prices on job printing. LfJNJTKU STATUS PRINTING CO., Bee Bldg. Douglas 1172. WATKRS-BARNHART Ptg. Ci priming. Tel. loug. J 116, 624 quality 13th St. Typewriters and Supplies. NEW machines sold the same as rent IS per month. See ua before you buy or rent. snipped any plac-e on ten days' free trial. Butta' Typewriter Exchange, em b. tun t., omaha. Neb. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented and rnild Rent an Oliver typewriter t months for t&. Cent raj Typewriting Exchange, IW r amain. RKMINUTONS, Monarch and Smvth Pr- mlers for rent; Beat anywhere, Remington lypowruing company, p. JZI4, wb but, sell and exchange typewriters. Our ra n teed ty p writers. $ 1 0 up. Write qr nsi. Miaiana co. Bee Bidg. CARBON paper II box and op; second sheets. Me a ream. Midland Co. D. 2147, Miscellaneous. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Felt and hair mat. tresses mad over In new licks at half me pnee or new ones. All your own icarners nam wnan we renovate, 107 Cuming St. Douglas !47. ALEX JETTES' LIQUOR HOUSE, Thirteenth and Douglas. Bottled In bond whisky, tic, 91.00,, tun quart. MY high standard of duality will be main, talned; 4 quarts of Old Fontanel) whisky, 13.21; bottled In bond. Henry Pollock, mail order house. Doug. 7 163. lIt-114 . mm nt. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelving. etc. Wo bsuy, sell. Omaha Fixture and wuppiy to.. 4M-M.H S. 12th. Doug. 2724, DRY KINDLING WOOD. ACME BOX COMPANY. HAHNET 1817. ONE Iron stand and 30 Job tvne uus. .(ic-ap. u, . t-nniing 1,0, WANTED TO BUY, iiUTTMAM Highest Prices w - ior furniture, Rugs, vwiowi nanus, in nee rum i ture, Trunks, iin " uougies in., nes., Webster 4304, " DESKS DESKS DESKS" New desks, used desks, bought, sold and iraaeu. j. u. neea, 1Z07 Farnain, DIAMONDS ATJlF' JENKINS Pays highest pries for domes, unooa trunki J.L. W..MOUf lai JW. WAHT to buy gnats' milk for' sick; child. rnp. rvainut tilf. ANNOUNCEMENTS automobile storage ; dry and clean, 12.10 par mentn. Keys., council Bluffs, Accountants. ACCOUNTS audited: Income tax renorta nr. pared. Books opened and closed and of- iios systems installed. J" E. A. DWORAK, C P. A., Phonatou. Ill. 131 Banna Bldt. ' - Atcordion Pleitinc. ACCOnDION, Bid., Knlta, llut Pl.lln Cov. Bultona. H.m.tIK hln,. Nb, Pl,atln ' mimn raxion Mia,, It. ,113. Attorney it Law. FRANCIS MORGAN, 111 Bm. Doutlaa 4061. Bakerlu. wakkji, paatry and fancy bakary aooda uppim to sariKl, Iodic, and antartaln- inont,. g. H. H.Bd.r, lfitf N. ISth. W. 1937. ORTMAN'S NEW ENOI.AND BAKERY, 111 N. 14th uriAnt;n kb r umlic MARKET AND HAYDBN BROTHERB. 'OUR MOTTO" BETTBH BAKED GOODS Batha. DR BKNDA Sulphur, ateam. Modem Turkleh BATHS AND MAHBAUB. Frlvat. apartmenu for ladlea, with lady attend anta. 1IU Faraam. Phono Doug. 6377, filTTKNHOUgB SarjrarluW"an"lndatha7 310-314 Balrd Blk. 17th and Douglaa. Staata lnat., 1604 Harney, electric and other bathe, maaaaga. D. 7017. Open evening. Buttons and Pleatinar. VAN AKMAN Draaa Pleating and Button Co., 334-7 Pa, ton Blk, Doug. !. Accor dion, knlfa, aide, apaoa, box, aunburat and combination pleating, hamatltchlng, plcot edging, pinking, ruchlng, covering but- tona: all atylea and all aliea. Price hat free. Brass and Iron Faunrlrt.a Paiton-Mltcholl Co., 37th and Martha sta. Caterers AN EXPERIENCED CATERBSS, eicellent nook; apMlal attention to nam. .nH ooh. JSW dlniwtniviceeaaonable. Doug. 6141. nAmci, vvnoever. ta in' need of good cat.rera dall Mre. Rlckertt. Tyler 1131 tui mrnien waitreaeM. Chiranraetic Drs, Johnston, im u. o. w mif r x Chiropractic and Spinal Adjustment ur. etsurnorn, Kose Uldg. Palmer ychool graduate. Doug. 63 i j. Dr. Frances Dawaon. 602-9 Rose Bid. T. 23 Dr. J. C. Itwrenee, Balrd Bldg. D. S4A1. Carpenters and ContractAra. Lessard A Son, 1909 CapltolAye. Tyter 1912. Customers. LARGEST stock of costumes for theatricals niwqiiaraues in tne country for sals v ion i. Ltitsmm m won. iom Howard. THEATRICAL gowns, full dress suits, for i-wi.. iv . if in. jonn reidman. D. 3139. ' Detectives. JAMES ALLAN, $19 Neville Blk. Evidence , ' Y c- Tyler 1199. Interstate Detective Am'ii,, 43T"Ramge Bldg Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No Pain. 118 W. O. W. Bldg. Tafts Dent. Rms 309 Rose Bldg. D. 2139. Dancinar Academv KEBP DANCING ACADEMV. 36th and Far- nani; ciaas Moa. and rrl. eve. Aaaembllea it pp. ana gat, eve. Private leaaona. D. 7160. BALL TUES.. THURS BAT.. atTN Rvn Hrunm. ":. 