Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 30, 1916, Page 3, Image 3

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Question Whether Norton of
Polk Will Succeed to Posi
tion Held Last Session.
(From a Stmff Corrwpondent.)
Lincoln, Nov. 29. (Special.) If
Representative J. N. Norton of Polk
county desires again to be chosen
leader of the democratic house of rep
resentatives this winter, he is liably
to meet with opposition.
"The domocratic majority In the
coming legislature is not going Jo
recognize any man as its leader, who
was not trjie to the entire demo
cratic ticket at the last election," said
one democratic member from out in
the state, and his statement, was sec
onded viborously by his companion.
"We have the goods on Mr. Norton,"
said the first speaker. "We are re
liably informed that he fought two
of the- leading candidates on the
democratic ticket in the election and
for that reason he cannot expect to
pose as a true, blue democrat and act
as a leader." .
Plan To Get Even.
According to the gentlemen, none
but the true and. brave may wear
democratic spurs of leadership and in
this statement they say they have the
support of many of the leaders of the
last session, who ' several times
gnashed their teeth in silence when
the "Gentleman from Polk" took the
legislative bull by the horns and
forced compliance to his demands.
The list of returning democratic
statesmen contains many who would
doubtless like to have the mantle of
leadership thrust upon them even if
they have to fight for it Richmond
of Douglas has had lots of experience
and would probably make a good
leader, while Taylor of Custer, if he
could curb his intense personal feel
ings, might wear the crown with
much pomp and glory.
Numbers of Others.
J. j. McAllitser of Dakota county
with his strong voice and fighting
spirit, might consent to take on the
duties of leadship, while Dick Regan
of Platte, the Irish patriotr could
command lots of respect as a leader.
Sorcn Fries of Howard, who -wfl
serve his seventh consecutive term
and has been the author of many
"very meritorious little measures,"
would look good as a leader, although
he might not be willing to give up
his usual place as chairman of the
committee on roads and the claims
JsA. Ollis of Ord is another man
who has had much legislative exper
ience and has qualities of leadership,
which will bear inspection, while
former Speaker George Jackson is a
very popular man. However, Mr.
Jackson with Mr. Trumble of Sher
man are candidates for the speaker
ship and the one elected could not
be a floor leader.
Take Action to Force
The Trains to Stop
South Sioux City, Neb., Nov. 29.
(Special.) Residents of this town and
Dakota City near by, will combat the
action of the Chicago, St. Paul, Minne
polis & Omaha railwayjn refusing to
stop trains here and at Dakota City
for the accommodation of passengers
bound south. An appeal to the Ne
braska Railway commission will be
made. !
Passengers enroute to and from
Sioux City, la., have been departing
from and boarding the trains here,
thus evading the 2'j-cent fare law al
lowed in interstate commerce. Last
Sunday a large number who had spent
the day in Sioux City departed on
the interurban line at Sioux City for
this place, thus saving the bridge toll
of 25 cents and an additional toll of
5 cents for mileage. The Sioux City
interurban runs to the Omaha's South
Sioux City Station.
The passengers were amazed when
the 5:10 train rushed by the station
at a fifteen-mile an hour clip and left
them to get home the best way possi
ble. They were unaware of the road's
new time card. x-
Citizens of Butte Hosts to Resi
dents of Northern Holt and
Nearby Territory.
Plan Reconsideration
. Of Reorganization Plan
(From a Start Correspondent.
Lincoln, Nov. 29. (Special.)
From all appearances it seems that
the so-called "editorial highbrows"
who a couple of weeks ago "-eorgan-ized"
the Nebraska Press association,
are not satisfied with the work done
and it is under that President Clark
Perkins has called a meeting of- the
executive committee, for' Grand Island
next Friday to go over the matte
again. '
Much opposition has developed
to the plan among newspapermen
who have been with the association
for many years and it is this opposi
tion with a possibility that it may re
sult in a new association which has
caused the executive committee to
sit up and take notice, according to
an old member of the association liv
ing at Lincoln who has taken much
interest in the reconstruction of the
association under the new scheme.
Taylor on National
Valuation Committee
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 29. (Special.)
Railway Commissioner H. G. Tay
lor has received notice that he has
been appointed a member Of the val
uation committee of the National As
sociation of Railway Commissioners.
This is one of the two strongest
fommittees of the association Mr.
Taylor will accept. ' -
Sick Headache Due to Constipation.
One dose Or. King's New Life Pills aQd
your sick headache Is tone. Get a 2S-cent
bottle and be Convinced. All drug-gists.
Butte, Neb., Nov. 29. (Special Tel
egram.) Butte celebrated the formal
opening of the new $30,000 Parshall
state aid bridge Tuesday, with a big
ox roast and dinner to the people of
Hot and Boyd counties. Exercises ot
the day began with the ceremony of
opening and naming the bridge. John
A.- Davies made the dadress, after
which Miss Dolly Reiser broke a bot
tle of charnpagne over the railing and
named it the Parshall state aid bridge,
in honor of Jonas Parshall( an old
soldier, who formerly owned the farm
on which it is located.
A procession of fifty automobiles
was then formed and went to Butte,
where dinner was served by the Butte
Assisted by the women, 1,000 per
sons were fed in a little over two
hours. A free picture show and dance
at night completed the program.
During the afternoon the county
boards of Holt and Boyd counties met
in joint session at the court room and
on motion of State Engineer George
H. Johnson accepted the bridge and
ordered the return of the contractor's
This bridge is the result of a five
year struggle on the part of the peo
ple of Butte and northern Holt county
to secure a bridge. During the after
noon D. H. Cronin of O'Neill, in an
address, gave the history of the bridge
and of the state aid law under which
bridges have been built costing $700,
000 in the last four years.
