Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 19, 1916, Page 2, Image 2

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Nebraska Congressman Ad
vances Bill to Put Indian
Land on Tax List.
(From, s Staff CorTMpondwit.)
Washington, Dec. 18. (Special Tel
egram.) Congressman Stephens to
day was fortunate in having his bill,
providing for the taxation of the lands
of the Winnebago and Omaha Indians
in Thurston county, Nebraska, reached
on the unanimous consent calendar in
the house and to be able to substitute
the senate bill for his own. The pas
sage of the senate bill will make it
law just as soon as the president af
fixes his signature to the measure.
The Stephens' bill, as it should be
rightfully named, taxes the Indian
lands in Thurston county. It pro
vides that the lands of the Indians
now held in trust by the government
shall be placed on the tax rolls the
same as the white man'a lands on the
expiration of the prestn trust period.
At the prestn time, according to
Mr. Stephens, the land taxes in Thurs
ton county are probably doube those
of any other county in Nebraska ow
ing to the fact that nearly one-half
the land is held in trust for the In
dians by the government. This oper
ates as a great injustice to the Indians
who have already received patents to
the lands and are compelled to pay
the existing high tax rates.
This bill will place all the lands in
Thurston county on the tax roll, and
according to Congressman Stephens
should operate to reduce materially
the rate of taxation. It is of vital in
terest to the residents of the county
for under it roads may be built,
schools provided and bridges con
structed. '
The bill safeguards the disposal of
Indian lands subject to levy and tax
sale by providing that ''if the tax shall
not be paid within one year after the
same shall become due and payable,
as provided by the laws of the state
of Nebraska, then the list of such
unpaid and delinquent taxes on the
lands in the Winnebago and Omaha
Indian reservations, as aboxe pro
vided, shall be certified by the county
treasurer of the county in which such
lands are situated to the secretary of
the interior, who shall be authorized
to pay the tame from any funds be
longing to the Indian owning such
lai.ds taxed, and arising from the
rentals thereof or under his contral;
and in the event no such funds shall
he in the possession, or under the
control of the aecretary of the inte
rior, he shall certify, that fact to the
said county treasurer) which certificate
shall operate as a full release and dis
charge of the tax assessed against the
land of the Indian so without funds."
French Financier
Worth Half Million
Ordered Deported
New York, Dec. -18. Baron Robert
Emmanuel Oppenheim, reputed to be
a i-rench and tnglish financier, was
ordered deported from the United'
States after a hearing before the
board of inquiry of the board of im
migration here today. 1 He appealed
to the Department of Labor at Wash
ington, ., i, , .
1 he baron I exclusion was directed,
it was announced at the offices of the
commissioner of immigration, on the
ground that he. had committed a
crime involving moral turpitude,
Details as to the character of the
alleged offense were withheld by the
board, the explanation being made
that information must come from the
Washington authorities. It was un
derstood that a charge against him is
pending in the courts of France and
it was presumed that the board con
sidered his status as that of a fugitive
from justice.
The EUis island officials said the
orders to hold Oppenheim, who ar
rived on the Noordam yesterday,
came from the bureau of immigra
tion at' Washington to which all in
quiries were referred. . Word tame
Irom Washington that the immigra
tion department knew nothing there
of the detention.. Oppenheim t only
explanation for hia being held is that
"it might be a case of mistaken iden
tity." -. ; j, . .
A circumstantial report was cur
rent that Oppenheim had arrived here
with some $500,000 in cash and se
curities which he had with him, it
was said, when removed to the island.
The National Capital
The fente.
Met tit noon.
Unitary affair lubrommHtn brvn hr.
1sa on unlvanwl training bill, Urn Jot 0n
rral ftcott, army chief of ataff, rmmmnd
trig the voluntcar syutem be disregarded.
Prtvtvleirea and election commit t nm4t re -draft corrupt prmcUcea
Joint subcommittee on public land began
ifconwopriuon or. on iana leaning bill.
Adjourned at :ao to noon Tueeday.
Too Henaa. .
Met at noon.
Resumfd debate on District of Columbia
proniDiuoa dim.
, Considered Itstelatlon on unanimous con'
sent ?alnder.
District of Columbia appropriation bill
carrying sii.iii.ioq favorably reported.
General Weaver of I ha rnavat arlHIarv tu.
t tiled before the military affairs committee.
AUjournrd at : P. tn. to It a. m. Tuea
Persistence is the Cardinal Virtue
in Advertising. '
Persistence is the
cardinal virtue in
advertising; no
matter how good
advertising may
be in other; .re
spects, is mus t be
run frequently and
constantly to be
-allv successful.
First Chief Does Not Sign Pro
tocol, but Sends Message
to Commission.
