Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 19, 1916, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
Intelligent ad-takers
- will help write
J WUi TT Bill HU1
Telephone Tyler 1000
" ' v
VOL. XL VI. NO. 158.
On TratM, ( HoHli,
Ntwi Ktudt, ., .
riusker Guardsman Anong Lat
est Troops Ordered to Re
turit Home from Camps
on Mexican Border.
Sixteen Thousand Soldiers Are
Designated by Funston to
Take Their Leave.
San Antonio. Tex., Dec. 18. Na
tional Guard organizations aggregat
ing 16.000 troops were designated by
General Funston to leave the border
service and return to their respective
siatts to be mustered out of the fed
eral service. He acted in compliance
with War department instructions.
The homeward movement of these
organizations will be in three groups
to facilitate the use of rolling stock.
Cars are now being assembled for
regiments included ill the first group
and the movements from various bor
der points will begin in a few days.
General Funston estimated that it
would be January 5 or 7 before all
units in the last group had started.
The following units will be returned
to their home stations as soon as
transportation is available:
Nebraska Fourth infantry.
Iowa Company A., engineers.
Minnesota Brigade headquarters
and Second infantry.
Kansas Company A., signal corps.
North Dakota First infantry.
Utah Field hospital No. 1.
Pennsylvania: Sixteenth and Fourth
infantry, one infantry brigade head
quarters, division headquarters and
signal battalion; ambulance company
No. 1; field hospital No. 1, First cav
alry. Michigan Thirty-first infantry.
Indiana Company A, signal corps,
ambulance company No. 1; first bat
talion field artillery, less battery D.
Missouri Troop B, field hospital
No. 1, ambulance company No. 1;
Company A, signal corps, brigade
headquarters and Second infantry.
Maryland Field hospital company
No. 1, first ambulance company.
Illinois Company A, signal corps,
Seventh infantry.
New i York Ambulance company
No. 3; Twenty-third infantry and Sec
ond field artillery; field hospital Nc. 3.
Wisconsiri-r-Brigade headquarters
and First infantry; field hospital No. 1.
Virginia First infantry.
Tree. Falls Across. "
Track in Front of
Train, Two Killed
Hoquiam, Wash., Dec. 18. Two en
ginemen were killed and a Northern
Pacific local passenger train wrecked
near here late last night when a tree
fell across the track just as" the engine
approached. The locomotive, tender
and baggage car passed over the
trunk, but immediately afterward the
tender telescoped the engine cab,
crushing the engineer and fireman so
that their bodies could not be re
moved until wrecking apparatus ar
rived. Stomach Aches Would Be
Welcome at Riyerview
Juvenile court officials are hoping
that Santa Claus will not be too busy
to pay a visit to Krverview detention
huine. The children there, no mat
ter if they're good, bad or indifferent,
are children still, and are looking
torward to Christmas. -But tile
chances of them getting stomach
aches from eating too much Christ
mas randy and hurting themselves
stumbling over toys are pretty slim
unless some kind-hearted, generous
indi.idual figures out that lie won't
miss a couple of yellow-backs from
I-is bank roll.
The Weather
Kor Nebraska Unsettled,
Trnt)fr;r!iire at Omaha Yesterday.
Hour. Dept.
f a. m 10
6 a. in
7 a. m
8 a. m
9 u. m
10 a. m 1&
a. m.
m. . . .
1 . m. i
2 p. m . US
3 p. m 30
4 p. m US
5 p. ni '-'6
6 p. m 25
7 p. m 2&
8 p. m 26
Comparative Loral Record,
1916. 1915. 1914
191 a.
HlfhPBt ysterday ... 30 29 30
Lowest yesterday ... . 9 . 15 20
Mean temperature- ,. ,20 22 25
I'reciplUtton 00 T .07-
Temperature and precipitation departure!
from the normal at Omaha Mince Id arch 1,
and compared with last two yean:
Normal temperature 27
Deficiency for the day 7
Total rxt-emi since March 1 325
Normal precipitation 03 inch
Deficiency for the day 03 Inch
Total rainfall alnce March 1....16.14 tnchep
Deficiency ilnce March 1 U. 73 inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1916. 1.89 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1914. S. 7 Inches
Reports Front Stat lone mi 1 P. M.