The bridge was built by the West
ern Bridge and Construction company
of Omaha. S. A. SWanson, state dep
uty engineer, was in direct charge of
the work.
Is the Cardinal Virtue Id
Are You Worn Out?
Does nightofind you exhausted
nerves unsettled too tired to rest?
is the food-tonic that corrects these
troubles. Its pure cod liver oil is
a cell-building food to purify and
enrich the blood and nourish
the nerve-centers. Your jLk
strength will respond to
Scott's Emulsion but see Tlf
that you get SCOTTS. 41
Scott Bownc.Bloomneld, N.J, 16-19
, In the "Light Six" a re
markably low cost of
upkeep is . combined
with an abundance of power! Its flexibility is won
derfulfaster than a mile a minute or slower than
a mile an hour. The full stream-line body is richly
upholstered both graceful and luxurious.
Modal J8 5-pasgenger
louring uar....i4S5
2032 Famam St., Omaha, Neb.
, II Meaal so 4-passenger ,
sr I u i-i t fiA4s E c. r 1 at . t &
Santa Claus Conies to Orchard & Wilhelms Friday
0' LD SANTA himself will be here to greet again all his little friends that have been
good boys and girls this yestr. He wante you all to come in and let him show you the
wonderful things in store for you here and to tell him what things you like best. '
Thar are baautiful dolls, animals, drums, horns, trains that wind up and trains that run by
electricity and hundreds and hundreds ol other things that will delight the heart of every boy
and girl. '
Remember. Santa Claus Comes on Friday, December 1st
" ' at
Orchard & Wilhelm Company
Methodist Revival -Is
On at Gordon
Gordon, Neb., Nov. 2. (Special.)
Rev. Jim Sullivan and 1) is wife are
here conducting a revival in the Meth
odist church.
Contractor Towers of Silver Creek
has about finished the brick work on
the new $10,000 city hall.
The Gordon Library association has
about completed arrangements for the
erection of a building. The associa
tion is a Ipcal affair and has been
The Church of God in this place is
holding a revival. .
Mr. Finch, a rancher from the south
country, is preparing for the con
struction of a brick block, 60x100 feet,
on Alain street, near the depot.
Banquet for Gardeners.
Holdrege, Neb., Nov. 2. (Special,)
Holdrege school gardeners will be
hantuetcd by the Commercial club
Friday night, December 8, at which
time medals will be awarded for the
summer's work and plans discussed
for next year's organization.
Lineman Severely Burned.
Holdrege Neb.. Nov. 29. (Spe
cial.) Seaddon Harrct, a lineman for
the Inter-Railway Light and Tower
company, was burned about the hands
Tuesday while working on a charged
wire at the top of a pole. A fellow
workman nearby heard Harret call for
help and notificdSthe power plant and
the current was turned off, after he
had taken 2,300 volts for five minutes.
Harret was able to climb down when
he was released. - r
Work on Straightening
Capitol Walls Begins
(Krojn a Ulsff Comxtpondrnt.)
Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 29. (Special.)
-rWork began this morning propping
up the southeast corner of the east
wing of the state house. Tearing
down of the steel ceiling and the
plastering overhead in the superin
tendent's office so that the heavy sills
may be placed Jo hold pthe floor
of representative hall was the first
work and this will be followed by J
like arrangment until the roof is ' J
When all the work is completed the
contractor and architect say the
building will be safe and while it
may not look very nice with beams
and telephone poles standing on the
inside, there will be nod anger. I
The Spirit of
And the Service
t gAVil .f asrss ssssa-ajT ,
of a Great Store
TEEPint'o the hearts of everyone in Free America
, today, must sink the realization that we have
more to be thankful for this season than ever before.
"FREEDOM and happiness have been ours in abun
s dance. Everywhere in all this broad land is the V
evidence of good business and prosperity.
- . "'.''.:
NATURE,' the great pacificator, has been kind She has
v poured wealth into the laps of the husbandmen r She has
brought a harvest bountiful beyond the mbst optimistic dreams.'
, She has kissed the soil into harvest and the fruits of labor are
, told in increased prosperity all over the land. .
WITH this increased prosperity, comes vmore and greater va
riety of1 needs. This holiday season will witness the ful
fillment of many desires that must of necessityThave been cur- 7
tailed other years. " '. . ' "
THIS great establishment Is ready to supply you ready to '
show you the greatest and most complete stocks of merchan
dise ever brought to Omaha during the holiday season. Fore
sight has brought together here for your selection articles ' that
you will seek for gifts, at prices that are well below the quota
tions in the wholesale market today. - ,
IMMENSE buying power places at your command just the,
items you want most, at savings that are unusual. l.
On Thanksgiv!ng Day
This Store Will Be Closed
After the. feast and family gathering day all eyes and
minds will be upon
and the advertisement On Friday next, will chronicle
The Opening of the Christmas Toyldnd
in this immense Basement a bigger and better Toyland than ever before housing the home of Santa
Claus. '
Here again we have foreseen conditions that prevail today' and have in stock the most complete lot
of imported Dolls Shown by any store in this vicinity. ' " I
Dolls, Games, Toys, Mechanical Toys, etc. the greatest showing in the greatest Christmas Toy
land and, Joyland in the Middle West.
p- 5ran(Ms Store
In Friday's advertisement will also be chronicled a Wonderful Sale of Women's Coats Holiday
Novelties all over the store, and the Men's Stores will join in a great exposition of the best of all Men's
Wear at moderate prices.
Saturday Will Be An Eventful Day Here