-,.,tMir-rj;r.,w-:'-. I ) THE OMAHA SUNDAf KEE: DECEMBER ' 3, 1916 Heart 1 the : (heart Ra. SP" chael wf KATH- jUlbl Sis JJf1 T jtvfker 0 -Mother," I "Cnuriy' ; LaaaaaBBaaaaf f?UIrf." K ' T ory Julia Page," ' $1.35 A beautiful flrT possessed of potential strength of character marries and races some of the hardest problems that a woman la called upon to solve. All the elements of romance and of tragedy are In the situation, and It la the final wresting of victory from a cumulation of errors and entanglement that shows the growth In strength and beauty of Rachael'a aouL "The Magnifi cent , Adven ture By EMERSON HOUGH Author of "The MleeUt Ipoi Bub ble," ro hoy end the Wrote." . T, Purchase Price," etc. Illustrated. $1.35 In order to frustrate a conspiracy which Aaron Burr nae entered Into, Thomas Jelferaon sends Captain Merrl wether Lewis on an expedition of ex ploration through the unknown wfstern region for the purpose of establishing a complete claim to It Burr uses his daughter to play upon Lewis' affect ona, and the adventures of the expedition make up a story of great Interest. BOOKS, The Ideal Christmas Gifts This Pace Is Really a Book-Buyers' Guide to the Season's Leading New Books You Can Safely Make Your Selections From It for Xmas Gifts or Your Own Reading THE RISING TIDE MtrgarrtDdantt The Rising Tide MARGARET DELANO aalaor o , 'Old Ckeslsr Tales," "Dr. haven. dor's so li "The Iron Woman," etc. $1.35 Frederics Peyton hated the old con ventions, her mother's ! ay-surrounded existence and tit boredom of a merely fashionable Ufa Perhaps ah did taka an Impish delight In shocking the easily shockabla. But no matter what "Freddy- did, her' circle could never forget her, aha was "as stimulating as aocktaU," aa ona of her friends declared. THE wOKDERFUl TEAR WmaLUcto The Year By WILLIAM J.LOCKE , Author of "Jaffery," "The Beloved Vojo ', Kale . lcutk," (. $1.40 ' - - A llkible young Englishman, a whimsical Parisian philosopher, a dash ing American girl, and a brave little daughter pf Franca combine to make "The Wonderful Tear" aa engaging period. It Is a book that la full of the Joy of youth, the thrill of advanture, and. the spell of romance. ft From the House tops By" GEORGE BARR Mc CUTCH- EON 4ufAor of "Orauetark," "The Holloa of Her HnnA." "Breuseter'e JfUMone,'? etc Illustrated. $1.40. The book will Inspire the reader to a discussion of a number of Important questions of modern life. A novel of New York, the modern Bagdad of wealth, luxury, ambition and reckless, restless passion. The story la built about thla startling question: Has society the right to take tho final step In alleviat ing hopeless human suffering? tem&aBirjtBa. v From iS N the CeoigeBorr . M'.Culcheorv , Vj The fTRUFFLERSl SAMUEL s Jl iaW If' MERW1N Jj K JulAor of I ' ' g "Tho Honey " 7 Bee," KJH .ut "The n 0 1 Ckarmed I I 111 t I I Ufe of Mite Austin to. Illustrated. $1.35 A novel of the New Tork Latin Quarter, the bachelor girls and bache lor men who seek only the "truffles," the) delicacies and pleaaurea, in the sober gam of Ufa, and yet must find that life1 la a discipline after all. A drama of tho conflict of new Ideas against old, freedom against restraint, and beauty against duty. Marion ' ' SS author of Hwinf''" This