Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 22, 1916, Page 7, Image 7

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Brjef City News
rialinum Wedding ftlor--Edholm.
Hato Root Print It New Beacon 1'rsaa
Tin Cleaned. Ie, at Carey a. Web. MX,
Kleetrie Reading rampi for Xmas, ts.&t
to l;0. Burgeaa-tirajidrn Company.'
Beat Meal for, the Monejf ClUreirr-nt In.
SwIUilcr. Goss Svrlttlor, Attorneys,
have moved their offices to the City
National Bank building.
Two More Divorce Dcorf fti Two
Utie decrees ground out by the local
divorce mill were: Freda Swanson
from Julius Swanson; Gilbert 8. Camp
bell from Jano M. Campbell.
Root. C. Dracsednw A Co.,
Omaha Nat'l Bank. Listed and unlisted
securities; bank stock"; mveral 1 Pr
cent guaranteed rilt-edge investments.
Didn't Get Service Henri H. Clai
borne, a justice of the peace: John
Ulson. A. R. Keley, proprietor of a
collection agency; Joseph Thornton, a
constable, and the Orr Motor Sales
company are named defendants in an
injunction suit brought In district
court by Charles 1. DeLay. The
plaintiff seeks to set aside a $126
Judgment, claiming that his wages
were garnished, but that service was
not had. -
Andirons far Chriitmaa under land a
Dolls for Children
Are Sold This Year
Little brother and his destructively
inquisitive hands are baffled this'
Christmas, insofar as little sister's
dollies are concerned, says Thomas
Redmond, general manager of Bur-gcss-Naslj
company. This year dolls
made of papier niache, plaster of paris
and other plastic substances are
passe. Instead, nearly all dolls are
made of wood and, in addition, in
stead of being made in Europe, are
made in America.
On account of the war the supply
of dolls was cut down greatly, and
toy shops were compelled to seek
elsewhere for substitutes. In chang
ing from the old custom of import
ing dolls the idea of wood 'was intro
duced. Now the dolls it made en
tirely of wood, and are better in
every way than those of few years
ago, besides being indestructible.
Machinery is employed in molding
the little wooden heads and bodies
and then the faces are hand colored.
Arms and legs arc so made as to be
twistable into any position, and even
the head and neck may be made to
move. Some of the wooden dolls can
open and close their eyes and a few
are even equipped with a bellows at
tachment, which, when squeezed,
makes a pleasing imitation of. a cry
ing infant. k
According to Mr. Redrfond the
wooden dolls are being sold in enor
mous quantities. The youngsters
like them better than the old kind,
because of the mechanical perfection
and parents like them because of
their permanency.
Besides dolls nearly all the other
toys being sold this Christmas are
made in America.
Convicts' Plan for
Xmas Break Failure;
"Good Bys" Let Out
- McAlestcr. Okl.. Dec. 21; Christ
mas was a word of both sorrow and
joy at the state penitentiary here to
day. Discovery of an underground
tunnel through which twenty-five
convicts planned f to escape on
Christmas eve thwarted the plans of
these men for liberty during the holi
days, while eighty-three good-conduct
prisoners were released to go
home on Christmas paroles and re
prieves from Governors Robert L.
Four men have been placed in soli
tary confinement in connection with
the attempted prison delivery.
Western Union Boys
At Turkey-Dinner
Western Union messengers, rang
ing in ages from 15 to 75 years, were
guests last night of J. L. Ferciot,
manager of the Omaha district, at a
banquet held in the Young Men's
Christian association'sTldme. Eighty
live guests were there, all satisfying
l heir appetites with a six-course din
ner including turkey.
Howard Stentz, "No. 34." was toast
master and Superintendent C. B. Hor
lon. Commercial Agent L. H. Kaigcr,
Supervisor N. C. .Nelson. . Manager
Ferciot and Probation Officer "Gus"
Miller responded to toasts.
Previous to the banquet the mes
sengers, led by the High School band
under the direction of Captain Dwight
Chase, paraded the streets and sere
naded The Rce office.
The messengers were lords of all
they surveyed in the"' banquet hall.
A beckoning motion of their finger
brought white-coated waiters and the
boys were not slow to issue mandates
to "garcon."
Said the manager: "I have some
of the best boys in Omaha and I'm
proud of them." Gus Miller concurred
in the statement. "Very few A. D. T.
boys get into court." he added.
"Yes," added Superintendent Hor
ton. "and very few ever get into a
doctor's office. They're the healthiest
set in the world."