111 ,Bin Fonteaella; M1BS AON KB M ALLOT. PnonoSogTlui." Dressmakina-. l-plece dresaes a speclalry; remodeling; work unnia. fi m ziftt w u .ill GOWNS Vn suits a apectaiti-. Work aii-r. M'Dowell Dressmaklngcoot, 309 Balrd Bid. 9PWJ?'d'a,,niklnt' Dy y- Miss Coe. H. 3903 Dreasm'k'g, plalnor fancy, reas. TfTHH-W. pkjngaytaa day. lioTlbwnD. Iltt. Pj?.m.fM''h and Parnain! LADIEB' suits remodeled. Douglas41t9. dr' w b r k"q it a R; "D.itisr Everything for Women. AWfJOHUiON. side, knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered buttons, all slies and atylea; hemstitching, plrot edging, em broidery, beading, braiding, cording, eye. in ?ui worn, pennants. IDEAL BUTTON AND- PLEATING CO., J Dtu'l Blk. Douglas 1939. SWITCHES "from combings. $1 ipT TiyedT 60c. Mia. M. BrlllharL333 Pax ton Bjdg. Fixtures and Wiring. ' nTIRlrTM "'wtflo washing machines, mini m, ivougiaa IMI, furnace Clean. n.r BORNEMAN. fur., chira. cleaning. D. 72SS. Hair DrcaainD- IDBAL Hair Parlors, 397 Baird Bldg. Mani curing, toilet articles. Douglas 4196, , lob Printinsr. GATE CITT Printing Co.. high-grade print JpS. ?621 N. 34th. Phone Web. 1697. Justices of the Pear C. W. BR ITT, a01 Barker Ulo.t. Painting and Paper Hanging. IF you want cheap work don't call mo. I -painting and paper- hanging. v-" "amey lta, Carlson. Patent Attorneva. A. 8TURGI8. 20 Brandets Th. D. 3499. MaaMuren BTb? Ail.!lJl !l"b b,h"' nnd bath, R. 39 Neville bjh., 9 B.. II. h and Han . rVlJLf.opo'ly; Balrd Bldg. MISS Lli.Lf Massage, baths. 1322 rsrnanT Pianos foe. Rent 6" per mo. A. Hoepf Co.. 151. Douglaa ANNOUNCEMENTS Patents. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Inter, national Patent Co., 63 Brandels. D. ! Rug Hanufacturers. FLUFF ruga from old carpete: rag ruga a apOTIalty; cleaning and alteratlona. Peery Rug Factory, 1,13 Cuming. Red 3343. Shoe Parlors. SHINE CLEAN, BRONZE. 1121 Farnam. Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply. 207 S. 11th. Wedding Stationery. WEDDINO announcement, and printing. Dougla, Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644. Where to Eat. EAT HOME COOKED MEALS NEW DELICATESSEN. 1404 FARNAM, SWAPPERS' COLUMN IF TOU 17 hayeany thing to trade, make up a ad and run It In this column for little ' seven days It only costs zto and So per answer, i nis oner w gooa oniy in omaoa. and excludes Real Estate, cash offers and Business Properties For ftaie or Trade. These, as well as mall orders for Use of Swappers' Column, must pay regular rates. One or two answers are sufficient to make your trad and the whole . transl I action oniy coats a Pout ioc. Try it. 2 CAM Kit AS. 6x7 and Sxl0, In perfect con anion; .zi wincneater repeating rin typewriter; -horsepower electric motor; Mann's bone grinder: Incubator brooder; Single-Comb White Minorca cockerels and pullets; also one Single Comb Hlack Minorca cockerel and 1 dos. pullets, to exchsnge for anything I can use. Address H. C. 13, Bee, In the ELEVEN Months of 1U The Bee gained. . . ,63,91 paid ads ' MORK THAN DOUBLE , i be COMBINED gain of the other two Omaha papert Lowest Rate, Beat Results, Best Service $26.00 NEW Hoosler kitchen cabinet and new 911.00 Duplex Tireless cooker to trade tor good rug, good seta of books, oi what Have youT, Address A. Bee Office, efntitn Omaha. A LITTLE AO In this column will bring about some remarkable exchanges. HIS ELECTRIC equipped $ pas. automobll n pertttct condition, cost 91,100, worth 9460, to trade for diamonds, or what have you clear 7 Address C, Be Office South omaha. HAVE large Brunswiok-Balks refrigerator. 9x4 Hi! ft, in good condition, to trade for gooa typewriter or large roller top desk. Address u, Hce Office, South Omaha. FULL' BLOODED Irish water spaniel never pup, female, 4 months old; will swap for poultry or what have you? Box 8. C 731, Bee. AUTOMOBILE repair shop, good location, good tool, low rent, will trade for Ford car or good vacant lot. Inquire 1429 So. Hth. ONE buffalo roat; as good as new; chest 49, it swap for old model Ford or some other light car. Bos 8 C T84, Bee. WB awap or buy kodaks; films developed ires; one-day service. Kase Kodak Stadia, nsvnie ma., ittb sod Harney. - 'BUSINESS CHANCES FOR BALE The entire machine shop equipment, lathes, planers, drill presses, key-aeater, oxy-acetylene welding outAt, forge and anvil, gasoline atorago outrtt, auto ambulance truck, stock of supplies, etc.: will also leaae building. Pelton Oaa- onne Kngine works, Lyons, Iowa. In the ELEVEN Months of 1919 Th Bee gained. . . .11.110 paid ads MORE THAN DOUBLE the COMBINED gain of the ether two Omaha Daoera Lowest Rate, Bes Results, - Best Servloe DO YOU WI8H TO BELL TOUR BUSl" NEBS AND TURN IT INTO CASH 7 IF SO, SEE OMAHA SALVAGE CO.. 760 OMAHA NATIONAL BANK BLDU. STOCK of merchandise, $8,000.00, good souineastern Nebraska town, at a