Is the story of a girl who goes far Montreal, Boston, New York,"Bohemia," Icllngtng to her Ideals aa artist, model, friend of men,' wife of one. The story la amusing, tragic thrilling, yet real istic and holds ths reader's Interest to ths and. Every woman will wonder what she would do In Marion's place, Seven teen r ' ' BOOTH TARKING- - TON 4 acker of "Penrod," "Tho Turmoil," "The Gentle man From Indiana," etc Illustrated. $1.35 SEVENTEEN MOTH TAMCINGTON SOME OF THE NEW BOOKS OF GENERAL, LITERATURE Girls' Memory Book, cloth. UMl ooao, .ftM Tsst Pocket Kssars, by i Ueorge rueh 1.M Benighted Mexico, by n. W. mUh. 11.60 How ta Make Friends With the Blrda, by Nell Ladd ..!. Charles Trehnuui, Manager l and Man, by leaae Mar . soeeoa and Xsntel Proh- nian ...00 The Tribune Pruner, by - Uugone yield flOo , Leather Il.s Khymes of the Bed Cress Maa, by Robert w, aerv- Ice I.M ', Leather ' bindings 115 and ...gl.M tlpeon River Anthology, by ki. h. klssteni gz.SO Navel Hugaeettens For Mo- elal Oeeaelens.. Me Games and Parties for - Cnildrea, by Urace le ' UavldsMf Pmetieal Basketry, by . Anna A. Oill ...$1.00 Hew We Kleeted Uneeln, , by A. J. btuenhoefer, toe aemeene like Yon, by James Foley .........ftOe Tramping Through Mexlee, by liarry A. Preiirk, at $t.M Halt Water Poems and Bal lads, by John Muefteld, at ,,.,....,.a.09 We Bleeovered tho Old ta mlnlon, by Louise Clotmer Hsle 9X.ua The Mysterious Stranger, by Murk Tw.ln fi.M The Melanehely Tale of "Me i" My Hemem brancee, by 8.' H. tioth ern gs.M Friends of Prnnee. The Held Hervlee of the Amerlaaa Ambulance Corvs ,,..ax.aa Complete AneHon Player, by riorence Irwin.. gt.M -Dame Cnrteey's" Book of . Hints to Housewives, by K. H. Olover lie 8alads, Handwlehee and . Chafing Uleh Roelpes. by Merlon H. Nell 11.00 Angel Vnawares, by C. N. and A. M. Williamson, at Me I Nat In Idge With Yon by James Foley 00c Walt Mason His Book, Si World Voire., by Rile Wheeler Wilcox. ... .18.00 Wrack of ths Htorm, by Maurice Maeterlinck, f l.M Boeing America, by Logan Marshall.,,. ai.xo The Black Arrow, by Rob ert Loula Stevenson, lllua. by N, C. Wyetb. . .W.S5 Genildlno , heraelf told by . ...ts.oo A Diplomat's Trip In Mexico, by Kdllh O'Mhsughnessy 2.00 Expert Anctloa, by K. V. Bhepard I1.S5 The Mary Dawson (tame Book gl.U Forty Thooaand Quotatlona, by Chaa. N. Ooualaa, i.0 The Way to Ksay Street, by Humphrey J, Daamond. at Me NEW BOOKS AT 60c The' following titles at this price have been issued during v the past year. Penrod, by Booth . Tark - Ingtoa. . War of the Rtroag, by : Rldgwell Cullum. Tho law Wolfe, by Louis Joseph . Vance. Molly Make-Believe, by R. . H. Abbott. Big TTomslns, by Mary Van VeraL . Making Over' Martha, by Julie M. Llppmana. Wild Aal seels I Have Known, by Ernest Thompson Be ton. Tho Cabin, by Stewart Ed- ward-White. Oatrary Mary, by Temple . Bailey. Today's Daughter, by Jos. , I. Bacon. . Fssming Bword, by George tllbbe. Advonns of Francois, by Wlsr Mitchell. Tho Kphtt of tho Border, by SSans Grey. World's End, by Amslle . Rlvea. . . ' Tim Shop Ctrl, by tho Will ie maona. . Prince of Oranatark. by Ueo. Ban McOutcheon. James Oliver by Curwood. Mlas Billy, by Eleanor H. l'orter. Vanished Messenger, by E. Phillips Oppenhelm. ,. The Price of Love, by