THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15. 1916. x Y Nebraska PLUM HUNTERS TRY j TO SOLVEMYSTERY ' Recent Turndown of Chairman Langborst Cause of Much Discussion. NEVILLE CLOSED BOOK (From a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, Dec. 14. (Special.) Much mystery surrounds tile turning down of Chairman Langhorst of the demo cratic state committee for the position of food commissioner by Governor Neville. One rumor is that the new governor has said he was under no obligation to the state committee, as he had to make his campaign for himself and re ceived little or no assistance from the democratic machinery. Another storv, which appears to be authentic, is that Mr. Langhorst was unable to get the support of National rominitteeman Arthur Mullen for the lacc, the latter giving the reason that lie t'lrst d.stnct had already been rec ognized by t)ie re-appomtment of (icorge Johnson, whose home is in Falls Sity. ' Plan of Distribution. This again brings up the distribu tion of patronage with the question if an equal division among districts will follow. The First district at pres ent is well represented with appoint ments, among the number being Hen ry Gerdcs of the board of control, Warden renton of the penitentiary Chief Engineer Johnson of the board of irrigation. Secreary Royse of the banking board, besides several jobs of a minor nature. If the pass it around plan is to govern, some who think they have a "lead pipe cinch" on reappointment, may he just as badly disappointed as is Chairman Langhorst. Most comment follows the remark bv Chairman Langhorst that "I am still going to be for the prohibition amendment." The food commissioner is a factor ill regulating sales of near beer. During the last year Commis ioncr rlarman had prosecuted many ol the near beer vendors for violation of the pure food laws relative to mis branding. As to the Dry Law. A story that certain wet candidates lor office, county, state ando therwise, who have been elected, were going to make prohibition so brutally pro hibitive as to make it noxious, has caused much apprehension. The ru mored plan is that the state will either be made so dry that people will be come disgusted and go back to high license or the law made inoperative sw :hat it will have the same effect. o one accuses the new governor of being in this class, but some insist much pressure will be brought to bear to bring about that condition. There are many who insist no one will be able to dictate to the new governor. They insist that the very moment Mr. Neville gets the idea into his head he is being used for that purpose, such persons will lose the friendship of the new governor for all time. This latter idea appears to be the prevail ing opinion among those who have been reading between the lines and may eventually turn out to be the right dope. Fremont Eagles Will Have New Building Fremont, Neb., Dec. 14. The Fre mont Aerie of Eaglcsrhas definitely decided to erect a home of its own to cost approximately $25,000. This decision was reached at a recent meeting. It is planned to have the building ready for occupancy at the expiration of the lease the order has on the quarters it now Occupies. Ne gotiations for a site are under way. a committee consisting of County Judge Waldo Wintersteen, William llarz and M. It. Woslager having been appointed to have charge of this feature. Fremont Man Said To Have Been Killed May Be Still Alive Fremont, Neb.. Dec. 14. (Special.) Mrs. William Sparks, who had re ceived notice of the death of her hus band, William Sparks, a former Fre mont merchant, who is with a Ca nadian regiment on the French front, has received word from the British war office to the effect that no record of his having been killed has been made. A letter addressed to Mr. Sparks by his wife several weeks ago was returned, marked "killed in ac tion." Mrs. Sparks wrote to the war office and has been informed through an official letter that so far as the of fice knows Mr. Sparks is still alive. Mrs. Sparks has not heard from her husband for over two months, however. COUNTY OFFICERS COINGJO OMAHA State Association at Alliance Asks Legislature to Grant Higher Salaries. OLD OFFICERS EE-ELECTED Notes from Beatrice And Gage County Alliance, Xeb.. Dec. 14. (Special Telegram.) At the closing session of the convention of the Nebraska State Association of Commissioners. Supervisors and County Clerks here today resolutions were adopted ask- ing the