Station and State Temp. High- Rain-
, of Weather. 7 p. m. cat. fall
Cbeyenn. cloudy 34
Davenport, snow 11
38 '
Denver, cloudy 38 48
Dea Moines ciouay... zu
Dodge City, clear 34
Lander, cloudy 30
North Platte, cloudy... 33
Omaha, clear 25
Vuoblo, clear 42
Kpid City, snow 24
Halt Lake, part cloudy. 32
Sante Fe, clear 36
hTtdun, cloudy 88
Sioux City, clear ,.,.r. 24
v!rntlne. nnow 2ti
"T indicates trace or precipitation,
I A. WJXBH, Meteorologist.
First Witness Testifies Thou
sands of Animals Ran Wild
on Arizona Range.
Thcr were horses, yes thousands
of them, on the Coconino reserve in
Arizona, witnesses for the defense tes
tified before the "wild horse" jury yes
terday afternoon, in which the gov
ernment is prosecuting the United
States Live Stock company and the
Omaha Land and Investment com
pany for the use of the mails to de
fraud. That the horses were net phantom
and imaginary was the testimony of
L. W. Arnold, stockman ot O Jeilt,
Neb., the first witness to take the
stand for the defense. He told the
jury that he thought he saw between
3,000 and 4,000 animals roaming the
Were the horses wild?" he was
"You bet they were wild."
"You might have seen the same
horses twelve or more times and
thought they .were different animals
each time?" the United States district
attorney, on cross-examination, asked
Borrows Money.
The stockman 'testified beiore the
jury that he had gone into partnership
witn u A. smith tor the capture ot
the wild horses and that he and Smith
had borrowed $10,000 from C. M.
Thompson, president of the Newport,
Neb., bank to finance the expedition.
With the money he said he and Smith
purchased all the brands of the wild
horses from individuals in Flagstaff,
Ariz., that it was possible to.
"Did you gather any horses?" he
was asked.
"Yes; about 250."
"We took them to the stock yards
and auctioned off a large number."
"I was the hieliest bidder on some
of them," he said, "and bought a car
load at about ?J0 a head for my
ranch near O'Neill, Neb."
"And even then," the stockman re
plied, "I know we didn't get the best
horses, for the best horses got away."
After buying a carload of the ani
mals, Arnold said he sold out his
share of the horse business to Smith,
because he had something better in
Brothers in Dispute.
H. h. Middleton, whose brother had
previously testified for the govern
ment that the horses were almost an
unknown factor, completely contra
dicted his brother's testimony. Me said
that he saw thousands of horses on
the range and that a person could
catch them if Tie devoted his time to
the task. He said that he intended
going out and catching the horses
called for in his bill of sale as soon
as the government was through pros
ecuting the case.
P. F. Maley, 4210 Sprague street, the
city, said he saw a large number of
horses on the range in Arizona and
that he had rounded up four carloads
for the United States Live Stock
On cross-examination he admitted,
how-ver, tnat lu: might have been
mis', ken in the number of animals he
saw, for he wasn't-just certain if he
had seen the same bunches or animals
more than once.
Art Miller and W. A. Autrum, con
nected with the South Side stock
yards, testified that they had seeu sev
eral carloads of horses that were
shipped to the yards for auction which
had come from Arizona. They were
hardly the kind that the United
States Live Stock company claimed to
have sold in their bills of sales, they
admitted, when cross-examined by
government attorneys.
Crew is -Rescued
From Bark Nethtis;
Given Up for Lost
New York, Dec. 18. The twelve
men thought to have been lost on the
bark Nethtis, separated from the tug
Garibaldi during a storm off the New
Jersey coast on a voyage from Bra
zil, were rescued yesterday by the
Italian ship Sardegna, which brought
them to this port today.
Distress signals were observed by
the Sardegna's lookout at 10 a. m. yes
terday when the Italian vessel, from
Mediterranean ports, was some miles
off Barnegat, N. J. A lifeboat was
lowered and the twelve men on the
vessel in trouble, which proved to be
the missing Nethtis, were taken off.
The ship was abandoned.
The Garibaldi, towing the Nethtis,
left Maranham, Brazil, on October
13. Several times the line part but
the tug succeeded, in picking up the
bark again until, with less than sixty
miles of their 6,000-milc voyage still
to be completed, the Nethtis was
again lost on Friday. This time the
heavy weather made it impossible for
the tug to recover its tow and the
bark's crew was given up as lost.