Ar nold Bennett. Hew It Happened, by Kate Langley Jioaher. Man and the Mosseat, by Elinor Ulynn. More and Throbs, by Chappie. Shorty MrCaho oa the Job, by BeweU Kerd. Primal Lars, by Vlagle E. Roe. Temas of gnrrender, by Loula Tracy. fortune Youth, by w. J. Locke. , Looking After Reedy, by Margaret TurnbulL Last of tho Plainsmen, by . Zone Grey. Codewf tfeo Monntalna, by Chaa. Neville Buck. City of Naaakerod Days, by . Prancls Lynde. Tweaty-fourth of June, by urave n. ttlcnmono. The Bod Mist, by Randall rarrlsb.. The Lost BoaoV by Rl ard H. Davis. Two on tho Trail, Pootner. by H II Waehlngtoa gquaro, by LaRoy Cott. The ForeetV by Stewart E. White. Misadventures of Throe Bad Boys, by Henry A. Hhute. Barnnbelta, by' Helen Martin. It Happened In Egypt, by . Wllllamaona Eyes of the World, by Har old Bell Wright. Nancy the Joyous, by Edith mow. The Planter, byN Herman Whllaker. The Witch, by Mary John ston. Rqolrrel Cage, by Dorothy Canlleld. Upper Croat, by Charlee Sherman. These books have been selected from the lists of the various publishers of the . country big and little as being the season's leading publications the books that will be most widely read, talked about and given for Christmas. Brante Stores s Slaves fMJsmsmi. of J SLATS Free- s OFFSEEDOM donT t n$ JV ' m a I Gtavaiui : 1:1 I MON Br - CONINGS- BY -DAWSON Author of "The garden Wltkoul Woile," 'The Raft," etc. $1.40 Tho slaves of freedom ars the people who can but won't marry tho entirely "moral" people, both men and women, who think that they can gat mora out of life by remaining tingle. The setting la Naw Tork and London, with an epi sode In Franco i tho here a young .Englishman; tho heroine a typical :"Holon of Fifth Avenue." Mr. Britling Sees It Through Br H. G. WELLS Author of "The. Re eearch Magnifi cent," "The Wife of 8ir leaao Hnrman," "Bealby" etc. $1.50 MRBHHING sees rr THROUGH ByHGWniS1 K In '' Fit l..A.al Rain bow End By REX BEACH Author e "Heart of tho Sunset," "The Net," "The BvoU j ore," olo. Illustrated. $1-35 A romance of the Cuban War of In dependence. All the flavor of Cuba, lta struggles against the Spanlarda, ths cruelty and bravery of the contest, ft' lost treasure. Southern beauty and love, fighting and filibustering; and an Irish American hero who waa not tho kind of man to leave any of It untaatod. ' Enoch Crane By F. SMITH Author of "Colonel Car ter of Car teretHUe," "Felix O'Day," "The Arm Chair at . the Inn," etc. - Illustrated. $135 The Career N of Kath erine Bush ELINOR I )sSl Attlkor of I IGLYH W- "The Reaeon TA. Why," n . . , .I "Holcyone," "The Man and the Mo ment," etc. Illustrated. $1.30 ChsjL Srribnm Bona, A story of New Tork City. plnid and begun by tho author and completed, from an elaborate ynopsti, by the novelist'! son, F. Berkeley Smith. A story of very (rest charm about a true New Yorker of an older generation, who Is the life and soul of the book, being a delightfully odd, old-fashioned gentleman. When Ej ?. . hM. WHEN A MANS Man's a man HAROLD -rHiPt WRIGHT Tjk Author o 5J- ''hajoOU)" SsS. "Barbara u&n arjx WRIGHT lSi "Bhepherd A y&rW J tl'ls" etlOff&l Byee 'of P8" I the kanl 1 World." v ' Illustrated. $1.35 OTHER LEADING NOVELS Some published early in the year, but still to be included among the best and most popular. GEORGIA OF THE RAIN- ROMANCE OF A CHRIST MAS CARD ..