legislature for an increase of mileage allowance ana a raise or ap proximately 30 per cent in salary, in dicating that even county officials are feeUng the high cost of living. Resolutions calling for amendment to the statutes governing the build- i ing and maintenance of bridges over j irrigation and drainage ditches were. after much discussion, passed by the convention. The resolutions cail for the building and upkeep by corpora tions owing and maintaining these ditches; also when .new roads are au thorized and built crossing these ditches that the owners and not the taxpayers of the county should con struct the new bridges and maintain them. Former officers were re-elected and a special legislative committee named consisting of one member from each - Beatrice. Neb., Dec. 14. (Special.) Kilpatrick Bros, of this city have finished the grading work on the eighteen-mile line which they are building between Fmery and Weh nachtee. Utah, for the Union Pacific. The contract amounts to $6,000,000. Three tunnels will have to be con structed before the work is finished, ; district and one member at large be which will be some time next sum- iMg appointed by the president, mer. Three thousand men have been ! Resolutions were adopted upon the employed on the work the last tew death of three members of the asso Music Teacher Sues Omaha Street Railway Company F.bba Lofgren, music teacher, 1017 South Twenty-third street, has filed suit for $7,670 against the Omalfi & Council Bluffs Street Railway com pany. She sets forth that she received injuries October 19 when struck by a street car. To Ward Off Winter Complexion Ills months. Funeral services for the late City Commissioner G. T. Reynolds will be held Friday morning at 10:.!0 o'clock from the Presbyterian church, con ducted by Rev. N. P. Patterson, the pastor, assisted by Rev. L. D. Young of Lincoln. Lon Turner, the leading merchant at Barneston, is lying critically ill from an attack of pneumonia at his home there. Harry C. Guldner and Miss Sarah Ail Killen, both of Adams, were mar ried at the home of the bride's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Killen today. William Eitzen and Miss Elsie Al bert, both of Clatonia, were married yesterday at the court house by Judge Waldcn. I m-j:- vk rVrv 14. fSnecial.) Mrs. L. S. Raynor of this city died ! Lucy Oberg has brought action for this morning at a local hospital, aged; divorce and alimonv against her hus 49 years. The deceased came here a k-,1(i TWr F. Oberg. They were tew years ago with her family from married in 1900 at Madison. Mrs. Villisca, la. She is survived by hep Oberg alleges in his -petition as husband and two children, Boyd and i grounds for action extreme cruelty. ciation which occurred during the last year. James White of Otoe county, P. F. O'Sullivan of Cuming and S. I!. Simonson of Merrick county. Omaha was named as the meeting place of the 1917 convention. Hast ings and Grand Island also bid for the honor. Officers to serve the coming year arc as follows: Prewldent. T. J. Kennedy. Tork; Ire president. I,. It. Harlow. Loilaepole: secre tary. O. K. lllll, Ilastlnan; treasurer. Mike Cavey, St. Edward; legislative eommiltce. Jullua Pltn. W II. Wykert. Mike Cavey. Bmll Helstnff. llueli Allison, .toe Wanek and Daniel Casey. Lucy Oberg Files Suit For Divorce at Madison if JS ft Just 8 Shopping Days to Christmas brante Stores Do Your Shopping Early in the Morning. 3 Practical Gifts at Popular Prices In the Biggest and Best BASEMENT West of Chicago . The biggest and best Toyland goes without saying and from this point out, the entire Basement has taken over a holiday appearance with dozens of Christmas booths filled with gift items of all descriptions. We have gone through this Basement and gathered together the specials we mention below, just as ex amples of the wonderful values to be obtained here during this Christmas season. Nine Raynor of this city Butter Farmers Will Have County Agent David City. Neb.. Dec. 14. The name of Butler county was added to the list of Nebraska counties now employing county agents Saturday, when farmers from all parts of But ler county gathered here and formed a permanent organization for the pur pose of hiring a county agricultural agent. Frank Hess of Surprise, Neb., was elected president of the newly formed organization. V. E. Hewitt of David City was chosen secretary. A board of directors was also picked to direct the work of the organization. State