Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 16, 1916, EDITORIAL, Page 15, Image 15

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Personal Gossip : Society Notes : Woman's Work : Household Topics
The Mid-Winter Fashions
December 15. 1116. ( W 'JReM flCl'd
Omaha's younpct huMiirss prodipv
1 .k hroii discovered. He i Mr, Ktch
w Koch, Enquire, aged l.i; reMdcnce.
Pundec, and occupation. tudcnt at
I 'iiiidoc school. That i- during school
MaAtrr Koch ovcr--sn liU allowance
.;,.mg his (."hristuias sdioppniK early,
, he oiM about him for another
'iiice ol revenue He cast longing
. c al fat commisinn that rolled
im.i hip brother llarr' oflict and
nt his liist inspiration.
ile glanced nut ot the window .nd
. iv the baker's hoy delivering nmc
nee frch bread and rolls to Mother
Koch. Master Richard registered im
i.Tcjon o. 2.
Mr made a dash for his hat and
'mined over In the baker's store.
' ( iood morning. Mi Raker, do von
'read. 1 mean need, any hrc insurance
.lav?" he aked.
'Why. ve, I believe I dn, My pol
i. has nut run nut. Hut what's that
:o oti: Arc yrrn e1litiZ insurance r"
,ikrd the amused hniinc?s man.
Vpp," replied the undaunted Ri'.h-a-d.
launching into fait.- and liRtires
tift nk-- and premiums and policies,
nd he sold the baker a pnluv Im
-1.000 Then lie sauntered or tn
luc brother's office, ihrrw the p-dn v
m'H the counter m the tnot mutt Im
innt fashion and askrd to be rirdiled
ith hi commission.
Kxperiencerl solicitor-; rrp'efr t ed
-rirpric and awe -and meek I 'came
, iosV w ith the romniisr-ion.
Announec Wedding Party.
large wedding party w ill attend
M i-s Norma Mark and Mr. I'll i lip
M e(7 at 1 heir marfiHgc in Buffalo
Vrdnesday evening. January 10. fhe
. e reniony w ill take place at Trinity
. hurch and will he tnllowd by a
wedding reception' at the 'I wentieth
enturv club.
The bride's attendants will be her
-i -'er. M iss Harriet M ack. s ma id
. -t honor : Miss Annette oit, M is
1 dwine Rushnell. Mrs. l.loyd Rissell,
h Marjorif I. has. Miss- Kathleen
Irwin. Miss Helen Ingham of Viiif
t'alo, and Miss Marian Kiihn and Miss
(jertrude Metz or this ettv, as brides
maids. Mrs. Morris t'assard. ir.. for
merly Mile Theresa Mereier of Paris,
I rance. will be the matron of honor.
Mr. William Moore Decker, jr., and
Mr. Carl Kleischnian Holmes of t in
,mnati will be beSt man. and the
ushers will be Mr. Washington Pas
torals, of Colorado Springs, Mr.
' harles 1. Metz of this ritv. Mr.
Harold F. Norton of New York City,
Mrs. Thomas Stilwcll of New York
"ty, Mr. Samuel C. Vail of Chicago,
Mr. Junior H. Carll. jr.. of Garden
t ity. L. I.; Mr. John V. Clark of
Schenectady, Mr. Howard C. Cowan
and Mr. George P. Urban of Buffalo.
' M'v I'M!--,- r..i. !.. -Im.. o
Mr. am! Mi- II I '.ui. i" w
; tin t: 1' ..n the :,lt( ini- .'i . 1
comber .'n
, M'r I e.da i:.,r. n-ne- - :ir,!.r
trnm Y i l! t
hiilida s ; si be:
Mr. W I H.ii,
Come- I i'l.te a i y d.i - c..i bei lv
cail-e ..! .( ri rut illtir--
M M ,i' car i : I ...n, i,. .nil 'tli."
Ouuha girl at ,-, -I, . I
' Miv- b, .i...n -, f,rn I.
.(TUllie- tJ.'lli t bi'.iLl.i. v.b.'i.- -.'-e
j IS sludi my t.i. .(tut lln t.ii.'. .Hid
I is teidmc ill' lb"-.' : t . . bi!.
'Miss eUmt will b ,u rnmpanicd bv
Mis .arl Southern i-t HiMjMnn, 1 ev .
; Who .r J if-r cue-t f'nrmg the hoi
, tda Vis Diimthv Rauunnd "t
l.iinnln will al-o ui' Mi- Nelson ..