$1.00 By KATE DOUGLAS WIGG1N. THE LION'S SHARE $1.50 By ARNOLD BENNETT. THE THIRTEENTH COM MANDMENT $1.40 By RUPERT HUGHES, CONTRABAND $1.35 By RANDALL FARRI8H MARY 'GUSTA $1.35 By JOSEPH C. LINCOLN. EMMY LOU'S ROAD TO GRACE $1.30 By GEORGE MADDEN MARTIN. THE BENT TWIG $1.35 By DOROTHY UANFIELD. THE AGONY COLUMN. . .$1.00 , By EARL DERR BIGGERS. THE LEATHERWOOD GOD $1.35 By WILLIAM DEAN HOWELLS. THE DARK TOWER. . . . . .$1.35 By PHYLLIS BOTTOM E. LOCAL COLOR j . . a $1.25 . By 1RV1N 8. COBB. A GILDED VANITY ..... .$1.40 By RICHARD DEHAN. YOU KNOW ME, AL $1.25 By RING LARDNER. THE BRIDE OF A MO MENT $1.25 By CAROLYN WELLS. THE HOUSE OF FEAR... $1.35 By a WADSWORTH CAMP. LOVE AND LUCY $1.35 By MAURICE HEWLETT. BLOW THE MAN DOWN. .$1.35 i By HOLM AN DAY. A VOICE IN THE WILDER NESS .,....$1.30 By GRACE LIVINGSTON H. LUTZ. TALES OF THE PAMPAS. $1.25 By W. H. HUDSON. SINS OF THE CHILDREN $1.40 By COSMO HAMILTON. IN ANOTHER GIRL'S SHOES $1.35 By BERTHA RUCK. POD, BENDER dt CO $1.35 By GEORGE ALLEN ENGLAND. OTHER PEOPLE'S BUSI NESS $1.35 By HARRIET LUMMIS SMITH. AGNES OF THE BAD- , LANDS '..'.....$1.25 By J. BRECKENRIDGE ELLIS. HOW JANICE DAY WON. $1.25 By HELEN REECHER LONG. AFTER THE MANNER OF MEN .....$1.35 By FRANCI8 LYNDE. THESE LYNNEKERS $1.50 By J. D. BERESKORD. LEATHERFACE $1.35 Rr BARONESS ORCZY. KINSMEN $1.50 By l'ERCIVAL J. CO0NEY. THE UNKNOWN MR. KENT ...$1.35 By ROY NORTON. WINDY McPHERSON'S SON .$1.40 By SHERWOOD ANDERSON. RICHARD RICHARD $1.35 tly HUMHKK MKAHNa. JOHNSTONE OF THE BOR- DER .... -...$1.35 By HAROLD B1NDLOSS. I1'40 BOWS $1.25 By ANNIE FELLOWS JOHNSTON. DABNEY TODD ... . .$1.35 By F. N. WESTCOTT. NOBODY'S BOY $1.25 By HECTOR MALOT. PENROD AND SAM $1.35 By BOOTH TAEK1NGT0N. OUR NATUPSKI NEIGH. BORS . $1.35 By EDITH MIN1TER. The old blood $1.40 - By r REDERICK FALMGH. THEf WOMAN GIVES By OWEN JOHNSON. HIS UNKNOWN WIFE ...$1.35 By LOUIS TRACY. HIGH SPEED $1.25 By CLINTON H. STAGG. THE LEOPARD WOMAN.. $1.35 By STEWART EDWARD WHITE. THE WISHING MOON. .. .$1.35 i By LOUISE DUTTON. BEEF, IRON AND WINE. $1.25 By JACK LAIT. THE SHORT CUT ...... .$1.35 By JACKSON GREGORY. SECOND CHOICE $1.35 By WILL N. HARBEN. THE SAILOR .......... .$1.40 By J. C. SNAITH. THE WORLD MENDER. . .$1.40 By MAXWELL GREY. PRUDENCE SAYS SO . . ..$1.25 By ETHEL HUE8T0N. PARADISE GARDEN ....$1.35 By GEORGE GIBBS. LOOT $1.25 By ARTHUR 8. ROCHE. THE CIRCUIT R I D E R'S WIDOW :.$1.50 By COKRA HARRIS. THE IMPOSSIBLE MRS. BELLE W ......$1.30 By DAVID LISLE. HELD TO ANSWER .....$1.35 By PETER MacFARLANE. THE RUDDER . .$1.50 By MARY S. WATTS. BEHOLD THE WOMAN. . .$1.35 By T. EVERETT HARRE. PEOPLE LIKE THAT $1.25 By KATE LANGLEY BOSHER. THE HERITAGE OF THE " SIOUX $1.35 By B. M. BOWER. THE GREEN ALLEYS $1.50 By EDEN PH1LLPOTT8. THE TURTLES OF TAS- MAN $1.25 By JACK LONDON. FRUIT GATHERING $1.25 By RAB1NDRANATH TAGORE. THE RANGE BOSS $1.30 By CHARLES ALDEN SELTZER. WHEN THE YULE LOG BURNS 60c By LEONA DALRYMPLE. THE NATURAL LAW . . . .$1.25 By CHARLES COLLINS. A WOMAN OF MYSTERY. $1.25 By MAURICE LEBLANC. THE CAB OF THE SLEEP- , ING HORSE $1.35 By JOHN REED SCOTT. BONNIE MAY $1.35 By LOUIS DODGE. JEAT AND GROW THIN. . .