Breathing Become Knaler
Afier a few doses of Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-llnne)
Inflammation Is arrested, yon cough
less snd breathe easier. Only 25c. All
druggists. Advertisement.
To Keep Skin Htalthv,
Youthful, Wrinkleless
Now that the social icaMn la here, t
euppclally careful to kpop your skin in fine
i-ondltlon. You know how conspicuous com
plfilon dfecta appear undr the bright
Mirht of the drawing- or ball room. Alno
how very evident are Bom makeup! whan
ttlmllarly Illuminated. I have myself dia
rarded cosmetics entirely, using a process
which gives far better reiulta, and Which
ksvea no trace on the ikln. At Bight I
n..if'ir --p a thin com of ordinary inerrotlxrd
v,-a. washing li off nett morntng. This
Gradually ahnorbs the derltalla.) particles
of surface fkio; Just as gradually the more
.-nnthful iikln beneath comes forth, pro
vMtng a complexion ss elear, smooth and
l-llrtly tinted ah a young girl's. Oet an
.ijt. e of mercollzed wax at your druggist's
it nd try this remarkublf treatment.
Remeber, too, that wrinkles, even the
fmr lines, are not easily concealed In a
brilliantly HJthted room, fou can qulrkly
obliterate these hateful marks by bathing
your face In a solution of powdered saiotllf,
one ounce, dissolved In witch hazel, nru
hdlf pint. And your face won't look
Kicky, as after using pastes. Adv.
North Platte Valley Sheepmen
Hare a Banquet at
Mitchell, Xeh., Dec. 21. (Special
TelegYajji.) Three hundred and fifty
sheep feeders of the North Platte
valley, representatives of the stock
yards companies and commission
men of Omaha, Chicago, St. Louis,
Kansas City and St. Joseph, and of
ficials of the Burlington and Union
Pacific a railways attended the annual
lamb feeders' dinner of the Mitchell
Community club yesterday. Prof.
Cramlich of the state farm, Lincoln,
made the principal address. He spoke
on the results of recent lamb feeding
experiments and proper rations for
fattening lambs.
Three hundred and forty thousand
lambs are being fed in the North
Platteyalley this year and great in
terest was shown in the discussions
by the owners of these lambs.
Short addresses were made by
Prof. Knorr of the government farm,
Messrs. Kyte, Nolan. Wright and
Goodwin of Omaha, Hedrick of Kan
sas City, Shotwell of St. Joseph, Jen
nings of Fremont, Kelly of St. Louis
and Stewart of Chicago. E. L. Grimes
of the Burlington spoke on the dif
ficulties the railroads are having to
give even as good service as they are
doing. Roast lamb was served as the
meat course.
Music was furnished during the
dinner by the Mitchell Community
band. It was one of the largest and
most successful meetings ever held
in the valley and will be an annual
affair hereafter.
State Auditor -Estimates
That Will Be Left
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Dec. 21. (Special.) Ap
propriations for departments of the
state made by the last legislature
amounted to $2,541,427, according to
the report of State Auditor Smith,
filed with the governor, and appro
priations for the state institutions
were $7,508,291, making total appro
priations for the total expense of the
state $9,849,718.
There is i total balance in the de
partments, or was on December 1, of
$771,235 and in the institutions of
$1,967,982, making a total balance of
This covers a period of the bi
ennium of twenty months with four
yet to go, as the biennium extends to
April 1, 1917. On these figures the
average expense bf the state for the
first twenty months of the biennium
was $355,525 per month. This would
indicate that there will'be a balance
unexpended on April 1 next, if the
same ratio of expense is continued.
Si $1,317,117.
Advises "Don't Take
George Too Seriously"
Amsterdam (Via London), Dec.
21. The Cologne Gazette says:
''The language of the British prime
minister must not be taken too
seriously. We are taught this by
some reflections on English peace
conclusions in the past, such as that
in which it lost the United States,
and the peace of Amiens in 1802.
There is a limit where the blindest
obstinacy finds itself confronted with
the impossible and this limit is be
ing brought nearer and nearer by our
submarines. Another possible con
tingency compelling England to
make peace would be the secession of
one of her allies."
Aged Veteran of the Civil War
Found Crippled and Freezing
In surroundi ga ot utmost squalor
and without food or fire on a day
when the therm .ncte w as registering
around 9 degrees below zero. Lafay
ette Roth, 72 years old, who fought
in the civil war. i found freezing
to death last night, alone in his mean
lodging at 2124 Amei avenue.