Grange Favors Rural High Schools Gibson. Xeb., Dec. 14. (Special Telegram.) The State Grange today favored rural high schools in the county to finish the grades. Officers were installed this eveninc. The Inext meeting place will he Ansley. ine convention adjourned this eve ning. Peter F. Oberg. the defendant, is one of the oldest settlers in Madison, hav ing settled here in the early '70s, and is the present justice of the peace. DROPSY TREATED FREE Jj Ir. Mill, tb Great Specialist, Who m 3.73 Trial Treatment Fre. Manr Report Cored After Others Failed. At first no disease is apparently more harnilesi than dropsy; B little Hwclllns of the eyelids, hands, fret, &nkln or ab domen. Finally there Is (Trent shortness of breath, cough, faint ppi-lln, sometimes nau sea and vomtttne, even burstiiiR of the limbs and a lingering and wretched death if the dropsy 1b not removed. Dr. Miles has been known as a leading specialist In these diseases for 30 yearn. Ilia liberal offer of a $3.75 Treatment free to all sufferers. Is certainly worthy of serious consideration. Tou may never have surh an opportunity again. Tho Grand Dropsy Treatment constats of four dropsy remedies in one, also Tonic Tablet and Pura-Laxa for removing the water. This treatment Is specially pre scribed for each patient and Is three times as successful as that of most physicians. It usually relieves the first day, and re moves swelling in six days In most canon. Delay Is dangerous. Send for Remarkable Cures In Your Stat. Alt afflicted readers may have Book. Examination Chart, Opinion, Advice, and a Two-Pound Trial Treatment fre. Write at once. Describe your case. Address Dr. Franklin Miles. Dept. DA.. 70& lo 716 Frank lin St., Elkhart, -Ind Advertisement. To keep the face smooth, white and beautiful all winter, there's nothing quite so good as ordinary inorcollzed wax. Hough, chapped or discolored skin, in evitable in this weather, is gently ab sorbed by the wax and replaced by the newer, fresher skin beneath. The face exhibits no trace of the wax, the latter bring applied at bedtime and washed off mornings. Creams, powders and rougett, on the othrr hand, are apt to appear con spicuous at this ianon, because of al ternating expansion and contraction of the skin, due to changing temperatures. You an: advised to Iry this simple treatment, ti-'t an ounce of morcolized wax at any tlrugpliirc and use like cold cream. This will help any skin at once, and in a week or n the complexion will Jook remarkably j oulhful and healthy. ami flying dust often cause Hqulnt-other- contortions which make You can qulrkly gC rid of ovcrv however produced, by uain u tnw bath made by dissolving re powdered saxollte in ono-half h hazel. Advertisement. THE STORE OF THE TOWN FRIDAY and SATURDAY WE WILL SELL BROKEN LINES OF OUR BEST SELLING NUMBERS IN MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S SUITS and OVERCOATS FOR $1 coo " BROWNING, KING & CO. GEO. T. WILSON, Mgr. Largest Furniture Salesfloors in Nebraska iiiK Hud wrinkle, wrinkle, hnrmlesf une mini pint wilt XMAS SUGGESTIONS Ryan's Rings Ring Trne The Diamond is the one article1 above all others that should be purchased from a reputable RYAN JEWELRY CO., Rose Bldf., 16th and Farnam. I la PhoM Eli ' 415-P So I6S1 Omaha Home Furnishing Headquarters Furniture for Gifting hi m. This Quaint Spinet Desk Done in solid mahogany, finish ed brown, 48 inches lone. Makes an ideal Xmas gift, at $48.50. Revolving chair to match, like cut, $23.50. Straight chair to match, $12.50, $13.50. Other ma hogany Desks, $9.00, $19.75 Up. New Cane Arm Chair (Like Cut) Solid mahogany frame, finished brown, with loose cushion silk damask upholstery. On sale Mon day at just $75.00. Other styles at $47.50, $49.75 and $90.00. n Slippers The Basement Christmas Slipper Stock Is Wonderful in Its, Variety Give a pair of Slippers and you give more than a mere present you give comfort, and earn the gratitude of anyone to whom you give il. Women's Kelt Romcos, fur trimmed, hand turned soles, black, rod, lavender, purple and brown. 2Vs to 8, at 31.25 Women's Comfy Slippers, felt, padded soles, come in red, brown, black and gray. Sizes 2 to 8, at, pair 98 Men's Slippers, tan and black, Everett style, patent trimmed back stay. Sizes from 6 to 11, pair 98 Boys' Slippers, in tan kid, Ever ett stvle. Sizes from 2 to 5 Mi, pair S1.25 Boxed Handkerchiefs For Christmas Gifts Everyone will appreciate these for gifts and we have them in such wide assortment that you can choose just what you want and pay very little. Women's Sheer Linen Handker chiefs, with neat colored initials. Box of 6, for 75 Women's Fancy Lawn Handker chiefs, with initials. 