;te dns dutiiiK ihc ,Ti.uirni, and
M i- ebon and Mis-. M.iithc' ti v ill
; go to l.mrnln r t -.-me .f tin- tisfui
j tie- their
i M- Hael I ui-. wh.. is a
i.:-. Mi
h-- Han
member o
visit rH.ti
vacation a
after t Jim
, i luh. Will
I lin.iuus
M I ini;i!i.i
1. 1 ttnisn-.d
Christmas in Chicago.
Mi. ami Mrs. Chester Nieman leave
tonight for a week's visit in Chicago.
While there they will attend the for
mal l hristmas dance given by the
Ihrec Arts club members, which will
take place December 18.
Mrs. Nieman returned yesterday
from Lincoln, where she left her son,
Matcr Robert Nieman, with her par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sanford,
until her return.
Author Entertains Omahan.
Omahans who are reading Mrs.
Khzabcth D c j e a n s's story. The
Tiger's Coat." the scene of which is
laid in Omaha, and portrays local per--ons
with thinly-veiled changes of
name, will be interested to know that
the well known author entertained
Miss Kva Mahoney of Omaha at din
ner at her New York home the other
evening. Mrs. Dejeans describes an
art studio like that of K. F. Gilder
m her story and other local descrip
lion; and delineations ot characters
ib' mud.
Dinner Parties.
Mr. an I Mr. George Kedick have
been entertaining at a series of din
no this week, the rirst on Monday
veiling. 'It- second Tuesday evening
hiuI the la-1 two this evening and to
mnrrmv t eiiing.
Honor Bride-Elect.
Mis. C, C. Kvan entertained Foil
irnelic elaptcr'oi the Fastern Star
Weilnesday aticniooii in honor of
Miss Marguerite Scott, daughter of
the worthy matroi.. Mrs. Carrie Daw
siui Seoit Miss Sci It will be mar
ried in lh" near future ami the affair
as a shu-ver for her. Honor guests
w this atT.tir were the worthy matrons
ni the ot'ier chapters, Vesta. Maple
Leaf and Ninth Side. A miniature
t hristmas tree and cupids and candy
'learts wore used in the decorations.
Mrs. S. K. Hanford entertained the
t arter i.a'ie l.uncheot. cluli Thursday
m honor f Miss Scott. Twenty-five
guests w ere present. Other affairs
ire planned lor Miss Scott next week.
Family Christmas Dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. .V IV lukey will en
tertain at a family dinner on Christ
mas day. those proM-nt being Mr. and
Mr-. I ouis Koi-smyor of Lincoln. Mr.
.h;i Mi-. H. I-!. Byran of Chicago.
M r. ami Mr-. Frederick Wing and
-n:i. Mr. and Mrs. llarley Moorhead
and ilav:hter. Kathryn: Mr. and Mrs.
ilinv lukey and Mr. Allen 'lukey.
Home for the Holidays.
Miss Harriet Walters, who attends,
the Kemper school in Kenosha, Wis..;
"ill return December I to spend the ;
holidays, with her parents, Mr. and i
Mrs. F. Walters. Mrs. Walters leaves'
Tuesday for Chicago to meet Miss
Harriet and return with her. Mr.,
Waltinaii Walters, who is a senior1
medical student at Dartmouth this,
war, will be home December 2.1. j
Miss Harriet expects as her guest :
Miss, Helen Rhodes of Chicago, who
will come December 28. Affairs are
being planned for her during her i
Mi-s MarRiierite Klinker of Lincoln 1
ill -pend 1 he week-end with Mis-
I U1 I and M iss Carol How srd.
Mi-- I.ii.Mbe'h Maude Fitch nf Sa
, n, nab. tin., whit is attending the
Malt tinmrsitv. arrives. December I"
'i -iiin ihr liolutavs wiih her aunt.
i - i ii.ii b s I . Jnhanne.-
M ;-- More nee lenks. daughter ot
K'ev and Mi-, iaiwin II Id.ks. :id
Tloliday Guests.
Mr- lobn I,-; . i rv, i- I
tie. Ind . am! Kalb. nn, , I Ir.on n and
Johnnie I h d v it, . ,i -1 iv i- , . -i rt l.i
nn a iiini; in 'n-'id Hi In 'I ' '.i - it h I
Mrs. (.nodwiv'. T " i T atuM
Mrs ( I ; i;n.if d V i 1 d w in j
will loin lb- tn Iht i In ' tmas
Tin . ill tcm.oi: mn;' it t ! b w in c
W( ilnesdav
"I'heie wdt be .1 t.r, .1 ut,,,, on
Christmas da al lb- U.i.:ia"! Iioine.