Belle Fourche Cow
Makes Butter Record
Belle Fourche, S. D., Dec. 18. A
new record for butter production has
been established by a cow belonging
to M. J. Smiley here, it is claimed.
The official test, made by Prof. Lar
son of the state college, shows a pro
duction of 4777 pounds of butter in
seven days.
Ten Per Cent Increase for
Four Thousand Coke Makers
Cary, W. Va., Dec. 18.-Thc United
States Coal and Coke company, a
subsidiary of the United States Steel
company, announced today that it
would give its 4,000 employes a Lhnst
mas present in the form cf a 10 per
cent increase in wages. The increase
will become effective at once.
German Reply Given to Allied
Governments at London,
Paris, Rome -and Other
Capitals of Coalition,
Lloyd George's Speech in Com
mons Today Expected to
Indicate Attitude.
London, Dec. 18. The presentation
of the German note to the entente al
lied governments has now practically
been accomplished. While the Brit
ish foreign office was receiving the
document . from Ambassador Page
shortly after noon, it is believed that
a similar delivery was taking place in
The Swiss minister at Rome has
presented the' note of the central
powers to Italy without comment and
through the same channel lite mes
sage was presented to Belgium and
Portugal also without comment. The
Netherlands minister tendered the
.peace proposals to Serbia in behalf of
Bulgaria. r
Note Informally Presented.
Prior to receipt of tire note by the
British foreign office, the deliveries to
Italy, Belgium and other countries
had permitted exchanges concerning
the exact official contents, which
proved to be substantially the same
as given in the speech made in the
Keichstag by Chancellor von beth-
mann-Hollweg and viithout contain
ing any specific indication of the
It is also being observed in official
circles that the note was informally
presented without comment This is
taken to indicate that Germany
framed the communication so that the
neutral intermediaries would act only
as forwarding agents, at least, at the
outset. .
To Show General Attitude.
Premier Llvd Georire's soeech in
the House of Commons Tuesday is
expected to show the general attitude
of the British government Thereafter
exchanges between the entente allies
will dtrmm th nature of the joint
reply, but informal conferences al
ready have 'prepared much of the
It is understood the assertion made
in the note that the war was forced
upon Germany will not be permitted
to go unchallenged and (hat ai t mat
ter of historical record, Germany1!
part in the events leading to the War
will be clearly shown. What is
termed by British" officials as Ger
many's methods of conductinn war
against a civilian population, women
and children, particularly, in the re
cent Belgian deportations, also is
likely to be pointed out. According to
the latest advices reaching the en
tente allied governments the number
of Belgians deported has reached
Seeks Conference.
White the note as presented -makes
no reference to a conference, there
continu to b indications that Germany
is seeking a conference. I his has led
to a careful scrutiny of the last prec
edent, that of the conference preced
ing tne peace congress at the close ot
the Crimean war.
A preliminary conference was held
at Vienna in 1854 and proved abdrtive,
but when the peace congress which
finally settled the terms was held if
Paris a year later the discussions at
the conference served largely as a
Transmitted at Paris.
Paris, Dec. 18. The American em
bassy transmitted the German peace
note to the French foreign office to
day. Attorney General
Reed Files Suit
Against W, G. Ure
Lincoln, Neb., Dec. 18. Attorney
General Reed today brought suit in
the supreme court against Treasurer
W. G. Ure of Douglas County for
$3,800 interest on belated payments
to the state. According to a ruling
of State Treasurer Hall, unpaid
county remittances draw 10 per cent
interest. The $3,800 for which Reed
is suing is interest of remittances
overdue when the supreme court up
held Hall's ruling that counties
should remit to the state every month.
German Bonds Held
Contraband of War
London, Dec. 18. Sir Samuel
Evans, president of the British prize
court, ruled today that German bonds
come under the reprisals order and
that German securities to the value of
30,000 marks, which were seized while
on their way in a letter to the State
Commercial and Savings bank of Ch
cago, snoum remain in court as
property of enemy origin until the
declaration of peace, or until dealt
with as the court might direct subse
quently. The securities were seized
on board the Danish steamship Fred
erick VIII.