bar- gsin. Fine business opening. Address I 760, Bee. FOB SALIC Good, clean stock of hard. wars, live town, oeotral Nebraska. Good reason tor selling, - He quick. Addreae T 167, Bee. A No, t bottling works, established bualheas. Tuny equipped, easy terms. Let mo show you (his. Chas. Masln, Ord. Neb. MOTION picture machines, (now and punt , tneaters, supplies, omaha rilm Exchange, 109 So. 14th St, WILLIAMS, established St years. To buy or sen Business sea aim. 411 Hooagi Bldg. Reference, U. S. National Bank. DOWD Sale and Auction Co.. Omaha, have sioeea out more mase. stocks than any otner nrro to u. & writs lor terms. IF TOU want to sell ar buy a business or rooming nouse can on atuocn m uorgnon. 710. World-Hera Id Bldg. Phono D. 9119, WB BUY, we sell motion picture theaters, mac nines, tea ture rums. i -operative Film and Supply Co., 119 Bromley Bldg. FOR SALE by owner, drug store, dwelling ana stock; square dea. Address wear, 911 West 9th Ave.. Denver. Colo. TO GET In or out of business, call on OANGESTAD. 439 Bee Bldg. Doug. 3477. GUARANTY plan; got In or out brtloeas. AU stales, r. v. Knieet. see Biag.. umsnn. pooming Houses. 113-16 SOUTH 39TH ST. -The Uwanta, 24 rooms for aale, furnished for sleeping and housekeeping. Terms. ROOMING HOUSES, all aiaes, greet bar gains. 41$ Res Bldg. Phono Tyler 3447. SITUATIONS WANTED WEElfLT RATE, 16c pttR LINE. Day work or bualneaa ads. regular ratea I lines on week,. ...,.., ,30o ltnea one week , .....4ie Each extra line. 19c per week. - Maie. In the ELEVEN Montha of 1919 Tho Bee gained .... 63,919 paid adj . , . . MORE THAN DOUBLE t. the COMBINED gain of the other two Omaha papers Lowest Rate, Best Results. Best Service POSITION wanted by young man 18 years Old who has the knowledge of three ' languages, Scandinavian, German arid English. Chris Petersen, Fremont, Neb., R. F. D. 1, ' - YOUNG farmer, 81 years of age, single; wkihes to learn tho blacksmith trade. Ad dree Frank Betka, Route Nu, 3, Exeter, Nebranka. YOUNG man. 29 years of Age, 4 yeara' rail road experience, would like to make change; outald . work .pftferred. Box 9447, Bee. v EXPERIENCED colored chauffeur wlshea , steady position good reference; can do own repairing. Call Harney 1269. RAILROAD lunch counter man, expert enced. wants position soon. Call Doug. 4473. H. E, Simpson. AUTO school student wants work for room and board; auto line preferred. L. Wells. 901 8. 34th. " NKAT appearing goung man wlshea posi tion ar cnauireur. teu uougiaa fez and as;, for Mr. Peck. WANTED Work by first-class Janitor. Douglas 9144. WORK wanted by a flrst-claaa plumber. Tel. Walnut 3431. x WANTED Position aa bell boy. Call Doug Female. EXPERIENCED, capable woman will take charge of hotel, rooming house or any paying position. Write Mre, Allen, 2110 Douglaa. EXPERIENCED housekeeper wishes position for bachelor or widower, Room 67, Elms hotel. Mrs. Norton. THE BEE charge for "Situation ada' la lower than any ether form of advertising not enough to cover the r-aet of printing. EXPERIENCED multlgraph operator wants position in city, can furnish references. Write R. Snowden, 2319 Douglas St. SITUATION aa bookkeeper, cashier or au diting small set or nooks by hour. D. 3194. WOMAN with a child wants place to keep nouae; wim pr weea. neoeter Jt;i. WANTED By competent lady, position as Housekeeper, box i -tut, Hee. Hotels and Restauranta. RELIABLE EMlLO Y M ENT AG e7c"yT" 1419. Davenport SL Douglas 1969. Headquarters fff hotel bta. Laundry and Day Work. WASHINO or cleaning by white southern lady. Tel. Red 4t. ANY kind of day work. Webster 9729. Plain dinners; clean.; sweeping. Web. Vlll, Launr'y wn. Call Ijel. Reaa. Guar. Web. 441T I . A t' N ' It Y ua re fully done. Web. !a For day erorh or gen. houeework. Tr. 14&4-W, RX. l.jtUNIRR8S. nundle wa,h. Web. 341. L'HAUUHK, day or laundry work. Har. 21i5. HELP WANTED MALE Professions and Trades. Drug Positions All States CO-OPBRATIVP5 RKFBRBNCB CO., IftlS-l. city National Bank Bldr V A NTKl 'Experienced tailor to take charge, email pis re for winter; good proposition. 