Members of the fire department
liscovered his plight and called po
lice, who took him to the cout.ty hos
pital. There he received the first
nourishment he had in nearly thirty
The old man. crippled hy rheuma
tism, and alone in the world, steadfast
ly refused "charit; " and objected
feebly when Officer Cooper took him
away to the count) hospital.
Ed Lee Wroth, ill known theatri
cal star, is a nephew, and Koy Wroth,
former proprietor of a cafe near Six
teenth and I'arnain, is also a relative.
His daughter, Mrs. Hert Crcnccr, of
North Bend, Neb., is said to be niar-
I ried to a well-to-do farmer. He has
not heard from his son tor liltecn
The little place where he has lived
for the last few cirr is an old store
building owned liy Attorney Mailer,
who allowed him to live there rent
(rce, and he lived on ( od brought him
by neighbors, who told him they
would permit him to pay them hack
some day.
WJien the firemen found him lie was
covered with a thii. blanket which
had as many holes in it as a sieve. The
room was almost as cold as outdoors
and there was not a bit of food in the
Charles Fergler Predict!) That
His Country Will Stay With
the Entente 'Allies,
itial Roumanian successes were made
possible only because the Czechs arc
opposed to Austria.
"No Bohemian political parly, not
a single Czech individual of any con
sequence has had a word lo say for
Austria. All are against Austria to
a man.
"It is a war to hc knife and the
knife to the hilt between Austria and
the Bohemian nation."
"Bohemian citziens and soldiers are
traitors to -vusttia-Hungary and they
glory in the fact. Bohemian regi
ments are fighting and will fight ef
fectively for the entente allies until
doom quakes the ancient regime of
the Hapsburgs and gives to Bohem
ians merited -autonomy."
The foregoing is the substance of
what Charles Pergler. Crisco. la.,
told an audience Wednesday night in
the city council chamber. His au
ditors frequently interrupted him as
he told of the perfidy of Austria to
Bohemian men. I j. Kutak', presi
dent of the Bohemian National Alli
ance in this district, introduced the
orator as a "native Bohemian and a
staunch American."
Mr. Pergler was recently delegated
to appear before the committee on
foreign affairs in congress when Con
gressman London first sounded his
call for a meeting of neutral nations.
He was also a delegate to the Con
gress of Oppressed Nationalities,
held under the auspices of the wom
an's peace party.
"Bohemian volunteers are fighting
for France ever since Austria sent its
unwarranted ultimatum to Serbia."
said the speaker. "Bohemian officers
and privates have fought with and
are still in the army of Serbia.
"The Bohemian-Slovak sharpshoot
ers' regiment with the Russian army
are among the best fighters in the
czar's army and they volunteered for
service after being captured.
.Thanks to Bohemians.
"The defection of Czech troops in
Serbia and Galicia 'cxplans many an
Austrian defeat. And in one of the
recent military reports to the French
staff we find the terse, but certainly
expressive, statement:
'"'Thanks lo the Bohemian com
pany we were able to hold the vil
lage and take 150 of the enemy as
"Only recently a cablegram brought
a report about a debate in the Hun
garian Parliament and of charges
againsr the Bohemian regiments
made by Magyar nationalists, to the
effect that these regiments are ab
solutely unreliable and that the in-
New Army of Million
Men for England
London, Dec. 21. The House of
Commons today passed a resolution
presented oy tne government tnat an
additional number of land forces not
exceeding 1,000.000 shall ho maintain,
ed at home and abroad." ,
It was explained that no queslion
of policy was involved, but that the
colonial troops and forces of the
crown exceed the 4,000.000 already au
thorized and a vote was necessary in
order to regularize the positio.i.
Quicfc Way
to End Couglis, Colds t
I and Croup
f Aa Exeellrat, IpalT Mime- ?
X Made ItrnH; tnat la J
3 Prompt aad 8mre.
If you have a serere cough or eheef
eold accompanied with soreness, throat
tickle, hoarseness, or difficult breathing,
or if your child wakea up during the
night with croup and vou want quirk
help, just try this pleasant tasting
home-made cough remedy. Any drug
gist can supply voj with 2'i ounces of
Pinex ( SO cents worth ) . I'our this into
a pint bottle and till the bottle with
plain granulated sugar syrup. Thus
prepared, you have a pint of really re
markable cough remedy one that can
be depended upon to give quick and tast
ing relief at all times.