PhifaHtntiia TW 18 I nH iratinn I
at the close of the morning session
of the Mexican-American commission
were that General Carranza was not
disposed to close the door against
an agreement with the American rep
resentatives who have been trving for
more than three months to solve
questions at issue between Mexico
and the United States.
When the commission reconvened
today after a three weeks' recess,
Albert J. Pani reported the results
of his visit to Queretaro. The report
was made verbally and was received
by the Americans without comment
An adjournment until later in the day
was taken when it is expected the de
tails of his written message trom
Mexico will be discussed.
The exact character of his report
was not revealed but it was learned
that while Carranza had not signed
the protocol drafted at Atlantic City,
this was not necessarily to be taken
as an indication that it would not be
ratified later, the signature perhaps
being that of Ambassador-designate
Arrendondo, who is authorized to
sign the document. I
Message Not Signed. .
It was understood that Mr. Pani's
message was not signed by Carranza
but it was in the form of a communi
cation from the Mexican commission
ers authorized by the Mexican exec
utive and calculated to be an answer
to the statement made by Secretary
Lane, chairman of the American com
mission, made on the last day of the
conference at Atlantic City.
To the terms of the protocol pro
viding for the withdrawal of Ameri
can troops within forty dava and on
conditions no new raids occur in that
part of the country about the region
now occupied by General Pershing's
column, it is believed Carranza had
offered no insuperable objection. It
is known the declaration of Secretary
Lane that the American government
reserved the right of unrestricted pur
suit ot bandits by American troops
wounded deeply the sensibilities of
Carranza and members of his official
family and that the message brought
by Mr. Pani was little more than a
counter declaration of the policy of
the Mexican government.
Ratification Probable.
Unless this counter suggestion is
regarded by the American members
as of such definite character as to
fireclude further discussion it was be
ieved that Carranza will not delay
long' the ratification of the protocol
and that the conferences will be for
mally resumed. That such an outline
of the Mexican policy would block
the negotiations was considered im
probable because the Mexican ques
tion at issue the right of unrestricted
pursuit was not included in the pro
tocol .itself.
An incident of the preliminary ses
sion was the appearance in the hotel
of J. J. Hawes, who represented him
self at Villa's publicity agent. He
made an unsuccessful effort to secure
an audience with the American mem
bers of the commission.
H. T. Winter Gets Estate
Long in Litigation
Yankton.-S. D Dec. 18. (Spe
cial.) In circuit court, in a second
trial, the jury returned a verdict in
the famous Gee Winter estate, in
volving property worth $25,000, m
favor of the claimant, Harrison T.
ii:4 w :i m:. i .u
ttiuici, ui viiuii. wiiuiu me
jury declared to be a half brother of
toe .deceased, aa he claimed, the
case was made most complicated be
cause of the fact the jury had to de
cide which of two decedent George
Winters was the half brother of Har
rison T. Winter. A mass of family
history and stories of pioneer days
was unfolded at the trial by nearly
100 witnesses.
- New Pastor at Berlin.
Berlin. 'Neb.. Dec. 18. (Special.)
Rev. F. H. Saemann. former pastor
of the Lutheran church at Bock Port,
Mo., has been elected to the pastorate
of the Lutheran church here.
How as Cars, Gelds.
Avoid exposure and drafts. KM right
Take Dr. King's New DlMOTsrr. It kills
and destroys lb cold terras. All drurclsts.
Advertisement. . '
For tickets and roMrvatiotts
call at Cltv Tiekaft Olfiea.
242 South Clark St Phone
WlMk 3MO, Auto M4U.
Roy A. White, Wife and Four
Children Die When Inter
Ocean Hotel Burns.
Cheyenne, Wyo.. Dec. 19 Roy A. I
White of Bayles, Cal his wife and
four children lost their lives early to- j
djy when fire destroyed the Inter- j
ocean hotel, where the Whites were
guests. The bodies of tlrs. White
and two sons were found in the ruins
today, while i. 9-month-old baby, res-1
cued by firemen, died from burns. I
One child still is in the smoldering
wreckage. i
White was killed whn he leaped '
from the third story of the hotel and i
fell among electric wires. fifteen
guests were rescued by ."remen.
While search continued in the ruins
today for additional victims, hotel of-'
hcials declared their belief that all
had been accounted for. The hotel
was constructed twenty-five years ago
and was undergoing remodeling. The
loss was estimated at $50,000.
White's father recently died and the
family accompanied the body to Char
iton, la. The Whites reached Chey
enne Sunday on their return trip to
California, They stopped here to
visit Miss Feme Patterson, sister of
Mrs. White. As there were not suf
ficient accommodations at the home
of Miss Patterson, the family went to
the hotel, engaging a room about an
hour before the outbreak of the fire.