2299 Military Ave. WANTKI At once, first-class tar and gravel roofer; apply to Joseph H. fitlll, Haatlnga. Neb. WANTED A clgarmaker, David City. Neb. P. J. Brewer. Salesmen and Solicitors. STOCK AND BOND SALESMAN MUST BE HIGH GRADE MAN. We ran offer to enthusiastic, can able stock and bond salesman as . desirable a connection as there Is In the west. The securltv to handled la unusually attractive and fooa territory is open in Nebraska, owa, Missouri and Kansas. This organisation Is widely known, has the full confidence of the public and Is disused to make most satis factory arrangements with Its sales men wno. if they have the ability. can make between 16,94)9 to 99.099 a year. Applications will be treated confidentially and Interviews ar ranged. Give brief outline of past connections ana experience. Address Box 1399, Bee. SALESMAN FOR WOMEN'S READY-TO-WEAR ' APPAREL. We have an established trade throuah out Iowa and Nebraska for our popular ana ntgn class line of women's cloaks. w' suits, dresaes, skirts and waists. want a man, a resident of Omaha pre ferred, who Is thoroughly capable of hold ing and increasing (his trade. The ,do- sltlon la permanent to the right man end I offers an attractive opportunity for a top notch salesman. Write ua In full detail anout yourself giving age. experience. references, and approilmate earnings at present urn, wo must nil this position promptly, so write fully at first letter. I Address Marquette Cloak A Suit Co.,il609 Washington Ave., Ht. Louis, Mo. THE OLD LINE Bankera Ufe of Lincoln The Company of Big Settlements. Liberal Contract to Agents. KIM, Ellis, A Thompson, General Agenta uoug. zsii. sis-14 city war Bk. Bldg. WANTED. High grade stock salesman who would be interested In handling flrat-oiaas omaha proposition. ' , STANDARD SEC. A INV. CO. Sultua 3 and S, Wead Bldg. sm Mr. Wolfe, Mgr. WANTED A HIGH GRADE CITY SALES MAN TO SELL AUTO ' ACCESSORY, CVKinx b'AH unN Kn WIJ.Ij HBi INTRR, K8TKD. LEADS FURNISHED, GOOD UUAKANTKK AND COMMISSION. AP. PLY MORNINGS. 870 BRANDBIS BLDG. ATTENTION, GUARDSMEN 19 hustlers: permanent contract. Apply Mr, Lundgren, aim m euague Bidg. SALESMAN A necessity tor merchants: arse oeroana; noerai commission; pocket ampiea. wirin eaiesDOOK oo., ifept. A-1 as. Chicago, - Trade schools. WE WANT MEN TO LEARN THE BARBER TRADE. Few weeks qualify to run shop or warli m outers; years or apprenticeship saved i by our method; we have placed graduates In leading positions everywhere; compare uveiy no expense; catalog mailed free, MUtJGH JJAKHKH COLLEGE. U9 a 14th St., Omaha, Nab. (Esttbllahed 1999.) AUTO MECHANICS. BARN BIO MONEY. Never Idle Big Demand. Easy to Learn by Our Methods. NATIONAL AUTO TRAINING ASS'N, ZB17 H. 3otn St., omaha. Send for Free Catalogue. LEARN barber trade; be Independent, more , man make your eipenaas while learning. wages or percentage, we don't over charge you to begin; 1403 Dodge St. TRI-C1TT BARBER COLLEGE. GOOD MEN WANTED. To learn auto trade for the many po sitions now open. Fine tracing work 19 auto ana eiectnc starting system. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE. , 9059 Farnam. Omaha, Neb. Miiceuaneous. ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES. MEN wantjgi Aoie-ooaied unmarried under age of 26; cltlsenn of United States of good cftaraeter ana temperate habits, wno can speaa. rean ana write the fine-- Uh language. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer, Army Bldg., 16th and Dodge sta., Omaha, Neb.; 130 N. 19th BU Lincoln, Neb.; 937 4th St., Sioux City,! town; oi etn Ave., uea Homea. jowa. OMAHA railway mall clerk examinations coming, 97 month, sample questions rree. . write immediately. Franklin In stitute, Dept. 221 W, Rochester. N. T. V ANTE D Young men aa railway mail oiu-ks; (76 per montn; sample examina tion questions free. Franklin InsUtttto, uept. 331 R. Rochester, w. Y. WANTED Names of men 12 or over, wish ing to become government railway mall clerks. Commence $76 month. Vacations. J I 7za, uee. 1 WANTED 100 men Tuesday morning, Ice houses at" Carter Lake. Omaha Ice and Cold Storage Co. - MEN wanted to enllat In ftl(nal Corns at once, report a; isineouk . HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. STENOGRAPHER wanted ht once. Also good experienced typists. Good wagea. Apply at once. . A. A. Berry Seed Co., C la rinds. la. Professions and Trades. WANTED Girls with common school edu cation, net ween 11 and 3 years, to take I up local ana loug aiatanctrteiepnonework. 1 c. r. Lamoert, hit Dousias St. WANTED An experienced marker and f sorter. Adams Laundry. 1812 California. Household and Domestic. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework. Apt. 4 The Beaton. Harney 848. ANTED A girl for general housework. Telephone south ivo. Miscellaneous. ' Six bright, capable girls to travel with lady manager doing demon stration work. Experience not v necessary, but must be over 13 and able to give first-class refer- 1 enoo aa to character. Straight sal ary and railroad faro paid. Call Tuesday and Wednesday. Good rich Drug Company, 1302-10 Har ney St. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE. 1100.04 UONTH. Oet government John. M,n and women wanted. Llat of poeltlona t open vtm. Frannun inauiute, uepl, 344 1 RoehMt.r. N. T. EDUCATIONAL MID-WINTER .TERM v BOYLES COLLEGE E)ay School, January 2d Night School, January 3d Every day la enrollment day.- Book keeping, ahortnand. stenotypy, typewrit ing, telegraphy, cbrll service all commer cial and English branches. Catalogue free. it. BOTLES COLLEGE, Douglas 164$. ,X 18th and Harney Sta. VAN BANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS, DAT AND EVENING SCHOOLS. Second Floor Omaha National Bank Bldg. THE SCHOOL OF MODERN LANGUAGES. tuiaas or private instructions complete. ' veureea, aroona we osier ;eoe, for la formation. J V. U, CT A. Day and Might School FOR RENT ROOMS ATTENTION, SOOII HUNTERS! K rra fall to and th. room deelre among the, ada call at TH. Bm efflca for'. Room Llat OWm eorapleta detailed deacriptlon of ra cant rooma In all parta of the dir. If more eonv.naent phen. Th. Be. Want Ad Dept. and glv. rour name and addreae and a llat will a mailed to you at one New Uata ara MiMd avary week. Famished Room,. ln th. ELRVEN Montn. of 114 Th. Be. gained.... 6J,10 paid ada MORE THAN DOUBLE lb. COMBINED gain of th. other two Omaha naner. Lower: Rate. Beat Reanlta. Beet gerrle. 1 VOL'.N'O men arriving In Omaha will find warm room, good hoard and Beip in se curing a poaHlon at Father Flantgan hotel, eoclal club In connection. Zfl' 13th. Phone Tyler JSJJ. SUNSHINE APARTMENTS. For man only. Comfortable ataa) heated rooma. Rata 2.,e and OS f W.CK. N. 17th SL , XICELT fumlehed room In atrlctly modern nome, walking distance or convenient Farnam car. , Reaaonable. Harney 4t,3. aiil Park Ave, NEW furnltureftiTrbaThroornTeTectrlc ngnta: hot water heat and plenty of It. Beet room In city for the money. 114 N, ilth St. Douglaa 431. 3131 U CALIFORNIA Two furnished rooms. moaem, with heat, reaaonable. Harney 4001. WANTED Business men for board and room, strictly modern; steam heat, home cooking. 1901 Dodge. Doug. 4690. EXCEPTIONALLY well furnished frbnt room In new private flat, no other roomers; two gentlemen preferred. Call Tyler 1930, 3713 JACKSON Newly furnished, strtetly moaern room, private home, walking dis tance; references required. Harney 3.Z2. 619 8. S 2D Warm sleeping room, newly fur- nianea, s blocks from Burgess-Nasn, rea Bona Die rent. One or two gentlemen, DOUGLAS. 3219 Three well furnished rooms; warm; modern; walking distance. uougiaa 1,417, CHICAGO 2610 In private home; large side south front room with alcove: al room. 609 NORTH TWENTY-FIRST Two; good heat, walking distance.' Phone Douglas tin. FURNISHED rooms for rent; modern, sec onq noor. Capitol Ave. week. FOR RENT Front room, furnished, private bath if desired. 3131 Douglas. Doug. 174L LARGE room, steam heated, 2627 Harney. Modern in every respect. STEAM heated rooms, $2.50 and up. p. i Tin wt. LIGHT housekeeping rooms, modern, every tmng furnished. Phone Tyler 264W. PLEASANT, cozy room, reasonable, walking distance, suited for gen tleman. Har. 4039, oaAiiuu room ror respectable working men. zw Decatur St. Webster 4674. MODERN every respect; private family, walking distance. Douglaa 9747, modern furnished room with private fan ny; walking distance. Red 9403, FURN. mod. rooms: 1 blk to car; Harney 9017. board next door. I s rnlUTL. x modern, steam-heated, rooms; walking distance. Phone Bed 4332. COMFORTABLE south room; warm; mod 210 S.'tOTH Two nicely -furnished modern boys preferred. Reasonable. 904 S. 38TH Nicely furnished warm housekeeping suite, 94, 119 S. 29TH AVE. Warm, single room, $2 week. Harney 939. Hoiwckecptng Rooms. I HERE IS AN OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU TO RENT MY 14,900 HOME FOR 926 PER MONTH. CAN SUPPLY GARAGE IF ri ECEaaA R T. CALL WALNUT 49. FARNAM, 2822 Three jilce housekeeping rooms, electricity, steam, gas range. muukhn, steam-heated room, very com- rortabie for gentleman. Doug. 6769. 7K N. 21ST ST. Front room, kitchen; mod' em, comfortable. Douglaa 7311. S SLEEPING rooms, plenty of heat; very comiortaoie. uougiaa 7077. 62ft N. 23D. Good slsed warm room. Rea sonable. Doug. 1761. MODERN suite of rooms, 6. 2927 Harney St. Har. 4629.. Board and Koom. FRONT ROOM, plenty of steam heat and hot water; will make rates for two In room. 3134 Douglas, 2664 LEAVENWORTH Tho Greenwood, board and room, ateam heated, comfort' able. LARGE beautiful warm room for two; also single room; oesi ooara. 11& ho. 36th St. 107 S. 26TH AVE. Large comfortably fur nished room ; good board ; modern home. 2633 CALIFORNIA Nicely furnished warm room and board, 96 week. Douglas 4926. 