UK ludiny Mr- I v. .il l.i. i . Mi and
Mr-. I'd Kan. I and Mr Ar, r- I re
Kenr.fird .on then Munh
Judge and Mrv I'. ' llo.i. tb r of
Kearne .u-u c I irn nil" i loi a
week's a i-it iih li''n daiihi'-r. Mrs
itan Kavinond U .:. Mt Atian
Kaytnond have him n .i. ed into meir
new honi' on I ntv .n 1 .imI ' aht"i
nia sttert-.
Mr. and hv i u.-- '' Holland ol
TJncoln arrive t'e Sattndav before j
Christmas lor a -hull umi with Mr- )
Holland's parenl Mr. and ! i s t ! I
Mr. and Mrs II J Raillev will en
tertain Mrs. Kate Sh.ot.ird ..i (sh-j
kosh. Wis, during tin bolulav s. Mis j
Sharrard will arrive Uoouli. i ..'n and j
will he here for a two erk- '-it
Kev. and Mrs. dwtn II li nks are
anticipating the t etuni of t heir son.
Hart Jenks. who arrives witlim ttu
next few days from Mbert.i, t auarla.
where Jie has been proving np on a
ranch. Mr. Jenks will attend the I ni
versify of Omaha, where he will be .i
senior; in 1 he law odW y e
Mr. and Mrs. I.. I il.-nn have as
their gueM Miss I'arl M iller. for
merly of this city, who has been re
siding in Los Angeles for the last
three years. Miss Miller will remain
until spring.
Personal Mention.
Mrs. William J. Hot is confined to
her home by illness.
Mrs. Cat F, I lartmann. w ite of
Maior Hartmann. in harpe of
rmors' island in the harbor of New
York City, is traveling m t uha with
a party of friends. The Hartmanns
formerly lived in Omaha.
Registering at the Hotel McAlpm
from Omaha during the last week
have been Mr. J. W Gamble and Mr.,
R. C. Baldwin.
In and Oat of the Bee Hive.
Dr. and Mrs. James McDowell
Patton went last Friday to Memphis
to attend a medical confereiiee in
that citv and expect to visit New
Orleans before returning lo this city;
the latter part of the week. Some of the gauntlet gloves Ur
nmton-ts reach almost to ihe elbow.
On the Calendar. 'n"' " 1,0 J''1 !,nc,i "'i'1' fur k,r
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Pritehaid will cold-wc-at.ier driving.
entertain the Welsh society at iis!
lanuarv meeting. This society attached to some of the
composed ot all who have Welsh motoring hats. One is a small vel
narentage or Welsh connections. It 't with a tme nie.-hed ve,l al
ls a social organization which meets lached by the trimming around the
the second Thursday evening of each cmwu.
he.' rvenincr the -o.-jetv enter- The Caisley tage 1
tnnA .1,,. .,f k and Mrs. handbag
J llirtv-oiie Oi the sev- ni.tuv ninr. "mi irnroou. .....s,. ui
members were ntawn up m a siurrmg on silken
'-Hv . ' t
! : mm P v.
, i ,
A Big Sale Event Scheduled for
Women'i Stylish
ViUitc; i'p lo Tr.. "'I
v n : i v- .1
T' Your Clioirc of ,",.'
) 1 S , Four Bijt Rack.i ' ' 'l.',,
.--V i I W,
The Coats
I'tte I'dHln ,nelii"f tuiipoi)
phi' lif . eimir - iii!'iii'( ; and
nd'liV i !iM ;n' . i ,1 hnm n.
;:-e n. n u n . ii.l iil.tek
1'hev iire r;;l ill It
i'if-H'1 uli;:. i-lb
The Dresses
The nro-J;'is inelmfn -u-rri.
u.i f la, i i i'pr ib i hine nml
erpe iin-ieor in the new "Inng
1 1 n eiiVi-fn woli pltnat.n frnni
tliiry j I tie Mi i uilder or yoke Some
and i ha v I- enlbi ii and slci'Vrr of
iif f- , !-nmn w I' ti tnl:
'me n hen:
R''"r;r'Mi I'll.
nne are emliroid
nine In all color?.
Here Is the Store for Practical Xmas Gifts
The Kind That Every Woman Values Most
I .of n Men 'fuu .Wflv s Inr 7 heir 11 omen
i oiki llcie. Itfitiwt i hft I re! at Home.
l c re a intent ,torr. I re, ) nu Knew.
l , I pi l I'lHWM
Sdlt Konniio-.