While the fire department was fight
ing the hotel flames, fire broke out in
the paint shops and store house of
the Union Pacific railroad. Only the
walls were left standing.
The loss was estimated at $166,000.
Both fires were believed to have been
caused by defective wiring.
Torpedo Damages
French Battleship
Amsterdam. Dec. 16. (Via Lon
don.) A French battleship of the
Patrie class was torpedoed and- bad
ly damaged by a German submarine
in the Mediterranean on December
12, according to an official statement
issued in Berlin today.
The statement also reports the tor
pedoing on December 11 of the
armed transport Maghetan," 6,000
ton vessel, having on board 1,000
Fast Moving Mother of
Five Children is Sought
Probation Officer Gus Miller
seeks the whereabouts of Mrs.
Charles T shop, whose five children
are in the Detention home. He as
serts that the family moves so often
that he can't keep track of it, and he
desires to ta!k with Mrs. Bishop re
garding the disposition of her chil
dren. The Uointne That Doss Not Affect Bead.
Recauae of Its tonic and laxative effect.
Laxatlvs Bromo Quinine can bo taken by
anyone without causing nervousness nor
rinsing In. the head, There' la only one
"nromo Qnlnlne." B. W. UROVK'S slgna
i ture Is On bos. lo. Advertisement.
Account reconstruction of the
Union Pacific bridge across the
Missouri River, until further notice
Rock Island local passenger trains,
; No. 303, due Omaha 12:05 p. hl,
from Des Moines, and No. 310, due
to leave Omaha 4:20 p. m. for Des
Moines, will run to and from Coun
cil Bluffs only. .
TheTrain of Today
Shortest Route
Chicago-New York
20-Hour Schedule
Yet No Excessive Speed
Mrs. Charles Post is Painfully
Burned When Can She is
Heating Explodes.
Mrs. Charles Post, aged 30, is
burned so severely that she may not
recover and her husband nurses pain
ful burns about the arms and face
as a result of a fire, caused by an
explosion of gasoline, which totally
destroyed their $2,000 ranch home at
Sixty-sixth and Dodge streets at 9
o'clock Monday. Five little children in
the house at the time were rescued
by their father, assisted by neighbors,
and they are uninjured.
Mr. Post, who is proprietor of a
dairy which adjoins the property and
who is well known in that district,
suffered his injuries in a heroic effort
to save hia wife from harm.
Mr. and Mrs. Post were engaged
in heating a quart of gasoline to
prime a pump when the explosion oc
curred. They placed a jar of gaso
line in a pan .of hot water on the
stove and the heat broke the bottle.
Its contents sprayed on the stove
and Mrs. Post's clothing caught on
fire. Mr. Post carried his wife from
the house and beat out the flames,
but before this was accomplished
practically her whole body was
charred. Mrs. Post was taken to the
home of her mother, Mrs. Nellie
Raabie, where she was attended by
Dr. W. H. Loechner of Benson, who
ordered her removal to the Metho
dist hospital. There her condition
is regarded as critical. ,
Due to the distance of the home
from the Benson fire station and the
absence of water mains, it was almost
totally destroyed before the fire de
partment arrived and little of its con
tents was saved. The dairy, how
ever, was saved.
Bellevue Postmaster
Gets Thousand Salary
Washington, Dec. 18. (Specnal
Telegram.) Postmasters appointed
for Nebraska are as follows: Fee,
Cherry county, James S. Ridgeway,
new office; Homestead, Greeley
county, Mrs. Nellie Wetzel, Vice A.
W. Throckmorton, resigned; Trouble,
Cherry county, Mrs. Amy Jay, new of
fice. South Dakota: Ravin ia, Charles
Mix county, Mrs. Mary L. Deuschle,
vice J. H. Deuschle, resigned.
The following fourth class post
offices will become presidential on
January 1 and salaries of postmasters
will be as follows: Nebraska, Belle
vue, $1,000; Jackson, $1,000; Mar
qyette, $1,000; Wallace, $1,000. Iowa,
Gonton, $1,000; Little Rock, $1,000.
South Dakota, Cresband, $1,100;
Kockham, $1,100; Roscoe, $1,000.
The postoffice at Silverthorn, Mor
rill county, Nebraska, has been dis
continued; mail to Broadwater.
Rural letter carriers appointed: Ne
braska, Bellwood, route 2, Irving H.
Weyand; .North Platte, route A, Fred
L. Sporrier. South Dakota, Twin
Brooks, route 1, Floyd L. Brown.