Regular Soldier
Accidentally Shot
Brownsville, Tex., Dec. 18. Private
Robert Gail, 22 years old, of Troop
II, Third United States cavalry, was
accidcntly shot and killed here late
yesterday when a rifle in the hands of
another cavalryman was accidcntly
discharged while being cleaned. Gail's
former home was near Detroit, Mich,
GETTING READY FOR CHRISTMAS Scene in Maine, where Christmas trees are being
cut for shipment to various parts of the country. Many thousands of these trees are cut,
trimmed and shipped to the big cities every year.
11 ;
Between Now and Then Trains
Are Routed Over Plattsmouth
and Illinois Central Bridges.
Again the time has been set for
moving the Union Pacific old bridge
out and the new one into place. If
all goes well the moving will occur
Friday of this week. The exact hour
has not been determined, but, accord
ing to the present lineup, the change
in location of bridges will be made be
tween 10 in the morning and 3 o'clock
in the afternoon, v
To be on hand when the Union Pa
cific bfidges are moved two moving
picture men are here from the east.
The work of prying up the old
bridge and getting it on rollers that
it may be slid cff the ptescut, faimdji-i.
tion is well under way. Thisis de
laying traffic and as a result few of
the trains using the bridge are able
to come into Omaha or get out on
time. i
During all Sunday the bridge was
closed and trains from the east into
Omaha and out were routed through
the Union Pacific shop yards and over
the Illinois Central bridge.
The Burlington during the tempo
rary delay incident to the moving of
the Union Pacific has routed another
of its Chicago trains by way of Platts
mouth, No. 12, leaving at 6:30 in the
evening going that way.
Bank at Brush,
Colo,, is Robbed by
Two Auto Bandits
Brush, Colo., Dec. 19. Two men
held up the Stockmen's National bank
here when the doors opened today
and escaped in a closed motor car
with $7,500
South Dakota Bank -Deposits
Pierre, S. D., Dec. '.8. An Increase
ot nearly five and a half million dol
lars in state bank deposits for the
two months from September 12 to
November 17 is shown in the report
of state bank examiners issued today.
The state banks show total resources
of $98,200,277.31. The deposits in
these banks have increased in two
months from $78,192,736.52 to $83,
596,316.18. Thirty Members of Crew
Of Columbia Reach U. S.
New York, Dec. ' 18. The Italian
ship Czarette from Genoa brought to
the United States today thirty mem
bers of the crew of the American
steamship Columbia, which was sunk
by a German submarine November 8
off the Spanish coat. The men. most
of them horse tenders, confirmed the
cable reports of '.he destruction by
the same submarine of their ship, the
Norwegian steamer Balto and the
Swedish ship Varing, and of the trans
fer of the crews of all three, by order
of the submarine commander, to the
Norwegian ship Fordelin, which land
ed them on the Spanish in life
Wilsons Celebrate Wedding Anniversary by
Making Their First Visit to the "Movies"
Washington, Dee. 18. The President and Mrs. Wilson today cele
brated their first wedding anniversary with s motor ride, a family dinner
party and a visit to the moving pictures.
The president and hit wife are very consistent theater goers, but it
was their first visit to "the movies." They went to see Annette Kellerman
in feature film. "
Nbtlce of the anniversary was taken In the house, where Republican
Leader Mann before adjournment tonight aroused hearty applause by mak
ing it the subject of a brief address.
"THie beauty of American politics," said Mr. Mann, "is that we iccept
results and remain friends. Mr. Wilson recently was re-elected president.
I did not vote for him. Today is the anniversary of a very important day
in his life, and I wish to felicitate him and Mrs. Wilson on their happy
union oi a year ago and wish for them a continuance of that happiness for
a long tnd pleasant life."
French and British
Lose 5 Million Men
Berlin, Dec. 18. (Wireless to
Sayville,) The losses of the
French army to date hive been 3,
800,000 and of the British 1,300,000,
according to "competent military
authority," says an Overseas News
agency statement today.
On the same authority the French
losses on the Somme up to the end
of November are estimated it not
less than 250,000 and those of the
British at 550,000.
Mrs. Herman Naegele Twice
Struggles Through Fire-Filled
Rooms to Children.