$1.00 ' R. VANflK THOMPSON. THE BORDER LEGION. . .$1.35 By ZANB GREY. WITTE ARRIVES $1.25 By .ELLAS TOBENKIN. WALL STREET GIRL . . . .$1.35 By FRED OBLN BARTLETT. LADY CONNIE $1.50 By MRS. HUMPHREY WARD. THE WORLD FOR SALE. .$1.35 By SIR GILBERT PARKER. THE GIRL PHILIPPA....$1.40 By ROBERT W. CHAMBERS. THE DAREDEVIL $1.35 By MARIA THOMPSON DAVIESS. ' THE LAST DITCH $1.35 By WILL LEVINGTON COMFORT. THE TRIUMPH OF TIM.. $1.40 By HORACE ANNESLEY VACHELL. THE GRIZZLY KING. . . . .$1.25 By JAMES OLIVER CURWOOD. THE PREACHER OF CEDAR " MOUNTAIN $1-35 By ERNEST THOMPSON SETON. THE EMPEROR OF PORTU GALLIA $1.50 By SELMA LAGEROF. THE BIRD HOUSE MAN.. $1.35 By WALTER PBICHARD EATON. DAMARIS ...... ...... .$1.40 By LUCAS MALETT WOMAN OF MYSTERY. . . $1.35 By ANNA KATHERINE GREEN."- THE PAINTED SCENE. . .$1.50 By HENRY KITCHELL WEBSTER. FIBBLE, D. D $1.00 By IRVIN S. COBB. SOMEWHERE IN RED CAP $1.35 By HARRY LEON WILSON. THE TIGRESS $1.25 'By ANNE WARNER. THE CINDERELLA MAN. .$1.35 By H. K. and E. C. CARPENTER. MY HOME IN THE FIELD OF HONOR . ..$1.35 By FRANCES WILSON HUARD. THREE SONS AND A MOTHER $1.S0 By GILBERT CANNAN. ROD OF THE LONE PA TROL ....... $1.25 By- H. A. CODY. -' THE BUFFOON ;...$1.50 By LOUIS U. WILKINSON. KING, OF THE KHYBER RIFLES $1.35 By TALBOT MUNDY. ' THE GOVERNESS $1.00 By JULIE LIPPMANN. THE GUIDING THREAD.'. $1.35 By BEATRICE HARRADEN. THE HOMEWARD TRAIL $1.35 By WALDRON BA1LY. , THE HERITAGE OF CAIN $1.35 By ISABEL OSTRANDER. THE ABYSS $1.5 By NATHAN KUSSY. v THE LITTLE LADY OF THE BIG HOUSE $1.50 v Ry JACK LONDON. THE FALL OF A NATION $1.35 By THOMAS DIXON. FULFILLMENT .$1.35 By EMMA WOLF. WIND'S WILL $1.35 By AGNES and EGERTON CASTLE. THE WINGED VICTORY. .$1.50 By SARAH GRAND. BOOK CALENDARS 50c EACH So called because they resemble books in make-up, having 50 pages of quotations, selections, etc., from the best authors. Golden Thoughts Household Opes Door Days Daily Thoughts Desserts Whole Glad Year Dinner Eliot Stevenson Toasts Brighter Side Mother Vellum Robert W. Service Kitchen Account Lavender, Old Lace Salada Mark Twain Garden Football Rebecca Heart Throbs Smokers Lore My Dad'a Browning Daily Engagement Me to You Bedtime Luncheon. O. Henry Lincoln Shakespeare For Remembrance New Thought Gems of Thought Daily Record Suffragette Year of Cheer Dinner . ' Hope Emerson -Kipling Green Man- ISliil ion. 'fiCTTJa.' ' WH.mDS9W By W. H. : virS ffSJ ! ' HUDSON . - J.P "Tales o Ike (fa.,.7 1 Pampoe." I JOHN . "Btrie and I CIsLtwORTirv E "" K,,mm,rmX $1.50 1 """""""""" I Waiting," "Two Littlt : A pharrnlng love story with which ta combined a thrilling description of life and adventure In the tropical forests of Veneiuela. A story exceptionally rich In fascinating Interest, even to the In veterate novel reader. The love story It contain i has as much lyric nobility as any that history and Imagined romance has given us. Little lIBIlli&l Hunch- n back fcvfc FRANCES HODGSON kr, H BURNETT JM Author of J l"" "The Lett . n.u .. . .f .n. "TTemba- K ! StvllgdtMetL 1 rom." "The Secret Oardm," etc Illustrated'. 