6 in box, for 39. 59. 69 Women's Handkerchiefs, with fancy embroidered corners, 3 in box for 29 Women's Silk Handkerchiefs, in assorted colors. Worth 25c, each, for 15 Women's All Pure Linen Hand kerchiefs, plain. Worth 15c. each, for 12H Women's Fancy Embroidered and Lace Trimmed Handkerchiefs, in sheer lawn and linen, also striped tissue. Each 10 Children's Novelties Three Handkerchiefs in box for.. 15 and 25 Women's Fancy Embroidered Initial Handkerchiefs, also fancy embroidered, plain and corded. In white and colors. Many worth 10c, special, each 5 Men's Mercerized Initial Hand kerchiefs, all initials. Worth 10c. Friday, 4 for 25, each.'.6'j Men's Wear Suggestive Christmas Gifts 125 Dozen Christmas Neckwear, open end, four-in-hands. All new patterns, cut large. All silk. Spe cial, at 29 50 Dozen Christmas Mufflers, reefer style1. Fancy stripes. Very new. Special, at 29 Give Her a Rug For a Christmas Gift Axminster Rug Size 36x72, worth $5.50, at 84 Size 27x60, worth $3.50 at 82.50 1,000 Rug Remnants, worth $2.00, at 69 Pillow Slips Beautiful Embroidered anc Initial Pillow Slips With handsomely scalloped edg es.' Best grade workmanship, on good ' grade muslin. Size 45x36 inches. Neat floral and scroll de signs. Special, each 27 V4 Irish Embroidered Style Pillow Slips, put up one pair in a beau tiful box. Finest workmanship ob tainable. On superior grade muslin. Fancy scroll embroidery and init ials, with eyelet effects. Scalloped edge. Size 45x36. Regular $1.75 value, specially priced, per pair, at 81.35 Toilet Articles For Gifts. Perfumes, Etc., in Great Variety. Christmas would not be Christ mas if you did not have at least one or two gifts from this depart ment. High Grade Perfumes, in fancy bottles. Neatly boxed, at 29 up. White Ivory Hair Brushes, ac tual value $5.00, special. .82.98 Child's Manicure Sets, four pieces, file, buffer, buttonhook and cuticle knife. In fancy lined box. Black ebony finish 59 Ten-Row Pure Bristle, Military Hair Brushes, ebony finish. Two in a box, special 79 White Ivory Powder Box and Hair Receiver, in neatly lined box. Special 82.39 Complete assortment of Toilet and Manicure sets, all in fancy boxes, at very moderate prices. Waists, Petticoats, Underwear And Other Wearables at Smallest Prices. Including a lot of the famous "HEATHERBLOOM" Petticoats. Each of these garments will be put in a Christ mas box for the asking. Crepe dc Chine and Stripe Tub Silk Blouses, several styles. In Christmas o (( boxes Fine White Waists, made of different kinds of fine materials. Newest crea tions, copies of higher priced blouses. 15 different styles. In i nn Christmas boxes. Each ijH.UU Fancy Cotton Petticoats, new flower fancy stripe effects. Two very special lots. In Christmas boxes (I and U .25 tnmmoi 97c and $1 Genuine Fancy Flowered Heathcrbloom Petticoats, one in ?0X$1.69 and $1.95 Silk Petticoats, two very special lots. Black and all colors. Many different styles. Also extra sizes w0rmcnU.$2.95 and $3.39 Muslin Underwear for Gifts Pretty Corset Covers 25. 39. 48 Envelope Chemise 48. 97 Night Gowns 48. 78. 97 Petticoats 48. 78. 97 One in a box. Bathrobet Women's and Misses' Fancy Flowered and Indian tfi ne pattern Bathrobes, all sizes. $3.00 values, at pl.U Girls' Bathrobes, ages 6 to 14 years. Q7r Very special , 1 C Children's Bathrobes, ages 1 to 3 years. $1.00 values, only C Coats, Sweeten, Etc. Children's Sweater 97c Very special lot of Women's, Misses' and Coats, many different styles and colors. $1.25 and $1.50 values, for only Splendid lot of Women's and Misses' nr n nr tl QC Sweater Coats, all sizes and colors l.!70, $O.VD Children's Three-Piecc Sweater Suit Hood, Coat and Pantlets to match. White, red and blue. Regular $1.50 Q7r. values, set C Girls' Coats, warm winter coata, newest styles. Ages 2 to 6 and 6 to 14 years. Made of Zibeline, Corduroy, Chin- o ne chilla, Novelty Cloths, etc. Values to $6.00, for only y&.VO Lots of Joy for Girl or Boy When Little Money is Spent Here in Toyland We have jot ted down just a half doz.en or so of items that arc sure to please. Tin Kitchen Sett: Imported German Tin Tea Sets, 5 pieces and tray, with nursery figures on them paint ed in colors 10c Other Sets, 8 pieces, 25c, and 15 pieces 49c Housekeeping Sett: Dolly's Housekeeping Sets