'"lighting forvfcer fcW -whewere
imprisoned in their burning home,
Mrs. Herman Naegele, 2018 Martha
street,, struggled twice through fire
filled .rooms and rescued Eugene,
aged 2 years, and Albert, her 10-nionth-old
Mrs. Naegele left her home just for
fifteen minutes to make some pur
chases at a neighboring store. The
smell of smoke greeted her when she
returned. She hastened to her apart
ment and through a fog of choking
smoke she saw Eugene in the kitchen.
He was Jying prostrate on the floor.
She hurriedly brought him to the
operTair and dashed again into the
burning home. Albert, who had been
asleep in the sitting room when she
left, was partly asphyxiated. She
brought him into the street, where
he soon recovered consciousness.
The damage to the property is es
timated at slightly more than $100.
It is thought that Eugene started the
fire by playing with matches near the
kitchen stove.
Lloyd George Will
Be Able to Make His
Statement Tuesday
London, Dec. 18. Premier Lloyd
George was much better this morn
ine and his secretary said , that he
would certainly make, the promised
statement in the House ot Commons
on Tuesday.
Cuba Will Have
Great Sugar Crop
New York, Dec. 18. Cuba's sugar
yield lor IVIO-IVI win oe a recora
breaking one, according to cable ad-
rAi.fHiri.r1 1lrrf hv lhr
Sugar Refining company. The cur
rent crop will amount to .,too,uuu ions
as compared with 3,006,000 tons last
year and 2,582,245 in the previous
The large output is attributed largely
to tavorame weainer.
17 Americans Killed
On ShipU-Boat Sunk
London, Ucc. IV. seventeen Airier
Iran mnli.tfrrs and eleven of the Brit'
ish horse transport ship Russian,
which was sunk by a submarine in
the Mediterranean on December 14,
have been killed, the British admiralty
General Scott Tells Senate Mil
itary Committee Universal
Training Necessary.
Washington, Dec. 18. Advocates
and opponents of a system of univer
sal training for military service to re
place the volunteer system as the
mainstay of the nation's defense had
a today before the senaU
military committee on Senator
ChamberUin's bill, for universal
training, which is supported by the
army general staff. i
While representatives of orgsniia
tior.s opposed to the bill, headed by
Walter L. Fisher, former secretary
of the interior, gave their reasons for
opposing it, Major General Scott,
chief-of-staff of the army, detail! to
the committee why the general staff
considered the volunteer system
violly broken own, Inefficient nd
useless and urge 1 that it be disoerdeJ
for a universal system of liability to
training and service.
Scott Proposes Large Army.
General Scott, discusting mucli of
the army war college material, hith
erto regarded as confidential, shows
that the army general staff now be
lieves that instead of 500,000 availa
ble men, which :t considered suffi
cient as a r.lart to defend the country
against invasion, the country should
have 1,500,000 fully trained men at
the beci- '-lg of a war, with s like
number ready to .'ollow in ninety
days. The change is b:.sed on the
development of the British army, the
orgitiization of great Canadian
forces and. the British alliance' with
With such a force available, the
army general stall, General Scott
said, :onsidcrs tin United States
practically immune from such en at
lack as military strategists -believe
might be expected from the victori
ous set of powers in the European
war. '
Fisher for Trained Reserve.
Mr. Fisher declared himself in fa
vor of adequate preparedness,
"I believe," he said, "there is no
higher duty than to provide for ade
quate military preparedness. Hut
there is a radical difference between
a military policy for defense and ag
gressive policy. If we arc going to
defend the Monroe doctrine in its
broadest sense we are embarking on
a military impossibility."
To provide a first line of defense,
Mr. Fisher suggested that the pay of
the army be doubled, that civic train
ing which would fit the men for civil
life be made compulsory and that as
rapidly as they could be trained men
DC uiscnargca imo a citizen reserve, u.
able for dutv in war.
The plan proposed here is to adopt
universal training for the sake of its
civic by-product, for it is argued that
universal training will give greater
civic efficiency. Why not turn this
right around. If you'll adopt civic
discipline for the sake of its military
by-product, you'll carry the country
and you can't carry it otherwise."
Arraigning the volunteer system as
extravagant, inefficient and dangerous,
the chief of staff told the committee
that universal training would be dem
ocratic, reliable, efficient and econom
ical and within a few years practically
render the United States immune
from attack.
"It would be democratic," he said,
"because the burden of national dc-
(CoDttnurd on l'nire Haven, tolumn Throe.)