75c An exquisitely written story of the birth of the Christ-child and the restora tion of the little hunchback Zla to his birthright Zia la an orphan living with an old woman who makes him beg. How he is driven forth an outcast, how he falls In with Joseph and Mary and later with the Christ-child, and what happens la told with a very sympathetic pen. Caipy Ricks J CAPPYRiOSi a ga TBI raejucArcxar S Jft MATT PETER POTTOS B. KYNE JsT jfXa- Author of : jjjilMj "Tho Long OT WVjlSSBsal. . OAoace." VI S3 .bT-SW ' Illustrated. $1.35 . The style of thla book Is crisp and racy, its humor persuasive, and Its char octers alive anl human. Wa read with absorbed Interest It I not a sea story. It la about mei who make the sea pay, of the big navigation companies, of the fortunes that are mads and loot In charters. A book that will appeal to men. Tih By MARY ROBERTS RINEHART Illustrated. $1.50 gina of the Rain bows By ANNIE JOHNSTON AutAor ol 'The Little ' Colo ! net." -The Tienert ot Rnlohte of nemucKy, !;i-25 The strangest chapters In life "." acted in the presence of unknowing cnlld 'iood. and often It is given to some blessed child of hope, faith and cheer to hold together that which Is good anl best for all. (leorgina. peering through the" prisms of life, sees the rainbows ind all else that la lovabn and worth vhlle. The Mark of the Beast By REGINALD WRIGHT Author of "The House of Bondage," "The Spider's Web." Sentence of Silence," etc. Illustrated. $1.25 I One sees the descendant of "Black pevll" Rldgley, with his heritage of violence and passion: The conflict between the prejudiced Southerner, the prejudiced Northerner, and the unprejudiced American of South ern blood: The lynching and The Expiation. i j I Hmw!rmwi Just 'jfWWMFsasL David 1 1 jjjjjr"" By m ELEANOR L porter tjj yJjfiryK Author of VJtf "Polly- XlCt anno," "lfl V Billy,'" T "fee Btoru liiarr-iamrC1 yHawHArfarl j of AfarcO," etc Illustrated. $1.25 How David brought true happiness to the . matter-of-fact farmer . folk among whom his father's death had thrown him. how he helped along a beautiful love affair, how he made his great sacrifice and -received his great reward, are all told in a way that really makes you feel aa though the story was part of your, own life. ' . Tady CONNIE Lady Connie By MRS. HUMPHRY WARD Autaor of "Bleanor," 'Bltham Houee," "Delia Blanch flower" ote. Illustrated. IU0 Consumed with Jealousy because Lady Connie, the girl he loves, has danced all evening with Otto, or, young Polish musician, Douglas Falloden subjects his rival to a haalng, with disastrous results to he musician's career. Around these three the author has woven ai novel dealing with the passions, longings and bigness of the human heart r Mr a3 HUMPHRY WARD ..SOME OF THE LEADING NEW CHILDREN'S BOOKS Rival for the .Team, ?? Barbour , ...ll.SQ Boy Scents' Year Beek, at .sij Mornlnr Faee, by Oene Stratton-Porter $2.00 Way to HoDfte of NanU Clans, by Frances Hodg son Burnatt S1.00 Told By the Sandman, by Walker aoc Top - of - the-World Htoiira, by Em lite Fouitmon, Dave rorter and His Double, by Edward Rtratpineyer 88c Boy Snoots of the Shenan doah, by Byron A. Dunn, at M RmI Motder Goose, Ulun. by Blanche Fisher Wright $1.50 Billy WhiHker Oot Went, by Montgomery 18 The Teente Weenies, by Win. Donahey SSe Nobody's Boy, by Hector Malot 1.3 Bobby In hearch of a Birthday by Lebbens Mitchell 7Be June A Story for Ctrl, by Edith B. Delano. .. .Sl.ZO Ooop Encyclopedia, by