2621. HARNEY Nicely furnished room and excellent ooara. Harney 3368. Unfurnished Rooms. STEAM heated J-room flat for light house- keeping, ties in. Z4tn St. Rooms Wanted. YOU PEOPLE WHO RENT ROOMS, CALL -J tia. iJ&Ei v Acs 1 -au uen. ana find out all about the FURNISHED ROOM fin mm it a a pian mat w neiping many peonle 1V141 IUVII lUVUUli FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments and Houses. Apartments. SPLENDID NEW FURNISHED TRAVERTON FIREPROOF. J4TH AND LANDON COURT. Catering to people of refined tastes. Apartment la completely equipped for housekeeping; up to date and comfortable. TRAVER BROS., TeL Dong. 9996. 706 Omaha Nat. Bank. ur wen. 4816. PHONE Ernest Sweet, New Hamilton, 24th ana runiiu. v. oviurv engagting your apt. Beat location. Prices reaaonable. ST. CLARE. Harney 947. v S-room apartments, 24th and Harney. A NEWLY furnished 7 -room flat; strictly moaern. jones. ryier zusa, APARTMENT Steam heat and strictly modern In every way. 220 N. 23d. EDUCATIONAL Musical. I Harp Limited number pupils accepted com I Ing season: . early applications favored j Harps fuy. Loretu Do Lone. 305 Lyric Bid. PERSONAL PILES. FISTULA CURED. ,Dr. E. R. Tarry cures plica. Astute and ether recUI diseases without tutglcai operation. Curs guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for hook on rec tal dlseasea with testimonials. DR. E. r. TARRY. !40 .Bee Bldg., Omaha, Nth THE Salvation Army Indostrlal home so Helta your old clothing, furniture, maga si nee. We collect. We distribute. Phone Doug. 4136 and our wagon will call. ou and inapect our new home. 1119-1112-1114 Ajoage at- RUPTURE Successfully treated without a surgical operation. uau or write Dr. Frank H. Wray, 304 Bee Bldg. STAATS INSTITUTE, L604 Harney; mua- oular massage; baths of all kinds. Open from 9 a. in. to I p. m. Doug. 7097, DR. BURKS, OMAHA'S MEN'S SPECIALIST. 919 CROUNSB BLK. OPPOSITE P. O. eaSL MISS NASH. MAC BR UQ MAN, sclentlflo reui-e and baths. 343 Karbach Blk. Red 3127. LUELLA WEBSTER, ma see use, 613 Paxtoa ma., is a. m. to 9 p. m. Rod 2404. SCIENTIFIC masaaa-e, 620 Bee Bldg. Phone jougias MAGNETIC 1424 Cuming. MISS MAT, massage, 322 Neville Block. Manicuring and maaa. 1423 Farnam. Rm. th. lour. Appointment only D. 6236. PERSONAL MISSES LILLY AND GOULD Bath, maa aaga. 1311 Farnam St. Phone Drag. tl FOR RENT HOUSES West 4101 HOWARD ST. A I -etory fram.7 rooma and alaaptne porcn. n.w Koom ror on. car IB gang. If deelm! Hnuea real. ISa. ALFRED THOMAS, W rirai rat. ba. Bldg. FOR RENT 4-room nouae. modern azcept neat. I nree -quarter baaeroaot. Wibatrr. Inqulr. neat dooc KM North. one BLOCK from 24th St. car, near Kountse place; for1 I families; 6 rooms eacn. Hot water heat, ptrlctly modern. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO Doug. 2716. 1014 Omaha, Nat. Bit. Bldg. FRED C. SHIELDS, T14 Brandels Theater. a Lice nve-room bungalow, all modern finished throughout In oak, with large attic. Located at. 2920 N. 19th Avo. Rent 930 per month. ALL modern I -room house, hard oak fln lah downstairs; located tn St. John's par ish; reception hall, refrigerator room, pantry and son room. Tel. Harney 3648. 9-ROOM house, all modern, with hot water heat, large grounds; on Prettiest Mite Omaha. 6416 Florence Boulevard. Phone White at Douglaa 2299. FREE RENT TO JAN. 1ST. 106 N. 22d, 4-r. flat, steel range, gas plate, klcthen cabinet, water paid, 916. RASP BROS. DOUG. 1663. 2119 Spencer St., 9-r strictly mod.. 126. 2124 N. 27th St., 7-K, mod. ex. heat. 121 RASP BROS. DOUG. 1553. NEW, modern residence, ..611 Blondo, per month. Inquire 71S N,. 21st. Phono Douglaa 7311. M. Sleek. 4-ROOM cottage, modern but furnace. Nice yard. Colfax 1670. NEW bungalow, 6 -room, strictly all modern, nan diock to car, .uocavea zvin ana Fort Sts. Red 1881. FOUR good rooms, modem except heat. blocks to car. 4014 N. 29th St. Colfax 3269. 6-R., mod. cottage, 8644 N. 28th Ave., $16. TOI. 4711. &outn. FOR RENT, 1122062 S. 28th Ave., 5-room cottage, newly papered; city water. Call Harney 902. -ROOM modern bouse oak finish. 1619 Park Ave. Phone Harney 1696; $30.09. -ROOM Two baths. West Farnam district. 916.00. Phone Douglas 947. 6-ROOH cottage, walking distance; neat; south. Tyler 641-w. 6-RM. mod. flat, 619 3. 19th. First Trust (JO. U. 1161. 6-R. mod, flat, 2219 8. 24th. $20. Tel. H. 4711, Miscellaneous. SPECIAL INDUCEMENT. RENTAL . 910.902316 Woolworth Ave., 6 rooms. $30.00 660 S. 26th Ave., 6-rm., all mod. brick flat, very desirable, easily heated. $30.09 1141 8. 