It. oh lining,
$5 " 315.00
$'X2C i" $5
Silk Waists
All oi.' new j,t., n !.r
$1.08 $14.50
Women's Hose
I'hnrniK Ntm llo?r nil
80r 81.03 11 i""1
SknMnc; S'-t,s
Kn!'!fr1 i .-mil Srnrf?. nil
Sl.?r "' '3.50
Silk Petticoats
rv2r ' $5.(10
i lulili i n Pur SMs
SI. 50 $15.00
on k ii I'ur Si '..
$10.00 $100.00
I'nr MufK
5.75 P
Kur Searfi.
$5.75 P
IClahnratjon of evening frocks with
rrr, i. charar teri-t ii- of this Bullo creation
I'inU fl-wer with black velvet and pilver leaves
arc a striking; note nu a t'rm k of black and pearl
gray satin.
More of a -mnkmg than a tra gown is this
arlorablf !ac and gubl iitTair with coat of coral
velvet and titfh inr it In an air of distinction
not to be mistaken.
Fashion Hints
has, no doubl. luotiRtil ftit i'iis lV,i- square, others potntcrj. and still
lure, and surely it is more pit ; utliet of the tihtatl mndf. Many
than the chin straps (if severe hhick trams are suspended from the waist
There are some verv effective Rlnves '''i'' were first the vogue. others are hung or draped from
for street wear, of hcavv cream kid. 'he shoulders, and still others seem
hound with hrown and stitched ,th Trains on dan.inR and CV0,UK ''; ? I ..f the skirl itself. drapl
'Town. j ,-rrTks are vnrie,! in TVioe- some are '"'i' ' kr the train SCCt.Oll.
jSj You Want y$ particularly nice V
1 as Dessert for Sunday dinner K
mIh lie.! Wkill Ad!.
Cheap Suli-tiliiteii co.t Ydi: im (rir
A toll l prpv&tlno of mwit
For Rwloriai CoW mod
h. uiinr.r..M r.a4 ui.
e.xtcnried tn
And the newest ones arc
J. K. Kvan
cnty-hve or more
A card partv will he Riven by the .'TT" i .
Omaha uft'raRO association Wcdnes- Many l-rriicli hlou-rs of crepe de
dav atternoon at the home of Mrs. chine are enhanced by hemstitchuip
Tlior Jorgcnsun. ' 1 work' and blouses lollop-
. . in tlie outline nl the well known
Social Gossip. , Kmii 0'pc are trcir,itnily smocked
t .. D.,i,n t'.nrrett oi Cleveland is in a contrasting color or are cm-
expec'ted for Christmas at the Charles I broidcred in bright-colored in,K.
Metz home.
Lags have been added to the skat
Story Hour. in soti of rap, scarf and nnilT. am! j
MlSS liracc 0rfnsotl Mill cotlUUCl ' man; lon.tnuio n '"
a story hour at Metropolitan club complexion may be lucked awa.v
bouse 'Saturday at .i o'clock. these little conceit-.
Ml I
School Bazar. I n"" slraPs nt Ba-V -iripe
The Mothers1 club oi Train school : ribbon are seen on many ot the Mr:- '
v ill hold a bazar at the school house turbans affected by enthusia-ts ot ,
tbi evening. I sri"P. ' he season s vogue i..r col,.,
Xmas Gifts for a
Something for the home.
Household linens,
hireless looker
Table gongs.
IJettric irons, toaMris. pcic-n,
Aliiininuni kitchen ware,
l et nery.
Telephone stand. -Something
Stiver sandwich travs.
Doily rolls.
t ai jiet sweepers
i ard receivers
Nui bowls.
boot stools.
Something to Wear.
Silk petticoats and blouses
Famy bags and iloral spra -Jeweled
I land-embroidered unrlerw eai .
1 ancy and useful aprons
Crocheted sleeveless jackets
l.acc evening scarfs.
I TniiTMinminTTTTTT 'ti
Bakers Cocoa
stands all tests of
laboratory and home.
It is pure, it is
delicious, it is
Waller Baker & Co. Ltd.
, SHE STARTS on the I f M
Cold weather can't ! (ffl
stall you if you keep fci J
everything out of your j cSown ' J
tank except gMQ" fi
i Red Crown Gasoline ! ! ,
..7 A quick kick in every drop a' Vnj
S'llor no matter where the 1 EZ
raTP mercury drops to. Always s I
yiffisL the same wherever you buy i,yfa&Sk,
mfi it. Look for the Red Crown tf$ ff