Ge lett Burgesa 91.0S Foxy firandpa'f Merry Book ;...5Se Captain Fair and Square, by Hoyliger i.2fl Iaand of Nod ....Mc Left Guard Gilbert, by - Barbour . fl.25 Mark Tidd's Citadel, by Kelland tl.Oft At the Kirn of the Three Birchen, by Amy Brooks, at l.S5 ' Independence of Man, by NinA . Rhoades . . . .Sl.tO Adrentnree' of Prlckley Porky and Old Man ('oyote, by Burgess, 50c Adventures of Sonny Bear, by Frances Vox 60c When Little Thoughts Go . Khymlnv, by Elizabeth Knobel 15c- Chatteroox for 1910.... 08c How Janice Day Won, by Helen Long I.S5 John Martin's Annual, ful ly Illustrated 98c Rhymes for Kindly Chil dren, illus. In color, fl Prince Without a Country by Mary D. Donaghey. at 5fte Kewpie Primer, by Rose O'Neill 5c The Tin Owl Stories, by William Rose $1.40 On Trail of Mohawk Chief, by Tom11nson,91.30 This Year's Book for Boy 91.50 Pattyfa Yortune, by Caro- lyn Welis 1.25 Boy's flfe of Mark Twain, by Paine ..' $1.25 Dorothy Dainty's New Friends by Amy Brooks 78c . Oar Davie Pepper, by Mar garet Sidney fl.lK Mother West Wind "How" Ntorles, by Burgess, SI. 00 Land of Don't-Wanl-To, by Lilian Bell 98c I Wonder Why? by Eliza beth Gordon 50c Blnkltlnk in Oi, by L. Frank Baum 98c Little Folks In Busy-1 And by Harris and Waldo' at : 1.25 Mary Frances Garden Book, by Jane Bay re Fryer 1.50 Quaeky Doodles Book, by Rose Strong Hubbell, VI Magie Hiring Book, by Alice Beard ........ 91.35 Banter Brown, the tttle Rogue 58o NEW BOOKS' AT 60c The following titles at this price have been issued during the past year: What Will People Kay? by Rupert Hughes. Bat Wing Bowles, by Dane , Coolldge. Shea of the Irish Brigade, by Randall Parrlah. Lvro Inmranee, by Karl Derr Btggsrs. . -Madcap, by Oeorgo Glbbs. Patrol of Son Dance Trail, by Ralph Connor. Booster Tolnnteer, by Kate and Virgil Boy las. Martha - by - the - Day, by Jails M Llppmann. Arisona, by Thomas and Brady. , Night Bom, by Jack London. Place Beyond the Winds. by Harriet T. Comstock. Pollyooly, by Edgar Jepson. Way of Ambition, by Rob ert Hichsns. . Long- Chaaee. by Peter B. Kyne, Hasan, by James Oliver Curwood. v iBBoneent, by Marie Cor- I1L ,v Coming; of Clarence E. Cassidy, Mulford. Story of Marco, by Eleanor H. Porter.. League of the Leopard, by Harold Blndloss. Preseot of Saskatchewan, by Harold Blndloss. Snnhlne Jane, by Anne Warner. Return of Tarsan, by E. R. Burroughs. . Mother. by Kathleen Norrts. Seddy, by Sarah Comstock. by Thomas by Dane The Victim, Dixon. Desert Trail, Coolldge. Stranjre Case of Mary Pace, by Frederick Lewis. Street of Seven Stars, by Mary Roberts Rtnehart, Teeth of the Tiger, by Maurice Leblanc. Dad, by A. A. Terhune. The Conquest, by Eva E. Dye. Cap 'a Pan's Daughter, by Jos. C. Lincoln. Court of Inquiry by Grace S. Richmond. Blaek Is White, by Geo. B. McCutcheon. Rocks of Vaipre, by Ethel M. Dell. Island of Stars, by Cyrus T. Brady. Man In Lonely Land, by Kate L. Bosher. Garden Wlthont Walls, by Dawson. Bagar, by Mary Johnston. Tempting of Tarernake, by E. P. Oppenhelm. to Advertise, by It Pays Hegrue. The Kick-In, by WlUard Mack. Personality Pins, by Edna Ferber. Hepsey Burke, by T. N. Westcott. Heart of the Bine Ridge, by W. Bally. Ring For Nancy, by T, M. Hueffer. Woman of the Twilight, by Jlarah E. Ryan. hum.