You can feel this take bold of a pouch
in a wav that means business. It
loosens and raises the phlegm, stops
throat tickle and soothes and heals the.
irritated membranes that line the
throat and bronchial tubes with such
promptness, ease and certainty that it
is really astonishing.
Pinex is a special and highly concen
trated compound of genuine Norway
pine extract, combined with guaiaeol
and in noted for its speed in overcoming
severe eotitrhs, throat and chest colds.
Its millions of enthusiastic users have
made it famous the world over.
There are many worthless imitations
1 of this noted mixture. To avoid disap
I nointment, ask for "2Vj ounces of
! Pinex" with full directions and don't
i accept anything else. A iruarsntee of
absolute satisfaction or money promptly
refunded, goes with this preparation.
The I'incx Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind.
If If Comet From
It Mutt Be Good
Such as our' i will
surely please Him
You run no risk in se
lecting from our stock, as
we buy it all for men to
wear. Moreover, the im
mense showing offers you
an easy selection. Both
foreign and domestic silks
at prices ranging from 50c
to $5.00.
Come in today and let
us help you pick them out.
Her Grand Bldf.,
511 S. 16th St.
The Only Store in Omaha
Showing Both Dun lap
and Stetson Hats.
There Never
w its r
Xmas Present
that so completely fills a
long-felt want as one of our
high grade
for one who loves to read
The light is thrown over the
shoulder and there is no
glare, thus permitting many
hours' reading with comfort.
Prices $3.50 to $15
Many Other Useful Xmas
1511 Howard St
Couldn't Straighten Up.
Mrs. J. Mv Sprinkle, of Ben Hur, Vs., gays that Canlul cured her pr
manently of her troubles: "About two years ago. . . 1 got Into awfully bad
health. , . I was going down hill in health, could only drag around. . . My
friends recommended that I try Cardul. . . so I began using Cardul, and In
a shprt time I was greatly improved. . . Before starting It I couldn't straight
en up to Bave me. . . suffered great pains In the abdomen, sides and back
worse than anywhere. . . After the use of one bottle I bad no more pain st
all. . . The cure has been permanent. . . neither had to have a doctor or
take any medicine since." If you suffer from any of the ailments common
to w omen, try Cardul, The Woman's Tonic Your druggist sells It. 8-33
wash Com
Uie CAristmas Store for 6veryjSocfy
Thursday, Dec. 21, 1916
Phone D. 137.
Ypur Comfort and Convenience During
These Final Rush Days Has Been Very
Carefully Considered by This Store
EVERY section given over to the display and sale of holiday merchandise
has been rearranged prominently and conveniently displayed extra
salespeople engaged. In fact, everything has been planned for these last
two days with full knowledge of the tax that would be put upon the store's
facilities to serve you well. . .
Store Open Evenings Until 9 o'Clock
Give the Kiddies Toys for Christmas
A ND come here to Burgess-Nash Toy-Town for them Friday, you'll find every
.TV thing to make their little childish dreams come true Christmas morning.
Toys Specially Priced for Friday
All electric trains reduced to 'X1 All hobby horses reduced to or-
X t tiginal price.
V ) All doll houses reduced to 'j or
Jiginal price, ' -
Price I AI1 toy 8tab,es reduced to Yi ri&
Mnal price. -
1 nre White enamel doll furniture re-
73 uir,
original pricp.
All mechanical trails reduced to
1 j original price. V
"All shooflies reduced to L orig
inal price.
Pool and billiard tables raduced
to i3 off regular prices.
Buraasa-Nash Co.
duced to Yi off regular prices.
-Down Statra Stars.
Let his gift be a prac
tical one.
Fur Caps
$3.95 to $30
seal, Alask
an seal,
genuine seal
and coney
ifur caps, in
style. $3.95
to $30.
Cloth Caps 50c to $2.50
Golf or brighton style,
with or v.'ithout inband,
latest patterns, 50c to
BurrMt-Nuh Co. Fourth F!oor.
Gloves Are Always Appreciated
FRENCH kid gloves, extra qualify, selected skins
with attractively embroidered backs, at $2.00.,
and $2.50.
French novelty gloves, pretty black
and white combinations, also pegale
shades, trimmed and stitched black
$3.00 pair.
White kid gloves with black em
broidered backs, $1.7S pair. .
Wash leather gloves, in white and
colors, plnin or contrasting, embroid
ery, at, $1.78.
Kid gloves, in black, white and col
ors, lignt weight, sewn overaeam, at,
$1.80 pair.