General Strike
Of One Day Begins
In Spain Tuesday
Madrid, Dec. 18. (Via Paris.)-A
twenty-four-hour general strike,
called by the labor organizations as a
protest against the increased price of
food will take place tomorrow
throughout Spain. Factories, stores
and many offices will be closed and
no newspapers published. The au
thorities have posted notices appeal
ing to the good sense of the public
to maintain order and announcing
that any disturbances would be vig
orously dealt with.
Entente Reported Preparing
for New Stand on the
Railway Twenty Mile
to the North.
Germans, in Counter Attack,
Retake One Poin in the
Verdun Region.
Berlin, Dec. 18 (By Wireless to
Sayville.) The Teutonic army ad
vancing northward in northern
Dodrudja has crossed the line between
Babadagh and Hccineaga, says the
war office announcement tonight.
(AhmkIiImI rm War Summary.)
Some lessening in the intensity of
the fighting in Roumania is indicated
by today's German army headquarters
statement, which reports the situation
on the Roumanian front unchanged.
Field Marshal von Mackensen's ad
vance has pushed considerably beyond
the Buzeu line, drawn approximately
across, the southern boundary of Mol
davia, and uuothcial advices indicate
that the entente front is to be es
tablished between Rimnik Sarat, on
the Buzeu-Jassy railway, about twenty
miles north of Buzeu and the Danube
Current advices declare that the
Roumanian army is no longer in ac
tion, having been withdrawn for re
grouping and refitting to Jassy and
Bessarabia, under the piotection of
Russian forces, which now hold the
fighting line. The Russians are ex
pected to make the stand on the Rim
nik Sarat line, where strong defenses
have been prepared. The Berlin state
ment reporting hostile forces falling
back on Ibraili, may indicate that the
easterly end of the line will be es
tablished at this important Danube 1
river point, twenty-five miles sooth of
jalata. 1 , .
On the Franco-Belgian front; Paris :
announces s strong counter attack by
tlie Germans on the position won by
the French in their lecejit sweeping
advance north and northeast of Ver- ,
dun. The only success Of the attack- '
mg forces, however, according to
Paris, was at one point on the Cliaiii
brettes farm, about a mile and a quar
ter north of Fort Douamont, where
they secured a footing.
The French took 11,387 prisoners
in the Verdun fighting of the last three
days, the Paris .war oifice announced.
together with 115 cannon, 107 machine
guns and forty-four bomb throwers.
German Official Report.
Berlin, Dec. 18. (Wireless to Say
ville.) No change in the situation
on the Roumanian front is reported
in today's communication fisjm army
headquarters. The statemein follows:
"In the Mestccancsci sector, east
of the Golden Bystritsa, there was a
(Continued on Paia Meran, Column Two.)
First Restriction '
On Food in Force
In Great Britain
Loudon, Dec. 18. The first food
restriction went into force in Eng
land today. Hotels and restaurants
are now forbidden to serve more
than two courses for breakfast or
luncheon ami three courses for din
ner. ,
Little inconvenience was experi
enced in connection with the first
two meals. The Englishman's usual
breakfast consists of a cereal and
bacon, eggs or fish, and, except in the
more expensive places, a luncheon of
two courses is the rule. It was in
arranging for a dinner of three
courses that the caterers experienced
the greatest difficulties, but even in
this case few likely to go hungry,
as hors d'ocuvres and soup count
only half a course, and for the two
other courses diners have the choice
of fish, entrees or roasts, with vege
tables and deserts. Cheese with
bread and butter or crackers is not
counted as a course.
The meatless day, which is ex
pected to follow shortly, will prove a,
more difficult iiroblem for restaurants
which make a specialty of roasts.
Cash Dividend of '
, Hundred Per Cent
Pittsburgh, Dec. 18. Stockholders
of the Standard Oil company of Ken
tucky, located here today, received
official information that they would
be asked to vote on a proposition of
the directors to increase the capital
of the company from $3,000,000 to
$0,000,000. A cash dividend of 100
per cent is to be paid out of the com
pany's $4,000,000 surplus.
Just think
For lc a Word
your want will be told
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Can you find a cheap
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Want Ad.
Call Tyler 1000
You ure as close to
The Baa Want Ad Dept.
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