Cooking Utensils, Groceries, Potato Masher, Gas Stove, etc., complete for 49c Soldier Sett for Boys: American Soldier and In dian Sets, Cavalry, Artillery and Infantry: 6 Soldiers and tent 49c 9 Soldiers and Tent 98c Drums: Drub, a drub, drub. Buy your little boy a drum. Prices are from 25 to 85.00 Dishet for Little Girlt: Genuine Imported German Tea Sets, 8 pieces, handsomely dec orated; all enclosed in a box, for 25e Larger size boxes' with 12 pieces 49c Aluminum Cooking Utentilt: Pure Aluminum Cooking Uten sils, targe enough to really, truly cook with and shaped just like mother's, which she uses in the kitchen; 4 pieces, for 98c Also Aluminum pieces, for Tea Sets, 11 98c Tinkerpint Are New And G-R-E-A-T. It is a new variety of Ten Pins, and a wonderfully interesting game. Two inclines of wood, paralleled, are fitted with pasteboard ten pins, a rod to which is attached wooden balls to make it spin, rolls down the incline and down go the ten pins. Lots of fun and amusement watching the pins go down. This is brand new enclosed in a box 50c Batement. Buy Boxed Hosiery for Christmas Gifts 59c Women's Fiber Silk Hosiery, in all the wanted shades. One pair in a box, for Women's Lisle Hosiery, with colored tops, two pairs in a box, for pair in a box, tor Men's Cotton Socks, assorted colors, pair in a box, for Mcn'a Fiber silk Hose, 3 Four . 50c $1.00 . 50c Sporting Goods Make Splendid Gifts, No matter what else you give to the boy, he will want something of this sort to make him feel that he is a real boy. Air Rifles, 81.00. 81.25. S1.75. 82.00. 83.00 Roller Skates, 50. 90 I Skates, 40. 65. 95. 81.25. Foot Balls. .98 to 86.00 Sioux Chief Bow and Arrows, for 25 Pop Guns 25 Striking Bags, single and dou ble end 81.50 to 812.00 Jerseys, all sizes and combina tions 81.50 to 83.00 Outing Suits for men and wom en at moderate prices. Boys' Wear Outfit the Boy for Christmas. Warm, Serviceable Wear special price. Suits and Over coatsall Splendid Values. Two-Pair-Pant Suits, One-Pair-Pant Suits 83.50 Splendid assortment, all good, serviceable suits, in light and dark pattern effects. All good weight fabrics. Pants fully lined. Ages 6 to 16 years. Boys' Winter Overcoats 83.50 Overcoats in Chinchillas and mixtures. Good winter coats and real good looking. Ages 3 to 12 years. Boys' Sweater Sale Samples and a big special lot of good, heavy sweaters that are worth a lot more. Reds, grays, blues and browns. Some of these sweaters arc all wool. Ages 5 to 14 years. Very special, at. 81.00 Odd Knee Pants A special lot of Odd Suit Pants that arc fully lined. Neat dark Ji colors, combined with a lot of oth- f er splendid heavy weight pants. Sizes to fit any age, 6 to 16 years, at 65 Boys' Christmas Neckties Many in single holiday boxes. A large assortment of new colors and patterns, at 25 Boys' Belts in Christmas Boxes Black and tan colors, with fancy buckles, at 35 Household Gifts Why Not Give Her Some thing She Can Use Every Day? Appropriate gifts (oi wife and mother from the Hardware-Houso-furnishing Department. Nickel Plated Copper Tea Ket tle, beautiful in pattern, heavy in weight. Size 7. Regular $1.75 val ue, at 81.19 Size 8.Niekel Plated Copper Tea Kettles, $1.69 values 81.39 Size 9 Nirkel Plated Copper Tea Kettles, $1.89 values 81.49 Nickel Plated Serving Trays, in fancy patterns. Round, oblong or oval shapes. Values to $2.60. While the lot lasts 81.89 Coffee Percolators, aluminum, Colonial pattern 81.98 Aluminum Cake Griddles, the genuine "Wagner" cast aluminum the kind that bakes cakes with out grease. Warranted not to warp. $3.00 values 82.29 Roasters Large size, 3-Picce "Lisk" En ameled Roasters, strictly sanitary and self basting. Size 8x.l6xll. Complete with new bacon rack in cover, at 82.19 Sanitary Seamless Oval Savory Roasters, priced at 69 and 98 Lunch Boxes Complete with thermos bottle, nt S1.98 Nickel Plated Sad Irons, with fancy nickel plated tops. A 5 piece set, Mrs. Potts' pattern; $1.35 value for '. .98 Boudoir Cap and Apron, Special Offering 59 'From the Basement Mili nery Department just In and a very unusual offering. A novelty that will appeal to hundreds of women. IT IS A SET CONSISTING OF BOUDOIR CAP AND APRON, made of sheer white material. The cap has a dainty frill around the edge and trimmed with insertion of pale blue ribbon and lace. The Outfit Complete, in a dain ty holly box, for 59 Skating Sets Cap and Scarf, in colors of old rose, copen, brown m'l navy 81.39 Windsor Phonographs Sold Here