' Double si'k sloves In black, white
and gray, $1.00 and $1.28.
Kayser leatherette gloves, black,
white and gray, extra quality, with
black stitched backs, at l.oo pair.
Children's gloves in a large variety ,
of styles, unlined, silk lined and fleece
lined, at $1.00. $1.28 and $1.80.
Fleece lined kid gloves and gauntlets, 65c.
English knit skating gloves, at 68and $1.28
" Burtsaa-Naah Cs Mala Flaar
GIFTS Any Woman
Will Appreciate
These few suggestions may
help you to decide.
Wool Scarfs, 98c
Women's wool scarfs, as
sortment of colors, fringed
ends, special, 98c.
Bath Robes,
$4.50 to $7.50
Women's bath robes, bea
con blanket collar, cuffs and
pockets, ribbon trimmed
$4.50 to $7.80.
Lounging Robes,
$6.98 to $10.50
Corduroy lounging robes,
silk lined, beautiful colors,
$6.98 to $10.50.
Lounging Robes, X
$22.50 to $150
Fine velvet silk matitsc,
Jap silk, at $22.50 to $150.
Burgaaa-Naah Co. Secand Ftsor
Give "Him" a House Coat, Bath
Robe or Some of Our Neckwear
SOMETHING that will be practical 'and service
able, you'll find the selection here quite extensive.
Men's Bath Robes, $4.98-$27.50
A bath' robe gift evidences good, sen
sible judgment. Every man can use one
of these warm bath robes. Be sure and
see our display before buying. . Price '
range, $4-88 to $27.80.
Smoking Jackets,
$3.50 to $18.00 '
Women seeking practical gifts .
for men are almost sure to find
just the smoking jacket that "he"
would pick out if be were doing
the selecting. Well made and com
fortable. S3.SO to $18.00.
Men's Sweaters, $2.98 to $10.00'
A gift that will be appreciated through
out the entire winter. Firmly woven, in
styles for separate or "under-the-coat"
wear. Price range. $2.98 to $10.00.
Biurgaas-Naaa Co. Mata Floor.
i a
Practical Christmas Gifts for the Home
Featured in the Down Stairs Store Friday
Casserole, in nickel plated frame, ebony handles, 8-inch size, special, $1.98.
Savory enamel roaster, large
size, special, $1.65.
Aluminum -roaster, with cover,
for $2.98.
Ash tray, hand painted wood
base, heavy glass in9ct and match
holder, 69c.
Hand painted cake plates, a
largo variety of patterns to
choose from, 98c.
Tile coasters, with nickel plated
metal frame, at, each, Be.
Daisy cut goblets, thin blown,
apodal, 6 for $1.50.
Electric desk lamps, special, at,
Bluebird serving trays, $1.28.
Bursaas-Naah Ca. Doom Stalra Stero.
Carving sets, guaranteed, uni
versal make, in fancy lined box;
stag handles, sterling silver fer
rules and caps; set, $4.98.
Universal Electric Goods
Every piece guaranteed; per
colators, $8.00. i
Coffee machines, colonial style,
at $18.00.
Grills, round, $6.80.
Curling irons, with comb, $4.50.
Electric irons, $4.00.
Roasters, brownie roasters, with
cover, large size, 28c.
Savory, blued steel roaster,
seamless, self -basting, 69c.
SHOES and SLIPPERS Are Sensible, Serviceable
Gifts for Christmas Down Stairs Store
WE have just received ix new novelty high shoes specially priced for Fri
day: ; .
Black kid vamp, white kid top, lace, 9-inch boot, $5.00 value, $3.85
All black kid lace, 0-inch boot, leather Louis heels, for $3.65.
Havana brown lace,
high shoes.
Gray kid lace high
Brown kid lace high
8-inch shoes with low
walking and leather Louis
heels, choice, for
All rpdured for rridav's sellinor.
12 bin bargain tables of men's, women's and children's Christmas slippers.
Women's knit slippers, all colorx, 79c
Women s kid boudoir slippers, 98c.
Women 'ti felt boudoir slippers, 69c.
Odd pairs of women's and children's felt house
slippers, 35c.
Bura-ass-Naah Co. Doom Statra Storo
Men's black and tan kid opera cut slipp'a, $1.65
Men s DiacK ana tan tverett cf t suppers, $1.68
Men's kid Romeo slippers, $l.b$.
Men't felt Romeo slippers, $1.19. -Men's
felt comfy slippers, $1.19. .