82d SL. 4 rtna, thoroughly moaern, very desirable. $36.002703 Farnam St., 8 rms mod. good hot water heating plant $35.00 3003 Dodge SL, 8 rms., walking aiaiance, nanay to rarnam St. $40.001109 S. 33d St., $ rms., mod.; In Unit-class condition; garage If de j sirea. GLOVER A SPAIN, Douglas 3942. , 919-20 City National PORTER A SHOTWELL. HOUSES AND COTTAGES. PARTLY MODERN. 4-R. 3401 Parker, $10. 4-R. 1614 Carter Lake Blvd., $14. ALL MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 6- R. 2210 Saratoga St., $19. STRICTLY MODERN. -4-R. 4112 Farnam St., $36. 9-R. 6327 N. 27th St. (new). $26. 4-R. ISM Laird, with garage, $SS. 7- R. 3906 N. 18th St., $30. 9- R. 2608 Dewey Ave., close In, $40. 10- R, 2221 Dodge St., close In. $40. Wo have ethers. See our complete list. Jf OUT Kit B HOT WELL, Phone D. 6013. 202 8. 17th St. ROOMS, 2013 Clark Bt., $10. 6 rooms, 323 N. 30th St., $20. 1 4 rooms, 2654 Spencer St., modern. $25. 9 rooms, 2919 Fowler, modern, $26. 7 rooms, 3316 Burt St., 'modem, $22.60. 7 rooms, 1309 South 28th St., modern. 7 rooms, 1421 Sherwood Ave,, modern. ess. ' BENSON & MYERS CO., eaeumana wat. Hank Bldg. $42.603114 Chicago St.. 11 -r all mod. . uwv tur nwouni nouae. K. A. .WOLF, $14 Ware Blk., Douglas $091, 1126 SOUTH 2IST, with garage, kor, 2 care. sue iMorta 34 tn, modern, 7 rooma, $22.60, JUMH . ITKKWZER, DOUGLAS 864. HOUSES FOR RENT. CREIGH. SONS A CO., 199 BEE BLDG. DOUG. 249. FOR RENT Ap'ta and Flats West FOR RENT. 6 -room flat ,..$19.09 4-room flat 21.09 Dong. 3909, iOl Neville Block. VERT choice 4-room steam heated apart' menr. on west rarnam Hi. JOHN W. ROBBINS. 1803 FARNAM. North, WELL HEATED 9-room first-floor apart ment, large .uea porcn; rent rree to Jan uary 1; only $30. 1818 Maple St. Key wttn janitor, Pnone Webster 3199. 1914 BURT 4-room, new, modem, steam- heated Apta. ; winter, 93&.OQ. RINGWALT BROS., Brandels Thea. Bldg. 9619 FRANKLIN 6 rooms, modem except sui, room isouf. sees. South. FOR RENT Beautiful 6-room apt., 116 8. ginn au, let noor. Teiepnone Harney 6296. 826 The Woolworth, 6 rooms, very choice. So. front; 2619 Woolworth. Ty. 1601. FOR RENT- Business Pr'p'ty Stores. STORE FOR RENT. 2615-17 North 24th St.. atore room. 31a 90. basement and One large display win dow. Good location tor retail store or anon. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler 1689. 93.1 Rose Bide STORE room, 434-4 South 16th street, will be for rent March lat: 33x60. full base ment, steam heat. Can partition to make two stores witn frontage of 19 feet each. UONKAU YOUNG, 322 Brandels Theater Bldg. Doug. 1671. SPLENDID Farnam St. retail location. D. Wead, 310 S. 18th St., Wead Bldg. MODERN store, 19tb St., near poatottice. low rent. O P. Stebbtno. Offices and Desk Room. UKMIHAbLK office rooms In the remodelei Crouns block. 119 N. 14th SL (opposite postoltl.e, $10 to $16 per month. Conrad Young. 923 Brandels Theater. Doug. 1671. CHOICE o.lce apace. Balrd Bldg., 17th and Douglas. McCague Inv. Co. Miscellaneous. LARGE, light basement, 19th and Howard, cheap. Wright A Las bury. Dong. 16$. MOVING AND STORAGE GORDON VAN CO. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Packing, atorag. and mov ing. 21. N. 11th SL Phone Douglaa 8,4. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real moving servloe try vs. 'Large t-horse padded vans. Storage, $3 month. ' Satis fact Ion guaranteed. We move you QUICKER, CHEAPER AND SAFER, Phone Tyler 230 or Douglaa 4232. METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO. Careful attention given to orders tor moving, packing or storage. Office at Raymond Purnttnre Co., 1611 and lill Howard St. Phone D. 66?4. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. ' Separate locked Teems for household goods and pianos moving; packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. tOl 8. llth SL ' Douglas 4 lit. J- C. REED Express end Moving. Packing and atorage neuglaa 24. lit: Farnam flt MOVING AND STORAGE X FIDELITY RENTAL SERVICE FREE Phono Dougfae 286 for complete Hat of vacant houses and apart ments. Also for storage, moving, 18th and Jackson Sts. twin City express coTTjsi CasaTsL Douglas 1717. Trunks stored a apeclalty. Maggard JW and two men. per horn. Van and Storage Co., Moving Packing. Storage and Shipping. Phone Doug. 1499. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED Weat WEST FARNAM. atucco, lr., modern. Lot vnlue, I3.M0; houae value, 14.000. All for. 14.000 Sl No. llth Ava. Doug. 2147. North. 