BesSybody read Boo Want Ads. ,
For further information inquire of
J. S. McNally, D. P. A.,
14th and Farn.m, W. O. W. Bldg .
M f
Or address C. L. Kimball.
Assistaat Csa. Pass. Art.
Ml lasvranc Excaaaaw)
Mr. and Mrs. Bird, Colored, File
Complaint Against Three
With the City Clerk.
SLABAUGH the attorney
Josephine Bird, ncgress, employed
at the saloon and restaurant of S. N.
Pavlica, 123 North 'Tenth street, is
complainant in charges hied with the
city clerk against Steve Maloney, Dan
Lahey and helix Dolan of the city
detective department. The document
9 P.M.
Christmas Week--And We Are Prepared-
In the New
Candy Section
An unusually large as
sortment of pure sugar
20c to $1.00 the pound.
Practical Linens
Appropriate Gifts
.Very fine'Huck Guest
Towels, ,39c, 50c, 65c
and 85c. . '
, Huck Guest Toweling,
50c, 65c, 75c a yard.
Linen Guest Towels
Madeira embroidered,
$1.25, $1.75, $3.
The gift of linens
can be chosen best
from oar stocks.
Silk Hosiery,
In a Holiday Box
Will meet with a happy
reception on Christmas
day. Every effort has
been made to have our
, selection complete, so
that late shoppers can
be equally well served.
An exceptional value in a
fine Silk Hose, in black or
whitest $1.25 a pair.
Silk Underwear
An exceptionally fine
ribbed, pure silk Union
Suit; low neck, knee
length, for $5.
Maaa Flaw.
Give Something Practical
1509 Howard
will be presented to the city council
Tuesday morning ia formal manner
and a date will be set for hearing.
Mrs. Bird admits having maintained
a disorderly house at 1021 Capitol ave
nue and claims having paid money for
protection. She also alleges that she
and her husband have been persecuted
by the officers mentioned in the com
plaints. The Birds are known to the
When the woman and her husband
called on Chief Dunn last week to
make verbal complaint, the chief
stated their evidence did not warrant
him filing a complaint, and his sug
gestion was that they file a complaint
if they believed they had a case.
Charles Bird, husband, has been em
ployed at a saloon at 111 South Four
teenth stret. Judge Slabaugh signed
the complaint as attorney.
at s f
No hurry here
ana p'ood
To completely do away
with all bother and worry
of selection, we suggest
these Merchandise Cer
tificates. They are issued
for any amount and are
redeemable at any time
for goods in any section
of the store.
i. V I I
For HIS Christmas WE SUGGEST
a visit to THE MEN'S SHOP .
Silk Shirts
Initial Handkerchiefs
Fancy Hose Silk Pajamas
Fancy suspenders
Bath Robes
Initial Belts
A New Bag Will Be Welcome
In leather we recommend
crepe and pin seal' bags,
silk and leather lined
fitted with coin purse and
mirror, leather handles.
Velvet Bags, plain or
trimmed with cut steel
Could there be a more appropriate
Christmas gift than something to lighten
the daily household duties?
Our showroom is full of good Christ
mas suggestions for the home. Make your
selection now and we will be pleased to de
liver same whenever you desire.
If you wish, convenient term payments
will be arranged.
Omaha Gas Company
The complaint cites an alleged re
cent instance of assault by Lahey and
Mr. Maloney made this statement:
"The woman has lied. I can't stop
anybody from lying. I arrested her
several times and hid her and the
husband up on a white slavery charge.
There is nothing to the charges she
makes, absolutely nothing to it"
Detectives Lahey and Dolan denied
all of the statements made by Mrs.
Bird in her charges.
Jimmy Wilde Knocks
Out Frankie Di Melfi
London, Dec. 18. Jimmy Wilde,
flyweight champion of England,
knocked out Frankie Di Melfi.
known as Yonng Zulu Kid ol
Brooklyn. N. Y in the eleventh
round of their match today.
for Your
Christmas Greeting Cards,
Seals, Labels, Tinsel Cord,
Red Cross Seals, Tissue
to make the boxes
look Christmassy
Women's Sacques
of Every Kind
Eiderdown Dressing Sac
ques, in gray, with long
sleeves and collar, $2.35.
Hand Embroidered Jap
anese Silk Sacques, sky
blue, pink and lavender
$6.75, $7.50.
Crochet Sacques, in white
and colors, with or with
out sleeves, $1.25 to $3.75.
Foil Dress Accessories
If his gifts come out of boxes
bearing the
Thompson-Balden Label
" success is assured.
A step to the left ma yon enter.
beads in elaborate de
signs, fitted with coin
purse and mirror. Back
strap purses for others
who prefer them
Prices Pleasingly
Douglas 605