1 5-ROOM COTTAGE 3720 OHIO ST. ONLY $1,000 Haa been newly papered and palnteTl and Is in excellent condition. Located close, to paved street and car line. Haa large lot and some shade trees. Good well. Can be bought for $50 down and $13 a month. Call Tyler 60 and ask for Mr. Reed. Hastings & Heyden 1914 Harney Street. CHOICE CORNER. Nifty new bungalow, all modern, oak finish, handsome lighting fixtures, plumb ing and furnace guaranteed Choice cor ner lot, 60x138, only 1 block from Ames Ave. car. Price only $2,860 (worth sev eral thousand more), $200 cash or lot taken as first payment. Don't mlas see ing this. RASP BROS., Douglas 1663. KOUNTZK PLACE Eight-room modem house, and a bar gain at $2,360. Not a new houae, but In repair and well built. Largo lot and garage, uasy NORRIS & NORRia, 490 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglaa 4270, MINNE LUSA Nice lot on Titus Ave., near 24th St., can be bought at a bargain. This lot must be sold. See me quick. C.r A. Grlmmcl, 849 Omaha Nat. Bank Bide-. MUST; be sold within tho neat ten "days. cheap and easy terms. Modern five-room houae. 2422 N. 27th. Owner, Douglas 1488. KOUNTZK PLACE, restricted district, resi lience ror saie. a. v. ivniest. salt r. litn. Miscellaneous. NEW BUNGALOWS. S. 4 AND 7 ROOMS. - . i Strictly modern and up-to-date ; oak finished arid oak floors; built-in features. Ideal location; low prices; phono ua for appointment; we will be glad to show you. , SCOTT & HILL CO., Doug. 100. around fir, McCague Bldg. TTB WISH TOU ALL A MERRY XMA8. , D. V. SHOLES CO., IIS City National Bank. HUUSKS WANTED. f WB HAVE BUYERS FOR HOMES WORTH THE UnNGV rM a T.T. PARTfl OF THE CITT. LIST TOUR FROPBBTT O'NBHX'S REAL ICSTATB4INS. AONCT, pranoeie rneater mqg. Tyler 1.24. WE wleh you a very Merry Chrlatmaa and a Happy Proaparoua Mew Tear. THE BYRON REED CO., Douglaa 217. 212 8. 17th St. In th. ELEVEN Montha of 1116 Th. Be. gained. ...61,1(1 paid ada MORE THAN DOUBLE th. COMBINED gain of tha othw two Omaha Damn, Loweat Rate. Brat Reaulta. Beat Service NEW bungalow; alao e-l. and gardening; yanr term, and prtoa; Inv. with 4ao. rant, I houae. coat 12.400). 12.400. D. 2107. FIVE rooma. naw, oak flnlan. fully deco rated, all modern, etc.. 92,740; $20t eaah. balanr. rtonthly Colfax 7816 P. J. TEBBENS CO. For real estate bargain.. (06 Omaha Nat. Bank. 10-FT. LOT, 1102. Fin. lota to aelect from, tl week. Boa till. Bea. REAL ESTATE Unimproved North. -r APTER looking at MINNE LUSA, 100 dif ferent ouyera decided that It waa the beat propoattlon on the market and they backed their judgment by buying lota. IP TOU will come out today you will underatand why the othera are buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO., Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tiler 117. REAL ESTATE Suburban Benson. START TOUR HOME IN BENSON I BUT THIS LOT. 110.00 down and 110.00 per month: nrlce 1200.00: alia. 10x124: located on Laeuat SL, between Clark and Bumtiam, not (ar from achool. and ear Una Oeo. B. Wright, see oiiic., umana. Dundee. GOOD DUNDEE LOTS AT LOW PRICES ON EASY TERMS. SEE . GEORGE & CO., 902 .City Nat. Bank Bldg. EXCELLENT BUILDING. SITE Large lot on Z)odge St., near d: new residences on all sides. Will sell at bar gain on reaaonable terms or will build to your order. can owner, wainut idsv. SEVERAL lota, building reatrictlon. 8,- 600.00. Adjoining Happy Hollow circle. 1400.00 to $1,000.00. W. L. SELBY. ft SONS. DOUg. 1610. Florence. NETUAWAT has three-acreage tracts at 2&1 per acre neiore jan. i. TeL Florence 32IJ FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Real Estate, Lands, Etc BENSON. WANTS AN AUTOMOBILE OR LAND. Just listed A 6-room, atrlctly modern except heat home. Just oft the main afreet in tne heart of Benson, east front, large oi. Tne owner will take an automobile s first payment or will exchange for a piece of land of about the same value. This place la priced at $5,000 clear. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO.. 6S7 Omaha Net, Bank Bldg. ' D. 1781. HAVE two HO-acre farms and one tO-acre Kara; eastern iMeorasita, to trade Cor cltf property. ARCHER REALTI CO., MA Brandels Bldg. FOR EXCHANGE OR SALS IN acrea choice Improved land In northern Iowa; levei, wen tnecj, oiacit sou; close to good town, church and achool; beat of terms. Address the Owner. Box 211. Osceola. Ia. 13 -ROOM jboomlng house for aale or ex- change ior equity In lots or house and lot., or good car; good location. Call Doug- laa usee aiier TKADES TRADES TRADED. Parma. Cattle, Ranchea, New Apart menta, flata, ate. ABBOTT, 4 Fdtteraon Blotk. . TRAD WE have nome good homea and rental prop, ertlea for Nek. or la. land. Edward r. niana car, aanh Bldg Ranch a. jctaltet, eell or trade ranchea for cllr properly. B, Pranta. 174 Brandele Bldg. REAL ESTATE InvcttmenU INVESTMENT. Cwnar, dona In. two houaaa. rant Ilia, prion, 14.100. nr. BO8TWI0.S RON. - mwm alios. . Ty ( I r V nasal a